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The Visit

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Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2021, 12:56:50 PM »

<<<<Anna has accepted a challenge to fight on an enemy's home turf, but she has little choice.  At Bryn Mawr, co-eds who allow themselves to be bullied once by upperclassmen become a target for ceaseless bullying, but those who show backbone and stand up for themselves are left alone.  Anna must ensure she ends up in the latter category.  She has seen freshman and sophomore coeds driven to disenroll by bullying.  Plus, she's pissed about the destruction of her Plato notes.>>>>

<<<<<Anna has had fistfights throughout high school in her father's Reading hay barn, and in horse corrals on the surrounding county, so as long as the sorority sisters in the fight stand aside and do not jump in, as long as the fight is an honorable one, she is confident the morning will end ok.>>>>>

<<<<To gain further intelligence about the battle to which she is currently marching, Anna slips open the cover of the textbook she has been required to open to see its owner's name.  SAULSBURY.  Her hands turn clammy cold.  Last night at the dance, the drunken UPenn name with him she had heavily petted, with tongue, had said he was engaged, by arranged family marriage, to a blonde Bryn Mawr junior named Saulsbury, and that the two had scandalously engaged in unchaperoned visits, which included intercourse with "pulling out", behavior which would have shocked their families and been grounds to terminate the engagement if disclosed.  Anna was envious of the blonde for how far she had gone with the boy sexually, having herself in Reading gotten no further than mutual touching under the clothes.  She craved to know the feeling of a hardened 'cock', and told her UPenn dance partner in the basement last night.  He showed her, and Anna loved the feeling.  She came to organize as he pulled out and came between her thighs, and Anna made a 'date' for this Saturday for him to do the same to her.>>>>>

<<<<She stares at the Saulsbury girl who has baited her this morning in new eyes.  Their confrontation this morning was intentional.  The blonde saw Anna dancing with her fiancee last night, and is jealous.  But now Anna is jealous too.  And agree at the setup under false pretenses.>>>>

<<<<The 3 coeds are in a small wooded area, out of sight from the main campus.  She whips down the junior's textbook.>>>>

A: Miss Saulsbury, I demand you stop.

B1:  I do nothing because you demand it.  Pick my book up now.

A:  Miss Saulsbury, I fucked your fiance last night.

B2:  You're engaged?!?!?!?

B1:  Anna, you're just trying to avoid our fight at the sorority house.

A:  To the contrary, I willingly fight you, but here and now.  And under proper pretences, not false ones.

<<<<The two women raise their fists.>>>>

B1:  The pretences are, you have besmirched the honor of a proper gentleman.

A:  He is no gentleman, he is a lush, but a great lay.

B1:  You liar, there's no way he gave you his cock.

A:  He did, and is doing so again Saturday.

B1:  He .....  couldn't have fucked you last night.... he fucked me.

<<<<Anna turns beet red in anger.>>>

B2:  You 2 faced the same man in one night??  Wait till the girls at the house hear this.

<<<<<Anna and the Saulsbury coed drop their fist and sink their nails into each others' scalps.  Entire tufts of their brunette and blonde manes find their way to the ground.  The 2 girls shriek in jealousy, and roll to the ground, both women tearing furiously at hair and flesh.  Neither woman is able to sustain a mounted position, as both are skilled equestrians and know how to use their legs.  Both women are soon bleeding from the face from scratches.  The witnessing blonde is transfixed by the female fury happening at her feet, wondering if she should intervene to aid her sorority sister, or to allow the 2 combatants to finish their fight.  She asks her sorority sister, who yells at her 'Get help, get help,' so Anna knows she has only minutes to finish the fight before her and her enemy are separated.  She is aroused from the thought of last night's sex, and the opportunity for more in a week.  She senses her enemy's weakness at having cried for help, and mounts her.  She rocks back and forth on her sobbing enemy, arousing herself further, and cumming in ecstacy.  She gathers her books, fixes her clothes, wiping her face on her enemy's clothes, and walks back to her dorm.  Her roommate isn't home, and she masturbates herself to further orgasms.>>>>

<<<The next Saturday, she fucks the UPenn boy.  He doesn't pull out.  He tells her the Saulsbury engagement is cancelled.>>>>

A:  Good.  I'm glad.

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2021, 12:29:53 PM »

Anna and the sorority girl she fought were of course expelled from Bryn Mawr the next week.  Professor Morgan saw Anna in Philosophy class with large scratches on her face and back, and large chunks of her thick brunette mane missing.  "Ah, the impetuousness of youth.  Like Helena and Hermia in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', I see you and that blonde girl settled your differences in a catfight."  A member of the school's peer honor committee overheard her, and launched a weeks-long investigation.

The honor committee could tolerate 2 women catfighting--it happened regularly at Bryn Mawr.  What it could not, and did not tolerate, was two coeds fucking the same man in one night.  And that's who Anna would forever be at Bryn Mawr--linked permanently with the blonde junior whose fiancee she fucked in the basement of the dance hall.

Anna went home to her father in Reading--with hundreds of dollars spent on tuition during the peak of the Great Depression, and no degree to show for it.  Anna set to work helping her father manage her horses--and looking for men to fuck.  Fucking a man for as few as 30 seconds was enough to bring Anna to orgasm.  She loved how men loved her thick brunette hair, and she grew it to her waist to attract them.  Her father loved how when Anna was in a meeting with him and a client, the client's payment terms became generous--if Anna was allowed to entertain the man afterwards.

As World War II started, it became harder to find men to fuck.  Anna decided to start going-steady with a certain man.

In 1939, a married man from New York, Sarah's husband, came to Reading.  Anna and he fucked his first night there, and spoke of Anna's catfight expulsion from Bryn Mawr.  The husband spoke of his sharp-tongued wife back home, and her youthful trips to Montana to fight bar maids, coal miner's daughters, railroad rest stop waitresses, and hookers.  Anna became jealous at Sarah's fight experiences, and resumed her teenage practice of engaging in haybarn and corral fights around Reading.  She enjoyed the frequent trips to Reading by the New York businessman, and they fucked to stories of Anna's haybarn fights, and Sarah's Montana fights.  His fucking of Anna stood out versus all the other fucking she did, and she fell in love with him.

> Who fucks better, me or your wife.

> You cum harder than her.  And faster.

> But who fucks better?

>  When she's happy--you.  When she's crabby--her.

> How does she fuck when she's crabby.

> She hate fucks.  She takes the initiative a rides me.

> Who would win a fight between me and her?

> If it was just a random fight?  You.  If it was because she found about you and me?  Her.  Hell, she might kill you.

> I have an intense fucking scenario that you and I haven't done yet.

> I though we've done them all.

> All but one.

> Which one is that?

> She fucks you.  Then the same night, I fuck you.

> And she finds out.

> And?

> And she tries to kill me.

> How often do you fantasize about that?

> Every night you're not here.

> How's the fucking?

> Sublime.  Transforming.  Mind-blowing.

> And who wins the fight?

> She fights like a hell cat.  But I kill her.

> Which gets you off more in the fantasy?  The fucking or the fight?

>  No offense..... but the fight.  And it's not even close.

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2021, 12:24:32 PM »

<<<<<By 1946, World War II had come and gone, and Sarah's father had become a widower.  He was now able to live openly with Sarah's Montana chaperone and companion, the Irish woman Bridgette, who had also become Sarah's father's trusted business associate and personal assistant.  Sarah and Bridgette made a point to visit anytime business brought Bridgette to New York, and Sarah considered Bridgette one of her most trusted friends.  Even at age 47, Bridgette maintained a youthful figure, and thick Irish red hair which she still wore long.  Her face had no a single wrinkle, as her youthful upbringing in Big Sky country paid benefits in her middle age.>>>>>

<<<<In November 1946, they met for lunch at a New York restaurant.
After catching up on Sarah's father, and Sarah's growing high school children, the conversation turned to Sarah's personal life. >>>>>

B:  How's your marriage?  How's everything in the bedroom? 

S:  The bedroom part is still pretty good ...  when he's around.

B:  He's still taking <<<<air quotes>>>> "business trips"??  With a girl in every port??

S:  Funny you bring that up.  I think there's something going on.

B:  Oh??  Some intrigue in Casa Sarah?

S:  Around three years ago, I found a picture in his suitcase of a brunette in Reading.  Reading, Pennsylvania.
 Very pretty, thick brunette hair.  I just got a bad feeling about her--women's intuition, ya know?  Oh, in fact, here it is.

B:  Goodness, she IS pretty.  Did you confront him?

S:  No, because I had my 20th Radcliffe reunion coming up.  I knew a classmate in Philly had married a man who was in Reading regularly.  She did some snooping around for me, and I found out she's the daughter of a Reading horse breeder.  My husband was still making trips to Reading, so she promised to keep asking around about him, and a few weeks ago, she found out the Dad, he's selling out to a developer.

B:  Oh, good.  No more trips to Reading.

S:  No good.  The dad took the money from the land.  And the daughter, my completion, took the money from the horses ...  and is looking to buy a place in New York.

B:  What the fuck??  Is she pursuing your husband??  Or are they just setting up a love nest here??  He wouldn't leave you, would he??

S:  Our money is my father's.  He can't afford to leave me.  You don't think she made enough from the horses to be independent, do you??

B:  Not in New York City.  Odd that she would choose to move here.  Does HE know she's moving here??

S:  I don't want him to know that I know all this.  So we haven't talked about it.

B:  You're obviously going to confront her, right?

S:  That's why I'm glad you're here.  Do I do it before she moves?  After she moves?

B:  Let the bitch blow her cash buying a place here.  Then kick her ass.  Best of both worlds--she's beaten, and she's poor.  She'll crawl back to Reading with her tail between her legs.

S:  The thought of confronting her ...  once I start hitting her ...  I'm not sure I'll be able to stop.

B: Then don't.  This bitch has it coming, if ever any bitch did.  You'll let me know what happens, right??

S:  Of course.  I tell you everything!  You're like a big sister.

To be continued......


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2021, 01:39:35 AM »

B:  Hello?

S:  Thank God you're there!  I'm crawling the walls!

B:  Oh no, why?  What's going on?

S:  She's here!  His whore!  She's inthe City!  She bought and moved in.  My Philly classmate from Radcliffe told me--her husband knows a real estate attorney.

B:  That bitch!  She moves so fast.  Do you know the address??

S:  3rd Avenue!  8 blocks from here.  Walking distance, basically, once spring gets here.

B:  Does she think you're going to ... share him, or something?  Does she think you still don't sleep with him??

S:  Bridgette, it has to be the money.  It HAS to be.  What are horses and equipment going for??  Were there other .... investments .... assets??  Rare painting??  Old Masters??  A Rembrandt??  Bridgette, what is it??  Why is she being so bold??  Who does that?  WHO???

B:  Don't give her too much credit.  The city is YOUR backyard, Sarah.  Your turf.  Wait for her to fuck up.  Then pounce.

S:  I can't wait.  I'm sooo ...  mad.  And horny.  Bridgette, WHY am I horny??

B:  Territoriality, Sarah.  It's normal.  Defending what's yours.  Go with it.  Channel it.  Kick her ass, but on your terms, your timeline.  She's out of her league.

S:  But .... is she.  Do she and him have something planned???

B:  There's no way.  She's over her head.  Sarah, take a chill.  Do you want me to drive over there, to her??

S:  I don't know her unit number, even her floor.

B:  Ok, but want me to .... scope out the lobby??

S:  I can't ask you to do that.  Not yet.  I'll find out ... if he goes over there.  If he even knows she's hear.

B:  This sucks.  I'm sorry, baby.

S: It DOES suck.  She sucks.  That whore.

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2021, 07:47:39 PM »

<<<<It's a frigid January Sunday morning, shortly before 8am.  Sarah and her husband are smoking while laying in bed, having just fucked deeply, intensely, and enthusiastically for about 4 hours, much longer by a long shot than their typical lovemaking session.>>>>

Him:  Whew!  That was epic.... are you sure you're finished?

Her:  Yes, darling, you did your duty.  Consider me satisfied.  Any longer and the skin on my thighs would start to peel.  That was magnificent.  Thank you for .... waiting for me .... before you came.

Him:  The secret is early morning fucking.  We should do it more often.

Her:  I propose .... tomorrow morning.  I'll get up at 3am if I need to.  I need to fuck you ... just ..... like .... that.

Him: Yes, let's ..... Oh, shit.  I forgot.  I need to leave for Albany tonight for two days.  Monday and Tuesday morning.

Her:  What the fuck????  Albany???

Him:  Yes, shit, it came up at the last minute Friday.

Her:  I don't like all this travel. 

Him:  I have no choice.  If I say no, they'll replace me with one of the officers back from war.  There's a lot of them, you know.  An army of them, pun intended.

Her:  Well, I'm not happy.  Does the driver know to take you to Penn Station?  What time do you leave?

Him: No, no, I'm leaving from Grand Central Station, not Penn Station.  I'm taking the New York Central, not the Penn RailRoad.

Her:  <<<<suspiciously>>>> Since when do you take the New York Central to Albany??

Him:  <<<<Looking obtuse, realizing he has slipped>>>> .... ummmm ...

Her:  <<<<Challengingly>>>> I think the last few years you told me you were in Albany, you were actually going to Reading ....  ON TOP of the Reading trips you DID tell me about ....

Him:  Sarah, you don't know....

Her:  I hate being lied to.  I know about HER, you know.

Him:  WHO?!?

Her:  Anna.  Your solution Anna.  You forget, my Radcliffe friend, Margaret, is married to a Reading banker.

Him:  <<<<thinking>>>>

Her:  I know ....  ANOTHER FACT .... about her as well.

Him:  <<<<thinking, sweating>>>>

Her:  That she just bought a place HER ....  IN MANHATTAN!!!  Was that you're doing??

Him:  It wasn't.  I swear!!!

Her:  Good, then perhaps I'll visit her .... and tell her she's not welcome here.  I'll be the un-welcome wagon.  I'll do it while you're gone.

Him:  Do NOT go to her!!

Her:  Why NOT????  IS she welcome here??

Him:  She is NOT.

Her:  Then why should I not visit her??

Him:  Because ..... you visiting her is what she wants!!

Her:  To do what???

Him:  To .... to FIGHT you.

Her:  But I will win any fight which happens with her.  Do you question that??  Knowing me??

Him:  Yes, I do question it, even knowing you.  She has been in fights.  And more than a few.  Sarah, I worry.

Her:  What she would do to me??  Or I to her??

Him:  Her to you, of course!  Why would you ask that??

Her:  I do not share your worry.

To be continued.....


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Re: The Visit
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2021, 02:45:35 PM »

<<<<Sarah's husband has departed for his 3-day 2-night business trip to Albany.  Sarah, distressed over the news of Anna's establishment of in Manhattan, and unable to bear the thought of 2 nights alone in her apartment, has begged her father's personal assistant Bridgette to take the train from Boston, with 2 nights of clothes, so that Sarah can have companionship until her husband's return.>>>>>

<<<<There is a knock at the door to Sarah's apartment.  It's Bridgette, with a suitcase.  The two women hug.>>>>>

S:  Thank God Thank God Thank God you cam.  I've been climbing the walls.  Come, let's on the couch.

B:  I've been agitated as well.  I had a horrid thought on the train.  Sarah, you don't suppose.....  you don't suppose that Anna is .... accompanying your husband to Albany, do you??

S:  Oh, shit .... that wicked bitch .... I wouldn't put anything past her.  Do you suppose they are on the train, right now, from the City to Albany??  To fuck for 2 nights in Albany??

B:  There's a way .... there's a way we can check .... Let's go to her place tomorrow ..... I'll drive you .... let's go over to her place, and ask in the lobby if she's home.  I know the building, it has a doorman.  If she left, on an overnight trip, she will have left word with the doorman.

S:  Yes, yes .... let's go over tomorrow.  But Bridgette .... what if we ask if she's home .... and the doorman says, "Yes, she is."  What do we do then??

B:  I will go up with you .... to her floor .... to her door .... to her apartment .... her WHORE'S nest .... where she intends to fuck him ....UNDER YOUR NOSE, Sarah .... to fuck him blocks from your home with him..... and we will confront her.  We will show her what happens to bitches like her.  And we will destroy her possessions and clothes as well.

S:  The thought... gets me so horny.  I want to .... just with one change.

B:  What change.

S:  If there is to be a confrontation..... I must do it alone.  Please drive me.  And please accompany me back here afterwards.  But I must face her alone.  I must fight her alone.  She and I must eventually fight.  Let it be tomorrow.  If she has decided to not fuck him in Albany. 

B:  I will help you.  I will drive.  Ask anything of me, Sarah.

S:  Bridgette, you can help in one more way.  But please don't consider this request ... perverted.

B:  Ask anything.

S: When we were young .... before my marriage.  And my father had you "teach me" how to kiss boys .... by kissing you .... I have a confession to make.  I already knew how to kiss boys---I had done it many times.

B:  I already knew--you were 19 and 20 years old by then, after all. 

S:  That's not the confession.

B:  What's .... the confession??

S:  When you and I would kiss .... it would turn me on.  I would masturbate myself to orgasm for days afterwards to the memory of your tongue kisses with me.

B:  Those kisses .... they turned me on as well.  You are a passionate ???? kisser.

S:  Bridgette .... can we kiss now?  Will you sleep in my bed tonight?  I'm so fucking horny, I want to fuck you.

B:  I will.  I will fuck you.  Your fight with Anna makes me so horny, I'll do anything.

S:  Why aren't we kissing yet?

B:  Come over here.  Now.


<<<<<Anna's apartment:  Sarah's husband and Anna are getting dressed after fucking.>>>>

Him:  Ready to go to Albany for two more night of fucking??

Anna:  I want to .... but there's something I want more.  Your bitch wife..... does she really know my address?

Him:  She really does.

Anna:  What if .... what if she comes over here .... while you are in Albany??

Him:  You're afraid of your coming to Albany with me being discovered.

Anna:  No.  How can you ask that?

Him:  Then, what???  What's the problem.

Anna:  I'm afraid of missing the opportunity to .... fight her.

Him:  You's rather fight her than fuck me?

Anna:  Honey, I've told you that.  Fucking you is wonderful.  But a fight with Sarah ..... I must do it.  I must.

To be continued.....


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Re: The Visit
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2021, 03:05:39 PM »

<<<<<The Sunday evening before Sarah's confrontational visit with Anna, she and her childhood companion/life-coach Bridgette engage in an intense make-out session on Sarah's couch.  Intense closed- and open-mouthed kissing transitions to mutual breast fondling and kissing, and the two inspects the scratch and bite scars on each others' chests and sides from prior catfights the two have engaged in with rivals in the recent and distant past.>>>>

> A girl actually bit you there once??

> Yes, what a bitch.

> What did you do to her?

> I got on top of her, reverse straddled her, and scratched her between the legs.

> That turns me on, that you and her were doing that to each other.

> It turns me, what you and Anna will do to each other tomorrow, if she's home.

> Think she'll actually ..... fight back?

> If she moved to New York, she wants to fight you.

> Have you moved somewhere .... to fight a woman?  A specific, particular woman?

> Yes.  An old score that needed to be settled.  Over a man, plus she testified against me.

> Did she testify against you to .... provoke you? 

> Most likely.

> Would you have fought her .... without that?  Just over the man?

> I would have fought her even without us move having the same man.  Would you fight Anna without her bedding your husband?  And hermoving to the city?

> I hardly know her ...  just the picture, and that she is from Reading.  And yet I already know that yes, yes I would fight her.

> For what reasons?

> To prove to her that ... I am the better woman.  The better lover.  That my summer fight experiences were superior to hers.  Superior ... that's the word.  To prove my superiority over her .... to her.  So that she would know.

> You are certainly the better kisser.

> Kiss me Brdgette.

> Where?

> Every where.

To be continued.....


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Re: The Visit
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2021, 07:14:36 PM »
looking foward to the finish
the prez tramp


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Re: The Visit
« Reply #23 on: January 31, 2021, 08:05:00 PM »

<<<<Sarah and Anna remained tangled in a catball stalemate on the closet floor, remaining content to slash large gashes in each others' flesh until exhaustion can open an opportunity for an advantage for one of the jealous rivals.  The two women hiss angrily in each others' faces.>>>>>>

> You pathetic tramp, I'll make you regret coming to New York.

> I'm already love it here.  I have no intention of leaving.

> It's MY home.  I will never give it up to YOU, slut.

> What?  What is that under us again??  Did you pee again, you gutter tramp??

> I didn't .... did you?? ..... is it?  .... It's coming from the tub ...  the tub is overflowing.

> You WHORE!!!! You jealous jealous whore!  You will not be content until my entire apartment is ruined!!!  Let me up!  Let me up, whore, so I can turn of the tub!

> Get me off of you if you want to get up!!

<<<<<Rather than scratching and elbowing each other, the women are now struggling in a different way.  Anna is trying to get to her feet, every second she fails causing water damage to her new bathroom and walls. Sarah is content to hold her enemy pinned to the ground, grabbing her host's in whatever wrestling hold is presented to her by her enemy's twisting body.>>><

<<<<Anna senses the tactical advantage her rival's now has, and her need to change her battle plan.  She relaxes her body, so that Sarah relaxes hers.  She embarks on a plan to win the battle, and the war, by subterfuge.  She seductively whispers into Sarah's ear.>>>>

> Sarah .... I'm so fucking turned on...  this fight is sexy as fuck .... don't you think?  <<< Anna caresses Sarah's pussy.>>>> You're so fucking wet, I can tell you feel it too.

> I do, Anna.  I do.  This whole .... afternoon ... has been so fucking sexy.  <<<<Sarah feels Anna's pushy with her hand.>>>>  I can't believe a woman who ..... looks like you .... can fight like you do.

> I can't believe a woman as wealthy as you, can fight like you do.  Kiss me, Sarah.  Kiss me like you kiss your husband.

<<<<Sarah buries her tongue deep into Anna's mouth.  Anna pushes back with her tongue, not letting Sarah dominate the pace.  The two women's hands simultaneously penetrate each others' pussies.>>>>

> Put your whole hand in Sarah.  Your whole hand.

> Only if ... only if you do the same Anna.

> Yyessss yesss.... Sarah this is so fucking hot.

> Anna I'm so fucking turned on ....  get me over the top Anna, please .... please faster faster faster.

> You too Sarah ..... harder faster    ..... harder faster .... harder faster.

> Tell me how rich I am again....

> Sarah .... you're so fucking rich ..... tell me how pretty I am....

> Anna ...... you have the prettiest hair of any woman I've ever seen ..... Any man would love to fuck you .... any woman would want to fight you....

> Aaaaaaaaaaa iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii eeeeeeeee  iiiiiiii eeeeeeeeeee Sarah, I can't stop cumming ..... I can't aaaaaa eeeeee

<<<<Sarah mounts Anna's hips, and grinds her hips into Anna's.  She is frustrated by her inability to climax, and by Anna's waves of orgasms.>>>>

> Well well Anna.  You can't stop doing THAT.  Well, I can't stop doing THIS.

Sarah punches Anna in the face.
And does it again.
And does it again.
And does it again.
And Again.

Anna's face and nose open up with large cuts.

> I hate you, you bitch.

Sarah winds up with her right hand to resume pummeling her defeated foe.

But her hand is grabbed by Bridgette, who has entered the apartment, and found the two brawling women.

B:  She's done, Sarah.  You won.  Don't kill her--your husband needs you.  I need you.

S:  Bridgette??  Did you just get here??

B:  Hell, no.  I busted in the door as soon as you two hellcats went in the bedroom.  Peeing on her bed!!!  Good one, Sarah.

S:  If she had started winning, would you have .... let her???

B:  I knew she wouldn't.

S:  What do we do now??

B:  Let's go home .... and get you cleaned up .... then get you .... messy <<<winks>>> again.  Your husband comes back tomorrow.  You've got lots to tell him.