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The Village

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Offline Miah Baker

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Re: The Village
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2020, 03:01:27 PM »
The Village – Part 4

Felling claws raking at her scalp, Becky groaned, letting go of the two arguing mothers, she turned to see a snarling face of Jackie the post mistress, hissing “you bitch” Becky lunged claws first at Jackie, as Jackie did the same the two mature women slamming together claws seeking out each other’s hair and scalp as they moaned and cried out in pain…Jackie green at 52 was a good looking widow, who had no more interest in men than she had when she married her husband 30 years before, she had, had a good marriage and grew to love her husband dearly, when they moved to the village of Kings Raine 5years ago, it didn’t take long for Jackie to realise that it wasn’t your average village…hearing about the other women in the village getting into fights was a common affair, her husband loved hearing the tales from the women that would come into the post office.  Then her husband became ill with a cancer, by the time he got to see a specialist he was given just months to live, but in-fact he only lasted 3 weeks, devastated at the loss of her husband, Jackie just hid away until she bumped into Becky the new post woman, who was looking for the post mistress, the two had an instant dislike of the other and Jackie's new life without her husband was about to begin.

Becky kicked out at Jackie and caught the younger woman on the shin, Jackie kicked back and the two started a kicking war, all the time they were bumping into the counter, as they rolled along it, before Jackie pushed away  from the counter and straight into Megan and Anjelica who were still in each other’s face arguing about their daughters fight. The bump shove Megan into Anjelica tits first, furious at this cheap whore Anjelica bumped her tits back into Megan, a snarl crossed Megan’s lips and she slapped Anjelica hard with her right hand, snapping Anjelica’s face to the left, a low guttural snarl cam from Anjelica’s lips as she slowly turned to face Megan…signalling for Anjelica to come and get some with her hands Megan hissed “what you waiting for it only 17 year old girls that you like, not woman enough to come after a real woman….like your husband AND MAISIE…Anjelica screamed slapping and clawing at Becky like a wild she-cat in heat, the scream briefly stopped Jackie and  Becky in full flow, Jackie having her fingers curled in the grey hair of the 58 year old post woman.

When Becky first came to cover the village of king’s Raine, she had hear that the post mistress had just lost her husband and the post office had not been open in weeks, feeling sorry for a woman she had never met the post woman, she decided to introduce herself, as she was walking towards the post office a woman bumped into her as they locked eyes rage and lust filled the post woman, it’s only then she found out this was the post mistress, letting her know that she was looking for her the two headed back to the post office to talk, and talk they did, in a naked catfight and eventually sexfight, violent and nasty as the two could take…thinking back Becky realised the two were like lovers every time they saw each other they ended up fighting.  But today two interlopers decided to crash the party.

Snapping out of their daze, Becky and Jackie were back at each other, hissing “Becky you old cxnt, I thought you would never get here”, snarling back “I wouldn’t miss this for the world hag”, the only thing stopping the two mature women from going at each other the way they liked was Megan and Anjelica, with a look between them, they let go of each other and turned on the two younger mothers, with Becky going for Anjelica and Jackie going for Megan. 

Megan at 42, was a lonely housewife who’s husband thought it would be a good idea to move to a village where most of the people there were women and would be good company for her and Rochelle whilst he worked abroad, and whilst Rochelle had made a friend in Maisie, she just felt a primal urge to claw and rip hair with Maisie’s mother Anjelica.  For her part Anjelica was in a similar position she had moved there because her husband had the same idea for her and Maisie…all had been well…and then Megan showed up and then her life changed…for the better?...she seemed to come alive whenever Megan was around and always want to just slap the bitch and grab at her hair…for her daughters sake she didn’t do anything to provoke a fight…and  Maisie and Rochelle where new best friends.  At 45 Anjelica was feeling like she needed excitement in her life and she had certainly had that since moving to the village of King’s Raine.

Becky grabbed Anjelica by the arm ripping her away from Megan and slapping her face hissing “fight me bitch or get out the post office and fuck off home and take your slut with you”, Anjelica surprised by the attack, but turned to look at Megan who was having a similar conversation with the post mistress, Megan glared an Anjelica and both knew what they had to do…Megan hissing “yours or mine you dyke slut”…Anjelica just hissed back “who lives closer?” and then both headed out the door, but not before Anjelica turned back to look at Becky with a snarl “you’ll keep  bitch” Becky hissed back “anytime whore”.

With the door shutting closed Jackie headed to the door quickly locking it and switching the sign to closed as she turned back to look at Becky with a sneer, she saw Becky was already getting out of her uniform and ready to fight…not to be out done Jackie undid the buttons on her dress letting it drop to the floor revealing her 34DD tits braless and no knickers, just her hold up stockings…looking Becky up and down she noticed her 34 D tits also braless, Becky had the same idea of wearing no knickers and just hold up stockings…walking back past Becky and behind the counter, no words passed between them, Becky following close behind as Jackie headed up some stairs and into a back room that was empty save for thick carpet, as if on queue, Becky closed the door behind her and locked it…now they were alone as they had been on so many occasions before, glaring silently…ready and eager for their usual catfight


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Re: The Village
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2020, 11:54:26 PM »
My, my! What a fun place this village is turning out to be. ????


Offline Miah Baker

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Re: The Village
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2020, 07:11:28 AM »
Lol...very interesting, inspiration from writers like yourself, corvus, anna the marine chick etc. etc.


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Re: The Village
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2020, 11:50:52 PM »
sounds like a village  you would be lucky to leave  unscathed :)
the prez tramp


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Re: The Village
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2020, 11:14:52 PM »
Excellent story.  You show all the signs of becoming a  great catfight storyteller.  Your new friend, Catwriter.



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Re: The Village
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2020, 05:09:11 AM »
"I fucking hate it here! I've been in this McDonald's for over an hour and I still haven't gotten my Big Mac! The manager is just sitting on Karen's face and ignoring the customers!" -local man

Great story btw
« Last Edit: October 28, 2020, 05:09:50 AM by Mchngn »


Offline Heidikillerkat

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Re: The Village
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2020, 10:35:08 PM »
Miah, sweetie! This is a great story! I love all the characters and how they weave their rivalries together! Well done and can’t wait for more!