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« on: August 21, 2010, 06:50:16 AM »
Bea has had enough & she turns to face Nicky & she puts her hands on her hips screaming, "alright you fat cow. I'v had enough of your big mouth. lets settle this once & for all. Nicky laughs & says "alright you fuckin little whore, lets fight outside in parking lot. The two woman start walking out the door of the wedding hall with a large crowd following right behind them. The crowd forms a large circle around the two woman as they turn & face eachother. Each woman's friends were shouting out words of encouragement (kick her ass, rip out her hair, knock her face in." Nicky screams, "I've been waiting a long time for this you pathetic little slut, I'm going to knock the shit out of you right in front of everyone & then I'm going to humiliate you & teach you a lesson you'll never forget. When I'm finished with you your fuckin little whore, you're going to be so embarrassed, you'll never show your face around any of these people again.

Bea is infuriated & she puts her hands on her hips screaming, "you fat cow, you fuckin whore, you think you're so fuckin tough. I'm going to punch you out until you don't even know where you are any more & then I'm going to sit down right on that big mouth of yours & show everyone just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow you really are." Nicky is infuriated & she pulls her right fist back & she lunges forward, sending her fist full force right at Bea's face. Quickly Bea manages to step back and out of the way of the punch, & as Nicky is off balance Bea quickly sends her right fist "bang," right into Nicky's nose, swinging Nicky's head back & forth. Nicky gets this shocked look on her face, she wasn't expecting Bea to hit her. Bea pulls her right fist all the way back & she sends it plowing full force, "bang," right into Nicky's nose again, & Nicky cry's out, "I'm bleeding as her head snaps back & Nicky stumbles backwards a few steps.

Bea is really pissed off & she goes right after Nicky again. She sends her right fist at Nicky's face again, but this time Nicky is ready for her. Quickly she reaches up with her left hand & she catches Bea's wrist in mid air & with her own right fist she plows it "bang," right into Bea's chin. You can hear Bea's teeth knock together & chatter in her head as her head snaps back & she goes stumbling backwards on her high heels until she loses her balance & she falls right over onto her ass on the concrete with a bang."  Nicky stands right over Bea screaming, "get up whore, get up & fight me so that I can really kick your ass. The crowd went silent for a second. Then you can hear a couple of Bea's friends shouting for her to get up & fight." Bea is just starting to get to her feet, but Nicky grows impatient & she leans over & she laces her hands through Bea's blond hair & she starts yanking, wrenching, jerking at her hair. Bea screams, "aahh," from the pain of having her hair ripped right out of her head as she's dragged strait up on her feet,

but as Bea is stood strait up she sends her left fist plowing "boom," right into the pit of Nicky's fat cow stomach. She knocks the fuckin air out of Nicky & "ooofff," Nicky's eyes almost bulge right out of her head as she grabs her stomach & bends over in pain gasping for air. Now its Bea taunting Nicky. She standing there with her fists raised like a man screaming, "alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight. I'll fuckin fight you Nicky. I'm going to blacken your eyes & break your fuckin nose & knock out your fuckin teeth, & then after I kick your ass, I'll," but Nicky is regaining her breast & she lets go of her stomach as she starts to stand up strait, & as she does, Bea sends her right fist plowing "bang," uppercut right into Nicky's jaw. You can hear Nicky's teeth knock together & chatter in her head as her head swings up & back & Nicky stumbles backwards on her high heels.

Bea goes right after Nicky, she grabs her dress with both of her hands & she shoves her back hard. So hard that Nicky's dress rips halfway off of her body in Bea's hands as Nicky goes stumbling backwards on her high heels until "boom," her body hits the cement wall of the wedding hall hard, & ":bang," her head does too. Nicky's huge white push up bra is exposed in front of everyone, & now the crowd is really cheering. Nicky is just standing there & Nicky is not only shocked, but she's slightly dazed too. Bea grabs Nicky's dress & now she rips it right off of her body & now Nicky is just standing there in front fo everyone in her huge sexy white push up bra & little white lace panties & now the crowd is cheering even louder.

Bea wraps her hands right through Nicky's hair & she shoves her head back hard "bang," right into the concrete. Nicky's head bounces up off of the hard cement, & Bea screams right in Nicky's startled face, "you thought you were so fuckin tough, you thought you were going to beat me up & humiliate me in front of all of these people, but you were fuckin wrong Nicky you fat fuckin whore. I beat you up, & now I'm really going to fuckin humiliate you. I'm going to sit right on that big mouth of yours & make you moo into my cxnt & I'll show everyone just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow you really are," & Nicky doesn't say a fuckin word. She's so fuckin startled. Bea shoves Nicky's head back "bang," right into the cement wall again, screaming right in her face, "now do you know what you're going to do Nicky you fat cow, you're going to moo for everyone. You're going to fuckin moo & tell everyone just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow you are, now let me hear you moo."

Shock turns to anger & Nicky's face is beet red. Nicky loses her temper & suddenly she sticks her hands out & she wraps them right around Bea's neck, & she spins Bea around in a circle, & she shoves Bea's head back "bang," right into the cement wall. Nicky is enraged & she starts "bang, bang, bang,"  hammering Bea's head against the concrete  Bea gets this shocked & startled look across her face as Nicky cracks her fuckin skull against the hard cement over & over again until first Bea's eyes start swimming around in her fuckin head, & her legs get all wobbly, & Bea is seeing stars, fuckin stars as "bang, bang, bang," Nicky just keeps on bashing her head against the wall until Bea's eyes roll right up in her head, & Bea goes limp like a floppy doll in Nicky's hands & then her knee's just buckle right under her & when Nicky lets go of Bea's hair, Bea just goes sliding down the cement wall onto her ass on the ground, out cold. Nicky knocked Bea unconscious, but Nicky is far from finished with Bea yet.

She grabs Bea's hair with her left hand & she holds her head up. Then she takes the open palm of her right hand & she slaps Bea "boom," right across her face, swinging her head to the side from the force of the hard smack. Then with the back of her hand she cracks her. She smacks her backhand across the other side of her face swinging her head back in the other direction. she starts smacking her face, "bam, bam, bam, bam," forehand, backhand, forehand, backhand, "bam, bam, bam, bam," back & forth & back & forth, she's smacking the fuckin shit out of Bea's face screaming "wake up bitch, fuckin wake up, I'm not even finished with you yet. She slaps Bea's face silly, until she slaps her back awake, she slaps Bea right out of those fuckin stars she was seeing, & when Bea's eyes blink open, Bea is slapped so fuckin senseless that she doesn't even know where she is any more.

Nicky starts pulling her hair, she's ripping chunks of hair right out of Bea's head as she drags her standing strait up on her wobbly legs. Nicky lets go of Bea's hair, & she grabs her dress with both of her hands & she shoves her back hard, & now it's Bea's dress that rips right off of her body in Nicky's hands, & now Bea's sexy push up bra & little white lace panties are exposed in front of everyone & now the crowd is really cheering. Nicky is clearly winning at this point & Bea is knocked silly. Nicky walks right up to Bea, & Bea is all wobbly on her legs & she's all pummeled and weak, & Bea has tears welling in her eyes & desperately she cry's out, "alright, stop, enough you win, please stop," but Nicky is still really pissed off & she's not going to fuckin stop.

Nicky jerks Bea forward & she starts screaming right in her shocked face, "alright bitch, you want me to stop beating you up, then tell every one that you're my slave, tell everyone that you are going to do whatever I tell you to do." Bea gets this totally shocked & startled look on her face & she starts to walk away from Nicky on her wobbly, rubbery legs crying out, "no, get away from me you sick bitch." Nicky runs right after Bea & she grabs her shoulder & she spin Bea right back around to face her again screaming, "how fuckin dare you walk away from me you fuckin whore, i didn't say you can go anywhere yet." She grabs Bea's bra with her left hand, & she takes her right fist & she sends it plowing "bang," right into Bea's nose. Bea's head swings back, but Nicky is enraged & she starts "bang, bang, bang, bang," pulling Bea forward into her fist. She's smashing Bea in her nose "bang, bang, bang, bang," over & over again. She's knocking Bea's face in with her fist. She's bashing her fuckin nose in with her hard, powerful punches, & Bea's head is swinging back & forth & back & forth like a floppy doll under her hard punches.

Nicky is knocking the shit out of Bea, just like she said she would. Right in front of all of these people. Blood is gushing out of Bea's nose & when Nicky stops punching Bea, Bea is all submissive. She's crying like a baby, crying out, "please Nicky, I'm your slave, I'm your fuckin slave, I'll do whatever you tell me to do." Nicky screams " that's right slave, take your bra off so that I can use your flabby tits as punching bags. Bea is scared & she doesn't want to piss tough Nicky off again. Bea pulls her bra off, & Nicky screams, "alright bitch, now beg me to punch your ugly pathetic cow tits black & blue. Bea is crying like a baby, but Bea is scared & she's totally submissive to Nicky now & she cry's out, "please Nicky, please punch my ugly, pathetic cow tits black & blue, I'm begging you punch my ugly, pathetic cow tits black & blue." Nicky raises her fists up like a man & she starts using Bea's big breasts as punching bags. The crowd is going crazy as she pummels Bea's tits until Bea's tits swell up & turn black & blue.

Nicky screams, "now lay down on your back slave." Bea is scared & she doesn't hesitate. She lays down right on her back, & Bea is still crying like a little girl. Nicky screams, "you think I'm a fat cow. Now you're going to show everyone just which one of us is the fat cow," as she stands right over Bea & she starts to lower her panties screaming, "look up. look up at me you fat cow." Bea is scared, she's so scared she's shaking in fear as she looks up at Nicky through her dazed, glazed eyes & realizing what is about to happen to her she starts crying out, "no, oh no, please no." Nicky sits down right on Bea's stomach & she slaps her "bam," hard right across the face screaming, "now bitch, you're going to moo, & you're going to show everyone just which one of us is the fuckin fat cow, now let me hear you moo." Bea is a slave & she lets out a feeble little "moo."

Nicky cracks her "bam," backhand across the other side of her face screaming, "you better moo a lot louder than that you fuckin fat cow, & keep mooing until I say you can stop." Bea is crying, but Bea is scared & she starts "moooooo,mooooo, mooooo,ing at the top of her lungs over & over again until Nicky lowers herself down & Bea's moo's are muffled.