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Johnna at GNO

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Johnna at GNO
« on: November 05, 2020, 09:53:53 PM »
Hey ya'll its Johnna Marie i want to relate experiences in my junior college years when i was playing softball. after the first year of play i was close to a few girls and we partied and hung out together. i was invited to a GNO. being blonde i asked what is that and i was told it was "girls night out" for girls only thats best no guys!! of course i accepted the invite from a couple of my friends who i played ball with and they picked me up and we went to a big house in the area. GNO's were held like every 2 or third month cept in the summer when they were help in june,jukly and august so i went to 6 of these and they were great a time. there was a $20 entrance fee,hey we got alcohol and food so that had to be paid for right? there were many females at each party most i did not know but all seemed polite enough as we moved about the house,upstairs,downstairs and all over the place. we chatted about real live, jobs, boys and other female subjects.
  At my first party we attended was great and after we paid our fee to get in i mixed with other fermales,some were girls i knew from a few classes and other social events. there were also females that did not attend any colleges but we of college age and older but all females were at least 18 and in junior college. we all did not want the party to end for that reason,under age drinking, cause someone is going to jail. not a fun time. k we get their get in and start mixing and i wanted to see the house which i did and that was k,i worked the summers for a construction company building houses. i cant give you a time frame but as i was looking at the kitchen of the house i got a weird vibe up my neck like someone was staring at me. i slowly turned and spotted a brunette doing just that checking me out. k i can go for that there were some lesbians at these party,fine, and some females were bi,fine again, but sorry i like guys. i quickly noticed we were about the same size 5'6" 145lb her C cup my DD cup no problem by me. i continued mixing touring and getting to know peeps. i also noticed the brunett was in none of my classes or i have ever seen her before. after a while i found myself in the main room with friends and again i noticed that girl again looking at me so i approached her and asked "is there a problemo"?
I have an interest in female
hooligans fights too as well as Russian girl gang fights!!
i also pay entertainers to fight 1 another and i get photos of them here in Las Vegas Nv Sabrina is now 6-1 Yes i pay strippers to fight each other for $$.