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Invitation to a Catfight vs Point of No Return

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Offline sinclairfan

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Invitation to a Catfight vs Point of No Return
« on: December 26, 2020, 02:00:45 PM »
Two of Rolen's first films, 25 years later
Invitation to a Catfight, Point of No Return
A comparison

1.  The actresses
4 superstars in the bloom of young adulthood:  Venus deLight, Stacy Burke, Tori Sinclair, Hollywood.  A veritable Mount Rushmore of catfight acting.  This is like choosing your favorite child.
ICF 0.5, PNR 0.5

2.  The characters/leads
Venus is playing, .... well  herself.  Stacy, variation of herself.  Tori/Hollywood are playing a good girl/bad girl rival set.  Slightly harder challenge for them.
PNR 1.5, ICF 0.5

3.  The premise
Stacy's motivation is confusing.  If she beats up Venus, she'll get her roles?  But how will anyone know she beat up Venus?  The honor system?
PNR 2.5, ICF 0.5

4.  The venue
Tori confronts Hollywood at Hollywood's place.  Always a suckered for that setup.
PNR 3.5, ICF 0.5

5.  The fight
Wow. Tori and Hollywood have one hello and Donnybrook.  Nothing wrong with Stacy and Venus, but Tori and Hollywood let it all hang out.
PNR 4.5, ICF 0.5

PNR stands the test of time.


Offline shotgun6

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Re: Invitation to a Catfight vs Point of No Return
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2020, 04:30:33 PM »
Tori and Hollywood were, at that point in their careers, perfect physical matches for each other. They look so great together, especially when they are rolling on the ground, naked, legs intertwined, groaning and grunting - i thought the production went downhill after that; their "slugfest" has some good moments, but a lot of it is just silly (Hollywood's fake "windup" before punching is just absurd) - I would have loved it if, after a few minutes of punching each other, with both covered by the fake "blood" and "sweat" copiously applied to their bodies, they both collapsed to the ground; unable to get up, they crawl towards each other and lock up, resuming their rolling fight, exchanging chokes and punches, until one finally passes out, and the other collapses on top of her, bodies still intertwined.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Invitation to a Catfight vs Point of No Return
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2020, 05:23:11 PM »
Interesting thought on Tori and Hollywood's stand up versus their ground game.  I actually think her windup wasn't as "camp" as it appears at first glance.  When you're in a fistfight, your shoulder/shoulder blade/collarbone/tricep area can stiffen up from nerves and pain/fatigue, and sometimes a windup is just a tactic to stay loose.  If you watch women's MMA, you'll see strikers such as Sarah Kaufmann do this every so often, especially in late rounds.  Pam Manning also used to do this in her (real) topless boxing films.

I actually thought that Tori-Hollywood lost some energy on the ground, but that their fistfight seemed intense and raw, and convincing in 2 women that decide to just keep going till one can't take it anymore.


Offline coachzzz

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Re: Invitation to a Catfight vs Point of No Return
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2020, 07:37:51 PM »
Agree with you Sinclairfan.   The last 10 minutes of PNR (the fistfight) was JMR's first and still one of his best scenes ever.  You hit the nail on the head with the intensity factor--it somehow comes through better here than in many other of his (or any other producers) later scenes.