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Rissa Vs Beckscats bar room brawl, story from Billed's poll

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Offline stormbolt7

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Rissa Vs Beckscats bar room brawl, story from Billed's poll
« on: August 28, 2010, 03:37:50 AM »
It was a pleasant evening, as I was spending some time with Bill and Rissa.

The couple enjoying showing me some of the local sites, and their favorite places to hang.  Bill just happy he was healthy this time, instead of in bed, while Rissa enjoyed her night out very much.

It was still warm, but mild, as stars began to come out, and the moon seemed to hang low, full and silver. As the final rays of daylight, dipped down, in the sky.

Rissa was turned facing me, as I sat in back, and she chatted, while he drove.
Rissa was looking very fine, her face beautiful. Her sleek body dressed in a halter top, that clung to her upper body. Her breasts pert, and bra-less beneath it.
Her nice ass, was covered by a pair of dangerously short, jean shorts. While her long legs, ended in some high heels, that made her legs look even longer.
We soon arrive at the club, as we get out, and they press side to side, his arm going around her shoulder. "Sorry my friend Crystal couldn't make it." Rissa says, as she feels bad for not having one of her girlfriends along for the outing.
"Oh well, maybe next time." "You made her sound so damn hot, I can hardly wait to finally see her." I admit, as I had seen a photo, and Crystal had looked very hot.

We enter, as the lights are slightly dim, as I hear the clack of things hitting on a pool table.
The atmosphere enjoyable as music played, and we find a table.  I admire our server, as she smiles and takes our order. Since I was visiting in Australia, I order a Fosters. Very at home with adapting my drinking habits to who I was spending time with.
A can of something local, was fine. Depending on who I was with meant can or draft beer. Maybe some shots or mixed drinks.
Most of the friends being cool with it. Yet others playing dirty, as they smile, and talk you into somthing local, native and close to drain cleaner, as is healthy.

Bill, and Rissa order their own drinks, and we begin to enjoy the night. My eyes roaming, as our drinks arrive.
I am just about to take a drink, when I spot one very gorgeous brunette sitting by herself.
Her hair was long, and seemed to be styled so in places it fell maybe all the way down to her lower back. While other places it was shorter.
I figured she had to have someone with her. You did just not find a woman that hot, being alone, unless she wanted to.

She was wearing a top, that covered her full breasts, and not much else. Thin straps rose to tie behind her neck.
The top then fell down almost in a triangle shape, as the thin material strained over her nice sized breasts.
Then another set of ties that met together behind her back. The rest of her back bare.
The skirt she was wearing was very short, and I knew if she moved the right way, I would be able to see her panties, if she was even wearing them.
Just like Rissa, this woman had very long, and pleasing legs.
My eyes rise again, and as they meet hers, she laughs, letting me know I was caught staring at her.
The effect helping me to almost spill my beer on myself, as she gets up, and those lovely, long legs begin moving her to our table.

Rissa's eyes following mine, begin to go from playful, to pissy. Rissa's eyes mostly green, with some other colors glinting through them. Began looking more cat like, as she rose from her seat.
As the other woman arrives, and smiles at me. "Hi, I'm Becks." She says introducing herself.
I begin to respond, when Rissa plops onto my lap, as she glares at Becks. "So sorry, he's taken." Rissa says softly, as I look at Bill, as if to say, I had nothing to do with this.
Bill shrugging his shoulders, letting me know we were okay, and he had no clue what Rissa was doing either.

"Becks, nice to meet you." I manage, as I definately want to invite this woman to sit by me.
Rissa leans back against me. "Now Storm, I think Bitch.. I mean Becks, is kind of tired, from her whoring today." "Maybe we can find you someone else." Rissa says, as Becks blue eyes, seem to harden, as she tries to control herself. Fine she was a lady capable of taking care of herself, and she was not letting his girl chase her off.
Becks turns to Bill, "Are you taken as well?" She asks, as Rissa shoots up from my lap, and moves to shove past Becks, and now is in Bill's lap.
"This is my man slut." Rissa says, before shoving most of her tongue down Bill's throat, as I try not to laugh at the surprised look on his face.

Becks looks at me, as I am stunned by how beautiful she is. "Your not hers?" She asks, as I shake my head.
"Becks, very nice to meet you, and can I buy you something to drink?" I ask, as I wanted to get to know this lovely lady.
"Storm, we can find you a nice hooker someplace else." Rissa says, Bill now able to breathe again.
I liked Rissa a lot, yet could not understand why she was making such an issue against Becks. It was like oil, and water. The two lovely ladies, not mixing well.
Maybe Rissa had wanted to just be the center of attention, and was not wanting Becks to have any part of it.
Yet Becks blood was heating up now.

"Storm, can we maybe spend some adult time together, while we leave the kids to play?" Becks asks, a very enticing look in her blue, slightly hazel eyes.
"Bitch he doesn't want you." Rissa says, as she begins getting to her feet again.
"I bet your boyfriend wants me, you pain in the ass slut." Becks replies, as Rissa moves to stand before her. Bill, and I look at each other. Do we stop it or let it go?
If we stopped it Rissa would be looking for a fight all night long. Plus, I might loose my chance to get to know Becks.

"You don't talk about my man skank!!" Rissa says her voice soft, but deadly.
"I bet he would love to see me kick your skinny ass all over this bar." "In fact I think I will beat your ass, and let him come home with me." Becks taunts, as Rissa's hand shoots out, and people turn to stare, as they hear the sound of Rissa's hand slapping Becks pretty face.
Becks head jerking, as her legs wobble slightly. Then her stance grows firm, as Becks grabs a handfull of Rissa's brunette hair, and they begin to fight.

Becks yanking Rissa's hair, trying to get her off balance, as Becks stance widens. Rissa brings her knee up, into Becks crotch.
It was not a full connect, yet Rissa scores good, as Becks cries out in pain, as Rissa laughs, and grabs some of Becks hair.
Now a few strands of Becks long silky hair fly off, as Rissa yanks, while jerking Becks head.
Rissa's other hand slapping at Becks, as Becks top comes off, and I am pleasantely surprised how large, and firm the slender beauties breasts are.
Beck's breasts fall free, as her top drops to the floor, as Rissa had clawed at it, between slaps.
Becks nipples budding, and beginning to harden, as she warms up to the catfight. Her blood running hotter, as she struggles to free herself from Rissa's clutches.
Rissa punching, and slapping Becks smooth skinned breasts, as Bill and I move out of there way.

Becks finally manages to land a partial punch, to Rissa's sleek belly. Rissa gasping, as the punch knocks air out of her, yet had not fully connected, as Becks was freeing herself. Rissa shoving her, as she doubles up, to grasp her belly.

Becks is off balance, as one of her heels snaps, as she is staggering. Becks arms windmilling, as she tries to catch herself.
Only to land against me. Her head turning, as her eyes smile briefly, as I hold her gently. "I think you and I are supposed to meet." "Let me take care of the whore, and we can talk." Becks says, as her chest heaves, and I want so badly to caress her now hard nippled tits. Naked and beautiful right in front of me.
Then with a yell Rissa dives into her, knocking her out of my grasp, and onto the floor.

The other patrons of the bar, now all surrounding us, as they wager on the two sexy ladies fighting.
Becks lands hard, as Rissa ends up on top.
Her fingers turning to claws, as she rakes them over Becks, beautiful breasts.
A few slaps to them, and Becks face.
Then Becks seems to start getting a second wind, as her hands tear Rissa's top off, and she begins to claw, slap, and punch Rissa's very pert, and well formed breasts.
Hands, and fists punishing each other, as a hand full of Rissa's hair, and they begin to roll together on the floor. Knocking into tables, spilling drinks, and rolling through them, as they splatter onto the floor.
"Bitch !!" "Slut!!" "Man stealer !!""  "Whore !!" Screams go back and forth, as they continue.

Becks skirt goes flying, as I enjoy how nice of an ass she has, as they roll. Becks ending on top, as she grabs Rissa's shoulders, slamming her back against the floor, knocking some of the wind out of her.
As she lays slightly stunned, gasping for air. Becks quickly strips Rissa's shorts, and panties.
Twirling the panties over her head, before flinging them at Bill.
Some of the crowd cheering, and applauding.
Then Rissa's fist lands to the side of Becks head.
Becks slides to the side, as she tries to clear the cobwebs from her head.
Rissa mounting her, and tearing Becks thong off, leaving them both fully naked, as they struggle.
Both of the sexy ladies now wet, their smooth skinned bodies, glistening from the spilled beverages they had been rolling in.

Becks is laying on her back. Her impressive tits, proudly thrust, and heaving, as Rissa smiles down at her.
"He is my man, and fight's over bitch!!" Rissa says confidently, as she begins to bring her leg back, to knee Becks as hard as she can in her crotch.
Rissa's pulse pouding through her sexy body, as bracing herself to do the most damage to Becks crotch as she could. Rissa leaves herself wide open.

Becks still dazed, calling on what strength she had. Unleashes a punch, that hits Rissa squarely on her chin. Rissa's head snaps, her eyes roll a little, and Rissa falls prone on top of Becks, as Bill begins to move to her.
The crowd begins to break apart, as Becks tries shoving Rissa, as Bill gently cradles the sexy woman in his arms.
Becks letting me help her, as Bill lifts Rissa, as she manages to stay conscious, yet there was no doubt Becks had won the fight.

As Becks gets up, she begins to feel light headed, and to my delight, for the second time tonight. I was in the right place to catch her.
Becks, naked, bruised, and sore. Yet one of the most beautiful ladies in the bar still.

"I better get Rissa home, you coming or staying?" Bill asks, as Becks is feeling stronger, yet to my delight, was not in any hurry to slip free from my arms.
"If it's okay with Becks, I would like to maybe stay with her, make sure she's all right." I say, hoping it didn't sound to stupid.
When I wanted to say, Becks is damn gorgeous,of course I want to stay.

Bill smiles, as he supports Rissa as she begins becoming more aware. Her green eyes showing she may have lost this fight, but she was not intimidated by Becks. "You hurt him, and this is not finished bitch." Rissa says, trying to make sure Becks was being on the level, about spending time with me.
Also letting me know, that Rissa was not going to be upset with me, if I stayed with Becks.

"You need a ride, call." Bill says, then gathers Rissa's things, and begins to head out with her. I move to them, giving Rissa a brief hug. "Thanks for trying to look out for me." I tell her, letting her know in return, everything about our friendship was still good.
"Next time, think I can take her." Rissa says smiling, despite her aches and pains from the fight.
Bill would get her home, and pamper her.

While I got to leave the bar, in the company of one of the two sexiest ladies in it. Becks face, and figure were beautiful in very way.
As well as the fact, not only was Becks drop dead gorgeous. The lady could definately fight as well.
I didn't know what the night might bring. Yet I was definately pleased, as part of it, I got to meet Becks.

The end.