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Biker girl v blonde brawl

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Offline peccavi

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Biker girl v blonde brawl
« on: December 24, 2010, 07:14:08 AM »
It was good to be back in the bar with all my friends, everyone was very attentive everyone was congratulating me- well almost everyone, the Floga bitches and the Deerhunters weren’t very pleased. But then I didn’t care about them. All I did was glower at their women. They backed off. Deb Osborne giggled “You scared them good!” She high fived me.

“And yeah, they should be scared!” I snapped back. “Hell, I don’t want to boast but in the last six weeks I’ve won a pro fight,  I'd took that fat bitch Jenni apart at the swap meeting and I’ve done the same to that black slut Katarina Wins.”

“Yeah but what about Ms Sharon Moore?”

I reddened. That bitch of a probation officer somehow knew I’d been fighting again. It was bad luck that I’d had one of my regular reporting sessions within a week of the fight with Katarina. I’d worn a long sleeve blouse hoping that would conceal the healing wounds and bruises.Ms Moore , -calling her that put my teeth on edge; she didn’t deserve respect, but I had to show it had called another officer in and made me take the blouse off in their presence. She even took photos before she let me put the blouse back on again.

“Yeah,” Deb went on, “ she didn’t believe you when you told her you had a bad fall at work. She knew you were  lying your head off. Didn’t she threaten to ‘investigate the matter'?"

I reddened more. That wasnt something Deb would say, she must have heard that  bureaucrat-speak from someone like Ms Moore herself. She always used that crap- that is when she wasn’t all on about 'self affirmation' and 'strategies for  non violent coping' and other psychobabble crap.

 “Shut it Deb.” I growled.

“Oh yeah why should I. What are you going to do, fight me? Get in more trouble with Ms Sharon Moore. I heard you were so shit scared that you almost pissed yourself right there in her office, you thought she was going to send you back to court, that your probation would be cancelled and you’d go back into jail.”

“Piss off Deb, lay off the crap and buy me a drink. I had  the last laugh on Sharon , she would die if she knew I’d got some of  those bruises fighting in her own office stairwell.”

I looked at her. She was one of two women who could get away with telling me stuff. She and Joan. Not even my Mom got away with what those two did.  Joan had always got away with telling me the truth, she had been the one friend I had when I started High School; the only person who liked me before I started thumping others. After that I didn’t know if they liked me or feared me, they did what I wanted anyway.

Deb was different. I’d only met her through Will, she was Joe’s guy and Joe was a biker like Will. These days, I’d say she was like the court fool- like the fool in King Lear which Brendon and I saw the other week. There the fool told Lear the truth about himself and many things Lear did not want to hear- the wise fool and the foolish king- one of Shakespeare’s contrasts. Of course if any woman had said that to me back in the bar then I’d have punched their lights out, thinking they were trying to make fun of me. Any woman that is except Deb. I could have of course, I could have pounded her. I did once. I don’t know why I let Deb get away with it. Perhaps I realized I needed someone to tell it straight, perhaps it was cuz she and I had been on the same side in a couple of fights, perhaps because she had covered my butt once or twice in other ways. But then back in the bar I shrugged. She was taking a long time with that drink

Yeah I was back where I belonged, alpha bitch, having fun. No one wanted to cross me.

Deb came back with the drink. It was time for a bit of boasting. As if to myself I said, “I’m still not sure which win pleased me more; they were all cool! Jenni was such a tough bitch- she had a huge reputation and it was great to lay her out in front of just about the whole biker fraternity. But it had been so good to smash that black slut Kat Wins and not just because she had beaten me and it had been that fight that got me the probation order but even more because of where it happened –the stairwell at the probation office itself after all those shiny butt government workers had gone home. And then the fight in the ring- my first pro victory for a while- Daniels had beaten me a couple of times; and Will and I had cleaned up with some bets we made. No one seemed to think I’d win, so we got good odds.”

 “Yeah Joe and I and Mike Heston backed you too. Will said you were overdue for a win that night. And you were and we had a good time. “ she paused, looked hard at me and went on. “Talking about Mike Heston,” she paused again. “You were a bit obvious, dear.”

“What do you mean? I snapped, reddening..

“Not half an hour ago you were slobbering over him” Deb nailed me. “He had one hand on your thigh, his other round your waist and if he had bought you a drink instead of having to go for a while your tongue would have been playing with his tonsils. And didn’t you pout when he said he had to leave. And didn’t you tell him to hurry back. Gillian Thay must have totally ruined you. Yeah I heard what happened in the factory- Nada Vukic told me. You must be totally after revenge on her. Yeah I know Mike had something going with her on the side. You dont need to fuck him, all you need to do is tell Paula he plays around. Either she will throw him out or he will stop screwing Gillian.”

"Oh yeah. And do you think that would work? I know Will plays around, it pisses me off- he’s probably screwing some bitch right now in Duluth –he said he had to go there for  work. He is always going there. . But do you think I'd try to toss him out? I don't want a broken arm. He'd take to me, hell I'd be lucky if  I only got my arm broken if I tried to stop him fucking aroumd. And do you think Joe doesn't fuck up?

" Yeah it stinks, what do we do about it?"

" What we do do; what we always do; nothing. Just pretend it doesnt happen.  But hell it's different if they found us out. Unless they organise it."  I thought of the time Will l told me to blow a friend of his  He'd lost a bet. And what did I do? I was on my knees as soon as he told me. I gave the guy the best b/j he ever had too. But  talking about that stuff would get us nowhere   I took another swig of my beer..Anyway, enough of that. How is that new apartment of yours?” I changed the subject to something I knew Deb liked to talk about.

She started on about it - how it was an old tenement building –cheap rent, long term lease- as long as four years. They were organizing a bbq on the balcony, the deal was you needed to come and help. She said that she needed “painters most, the landlord was even kicking in some paint. We have to agree on the colour scheme but he is pretty easy there. Just ordinary tones."

“Yeah blah colours, I’m sure you’ll do beige well.”

“Oh come on Jenn! It’s a good deal, cheap rent in exchange for some work on the place.” She nudged me. “Jenn look to your left. What do you think of that blonde piece?”

 I turned, there was this blonde, totally out of place in the bar, she was dressed like a slut, such a short pair of shorts, they hid nothing and a pink top that showed everything. And all the rest of us in either leathers or in t-shirts and jeans. She seemed to just ooze into the place.

 Deb whispered “She looks like a whore. A cheap one too. And she is getting all the guys attention.”

 “Don’t be such a jealous bitch, mind your own business Deb and buy me a drink, another drink or I’ll deal with you.”

 “Oh, I’m so scared Jenn- not.” She giggled, “But I will get you a drink- another one!”

She came back with another beer for us both. “Sure Deb, I’ll come and help you paint, and I’ll get Will to bring some of his gear too. Would you like me to bring some plants over, I can raid Mom’s garden, she is always looking for good homes for excess shrubs.

 “That would be cool, the landlords fixing up the yard. It was just cinders and mess. He has cleared all the junk away, he’s paved some of it- that’s where we  will have the bbq. The rest will be a bit of lawn and some plants. He is making it look good.”

 "What’s he want Deb?"

 “He bought the block of six apartments cheap, he had let them all on the same basis- four years leases, low rents so long as the tenants helped do them up.”

 “Yeah he probably wants you to do almost all the work so at the end of the lease he can double the rent. And he probably gets a decent return as it is. The rich, they always win, it stinks.

 “Why are you so negative all the time? Its a good deal. Like they say win win.”

“Yeah I guess. Deb good luck to you.” I sipped my beer in silence. And that was another reason I let Deb get away with things. She was so often right. And she was positive, she told it how it was but she always put a good spin on it. I should have been more like her. I told it how it was but always went on with gloom.

I didn’t think any more of the blonde till Deb nudged me again. “That bitch, she’s flirting with Joe.”

 I looked over and sure enough she was. I watched for a moment, she turned on the full gamut, the body language, her hand brushing his arm then retreating, her glances at him then away, and I was sure she was chatting the same way. I smiled “So Deb, what do you want me to do? Since when did I fight your battles? You’re not Cassie Foxe!”

She muttered something.

 "Anyway Joe is a good guy, you don’t need to worry about him.”

 Deb looked at me, she sniffed.

 “Come on cheer up, You should get some old furniture and do it up- the way Will and I are doing, so much cheaper than buying new stuff.” I took a leaf from her book, I’d try to cheer her up. So I changed the topic. “You saw that old sofa before and after, it didn’t cost much to recover it and it will last much longer than this made in China crap they sell these days. And that style should go well in your apartment.”

 We chatted on about her apartment.

 A few moments later the blonde, walked - no she rolled her hips, she sashayed - right up to me. I looked at her more closely. “You might as well try to be polite,” the dark side reminded me, “if you can!”

“Hello” I sized her up, probably early 20s my age then, but a lot lighter than me, she might have been 120 lbs, slim waist, nice butt. Yeah, Deb was right to be pissed if this blonde was chatting Joe up. But then maybe- and I was bending over to be nice to her- the blonde was out of her comfort zone and was just acting a bit oddly; like I said she sure looked out of place. “I’m Jenn and this is Deb. Deb is telling me about the new apartment her and Joe are going to. You were talking to Joe before.” I pointed him out.

" Hi Jenn, Hi Deb. I’m Joanne. Where is the new apartment?”

 “Not far from here, its one of those old worker apartments –run up in the 1920s, the landlord is doing them up.”

"I know the places Deb, they are old. Not sure I’d want to live there, they are a bit dingy.” Joanne was sceptical.

 “But that’s the point, you can do them up and they will look good again” Deb went on.

 “True,” Joanne said, “that’s what’s happened to the brownstone buildings. No one wanted them a decade or so ago, now they are very popular. As they say in the trade ‘those apartments have great bones’.  All they need is some cleaning, some sprucing up, mostly they need loving care to make them shine."

 “Bah gentrification” I said .” In a few years you and I wont be able to afford them. They’ll all be homes to young bankers and lawyers. You’re just doing the landlord’s work for him!”
“It’s a great apartment and with the low rent Joe says we will be able to save enough to buy a place ourselves. You always see the worst Jenn” Deb replied. My dark side told me Deb was right.

“Jenn has a point, again that happened to the brownstone apartments. But in the meantime, there’s a chance for people to get a cheap rental, to save and maybe buy their own building. You’re both right.”

 We chatted on but as the conversation shifted to the makeover Deb was planning it seemed Joanne wasn’t interested. I could hardly blame her, the finer points of decor and soft fittings are not exciting- unless its your decor and soft furnishings. Joanne drifted away and played the juke box. She just took over from the people there. She stood next to Mike and again she had the full flaunt flirty attitude, brushing against him, looking up, looking away.

She came back a few moments later "Hi Hun, I was uummm, like wondering, ,if you can give me directions, I seem to be a little lost” she giggled, a girlie giggle which always put my teeth on edge, it was as bad as Cassie always saying like every third word. But she wasn’t Cassie, she wasn’t as well mannered. I couldn’t help chortling, to say Cassie has good manners!

And just like Cassie, this fluffy little blonde- yeah like Cassie again- was asking for every man’s attention, flaunting her body, it looked to me as if she was trying to make all the eyes focus on her. And again like Cassie she was asking a silly question.

I looked at her blankly, this girl had been in the bar for, I glanced up the clock, at least fifteen minutes and now she was asking me for directions. Why didn’t she ask someone else; someone she had been talking with? She had to be dissing me. “OF course you always think the worst of people. Why do you think everyone is like you, working an angle, being bitchy all the time?” my dark side never gave up.

 “Well hun can you tell me where to go?” She giggled again. She looked at me; no-she simpered at me.

I bit back the retort “I sure can- go to hell!” and l answered as politely as I could "Where do you want to go?"

 “Well, there's this new dance club, or go-go club that opened around here, right hun? Oh and by the way who’s that guy” She pointed to Mike, “kinda cute if you like beefy guys. Pity he doesn’t have much brain power.” She wiggled her butt, she brushed her hair back, making her boobs jiggle.

I stared at her frostily. Who does this blonde think she is, why she is calling me hun for. I should tell her to get on her bike and piss off. And she’s insulting Mike. But - hell I will try to be nice. I looked at her, “Dance club?”

 “I think, you know about it, or not? “She shook her head, she looked at some guys, she smiled at them. She looked back at me; she rolled her eyes, “Dance club, you know?”

 “Jeez girl dance clubs round here, I don’t know any.”

She pouted, "Hun, I was offered to be the headline dancer! Yuppers, ill 'old me" She simpered again. She smiled at the guys again.

“A dancer. Oh and what else do you do?”

“I work in a call centre, we dispatch medical products.”

I snorted, “Not as if you’d work hard then.Not like me, - I work on the line in a cannery; not like Deb, she works for a courier company. Lots of physical work for us both, I guess you sit on your butt  all day.” I’d had this girl. She had to be dissing me on purpose. But why and who put her up to it?

“I have to work night shifts, we operate 24/7. Going into the centre at 11pm can be quite scary.”

I blushed, she had me there, I’d not like to be a fluffy little blonde out on the streets at that time. “Yeah fair call.”

“And that’s the nearest thing to an apology anyone has got out of Jenn this year. You’ve scored.” Deb had to rub it in.

“Oh and hun, while I am on a roll, can I have a drink?” Joanne giggled. She looked around, she seemed to be searching for something.

 “Why are you asking me for a drink am I the bar man?”

“Jenn, she’s teasing you! Can’t you take a joke?” Deb told me off. Again.

 "I’d like to know how to get there, to the cub, that’s where I'm going”,

" I told you I don’t know, I can’t help you”

 “That is just too bad,” she giggled.

 “Look girl” I stepped closer to her, I was furious.  Deb telling me off in public, before this blonde fluff and the fluff herself giggling, teasing me! She had to be dissing me. “Get your butt out of here and go and dance your life away. Or maybe you dance can on one leg than on the other and in between you make a pretty good income"

 "Oh my, what’s your prob hun? All I asked was for directions and a drink. Oh my gawd” She rolled her eyes at me. “Meanie!" She wriggled her butt. "Oh, I dance because I'm good at it, and everyone like s me, ok!?”

 It was time to give this bitch something to remember. "I don’t have a problem, it’s you who do! You're lost, I'm not. I know where I am. Why would I buy you a drink?" I stepped closer till our breasts were but a few inches apart. "OK then, you dance somewhere where people do like you. This isn’t a dance club"

Deb gave me a thumbs up. “Put her in her place” she mouthed. She had gone from supporting Joanne to cheering for me, yeah, typical. She knew what side her bread was buttered. And she liked seeing me bully someone. Perhaps Deb had set Joanne up. Nah, it couldn’t be. She hadn’t had the chance to talk to her alone.
“Eeeew, gawd, get back from me. Why are you here?  What is this place anyway?” Joanne’;s voice had changed, she was not as confident as she had been. “All of you are wearing leather.”
It had taken her a while to work that out. “Yes, you could say this is a biker bar, it’s the neutral place where a few biker gangs meet."
She shivered. She looked a little pale. She backed off. “You’re too close, .what’s your problem? I don’t want any trouble, and I might tell you I swim a lot, and I was a cheerleader!” She muttered something, she stepped back again.
Someone had put this girl up to it; she couldn’t be this stupid or this mouthy, surely. I still tried to be polite. “I’ve already told you, I don’t have a problem, it is you who has the problem.”
She looked around. She shivered again. “Bikers!” she said softly- almost like a whispered choking sound.
“Yes Bikers, did you come to the wrong place? Now girl I am here because I like this bar, because this is where I meet some of my friends. What business of yours why I am here?”
.”Just back off big lady. If I have to I can defend myself, ok? So, please, just back off!” She looked at me. She looked away, she looked right  around the bar, as if she was looking for some support. She didn’t find any. She stepped back a couple of paces “And anyway I was gonna pay for my own drink Ms. Nasty! Or have one of the guys buy me one, teehee". She giggled again. It jarred on me.
“She’s nervous as all out” I muttered, “hell I know the signs, I’ve been there before. ”I almost felt sorry for her.
“Almost but not quite enough to let her go” sneered my dark side. “You’re looking for someone to bully.”
“Yeah, sure you don’t want trouble. So you insult me- “Big Lady; Ms Nasty!” I stepped forward. “And yeah sure you were going to get a guy to buy you a drink. What were you going to do? Tease him, wiggle your butt at him, let him run his hand up your thigh, sure you’d lead him on. Of course you wouldn’t let him go on, you might lead him on but you’d stop before it got serious. You’re a tease. As well as a bitch." I walked closer yet. She shrank back "So you can defend yourself. What makes you think I was going to fight you" My eyes bored into hers now. I told myself that all I wanted was an apology; that if I got that I’d even buy her a drink.
“Yeah, your body’s ready for the fight. Your adrenaline is running high,” My dark side knew me too well, “But if she just gives in I will be even happier. You’ll have bullied and got away with an easy victory.”
"Hey!” Blondie was angry, the anger of someone who is scared stupid.. She clenched her fists. She knew she was out of her depth. She looked around for support, she found none, she looked back at me. She tried to brazen things out. “You stop that! You make me sound like a whore, you bitch!” She was ready to back down. I knew the signs; I’d seen them so often. “I was gonna be friendly and chat with him- or maybe a group of guys and girls. Gawd, more jealous bitches here too? Jeez! Know what?” And I did know what- she was about to back down, I knew it. “I'm outta this pig pen"

I chuckled! I was right! But then I usually was. I looked at her. She looked back. She dropped her eyes, looking at the ground rather than at me. She turned to go, walking past me. Then she tried to show she wasn’t scared after all. She slightly, so slightly shoved me away, as if to make room for me to get by. She didn’t need to; she could have got past me easily enough. She just wanted to show she was a tough bitch.
I grabbed her arm, spinning her to face me. “I make you sound like a whore? Hey girl if the cap fits. Did you push me?" I glared at her, my eyes boring into hers. "I think you had better apologies to me sweetie"
"Let go of me meanie! I only tried to get past you so I could leave this toilet of a place! Now let go! If anyone should apologize, it's gotta be you! I did nothing wrong here! But yeah since you want me to, I am sorry, I am sorry I came here, I am sorry I talked to you, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings!” She tried to break loose from my grip. I think – I thought then that she only wanted to leave again. If she had apologized  properly- if she had said “I’m sorry for pushing you”- she would have been gone. But she just didn’t think. She should have, she must have sensed the crowd was riled, she must have seen them clustered round waiting for the spectacle.
I gave her one last chance. “What do you mean? What are you saying? Who pushed whom? Be sensible girl” I let her go and stepped back. I told my dark side that that proved I didn’t want a fight. It sneered.
Some of the crowd were edgy, some muttering, all were looking at the two of us. There was Mike again. “Who does this bitch think she is, Jenn?"
I smile at Joanne, that smile Cassie said would freeze a volcano. "See you’re not popular here, apologies sweetie."
She stepped closer, whispering "You know what bitch. you’re fat and stupid. Fuck you, ok? I'm gone, bye!” She turned, giving a middle finger to everyone around and pranced off, rolling her hips. She had gone way too far; even the dark side told me I had to do something to her. I seized her hair, yanking her back towards me. She stood side on to me, her head twisted so she looked at me. "Apologies now slut!" I demanded. She just looked at me; as if no one had ever done this to her before. Still holding her hair with my left hand, I twisted her left arm behind her back; a classic move when I am dealing with someone who I am sure is too weak to fight back; easy to escape from but painful and humiliating as it bends my victim forward.
She squealed in pain: "Ooh, ooh,ow! Wowee, bitch! Let go! Or else!!"...She stumbled around as I yanked her hair. She struggled vainly for a full minute as the crowd jeered her. A sudden twist to the side freed her from my hold on her hand, I still held her hair. I slapped her in the face, she squealed. She tried to twist out of my hold on her hair. She only succeeded in hurting herself. She scratched my wrist, her nails digging into the skin... I slapped her again. “So Ms Bitch has claws does she? I seized her hand, twisting it making her let go of my wrist. Still sure I was dealing with a weak bitch I slapped both sides of her face together then the left and then the right. She squealed.
"Get the tramp Jenn; it’s about time you worked some bitch over again!" Deb encouraged me. I knew that if I did she would want a piece of her afterwards. Deb was like that- a vulture, rarely would she fight herself, but always there to play with one of my victims after I'd defeated her. This time Deb might have to wait her turn.
I saw Mike. He winked, “Make her pay, she was way too mouthy!”
Joanne  twisted away again. "Own, ohm, gawd, owe, fuck you biker whore” She gave Deb the finger. She turned back to me. “You, you're gonna pay for hitting my face, you fat bitch!" She looked around the room before kicking her shoes off. She slowly, warily approached me.
I stood still waiting for her approach; my eyes alight; I just knew I’d take Joanne. “Do you really want a fight, slut?" I took up a stance. Then my hand darted forward slapping her once more; I wanted to score a stinging, blow to provoke this weak bratty lil blonde. And it did!
Her head snapped back, she reeled, her cheek reddened instantly. “Oh, fuck! You bitch. Argh!. She dashed forward, screaming. "You're so done skank!" I smiled; I had riled her. I swivelled on my left leg turning side on to avoid her charge. It didn’t quite work, she clutched my arm as she rushed past. She tugged on it. I pushed her hard as she rushed onwards. “On your way hun; on your way to a crashing defeat" I sneered. This blonde is so easy
“Have some fun with her Jenn” Deb encouraged me again. Someday I was going to deal with that vulture; I had told myself that before, I never did, as I said, she got away with everything.
I’d startled Joanne, she let go of my arm, "Oh shit, you bitch Fi...fight fair!.” She seemed to aim for some guys standing nearby; they held her up, touched her up- her top was much looser when they let her go, spun her round and pushed her back towards me. She hissed!.. "wha -..What the fuck? You guys rot." She squealed as she was propelled towards me.
"I am fighting fair sweetie. All is fair here." I strode in confidently and smacked her face yet again.
"She is weak Jenn you could do her with one hand," Mike smiled.
And do her was what I was going to do- every way. I’d make her put on quite a show. She squealed as she back peddled. “Leave my fucking face alone, cxnt, ok!?? Gawd!" She tried to swing a girlie like punch at my head. At the same times she turned her head. She snarled at Mike..."Fuck you, this fat bitch is going down!". Her roundhouse punch was easily avoided, just a slight weave to the left and it passed over my shoulder harmlessly
“Oh yeah; she’s going down on you sweetie!” Mike chuckled
I smiled, Mike was so right. A fight always made me horny I swung back to face her, sending a quick jab hoping to land a punch in her tummy .
She coughed and spluttered as my fist hit home just below her naval. She seemed stunned. She hissed.

“You're so tough huh biker trash? Wait a sec., you'll see what I got!".
I wasn’t waiting, I sent a slap to her face, it hit; she staggered. 'Let us all see what you got besides some nice tits and cute butt.”
'I told you leave my face alone!” she growled. “Here bitch! Take this!"
She darted toward me, backhanding my throat. I reeled back, stunned, spluttering. It was a nasty blow. There is a sharp intake of breath from the crowd.
“See? I told you I can fight you cow! Here, have some more!" She got behind me while I was recovering, she tried to get me in a sleeper hold. She did, she drew it tighter.
She was too confiident. She thought she had finished me. If she had followed her backhand with some punches or maybe a knee to my face, she would have taken me out.  But she  tried for a sleeperhold instead. That was done too early and it turned out too dangerous –she put herself too close to me..  A knee to the face a fwe punches and then the sleeper hold, that would have done for me. Silly bitch!

 I bent to the side, I sent my elbows jabbing into her waist; three hard jabs trying to break her hold. She spluttered but held on, I bent forward, trying to make her let go or lose her footing. I pounded her sides with my elbows. She held on. I could hear her coughing, gasping but it did me no good she was still choking me. My ears rang. I sidestepped, ramming her into a table. I jabbed my elbows again. Her grip loosened. My elbows hit again and I swung her into the table. She let go.
I stood upright and turned to her my hand raised defensively in front of my face . Her eyes widened - I hoped with fear. She stood hunched over, spluttering; I must have hurt her ribs. She groped for my t shirt, ripping the cotton. “Bitch!” she coughed. “You hurt me!"
“That is the idea you stupid blonde bitch. I’ll do more than hurt you bitch.” I sent a quick punch to her tummy. “Oh yes, you slut. I'll do a lot more than hurt you.”
She tried to parry my punch. She deflected it, so it landed on her ribs instead. She tried to punch me. I’m not done with you yet “ I weaved to my left, her punch hit my side almost harmlessly.
I looked down to see my top ripped .”It’s ruined. Now I’ll ruin you.” I sent a left right combo of punches aimed at her tummy. Both hit.
She spluttered, she coughed, she wailed, she doubled over, she all but fell to her knees.
Smirking, I hauled her up by her hair only to slam my knee into her tummy. "And babe I'm not done with you yet either! I'm going to do you.”
Mike winked at me, he gave me thumbs up, he blew a kiss. “Give her hell Jenn!”
I smiled back, “Oh I intend to! I’m going to have a lot of fun with her.” I kneed her in the tummy again. Her legs gave out she sank to her knees groaning.
“Save some for me!”
“What? Do you want what’s left of this bitch when I’m finished with her?”
“Nah, there won’t be enough... Anyway I’m sure you’re much more fun than this scrawny blonde.” He winked again

 I smiled, I ran my hand up over my tummy and squeezed my tits. I’d give him a show. He’d never want to do anything with Gillian Thay after me.

I bent over Joanne. “He is so right , there won’t much of you left when I am finished.” She whimpered.

I ripped at her pink top. " She whimpered, she tried to bat my hand away. “Now now” I chuckled archly “Fair's fair you ripped mine I'll rip yours. And the guys can see what you have now- because like I say there won’t be much of you when I am finished with you.” I ripped hard. Her breasts spilled out; she wasn’t wearing a bra. “Hey you got much nicer tits than I have. Why did you hide them. Let the guys see your…” I paused, “assets."

Mike shouted, “Don’t be so modest Jenn!”
I slapped her face, not hard, but enough to hurt her emotions, she hated having her pretty face marked. I giggled, “Do you mean you think mine are better than hers? Or do you mean you want to see mine too.
“Both” he laughed.
Joanne squealed, she coughed she tried to roll away she covered her bobs with her hand.
I slapped her face again; I tugged her to her feet by her hair. “Show those” again I paused, “assets or I will make you so sorry.”
"No, pl -please, not my boobs, no, pl- .please don’t do this" She tried to fend me off. She tried to cover her top. Both were useless attempts. I slapped her face. She whitened, she gasped.
I yanked her top down, slammed a knee into her tummy again not hard, I didn’t want to hurt her-too much; just break her spirit .She crumpled, I grabbed her hair, pulling her up to receive two more knees. She slumped down. I yanked her top off… “Why did you try to hide your best assets?"  Another face slap made her gasp. I threw her top  to Mike. “Catch hun.”
My dark side hissed, “You won, like you knew you would, you only picked on her cuz you knew she was weak, Now you’re going to have some ‘fun’. What are you going to do, finger her till she comes, destroy all the kid’s dignity? You get off on this so much. Don’t deny it, you are hot, you are horny, you want a fuck don’t you? You are a sleaze.”
Joanne squealed. “No ,no ,oh no ,gawd gimme my top back, st-.stop!" She tried to cover her boobs up. "I don’t want all these pervs to see them, ohm gawd."
Mike waved her top round in the air. “Woo hoo, way to go Jenn; do I get to catch yours too?”
“Aww you’re a bad sport. "
“But you do get to see her.” I smirked. “Stand up sweetie. Let’s see those lovely tits.” I slapped her face yet again. She whimpered I was right, she was losing any rermaining self control fast I turned to the crowd. You do want to see them don’t you guys?”

 “Oh yeah we want to see them!  Come on Jenn make her show them off” Mike was getting into it too… “You ought to spank her for being mouthy too!"  
She rose slowly to her feet, she took a step and almost collapsed. I must have hurt her, or maybe she was shaming. “Oh no, please, c'mon, st-.stop.. Let me go, let's start over bitch, ok?… Please, not my boobs, oh gawd!"

 “Okay, okay, not your boobs.  But the guys wanna see something, so that leaves your snatch.”  I stepped up to her “She dropped her hands from her breasts. Some of the guys whistled.

“She called you a bitch. She is still bratty” Deb wanted some more action. Like I said she was a vulture.
I pushed Joanne again, she stumbled forward. I yanked her hair. “Walkies time!” I bent forward, “You’re a dancer” I whispered.
She nodded.
“Yeah go on make her ashamed, make her cry, give her something she will have nightmares about for the rest of her life.” My dark side was on it again. “Sure she fought, she was silly, you beat her, now leave it at that.”

I pushed her towards the guys. “You’re a pole dancer!” I knew, just knew she had to be, there were no dance clubs that just had paid dancers round here, Gary and the whole of the South side didn’t go for ballroom dancing, and anyway this girl was dressed all wrong for that. And Gary sure didn’t go for ballet.
She nodded.
I pushed her again, she took a few uncertain steps. I’d guessed right, now I pushed the envelope. “You’re a stripper too”
She nodded.

 Time to show your panties sweetie” I yanked at her shorts, she tried to clutch hold of them, I slapped her face. Again just hard enough to show who was in control. She whimpered; she let go of her shorts. They slid to her feet. She looked at me, soundlessly begging me not to do anything. She was looking at the wrong person.

I pushed her forward, she stepped out of her shorts and  right into Mike’s arms. He gave her a quick feel and pushed her back. He squeezed my ass. He said, “She’s a pretty package, but I prefer what’s inside to the packaging. And I like winners“ He lent forward and whispered “And I’ve got a package for you.” He squeezed my butt again, this time pulling me close to him so I knew exactly what the package was.
I giggled, kissed him lightly and slapped his butt, “Don’t count your chickens.”
“You’re so horny you’d fuck him right here, right now, if he asked” My dark side knew me too well, it only slightly exaggerated.
I wiggled my ass against his pants. But I knew I needed to deal with this blonde, I knew, I just knew I’d hook Mike if I did, he’d be all over me again once I worked Joanne. So first I had to do her. I tried to distract Mike and me, I ran my hand down over Joanne’s tummy. She whimpered, I felt her tense. I stroked again, and again she whimpered, she shivered ever so slightly. “Does this girl have some sort of tummy fetish?” I wondered. I pulled her towards me and ran my finger round her belly button. She whimpered, she moaned, she shook.
I tugged her hand, pulling her over to a lounge chair. I sat down, I tugged again. She stumbled and fell tummy upwards into my lap. “So Joanne” I smiled. I stroked her tummy. She whimpered, she tried to get up, I pushed her back down. I rubbed her tummy, I pinched it lightly, I stroked her sides, I wiggled my finger in her belly button. She gasped, she moaned, she shook. She tried to get up, I pulled her back. “Mike bring me my bag”
He smiled. And brought the bag.
I kept playing with Joanne’s tummy and then I cuffed her. She squealed. She shook her head. I smiled. She whimpered, she looked away. I continued gently playing with her tummy. Then I slapped it hard. She yelped. She gasped “What was that for?”
I giggled and kept playing. She moaned but made no attempt to get away. “Mike I need a drink” I said. I half rose, taking my hands away from Joanne.
She groaned, she whispered “Oh fuck just do me!”
I smiled again, “Come on sweetie lets go somewhere where it’s a little quieter.” I led Joanne by the hand to the back room, Mike came with some drinks.
In a moment I had her back where she knew she belonged, on my knee, belly up. I played with her tummy, again stroking, caressing every part of it. She whimpered as I touched her skin, she gasped if I slapped it- and I did a few times, she had to know who was in charge, she moaned when I played with her belly button.  She had to know that this is where she needed to be, I knew I just knew she was a sub. The real sub wants to give in to the Domme; not just have the Domme take control.
Mike got behind me, he whispered, "So hot, so hot Jenn." He slid his hands down and rucked up my t-shirt. He cupped my breasts and squeezed. He kept working them for a minute or so, I was fairly gasping myself when he stopped, pushed me forward gently and undid my bra.
All this time I kept working on Joanne, by now not much more than a panting pool of hotness on my lap. One hand had travelled south, it was stroking her over her panties. She was bucking and twisting and begging for more from that and from the other hand which still caressed stroked and sometimes pinched her tummy. I looked down, “so sweetie, this where you belong isn’t it?”

She whimpered.
I tried to tell Mike no, that he would have to wait, he didn't, saying, "You know you want this, you know I want you, you know I'm going to fuck you tonight. Admit it, don't be coy, you're not like that." He kept on playing with my breasts, now free of my bra. In a moment more I was panting almost as much as Joanne. He kept saying how hot I was, how excited he was by my win, how he loved seeing me control Joanne. I told myself to make him even hornier by making him wait.
Joanne's panties were so wet by then, she was bucking even more, I knew she was near cumming. Mike slid a hand down to my own panties. I batted it away. "Keep on with Joanne” he said slapping me hard. I gasped but did as he said and his hand returned to my panties. I gasped as he slid a finger inside them. I bucked myself as he stroked. "Come on, she's not worth finishing off. Come with me hun." Mike said.
"But" I started, my voice trailed off as he lifted a protesting quivering Joanne off my lap.

"Time to go hun" he said to her and pushed her.

“No it isn’t. She is so needy, I wont leave her like this. I should give the girl what she needs. I took Joanne in my arms, kissed her and brought her back to the sofa.
“Wait your turn” I told Mike. I stroked Joanne’s tummy, I bent and kissed her, I played with her till she squealed, till she came. I gave a cuddle, I gave her a kiss, I sent her on her way. I wondered whether she would come back to me.

My dark side sneered “What would you do if she did, another subbie, how many is that, how many do you want to add to your collection?"

 I didn’t want to hear that. I turned to Mike, “Good things come to those who wait.”
He chuckled, “Bad things too, and you are a bad thing!”  He took my hand and without even letting me rearrange my clothes hustled me out of the bar and into his car. He drove with one hand on the wheel and the other inside my panties stroking and teasing me for about five minutes to some motel. I'd never seen it before, it looked a low dive of a place. He got a room then took me inside. By now I was just so horny!

He tugged down my panties and ate me out as I stood in the room. I held his head as he did so, he was good, he made me cum in no time. "Hun you need a shower after your fight." He took me to the shower, helped me wash then as the water splashed over both of us, he fucked me against the shower wall. He put his hand over my mouth, "Hun you're a noisy fuck," he chuckled. "Too noisy, everyone will know what's happening."

 “But hey, it’s a cheap motel and this kind of thing goes on all the time.”

“Yeah but what kind of reputation do you want?” He looked at me. “They know you’re tough at the plant, yeah even though you lost a fight. IT was close. You’re tough. And they know you fight hard- not for yourself but for the guys and the girls on the floor. “

I was kinda surprised he hadnt mentioned Gillian’s name, After all he had been screwing her on the side. And she whipped my ass. And I was surprised he said I fought for the workers. Well I did but not so that most people noticed. “Well who would know me?”  
“Do you want to take a chance?”

“Oh just fuck me!” And he did.

After the shower we had a couple of beers, we talked a bit, mainly about my fights he had seen. He kept praising me, asking me questions, he wanted to know about the ones I'd lost too.  He was a lot more thoughtful than I expected too. Yeah he was a brash biker, yeah he was tough as nails but he was kinda sweet too.

“This is a revenge fuck,” my dark side reminded me. “You dont want a relationship, not even like he had with Gillian All you want is to get even with her”.He wanted to know about how Will had got me into fighting.
My dark side hissed, “Shameless whore, you’re fucking one of your guy’s friends.  And he doesnt want a relationship with you either."
“And Will  fucked Nicole Daniels after she beat me.”
“She threw herself at him, how could he resist when she went like that at him. And he apologised.”
“Only cuz I caught them at it.”
Mike nudged me. “Sorry, I was ...” I could hardly tell him I was thinking he would want to know what about, I scrabbled for something; “listening, can’t you hear it too. Sounds like its coming from the next motel room”- It sounded like muffled whimpers, and rustling sounds.
Mike chuckled, “You silly bitch. They are fucking next door. Probably on both units- either side of us” He slapped my butt. “And so should we be.” He rolled me onto my back and sucked on my breasts and played with my pussy. The thought of two other couples screwing so close, close enough for me to hear, blew my mind. I was again so horny, I didn't care what that dark side wanted, I wanted Mike’s cock. I spread my legs. I got what I wanted, he took me fast and hard. This time he didn’t try to stop my cries. I squealed, I yelled, I swore, I slapped at his butt I told him how I wanted it and I got it.
Afterwards we cuddled for a while. Mike fell asleep. I heard a noise outside. I got up , half dressed- my jeans, my coat zipped up to hide that I didn't have bra or t shirt on and my boots. I stepped outside. A guy was getting into an old Chev. A woman came out of the motel unit next to me. She saw me, she giggled, “You are noisy hun” She winked. “Hope you have fun.” She got into the car. They drove off.
A few moments later a woman came out of the office with sheets. I looked at her. She must have read my mind. “I’m changing the sheets in the unit” pointing to the one the couple had just left. “You can hire them by the hour or the night.”
I shook my head, “What was this sleazy hole?”
My dark side told me I didn't mind so long as I got a fuck. For once it was right. I walked back into the motel, woke Mike up and rode him.


« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 08:57:22 AM by peccavi »
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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2010, 07:15:39 AM »
My thanks to my wonderful editor Judy and to Gemma and olesoulle (Who used to be such a fixture on the board here) for suggestions and most of all to the wonderful joannegrlwrestler for wanting me to do a story featuring her.

Merry Christmas to all
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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2010, 09:04:13 AM »
I've already told you how much I enjoyed this story in a PM, but a story this good deserves to be heralded in public! I loved it! this seedy, underground life you portray has such startling clarity through your writing you can picture every sordid detail! and I like sordid detail ;)

Plus it's always nice to see Joanne put in her place! :D

Thanks for sharing honey! as always I sit with baited breath for more!

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2010, 09:51:23 PM »
Nice & yummy sexy! Good to see Joanne in action in one of your stories!  :D ;) :P

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2010, 02:13:58 PM »
Jenn, you've got a lot of characters in that story and you did a skillful job of incorporating all of them into the plot.

It's good that you can write.......since you sure can't fight. :o



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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2010, 11:34:05 PM »
Dear little Marie
let me remind you, ever so gently, of the statistics in our ongoing battles Jenn v Marie. Jenn 4 wins, Marie 1 win.
I can fight better than you.
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Offline Laurie Breeze

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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2010, 10:54:04 AM »
Awesome story, Jenn! Really felt like I was there!

Poor Jo.....she really didn't deserve what you did to her. I don't know if you're aware of this but we're partners now. I've got her back, she's got mine. We look out for each other. And we're watching you. We're gonna get you for what you did. When you least expect it, expect it!

Thanks for sharing your great talent with us!  :-*   ;)

« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 11:56:58 AM by laurie breeze »
We're on a circuit of an Indian dream
We don't get old, we just get younger
When we're flying down the highway
Riding in our Indian Cars


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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2010, 03:21:39 PM »
Dear little Marie
let me remind you, ever so gently, of the statistics in our ongoing battles Jenn v Marie. Jenn 4 wins, Marie 1 win.
I can fight better than you.

Ooh, I've got to come up with something for you & me.

When it's over, I'll have two wins over you, Jenn.................Maybe. :o



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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2010, 07:26:58 AM »
Flightgirl. breeze,
Joanne has two protectresses, well she will need them . And heck I just might have fun with you as well.

Evil laughter
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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2010, 06:09:02 PM »
Wow!  Great story, Jenn!  I don't know how I missed this especially after you told me it was coming, but it was worth the wait!  Excellent story!  I really wish you would start writing more!


Happy New Year!


PS....any story where Joanne gets put in her place has to be good

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2010, 08:29:53 PM »
thanks for the kind words, I wish I could write more too but between work, gardening (both at home and in community projects) other community projects that I do, church, swimming, cooking, seeing friends  and boring things like cleaning the house and washing. there is not a lot of time.

But there are a few stories bubbling away.

The club my rotarian cousin (much older than me) belongs to has an exchange student whom I briefly met. She is a serious cook and has her own recipe blog. Here it is ...enjoy (she is Turkish hence the odd spellings at times Seriously good food.
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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2011, 05:32:47 PM »
Thanks Jonica, lol.....can't wait to be in a story from you,see if i'm put in my place, lol  ;)

xoxoxo  :-*

Thanks again Jenn,love ya!  :-*

Just can't stay out of trouble, can ya Jo. 
Either dance, fight, or get the #@%& out of my way.


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Re: Biker girl v blonde brawl
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2011, 10:00:24 PM »
Perhaps someone should write a story featuring you Gail and see if you are put in your place.
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