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Cinnamon Cougar vs. Little punchingbag Yuni (YUMI)

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Offline Cinnamon_Cougar

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Cinnamon Cougar vs. Little punchingbag Yuni (YUMI)
« on: April 02, 2021, 12:50:00 PM »
I hope I get this right.  This is my first attempt at this.  I wanted to have something people could read and know what I liked.  I lose a lot of people after our initial chat, because I am pretty kinky.  Here is an example of how I like it best.  Ignore the fact that the fight is one sided.  That is only because my opponent liked it that way.  I win and lose. 

1:35 AM CinnamonCougar: I have invited you to my secret Womens Fight Club in an underground facility in a nearby city.  I have scheduled the ring off normal hours, when only a few women will be there.  We have agreed that you and I will just go until one of our shapely asses is knocked out, AND that we will fight nude!
I arrive first and strip down to my birthday suit, awaiting you now in the ring, sans gloves for a bare fisted brawl!    I am 5' 10" tall, 135 pounds, and sporting 38 Double D's and ready for ANYTHING!!!   

1:39 AM yumi_rough: Looks like Im the second one to get here so I follow suit quickly, throwing my clothes away to show off my 5' tall 85 lbs curvy, perfect little body! Naked and slightly sweating from nervousness I look over at you and then step into the ring.

1:43 AM CinnamonCougar: When I see you in person, my jaw drops.  You are SO little.  The ONLY advantage you may have in this match is possibly your quickness.  I take my time staring intently at you in the altogether!  You are stunningly beautiful, and so unbelievably sexy that your looks are a big distraction for me.  I take a while to compose myself as I literally can't take my eye off of you.  "Are you ready for me, YUMI?  Before we start, I would like to hug."  I then walk to the center the ring and extend my arms around yours and as I pull you in tight, my hands slip downwards until they cup your perfect, shapely ass!  I squeeze your ample cheeks, firmly. 

1:48 AM yumi_rough: The small crowd's already howling like wild animals and we haven’t even thrown a punch yet. I shake my body around a bit and keep an eye out for your big body... much bigger and heavier than mine, so I should be on guard... Then we close up for... a hug... I am a bit scarred to get so close but do so, hugging you, with my face getting pressed into your under boobs while you grab my big ass cheeks...

1:50 AM CinnamonCougar: I suddenly lift my arms and push you away from me.  Then my fists rise.  My left is in front of my face, and my right is at my right side, but slightly bent.  "GO TIME, BITCH!"  I bark at you and then I throw a left hook at your right side-boob, and follow it with a right uppercut, aimed at your left under-boob!  "IT'S ON NOW, Asian WHORE!"

1:54 AM yumi_rough: The hug ends abruptly as I get pushed away and you pull your fists up. I do the same, getting behind my guard, protecting my head, just as the first punch comes in, shaking my right sided girl with a hook that pains my whole body. I twitch into that direction but then get in another punch... We just got started and my tits are already getting beaten... Desperate for a counter I fight through the pain to pull back my right and fire a straight jab into your belly.

2:01 AM CinnamonCougar: True to my word, I open by attacking your tits.  I feel myself get wet when my left strikes your breast with a loud SMACK, and you cringe!  Then my right finds its mark.  I aimed my fist so that my knuckles just barely catch your left nipple and stretch it painfully as I follow through.  I am delighted with the opening result, until I feel your right jab me HARD in my belly, low, where it hurts most.  Your punch is expectedly quick, but also quite painful.  That surprises me!  So, I take a step backwards and then since there are no rules, I step into a right knee lift, as I try to drive it into your exposed pussy!  "YOU cxnt!" I exclaim!  "HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS?!"   (LOVING THIS SO FAR) 

2:03 AM yumi_rough: After the initial two hits, I eat up to the chest, I manage to land a big one, and my bigger foe pulling back in pain really does put a grin over my face, a short one though as soon enough her knee comes up while I look out for punches and rocks my little kitty so hard that my whole body has a shockwave running through it... I cross my legs and pull my arms down, not falling but ending up in a super awkward pose... 'You... BITCH!" I mutter through locked lips as to not shout out in pain...
 (Me to dear!) 

2:10 AM CinnamonCougar: My knee finds it mark and is so painful that you lower your guard.  I stare into your now squinting eyes and feel myself now dripping wet!  I take a couple of seconds and then immediately come straight at you and start throwing my fists quickly and precisely.  I lower my right side first, to get leverage to throw a very hard right with all my strength, into your belly, between your belly-button and your labia!  Then I take another step forward and throw a round-house left aimed at the right side of your head!  "I OWN YOUR FAT ASS, NOW, BITCH!"  And then I aim my right fist, this time at your left under-boob, trying to knock it upwards into your face! 

2:14 AM yumi_rough: I know that I’m in a really bad place right now, but the pain in my sex just won’t allow me to move, and sure enough I get punished for this. A hard punch that caves my belly in, forcing me to make an 'O' with my lips as I stagger back. I try to catch my breath but just then SNAP, my head spins to one side with spit spraying from my mouth and I get disorientated as my face now pulsates with pain... Another tit shot, my left side girl from down under, so hard that she flips up and slaps me in my face... Assaulted so hard, I pull my guard back up and throw a right hook, near blind, aimed at your chest, right between the tits...

2:21 AM CinnamonCougar: As my devastating punches find their marks you start staggering backwards.  I follow you until you end up against the ropes.  After my third punch, the small audience GASPS, as they watch me beating your cute ass!  Then, with your back now against the ropes, you throw a concise jab that flattens one of my pendulous tits and causes me an intense pain.  I have to give you props for your punching power.  Each one hurt!  But I have you now against the rope, and I fight through that pain.  I throw a straight left jab at your mouth, hoping to bounce you off the ropes and back to me, then I wind up and throw an under-handed HARD right, aiming for your labia! 

2:25 AM yumi_rough: I land my desperate punch but it seems as if it’s bouncing off of a raging black wall that keeps coming at me. My back is against the ropes and incomes another punch... My lips get smashed in to hard that my head bounces back, spit and blood now spray across the air in an arch following my heads movement. My back hits the ropes harder, pushing me in turn, right back at you. Just as my head falls back down with a pair of swollen lips as my lower one is also split now in the middle... I try to move my arms but I get the hard fist to my intimate part. Shaken, I fall right at you, buckling down and getting on my knees, involuntarily hugging your right leg as to keep me from falling down.

2:34 AM CinnamonCougar: When you fall into me and slide downwards to your knees, I KNOW that I have you.  I put my lips to your ear.  "I now own your yellow ass, MY LITTLE BITCH!  . . . Your body and soul are MINE to do with as I please!  I then extend my right hand and start slapping your face back and forth, backhanded and fore-handed, BITCH SLAPPING you! I do that a half dozen times, then I then grab your hair and tilt your head backwards, so that we can lock eyes.  "LISTEN CLOSELY MY CONCUBINE, YOU ARE NOW GOING TO EAT MY SWEATY PINK PUSSY, AND EAT IT GOOD!"  Then I step over your shoulders and grab the top rope as I start undulating my hips into your face!   
2:36 AM CinnamonCougar: (If you refuse, I will beat you some more!) 

2:38 AM yumi_rough: I hold on hard, not even knowing at first to whom that leg is attached, but of course I get a quick reminder as you start to toy around with me, bitch slapping my face left and right so many times that by the end I get the vertigo!  But worse only comes after as you yank my face upwards and spit the words right in my face, letting me know how pathetic I am... In response I just whimper silently as you step over my shoulders and press your moist cxnt right into my swollen lips... Since I have no other choice, I oblige and start eating you as you grind yourself into my face....
2:38 AM yumi_rough: ((too late to refuse now :p))

2:42 AM CinnamonCougar: As you comply, I immediately start moaning and groaning.  Your tongue is skilled and you are now enthusiastically licking and sucking om my clit until it is ROCK HARD!  From there it does not take too long before I CRY OUT in uncontrollable PASSION!  "OH, MY GAWD YUMI!  . . . EAT THAT PUSSY, YOU WEAK LITTLE BITCH!  . . . It is not long before I emit one last, long, SCREAM and then cum all over your beautiful face.  I shiver and shake as I empty my loins!  And then I slump downwards and wrap my arms around yours and hug and kiss you passionately!

2:46 AM yumi_rough: I work my tongue to the best of my efforts, eating out your pretty black cxnt as you slide around, up until the moment you release, coating me in your juices.  I then remain on my knees as you come down to join me, locking up in a hug and then pressing my battered lips to yours for a kiss, wrestling with our tongues as I let some of your own cum flow from my face into yours...

2:48 AM CinnamonCougar: I have never kissed anyone as passionately as I am kissing you now.  Full tongue kisses as we both sample my sweet cum!  After several minutes of this I arise and lift you to your feet, by your nipples and then we resume making out in a standing position.  "I own you now, Yumi!" 
"You are MY BITCH!" 

2:49 AM yumi_rough: After our kiss, I rise, being lifted by my poor nips, just like it befits a little looser like me... 'Yes... I am all yours...too...weak...

And when we left the ring, we went back to my place where made love all night long!