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Ashley Greene vs Teresa Palmer rematch

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Ashley Greene vs Teresa Palmer rematch
« on: April 04, 2021, 04:35:38 PM »

(took place in 2017)
Teresa Palmer was leaving a vegan cafe and looked at the SUV parked behind her.  She recognized it but couldn't place from where she than felt the need to look behind her and out came Ashley Greene from a coffee place.  It was Ashley's SUV, and she was truly shocked to see Teresa.  It was the first time since their epic fight.


"Hey yourself." Teresa said

The men in their lives took their drinks leaving the two standing there.  They hoped the bad blood between them was over, but it wasn’t, and they could see that once they came back.  Not a word was said, not a move was made.

They realized it was a matter of time before press would make it and the eyes told a story.  They knew it, they wanted it and they were going for it.

"My pool's empty" Ashley said

"Lead the way bitch." Teresa retorted

Teresa got to Ashley’s house and she had on her yoga pants along with a hoodie.  Ashley was down in the empty pool and again they called a witness each.  So, it was respective spouses and one witness. People had to know what happened this time. 

Ashley's jacket was on the surfboard so that was where Teresa put her hoodie on top of it.  She got down in the empty pool, Ashley had on yoga pants as well and a vintage old rock and roll t-shirt.

Ashley wanted to test range in this fight not get into an all-out brawl.  When she saw Teresa walk towards her, she couldn't remember her strategy just the humiliation of their last fight.  She walked up to Teresa who watched Ashley storm toward her she if she was fighting anyone else would have let it happen and used Tai Chi to counter this.  Ashley though was something else, she hated every centimeter of Ashley Greene.

Teresa walked to Ashley with the same determination and vitriol.  Next thing both knew they had left hand in the others hair and were hitting hard rights to the left cheek and Teresa ended it lifting her right leg up the outside of her thigh and knee getting Ashley in the stomach.

“Hate you.”

Teresa said while putting her right hand on Ashley’s throat hauling back with her left and pushed Ashley into the side of the pool.  Ashley turned her hips and Teresa swung past her and slammed into the pool wall.

“I hate you.”  Ashley hit two hard punches to the back of Teresa’s ribs.  She then got a handful of blonde hair and lifted Teresa’s head back, she wanted to look in Teresa’s eyes before smashing Teresa’s face into the pool.

Ashley turned Teresa around only to get hit with a right to the ribs.  Teresa then brought her right arm up and over Ashley’s arms knocking them away from her hair and she then hit her back elbow to the right side of Ashley’s face backing Ashley Greene up.

She went for a side kick to the chest, but Ashley moved outside and went to clothesline Teresa who ducked it.

It was some quick counters between the two and both bounced away from the other.  They knew the speed was the same and skill levels were the same.  Teresa won because she simply was that little bit better.  That little bit more creative and for a long time Ashley Greene had to go to bed at night knowing her best ever performance in a fight she was the loser.

“Know what I truly loved in our last fight… busting up your nose with my superior punches.”  Teresa said putting her fists up.

“blondie I had you bleeding more from my top of the food chain punches.”

They started to circle each other saying bring it, smash that face, you got nothing.  They were within range and Ashley hit the first jab.  Teresa backed up a step but before Ashley could say anything she stepped back in and went for her own jab but it was blocked and she purposefully telegraphed a right which Ashley sidestepped. 

Teresa was actually going for a left back spin kick and it got Ashley in the chest sending her back a few steps.

Ashley bit her lip and flashbacks to their first fight were taking over, but she had to push them back.

“You remember now don’t you.  I’m as good as you at this, as strong and tough but I have more overall talent at everything.”  Teresa needed this, she had that loss to Kaley that she didn’t mind because Kaley Cuoco was amazing and as great as she could be all her assets were dwarfed by Kaley.  She remembered watching Ashley and Lyndsy Fonseca go to war in a fight some said was better than hers and Ashley’s.  She never had the same kind of challenges and took Sarah Butler lightly… A woman barely known of, she wanted to fight Janet Montgomery and now wished she did because Sarah Butler was a beast in that fight.

Ashley hated this blonde bitch so much.  She also was scared of her; she knew she was afraid of losing to her.  She knew that the two are fully capable of putting levels of hurt on the other that very few would be able to take or deliver.  Their first fight is epic, this was something she hoped and prayed she’d end quicker and all these years after their first crazy fight and the humiliations she faced in losing… All she wanted was to fight her again, but she absolutely possibly could not lose.

“I remember everything we did and yeah you won but guess what.”  Ashley put her hands out and leaned forward and got drilled with a punch that put her down

“What bitch.”

Teresa picked Ashley up by the hair “Challenge me to hit you, I hit harder.”  Ashley pushed forward and was pushing Teresa back with all her strength, but Teresa widened her legs and stopped Ashley in her tracks then wrapped her arms around the waist of Ashley Greene and threw her away.

“I’m more flexible and have your skills but have a more diverse skill set.”

Ashley was twisting her hips and as she landed, she was on her hip then on her knee and then pouncing slamming her head into Teresa’s stomach.  Palmer bent over and Greene dropped down and hit a scorpion kick her heel getting Teresa in the top of the head.  Ashley was on her stomach and slid like a snake to Teresa’s side where she got up and grabbed Palmer by the yoga top and bottom and threw her face first into the wall.

Palmer was on the pool wall and felt Greene staring at her.  She tried to turn around, but Ashley had enjoyed the sight long enough and hit an elbow to Palmers back and slid it up to her neck pinning her.  “Bend out of this.”  Ashley said with malice as she hit three hard punches to the kidneys then let Teresa drop

“She’s fucking finished.”  She paints brushed Teresa’ head with her foot.

Ashley looked down at Teresa “but I’m not finished.”  She grabbed Teresa by the back of the hair and started throwing her head into the pool wall.  “You will not leave here until I say.”  She picked her up and ass to ass she whipped Teresa Palmer over her back slamming her tits into the pool floor.  Ashley Greene then stripped Teresa Palmer completely naked.

Ashley walked around Teresa “For so long I feared you, feared what I fucking did to you only to have you beat me… Look at you now this is the woman that beat me when the tougher Lyndsy Fonseca couldn’t.”  She kicked Teresa twice

“I had this built up in my head and you disappointed because you had your best fight best day when you beat me.”

Ashley sat on Teresa’s back, but it didn’t last long as Teresa pushed up and pulled out causing Ashley to fall face first.  Teresa got up in a catcher position and leaped forward bulldogging the rising Ashley Greene “I’m not done you dumb bitch.”

Teresa turned around and felt the cool air on her naked body then opened her eyes and looked down at Ashley Greene. “This feeling… You should not be missing out on how it feels” Teresa then stripped Ashley naked


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Re: Ashley Greene vs Teresa Palmer rematch
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2021, 04:36:47 PM »

After getting the bottoms and panties off Ashley was able to twist her body and hit a backhand to Teresa’s temple.  Ashley then dove for the back of Teresa head but Palmer went low and slid away.  Both naked women got up to their feet

There was a wry smile on Ashley’s face “Your body…used to be better.”

“I still have all you have.”

Teresa threw a jab then a straight both of which Ashley knocked away but couldn’t block the straight kick

Teresa followed that with getting her hands-on Ashley’s tits pushing her into the pool wall and giving the tits a twist to the inside then to the outside she let go let Ashley gasp.  The gasp gave her a target and Teresa kneed Ashley between the legs

Teresa waist locked Ashley and snatched Ashley up onto her shoulder “Do I feel weaker.”  Ashley immediately turned and was able to slide off then pushed Teresa face first into the pool wall

Ashley wrapped her hand in the hair and slammed Teresa’s face into the wall twice then went for a choke.  Soon as the forearm went to the throat Teresa got her knees on the wall and pushed back sending both down

Before Ashley could reset her choke, attempt Teresa flipped back so she was in a more north south position.  Quick scratch at Ashley’s face and Teresa then rotated to immediately get on top of Ashley which Ashley was prepared for her hands waiting for Teresa’s tits

Ashley closed her hands as hard as she could and noted Teresa tits were significantly firmer in the first fight but still very good, so it hurt when Ashley was able to nearly double them over.  It got a scream from Teresa which meant Ashley was able to turn her over.

Ashley let the tits go so she could go for the hair.  Ashley swung the head left ad right then hit it to the ground.  Teresa let her so she could separate Ashley’s legs with her own and hit a knee then claw at the sides of Ashley’s tits.   Ashley hit Teresa’s head one more time, so Teresa got her hands on the inside of Ashley’s ass cheeks and then clawed outward.

That got a eek out of Ashley and Teresa immediately rose a hip and was able to turn Ashley over.  Teresa grabbed Ashley by the forearms brought each arms up then brought her body slightly up and slapped her tits on Ashley’s then again “How’s that feel bitch?”

Three times Teresa did that before Ashley who was moaning was able to power her way out and reverse positions, so she was on top.  “You tell me.”  Ashley slapped her tits down and when she did, she didn’t immediately go for another she grinded her tits on Teresa.  “You will never humiliate me again… NEVER EVER”

Teresa got both her hands to Ashley’s mouth and put pressure on Ashley’s nose to get some room.  Next thing Ashley knew was Teresa’s leg was over her shoulder.  That damn flexibility that got her in the last fight was coming back in this fight to haunt her.  Ashley got nervous and knew an escape but couldn’t think of it so instead she twisted Teresa’s lips which hurt Teresa, but her reaction sent Ashley to her back.

Teresa wanted to use her legs and brought one up to her chest then down over Ashley head then behind Ashley’s head.  Ashley recognized this again as a form of how she was finished last time and before Teresa could bring her other leg up and squeeze Ashley unconscious Ashley spun onto her stomach and bit down on Teresa calf

That got a scream from Teresa and the respite Ashley needed to throw her own legs up and backroll into a seat on Teresa’s stomach but that was cooler sounding and thinking than practical as Teresa easily shoved Ashley away and they got up to their feet.  Ashley spit like it was a piece of the calf in her mouth.  Teresa knew the difference but took a quick look which was what Ashley wanted

Ashley hit a spinning back kick to Teresa’s stomach then waist locked Teresa “No…”  Ashley’s hands went to Teresa’s tits and squeezed.  She then went to throw Teresa by her tits, but Teresa grabbed Ashley’s thigh and bit on it after fighting her way back to her feet.

Teresa stood up and was at Ashley’s side and hitting short rights to Ashley’s face.  When Ashley went to block that the right hand of Teresa Palmer dropped downward and clawed across both of Ashley’s tits then she hit a knee to the back of Ashley leg putting her down to one knee and stood in front of Ashley

“You got all kinds of skills but I’m just more determined and lets face it intelligent.”

Teresa pistoned three punches to Ashley’s nose.  Holding Greenes head b the back of the hair so Ashley could look up at her.  “Everyone said I was done with this world…. EVERYONE and I knew I could do this to you when I wanted.”

Some heavy breaths as she looked down on Ashley Greene.  Ashleys upper lip was red from the blood and her eyes looked to be checked out.  Teresa hit three more punches to the nose “This… THIS WAS ALL YOU HAD LEFT YOU…”

Ashley got both hands-on Teresa lower stomach just below the belly button turned her fingers inward, so the claws went into the skin and bought her hands downward and that made Teresa gasp so loud she nearly vomited.  Hands between the legs Ashley hit a uppercut and that had Teresa fall down on Ashley.

“NEVER AGAIN”  Ashley shouted and stood up her muscles straining because she had lifted Teresa up on her shoulders.  This was fast paced and brutal on both and this show of strength by Ashley Greene was exceptional.  Then it went above exceptional as Ashley lifted Teresa over her head and pressed her one more time before letting Teresa drop behind

Ashley stumbled forward after that then after getting her balance she turned quickly.  Fear that Teresa was already up and read to get her.  Teresa was just starting to get up “You had enough?”

Teresa was up “You wish.”

They circled and Teresa went for Ashley’s hair but Ashley caught her by the wrists “You tired.”  Ashley switched positions let go and hit a side kick to the stomach which pushed Teresa back.  They circled again.  Teresa went for Ashley’s hair again but this time it was a fake so she could hit a push kick to Ashley’s stomach

“Just smarter.”

Ashley lifted her leg for a push kick which Teresa stopped her pursuit of Ashley.  “Yeah you are more accomplished and shit but after you hit your peak in this world defeating me how many fights did you win… who was that nobody that beat you..”  Ashley hit two leg kicks after that

Teresa nodded “Yeah Ashley I lost a few fights but I never turned into a bully like you.  Panabaker I mean really.”  Teresa hit two jabs then a inside leg kick

“She started the …” Ashley went in and they traded hard rights then tied up and exchanged knees to the ribs.  Then Teresa hit a knee between Ashleys legs that dropped her to a knee.  Ashley felt an adrenaline of fear and came back up with her own knee between Teresas legs.  Ashley fell back to her knee after that and Teresa was on both knees

“Fight.  Danielle started it.”

Ashley went for Teresas hair with one hand and the other was hauled back to hit some punches.  Teresa could tell by the tone of what Ashley said that she got under her skin again.  Now to counter.  Teresa was beaten up by Ashley but Ashley being on one knee gave her an opening to the pussy

Uppercut first  That froze Ashley Greene then Teresa locked in a pussy claw and that made Ashley scream.  Standing up Teresa brought Ashley up to her feet then let the pussy claw go an sunk her teeth into Ashleys left tit.  She let go after getting the primal scream and hit a left and right hook

Teresa grabbed Ashley by the hair and ran across the pool with her and five feet away Ashley moved her hips and dropped down sending Teresa into the pool wall.  Ashley Greene took a deep breathe then exploded up as Teresa was falling back slamming her into the wall again.

“I don’t know if this hurts as bad as a bite but…”


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Re: Ashley Greene vs Teresa Palmer rematch
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2021, 04:37:39 PM »

Ashley pressed Teresa into the pool as hard as she could then dragged her leftwards almost ten feet.  The pressure primarily on Teresas tits which got a scream from the blonde “Do you.”  Ashley dragged her to the right and only got six feet before Teresa got a foot to the wall and pushed away

Ashley moved her feet feeling Teresa getting ready to push her off so when Teresa did do the push Ashley was able to use Teresa own momentum and move to the side which made it seem like she spiked Teresa down on her back.  Ashley just used her experience something right now she had more of than Teresa Palmer

“You get it yet.”  Ashley stomped on Teresas stomach “Huh do you.”  Ashley sat on Teresas stomach “I never stopped bitch… I fought a tougher fight than you and have you heard of Lyndsy Fonseca since I beat her up.”  Ashley was hitting rights and lefts

Teresa was beginning to cover up, so Ashley switched and started attacking the tits.  When Teresa guarded their Ashley hit a slap and a punch then a slap then went to slap Teresa with her tits or some reason and that was when Teresa was able to push Ashley’s hips downward and escape out

They were both getting up, but Teresa was in the advantageous position an hit a knee to Ashleys stomach then another.  Then five quick short upper cuts to the face before getting Behind Ashley and scratching her back.  That got Ashley to arch her back and then Teresa locked in a full nelson.

“Its over Ashley.  I beat you further into obscurity you overrated.”  Ashley tried powering her arms down to break the hold.  Only to get rag dolled by Teresa “Over Bitch… Its over the one thing you had left in this life and.”

Ashley screamed and planted her feet and pushed back.  Teresa was shocked she had lost her power base and if they had been closer would have had her back slammed into the pool.  Instead, Teresa recovered enough to shift her hips use Ashley’s momentum to swing her at the pool wall.  Ashley felt the shift and when she was going face first into the wall she got her foot there and bounced off it and hit a unexpecting Teresa Palmer with a punch

That put Teresa down on her chest.  Ashley could see the sweaty blonde hair and slicked her own hair back thinking about how she had to dye her hair after losing the last fight.  They never had that wager this time but the blonde bitch had to pay and the knockout wasn’t enough.  “I’m not through with you yet!”

Ashley went to get atop Teresa whose body quickly moved away and her legs hit the back of Ashleys putting her down.  Ashley hit the ground first then started to try and roll away but Teresa was on her back and it was becoming a chess match as Ashley rolled and spun to get on her back and Teresa matched it and tried for an even more advantageous position.

They ended up legs entangled seating on their ass and grabbed at tits giving them a twist.  After thirty seconds both dropped hands and went for a head but that dazed both and made them fall to their back.  They sat back up and were exchanging punches when Teresa was getting the worst of it and tried to tie Ashley up.  Ashley pushed her away and stood up

“Come on you want to exchange lets exchange.”

Teresa was up she was breathing heavier than Ashley.   “I needed this fight to remind me…”

“Shut up”  Ashley hit a jab stepped in for a cross and connected.  Teresa got a hand on the tit when her hands were going up

That gave Ashley a freeze and Teresa threw a shoulder punch that connected. 

They were both bleeding and Teresa seemed to breath a little heavier.  Punches and kicks began.  Two hit one miss ended in a counter and these two were showing skill but Ashley began to pull away hitting more punches before Teresa could block.  Hitting new kinds including back elbow upper cuts.

Teresa knew she was losing the exchange.  Ashley kicked heavier than her and her punches were better.  She tied Ashley up and they exchanged knees between the legs

They pushed away hit punches.  Ashley hit two to Teresa’s one.  Ashley and Teresa beat the hell out of each for the second time and Teresa threw a haymaker to counter being hit more than what Ashley got hit.  Ashley saw it coming and after getting the better of Teresa she lifted the blonde up for a body slam but was struggling she was so tired.  So, beaten up and Teresa was fighting her off

Teresa reached and grabbed the ladder to climb out of the pool.  She held on for dear life her body was to beaten to take a body slam and was in shock that Ashley would try it at this point in the fight.  No way she had the strength and as she pulled Greene let go and fell face first into the ladder

Teresa climbed a couple rungs and looked down.  Ashley was on all fours and now was a great chance to finish the fight as she jumped off the ladder with the intent to slam down on Ashley’s neck putting her to the ground.

Greene wasn’t out though and moved just in time so Teresa crashed on her knees.  Ashley eyes went wide she had a chance and got behind Teresa grabbed her arms and before Teresa could offer a defence Ashleys foot was on the back of Teresa’s head.  She pulled Teresas arms back then let go straightening her leg causing Teresas face to go into the rung of the ladder

Ashley Greene stood over Teresa Palmer as she slid down.  She was about to do more when Teresa’s husband covered her up.  The humiliation of her first loss now gone she had avenged it but not the humiliation as there was nothing she could do as she watched that man carry Teresa away.

“If she wants a round three… If she thinks we need a rubber match it wont last long.”

Ashley didn’t need to collapse in her husbands arms but when he asked was it as bad as last time.

“No… She wasn’t the same.  It was tough but not as tough now I need a bath.”

The pain in her body would probably take days to subside but Ashley Greene didn’t care.  Three fights cemented who she is.  The victory over Nina Dobrev, the big war with Lyndsy Fonseca and now that win.  No one had her combination of beauty, strength, skill and viciousness.  After she beat Fonseca that bitch stopped getting jobs.  She might never get work again because of her first loss to Teresa but beating that bitch now made it so much sweeter

“Hey hun…We just got something that says you have 48 hours to apologize for beating Danielle Panabaker or else.”

“Caity isn’’t going to fight me that skill gap is to large she doesn’t partake and I highly doubt anyone else has the ability to do anything especially after what I just did.  Reply and tell them no I wont be doing that.  Danielle started the fight.”

On the other end of that email was Laura Vandervoort who read that and just nodded and then said “OK then.”

Teresa Palmer got all discarded clothing and looked up “I’m not done.”

(Upcoming:  Renee O’Connor vs Victoria Pratt the final fight; British Fighting Pit (four fights) Kelly Monaco vs Sara Underwood)


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Re: Ashley Greene vs Teresa Palmer rematch
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2021, 04:42:37 PM »