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Brandi starts her fighting career...

  • 2 Replies

Offline Ishmael Green

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Brandi starts her fighting career...
« on: July 24, 2022, 04:30:42 AM »
AUTHOR'S NOTE:  This is one possible pathway of a new sort of "Choose Your Own Adventure" series I am working on.  On my Patron's blg, I am building a new alternate reality version of my Green Tower City storyline, but in this universe the fightrs are WAY more violent and ALWAYS to the death. You play the part of the lone male resident of Green Tower City who the women fight over as a trophy[  You are currently married to Brandi but that can change very quickly and throughout the stories you can choose to root for one girl or the other (or remain quiet and watch) Over time I will add additional opponents and possible pathways for you to follow.  Though this blog is for Patrons, I will also be using much of the artwork on my regular blog, which of course I always offer to anyone who is interested, for free./i]

You are in trouble.  Your wife Brandi has been spoiling for a good bedroom death match, and you were supposed to find an opponent for her.  You've been to dozens of violent fights today but each time the winner was too worn out to be much of a match for your wife, and if she isn't satisfied, you might not get laid tonight! 

Now it is almost midnight and you are at The Poison Lair.  There is one more death match scheduled for the  night, so hopefully the winner of it will be in good enough condition for another fight.

The final fight of the night here should be a decent brawl.  Mikki, age 19 has 22 kills and her opponent, Raija, age 18, has 16.  Only one of them will walk away from this bout alive.

After basking in the adoration of the bloodthirsty spectators for a few minutes, Raija calmly pulls Mikki's panties off and stuffs them into her trophy bag.  She now has 17 pairs of panties inside the cloth bag she carries with her to the matches. Mikki's socks and panty bag will be auctioned off to the highest bidder tomorrow morning, and by that time her corpse will have already been consumed by the muto dogs who only come out in the wee hours of the morning to clean  up all the remnants of the previous day's fights.

The victorious blonde brawler sees you at ringside and sidles up to you, pressing her sweaty lithe body against you  You kiss her and the  crowd goes wild. 

"Your place, right?"  Raija purrs and takes you hand, leading you out of the arena while the crowd chants her name.


 Raija did take a few hits in her fight against Mikki, so she stops at a Self Med Booth for a quick healing.  She looks good as new when she steps out and you lead her towards you and Brandi's house near the edge of town.  By this time it has been established that Raija knows exactly what you are up to and is looking forward to putting an end to your wife and claiming you as her own.

You lead her into your small house and the two of you go straight to the bedroom.  Raija drops her trophy bag to the ground next to your bed and it makes a slight thud from the weight of her kill trophies.  She pushes you down onto the mattress and climbs on top of you, kissing you passionately.  She grinds her crotch against your hardened member and you massage her butt, feeling along the waistband of her light blue fighting panties.  You start to slip them off but she pushes your hands away.

"Not till after the fight, big boy.  I wanna fight HORNY."

She drops back down onto you and kisses your neck.  You are almost ready to splurge into your pants when she finally slumps back to the end of the bed.

"Damn is that skank whore wife of yours ever gonna show up?  I wanna FIGHT!"

In Green Tower City, when two women fight over a man, whether it be in private or in public, it is ALWAYS to the death.  Strictly speaking, protocol dictates that the man should watch the fight quietly and show no favoritism until the fight has concluded. 

That being said, there is nobody here to enforce that protocol, so....





 You scoot up to the edge of the bed but keep your mouth shut.  "May the better woman win" you think to yourself.  After all, Brandi wanted this, didn't she?

The two young women begin to circle.  Your heart is pounding.  The tension in the room is almost palpable.  One of these two sexy ladies is about to die fighting for you.


Offline rogueneitor

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Re: Brandi starts her fighting career...
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2022, 12:30:54 PM »
Maybe you must reduce your pics for publish them here to the 40%...


Offline Ishmael Green

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Re: Brandi starts her fighting career...
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2022, 01:25:55 PM »
Maybe you must reduce your pics for publish them here to the 40%...

I know but then I would have to make separate copies of each panel just to post here.  You can always just check the images out on the blog.  There you can scroll through the posts, or click on the first image and then just watch them like a slideshow by clicking through them.  This link takes you right to the post I took these from:  (It's my free blog)