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Lily vs Siew: OnlyFights Ep.3

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Offline Siew Savage

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Lily vs Siew: OnlyFights Ep.3
« on: May 05, 2021, 12:24:07 PM »
From the moment of meeting Lily, I knew I wanted to get my hands on. She is smart, fun, intelligent, and has been a total pleasure to interact with... After facing her in the ring, I'm left feeling excited and eager to face her again.

Below Is the third entry of mine doing OnlyFights. Lily was an incredibly tough fighter making her debut in erotic pro wrestling from the Indy wrestling scene.

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« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 01:02:33 PM by Siew Savage »


Offline Siew Savage

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Re: Lily vs Siew: OnlyFights Ep.3
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2021, 12:52:48 PM »
Lily vs Siew
OnlyFights: Erotic Pro Wrestling

Siew: I stand in my changing room walking about naked as I finish my makeup looking through my bag to decide which bikini I'll be wearing. After trying on several I decide on a yellow thong bikini, excited to have been chosen for another girl’s debut here at Onlyfights. As the time gets near there is a knock at my door to let me know it's about time to get started. I walk out to the curtain as I wait for my cue.

Some generic K-pop song starts to play and I step out of the back and I'm met face to face with one of the camera drones flying ahead of me as I strut to the ring. I climb up on the apron of the ring stepping over the middle ropes and pausing for a moment as I straddle the ropes letting the cameras get all the good close-ups. then step in and head to my corner, stretching for a few moments before leaning back into the corner to introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Siew Savage, I'm 5'8 and 132lbs," I say with a smile, my hands cupping my breast to shake at the camera. "I’m a 36DD and I am 22 years old" I blow a kiss to the camera before it flies off to the curtain for my opponent...

Lily Hammer: Readying myself in my changing room, my two-tone green bikini clings to my body...I adjust it for maximum impact with my fingerless-gloved hands, my makeup already perfectly applied by my...assistant. And yeah, there's an assistant...because I'm a champ in a regular league...just trying out this sexy one for some extra spending money...and a chance to get my hands on another lush rassler.

The Interrupter's "Title Holder" starts to blare, and I exit my dressing room, strutting down to the ring, biting my bottom lip until I get to the ring, then licking my lips as I catch your eye. I climb up the ring steps, and cup my kitten, stroking it slightly through the bottoms, then leaning over and slowly entering the ring, my pale body almost white in the lights except for the ink. A drone flies in front of me, and I announce..."I'm Lilly...I'm 23years old...34B and 120lbs..." I blow the camera a kiss, then watch as it flies up...I look over at you from across the ring...looking at all the lovely parts I can target, waiting for the signal to start...

Siew: I smirk as the petite redhead climbs into the ring across from me. I'm already excited as this tattoo-covered beauty stands in stark contrast to the other girls I've faced so far here. My hips and thighs twist and writhe as I daydream for a moment of all the things I want to do to you. My mind wanders for a moment until the sound of the bell over the speakers snaps me back to the real world.

I step out of the corner, my bare feet padding lightly across the canvas, my hands raising up to my shoulder height as I crouch slightly into a wrestling stance. My eyes locked on yours with all but cold intent if it weren't for the almost cruel smirk on my face. I start moving closer and closer as I circle you as I look to lock up with this short little beauty...

Lily Hammer: I step out, a smirk on my face...thinking how easy it's going to be to take apart the erotic rassler...surely she can't deal with my straight pro moves. My arms raise as well, fingers wiggling. Forcing myself to keep from glancing down at your feet, or belly...or that lovely covered kitten.

I inch forwards, focusing on your eyes, but glancing at your torso to try and predict any movement. I suddenly dart forward, looking like I'm going for a lockup, then dance back, smirking..."didn't like the angle"...I offer. I settle back in and circle once again, before leaning back to almost cock my body, then dive in for you, trying to lock up with a collar and elbow, eager to start rasslin' my larger opponent...

Siew: You flinch for the tie-up and I step in trying to meet you but you dance back away... I suck my teeth audibly as you seem to try and taunt me with your pure Pro background. "ok ok" I say as my face becomes more determined.. circling again with you checking your feet until I see you preparing to lunge this time...

My hands meet your collar and elbow as you suddenly dive at me, but I squat a little lower as we meet then stand up and shove you hard trying to use my leverage to shove you back. Wanting to show I’m no slouch in the pro sense either..

Lily Hammer: I fight back, pushing into you, but not as..hard as I normally would. I know this is for a particular audience, and they won't be watching for hardcore painful moves...and, I pay for not pushing back all that hard, as you send me stumbling back to the ropes...I put on a show, falling into them, arms over the top ropes, hair hanging over the left side of my face, ass on the middle rope, glaring at you...I linger for just a moment, then slowly push up and refocus..." lucky bitch..." I start to circle you again...inching towards you..

Siew: I smirk and blow you a kiss in response as you start to circle again.. my hands sweeping my hair back over my shoulder as crouch low again and move in closer to you... "you’re going to be mine tonight sweetie" I coo to you before I lunge in at you. reaching for you and this time trying to bully you right back to the ropes..

Lily Hammer: This time I'm ready, and as you charge into me, starting to lock up and force me back...I go with it...back-peddling on purpose as we clutch one another...but, as soon as my back hits the ropes, I use that momentum, coupled with my backpedaling to bounce back, raising my left knee, aiming it at your belly as move my arms, hoping your own pushing momentum will plant that lush belly on my knee. Wanting to feel it go DEEP if I'm able to land it...

Siew: I smile as I feel you starting to back peddle and I start pushing faster. In my zeal though we slam into the ropes and your knee raises up.. my momentum continues forward and my belly slams into your thrusting knee. my body lurches forward as I cough over your shoulder. Doubling over I start to back up my hands trying to pull back to hold my belly...

Lily Hammer: I sneer and step off the ropes, watching as you lean over, your lovely chest looking like..such a ripe target with those swinging tits, your top making them look perfect. I quickly decide to go dirty and swing a kick up, my creamy right foot aimed at your chest as you backpedal, hoping to knock those tits hard enough to make your whole body wobble...

Siew: my arms around my belly as your foot snaps up into my right breast popping me upright... I step back holding my breast massaging it in pain, looking at you growling before lunging at you, my right arm raised up as I aim to try and slam my forearm across both of your smaller breasts, in retaliation...

Lily Hammer: "Unnngh!!!!" You come back hard and fast, and that's deadly from your height. I crumple to my knees (playing it up a tad for the drones), and clutch at my chest, looking down to discover the blow has pulled my top down nipples now exposed over the cups of the vinyl...hissing in pain...

Siew: A smug look across my face as you drop to your knees... not wanting to let up on you though I reach down to grab you by your lush red locks and try to yank you back to your feet... trying to turn my back you and drop to my knee attempting to perform a hair mare on you..

Lily Hammer: My eyes wide as you pull me up, trying to beg off for a moment.."S...Siew...wait....wait a secoooooonnnnnnnd!" My sentence punctuated as you lift me up easily and flip me over, landing hard, but on my ass, not my back...bouncing for a second before coming to rest, mouth wide, pain pale legs wide on the canvas, my cameltoe pressed up against my bottoms tightly...the landing repercussions making my top drop even lower, almost a bustier to my bare Bs...

Siew: My hands rip back on your hair to force you to lay down as I kneel above your head... I bite my lip seeing your nipples hanging out... I lean down and press my tits down onto your face. My breasts are engulfing your face. my hands reaching forward, my fingers brushing over your nipples trying to tease them up erect..

Lily Hammer: Moaning....unable to stop myself as we settle into the nipples pulse, the gland aching, my pink jewels growing so hard between the air hitting them and your sneaky teasing. My head turns to the side, moaning into your left tit as I lick slightly at the side of bad trouble quickly...not used to this sort of "attention" so early in a match...the erotic setup clearing favoring you...

Siew: I love seeing your nipples perk and stiffen up, your tongue licking at the side of my left breast, your moans singing out like music to my ears. I decide I should also show you the other side of OnlyFights, my hands still on your nipples. my fingers lock your nipples between my thumb and forefinger, pinching hard and pulling up and towards me..

Lily Hammer: "AIIGH GAWD YOU BITCH!!!" My eyes suddenly going wide as you pinch hard, the sensations painful and electric...though...pleasing as well. Groaning as you pull my Lil titties upward (anything below a C cup is officially a "tittie"), and I raise my face back from your breasts as much as I can, my right hand snaking up upward, between I try to send a thumb spike punch to your left undertit....

Siew: "YOU cxnt" I scream as your thumb jabs into the soft underside of my left breast. my hands let go of your nipples as I rock back sitting onto my heels, my hands clutching my left breast in pain for a moment... I sneer as I stand up and try to grab your hair with one to pull you up off the ground the other still rubbing my sore breast..

Lily Hammer: I go...cheeky...aggro as you latch onto my red mane with your hand and start to tug me up. I hiss but use the movement, and as you raise me up, my right hand latches onto your thong, and I jerk it up hard, trying to floss that plump peach between your legs and get back into this match..

Siew: My eyes go wide as my little yellow thong rips up between my lips, cutting into my womanhood, painfully. My smooth shaved lips Exposed as the material parts my Labia... I go up on my toes my hands letting go of your hair, and drop down to your wrist of your hands pulling on my thong.. trying to push your hand down..

Lily Hammer: My hands drop away as you push, I don't fight it...I've done my damage...for now. As you reach down for my wrists, you grasp the left one, the right pulling free and raising up, giving you a taste of your own medicine as I try to hammer the top of your tits with a nasty forearm…

Siew: Your hand drops away from my thong and my hands both reach to pick my thong out of my crotch... My arms press my tits together at just the right moment as your forearm blasts into my breasts smashing them into my ribs. My moan of pain echoes through the small arena, I stumble back into the ropes both hands clutching a breast massaging as I slump back..

Lily Hammer: I lick my lips as I finally have you off of me...and looking so deliciously tit-hurt on the ropes. I take a step toward you, and almost straddle you as my bare left foot goes to the bottom rope, the right on the canvas. I slap my right hand to your belly and squeeze as my fingers push in, working a standing belly claw, hopefully, my index finger pushing into your button. My left arm slides up, forearm on your neck, pushing forward, trying to choke you with it..."mmmm now that's a belly made for...punishing..."

Siew: My tits throbbing as you step up to me, arching me back as your forearm presses into my throat, and your hand digging at my belly... I groan my squirming on the ropes until the pain in my belly and the choking overcome the pain in my breasts... you thrust and bounce me on the ropes... I'm desperate you get off the ropes to catch my breath, my heft hand reaches over and I try to rake my nails down your face...

Lily Hammer: "Aiigih!!! Fuck!!!" Starting to learn this isn't a poofy-sex would make me smile that I could cut loose, but I'm too busy clutching at my face, stumbling backward from you, rubbing my eyes desperately...stopping near a corner, both feet on the canvas...hoping if you attack I'll feel the ring moving under my arches and maybe I'll have my eyes cleared...right hand on my eyes, the left reaching out blindly...

  Siew: Folding forward coughing as you stumble off blinded by my cheap trick... I push myself off the ropes stalking as you stagger around the ring holding your eyes in pain... Following you towards the corner as your hand waves out trying to feel for me... my face twisting with contempt as I stand a few feet in front of you... I launch myself forward at you my right foot swinging up hard as I go for a field goal between your thighs...

Lily Hammer: Just as my eyes begin to clear...your bare foot crashes between my legs, lifting me to my toes as it crushes my already-swollen, excited pedals. I feel them splay as my clit vibrates to hardness in my vinyl bottoms. The pain really sets in after though, as I collapse to my knees, clutching my poor pussy, eyes wide, drooling slightly, shaking my head in disbelief and agony...

Siew: I shiver in excitement as your scream fills the air sending shivers of pleasure down my body as I’m sure my foot sent shivers of pain up yours... I lean down as you moan in pain, my hands grabbing your hair to pull your head up to look at me and shove my tongue into your mouth kissing you for a few seconds... Pulling away from your face to try and drag you to the middle of the ring by the hair...

Lily Hammer: Moaning into the kiss, eyes almost fluttering...half in shock at the kiss, half in pleasure...even as it overrides the agony between my legs...whimpering after you break the kiss and lead me like a bitch to the center of the ring, my ass in the air, a Lil red fuzz from my kitten showing out the side of my bottoms as I crawl, my ass swallowing the vinyl...

Siew: Pulling you to the middle of the ring by your hair, as I get you there let you go and straddle your back facing towards your ass as I drop down to try and flatten your belly down onto the canvas. Planning to hook my fingers into the hips of your bottoms and try to work them down your hips...

Lily Hammer: Led like a total slut to the center, panting on my hands and knees, then gasping and grunting as you crush me straight to the Lil bare tits squashed into the worn canvas as my feet drum the canvas in pain...getting worked hard, my pride...taking a beating as well. I feel you start to pull my bottoms down, and slap at the canvas..." fuck...fuck you bitch...stop it!!!" almost a brat at this point as I kick and squirm under you...

Siew: Your bottoms slip down as I push them off your feet... Sitting up on your lower back, giving your ass a few playful smacks... Grabbing your cheeks and spreading your ass for a moment so the cameras can get a good view for a moment before I get back to "work" on you... reaching for your left leg trying to pull it back so I can get to your ankles as I sit on you...

Lily Hammer: Starting to moan again when you spread my tight, sweaty pucker exposed to the right cheek lays on the canvas as I press my ass towards your body's ring-lust overtaking me for make it so so so worse when you latch onto my leg and take my ankle...the leg work...especially effective with toes pointed as I slap at the canvas...finally, I desperately reach back and latch onto your hair, pulling back as hard as I can, trying to do anything to stop the onslaught of the fight -n- fuck...

Siew: I lock your one leg under my arm and spread your legs wide in a single leg Boston crab... Leaning back you show your body off and work the pain but still sitting on your lower back... My free hand reaching down and spreading your petals momentarily before is start teasing and massaging your clit... Confident I've got your number at this point, I'm shocked as your hand manages to get my hair and yank. My head ripping back and the surprise causing me to let go of your foot and topple backward...

Lily Hammer: My pussy....leaks...onto the canvas as you work the crab and tease my pussy, my swollen, pink pedals pushed to the side as you start to work my hips humping down wantonly even as I pull you off me. I scamper up to my knees, rubbing my pussy with my palm to try and calm it...then leap forward onto you as you lay on your back, one hand going to your hair, twisting it, jerking it hard to the side as I swing my right knee towards your kitten, hoping for some payback...

Siew: Moaning while my hands rub my scalp as I start to sit up only for a feral cat to pounce on my tackling me to my back again.. your hands in my hair thrashing me about is disorienting, as your knee suddenly spikes down onto my pussy and I howl in pain... my right hand trying to shove you off of me as my left reaches to clutch my pussy while I gasp like a land-bound fish on the canvas...

Lily Hammer: You push me off relatively easily...I'm sure the pain is helpful to fire you sure fired me up, feeling your cunny squash under my knee. As I roll to my knees beside you, I reach down and yank you to your ass by your hair, quickly scooting behind you as I yank at your top, trying to rip it off and use it to choke you with as I kneel behind...

Siew: I groan, forced to sit up and my breasts bounce as they fall free of my top, the top that wraps around my throat like a garrote. My hands reach up to dig at the material as my mouth gasps for breath, my feet kicking wildly on the canvas. in the corner of my eyes I can see the drones moving in for shots as my tits jiggle from my flailing...

Lily Hammer: "Mmmmmmm...your suffering, Siew? It's porn..." I giggle as I use the top to pull your head back, then quickly drop it and lace my left arm around the front of your neck, pushing down, forcing your face into my armpit as I try to work you into a Dragon Sleeper...all the while I move my legs until we're both on our legs wrap around your body, my pussy presses to your covered bare feet hook into your legs and try to spread you as wide as I can...hoping to give the cams a good shot of your pussy...

Siew: I gasp... Deeply, my bikini top falling away. Pulling my head back as you trap me into a dragon sleeper, my back arching over your knees, thrusting my perky tits into the air... My Freehand waving around wildly as your heels hook into my thighs and suddenly pull my legs open wide, straining them open... My thong, soaked with sweat and my excitement, clinging tightly to my cleft and displaying my camel toe for the cameras to view easily...

Lily Hammer: My right hand moving to your right tit, latching the ends of my fingers daintily on your nipple, then twisting it hard and tugging upward, at the same time my right heel slides up your inner thigh and begins rubbing at your damp kitten..."Awww I hope this doesn't 'hurt' too bad...." my heel moving off as I arch my foot, my toes gripping at your thong and pulling downward...

Siew: My moans of pain slip into being some moans of pleasure as you tease my nipple, and your foot massaging against my mound... Your foot stopping only to push my thong down my legs exposing my pussy for the cameras, nectar visibly dripping from my pussy... I gasp and writhe, but my free hand tries to reach up for your auburn locks; trying to rip your head to the side trying to get you to let me go...

Lily Hammer: Hissing as you latch on and pull...but I simply press harder against your throat with my forearm to try and still your right foot moving back to your exposed pussy, my toes gripping, teasing your lips before I point the big toe and move the leg up I can start rubbing the pad of my big toe on your swollen pearl of a clit..."'re soaking wet..."

Savag Siew: My grip on your hair remains but the pulling stops as your toe starts wrestling around with my clit. My hips starting to gyrate as my overstimulated pussy craves to explode... It's a desire that isn't far off as I start twitching and jerking. my hands both grabbing your shoulders and my nails digging in as my legs push onto the ring as I let out a long howl... My pussy erupts and sprays my honey onto the ring soaking the canvas below me...

Lily Hammer: Smiling wickedly as you squirt out onto the canvas, leaving a massive darkening stain..."Oh, you really needed that, huh?" Giggling as I slowly release the hold and push you to a sitting position as I get to my feet behind you, and straddle the back of your neck...going high-risk, but unable to stop myself, I lean forward, both hands slapping downward over and over towards your bare tits...trying to humiliate you as much as possible before I set up a pin...

Siew: I sit up my body still twitching from the orgasm as you step over my shoulders.. your hands start to slap at my breasts drumming on my big breasts, both turning shades of bright red... I moan as your tit drumming sucks me out of my sex fog my hands reach for your ankles.. trying to shove out away from me... trying to make you fall back off my shoulders and flopping back to the back of my head can pound your cxnt as we fall...

Lily Hammer: "Fuuuckkkk!" caught off-guard, thinking I had you beaten...that was a massive orgasm...but my bullying of your big tits was a massive mistake. My feet are JERKED out from under me, dumping me to my sweaty, bare ass...only the top under my lil tits still on. But sadly, not only do you pull my feet out from under me...but you fall back, your noggin crushing into my spread sex, flattening my pedals again, and forcing a long, drooling drip of nectar to erupt into the back of your hair...clutching at my hair, pulling so much pain, I don't know what else to do!

Siew: I groan but rollover... your legs over my shoulders, I dive my tongue into your pussy and start licking and sucking at your pussy.. crawling forward trying to roll you up onto your shoulders... my tongue lashing at your clit as i try to push you into a matchbook pin to try and start the long count...

Lily Hammer: "Oh...oh fuck...nonono Siew...pleaassseeeee..." The pleasure, so quickly piggybacked on pain, is overwhelming. I'm folded so tightly my pussy drips from above onto my belly, sliding between my Lil tits. My swollen peach is ripe for your tongue and despite myself...I humpback at your mouth as much as I'm able...pulling my hair again, but moaning as I do...on a hair-trigger within moments...part of me...relaxing...not fighting...wanting more. And surely I can kick out before the pin ends.........right? In a

Siew: the count echos out over the speakers... Pushing your hips back until you're folded in half... my arms wrapping around your waist hugging myself to your bare ass... I moan and mewl into your sex as I suckle at your dripping nectar....2.... my right hand slipping up to your pussy as I lick my fingers finding your clit as start massaging little circles around your love nub...

Lily Hammer: My arms fall to the sides...spread out. My hips pumping, breath catching in my pearl so painfully swollen each lick and finger-teasing threatens to send me over. My eyes roll, then I look back up at you, my bottom lip vulnerability on full display...tears starting to form when the eyes shut tightly, and I can no longer hold back, my pussy erupting upwards like a fountain as I cummmmmmmmmmmm...

Siew: I work your pussy, the count hitting 7 as you explode like a fountain... I try to dive my mouth into the geyser to get as much as I can... I press up and start to slip two of my fingers into your pussy working them slowly as my face lowers back down. my tongue tracing around your tight pucker.....8...... I work trying to keep you as weak as possible waiting for the moment...9... My tongue burying into your pucker...

Lily Hammer: I...squirt you work my asshole...erupting downward onto myself. Without your face in front of me, nothing stops my honey from covering my tits and face. My ass bounces on your tongue, my toes curled as I try to kick up with everything I have and break the pin just in pride refusing to give...but we'll see how strong your hold is...

Siew: You start to buck hard but I push up on my toes putting on my weight into you rolling so all of our weight presses down on your shoulder as you squirt onto your face.... the speaker counts 10 and the bell rings... I stand up letting your flop to your back... I place my foot onto your breasts and raise my hands victoriously over you as.. looking down at your smiling big... "Nice job honey, but are you ready to pay the price for losing here?" I ask you...

Lily Hammer: My only answer...doesn't come from my sweaty, cum-covered's from my I spread them wide, and look up at your with half-closed lids...eyes...drifting quickly towards sub-space...

Siew: "good girl" I coo.. stepping over your head facing your feet as I squat down onto your face.. nestling my pussy down over your mouth and settling my start against your nose as I start to grind my hips on your face.. my hands grabbing your nipples and tweaking and teasing them...

Lily Hammer: I sniff deeply, wanting to inhale your victorious pussy...the humiliation of losing to a non-strict pro wrestler is aphrodisiac. I start to moan, but it's cut off as you start to grind down...pushing forward as much as I can to...push into...your pucker with my nose as my tongue slides into your slit. My legs squirming as you start working my small, sensitive nipples...the glands aching, and I pray you let go before...something happens...

Siew: MMMMMMMmmmmm..... I moan as you start working back against my pussy. "Oh fuck, yes lick it good loser," I say as my chest starts heaving as my hips roll and buck against your face.. my right hand sliding down to your cum soaked pussy and slipping into you again making me lean forward some to really push my clit to the front of your focus... my breathing gets heavier and heavier before I throw my head back I pleasure as I know I’m close...

Lily Hammer: Ugh she's...breaking me...and finally..finally...she moves enough for me to flick the tip of my tongue wantonly over her swollen clitty. Blasting at your pearl as my hips start to pump as you finger-fuck my drooling, beaten, bruised pussy. Toes clenching against the canvas, I can tell you're about to milk a third quick orgasm from me...the scent of your ass deep in my nose...fuck...fuck..fuck...edging so badly...

Siew: I raise a bit higher over your face.. my hips flicking forward as my body trembles hard... Letting out a long loud moan as every muscle in my body flexes at the same time.. my hair flicking as I throw my head back, as my pussy releases... I squirt like my pussy is going to put me into orbit soaking your face my fingers working your pussy all through my powerful orgasm, soaking you...

Lily Hammer: And all my own pussy can handle...and it erupts all over your hand, squirting out the sides as I moan into your pussy as you defeat me completely... milking three hard orgasms from me...all squirting...whimpering under you as the camera catches every second....

Siew: I lean forward on my hands and knees panting over you my pussy dripping on your face as my body still shivers... After a moment I stand up, moving to your feet and spreading your legs apart wide. Leaving you laying spread eagle on the ring... I turn and head to the ropes climbing out and blowing a kiss to one drone, while other drones get close-ups off your entire naked prone body...



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Re: Lily vs Siew: OnlyFights Ep.3
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2021, 11:56:16 PM »
Awesome ????