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Hot Mom fights for son...Part 4

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Offline Mr. Cavalier

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Hot Mom fights for son...Part 4
« on: September 25, 2010, 07:06:33 PM »

There stood Rosa in a little silk flowered robe and her furry little heels. Mom just about knocked her down has she pushed her way through the door and into Dad’s living room.  Rosa didn’t say anything, it was pretty early and she obviously was still getting ready, but she looked really hot although a little puzzled.  Mom put her hands on her hips and glared at Rosa. “Is this how you walk around in front of my Son, you little slut?”  I think Mom had been thinking about how she was going to start the fight all morning. Rosa hadn’t had her morning coffee and I’m sure this was not how she expected to start her day, but finally she asked “just who the fuck are you?” “I’m his Mother and that’s my husband you’re fucking whore!” Mom was so angry her voice was shaking, she took a long stride toward Rosa and slapped her hard across the face. The slap spun Rosa around and her robe came open. I could see she had nothing on underneath and my penis swelled in my jeans.  Dad’s living room is big with thick carpet, I moved back to not get in the way of their fight, but stayed close enough to where I would see everything. Rosa held her face in her hand, still not quite understanding what was going on. Mom didn’t care, she  dug her hands into Rosa’s long, dark hair and was trying to pull her head off. Mom was pulling Dad’s girlfriend’s hair so hard that she lost her balance and they both fell to the floor.  This fight was nothing like the wrestling I’d seen on TV. They both moved so fast I strained my eyes to take all in.  As they rolled on the floor my Mom’s short dress hiked up over her waist and I could see she did not wear panties. I think she wanted me to see her pussy while she fought in front of me and I could feel my pants getting wet. She was cursing at Rosa in French and Rosa was screaming back in Portuguese. Even though I could not understand a word from either of them, their hatred for each other made the fight that much more exciting.  I could see my Mom’s hand print on Rosa’s face as they strained against each other on the carpet. They were kicking at each other with their high heels and throwing short close punches at each other. Rosa’s cute little flowered robe was wadded up on the floor.  She had a grip on Mom’s dress and was trying to pull it over her head.  Now Mom’s boobs were exposed and Rosa was slapping and scratching them with one hand as she pulled the dress upward with the other. Mom couldn’t see and I’m sure it was hard to breathe with her dress over her face, but she got a grip on Rosa’s breast. Even though Mom couldn’t see, I’m sure she  knew what she had hold of. I could see the tears in Rosa’s eyes as Mom squeezed her boob as hard as she could, I felt a little bad for Rosa, but I was proud that my Mom was fighting so hard!  Rosa was able to push away from Mom and as she did, Mom’s dress came with her.  Mom’s big tits were heaving up and down as she gasped for air she got up on her knees and crawled toward Rosa. My Dad’s girlfriend got up on her knees and tossed Mom’s dress to the side. As Mom got closer, Rosa put her fist up and started throwing wild punches.  I know my Mom works out to kickboxing videos and she knows how to throw a punch.  She got inside of Rosa’s arms and threw a hard punch straight to her nose! Rosa’s head snapped back and she covered her face, when she brought her hands down I could see the blood flowing from her nose. I thought she would ask Mom to stop and tell her she gave up.  I’ve been in fights and seen other guys fight.  When a guy gets a bloody nose that usually means it’s over.  But Rosa let out a loud scream and lunged at Mom, knocking her backwards. Mom was on her back with her legs spread and Rosa’s were even farther apart, her knees were on the outside of Mom’s legs.  Her pussy was just over top my Mom’s. Rosa has a neatly trimmed dark bush above her smooth pussy. Below her was Mom’s completely shaven pussy.  It was the hottest thing I’ll ever see and my sperm let go inside my jeans. Mom was kicking wildly trying to force Rosa off, but Rosa was squeezing Mom with her thighs and pounding Mom’s head into the carpet. I could see their tits were pressed together and Mom had a grip on Rosa’s from the side and was trying to punish them anyway she could. As hard as my Mom fought, Rosa kept punching the side of her face and banging her head on the floor. Mom was hurting Rosa, but Rosa was hurting Mom more.  I could hear Mom crying in pain but she never stopped trying to hurt Dad’s girlfriend. I watched intently, not even wanting to blink because I might miss something.  The site of their beautiful pussies struggling against each other and their big, full boobs smashed together.  I didn’t want either of them hurt, but I didn’t want it to end either.  I don’t know how long they punched and clawed like that on the floor but Rosa’s punches to Moms head got faster, while Mom’s arms were tiring, reaching up to pull and tug at Rosa’s breast.  Finally Mom’s arms fell limp and Rosa hit her in the head a few more times.  Then an exhausted Rosa slowly stood up over my Mother. She cursed at her in her own language and then kicked Mom in the stomach with those delicate little shoes.  Mom grunted and cried a little louder, but she could not put up any resistance. Rosa turned her back to us and went cursing to herself all the way upstairs to her room.  I closely watched her firm young body climb the stairs covered in sweat and red scratch marks and bruises. I watched until I heard her door slam shut. There was a blanket draped over the back of the couch.  I took it over to Mom and covered her with it.  I just held her as she lay there crying.  After a long while she got to her feet and picked up her dress off the floor.  She headed to her car as quickly as her wobbly legs would carry her.  I went with her and helped her into the driver’s seat.  I got in beside her and we just sat there not talking.  I was thinking of telling her how well she fought and that Rosa probably won because she was younger.  Then I thought that would not make Mom fell any better. Finally I asked if she needed me to drive her home. She said no, that I needed to stay with Dad, that even if Dad found out what she did I should still spend my weekend with him.  I told her I wouldn’t say anything and I hoped she would be okay.  She promised she would and I got out and watched her drive off.
I wasn’t sure about going back inside, but I knew I had to.  I just went to my room and started playing video games. I couldn’t concentrate though, I felt bad for Mom, but she had fought hard and even though she lost she didn’t seem hurt bad.  I thought Rosa would hate me and think that I told Mom what we had been doing and that’s what started the fight.  I didn’t know what I would say to her, if she spoke to me at all.  I guess I had been in my room about an hour when Rosa knocked on the door. We just looked at each other for a long time.  Then I asked her if she was okay.  She just shook her head yes. “Are you mad at me?” I asked. She shook her head “no” and then smiled at me. “Your Mommy is one mean bitch! I’ve fought street girls who aren’t that tough!” “She can be.” I said.  We both laughed a little, then I noticed Rosa staring at my crotch. “Oh, my God!” I thought, I never thought to change my pants.  I had a huge wet spot on the front of my jeans. I was so embarrassed. “I guess you enjoyed the fight, huh?” Rosa laughed, but not a mean laugh. I just shook my head. Rosa put her hand on my shoulder and pushed me back toward my bed. “Let’s get you out of these wet pants” she said. I sat on the edge of my bed and she undid my belt and pulled off my jeans. I had seen her naked many times but this was the first time I was naked for her. She took my penis in her hand and kneeled in front of my bed.  My penis was already wet as her hand worked up and down. She looked right at me with those dark eyes and I carefully watched her take my penis into her mouth.  She sucked it for a while and then she took it out of her mouth and jacked me off while she stared right at me and gave me the sexiest looks I’ve ever seen. All of the events of the fight came flashing into my head and I grunted a little as my sperm shot all over Rosa’s hand and I think some of it even got into her hair! She kept stroking my penis for a little while after I came, her hand covered in my sperm. Then she stood up and waved me toward my bathroom. “Go get cleaned up” and she went back upstairs. By the time Dad got home, Rosa had the house so clean you’d never know anything had happened.  I don’t know what Rosa told him, but they hardly came out of the bedroom all weekend.
When I went back to Mom’s, she was very quiet and I didn’t try to make her talk. After a few days, at dinner, she told me that even though she lost she felt better about herself. She said it was time for her to meet other men and wanted to make sure I was okay with it. I told her I thought that would be good and I just wanted her to be happy.  I told her how lucky I felt to have a beautiful, sexy Mom like her. That made her smile and she got down on her knees and gave me a blow job in our kitchen.

Billy, San Francisco


Offline CrashCorrigan

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Re: Hot Mom fights for son...Part 4
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2010, 09:01:01 PM »
WOW!!!!  That was awesome!  Give my compliments to Billy.  Of all the stories you've put up, Mr. Cavalier, this is my favorite.  Thanks!