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My real role fight with my catfight gf – (f2f)

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Offline Anygal4-f2f-f2m-fite

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My real role fight with my catfight gf – (f2f)
« on: September 25, 2010, 08:32:15 PM »
My real role fight with my gf – (f2f)

Background – as usual we had a big fight last time…& even had deleted each others name from our list…but probably our cf love towards each others dint die…we again got united after a long 1 month break…
We had again our usual fights as can be seen below…but cud have a full match this time…but w/o the humiliation part we do at the end.
(She helds from beautiful Polland & I always wanted to beat a complete white against her).

Wish our cf love towards each others lasts life long.

(There r 4 more stories ready to post…but wud like to post in next months …out of which 1 sply… all cf lovers sud read…this is a small stop gap till then)

So it goes….

rohit_wildest: hello there
She: hello
rohit_wildest: u r in mood tonite?
She: so so...
rohit_wildest: me
rohit_wildest: wud u like 2 continue the last match?
She: i forgot what was the match
rohit_wildest: i wud hv liked 2 set it with slight modification in that
She: we can start something new
rohit_wildest: ohhh...i think with lots of difficulties we had a perfect setting last time...but ok if u opt for a new...i wud like if we set it in say about 30 mins
rohit_wildest: pl carry on
rohit_wildest: i wud like 2 pitch in Deepika...will it b ok with u
rohit_wildest: hey u there?
She: yes i am
rohit_wildest: what happened?
She: thinking
rohit_wildest: k-k
rohit_wildest: pl carry on
rohit_wildest: try to give me a tall competitive gal..whom i wud like to fight as deepika...
rohit_wildest: (so frankly sorry.. m canceling an appointment with a person...)
She: ?
rohit_wildest: (i had a match appointment with a guy...m canceling it....u just come fast on ur thinking)
She: ok
She: i would like to use sandrine quetier
rohit_wildest: (pl take ur own time...but pl take care of my wish also)
rohit_wildest: who is her pic...height etc
rohit_wildest: (i spell her name... sorry...i may hv to go for dinner in 5 mins....u post me the pics)
rohit_wildest: this is the bitch i wud like to fight! done.
rohit_wildest: just a min call
rohit_wildest: pl don tell me her ht
rohit_wildest: its ok with me
rohit_wildest: m coming bk from dinner in say 20 mins excuse me till then ...will u?
rohit_wildest: bye till then
She: ok
rohit_wildest: thanks
She: http://www
rohit_wildest: m bk i spell her name.....just abt 2 watch ur next snaps...
rohit_wildest: ok i spell her name...
rohit_wildest: its fine
rohit_wildest: http
rohit_wildest: thanks...2nite u gave me a very gud pairing...i think her ht is not less than 5'7" & pl dont tell me if its less than that...i will b fun fighting her
She: she;s 5'8''
rohit_wildest: wow wow wow...
rohit_wildest: rocccccccckkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg!
rohit_wildest: also she luks lil healthier than me...I think 4 the first time it wud a difficult match for me...
rohit_wildest: but my sporting background sud come in my way tonite.
rohit_wildest: hey where r u?
She: yes but i am bit surprised
rohit_wildest: why?
rohit_wildest: ??
She: that you find sandrine healthier
She: she's bit chubby
rohit_wildest: ya... i actualy meant she may b lil more in weight than me...le me see again
rohit_wildest: i saw her legs..her shoulders...luks lil larger...& truly a bit chuddy...m sure m more fitter than her...also may b faster & rocking...
rohit_wildest: also if i compare with her legs i dont think my legs r less
rohit_wildest: they are quite gud...which people gets mistaken by looking at my face...
rohit_wildest: but when i open up...they get surprised to see those sporty legs...always it m confident.
rohit_wildest: (lots of disturbunces..sorry dear)
rohit_wildest: where is ur reply
She: ok
She: but i am not sure what you meant when talking about legs
rohit_wildest: i only looking at my face nobody cud guess my legs are so gud.
rohit_wildest: r u there?
rohit_wildest: wud u like 2 say something?
She: yes i am
rohit_wildest: pl
rohit_wildest: (m loosing patience say something we sud start & complete the match properly otherwise?)
She: but i am not sure how you see deepikas and sandrine legs
rohit_wildest: (upper body sandrine looks better...but both hv the same legs)
rohit_wildest: u hv something more to say on this?
She: i think i disagree
rohit_wildest: then pl tell ur views...i wud like 2 see it
rohit_wildest: very much
She: sandrine may weigh more...but she's softer than deepika... see her belly when wearing something thight
rohit_wildest: thats why i told m more fitter than u
rohit_wildest: something u wanna add (m completely loosing my charm realy)
rohit_wildest: wen we sud start?
She: ok we can start
rohit_wildest: ok. thanks (but frankly i got disturbed a lot)
She: why are you disturbed?
rohit_wildest: (ur very slow response...u tend to reply wen i again ask u for that...mind gets disturbed...& stretching it too much... otherwise we may loose the real charms of the match...which got disturbed a lot now....anyways)...m staring with a plot tell me if u liked it...or we may change
rohit_wildest: shall I?
She: ok
rohit_wildest: shall it b like a multi billioner has arranged this match?
rohit_wildest: yt
She: and...
She: give me more detailed description
rohit_wildest: ya sure
rohit_wildest: he has arranged this fight
rohit_wildest: he is going to pay us a lot for this fight
rohit_wildest: this fight will be witnessed by only few of his close family members & freinds
rohit_wildest: It wud b in his one of the big rooms in his palace
She: i like it
rohit_wildest: thanks
rohit_wildest: a blue mat is on
rohit_wildest: few chairs are arranged across the line of the mat
rohit_wildest: in between we have to fight
rohit_wildest: grapping or catfight?
rohit_wildest: yt
rohit_wildest: grappling or catfight?
She: a catfight
She: in gowns
rohit_wildest: but how do then we use our legs?  why not in jeans...or small skirts.. sply gud for catfights?
She: then gimme a pic of deepika for fight?
rohit_wildest: sorry a bit late...but i think...did u not like the above jeans pic...or shall i give u some more pl?
rohit_wildest: wud u like skirts over jeans...i also think so skirts r more better in catfights...or did u like jeans?
rohit_wildest: just a min pl..m trying 2 get some more snaps
She: sure then sandrine is wearing this short dress with slits http://www.
rohit_wildest: just fentastic for catfights...m coming against the same...just le me try pl
She: what are you wearing?
rohit_wildest: also a matching catfight dress against her...just i was trying to find a suitable pic for same...shall i try pl?
She: ok look for one
rohit_wildest: http://2
rohit_wildest: So? how i m?
rohit_wildest: yt
rohit_wildest: yeahh
She: i like both
rohit_wildest: I knew
rohit_wildest: anybody wud b
rohit_wildest: realy itching to beat u in public tonite
rohit_wildest: wud u like a short of introduction before the fight gets start?
rohit_wildest: yt
She: can you start...maybe insult me a bit so that i got angry
She: and which dress do you choose?
rohit_wildest: (ok-ok i got ur point...but u in reply pl dont start with shit i dont like it very much always..sorry though… pl…the first pic)
rohit_wildest: (just le me think m coming with it)
rohit_wildest: we both were first breifly introduced
rohit_wildest: & then the comparer went away & took his chair on line with others.
rohit_wildest: i took my bare right feet first slowly on the mat...staring at u
rohit_wildest: "So u had told the host that u r equal to me....have u ever seen yourself in the mirror...& compare yourself with a gal like me? All here will witness how u get banged by me tonite in front of their eyes...on this very mat...u chubby gal...never with a sporty gal like me."
rohit_wildest: yt
She: have you finished?
rohit_wildest: (did u like it..or shall i change...its not my very best though...but we can proceed)
rohit_wildest: ya ya i have given yt
rohit_wildest: yt
She: "You're an ordinary slut!! You don't have chest you dont have hips!!!The only thing you have attractive is your face and i am going to make it over!!"- i reply touching with my chest against
rohit_wildest: "Actualy its not your mistake...actualy u have never seen hips like Indians...thats why actualy u r kidding...but kid.. u will know it all tonite...when i actualy finish it up with u kid tonite"... as i first press my boobs against urs in reply...& gave a first right hand slap on ur left face. 'Hows it?" yt
She: I reply with stinging slap on your face- "Not bad!!"- i yell and spite into your
rohit_wildest: "You dirty bitch".. I try to grab ur hairs in my both hands...& try to stomp ur left feet hard with my right. "hv it bitch!"
rohit_wildest: yt
rohit_wildest: (from sides)
She: I grab your hair and move my foot to the side escaping the stomp. Then i try to push you backwards towards wall using my chest hand height
rohit_wildest: (pl b frank if some move goes wrong in ur opinion..rather i wud b more happy for it...but hope we resolve it shortly...but to enjoy pl tell there itself if & wen u feel its wrong...same i do..thanks)
rohit_wildest: (very gud move...i liked it)
rohit_wildest: I used my sportly muscled shoulders in between....still held ur hairs solidly....pushing my iron ass balls forward i try to restrict u from coming forward first...then All of a sudden released my that u sud get imbalanced ...& then i sud instead turn back on u & get on ur position...& rather sud thud u on the back on wall first..."Bitch...not with us!"
rohit_wildest: yt
She: (briliant move using your quickness and agility)
rohit_wildest: (i spell her name... blv me we both r not fools...we sud hv lil patience)
She: I am smirking when pushing you backwards when out of sudden you put up unbreakable resistance so that i cannot budge you. I flex all my muscles and put my weight on you but you surprise me pivoting so that you emerge on my back and i hit the wall with chest and face- "Stupid bitch"- i scream sliding down the wall onto
rohit_wildest: (m just trying to get u well first)
rohit_wildest: (which previously i used to do mistake..sorry)
She: i am on my knees facing the wall
She: and touching wall with chest, hurting me from hit...clear?
rohit_wildest: (ok...i got it...but i was face to face with u...& trying to thud ur back on the wall...but seems u turned & managed it with ur chest...ok...i shal write my next move)
rohit_wildest: i think we both r ok...& m replying (but dont come in a surrender move...i will otherwise kill u soon)
rohit_wildest: here comes my reply
rohit_wildest: I get my both legs first besides ur chest...ur hairs were still in my both hands on back...I put my right feet above ur belly & try to throw u face down on the mat first on ur chest.
rohit_wildest: get it bitch. i scream!
rohit_wildest: yt
rohit_wildest: (try to defeat me let it b a real fight)
She: i am kneeeling in front of wall facing wall
She: face looking at wall
She: how can you put your foot above my belly when my belly is near the wall
rohit_wildest: (ya thats a mistake...i might hv overlooked ur tight belly on wal...i looked it with lil sideways on the wall...thanks a lot...m repeating)
rohit_wildest: I get my both legs on both sides of ur ribs...& with my hands already holding ur hairs on back ...I try to throw u aside on the the mat with ur face down ...away from the wall...with my strong sporty biceps..."cmon bitch!" as i breathed high with pulling ur heavy body in my biceped sporty hands.
rohit_wildest: yeah
rohit_wildest: yt
She: "Aghhh slutt!!"- i scream trying to rise from knees or just topple
rohit_wildest: Realy i cud not stop ur heavy knees & body to rise up...i went back with a thud of my back on the mat...but scissored ur thighs very tightly in my python legs...also held ur underarms solidly in my hands.
rohit_wildest: my both hands going over ur shoulders & locking them with each others on ur back behind in a hammer lock...
rohit_wildest: trying to make u struggle a lot.
rohit_wildest: yt
rohit_wildest: (see what my frend answered with whom i planned a match)
She: "Aghh aghhh..."- i moan as you scissor my soft body, making me squeel like a pig. But i still have fight in me so i start to push up and slam back of my body against you pressing you into the floor, again and
She: could you send me a pic of the dress deepika is wearing?
rohit_wildest: "Ahhh" m finding it difficult to control ur bigger body...& finaly by putting my right feet down...I try to raise my athlete right thigh & ass that i can get u on my legs & ass… & then toss ur body up with my hips...& bang ur face again on the mat...but its not that easy...but m also an athlete gal...yeahhh yt
rohit_wildest: htow+at+IPL.jpg
She: which one?
rohit_wildest: the first
She: fine
rohit_wildest: thanks
rohit_wildest: got my next move?
She: yes
She: it's okay
rohit_wildest: also see what my fren has written
She: i see that you're reading what i write and i am content
rohit_wildest: (& writting not in hurry...)
My friend: ok buddy
My freind: bp
My freind: np
My freind: have fun
My freind: good lick

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My freind: lick
My freind: luck
My freind: sorry a new comp with new keyboard...sorry abt the sp errors

rohit_wildest: this my frend has written
rohit_wildest: (u pl carry on...i think all this disturbing ur carry on)
She: I feel you pull me up with your hips and then you twist making me bang onto the floor face and chest down-"Hurrrts!!"- i moan and feeling you resting on my back i bend my head back trying to headbutt you with the back of my
rohit_wildest: as my face was very near to ur head...u dint had place to hit it a big head butt...i took my face aside...& try to pin ur both the wrists with ur hands stretched on both sides of the boobs on ur back...(deepika is 5'9" & not less than u as u may have thought as per ur early quoting of ht advantage) long legs trying to control ur legs in them...m enjoying my position in front of the selected audience..."Not with indians" as i speak slowly on ur left ear. yt
rohit_wildest: (try to turn on me)
She: dont order me
rohit_wildest: (ok..ok...i told as u as otherwise u always pretend to loose...i only tried to remind u that fight like to win...but its ok..u r right)
She: I pull up my hips trying to push you off me, i also manage slide one of my hands off your grip and slam my elbow into your side. Then i try to tilt you and make fall to the
rohit_wildest: I cud not manage it...rather i went down..but I try to wrap ur both the elbows in my two hands...also my legs trying to take ur legs again in a tight scissor. 
rohit_wildest: yt
rohit_wildest: (u r on my top...with ur back side on me)
rohit_wildest: (& m trying to wrap ur elbows from behind)
She: As i see that you want to trap my arms again i jump up and hit my ass against your belly twice. Almost simulataneously escaping with one leg from your legs i slam my heel into your crotch making you release my elbows eventually and allowing me to crawl a bit away from you. Gasping i look at you, trying to take breath as my stamina isn't too good. I wipe away sweat from my forehead and get on my
She: sorry for using two moves in one post..i wanted us to separate for a bit instead of rolling all the time
rohit_wildest: no its ok ..we were quite well locked...its fine no issue...but u cud have made a gud position on me...but probably u dint want to cheat...gr8)
rohit_wildest: Locking u quiet some time i also get up
rohit_wildest: "So?" who's got that hips?
rohit_wildest: Shall we ask the audience?
rohit_wildest: "No. We Sud only prove it by winning."
rohit_wildest: Though my forehead was also in sweats but i do not wipe it off
rohit_wildest: I raise my two hands up...Inviting u for a test of strengths
rohit_wildest: "Cmon...on In front of All...I wanna beat u tonite badly"
rohit_wildest: "Cmon" As i raise my hands up!
rohit_wildest: yt
She: Determined to prove you're wrong i raise my hands- "You're ugly slut and  i am going to fuck you bitch!! You make me feel sick!!"- i taunt as our hands clasp each other each one wanting to
rohit_wildest: "bitch nearly u got fucked just a while ago...n r u not ashamed instead telling me that?...everybody here knew it"... though my hands were sporty...but were bulging enough like urs...but i see a win with my background & fitness..& harder arms...i try to push ur arms back...."cmon bitch!" as i try to push ur hands back...fingers twisting just like breaking in one another’s.
rohit_wildest: yt
She: I resist to younger woman for pretty long, but got more and more tired, although i flex my muscles to limits you push my hands down- "Fuck...i hate you!!"- i scream when forced to take a
rohit_wildest: as u take on ur knees... i try to push ur both hands further down... so that i get ur back pinned on the mat...:"get down u bitch!" as our biceps still keep bulging....I know the audience here wud not like me to win...but m sorry for them yt
rohit_wildest: ( i keep pressing u hard...if possible i also can kick ur tummy or ass after that)
She: do you want to  add a kick in this post or later?
rohit_wildest: (later if i get a chance & turn this match in a hard catfight also if u like...but m enjoying the good technical grappling also very very much...depending what u want)
rohit_wildest: (presently its technical as well as strength checking fight)
rohit_wildest: yt
rohit_wildest: (I mean it later)
She: Being so angry because of losing test of strength i want to pay you back so instead of resisting i pull you back wanting you to fall on me but before i pull up my knees so that you hit
She: i am on my back and trying to pull you onto me to hit with your chest or belly my knees
rohit_wildest: I got it by surprise...I felled hard on them...aghhh....& there was no chance than to roll down on my back...but the fight must go on...i rolled down on my back...getting u in a hard head lock over me with my right hand...& with my free left hand i try hit u hard on ur right face repeatedly...also i keep my both knees a bit up & tilted so that u r in difficulty to clug on me & pin me on the mat...ofcourse u cannot raise ur upper body as it is tightly head locked in my right hand...i think u r in a fix now! yt
rohit_wildest: (Also I can guess some shine in audiences faces now...but sorry m the better figher)
She: Not having much opportunity i attempt to kick you in your ribs with my knee but simultaneously i try to get away from headlock twisting my head and torso as well as trying to open the headlock with
rohit_wildest: but my knees r tilted upwards against u... u have to first clear them from ur path...only then u can come forward & kick my ribs with ur knees?...
rohit_wildest: i think u only attempted isnt it?
She: i am kicking sides of your ribs
She: but if you can protect that's fine
rohit_wildest: isuue..but u r kicking my ribs...even though u r blocked by my knees from front...or u came sideways...if i get it well i can reply it well
She: i try to kick from sides
rohit_wildest: k le me try
rohit_wildest: pl tell me what is torso
She: chest
rohit_wildest: k
rohit_wildest: thanks
She: upper part of body
rohit_wildest: I struggle hard with u...& I struggle hard not to allow u to open u my head lock with my tighter arms...also i put my knees on ur chest before ur knees can reach my chest ...& try to side roll u on my left with my ass. yt
rohit_wildest: ( m
She: I cannot bear pressure and you roll me onto my back, your knee slams  in my chest pumping air out of my lungs for a while dazing
rohit_wildest: First i sit on ur chest properly with full comand...bitch now i got my both hands moved ahead to get ur top...over ur neck...& i try to tear it down..."Get it bitch" "next will b your panties" yt
rohit_wildest: ( m enjoying to win over this white)
She: sure...but i have to step out
She: see you
rohit_wildest: see u

(ok... I know she is not a very hard fighter!...but still i lov her cf)

« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 06:33:29 PM by Anygal4-f2f-f2m-fite »
“Nothing is more humiliating than overpowering & pinning the opponent for at-least 10 minutes under you”