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Passionate Hatred Part 3

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Offline Marie B.

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Passionate Hatred Part 3
« on: September 23, 2010, 04:49:44 PM »

Me: I’m Kayla. I’m a lover and a fighter. Born to battle, born to win. Connoisseur of fine wine, fine women, fine men and fine living. Soldier of fortune, yet as gentle and unassuming as the situation requires. Often stubborn, always alluring. Who needs balls when one has boobs?

Her: My little Marie. Nice when she wants to be, tough when she has to be. Canadian gymnast extraordinaire. Can be ditzy, can be serious, can be foolish, can be fooled, can unexpectedly turn the tables. It’s not the size of the girl in the fight; it’s the size of fight in the girl. Big girls beware!

Them: The unlikely pairing of an English Muffin and a Cajun Coquette. Famous for their wars against each other, now being told to put it aside to save their collective butts. Associated with beer, chocolate, taxis and a mutual attraction to an average Joe.

Emma Fox: She doesn’t show up in this chapter…..I just happen to like the name.

Referee: He’s Boche, Marie’s countryman, eh? ‘Though Gemma and Jonica believe him to be prejudiced in favor of their opponents, he’s as impartial as the wind and the sun.

The Tall Announcer Woman: The beautiful and talented Jessika. If Gemma and Jonica knew of her connection to Kayla, they would surely be worried about favoritism……but they don’t know, so it doesn’t make a shit’s worth of difference.


(ACT I: Omni Royal Orleans Hotel…. Kayla’s room)

So many nights, so many fights. So many hotel rooms.

Some were cheap, dirty little hovels. This one, however, is the lap of luxury. Ms. Emma Fox certainly knows how to do it in style, and she’s always willing to share some of that style with the people she hires. She’s hired Marie and me to battle it out in a best-of-five-fall match with two opponents of her choice. We’re fighters for hire; it’s what we do.

As I think of her, Marie’s face pops up from between my naked thighs and I laugh at the pubic hair that’s attached itself to her tiny face. She smiles at me and goes back to her task, going down on me like a beaver in heat.  So hot. So nice. That little tongue of hers. Glory be!

“Kayla.” she whispers, and I smile. No other words are needed; I always know what she’s thinking and feeling…..and vice-versa.

We’ve spent so much time on the road; one town after another, and all look the same after awhile. Still, there’s the thrill of battle, the ecstasy of yet another conquest. We fight for money, for glory, for the thrill of victory. We get lots of thrills and make lots of money. Lots of victories, too.

Jonica called us mercenaries. Well, yes, that is an appropriate term, I suppose. I don’t even remember when Marie and I got started in this. It’s been a few years since I left my native South Africa for good while Marie traveled from her home in Canada, but we both shared the dream of being professional fighters and we put those dreams into action.

Before I had my first contest, I trained relentlessly. I remember thinking I had learned all there was to be learned, only to find in my early matches that training did little to prepare you for what happens in an actual fight. It is, literally, a painful lesson to learn. I won and lost until experience became my friend and made me into one of the most feared and successful fighters ever. I’ve got strength, durability and endurance that come as much from my experience in track and field as from fighting. Plus, I’ve got a treasure trove of fighting tactics at my disposal. I have had thousands of wars of every type of fighting imaginable and all of them have served me well. No one overpowers me and few can outmaneuver me.

My earliest lessons came from Jessika. Yes, Gemma and Jonica are only now finding out that our “ring announcer” has a fighting background of her own. They don’t know, though, that it was Jessika who trained me in my earliest stages of fighting. I felt the pain from her slashing fists long ago. She hurt me, she taunted me, she hated me, she loved me……and most of all, she taught me. There could be no better tutor.

If Gemma and Jonica knew the history between Jessika and I, they would be even more paranoid than they already are. Marie and I have laughed at the skittishness they’ve displayed as they ponder if Jessika, Emma Fox and the referee are all working against them. Tee Hee!

The fact is, none of them are biased, although Marie and I aren’t going to share that knowledge with them. Let the Brit and the Cajun think that everything is stacked against them; I have no problem taking an edge when it’s presented to me. Marie agrees with me and we keep all secrets to ourselves.

Ah, Marie.

At 4’11 and a mere 90 pounds, how many opponents have been lulled into a false sense of security by her lack of size? And jeez, there’s no doubt she’s the smallest fighter I’ve ever seen, although she claims to have been beaten in a wrestling match by a teammate on her gymnastic team in high school who was even smaller than her. Marie told me that it was this defeat that caused her to take some fighting lessons of her own. After doing this, she developed a love of the sport that led to her leaving home to make a living at it.

As I said, opponents take a look at her tiny body and relax. In matches I’ve had against her (yes, we’ve fought several times); I have to admit I’ve occasionally let down and found her to be much tougher than I believed. You would think I would know better, but the little girl just looks so damn peaceable. She uses speed, wrestling knowledge and tenacity to wage war against larger foes. Her greatest asset?...... she freakin’ never gives up, never stops moving, and never comes up for air. She has worn down bigger enemies with her perpetual motion.

While Marie and I occasionally accept individual matches, we like performing as a tag team whenever possible. The contrast between our styles has led to many a victory. By the time our opponents figure out one style, we throw another at them. Marie dazzles ‘em with speed and I counter with strength…….then, when our foes think they have that figured out, Marie will start punching like a boxer while I turn to intricate wrestling tactics to tie ‘em up. We’ve been enormously successful.

And yes, Marie and I have been in the employ of Ms. Emma Fox before. Gemma and Jonica seem to think we’re in cahoots with her, but we aren’t. Ms. Fox has simply employed us as fighters and we’ll fight for anyone who pays us……and the fact is, Ms. Fox pays better than anyone else.


But now it’s time for me to reveal something I don’t like admitting. The fact is that we’ve been a bit unnerved by the opponents we’re about to face in the third fall of a “best 3 of 5 falls” match here in Louisiana.

I can’t believe we lost the second fall of this contest to Gemma and Jonica; I cannot friggin’ believe it. We won the first fall rather easily; it was about what we expected. We have long since learned that opponents can usually be categorized and rarely deviate from the style they normally use. Sure, a fighter will occasionally surprise you but I’ve found that once we have them figured out, they can be dealt with on our own terms.

You want a scouting analysis of the two women we’ve been tangling with? Sure.

Gemma has had experience as a fighter; that’s for damn sure. She has some knowledge of wrestling holds and isn’t afraid to mix it up with anyone. She’s a legitimate tough girl. That doesn’t worry me much because I’ve dealt with tough girls before. If I’m going to be honest, though, I have to admit that the degree of her toughness surprised me, especially in the second fall when she cleaned my clock. This has happened to me so rarely that I didn’t adapt in time to save the fall. She beat me…..and that’s another strength of mine, by the way; I am realistic and honest enough to admit when someone gets the better of me. I turn this into an asset because it allows me to adapt instead of going ahead blindly with the same strategy that got me into trouble in the first place. I know there are fighters who are stronger than me (like Jessika) and faster than me (like Marie) and knowing this allows me to come up with alternate plans during a match. But Gemma overcame my best efforts in the second fall……and it worries me, I can’t pretend it doesn’t. I’ve heard tales of her fearsome backbreaker, but we haven’t seen it yet because she didn’t even need it in the second fall. She’s dangerous.

Then, there’s Jonica. While her partner is definitely stronger and more adept at the nuances of fighting, Jonica is the black marble in this match…….and that worries me a lot. On the surface, she doesn’t seem to have any real, specialized knowledge of fighting tactics, nor does she seem overly strong or fast. Also, to look at her, she just doesn’t appear to be that tough. She has displayed a diffidence and lack of confidence when she looks at Marie and me, and we just jump on that kind of thing. Oh man, how many opponents have we destroyed when we spotted that weakness? The list goes on and on.

But that’s where we went wrong with Jonica, at least in the second fall of this match. She seemed to alternate between wild brawling and a fearful hesitation. One minute, she’s shying away from contact…..and the next moment she’s got fire in her eyes and attacking viciously. We don’t know what’s turning Jonica on and off, but we had better figure it out before the third fall starts.

In that second fall, Jonica provided the difference between their team winning and losing. I never would have believed this possible because it seemed that Gemma was the one who was going to do the heavy damage for their side. And, sure enough, it was Gemma who broke my rib, locked me up and beat me until I was forced to submit. But Jonica made it all possible.

The truly upsetting factor was what Jonica did to Marie in that second fall. As I said, she was the random factor that allowed Gemma to win for their side, even as we thought she would be the weak link. Marie and I have saved each other a thousand times during matches. We work so well together that we have a telepathy that tells us when and where to make the save. When Gemma had me locked up in that second fall, I was watching for Marie to break free and knock Gemma off of me. To my shock, however, Marie couldn’t do it. Amazingly, Jonica was using smothering tactics to keep Marie from getting loose to help me. Watching Jonica in the first fall that was won by us, I never would have believed she could be capable of outwrestling Marie, but that’s exactly what she did. Jonica entwined her limbs around Marie’s and wouldn’t allow her to escape; which is exactly the type of offensive tactic in which Marie usually excels. She also knows how to extricate herself from these holds, yet she was helpless to do so this time.

Elton John sang: “She wraps herself around you like a well-worn tire.” Well, that’s what Jonica did to Marie and it unsettles me to think she had it in her. I can’t believe she had the foresight and ability to even try it….and I can’t believe she was adept enough to successfully apply it to a technical wrestler like Marie. As I said, Jonica is the black marble in this contest…..we don’t fully know what’s she’s capable of, and that makes her very dangerous.

And because of it, we lost the fall. But, hear me: We’re going to win the third fall to insure that we need win only one more fall after that to clinch the contest. Make no mistake about it. As upsetting as it is that those two sluts broke my rib, it makes me only more determined to emerge victorious in the end, as I always do. And don’t underestimate Marie’s determination, either. She didn’t say so directly, but she was humiliated at Jonica’s outwrestling her in that second fall. She won’t allow it to be repeated.


(ACT II: Omni Royal Orleans Hotel.......Grand Ballroom)

“Oh, how nice everyone looks!” exclaimed Jessika. “I’m glad to see that you four ladies know how to properly present yourselves in a luxurious setting such as this.”

Yeah, well, what Jess is saying is half true, anyway. While Marie and I are dressed stylishly in dresses (mine is orange, Marie is in red), I notice Gemma and Jonica are decked out like streetwalkers. Are those skirts they’re wearing, or are they shorts? Jeez, I can practically see Jonica’s snatch from where she’s standing in that white top with navy blue shorts (or is it a skirt?). Gemma is dressed just the same except that she’s in yellow and green. Plus, while Marie and I are demurely holding glasses of fine wine, those two are guzzling beer like a couple of truck drivers.

This place is sure elegant, though. It’s the grand ballroom of the fine hotel in which we have accommodations. Emma Fox knows how to keep it classy, that’s for sure. The thing is, we were told that our match would start promptly at 7:30 and it’s almost that now. Given that, I wonder where the wrestling ring is and how we’re going to change into our gear in time. Before I could ask Jessika, Gemma did.

“Say, Ms. Ring Announcer, there’s no wrestling ring in this hotel; I know that for a fact. Are we going to be traveling to another part of town?”

“Yeah,” chimed Jonica, with sarcasm. “And what are we going to wear? Is it going to be those topless bikini outfits again?”

“No, my dears,” chortled Jessika. “We have a rather unique surprise for you. The match is going to be held right here!”

“What?” cawed Gemma. “We’re going to wrestle on hardwood floors? What kind of place to fight is a ballroom, for shit’s sake?”

“Yeah,” echoed Jonica, “And where are our wrestling outfits?”

“Why, you’re wearing them now!” chuckled Jessika.

Marie and I smirked at each other. We’re veterans of this business who’ve seen it all. It’s true that this room is pretty small to host a wrestling match with four participants, but then, you wouldn’t believe some of the places we’ve engaged in battle. There was that time on the roof of a skyscraper, one time aboard a tugboat on the River Mersey, a time in the basement of a whorehouse in Atlanta. I even remember a time Marie fought a rich woman in the kitchen of a McDonald’s restaurant. Dangerous business, that. Marie wound up shoving her victim’s head in a deep-fryer of boiling vegetable oil being used to cook french fries, for God’s sake.

As to our opponent’s concern about what we were wearing, Marie and I had no problems at all. We’ve been forced to wrestle in every kind of clothing……which includes no clothing. So, fighting in dresses wasn’t going to stop our momentum.

Plainly, all of it was bothering Gemma and Jonica, though. They obviously didn’t like the conditions. For one thing, the hour of combat was coming up on them all too fast. They had been told we would start at 7:30 but presumed that was an error because there was no way we could be transported and change wardrobe that fast. However, Marie and I knew that when Ms. Emma Fox says 7:30, then 7:30 it is.

Before anyone could say anything else, Jessika tapped her own wine glass and announced that the fight would begin NOW! She placed special emphasis on the last word, giggling lightly.

“And now for the match stipulations you’ve been wondering about,” proclaimed Jessika, grandly, looking only at Gemma and Jonica. “First, let me inform Mr. Boche that your good services as referee will not be needed tonight, although you will receive your full salary.”

“Why?” asked Jonica. “Don’t we need a referee to enforce the rules and decide when the match is over?”

Jessika replied: “An official will not be needed…… first, because there are no holds barred and therefore no need for anyone to determine what's legal or not. As for determining a winner (Jessika giggles) an official will not be needed since the winners and losers will be easy to identify.”

“How?” queried Gemma, looking nervous.

“You notice the three strands of braided rope on the floor? The losers will be the two ladies who have been hog-tied by their opponents with those ropes. When they are both bound and helpless on the cold, hard floor, the match is over and the girl (or girls) who are standing free and untethered are the winners!”

“Holy shit!” cried Gemma, in dismay. “Are you saying we have to tie their arms and legs behind their backs in order to win? What the fuck?”


The four of us retreated to opposite corners of the room, kicking off our shoes and trying to prepare as best we could, given the short notice. Our opponents looked very much unnerved as they chugged the rest of their beer. We could see them talking but couldn’t hear them

“Quit looking so fuckin’ nervous, Jonica.” implored Gemma. “ Kayla and Marie are watching us. Just think about what we did to them in the last fall. I mean….shit, I never saw you look so good. You were kicking ass, and so was I. We took ‘em before and we can take ‘em now. Never mind the wrestling tactics, just go out there swinging. Let’s give ‘em everything we got.”

“Everything we got.” murmured Jonica. “Yeah, okay. Everything we got worked great last time, didn’t it? Yeah, it did. Let’s get ‘em!”

As I watched Gemma talking to Jonica, the two of them visibly relaxed and perked up. That must be one hell of a pep talk, that’s for sure.

“Look at them, Kayla.” said Marie, a hint of disgust in her voice. “Look how confident they are. Look at them smirking at us. I can’t believe we actually lost a fall to these damn amateurs. We’re professionals, for God’s sake. How can they be standing there and looking at us like they own the fuckin’ world?”

“We let things get out of hand last time by brawling with them.” I replied. “All we need to do is wrestle the way we know how. They can't hope to match our technical ability. Don’t let them dictate how this match is going to be fought. Let’s dazzle ‘em with technique.”


As we prepared to start, I looked thoughtfully at the “ring.” It was a luxury ballroom, not very large, with three walls that looked as if they were made of poured liquid gold and a fourth side that consisted of a glass door. There was an exquisite chandelier in the middle of the room. It was an amazing place, but hardly one appropriate for a fight. Ms. Emma Fox had either atrocious taste or a strange sense of humor. But one thing that was apparent was that there was nowhere to hide. We were here to fight.

I stepped to the middle of the floor expecting that Gemma would come out when she saw that I was starting the match. To my surprise, Jonica emerged and approached me slowly. Her face was an enigma; she showed her usual hesitation but it was joined by that insolent smile I saw a minute before. How dare she take me so lightly? Didn’t she know whom she was facing?

Apparently, it didn’t matter to Jonica who I was as she launched a direct frontal attack. She came at me swinging with everything she had and landed several hard punches to my face. It forced me to back off, which was something I definitely didn’t want to do. As I stepped back, she kept charging forward, still swinging with wild abandon. I stopped her by lifting a knee to her gut, forcing a started “OOF! from her. I figured she would head straight backward but she surprised me by moving swiftly to the side, forcing me to turn awkwardly to face her. When I did, Jonica attacked again, taking advantage of my momentary lapse in leverage. Her accuracy was scary as she connected with almost every one of the flurry of punches she threw. One shot pounded against my nose, causing me to blink. When she saw the shot land, Jonica backed away, smirking again. She was waiting to see if I put my hand to my nose, which is a natural reaction to catching a shot there.

But I’m no amateur, nor am I a wimp. I know enough to not show weakness by reaching for the afflicted spot. I merely sniffed, looked her in the eye, and came forward again. Jonica’s eyes widened when she saw that and immediately retreated to her corner, tagging in her partner. Gemma came at me cautiously, leading me to believe she was ready to exchange wrestling holds. She extended her arms as if to tangle and I responded in kind, but when she reached me, she started throwing punches in rapid motion, windmilling her arms in an attempt to overwhelm me with a show of force. Again, I was taken aback and got hit with numerous shots before backing off. Gemma hit harder than her partner and I decided that my defensive posture wasn’t going to serve my team well. I hated the idea of Gemma and Jonica dictating the way this battle would be fought. I had to turn the tide somehow.

I did so by stepping away from Gemma and half-turning toward Marie in our corner. I extended my arm toward her as if to make a tag. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gemma smiling with glee and running forward rashly at me…… straight into my flexed forearm which bludgeoned her in the chest and sent her sprawling on her ass in the center of the room.

I took a quick look at Marie, saw her smile and sensed her admiration for me. She’s seen me turn the momentum against an opponent many times before and has even adopted some of my moves……..and now I had provided a new one for her arsenal.

Gemma stood up, holding her chest and watching me balefully. The smirk I noticed earlier was missing now as she walked backward to her corner and tagged in Jonica. I figured it was the right time to tag Marie. I walked to my corner (it was strange not having ring ropes to step through) and watched as the two blondes approached each other.

Marie, who had been calm as a clam since the match started, showed sudden anger. She shook her fists at Jonica and stamped her foot on the floor several times. Jonica backed away, an alarmed look on her face. When she did, Marie sprang forward and attached herself to Jonica, entwining her legs with the taller girls’ and wrapping her arms around Jonica’s neck. She dragged the stunned Cajun to the floor, tightening her limbs and shrieking:

“I’m 90 pounds, you hear me, cxnt? I weigh 90 fuckin’ pounds! Not 95 like you said in the first fall. Not 100 pounds, either, as you also said. I’m 90 motherfuckin’ pounds, you got it? If I weighed 100 pounds, I’d look like a fuckin’ sausage. You got it, bitch? You got it?

In all the matches I’ve been involved with Marie, I’ve never heard her scream at an opponent like this. Was she really angry about Jonica mistaking her weight? Did she really think Jonica was calling her fat? Or was it a tactic? I honestly couldn’t tell but since Marie was controlling her foe, I figured to just let it lie. I couldn’t help smiling a little, though.

Jonica was struggling mightily against her small opponent. Any reticence she may have displayed earlier was gone now as she fought to extricate herself from the stifling hold and Jonica twisted and squirmed until she freed one arm which she used to start battering Marie in the face. My little friend tried to hang on but was soon forced to release Jonica, who quickly stood and ran to the corner to tag her partner. Gemma came running to the center of the room as Marie scrambled to her corner to tag me.

Gemma and I wasted no time in attacking. We met in room center and banged bodies in an attempt to gain an advantage. I wanted to wrestle, but it became quickly obvious that Gemma wanted to stick with her strategy of brawling. Again, I didn’t like having the terms of a match dictated to me and I avoided most of Gemma’s punches as I bent down low and grabbed her legs, pulling them toward me and flipping her onto her back with a splat on the hard floor. She winced when she hit. It was plain that Gemma was more comfortable using her upper body to grapple against opponents. She liked to punch and shove, so I threw her off by keeping my focus on her legs. With her back on the ground, Gemma struggled as I bent and twisted her legs in every direction I could force them. She screamed bloodlessly as I yanked them into impossible angles and used her legs to turn her onto her stomach and torture her some more. In desperation, Gemma drew both legs back toward her and kicked out as hard as she could, catching me in the chest and forcing me to release the hold. My work had taken a toll as she grimaced and scurried back to her corner as I turned to mine to tag in Marie.

Now, Jonica and Marie approached each other with the taller girl being more cautious, not wanting to be trapped by Marie’s smothering holds again. But Marie was too skilled a tactician and within a moment, she had maneuvered behind Jonica, jumped on her back and brought the Cajun girl down by wrapping her arms and legs around her torso. Even as she went down, though, Jonica wasn’t having it this time. She grunted loudly and started slamming elbows backward into Marie’s side. The small girl tried desperately to hang onto her stubborn foe, but Jonica would not be denied and Marie was forced to release her and try to push her away. Jonica wouldn’t allow it and forced Marie onto her back, mounting her. She straddled Marie and tried to punch out the smaller girl as she sat on her but Marie was returning fire at Jonica with rapid punching motion. Even from her position on the bottom, she was inflicting great damage on Jonica and forcing her off. The two girls rolled away from each other and stood up a few feet apart, winded and tiring. They both tagged out.

Now, Gemma and I got in and started attacking savagely. I had decided that our opponents were too bent on our destruction for us to try and fight them scientifically. Their very lack of technical wrestling background was what was stopping us from inflicting our wills on them, as strange as that might sound. It was time for all-out war and we were determined to out-brawl the brawlers. Gemma and I went at each other like hellcats. We punched, we kicked, we pinched. We slammed each others faces, each others boobs and each others bodies, leaving welts and bruises. We went at it hard for 10 full minutes.

As much as I hate to admit it, Gemma battled me evenly. I was hurting her and she was hurting me. We stood back for a moment, both breathing hard and trying to cool down our overworked bodies. As if on cue, we both turned to our corners and tagged in our partners. Marie and Jonica stepped in and resumed where Gemma and I had left off. They went at each other like animals and proceeded to inflict fierce damage on each other. There was no scientific fighting now, just wild brawling and the mutual desire to tear the other to shreds. Marie seemed to have the edge, but there was no quit in Jonica as she battled tooth and nail against her more experienced foe. They punched, slapped, scratched and clawed before drawing back, panting and in pain. They, too, went for a full 10 minutes before sheer exhaustion forced them apart.

I took stock of the situation. We were tired, but so were they. I felt that our superior conditioning and vast experience would allow us to take over the match now. After all, they seemed to have no strategy left….. while we did. Yes, they could continue to brawl until they dropped while Marie and I could revert to scientific wrestling to finish them off. Our strategy seemed sounder.

To this point, no one had even attempted to grab one of the ropes on the floor in an effort to hog-tie her enemy. When we all had too much energy, it would have been futile to try. Just the act of trying to immobilize the limbs of a resisting opponent is almost impossible and all of us seemed to know it. Now, though, it was a different story. All four of us were nearly spent; our chests were heaving in an effort to catch our breaths and our bodies ached from the pounding we had inflicted on one another.


Offline Marie B.

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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2010, 05:05:18 PM »

As I said, Marie and I figured that our opponents had no planned strategy for this fight. It was a miscalculation and wound up costing us dearly. It turns out they had a plan in mind and knew exactly what they were going to do……and Marie and I failed to see it.

It was Jonica, whom I figured to be the weak link of their team, who wound up executing the strategy. After Gemma and I tagged in and whaled away at each other for awhile, Marie and Jonica bounced back in. I knew that Marie intended to wrap herself around Jonica’s body again and torture her until she was weak enough for Marie to grab a rope and hog-tie Jonica’s arms and legs behind her. I watched with anticipation, looking forward to seeing my little friend inflict her will on her foe. After she did that, I would hog-tie Gemma.

But Jonica had more left than I ever believed possible. When Marie leaped at her to entwine her limbs with her opponent, Jonica was ready with a vicious knee to the stomach. Marie bent forward, the remainder of her diminishing breath knocked out of her. Jonica took the briefest hesitation to look at her partner and hear her yelling:

“Go on, Joni! Do it. Use my hold, the one I taught you. Just like we planned. C’mon, you can do it! You’ll never have a better chance than now!”

Nodding in agreement, Jonica stepped forward and, grasping Marie by the upper body, bent the smaller girl backward and swiftly stooped down and stepped behind her. Using her shoulders and back to lift Marie, Jonica wrapped one arm around Marie’s leg and the other around her neck. She had put Marie in a backbreaker! It was Gemma’s signature hold. Now, she had taught it to her partner.

Marie was airborne, her back arched agonizingly in an unnatural position as Jonica brutally applied downward pressure to Marie’s leg and neck. The small girl was squirming uselessly in Jonica’s grasp and emitting screeching sounds of pain. Marie used her free arm and leg to struggle, but Jonica had her and would not be denied.


“Pull her down harder, Joni.” shouted Gemma, gleefully.  “Her back can’t go anywhere! Pull down harder on her neck and leg and you’ll break her fuckin’ back!”

Jonica was loving her position of supremacy. Having an opponent helpless and in agony was one of the best feelings of her life. She screamed with joy as she applied more and more pressure on Marie’s back.

It was too much for me, too much to watch my Marie in such pain. There was no more need to torture her this way! Jonica could have dropped her and easily tied her up with the rope. I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I jumped into the center of the room to free my partner……..and wound up falling directly into Gemma and Jonica’s  plot.

When Gemma saw me coming, she shouted:

“Now, Joni! It’s time NOW!

I was coming in rashly and wildly; I knew it but I had to stop the slaughter. Jonica dropped the helpless Marie to the floor as I reached her.  I figured she was turning to run away from me and I determined to put an end to Jonica’s evening right now. What I failed to see was Gemma entering the fray from my blind side. As I pivoted to face her, I never noticed that they had deliberately set their trap in the center of the room. But as I tried to figure which girl to attack first, they came in low on me and, each grasping a thigh, yanked me upward viciously, launching me like a rocket. My head smashed into the chandelier overhead with a resounding crash. A fine shower of crystals and metal rained to the ballroom floor. Not that I was aware of any of that, by the way. In the collision, my head was rammed into the metal fixture with sickening force. It knocked me cold and I didn’t know anything for awhile.


With both Kayla and Marie sprawled senseless on the ballroom floor, Jonica was shouting:

“Okay, Gemma. Get the ropes. I’ll tie up Marie and you hog-tie Kayla!”

“No.” cried Gemma. “It’s divide and conquer. Let’s both tie up Kayla…..she’s much more dangerous……  then we can handle Marie.”

Jonica shook her head. She wasn’t sure that this part of Gemma’s strategy was the right course to take. It seemed better to tie both opponents while they were still helpless, but Jonica realized that Gemma was the fighter on their team, not her…..and the two girls teamed to tie up Kayla.  Turning the veteran fighter onto her stomach, Gemma yanked Kayla’s hands and feet cruelly into position behind her body and held them in place as Jonica tightly tied the rope. As Kayla was semi-conscious and totally unresisting, the task was completed in less than a minute. They both saw Kayla open her eyes, but it was too late for her.

I was regaining my senses and saw Gemma and Jonica standing and looking down at me, admiring their work. Feeling was coming back to my body as I realized what had happened to me. I tested the bonds that held me and found I couldn’t move. My hands and feet were touching behind my back and I saw that I had no way to even begin to free myself. My heart dropped in embarrassment, mixed with a growing fear. Seeing this, Gemma and Jonica squealed with delight at what they had accomplished, even as my humiliation burned within me. Being in a fight while having no opposition was making them dizzy with pleasure and excitement. They danced joyously around my prone and helpless body….. they kissed each other passionately…..the pranced barefoot around the room without a care in the world.

Then, they turned to Marie to finish the job, only to discover that she was getting to her feet, holding her back in agony. The pained look in her eyes was caught by Jonica and Gemma, who decided to play with her before hog-tying her and ending the match. They started dancing around her. They flicked punches at her face without actually landing them, just to taunt her. They ran at her, stopping at the last second and laughing raucously as Marie cringed in fear. With me out of action, they grew playful…..and careless.

Finally, they huddled in the center of the ring and decided they would finish Marie off by rushing at her from opposite corners of the room and smashing her small body between theirs.

“Let’s make a Marie sandwich!” cried Gemma.

“Let’s crush her puny little body between our powerful ones!” shouted Jonica.

With Marie in the middle of the ring, barely able to stand, the two overjoyed warriors began their run, stampeding wildly at Marie’s body and timing it so they would hit her at the same instant, crushing her tiny body and making her an easy target to be hog-tied.

I was watching from my helpless position, near enough to reach out and touch Marie, but unable to free myself to do it. If I’ve ever had a more helpless feeling in my life, I don’t want to remember it. The despair I felt was so overwhelming I almost cried, which is something I’ve never done in all my years of fighting. There were butterflies in my stomach and I wanted to crawl away.

But as Gemma and Jonica charged, I saw Marie glance at me while keeping an eye on her foes. The two of them were having too much fun to catch the look, but I did. At the moment of impact, when Gemma and Jonica were about to crush little Marie, she dropped to the floor in the blink of an eye. Running at full speed, the two girls crashed into each other with the force of two railroad trains colliding. I could hear the crunch of bone on bone as their chests and heads cracked together. The went hurtling backward in a display of “action causing equal and opposite reaction” and flew through the air, landing ten feet away from each other……both as unconscious as I had been a minute before.

Marie stood up, still hurting badly but looking at one girl, then the other…..obviously trying to decide who to tie up first. Then, she started toward me and I shouted:

“No, Marie! Don’t worry about me. Tie up Gemma first. She’s the tougher one and she won’t be down for long. Then get Jonica if she’s still down. If she’s up, you can take her!”

Nodding, Marie grabbed a rope and went to the unconscious Gemma. As stated before, while it’s almost impossible to hog-tie a resisting opponent, it’s easy to do to an unconscious one. Marie quickly did the job on Gemma, folding the larger girl’s limbs behind her and tightly binding her hands and feet together with the rope.

As Marie finished with Gemma, I shouted to her that Jonica was getting to her feet. I looked at both Marie and Jonica and had a hard time deciding which one looked worse. Plainly, Marie’s back was killing her, yet she was still capable of bending and tying up Gemma, who was now waking up and looking fearfully around her. At the same time, Jonica looked as if she was finished. We knew she was one who didn’t have the mindset of a true fighter; she fought because she had to, not because she wanted to. Now, she was staggering on her feet and looked as if a strong breeze would blow her over. Once she was knocked down again, I doubted she would be capable of putting up much resistance as Marie hog-tied her.

Yes, Jonica had surprised me before when she applied that devastating backbreaker to Marie. But now, she looked the worse for wear and I knew what was reflected on her pretty face: discouragement. As things stood, she didn’t have it in her to take down Marie and she seemed to know it.

But as the two battered girls faced each other, Gemma started hollering:

“Go on, Jonica, you stupid bitch. Be a fuckin’ loser your whole life. Let Marie tie you up like a fuckin’ pig. Let Kayla and Marie win. Let me have Joe all to myself. You’ve been a fuckin’ wimp all your life…..and you’ll die a fuckin’ wimp.”

Jonica’s lip curled into a sneer at her partner’s taunting words, and she replied: “Fuck you.”

“Okay, I’ll fuck you later.” said Gemma, encouraged. “Now, finish off that little cxnt in front of you.”

So Gemma and I, bound and helpless, watched for what I was still sure would be a victory by Marie. But I was wrong again. I didn’t think Jonica had anything left….. had nothing to offer against a professional like Marie. I figured it was situations like this that showed why amateurs are amateurs, yet from the second they met in the center of the ring, Jonica took over. Marie tried to wind her limbs around Jonica but the Cajun girl wouldn’t allow it. She punched, punched, and punched some more. She threw sharp jabs that mashed Marie’s lips against her teeth, she threw devastating uppercuts that snapped Marie’s head back, she threw roundhouse punches that knocked the smaller girl down over and over. Marie had heart and kept getting up, but Jonica would not be denied and she kept flooring Marie until the small girl could rise no more.

In the end, it was almost anticlimactic. Marie was flat on her back as the exhausted Jonica stood over her, fists clenched and ready. Marie tried to get up but couldn’t. My heart dropped as I watched my partner lying helplessly on the cold, hard floor. At a nod from Gemma, Jonica got the third rope and easily hog-tied Marie, binding the ropes tight enough to make the small girl wince in pain, tears pouring from her eyes.

Jonica stood up wearily, surveying the carnage around her. She saw three powerful warriors, hopelessly tied and defeated at her feet. A smile came to her face.

Then a laugh.

Then a roar of triumph as she stood above the fray, loving the fact that the "weakest link" wound up saving the day for her team. Could life get any better? Jonica posed joyously above the three bound women even as Gemma called over to remind her that she was her partner……and could she untie her now, please?


Jessika stepped to the center of the ring and announced that the team of Gemma and Jonica had won the third fall and now led the contest two falls to one. If they won one more fall, they would win the whole thing. As Jessika walked by me, I caught her eye and thought I saw an expression of resigned disapproval on my mentor’s face at the sight of Marie and I lying hog-tied and defeated in the ring. Jessika walked from the room without a backward glance.

Jonica then untied Gemma and the two stood gleefully watching Marie and I as we looked back fearfully. Never in my life have I felt so helpless and hopeless. Whatever they planned to do to us, we had no way of stopping it. I vowed to never be put in this position again.

“To the victors go the spoils, right?” asked Jonica.

“You got it, partner.” smiled Gemma. “Why don’t you get those two dildoes we carry in our purses and maybe we can use these two pathetic losers to provide a little entertainment for us?.......Wait, no. I’ll tell you what, Joni. Since you’re the woman of the hour, I’ll go get them.”

A moment later, both Gemma and Jonica had dildoes that were shaped like miniature pickaxes. They held them up for us to see, both smiling their cruel smiles and knowing they were in complete charge of us, their helpless victims. Our hands and feet were tied, but our crotches were completely unprotected ……an inviting target to our conquerors as they walked slowly toward us.

“Please untie us, Jonica.” pleaded Marie, tearfully, as both tormentors bent to their joyful task.

Six hours later, they did.


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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2010, 05:31:28 PM »

I wasn't expecting you to take Kayla's perspective! and because of that you had me wrong footed from the get go!

glad we won! but at the same time you've managed to give me sympathy towards two characters I'm hell bent on destroying!!! Expertly done!!!

you wrote it so well that we come across as the bad guys! (of course I always knew Jonica was a bad girl...) and I almost wet myself at your 90 POUNDS!!! rant!

thank you so much honey!

x G x
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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2010, 05:47:04 PM »
GASP!!!  :o Lost again! And humiliated with dildoes shaped like miniature pickaxes - Eeek! Yikes!  :o :-[ :'(

Splendidly written though, Marie - you know me so darn well, cutie pie, that it was like it was really ME telling the embarrassing tale!  ::) ;)

Great twists & turns there in the story - for a moment there thought, Marie, you were going to win it for us - but alas, all we won was a hard fuck for 6 hours! Boo hoo! Sob, sob!  :'( :-[ Wink!  :D

Grrr, we're really gonna have to pull out all stops to beat these 2 young, beginning up-starts - at the moment things look pretty dim for us behind 2-1!  >:( :o But then you & I - high five - NEVER give up, do we? Let's GO KICK their arses, next time! Tee hee!  ::) >:( :D

Hugs  :-*
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 05:51:53 PM by Kayla »
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2010, 06:09:30 PM »
I'm simply in awe of your writing ability Marie.  That was expertly done.  And the fact that you wrote it from Kayla's perspective makes it even more amazing!  It also speaks volumes about how well you two know each other.  Simply amazing.

I agree with Gemma, the 90 pound rant was fantastic!  I'm not sure about me as the bad girl, though.  Gemma will always be Top cxnt of this team.

I can't wait to read the next installment, this was a real 95 lbs cow!  ;D

Very well done, Marie!  :D 
Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2010, 06:59:09 PM »
....but alas, all we won was a hard fuck for 6 hours! Boo hoo! Sob, sob!  :'( :-[ Wink!  :D

Kayla always goes directly to the heart of the matter. :o

I can't wait to read the next installment, this was a real 95 lbs cow!

Well, I guess it beats being called a 100 pound cow. ;)

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with next.



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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2010, 12:36:26 AM »
well done, Marie
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2010, 01:01:34 AM »
Unfortunatly, Kayla was unable to take the time to write a piece with her training and all (go kick arse girl!!!... unless you're up against the UK... then we'd appriciate any charity you have ;D )

Howard will be writing the 4th installment because:
1. He's fucking awesome!...
2. He knows Marie B & Kayla well and finally...
3. He's fucking awesome!

x G x
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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2010, 01:20:32 AM »
that's a hell of a compliment, Gemma. I am very honored that you would post something like that about me. The creative process is something that we all are a part of and I am just as honored that I get to work with such fine writers on a story of this depth and that I get to not only "reunite" with old personalities, but also use new ones. You guys are great and I wish you all the best! :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2010, 11:30:28 AM »
Just a little something I thought I’d add quickly – hope you enjoy! LOL!


By Kayla

After being fucked and abused in every imaginable way for what seemed like an eternity by the two gleeful victorious bitches, Jonica and Gemma, we were forced to make them cum as they ground their wet pussies into our faces – it was so fucking humiliating! We had been forced to cum till we could no longer, and despite our begging and pleading, the cruel sluts just laughed and mocked us, and continued till our poor pussies and arses felt totally raw and numb. They had made sure that we wouldn’t enjoy sex again very soon.

Finally, they untied us and let us go, and Storm then took us home, wrapping us in blankets to hide our nudity from the crowds. Gentleman that he is, he kindly made us some hot cocoa and tucked us into bed, and soon Marie and I drifted off into an exhausted, but restless sleep in each others’ arms, as the nightmarish images of our humiliating experience continued to flash vividly through our minds. 

Early in the morning, I was suddenly awakened by a low whimpering scream of Marie: “Oh gawd, NOO! … Please STOP! … I can’t take it any more …”, and saw that she was thrashing around crying in her sleep, and reached out and cuddled her close, whispered softly and sothingly: “Tch, tch, don’t worry, honey … it’s OK! You’re safe … go back to sleep …” I felt her body start to relax as I kissed her softly in the neck and she calmed and back to sleep.

Though I’d been subjected to much worse torture and abuse while I was imprisoned in South America and had been hardened and toughened in Siberia as well, but my heart bled for poor Marie, who had never before had such an experience.

However, my mind turned to our loss, dwelling on our second defeat. Grudgingly, I had to admit that the bloody English Muffin and Cajun Coquette were much better than we thought, and a shudder ran through my body, with the realization that maybe Marie and I had come to the end of our catfighting and wrestling careers – maybe this was going to be our swansong – the end of the road for us?

But at least we had each other, and our love for each other – a love that had been forged in the heat of battle and endured the onslaughts of time - nothing and nobody could take that away from us – not even these cocky two bitches!

Suddenly my iPhone beeped, signaling that I’d received a new message. My stomach muscles tensed when I saw the heading” HEY LOSERS”, and when I opened it up, it read:

“Hey you two pathetic losers! Check out the pics we took of you and loaded up on the web … we think you’ll love them … HA, HA!”

I felt a cold fury and resolve awaken deep in my core as I looked at the sordid pictures of our abuse, splashed in public for everyone to see and joke about. I suddenly thirsted for revenge, and started imagining what deliciously cruel payback we’d give them if we won. And as good as they were, maybe we could beat them by playing on and fanning the obvious tensions between them? Dividing, and then conquering them! Hmm, maybe that’ll work, as I licked my lips with the naughty, anticipatory thought of seeing them defeated and helpless at our feet …
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2010, 11:52:52 AM »
HAHAHA!!! you filth monger! (love it!)

English muffin indeed! (I'd consider myself more of a tart than a muffin...)

Can't wait for Parts 4 & 5!!!! This is so much fun!

x G x

PS. you deserved everything you got and you know it!
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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2010, 02:18:29 PM »
Looked up the words "bad girl" in the dictionary......found Kayla's photo next to it.

Okay, G & J got us this time, but we'll return the favor.........many times over. >:(

« Last Edit: September 25, 2010, 04:55:36 PM by Marie B. »


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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2010, 04:47:52 PM »
(go kick arse girl!!!... unless you're up against the UK... then we'd appriciate any charity you have ;D )

Hmm, but if her name is 'Gemma', I'm gonna do MORE than kick her arse, for sure - and as Marie said - many times over too! Oh yeah! Tee hee! >:( ::) ;D

Naughty hugs  :-* :P ;)
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2010, 04:59:40 PM »
HA!!!! the UK athletics board wouldn't dare let me in thier team!!! I'm not what you would call... Discaplined... and the fun I'd have with all those fit hot athletic bodies... RAWR!!!

If only being slutty was an olympic sport... and now for the UK's Slutting team... GEMMA ROX!!! hehehe!

x G x
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Re: Passionate Hatred Part 3
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2010, 08:40:28 PM »
Gee, Jessie with a friend, mentor and teacher like you, I wonder how I ever won a fight?  ::) Let alone a title or two, not forgetting how I creamed YOUR slutty arse in the FINAL UFC SHOWDOWN:,5263.0.html ... Tee hee!  ;D :D :-*

Oh, Gemma, where do we sign up for the Slutympics? Sounds really dirty & hot!  :P ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)