Yes, Alexis is backing down, she started by asking for someone to sign-off on hospital bills and I agreed. She then asked for a crazy $5000 payment. Since the producer pays $1500, I offered $3500, but warned that Alexa would want the same and of course when I told Alexa what was agreed to make Alexa agree she wanted a $5000 payday also. So I told both girls, can make the $3500 a winner take all prize! Alexa liked the idea but Alexis said no and only wants full $5000 or nothing.
Normally I would never pay this for a Catfight shoot, but thought the $5000 and Hospital sigh-off was ways for her to pull out of the fight without people knowning she was afraid of Alexa so I agreed to give her no issues to point to why the fight is not happening.
Love to see a real badass Alexa unmask a fake bitch like Alexis to show world she is not as tough as she would tell people!!!