This thread is going to be locked since it has gone beyond the original purpose but I do have a few things to say first:
1. For the record I have asked for this whole section of the site to be removed in the past, given how much temptation there has been for people post a link to pirated video a day after the video was released. I still think that would be a better solution than us having to police this .
2. But alas there is some legit reasons for this section supposedly. Videos of actual fights that haven't been removed by youtube or daily motion and videos from long defunct producers are the main ones. If no one is selling it, no one is losing money is the attitude we have taken on this, otherwise no professionally produced videos could be linked here.
3. We remove video links that are to anything currently on sale. Typically the producer itself complains or we can tell it is current, like someone posts a link a Suitefights video and I know full well Steve is making videos as we speak so yeah, he is a going concern. If you are going to report a link to video, please include where it is for sale so we can confirm this, especially in cases that aren't obvious. Feel free to notify the producer as well so they cna take legal action on the site hosting it.
4. if the producer has it for sale there is next to no chance they have it up on a free download site as well. SO yes, we will assume this is not up with their knowledge or permission. Much like the police will assume that if you are pulled over covered in blood with a knife in your hand and no clear wounds that some foul play has occurred at your hands. Oh maybe some whacky happenstance has caused this but let us not kid ourselves
Also take none of these views presented as an invitation for debate. If you do and get in my messages attempting this, I will make an equally bad assumption that you want to spend some time away from site. Oh what a whacky happenstance !
PS Nice to see you are still alive Dina, we may have to do something to alter that someday