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Request for story

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Offline fasteddy44641

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Request for story
« on: September 24, 2010, 09:14:15 PM »
Could someone write me a story about these two sisters, with a brutal ending (maybe neck breaking at the end? or a knockout. no like rape/sex end please). The one on the left is Mikayla and the one on the right is Mikia. Surprise me with the winner. You can put em in different outfits too if ya like. But I'll be your best friend if you can do this for me.   ;D


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Re: Request for story
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2010, 02:41:20 AM »
Just quick FYI in passing ...

I had done this before in writing .. this forum does NOT go along with any death endings ....

They can beat the hell out of each other, put themselves in traction.. just like a cartoon character they have to be alive at the end.
Only sharing, as I had crossed that line when first joining to be hammered on.



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Re: Request for story
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2010, 02:43:55 AM »
rly? I read a few that were death endings but meh okay that's fine thanks for the FYI :)


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Re: Request for story
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2010, 08:31:07 AM »
how old are they? just any info you have.


Offline fasteddy44641

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Re: Request for story
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2010, 08:49:35 AM »
Mikia is 21 and Mikayla is 18.
They live together.
Mikia is into like hot topic kinda stuff and Mikayla is more cowgirl (she wears boots a lot)
That's all the random info I can think of that's relevant :/


Offline ooreach

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Re: Request for story
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2010, 10:38:39 AM »
   It all started as fun for Mikayla and Mika. The contest was to see who could attract the hottest guy in the shortest amount of time. They were on vacation with  their parents in Maine and where having a great time with their competition, until they met Jason.
   The hotel room door slammed closed as Mika raced into the bathroom with Mikayla fast on her heals. Mika managed to just slam that door shut when her older sister started banging on it.
Mikayla :”  you selfish little brat! Get your ass out here now!” 
   Mika locked the door closed, from the inside yelling back “ you’re the selfish one! Get out of there before I open this door and kick YOUR ass. “
Mikayla:  took two steps away from the door and said softly “ I’d like to see you try that. You’ve never won before.
There was silence. Then the sound of the bathroom door being unlocked. Slowly the door opened and the sisters where standing a door length apart, eye to eye.
Mika: “ you really want to go down this road?”
Mikayla nodded with clenched fists.
Mika just sighed and tossed her sunglass on the bathroom counter. Mikayla tossed hers on the bedroom dresser. Both girls slipped out of their sandles and moved to the center of the hotels living room.
Mikayla: “ Mom won’t be here to protect you this time…what was it? 2 years ago when I royally kicked your ass the last time?
Mika: “ yeah, well I’m a big girl now, I was only 16 then.”
Both sisters stood inches apart. Removing jewelry. This was not their first tangle, but it was the first one as young adult women and it was over a man.
Both brown haired brown eyed girls moved to within arms length. Close enough to feel the hot breath coming from each other with each breath. Mikayla in a blue and white stripped shirt with light blue jeans and Mika in a brown stripped shirt and dark blue shorts.
Without another word they lunged at each other. Hands in each others hair, grabbing ponytails and yanking each other around the small area. The sound of bare feet digging into carpet and heavy breathing where the only sounds fallowed by grunts and small squeals as each grabbed a tighter hold on the others ponytail.
     They struggled to pull their sister to the ground dancing in a ever tighter circle half bent over at the waist until they fell in a heap on the brown carpet. Their hands leaving the head of their adversary quickly began smacking and clawing at each other as they lay side by side. Bare feet  and knees started flying as they viciously started attacking with all their natural weapons.  Mika closed in on her sister and managed to get her firm young thigh over her sisters waist and began to mount her when Mikayla placed a lucky shot grazing Mika’s crotch. Mika let out a scream and quickly rolled away.
Mikayla, panting heavily started to get up from her supine position looked at her sister half tucked in a fetal position and said “ I’m not playing this time, sis. You wanna keep this up? He’s mine!”
Mikayla waited with hands on knees, trying to catch her breath as Mika slowly stood up with fists clenched.  She looked down and saw her shirt half ripped. “ Great, this was brand new!”
Mikayla: “ not anymore.”
Mika:” paybacks are a bitch.”
MIkayla  crossed her hands at the ends of her shirt and with one swift movement, as only women can do, removed her shirt revealing a white satin bra. Mika fallowed her sisters action revealing a similar style bra.
MIkayla:” At least I know that’s not my bra, it would fall off you, you small titted bitch.”
Mika sprung at her sister saying “ yeah, because your so fat.”
Clenched fists turned into each other as they wildly swung at each other. Neither trying to block just hit. Some near glances made contact with should and chest as they kept their heads tilted slightly back and out of range. Mikayla closed the gap taking a solid hit in the nose, which started to bleed and grabbed her sister in a bearhug as they started to pound each other in the back. Pushing each other around the room bra to bra, stomach to stomach bare feet digging into carpet as legs and thighs strained to push each young body closer into the other trying to topple the other. The sounds of heavy breathing, fist on flesh and grunts of pain filled the small space until both sweaty sisters entangled arms around each other fell to the floor and managed to hang on. They rolled Mika landing on top but Mikayla managed to roll back the other way and began mounting her younger sister when Mika returned her sisters earlier attack and planted her thigh straight into older sisters crotch.
     It was Mika’s turn to slowly get up from her back and to her feet as she watched her sister lay on the floor in a fetal position from the crotch attack.
Mika: “ tickles?” 
Mikayla just lay there for a minute, caught her breath and started to get up, tears in her eyes she half grunted “ at least I didn’t squal like a little pussy.”   Mikayla noticed the blood coming from her nose and the stains forming on her bra. Mika looked down and noticed her bra was also showing signs of red.
Mika: “ I have no problem fighting you bare titted.”
With that they both removed their bras. Mikayla was slightly more endowed with 34 C and her sister with 32 C. Both with the firmness of youth. Neither needed bras to support their assets at their age. 
Mika looked down at her pants and said “ I might as well keep my f*C*ing shorts from getting ruined.” And they both removed their shorts, tossing them around the room.  White thong panties exposing firm young bottoms.
Mika added “ keep your bleeding to a minimul.”
Mikayla “ Why? After I kick your ass I’m going to have you clean this up.”
   Mika and Mikayla charged at each other, both gritting teeth like animals and started attacking each other. Quickly their firm bodies became entangled as swaying breasts where compressed together nails scratching, clawing and gauging at bare exposed backs. Both equally matched siblings stained as they attacked and took the punishment of the other. Red marks and bruises began to form on backs shoulders and necks. Soon bare thighs began fighting looking for the money shot in the crotch. Each thigh sweaty and bruised tried to fight through her sisters defense to find the sweet shot. Each missing or just giving a glancing blow. Both becoming exhausted began to sway back and forth as their aggression grew but exhaustion was begging to win.  Resting heads on shoulders they resigned to continuing their attempted crotch attacks until Mikayla thrust her right hand into her sisters privates, grabbed her sisters vagina and whispered into her sisters ear “ is this what you where trying to look for?”
Mika let out a yelp of pain, jumped back and half landed on the bed, rolled to the floor and slowly tried to get up. Mikayla fallowed her sister and met her as her sister was  half way up. Tears in Mika’s eyes from pain, anger and rage.  Mikayla began to push her sister into the bed when Mika  caught her sister by surprised and clawed at her sisters women hood forcing Mikayla to the floor with Mika right on top. Mika lay prone and half naked on her sister with her left hand between her sisters legs nails firmly dug into her sisters pussy. Mikayla flayed her arms legs and body trying to get her sisters hands out of her crotch and get her sister off. Blood, sweat and tears making their practely naked bodies slide to and fro.
Mikayla’s mouth was open in a silent scream and Mika was baring teeth as she tried to sqeaze with all her might.  Mikayla, in a last attempt to keep from passing out managed to slide her younger sister to the side and squeeze her hand between her stomach and find her sisters women hood and dug her fingers right inside her sisters womb as deep as they could go. For a brief moment both girls, sisters, enemies lay on each other trying to destroy each others womeness. Both separated after that brief second and crawled to separate areas. Neither noticed that the crotch attacks had left their women hoods exposed, neither cared.
    No words where spoken for minutes. Both crawling to opposite walls half sitting up half crouched over keeping an eye on the other. Trying to gather breath and strength to finish the other off.  Bruises where forming on backs breasts necks and crotches, knees and shins. Accidental head buts had left both girls with bloodied noses and Mika had a black eye forming.  Both where to tired to stand, both wanted to end this now, but neither could move.  Moments more passed both exhausted enough to almost pass out. Mika was the first to move. She crawled on all fours, like an animal. Wounded but not ready to keep up her prize. Mikayla tried to back into the wall even further then possible but quickly fear turned to anger and she tried to get up but quickly decided to meet her sister crawling, also.  With just enough energy both girls reared up on knees and crashed into each other. Bear bloodied breasts compressed exposing breast flesh oozing out their sides and just squeezed each other with arms tightly wrapped around each others shoulders. Trying to squeeze the life out of each other. Heavy breathing and heaving chests as each fought for the ability to inhale from the pressure of her sisters chest on hers. They both tumbled to the ground still breast and stomachs together. Their legs and thighs joined in as the python type squeeze was compounded. Their women hoods where almost touching but the fight had turned from one of attacks for pain to pure survival. Both sisters tried to strangle the other with their full body on body  bear hugs. Arms compressing rib cages and stomachs trying to keep the other from using their diaphragms.
       Mika was the first, but Mikayla quickly fallowed as a bloodied hand found her enemies mouth and nose and tried to suffocate the other. Both heads began to try to fall back enough to fight the others attempt to stop them from getting air. Both failed and began to feel dizzy from the lack of fresh air. In a vain attempt, both started to try to knee at the others crotch, but they where to entangled and neither would give up her leg lock  on the other to let that happen.
    Side by side the two barely conscious and nude sisters tried to snuff the life out of the other.  Death grips on mouth and noses where complete.  Mikayla began to freak out and free her other hand from behind her sister and tried to push her sister away. Mika, now free from her sisters grip rolled her body on to her sisters where they both passed out.


Offline fasteddy44641

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Re: Request for story
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2010, 12:06:44 PM »
yes! you are the man! I was expecting like a paragraph or so but I got a long one :D. Definantly made my day.



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Re: Request for story
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2010, 07:02:02 PM »
Dear Eddy,

The two sisters have been fighting eachother throughout their lives. It started when they were very young when they would fight over toys, & then over clothes, & then over boys & the level of violence has been escalating more and more as they got older. Its hard to tell which one is tougher because they are both tough & it has been quite even over the years, if you tried to keep track. One would win one fight, one would win the next. The last fight resulted in in Mikayla having two swollen black & blue eyes, swollen, split lips & swollen, back & blue breasts, while Mikia's nose was nearly broken & bloody. If the fight hadn't been broken up who knows what would have happened.

For a couple of months now you have been dating both sisters and what turns you on even more than how hot, beautiful & sexy they both are is how competitive they are, & how each one has been telling you what she would do to the other one if they had a fight. This made love making with both of them much hotter & sexier than anything you have ever experienced, but both woman were demanding that you chose one, & of course you just couldn't make up your mind. So just imagine when they two sisters decided to fist fight eachother with you as the prize. They were to fight right there at the miniature golf course in the picture, dressed just as they are dressed in the picture. They set the fight up just after closing so no one would be there except the two woman and you, & they both agreed that you would not stop them from fighting or interfere in any way, that they would fight until one girl gives up and submitted that the other sister could have you, or until one girl was unable to fight.

The three of you waited for closing time and as time went by the two woman were getting angrier and angrier. Mikayla told Mikia that this time she would break her nose, while Mikia told Mikayla that after she blackens her eyes until they're swollen shut & bash out all of her teeth, you wouldn't want her any more. It got so intense that it became hard for you to keep them apart. Then they started telling eachother how much more they would satisfy you after she beat the other one up. You were so turned on sweat started to soak your clothes.

The golf course closes & both woman stand facing eachother while you stand in between them and say "are you ready." Both woman replied "yes," so you stepped out of the way and sat down on a bench to watch the fight of your lifetime. The two woman raise their fists up like men, each woman wants to knock the shit out of the other woman and you can just tell that this is going to be a really good fight. They start to circle eachother, checking eachother out until Mikayla goes after Mikia with her right fist. She sends her fist right at Mikia's face. Mikia tries to block the punch, but she's just slightly too slow and Mikayla's fist smacks "bang," right into Mikia's left eye, swinging her head back form the force of her punch. Instantly Mika's eye starts to turn pink and get all puffy as she stumbles backwards a couple of steps. Mikayla balls up her left fist hard and tight as she steps forward and she sends her fist right at Mikia's face again, but Mikia quickly steps back and out of the way and Mikayla's fist goes right past her, her punch misses Mikia completely and Mikayla goes crashing right into Mikia.

The two woman stumble off balance until Mikia trips over the low brick wall surrounding the green, with Mikayla right on top fo her & the two woman crash over onto the green with Mikayla on top of Mikia. Mikayla starts to raise up to sit on Mikia's stomach, but as she raises up, Mikia grabs her hair and she pulls Mikayla right off of her to the side. Mikia tries to get on top of Mikayla, but Mikayla raches up she grabs her hair too, & the two woman start rolling back & forth across the green like a catfight, first Mikayla is on top, then Mikia, then Mikayla. Mikayla starts to sit up, & then she grabs at Mikia's hands. She manages to grab Mikia's left hand with her right hand, but Mikia sends her right fist plowing uppercut "bang," right into Mikayla's jaw. You can hear Mikayla teeth knock together & chatter in her head as her head swings strait up in the air, & Mikia half sits up & she knocks Mikayla right off of her.

Slowly the two woman get to their feet to fist fight eachother again. They raise their fists up like two woman ready to fist fight eachother & now both woman are infuriated. Mikia screams, "alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, I'll fuckin fight you Mikayla. Eddy is mine, he wants me, not a stupid, pathetic bitch like you." Mikaylais beet red and she goes right after Mikia with her right fist. She smashes it "bang," right into Mikia's left eye again, swelling her eye up, and then she sends her left fist at Mikia's face again, but this time Mikia manages to raise her right hand up & block Mikayla's punch, and with her own left fist she balls it "boom," right into Mikayla's tight stomach. "ooofff," she knocks some of the air out of Mikayla, and Mikayla gasps for air as she leans forward, but as she does Mikia swings her right fist back and then she swings it right back up & she sends it plowing full force "bang," uppercut into Mikayla's jaw again. You can hear Mikayla's teeth bang together & rattle in her head as her head swings strait up in the air and she stumbles backwards on her high heels and she almost falls over.

Mikia goes after Mikayla. She grabs her blue & white striped blouse with her left hand & she sends her right fist plowing "bang," right into Mikayla's nose, strait into it, swinging Mikayla's head back from the full force of the hard punch, but Mikia still has ahold of Mikayla's blouse & she pulls her forward right into her fist again. She smashes it "bang," right into her nose again. Mikayal's head swings back & Makia pulls her forward again, and Mikayla just gets this totally shocked & startled look across her face as Mikia starts raising her up onto her fist. She's "bang, bang, bang, bang," hammering her nose with her fist. She's knocking the shit out of Mikayla's face & Mikayla, her head is swinging back & forth & back & forth like a floppy doll under Mikia's hard punches. She just keeps on "bang, bang, bang, bang," knocking her nose in over & over again until blood starts rolling from her nose, down her chin & spotting on her sexy striped blouse. Mikia jerks Mikayla forward and she grabs her blouse with her right hand too, & she holds her up right in front of herself screaming right in her shocked face, "you stupid, bitch, I thought you were so fuckin tough, & look at you whore, you can't even fight," & Mikayla doesn't say a word, she's fuckin startled.

Makia shoves Mikayla back hard, so hard that her blouse rips right off of her chest in her hands as Mikayla stumbles backwards on her high heels & she almost falls over. She's just standing there with blood rolling from her nose, dripping down her chin & spotting on her sexy white bra, & Mikalya is seeing stars, & her legs are rubbery. Yes Mikayla is dazed, her legs almost buckle under her and she stumbles sideways a couple of steps quite off balance. Then she holds her hands out in front of herself as she manages to regain her balance. Mikia grabs her bra with her left hand & she holds Mikayla up on her wobbly legs right in front of herself, & Mikia laughs right in Mikayla's dazed face, "I beat you up, & now Eddy is mine, that's right you stupid bitch, say it."

Mikayla has been punched a little goofy, but Mikayla doesn't realized quite how dazed she really is and she loses her temper and with her right fist she sends a wild roundhouse right at Mikia's face. The punch smacks weakly into the side of Mikia's face, but this only infuriated Makia even more. Mikia loses her temper again & she's still holding Mikayla's bra & she rips it off. She tears Mikayla's bra right off of her chest exposing her big, sexy breasts & Eddy, your cock is trying to bust right through your jeans as Mikia sends her right fist plowing "bang," right into Mikayla's chin. Her teeth bang together & chatter in her fuckin head as her head swings back & forth & now Mikayla is really seeing fuckin stars. Mikia grabs Mikayla's shoulders and she pushes her back until "boom," her body hits the wood wall of the building hard & "bang," her head does too.

Mikayla is helpless now. Mikia has knocked all the fuckin fight right out of Mikayla & Mikia is clearly winning at this point. She laughs as she says, "Eddie, watch this, I'm going to knock the shit out of this whore's tits just for you Eddie." Mikia raises her fists up like a man & she starts "right fist "boom," left breast, left fist "boom," right breast, "boom, boom, boom, boom," back & forth & back & forth, she's using Mikayla's huge sexy breasts as punching bags. Feebly Mikayal is holding her hands out in front of herself crying out, "stop, please stop," but Mikia really wants to knock the shit out Mikayla once & for all, & she's not going to fuckin stop. She just keeps on "boom, boom, boom, boom," pummeling her tits, until Mikayla's tits are all swollen & black & blue. Mikia screams, "are you ready to say Eddy is mine, or do i really have to knock the shit out of you.

Mikayla has tears welling in her eyes and she's starting to realize that her sister has taken control of her & is about to take her man & this might be her last chance to stop her. Mikayla loses her temper again & she weakly raises up her right knee & weakly it connects "boom," right up between Mikia's legs, right into her cxnt & Mikia groans "aaahhh," in pain as she grabs the pain.& she doubles over in pain as she backs away from Mikayla. Mikayla pushes herself off of the wall & as Mikia starts to stand up strait, Mikayla stumbles right into her, catching Mikia quite off balance & as she wraps her arms around her & the two woman fall over onto the ground with a bang." Slowly Mikayla climbs on top of Mikia screaming, "Eddy is mine cxnt, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fuckin kill you," but Mikayla is weak & she's all pummeled and before she has a chance to do anything, Mikia reaches up with both of her hands & she grabs Mikayla's hair & she pulls her right off of her, & now Mikia gets on top of Mikayla. She laces her hands right through Mikayala's hair & she yanks her head up off of the ground. Then she shoves her head back down "bang," right into the concrete. She bounces her head right off of the hard cement screaming, "now I'm going knock some sense into you bitch." She starts "bang, bang, bang, bang," hammering Mikayla's head against the concrete. She's cracking her sisters fuckin skull against the rough cement over & over again, & now Mikayla is really seeing fuckin stars, & now her eyes are swimming around in her fuckin head, & mikayla becomes submissive & she cry's out, "eddy is yours, please stop, Edie is yours, you can have him,"

but Mikia is crazed now, & she just keeps "bang, bang, bang, bang," bashing her skull in & blood is rolling from her cracked skull. Mikia has knocked Mikayal unconscious, but she's still throttling her head against the concrete until you grab her & pull her off. The two of you are so hot for eachother that you run to the hotel. Luckily you manage to call 911 before you get to the room. Mikia already has torn her clothes off & you rip yours off &!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Request for story
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2010, 04:18:25 AM »
Yes! Got two stories. I didn't expect that. Awesome job man thanks a bunch you're my fckin hero  ;D


Offline Anygal4-f2f-f2m-fite

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Re: Request for story
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2010, 08:49:57 PM »
I think the fight will start on the grass & end on the concrete behind. Mikalya weight may be more by 3-4 kgs, also slightly more in height…also lil more hips…I think it wud b lil bit more of hard & very very fast wrestling…girls being 40-60 amongst them...mixed with brutal punches…free for all.At the end Mikalya wud b on top on the concrete…heads on the wooden side…she wud b pressing Mikia’s right fingers on ground…her left knee wud b on Mikia’s right shoulder…punching heavily on Mikia’s left face with her right…I think that wud b the end of the match…Mikia wud loose due to her lil weight, hips & ht dis-advantage. (apart from knock-out at the end ...the over all match result wud b 60-40 in favour of Mikalya)

Cudn’t write the whole story…but cudn’t stop either.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2010, 06:19:28 PM by Anygal4-f2f-f2m-fite »
“Nothing is more humiliating than overpowering & pinning the opponent for at-least 10 minutes under you”