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CARINA72 VS MAX69 Story from Poll ... Italian restaraunt rumble

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Offline stormbolt7

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CARINA72 VS MAX69 Story from Poll ... Italian restaraunt rumble
« on: October 19, 2010, 03:29:12 AM »
Carina was my guest for the evening.

She went at times by the ID of Carina72.
Carina was slender, blue eyed, blonde and very much what you would expect from a lady from Sweden.

I was going to take her out for a meal, and when I picked her up from her hotel room, had to admit she was looking very nice.
Carina was wearing a light blue dress.
The dress had medium sized straps over her shoulders. A slightly plunging line, in the front, stopping just before revealing to much.
Carina having some pleasing curves underneath it. At her waist, was a thin materialed belt or sash, loosely tied, yet showing how toned her hips, and belly were.
The bottom flaring slightly, helping to make it look more like a skirt, then the bottom of a dress.
The bottom of it stopping well above her knees, as I was getting a nice view of Carina's legs, as I hold the door, and she slides into the car.

During the drive I was finding Carina to be very polite, as well as maybe a little on the shy side.
Still she was enjoyable company, as we chat, while she plays with the radio, enjoying checking the various stations out.

We soon arrive at the restaraunt. It is local, not the biggest, but it definately had good food.
As we walk in, the front half, has a bar front, with a few chairs by where it ends against the wall. The main front of it, open for the servers to pick up drinks, and orders being picked up to go.
Then it had some tables lined up, with a row of booths after that.
A divider was between that, and the larger room.
This room having larger tables, and more room for bigger parties.
The main part of the menu was Italian, with steaks and other dishes, to give some variety. I know Carina is nervous a little, so I ask for a booth.
The lighting in the place was slightly dim, so once we are seated, it seems like we have more privacy then we actually did.
A waitress takes our orders for drinks, as I begin to notice a couple sitting at the bar.
One reason, the lady was simply gorgeous. Blonde, nice figure, dressed in a blouse tied across her chest, leaving her belly bare.
Possibly some kind of plaid skirt the rest of her outfit.
The lady taking sips at her drink, as she listened to the guy with her.

The guy with her, was drinking fast, getting loud, and letting known, what he expected her to do for him, for being his guest for the evening.
Carina is going through the menu, as I notice the lady at the bar was not having a good time.
"Look, we went out, you bought me a few drinks, that does not mean this lady is going to be in your bed, anytime this century asshole." She says calmly, as he begins to get to his feet.
I excuse myself, and slide from the booth.
"Look, you're just some cheap ass whore, that I was introduced to by some friends." "I wouldn't waste money, on some cheap trash like you, unless it was to enjoy that nice ass in bed, now lets go cxnt!!" He says angrily, as I can start smelling the alcohol on him, before I am all the way to them.

"Look, fuck off, I'll find my own ride loser!!" She says not backing down to him.
"Fucking scheming little bitch!!" He says, his arm moving back, to swing at or slap her.
My hand grabs it before he does.
"I think the lady wants to be left alone." I say calmly, as he glares at her, then me.
"This is private, between me, and my girlfriend!!" He replies, as she shakes her head negative.
"Barely know him, never will be seen in his company again." She says, as he tries to think of his next action, as a few other guys get up, to maybe help escort him out, if needed.
"Fine you want the whore, she's all yours!!" He drunkenly spits out, as he jerks away, and staggers for the door. A few of the customers applauding as he leaves.

"Thanks for getting that loser away from me. by the way you can call me Max." The lady says, as I begin to realize just how beautiful she is.
I had seen her at a distance, yet now seeing her this close. Max was stunning.
Her nice sized breasts heaving in what may have been a satiny bra, beneath her blouse.
Max had pretty eyes, smiling at me from her beautiful face.
Unless Max was the total bitch buffet as part of her character. I could not see why any guy, would want to do anything but treat this sexy lady right.
"Maybe you should stay awhile, to be sure he leaves." I tell her, as I get the attention of the bartender, letting her know if Max wanted another drink, it was on me.
"Thanks again, nice meeting someone that can actually be nice to me with out thinking that leads to my bed." She says, as I smile, and head back to my companion for the evening.
Max relaxing, and staying inside for now.

"Is that woman really a prostitute?" Carina asks as I join her again.
"No, she just happened to be with a jerk, that would not know a fine woman, from his inflatable date at home." I reply, as Carina blushes slightly, at my words.
"Well she does kind of look like a whore." Carina ads, as the waitress is now back to take our order.

I get a pasta combo plate, with a pepperoni pizza for us to share. The pepperoni slightly on the spicy side, going good with a cold beer.
Carina orders hers, and I smile, thinking of the portion she will be soon seeing. Another thing I enjoyed about the place, you got a nice amount for the money.

I happen to look towards the bar, and find myself blushing slightly. Carina seeing this and turning.
Max is waving, holding her fresh drink, and even blowing a kiss my way.
"Why the nerve of the little tramp, doesn't she see you are with someone?" Carina asks, starting to get upset over Max just trying to be friendly.
"Carina she was just saying thanks, nothing more." I tell her, trying to calm things down.
"Would you even consider being in public, with someone dressed like that?" She asks, as not meaning to, again with her being talked about. My eyes drift to Max again.
Max's eyes watching me closely now.
Maybe I had started something, still I was not going to just sit by, and let some drunk guy, put his hands on the lovely lady.
Max taking a deeper drink, and smiling at me again. This time her tongue wetting her lips. I figured it was to maybe get some of the drink off them, that had maybe spilled a little.
"Why that total slut!!" Carina says, and before I realize there was going to be a problem, the slender blonde was out of the booth and stalking towards Max. I paused to admire Carina's legs, as well as the nice looking bottom she had.
Then I get up, ready for more trouble.

"Excuse me, but would you mind not staring at my date for the evening?" "I mean a whore like you must have several corners she can walk, to get hers for the evening." Carina says, as for the second time this night, conversation around the restaraunt begins to die down, as more and more people begin to watch the two blondes confront each other.
"Just back the fuck up skank." "I was only thanking him for being nice to me." "Your lucky to be with him, now turn around, walk your candy ass back to your booth, and shut the fuck up." "Before I decide maybe he would be better off with me than you." Max replies, as Carina begins to glare at her. Carina's body tensing, as her anger rises.
"I don't think he wants to pay the cheap price it costs to get you on your back." "Here, this is how we cool of whores, in my country." Carina says calmly, as she grabs a beer pitcher sitting on the bar top, for a waitress to pick up.
As almost all eyes are watching, Max stunned this woman would even think of doing such a thing.
Carina begins dumping it over Max's head.
Gasps and chatter coming from the crowd, as Max gasps, and begins to cough, as some of it splashes into her mouth.
Her blouse begins to be soaked, as it begins to plaster against her body. Her bra now more visible, as the weight of the liquid sliding her top down a little. It was defnately black silk or satin, and Max had a very nice amount of smooth skinned cleavage showing now, as Carina stands chin raised slightly in contempt, as well as triumph, as Max's hands try to wipe the beer from her face and eyes.
"Carina that was uncalled for!!" "Max I apologize for this honestly." I tell her, as I grab a bar towel, and some napkins to try and help Max dry off a little bit.
She cleans her face off, and stands.
"Ladies take this outside!!" A manager says, as they stand ready to tear into each other.
"It will be my pleasure to show this slut some manners." Carina says, before turning to head for the door.
"Your ass is so going to be mine bitch!!" A dripping wet Max replies, before following her.
Almost all of the restaraunt patrons following us out.

They walk past most of the cars in the parking lot, to a clear area. Close by it, a neighboring business, with a small patch of grass covered land.
Carina kicks out of her shoes, to stand barefoot, and waiting for Max to face her.
Max starts to move ahead, as more beer drips from her hair into her eyes. Max pausing as she tries to clear her vision, as Carina attacks.
Carina grabs Max's blouse, yanking the tie loose, before shoving Max's bra up.
"Told you she was a whore!!" Carina says, as I can do nothing but admire Max's nice sized, beautiful breasts.
Max's breasts heaving, while glistening from the beer wetting them, as Carina grabsthe firm tits, and begins to twist and claw them with her nails.
Max crying out, as she tries to clear her vision, while easing the pain to her tits, as some blood now shows on them.
Carina letting them fall free, before she backhands, then slaps them.
Carina then bringing up one bare foot to kick into Max's belly. Doubling Max up, as Carina begins to strip Max's skirt.

Max's blouse hanging damply against her, bra out of place, and now her skirt at her ankles, as Carina taunts her, and slaps, and hits her.
"Fucking whore, want to leave my date alone now?" Carina asks, as the crowd watches, as she grabs Max's panties, pulling them up into her cracks, as Carina is enjoying herself.
Max finally getting her eyes cleared, tries to pull away, as her blouse comes free in Carina's hands. Carina tossing it onto the ground, and stomping on it with her feet, as Max glares at her. Max's panties slid part way down her shapely legs.

Max slips her bra off, to keep it from being used against her. Then her sexy legs move, as her panties go the rest of the way down. Max now stood naked in all her glory. Drenched, and very pissed off.
"You fucking bitch!!" "I was only being nice to someone that had treated me nice." Max begins as Carina moves towards her.
"Since you have been such a total cxnt about it, I think it only fair, he spends the rest of the night with me." Max says, adding more to the heat of the moment.

"Look at you, naked like a whore, fat as a cow, and ugly as can be." "If you can beat me, Storm is welcome to you, if he even can stand the sight or stench of you." Carina fires back.

Max was naked, yet I could not see any part of her beautiful body, that looked fat or displeasing in any way.
Face and body Max was breath takingly beautiful.
Max was full figured, all the right curves in all the right places. Yet she was also sleek, and toned as well.
I was beginning to wonder of Carina had not gotten herself in over her head, as she stands almost cocky, in her confidence of the situation.

"I'll take those stakes." Max replies, as she charges towards Carina.
Carina manages to rake nails along Max's right breast again, and get a slap to Max's face.
Then it is Max teeing off on Carina.

Carina's dress quickly is stripped, and her lace bra falling to the ground, as Max now claws at Carina's pert breasts.
Carina trying to back away, as now it is all Max.
Max begins slapping Carina's face, and breasts, as her bare feet step out of her dress, to now stand in only her panties.
Carina trying to hit back, as Max gets a handfull of Carina's blonde hair. Max using it to jerl her head side to side, getting Carina off balance.
Then arms, and legs wrapping around each other. Max takes Carina down to the ground, luckily on the neighboring properties grassy yard.

Carina trying to give some slaps or pumches.
Yet Max's seem to be coming faster, and harder as the sexy spitfire begins to unload slaps and punches to Carina's face, breasts, and belly.
Even a few to Carina's nice ass, as now Carina's panties are stripped, and the two roll naked together.
I can see though that Carina's offense is almost nothing now, as Max keeps attacking.
Finally Carina is mainly covering up, trying only to protect herself, as Max has begun giving her a very bad, and one sided beating.
Max even managing to land a kick, as they continue.

I can see Carina has had enough. I begin to move in, as some of the more bloodthirsty in the crowd, begin to complain, and tell me to leave them be.
Carina had jumped the gun, and maybe been out of line. Yet I was not going to stand by and watch the lovely lady be hurt badly.
"Stop, please stop.. no more!!" Carina begs, as she is now seperated from Max trying to curl up, and protect herself. Not trying to fight back anymore.

Max struggles at first, then relaxes as some people begin to applaud and cheer her.
Her chest heaving, as she stays on her knees, wacthing, as I begin to check on Carina.
Both ladies would be brusied and sore. Yet Max had definately won this fight. Once she got going Carina was not able to stand with her.
The main reason she had started so well, was Max was having trouble seeing, to defend herself.

"Hey look, I'm sorry but she started it." Max says, as Carina begins to cling to me, catching her wind, as I nod, and smile at Max.
"It's okay, she is going to be all right." I tell her, as she nods her head and watches.
"So does this mean I win you as my prize for tonight?" Max asks, trying to be playful, and ease the tension, as many of the customers now head back inside to finish their dinners and talk and text about the catfight they had just seen.

"If he wants you, you won fairly." Carina surprises us both, by saying.
"Carina I'm not going to just dump you, forget that." "I brought you, I am staying with you if you want me to." I tell her, as she smiles, and kisses me.
"I feel like hell, please I just want to go back to my room." "You can give me a rain check on tonight, and let Max profit tonight, from my acting so stupid." Carina says, as both she and Max begin to gather their things from the ground, as I help Carina, the more battered of the two.
"Max?" I ask looking at her.
"I think I like that." "I definately worked up an apetite, and besides I could use a ride, that asshole drove us tonight." Max replies, as I smile, and lead two very beautiful, and naked ladies to my car.
"I'll be right back ladies, try to behave." I tell them, as Carina settles into the front passenger seat, while Max has the back all to herself.

I have our food, now ready boxed to go, and after paying for it, and the rest of what Max owed. I leave with them chatting about what jerks guys can be.
Both of them smiling, and making sure I knew I was not being included in the jerk, asshole side of things.

I drop Carina off, with promises to check on her later. Carina thanking me, and letting me know she planned on enjoying some of her dinner, before a very soothing hot bath, and then bed. We would definately try again, before she headed back to Sweden, in a few days.
Then it was getting Max home to shower, change, and let me have the honor of one of the best looking ladies anywhere, as my company for the rest of the evening.
I had take out left overs in the car, with the very sexy Max now in the front seat, as I give her, her choice for a dinner.
Max had won the catfight. Yet I could not help thinking, that it was lucky for me, her date had been such an ass.
I definately felt like I had won as well, as I enjoy the rest of the night, with the blonde beauty that at times was known as Max69.

The end.