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Shindy Story

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Offline orangemoose

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Shindy Story
« on: May 23, 2024, 02:26:58 AM »
Can someone post Shindy’s story ‘Best Tits on Campus’?


Offline HumanPerson

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Re: Shindy Story
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2024, 03:39:04 PM »
I think I've got the whole thing in pieces.

Here goes (first post was July 21, 2003.

Part 1

Sophomore year.  A bunch of us were in the fraternity house, in someone's room, drinking as usual.  As was standard, regardless of the company, all talk turned to girls.  We began to discuss first who had the best body and then who had the best parts and of course, we quickly got to tits.

"Michelle Cacciatore"  said one of my friends. 

"No, " said Tom, "We all know Julianne Montgomery has the best tits."

"Yeah!" chimed in someone else.

"They're almost perfect." said another.

"They are far and away perfect.  There are none better--" someone else was saying until he was cutoff by a female voice.

"No they're not."  We were all stunned.  It was Naomi, the house "Little Sister" who was always around for these conversations and usually just pretended to ignore them.  Naomi though, had been drinking a little more than usual and looked up from the beating she was giving one of my other friends on some xbox video game to participate in the conversation. 

"What?" someone asked.

"They're not." she replied resolutely.

"Oh, Naomi, shut the fuck up, since when do you look at tits?"  chided one of the guys.

"Jake, are you an idiot?" she asked, getting bolder. "The girl is on the soccer team with me and we are in the same sorority--in fact we're in the same goddamn pledge class you moron.  I look at tits-- HER tits all the time."

We all sat quietly for a moment.

"Anyway, " Naomi continued, "Melissa Griggs has the best tits on campus.  Ask any girl who works out at Campbell Hall."

We all looked at each other.  Finally, I said "Who the fuck is Melissa Griggs?"

"She's not in a sorority, that's why you don't know her, but she's a really sweet girl from Nebraska, and she's got the best body on campus, hands down."

We looked around and then Jake said, "Well, we don't know her, so she doesn't count, unless you bring her to the next mixer so we can judge for ourselves."  Everyone chuckled.

Naomi mumbled something we couldn't hear.

"What?" I asked.

"I said, even if you don't count Melissa, Julianne Montgomery does NOT have the best tits on campus--there are other girls who have better tits."

"Oh YEAH?" Jake hollared. "Like who?"

Naomi dropped her head and mumbled something.

"Well?" Jake pressed.

"Never mind." Naomi said and turned back to her video game. 

Jake teased her a bit and then gave her a shot of tequila.  She drank it.  We continued to drink and keep at our conversation and Jake continued to tease Naomi about who had the best tits on campus.

"Are you just jealous?" Jake pushed.

Apparently that was the last straw.  Naomi gave Jake the finger and then shouted, "Jake you fucking asshole, I have better tits than that blonde bimbo!"

The room became silent.  None of us knew what to say, Naomi never wore anything smaller than an extra large sweatshirt, she was one of the best athletes we knew, and none of us really looked at her like a girl, but now that she said that...

Jake became hysterical.  It was contagious.  Half the room was laughing.

"Prove it." Jake challenged.  Naomi blushed, her deep olive skin was obviously bright red. 

"You dick." she hissed at Jake.  Just 'cause you don't look doesn't mean they aren't there. 

"C'mon Naomi," someone else jumped in, "Can't you prove it? Please?" 

She looked around the room.  "I'm drunk enough that I have an idea. " she said, reaching for the phone.  "Clear the party room of the furniture." she instructed.

The boys scrambled.  They tripped over one another trying to figure out what Naomi was going to do to prove that she had better tits than her teammate Julianne. She came down to the party room five minutes later.  She had put on make-up and suddenly all of us were really aware that she was a girl.  Her straight brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her deep brown eyes were magical in appearance.  The little bit of make-up made her look absolutely stunning.  Little did I know what would come of this night between me and Naomi, but that's for another day.  Her half-cherokee, half-italian complexion was high-cheekboned and flawless.  Now we actually began to notice how pretty she was.  She still had her body covered in a big oversized sweatshirt though.  There was suddenly a knock at the door.  It was the president of Naomi and Julianne's sorority and the captain of the soccer team.  She escorted Julianne in--who also had obviously been drinking and asked Naomi if she was sure she wanted to do this here.  Naomi said yes and Julianne just glared at her but agreed similarly when asked the question.  Julianne and Naomi were such a lesson in opposites.  Julianne had straight blonde hair, was always primped and never left anything to the imagination.  She walked in in full makeup, with a white micro-miniskirt, high heels, and a red and white striped spaghetti strap tank-top.  Her big tits were almost falling out of the shirt and they barely jiggled when she walked. 

"Hey guys, " she said, slurring her words a little.  She knew most of us, and was pretty comfortable around all of us, just not as comfortable as Naomi.  "I heard you guys wanted me and Naomi to have a little contest?"

No one could say anything, as this had come as a total surprise.  I think half the room may have came in their pants.  We had no idea this was coming, and truth be told, we still didn't really have any idea what was coming. 

"Because I'm drunk, and because of some of the rules of my sorority, I am willing to participate.  But, I ain't so thrilled about it." 

We all looked at each other.  "Okay..." we said.

She turned to Naomi.  "Omee..." (that was Naomi's sorority nickname) "You understand that in front of your fraternity, you really want to do this?" Naomi nodded.  "And you know this will be different than at the house, there won't be any rules beyond standard here, right?" Naomi nodded and I think at this point, those who hadn't came before, finished now.

"Okay, well then boys, you're in for a treat.  You're about to see the two best sets of horns in the sorority, as we say, 'buck it up'." 

We all must have looked dumbfounded. "You know," she said, "Likedeer?"

Suddenly it dawned on us.  They were going to butt chests until one of them won, like two deer or rams butting one another with their horns or antlers.  We all started cheering.  We would have been excited just to see Julianne's tits, but now we got to see them up close and in competition. 

"Now because I lost a bet, I have to say something, and you all should know.  The last time we did this, " she paused.  We were all like, 'Last Time?'  She resumed, "Which was at the sorority house by the way--usually the only place we do this--Naomi won.  That's why I have to be here now."

Jake's mouth dropped to the floor as Naomi flipped him the bird.  Suddenly we knew why she was so adamant about having better tits.  But us guys knew that just because she beat Julianne in this contest thing didn't mean her tits looked better--she didn't even have enough to show through her clothes...

Suddenly Julianne's beautiful orbs were out and about for all to see.  The blond was tanned except for triangles over her breasts.  She had perfectly round, half dollar sized areolae and her pink nipples firmed up to fighting weight as soon as the air hit them.  She grabbed her tits and squeezed them with both hands.  "36d." she said smiling. Suddenly her skirt was off and she was standing there in a white thong.  Her body was firm and her legs perfect, mostly a result of her soccer playing.  We were all so focused on Julianne that none of us noticed Naomi removing her sweatshirt.

When we turned back, Naomi was smirking, standing there only in a thong.  I think the entire room gasped.  First of all, I think we all figured Naomi would be wearing boxers.  Secondly, Naomi had a tatoo on her left hip, a small one, but not something we would expect.  Thirdly, she had a washboard stomach, finely sculpted legs and absolutely INCREDIBLE tits.  Her brown skin was only slightly lighter from her bikini line over her breasts.  Her areolae were dark brown and were slightly bigger than Julianne's and her nipples were big and plump.  As we looked we all were sure that Naomi's tits were bigger.  She groped herself as well.  "36d also." she said, just not as boldly. 

She looked at Julianne, "Ready?" she asked.

"Yep.  It's different this time, Naomi, you know that, right?"

Naomi nodded.  "Let's do this."  Naomi didn't know, but she had already won in a way.  She showed all of us that not only could she hang with us, drink with us, and play with us, but she was damn hot too. 

We were all startled out of our reverie by the thwack of flesh as the two girls' breasts slammed together.  Naomi grunted.  Julianne slammed her tits into Naomi's and the brunette's tits were quickly knocked from side to side as the blonde became the aggressor.  Naomi grunted with each blow as Julianne quickly took control.  Naomi's dark tits were flattened and pressed from side to side as Julianne's moved forward.  Naomi found herself being backed up as the blonde's big tits pressed forward and her nipples attacked like slicing knives.  Naomi looked frantic and suddenly she found herself flipped onto her back as Julianne forced her over a low couch.  Naomi squealed as she landed ass up on the couch.  Julianne backed into the middle of the room, massaging her tits.  She played to the crowd clasping her hands above her head as if to simulate victory as the room cheered.  Naomi had gotten to her feet now and was ready again, apparently. 

"I warned you it was different..." chimed Julianne.

The two slammed together again.  The thwack was even louder.  Julianne this time, took a half step back and Naomi moved to take advantage.  The two fighters hit face on and they pressed their tits into each other's and Julianne's once again began to engulf Naomi's.  The look on Naomi's face belied her bewilderment at the situation, as her tits were flattened against her chest.

The struggle went on, but try as she might, we could all tell Naomi was outgunned...

Part 2

We all knew Naomi was the better athlete.  Although both women were soccer players, Naomi was a star and Julianne just a decent player.  Their legs strained as they increased the pressure on one another's chest.  Julianne began "butting" her tits into Naomi's, knocking them about as she pushed her rival backwards again.  Naomi grunted as she fought back but although her will was strong, her tits were not performing as she would have liked.  They were beginning to swell and those of us watching closely could see that they were beginning to get softer and give even more as they slammed into the blonde's powerful mammaries.

It was obvious to me that whatever had happened in the past between these two gladiators had led to a different result as to what was happening here tonight and it was clear that Naomi was disturbed by this.  The two women began to sweat a little and so their tits began to slide, especially as they increased the pressure between them.  At one point, as the two leaned at a fairly severe angle, Naomi's tits almost flat and compressed down by Julianne's, the two girls lost their "grip" and their footing and they stumbled past one another with a yelp.  With the two separated momentarily, we all had a chance to survey the progress of this heated, one-sided contest. 

Naomi's tits were now very red and swollen.  They looked like overstuffed pillows.  Her nipples were sinking in a little--certainly not as erect as they had been at the beginning of the fight.  Her face looked pained--we all knew it wasn't the physical punishment--we had witnessed Naomi take a few punches in the face during a fistfight with a guy and not flinch--rather it was the emotional embarrassment that was doing the most damage.  I was even pretty sure I could see a tear or two streak her make up down her face.

Julianne was a vision of the opposite.  Her tits were definitely red and slightly softer, but her nipples were still erect and she still had a broad beautiful smile on her face.  She rubbed her big orbs and pressed them together.

"C'mon Naomi, let's call it a night.  You know where you really stand now, and now you know why the fight during pledging wasn't really accurate.  Why don't you quit before you're really embarrassed..." Julianne taunted her opponent.

"No..." mumbled Naomi, "I never quit.  You're going to have to beat me outright."

"Haven't I already?" persisted Julianne.

"I'm still standing aren't I?" Naomi replied, pressing her tits together...

"Youare but your tits aren't."

Naomi sneered at Julianne and a chuckle arose from the crowd.  "Let's get back to it." hissed Naomi.

Julianne shook her head in disbelief and she mumbled "Okay..."

Suddenly, as if on cue, the two women charged one another.  They smacked together with a deafening slam of titflesh that made even us guys cringe with pain. 

"OHH!" yelped one fighter...

"Oh my GOD!" groaned the other.  One girl was down, clutching her chest.  The other stood over her, clearly hurt but also clearly not AS hurt as her foe.  The fighter on the ground moaned as she rubbed her tits and struggled to her feet.  The fighter on her feet egged her up.  Suddenly, the tide seemed to have turned, Naomi stood over Julianne as the blonde got up, and for the first time, her face wasn't in a scowl.

Julianne got to her feet and Naomi quickly began to tit-box with her.  Right then left, the two fighters slammed their weighty flesh into one another.  Despite renewed vigor, Naomi's tits had still been severely damaged and were clearly not as effective as she would have liked.  Julianne however, had now begun to show wear and tear, it was if that big blow had really taken some wind out of her sails.  The two women began "butting" again, this time however going back and forth in their steps, rather than all in Julianne's favor.

Naomi suddenly grunted with exertion as she bent at her knees and used her powerful legs to throw her entire body into a chest blow at Julianne.  Julianne squealed as her tits were massively crushed against her chest and she was knocked back into the wall.  Naomi smiled now as she raced at Julianne and used her own battered orbs to slam into her injured opponent. 

Pressed against the wall, Julianne was powerless to swing her big weapons into use, so she suffered a fairly one-sided onslaught until she was able to get enough leverage to use the wall to shove Naomi away.  Once again the crowd had a chance to survey the situation.  Suddenly, things looked very different.

Naomi's tits were bright red.  Little blood vessels had begun to burst in her skin leaving strange looking black-and-blue marks.  Her nipples were puffy and didn't stand erect at all.  Her tits which once stood tall now sagged considerably.

For Julianne, her mammaries no longer fared much better.  Her tits were swollen and sagged quite a bit, she had a big bruise just inside her cleavage on her left tit and her nipples were basically hiding in her areolae.  She gingerly rubbed her glands as if trying to coax them back into battle. 

The two fighters looked at each other and then their hands, nodding. By mutual agreement, they came slowly together and grabbed each other's breasts.  They both grimaced as they simultaneously began to squeeze and dig their nails in.  Titflesh oozed from between their fingers and they each began to stumble about the room on powerful legs as they pushed and pulled each other's tits beyond believable limits.

We watched in stunned silence as the two fighters squealed, yelped, grunted and groaned as they stretched their once proud tits like taffy, first one way and then another, causing one another to stumble and trip and fall, just to get back up again, but never to release their grip.

Julianne, probably because Naomi has the pain threshold of a thousand men, was the first to begin crying outright.  Naomi's face became flushed rather soon there after though and tears rapidly followed that.  Blood oozed from one of Naomi's tits where one of Julianne's fingernails had punctured the skin. 

The two women finally met in the middle of the room, each with a death grip on the other's mammaries.  Black make-up ran in streaks down both their faces, their hair was plastered to their head by sweat.  They hissed and mumbled at one another inaudibly to those of us watching.  We could no longer tell who was winning, but one thing we all uniformly could tell was that all four breasts in that room had been distorted beyond reality. 

And then the end began.  One of the two fighters squealed as her knees buckled from the pain. 

First one knee buckled, then it collapsed and the other went with it.  As she fell to the floor, she moaned, "Oh God, I can't believe this is happening..."  Her grip on her foe slipped away as she groped at her own agonized tits as her foe, now with much better leverage straddling her, increased the pressure and the twisting of her tortured mammary flesh. 

"...puh-lease....o..kay...puh-puh-puhlease...enough, you win..." moaned Julianne as Naomi straddled her.  Naomi rolled off and began to sob, covering her tits with her arms, she struggled to her feet and grabbed her sweatshirt and ran upstairs, sobbing.  Some of the guys ran to attend to Julianne, some sat stunned, and I ran up to attend to Naomi...

but that's the story of another day...

« Last Edit: June 16, 2024, 03:41:23 PM by HumanPerson »


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Re: Shindy Story
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2024, 06:54:58 PM »
God I miss Shindy! One of the best writers I've ever read!


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Re: Shindy Story
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2024, 12:01:42 AM »


Offline orangemoose

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Re: Shindy Story
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2024, 04:10:19 AM »
I still can’t read the full story but maybe I’m confused