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All bad things come to an end...

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Offline ~Rox Erotique~

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All bad things come to an end...
« on: October 20, 2010, 01:38:30 AM »
The following tale is part 1 of a conclusion to a collaboration dreamt of by the twistedly witty mind of a little miss Jonica! I hope you enjoy the conclusion of our adventures - the following is Part 1 of the final and Jonica will soon follow with part 2!

For those who havn;t read and may be interested in the background of our hatred, here's the first instalment in order!
The Joni-Gemma Wars
The first section is a three part tale of how we started our hatred
Part 1 - Some fools never learn Written by the lovely (yet slutty) Jonica!
Part 2 - You did WHAT now? Written by ME!!!
Part 3 - Brit in the Bayou Written by Storm!
The second part is a 5 part mystery surrounding the Evil Emma Fox
Passionate Hatred Part 1 Written by Jonica!
Passionate Hatred Part 2 Written by Me!
Passionate Hatred Part 3 Written by Marie B!
Passionate Hatred Part 4 Written by Howardcosell!
Passionate Hatred Part 5 Written by Storm!


And now... the final Chapters...

Lights sparkle all around me……

I drift through the air like I’m being carried on a breeze……

It really is beautiful……

Time is almost at a standstill as I sail through the cosmos, serene and tranquil……

I’m surrounded by oddly shaped stars and each one twinkles and dazzles with all the colour of the rainbow as they twist and turn……

The stars are all around me, caressing me… embracing me… gliding all around my body as I fly……

I see one of the stars approach me like a mischievous fairy, curios over this woman who ventured into it’s world……

As it gently brushes against the skin of my arm tiny red bubbles… a red mist trapped by my veins and skin joyously leap out for freedom and dance through the air in an arcing pattern of whimsy and glee……

Ouch!… You little Star cxnt!!!

“FUUUUUUCK!!!!!” I smash against the floor, my brief stint of anti-gravity coming to an abrupt end as I crash onto the hard tiled floor and come skidding to a halt covered in blood and pain

Of course I know now that far from sailing through the cosmos on a wave of tranquillity, I was actually sailing through a shop window at the behest of a very vengeful Jessika… and those mischievous stars that danced and paraded around me were the shattered remains of said shop window…


A blow to the head can cause some pretty supernatural sights… 10 blows from Jessika? Pretty much fucked me up. But I bet you’re wondering where all this started… let me take you back to the beginning…

The Cast of Characters…

Me: I’m Gemma! And when I’m not being thrown through shop window’s by nut cases, I like to drink, fuck and fight! And not always in that order. I hate her with a fury and venom that is hard to put into words… I also might love her… because of that I sometimes feel guilt when I beat the shit out of her… but luckily the joy I feel FAR outweighs the guilt!

Her: she hates me too… she’s Jonica, the little Cajun who could! (and by could I mean could go fuck herself for all I care…) she’s managed to get me into 8 of the most extreme, violent, life threatening fights of my entire life. All because she’s borderline retarded.

Him: he’s still with her, His name is Joe. I think he’s suspicious of me. I think it’s because he’s used to hanging out with incredibly stupid women…

My Nemesis: that’s Jessika. She likes hurting people and she’s awfully good at it. We had… conflicting views a while back and she has a grudge… she also has a right hook that has an uncanny ability to find it’s way to my face…

The Psychopath: That’s Emma Fox. She stole a story idea from Jonica… and because of that I’ve had my ribs broken twice been hit by a taxi and got my leg broke, had a Canadian knee my ribs so hard I couldn’t breath, ended up in hospital in Louisiana, had the absolute living shit kicked out of me by two professional athletes and now I’m getting thrown through a shop window… do you see why I hate Jonica now? She’s played by the beautiful Jenn Peccavi - Some say she’s the most evil moderator on fcf… some say she’s so cruel, she makes puppies cry… some say her temper is so foul, NASA’s trying to come up with an orbiting containment unit to free us all of her fury... (ok nobody said any of those things but I’m trying to build the tension damn it!!!)

The Trusted Ally: That’s Hawksmoor, he’s my friend and the only one I can trust seeming as Jonica wants to kick my arse and Joe thinks I’m untrustworthy… SCREW THEM!!! So long as I have Hawksmoor, I got all the help I need!

Act 1 (freedom?)
The Setting: walking down St Mary Street back in Cardiff

Life is starting to get back to normal now. I know it seems strange but that puts me on edge… I’ve spent so long looking over my shoulder and plotting my next course of action that it’s getting tough just doing everyday things… I was in Tesco buying some fruit and a woman reached for the same banana’s. I almost knocked her out! I can’t help but see everyone as a combatant. I’ve taken so many beatings and so much torture I’m built for war.

I actually need the fight. I need conflict and I need the rush. I fucking hate Emma Fox! She’s broken me more than  I imagined. She’s taken away my ability to have a normal life! Everywhere I go I size girls up…
There’s a tall blonde with long, slender legs… leg drag take down. Elbow to the face then Figure 4 leg lock. Taps out in 10 seconds. Fight over in 40 seconds.
A short chubby red head… Soften her up with boxing, tire her out then sleeper for the finish. Fight over in 5 minutes tops
Gym freak, great body, brown hair… tough fight, start off boxing to measure her up if she takes it to ground, scissors and arm bar to keep her tired and powerless. When worn down, ground and pound then camel clutch for the submission… 10 minutes.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME!!! I need to calm down… I need to get my head straight… I’ve been at the gym every day for the last 2 months… But do you know what is killing me more than anything else… what’s tearing me up inside… what keeps me awake every night and tormented every morning…

I STILL HAVN’T CUM!!!! I fucking hate Kayla.

But now I’m on my way to meet up with my ex. We broke up after I decided to go to Louisiana to beat the shit out of Jonica

“Why the fuck are you going there!!!” she raged

“Because that slut needs the shit beaten out of her!” I answered sharply

“you want to fuck her. Don’t you?” she growled, jealousy rearing it’s ugly head… I’m going all the way to America for Jonica and I wouldn’t even go to the ballet with Kelly… I knew that’d come back to haunt me!

“NO!!! OF COURSE NOT!!!” that was a lie… “I FUCKING HATE THAT cxnt!!!” that wasn’t

The argument raged on late into the night and we went our separate ways. I wasn’t really concerned. She was a psychopath. But needs are needs, and she has an unwavering ability to make me explode in an oh SO good way! So I’m meeting my psycho ex in the hopes of a quick fuck. I’m a horrible person I know.

But not as horrible as that bitch! SHE NEVER TURNED UP!!!! I sit in Barocco, nursing my pint, my hurt feelings and my longing crotch… I thought for a second I saw a familiar face pass the window? Could it… nah! don’t be stupid! I’m just on edge because I’m horny.

Secretly I know that’s not the only reason I’m on edge… Me and Jonica took the address Storm gave us to track down Emma Fox and there was nothing… I mean NOTHING! The house was levelled, $3.4 million of prime real estate gone… that was more scary than the hell we went through fighting Kayla and Marie B… She couldn’t have known we’d find her, so the fact that she’d destroy everything, not just empty but DESTROY… on a whim? That’s scary…

I down the last few gulps of my sorry pint and head on out, horny and alone… (that’s the worst kind of horny) although the day is quite lovely! I’m dressed in a short red & black tartan skirt with a black leather studded belt and a tight white vest top with my new rock boots and some fishnet stockings to complete my look. The sun is out and the women are scantily clad! Oh god I need sex! I make my way down the street and I get a tap on the shoulder. IT’S HER! SHE SHOWED UP! I think to myself. I spin on me toes to my left with the broadest smile on my face right into a crashing Right hook! I fly back, rocked onto my heels but still standing.

The world is a bit blurry as I stagger but my vision clears to reveal someone I hoped I’d never see again… Jessika… stood there in a smart skirt and blazer, dressed every bit like a business woman but her business isn’t so much fiscal as fistal… and she has a huge smile on her face. That is what terrified me the most… I could handle a scowl or a smirk or a grimace… but her smile made my blood run cold until I shivered.

“Hello cxnt” she chirps right before her left fist flies forward in a jab so fast it astonishes me! My hands have no time to react as her knuckles crunch into my right cheek bone rocking my head back again! For a jab, it had all the power of a straight cross! But I was still standing… she circled me and I started to get my wits about me and raised my guard

“Bitch I’m going to enjoy every second of this!” she sang with a glint in her eye. I didn’t doubt her for a second. She started to throw more punches and I was utterly defenceless! I can box! I’m not boasting hollow here, I’m good at it! But every blow was calculated and thrown with purpose. Maybe it was the surprise attack, I don’t know but I was getting pounded to death in the street and couldn’t stop a thing! Every punch I sent at her she blocked or dodged as if she knew I was throwing it before I did.

I lost count of the number of hits I took. A hard left to the solar plexus, a straight right to the face, another right to the ribs… I was being taken apart piece by piece. But I saw frustration in her eye’s… she was getting mad… why? I thought… then I realised it’s because I’m still standing! She was expecting me to be on the floor begging by now and although I’ve got no offence or defence left in me. I still got some fight left.

“You stubborn little BITCH!” she growled confirming my theory… she then grabbed me by my belt with her left hand as I stood there wavering, still managing to stay upright but my arms hanging limply by my sides useless and drained. She then started her slow and purposeful attack like the bass line to a relentless track she pounded me with her solid right cross again and again.
1.…2.…3.…4.…5.…6.…7.…8.…9.…10 punches in all, each one unanswered and each one finding it’s mark.

I was pretty sure this was the moment I was going to die. I know how mean she is and I know how much she hates me. I feel her hand release my belt and I stay standing, albeit by leaning against a parked car behind me but standing I was… If I’m going to die, it’ll be on me feet.

But as it turns out, Jessika had no intention of leaving me standing… she SLAMS a solid right uppercut into my belly! My back was against the car door and so my body had nowhere to fall back. The full force of the blow devastated me with such unrelenting ferocity that the car window I was leaning against smashed in on itself! The air was filled with the wails of the car alarm as it tried to alert it’s owner that it was under attack, but it wasn’t the victim here, I was. I of course doubled over and coughed. I noticed a little blood and tried to work out whether that was from my insides or my split lip… it didn’t really mater as I fully expect to be dead soon anyway.

Stepping to my left side Jessika grabbed my belt just above my arse with her right hand and griped my hair hard with her left hand. Then running as fast as she could she lifted me clean off the ground and hurled me into the 10’ by 10’ window of Howells!

Unfortunately Howells Department Store has toughened glass……… with an almighty thud my head, soon followed by my body, bangs into the solid window and I collapsed to the ground semi conscious. Jessika sighs having had her big finish stolen from her… but she’s nothing if not persistent! Three mighty hurls later and I find myself concussed and broken flying through the offending window much to Jessika’s glee.

I lay on the cold tiled floor, my breath laboured and ragged. Covered in blood and bruises and I see her ominous form lurk over me.

“Jonica’s next honey… see you in Louisiana if you’ve got the guts punk!”

I hear her words but at the time my beaten brain doesn’t quite understand them. I look at her raising my head then darkness takes me.

Act 2 (I hate my life)
The Setting: in a hospital bed in The Heath Hospital, Cardiff… possibly the grimmest place on earth


Well that sound tells me two things… either I’m in hospital, or a reversing truck is about to squash me… I slowly open my eye’s and the harsh tube lights of the hospital’s ER ward punish me for my daring. My eye’s hurt… my body hurts… my face hurts… even my hair hurts… but lets look on the bright side! At least I’m not getting run over by a reversing truck…

I look around me and a nurse sees me coming round then calls over a doctor. He’s pretty hot… and I’m suddenly aware that I still haven’t cum…

“Are you alright Miss Rox?” he asks in a deep voice, concern on his face

“Are you serious?” I fire back then mentally shout at myself for snapping at the only fit man I’ve seen in a while

“Yes, of course, I’m sorry. What I meant to say is are you in any pain now? And if so, where is the pain located?”

“Well my big toe on my left foot is fine… everything else is fucked” I joke back trying to make amends for the previous snapping

“I’m sorry to here that, we can give you something for the pain” he answers and waves over to an orderly

“NO! really I’m fine. The pain lets me know I’m alive. I’ll do without thank you.” I quickly reply and the Doctor motions for the orderly to go back about her business. He has a surprised look on his face but then again he doesn’t know how familiar me and pain have got over the last year…

“Do you remember what happened?” he asks

I think long and hard… I remember the sucker punch that rocked me… Jessika terrifies me, she really does, but the bitch still needed to sucker punch me to get an edge… and the beating… the long, drawn out beating… I remember the window… OH FUCK! JONICA!!!

“OH SHIT!!!!” I shout with sudden panic! “I NEED TO MAKE A CALL!”

“Calm down Miss Rox… it’s all alright… we have a phone right here. Do you know the number?” he asks

“FUCK!!!” If you haven’t already worked out…I don’t “Can I get internet access?

“I’m afraid not, you’ve taken quite a beating, you’re bed ridden for a few days yet” he answers

“Then a laptop! A Blackberry! ANYTHING!” I scream and the doctor, seeing my heightened state he signals to the orderly again who injects something into the little bag hooked up to my arm

“NO!!! No… no… need to save Jonica… please…” and again darkness took me

I slept in a nightmarish state, my mind filled with the smiling face of Jessika and the horrors she was capable of. Now I hate Jonica… I really hate her. She’s the cxnt who dragged me into this shit! She started a fight with me that escalated into the dizzying realms of madness and drew the attention of a certain Miss Emma Fox who I know is the woman behind my attack, I’m sure of it but right now, as much as I hate Jonica, I need to help her. Don’t ask me why because I really couldn’t tell you… maybe being partnered up for the last few months bonded us… I seriously doubt that. Maybe I just feel like if anyone’s going to hurt that bitch it should be me?… that sounds more likely. Either way I need to save her.

When I finally come round, I awake with a calm and unwavering purpose. To stop Jessika. It was strange that in almost beating me to death, she’s actually helped me… I’m not messed up in the head anymore, I’m not sizing up the nurses working out the best way to take them down if they start a fight, I’m focussed… or maybe obsessed… either way it helps. I call my housemates and ask them to bring my laptop to the hospital. I’m a little hurt that they didn’t even know I was injured but then again I’ve hardly been a sociable housemate recently…

I get on line and my Inbox flashes up with countless missed e-mails… but one stands out in particular…

Dear Punch Bag,

I’m Awfully sorry for your current state, I really though you to be tougher than that. It seems Jessika had a wail of a time re-arranging the window displays of Cardiff!

*a picture of me bloodied and unconscious in Howells is attached*

I was tempted to pay for you to have private medical care but seeming as you faired so woefully in that fight I really don’t think you deserve it! We will hold off on beating your little friend to a pulp until you can get to Louisiana to try and save her. Personally I think this is a waste of time as clearly you won’t have the guts to show, but Jessika seems to think you two have unfinished business (I really think you made a new friend there…)

Enjoy your stay at the National Health Service slut!

Yours Forever

Emma Fox


This bitch needs to be put down! And she clearly doesn’t know me at all!!! As if I wouldn’t show! I hastily start typing my response

Dear cxnt,

My current state is because that slut of a bruiser you hired sucker punched me. In a fair fight I’d fucking destroy that whore. And I would appreciate if you could pass my sentiments on to that cowardly bitch.

Now in regards to Louisiana, I thank you for the opportunity and as soon as they let me out of this hell hole, I’ll be on the first flight out. I hope to see you there but I think we both know you are far too much of a spineless cxnt to dare show your face.

Go Fuck Yourself,

Gemma Rox

PS. You’re a cxnt.

I healed pretty fast but stayed in Hospital for as long as I could to make sure I was 100%. Knowing they wouldn’t act until I got there was a blessing.  Now I’m not totally stupid. I know I’m walking into a trap so I called on some help. I met Hawksmoor online and although we’ve had some trust issues in the past I know I can count on him, he’s helped me out of a few jams and came all the way to New Orleans to help me with my stupid spy games. I breath a sigh of relief when he agrees to meet me in Louisiana.

As the time passes I heal and am ready to take on the world again. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the world I was facing… it was someone much tougher…

Act 3 (into the lions den)
The Setting: back in Louisiana… where all my troubles seem to live…

I arrived at new Orleans International around 9am, tired but anxious. I tried contacting Jonica through e-mail but she kept on telling me to go fuck myself. ,still got that Cajun Charm… I’m supposed to meet up with Hawksmoor in the hotel but my nerves get the better of me and I get a taxi straight to Jonica’s house. Stupid I know… guess that scatty bitch is rubbing of on me…

As the taxi pulls up I pay the man and run to the door, knocking on it hastily

“ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!!! CALM DOWN!!!” I hear her cry as I pound the door. She opens it and I get the most beautiful, lovely warm welcome! Both tender and heart felt…
in the form of a kick to the cxnt! I drop to my knees clutching my aching womanhood!

“BITCH!!! You come all this way for an ass whooping? You dumb cxnt!” she screams ripping my hair and dragging me inside still on my knees. Well, that’s a lovely greeting for someone who’s flown half way around the world to save you! I get her to stop the only way I know how… I launch a horrendous uppercut to her crotch, throwing my full force behind it! (well… I could have shouted for her to stop, but this came to my head first.) It had the desired effect as she fell to the floor in a heap, tears running down her face as we both lay there, crying and panting, laying on our sides curled up into a ball holding our private parts.

Joe walked into the room… “Oh… hey Gemma” then walked back out. I don’t blame him, he’s seen us try and kill each other before, it’s nothing new to him. Eventually the nausea settles down and I can breath easier sitting up against the wall still rubbing my ache (that’s the most action I’ve seen in a while…) I finally speak up

“You didn’t answer my e-mails you dumb cxnt!”

“YES I DID!!!” she snaps back through the tears

“Go Fuck Yourself isn’t an answer! Jessika’s coming here!” I finish and she looks at me puzzled

“Who’s Jessika?” oh dear lord she’s dumb…

“The big scary announcer you kicked in the cxnt? You need to stop doing that to people by the way…” her face turns from confusion to realisation to fear and then to terror. Jessika has that effect on girls…

“But…but why?” she stammers… truth is I don’t know… but I like seeing Jonica scared…

“She said she want’s to return your kick with interest”  I tease

“Oh god!” she gasps

“Then she mentioned something about tying you up with your legs spread and stripping you naked”

“Oh Shit!” she cries

“Then she said she was going to kick you in the cxnt for an hour straight then get a massive strap-on and fuck you for two hours straight!”

“OH NO!!! PLEASE!!! FUCK NO!!!” heeheehee!… yeah I’m a bitch… but she kicked me in the pussy! And besides, at least she’ll welcome my help now!

“What can we do!” she asks panicked

“WE? You tried to kick a field goal with my vagina! I’m going home!” ok that was mean of me to say… but still! Can you blame me?

“Oh please Gemma!  Please don’t go! PLEASE!!!”

“Beg me to stay!” I order with a smile on my face

“What? FUCK YOU WHORE!” yep! That’s Jonica! Not five seconds ago she was begging me to stay of her own free will, but when I ask her to beg she calls me a whore!

“Fine, I’m off. Have fun with Jessika babes” I giggle

“Oh FINE!………please will you stay…” she begrudgingly asked

“Well seeming as you were so nice about it OK!” I chuckle. Things calm down after that and I explain to Jonica and Joe what happened in Cardiff. At first they don’t believe me so I show them the photo of me all bloodied and beaten in the shop window that Emma Fox was kind enough to e-mail me. For a second I think Jonica was about to throw up… I thought she’d be glad to see me hurt… but I guess our fucked up bond is stronger than I thought… Either way, they were taking this serious now. The matches with Kayla and Marie B got way out of hand… all of us hell bent on destroying each other… but this is far more malevolent… far more personal… when you can’t walk down the street without fearing an attack, you stop living and just exist day by day.

“So…. What do we do now?” I ask

“Burrito’s?” Jonica answers. I start laughing but Joe doesn’t… he knows she’s serious. Suddenly a knock on the door makes us all jump and Joe answers it ready to beat to death whoever lies on the other side….

It’s Hawksmoor! At first I don’t recognise him as the light from outside silhouettes him and makes it hard to focus but Joe remembers him from the tag matches against Marie B and Kayla. He gives him a hardy handshake and invites him in. It’s good to see a friendly face at last. Jonica flits between humour and hatred with me and I’m not sure Joe trusts me at all. Granted, every time he sees me his woman ends up getting the biggest beating of her life… but I don’t think it’s that… since I interrogated Hawksmoor after our second tag match, he looked at me with suspicion… always trying to work out who I really am when truth be told… I’m just me! Yeah I have a past but that doesn’t matter. At least I think that way… Joe might not.

“I thought we were meeting at the hotel?” Hawksmoor fires at me, clearly unimpressed that I went here on my own

“Sorry honey! I just had to check on them!” I answer using my puppy dog eyes to melt his anger… and it works like a charm! Ha! Men are so easy to read! He’s a good looking guy with his long dark rocker hair and dazzling blue eyes. He has a good heart and has been a great friend through tough times. He’s smaller than Joe at 5’10” but then again everyone’s smaller than Joe. He is well built and can clearly handle himself. Having him here was a great comfort.

Jonica suddenly rises. Then giggles, her eye’s getting a little giddy

“Oooohhh! Head rush!” and grabs her coat exclaiming she’s going out for lunch and we all follow her. After all, it is her that Emma’s after. We get about a minutes walk down the street and we decided that we should all stick together. It’s safer that way. Then just as we decided that Jonica suddenly shouts!

“The Babies!!!”

“What??? You have kids?” I exclaim in shock

“No silly, my poodles! I haven’t fed them!” she cries “What with some skank punching me in the cxnt” she mumbles then runs back to the house shouting “I’LL BE 5 MINUTES!!!” so much for sticking together…

We wait by the pavement. Joe stands ahead of me and Hawksmoor with his back to us. Suddenly my head starts racing as a sickening thought enters my mind… my stomach lurches at the possibility… it twists and turns as my whole world goes upside down at the prospect… my face turns a ghostly pale as I look at my friend. I see his right hand in his pocket and ask…

“Hawksmoor… how… how did you know Jonica’s address?…” He smiles at me, but it wasn’t a smile designed to bring comfort… pulling his hand out of his pocket I see a stun gun in his hand. Unfortunately, with his back turned, Joe didn’t and he hit the concrete hard after Hawksmoor jammed the stun gun into the back of his neck!

“YOU SON OF A… OOOMMMMPPPFFFF!!!!!!!” I scream then gasp as he spins slamming his fist deep into my belly! My eye’s bulge out as I look up at him, the hurt and betrayal written all over my face.

“You always have to fight, don’t you? Can’t just roll with it! Can’t go along with it? Gemma Rox knows best! Gemma Rox is a fighter! Well looking at you now, I’d say you know Jack Shit!!!” he growls maliciously but through all his melodramatic speech he never actually paid attention to his own words… I am a fighter…

I rise up slamming a right hook into his ribs and take pleasure on the pain on his face. I slam a right jab into that same pain stricken face and his head rocks back as he cries out a satisfying “AGGHH!!!” He quickly back pedals putting some space between us as a blue transit van speeds towards us.

“Oh baby cakes… that was a mistake!” he smiles getting into a boxing pose. He launches a left jab and a right cross! Both were as fast as… as… well as fast as a Hawk I guess! I blocked the first jab but I was meant to… I realised that a split second before his right cross annihilated me. I crashed onto my back, the cold stone pavement offering no comfort and slowly got back to my feet dazed.

“There you go again, being a fighter!” he laughs before slamming an uppercut to my gut that raises me off the ground. I crash back down to my knees hard and the crunching impact of my bone on the stone sends shockwaves through me. I feel my hair being pulled back, wrenching my neck and forcing me to look up. I see Hawksmoor standing there, his right fist raised and he chuckles

“Nap time bitch”

A thunderous right hook sends me to sleep. The blow slamming my jaw and snapping my head to the side as blood arcs out from my mouth. I’m unconscious before I hit the ground. The van skids up and our unconscious bodies are bundled into the back of it.

A few minutes later Jonica jogs back and we’re nowhere to be seen…

“Fuckers went with out me!” she sulks then walks to Taco Bell alone… yes… she really is that dumb.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2010, 01:46:10 AM by Gemma Rox »
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


Offline ~Rox Erotique~

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Re: All bad things come to an end...
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2010, 01:40:26 AM »
Act 4 (A case of abduction)
The Setting: I don’t know I’m fucking blindfolded!!!

Well I’m blindfolded… I don’t know if Joe is here on not and I’m tied to a chair. There’s a gag in my mouth and it tastes like dust… Yuk! Still… I’ve had worse things in my mouth… (don’t look at me like that! We’ve all done it!)… My head is a bit woozy and it takes a while for me to gather my wits, the blindfold doesn’t help but eventually I settle down. I can hear footsteps and mumbling but nothing else… I sit there for what seems to be an eternity until the blindfold and gag is finally removed and my eyes are assaulted with bright spotlights.

I flinch and shut my eyes, the harsh lights bringing tears to my face but eventually my eyes adjust and I can survey the scene better… The moment I do I wish I was still blindfolded…

Jessika…… Stood there staring at me……

I’m Dead… there’s no denying it. Jessika has the biggest grin on her face, it just makes me want to smash it off! But I’m hardly in a position to do that…

“So glad you’re awake cxnt!” she laughs but her joy doesn’t inspire much mirth from me.

“Go fuck yourself!”

“Hey now! Is that anyway to treat a friend?” she answered back. I was totally at her mercy and she loved every second of it.

“untie me & I’ll show you how friendly I can be…”

“Awe… are you still mad about that whole window thing? Can’t you take a joke? You can certainly take a pounding, that’s for sure… stubborn little shit aren’t you?” she chuckles

“HEY FUCK YOU!!! You sucker punched me you fucking pussy!!! I’d fucking destroy you in a straight fight you cxnt!!!” I rage at her but she just bursts into laughter! A few moments later and she gathers control of herself

“You and me aren’t that different you know…”

“FUCK YOU!!!” I scream, those words really grated on me… I’m nothing like her!

“look at you! Hard drinking, hard fighting, hard loving… although I understand you’ve had quite the dry patch there…” she allows herself another chuckle before continuing “but look at you! You’re tied up, completely at my mercy. The fact that I beat the shit out of you and threw you through a shop window shows that my intentions towards you are far from honourable and yet rather than try and talk you’re way out of this situation… rather than opt for diplomacy… you tell me to go fuck myself. You tell me how you could kick my arse. Every word coming out of your hateful lips designed to anger me… every syllable designed to fuck with my head… you and me are more alike than you think honey…”

I’m breathing heavy now… the pure, untamed rage is written all over my face as her words sink in. I look back at my life since this all began… how I so desperately need to fight… how I size up all the women In the room and even the men now... How I’m constantly looking for trouble… what have they done to me? I eventually answer back, my voice low and menacing… it trembles as I choke on the hate and bile…

“You’re nothing but a pussy… A sucker punching washed up pussy who runs around after Emma Fox like a little bitch. I’m nothing like you because I‘m no pussy!”

Well she was right about one thing… That wasn’t very diplomatic… I fully expected the beating of my life now. To be honest, from the moment the blindfold was lifted from me, I didn’t expect to live anyway. So I think to myself ‘Hey! Might as well piss her off before I go‘… but she didn’t move a muscle. She just stared at me and smiled. That same blood chilling smile that terrifies me so.

“Oh honey…. You’ve got it all wrong… We’ll get the chance to see who’s a pussy… and yeah, I’ve REALLY enjoyed tormenting your skanky British ass… but believe me… we’ll get to see who the real pussy is here. One on One. No sucker punches. No ambushes. Just me and you in a ring and only one of us walks out. Everything up to this point was just foreplay baby. That shop window I put you‘re ass through… the abduction… all just foreplay…”

Well at least her words implied that I might survive this particular room… There was one part of me that deep, deep down was relishing the chance to fight her… but for the most part I was terrified. Sure my angry speech boasted confidence and bravado but the truth is, I’m in a bad place and there’s fuck all I can do about it… Damn if I’m going to let her know that though!

“Bring it cxnt!” I scream, muscles wrenching and straining against the ropes that bind me. But she walks over to a table and picks up a needle. My face betrays my fear as this new threat is introduced

“oh not just yet honey, we’ve got plans for you first…” she chuckles menacingly as she approaches, tapping the needle and squirting a little of it’s contents

“What the fuck is that! Get the fuck away from me!!!” I cry, panicked but I can’t stop her, I feel a sharp sting as she jabs the needle in… her bedside manner is atrocious… but  then the room starts to blur and spin… I can make out her face all deformed and twisted as it slowly blends in with the grey walls and everything slowly dims to black.

My head is filled with constant nightmares. Images of sex and debauchery and the sound of evil laughter and chuckling. Flashes of bright lights are followed by more laughter and malicious sneers. Everybody is faceless just bodies and spite. I’m sure I feel another sharp pain in my arm and my world goes dark again.

Act 5 (give me a shot… just one shot…)
The Setting: I haven’t got a fucking clue…

I awake and my head is pounding. I feel like I’m going to throw up and my body is sore. I have bruises on my arms as if people have been carrying me and manhandling me while I was out and I shudder to think what went on…  I’m in a grey room. The walls are bare concrete and is lit by a strip light high above. There aren’t any windows just a very heavy green metal door which I imagine is locked. My head starts to clear and I realise I’m sleeping on a cheep bed roll similar to a prison bunk. I look over and see Joe on the bed opposite me.

“Joe? You awake?” I ask

“Have been for a while now…” he replies flat

“Are you ok? Did they do anything to you?”

“I don’t really give a shit about that right now. We need to get out of here and find Jonica. Now.” he answers cold and stern.

His inner strength amazes me. We’ve been knocked out, abducted, drugged, separated and god knows what else. I’m trapped in a small room with no exit and no hope and I’m destined for a fight with Jessika.

Now I know I act the tough bitch but right now I’m close to tears. I don’t think I’m going to get out of this alive. I’m going to be put up against Jessika and despite my harsh words and arrogant posturing I’m fairly sure she will utterly destroy me. And Joe isn’t fairing any better. I don’t know what they have planned for him but all he can think about is Jonica. That strength and force of will helps steady me a little. I find myself growing taller, more focussed, more confident…

“And when we find her… I don’t want to look at you ever again.” He finishes. Destroying the confidence he instilled in me.

“What?… WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO???” I cry out close to tears and then that Icy cold calmness Joe had snaps and he jumps to his feet and flies into a rage

“IT‘S NOT WHAT YOU‘VE DONE GEMMA, IT‘S WHO YOU ARE!!! YOU’RE BAD NEWS!!! Every time I see you it leads to trouble. You’re no good Gemma!!!” he finishes breathing heavy from his rant. Struggling to keep in the raw anger he’s feeling towards me.

I brake. In that one moment I did the thing I never do. I cried like a little girl. Turning on the bed facing the wall and with my back to him I completely break down, everything I’ve been put through the last year was just water off a ducks back, or so I thought. But hearing Joe’s words crush me and it all comes pouring out.

After 5 minutes of continued crying I hear a heavy sigh coming from Joe. He finally works up the nerve to talk to me again

“You need to pull yourself together. Jonica’s relying on you.” Hardly the words of encouragement I was hoping for. I roll back towards the room, my eyes red and puffy. I slowly get to my feet and face him still sobbing.

His face betrays the smallest signs of remorse and regret.

With every ounce of strength I have, I knee him as hard as I can in the bollocks.

His face is now plastered in remorse and regret. That’s better!

“FUCK YOU JOE!!!! I WOULDN’T BE HERE IF IT WASN’T FOR THAT cxnt!!! I travelled half way around the world to try and warn that dumb slut because she was to fucking thick to read her e-mails!!! This is a fucking life and death situation here! I came all the way out here to save your fucking retard girlfriend and you treat me like shit? I NEED TO KNOW YOU’VE GOT MY BACK!!!” I scream at him and despite his size he takes a step back.

“FUCK YOU GEMMA!!! I got your back until I find Jonica, then she comes first!!! And don’t you try and play the selfless martyr here! Jessika put you through that fucking shop window first! It was only after that you decided to come out here! And you know damn well you only came back here for revenge! I stick by every fucking word I said! You’re no good! You’re bad news! Even your fucking friends can’t be trusted! Hawksmoor got us into this hole!”

“HEY!!!” I scream interrupting him “I couldn’t have known that was going to happen!”

“Maybe you would have known if you didn’t do such a piss poor job of interrogating him last time? And while were on the subject… you never told me where you learnt how to do that! And for that matter, where or how you learnt how to fight? I’ve seen you, the way you move… the way you control you breathing… the holds and locks you know… you didn’t just pick that shit up! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU???”

“I’M GEMMA FUCKING ROX!!!!!!!” I scream, tears streaming down my face “I DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER TO YOU!!! I DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER TO ANYBODY!!! I DON’T OWE YOU AN EXPLANATION FOR EXISTING YOU FUCKING cxnt!!! I AM WHO I AM AND I DON’T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU CAN’T HANDLE THAT!!!” I screamed so loud my voice went a little horse. I needed Joe… more than I care to admit... I was alone and in a dark place… my friend had betrayed me for the second time and I just wanted someone… anyone to tell me things were going to be alright. But right now I just needed him to trust me & to like me and he did neither so I did what I always do… I lashed out


My words hit Joe hard. Deep down he knows it’s all been that scatty bitches fault. but my final sentence… my threat… It was hollow of course and spoken in rage but it steels him. Suddenly I know just how much Joe doesn’t trust me as he actually thinks I’m capable of it. He stands up straight, his 6’4” frame towering over me by over a foot and he weighs twice what I do and it’s all muscle. He squares himself of against me and I ready myself for the beating of a life time

“Joe, I’m sorry, I was angry! Of course I wouldn’t kill Jonica. Forgive me.”

“Joe come on! I’d never do that! Do you think that little of me?”

“Hey, calm the fuck down. I was angry ok? I didn’t mean it!”

All of those things would have been perfectly acceptable responses to a 6’4” giant looking to hurt you…

“Bring it you fucking cxnt!”

My response however… lacked diplomacy…

As we stared at each other our fists clenched I went in to battle mode… analysing every detail, looking for a weakness. Knees… Groin… Feet… Neck… I played out my moves in my head, sizing up my attack with his most likely responses. I controlled my breathing and rotated my right foot ready to push off. We squared off in an almost comical showdown. Me a 5’3” 110lbs girl and him a 6’4” 220lbs man looking to knock shit out of each other…

Then the lights went out

“Eeeeeek!!! Protect me!!!” I shriek jumping into his arms and wrapping legs around his waist my arms around his shoulders and burying my face into his powerful neck (ok so I don’t like the dark! FUCK YOU! I’m still tough!…)

The room was pitch black. Not even a slither of light form under the door could be seen. He stood there for a while, holding me and comforting me… seeing my vulnerability for the first time as all we can hear is each others breathing… no… that’s wrong… we can’t hear each others breathing, we can feel it. Pressed tightly together, chest to chest. My panicked breaths and his slow calming breaths. I pull up and in the darkness we press our foreheads together… then our heads roll and our noses are touching… I can feel his head tilt to his right and I tilt too… our lips connect and embrace each other… time seems to stop as we kiss in the darkness… he holds me in his powerful arms…

Then I heard a familiar sound… a whirling and clicking building momentum and pace until and image flashed up on the wall. It was a projector high above us. I never even saw it. But was thankful for the light. For a moment be and Joe stare into each others eyes… not really understanding what just happened. I turn to face the projector and see the image was rather grainy and poor quality. We were greeted by a black silhouette on a gray background. If I had to guess I’d say it was filmed in a room not to different to the one we’re in now.

Joe drops me and I land on the hard floor with a bump and an ouch!

“Hello you two! I’m so glad you could join us.”
She chuckles happily in a melodic Australian accent (I must admit, I’ve spent SO much time in New Orleans that I really didn’t expect an Australian!)
“Now you’re probably wondering why you’re here… well… I’ve really enjoyed your company this last few months and watching you run around like retards trying to figure out who I am and what my motivations were have brought me so much joy!”

“Glad I could help cxnt.” I mumble before Joe quietens me with a “SSSHHH!!!”

“Now I’d love to chat all day but we must get down to business! Gemma my dear. You have a match with… what did you call her? A Pussy? Well Jessika will be ready for you in 24 hours so I guess you have all that time to reflect on how much she’ll enjoy beating you to death because of those words!”


“And as for you Joe, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sorry sweetie! But I know you must be wondering about poor little Jonica right about now! Well don’t worry, she’s at home safe and sound! Thanks to a phone call you made, she thinks you’re working a double homicide like a good little policeman!”

Joe looked confused the moment she mentioned a phone call he made…

“But I must say having you here did put a marvellous idea in my head! You see… I plan on fighting sweet little Jonica! And now I have you two… I have consequences!”

I didn’t like the sound of that…

“Take Rugby for example… it’s dull… boring… repetitive… but when it’s a world cup final, you have a reason to play! A reason to win! And consequences when you lose! And Jonica’s consequences will be you two!”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again

“You see miracles can happen in this world and so IF Jonica wins… you’ll all be released! However… When she loses and gets beaten to a bloody, broken pulp by yours truly… you’ll all be killed. Now I know that might not seem fair to you Gemma, after all you are fighting for your own survival already! But you did call me a cxnt in your last email and well, that wasn’t very nice of you!”

Diplomacy Gemma… you need to learn diplomacy…

“Right, I’m off to enjoy a nice meal at one of Houston’s best restaurants “

We’re in Houston? What the fuck!

“One of my guards should be posting a menu through the door now”

As if on cue some paper slides under the door… she’s got her puppets trained well…

“Call out your order to the guard on the other side of the door, and order as much as you like, on me! It’s sure to be your last meal… Bye for now!”

The lights come back on and the projector shuts off so I get up off the floor and walk over to the menu and kick it back under the door

“We’ll take 4 of everything on the menu” I shout to the guard outside and I here a shuffling as they pick up the menu then hurried footsteps away

Joe looks at me funny

“What? She said get whatever we want, I figure make the bitch pay!”

Joe chuckles a little then our eye’s lock and his face goes stern again… my shoulders drop and I look at the floor disappointed

“You really don’t trust me do you…” I mumble crest fallen and sullen

“Well… you did knee me in the balls…” he answers trying to lighten my spirit a little … and it worked, I look up and see him struggling to smile but I appreciated the effort

“You kidding me?” I answer “I almost broke my knee on that Billy club you keep down there! I’m surprised Jonica’s not in a wheel chair!” I joke back and laugh as Joe goes bright red. He starts to chuckle and I know he’s warming now. But I can’t help sizing him up anyway… he’s a powerhouse! tall, strong, commanding, and those eye’s… oh my god those deep blue eyes… He would have probably killed me if we did fight but I can’t help but think that in the right setting, I can take him… I can take anyone.

Act 6 (get your head in gear!)
The Setting: In a grey concrete room with a man who may or may not be a friend…

The food arrived… all 460 trays of it… You got to give credit to the Magic Wok… that’s a big menu… and after Joes advice I sorted through all 460 items of random Chinese take-away to find the special Chow Main… I regretted my hasty ordering system but the chow main was good and Joe said I’d need the slow releasing carbohydrates for tomorrow (although I didn’t let him know that I didn’t have a clue what that meant…)

We started talking about the fight and he started coaching me. It was strange at first but after a while I came to realise he’s a tremendous coach!

“Jessika’s got a weight advantage on you for sure, I’d say around 160lbs and you weigh what? 110?”

“A lady never tells” I answer in-between mouth full’s of noodles and pork

“Yeah, fine…” he continues ignoring my joke “well either way, you’re outgunned, you can’t get sucked into a straight brawl with her. She’ll pound you”

“Yeah but she’s older! Surely I can outlast her in a brawl?”

“Don’t think that for a second. Just because you’re younger, doesn’t mean your young. 29 isn’t that young and even though she’s got a few years on you, It’s clear to see she’s in perfect shape” I ignored the hurtful comment on my youth (or lack of) and chose a more serious response

“Like the older ladies huh Joe?” I tease

“You do know you’re going to die right?” he answers back and my face drops

“The thought had crossed my mind…”

“Then why don’t you take this seriously? She’s seen you in action 5 times and all we got is a report we had off Hawksmoor months ago that may or may not be true! She’s bigger than you, smarter than you, more experienced than you and meaner than you”

“I got better boobs though”

“That’s debatable”


“LOOK! You need to take this seriously!”

“DON’T TELL ME WHAT I NEED JOE!!!!” I scream back “An hour ago you were ready to beat me to death and now you’re looking out for me?”

“I don’t want to see you get hurt out there… despite what you think…”

“But regardless of that you and I both know that as soon as it comes down to a choice… as soon as you have to chose whether to help Me or Jonica… I’m a dead girl. I’m on my own here and I’m going to die here. Lets not bullshit each other…”

Joe holds his head low. We sit in the room in silence for what seems like an eternity. I throw the chow main on the floor in anger, the rage making me lose my appetite… I then sit with my back to the wall on my bed, head looking up at the grey ceiling above us and try and take in the reality of the situation. Joe finally speaks up

“…… look…… I…… I don’t plan on just letting you die……”

“Save it Joe…… I’ll take your help while I can still rely on it…… So back to the fight…”

Joes face hardens again as he focuses his efforts and settles down to help me

“You said a straight up brawl wouldn’t suit me? But Kayla was bigger than me and although I hate to admit it she was in better shape and I put her on her arse more than once!”

“Yeah, and she put you on your arse too… she even KO’d you to settle the score at 3-2 to them”

“I slipped on the fucking Jelly!!!”


“OK Jello! Fucking Americans and your arse backwards talk!”

“Well despite that she knocked you out and she beat you down more than once. You can’t risk it against Jessika. If she get’s you down… you’re never getting up…”

“So what do you recommend?” I ask at a loss

“You need to wrestle her… I’ve seen you fight, you got some moves although you rely on brawling too much…”

“That doesn’t make any fucking sense!!! You say that if I get knocked out it’s over, but if I get locked in a hold it’s over too! She’s too big for me to break her holds! You’re not making any sense!”

We argue for a few hours back and forth and despite the arguing, Joe has some good idea’s and it’s clear the man can handle himself in a fight. Despite the plans and ideas we can’t come up with jack shit, because we know nothing about Jessika… her fighting style, her strengths, her weaknesses, her motivations… all we know for sure is she thinks I’m a cxnt…

Act 7 (Time to die…)
The Setting: In a brand new grey concrete room…

My sleep was hardly restful… Despite Joe’s plans he hardly filled me with confidence…

She’s Stronger! Faster! Meaner! Angrier! Funnier! Sexier! Taller! Richer! Nastier! Tougher! She even cooks a better chicken & Mushroom Pie than you!

Well fuck you Joe! It’s not the first time I’ve been the underdog and it won’t be the last! That isn’t going to stop me knocking the bitch out. Things did get a little awkward at one point though… as me being me… I just had to ask a stupid question…


“Yeah Gemma?”

“You’re telling me all this stuff… you’re telling me how to beat her… how to hurt her… how to destroy her… your every word designed to inspire me to beat her to a pulp…”

“Yeah, what’s your point?”

“Well… Did you go through this with Jonica? Did you teach her with the sole purpose of destroying me?”

He sat there quietly for a while

“That’s not fair Gemma… I didn’t know you and I didn’t want Jonica hurt…”

“You knew it was her fault the fights started… despite that you still wanted her to beat me didn’t you?”

That was a harsh thing to say and we sat in silence for quite a while… I can be such a bitch some times… I know exactly why I asked that… because I can’t live with the fact that he’d chose her over me… But that doesn’t matter right now. I’m in another grey room all alone with a red and black tartan mini skirt on the bed… and I mean Mini… next to it is a black belt with silver studs… next to that a red bikini top and a note instructing me in no uncertain terms that this is what I’m going to wear. I recognise the outfit straight away. It’s a similar, if not more slutty, version of what I had on the day Jessika put me through that shop window.


She wanted me to remember how easily she beat me to a pulp last time.

I get dressed then the door opens and two armed guards order me down the hall way. As I walk down I see Hawksmoor walking the other way…

“YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!” I scream and I feel a sharp pain as the butt of a rifle cracks my skull and I drop to my knees

“I’m sorry Gemma… I’ve got 4 kids… I couldn’t risk them…” is all I hear as I’m dragged off down the corridor and I start to think maybe I did this to myself… I got him into this and by the sounds of it, they’ve threatened his family and I’m to blame… great… nice one Gemma…

They drag me through a heavy yet luxurious looking door and hurl me in locking it behind me. I land hard face down and look up to see a huge room with wooden panelling all around and no windows, The only light coming from chandeliers high above.

“Well here she is! My esteemed opponent! Good to see you made such a graceful entrance cxnt!” I hear echoing out from the centre of the room. I don’t need to look over to see who said it, I know it’s Jessica. I take the time to study the room and there are random bits of crap everywhere, a table here, a sofa there, a water cooler and some towels. The room is full of random stuff and… and a bed! That’s a bit odd… but in the centre of the room lies what will surely be my death scene… a 20 foot wrestling ring surrounded by thin mats all around… and inside that ring… the tool of my destruction. Jessika. Standing in a black bikini, her body covered in a light glaze of sweat from her warm up.

I get up to my feet and sway groggily

“Bitch!!! Not enough to sucker punch me! You had to get one of your goons to smack a rifle butt against my skull?”

Her face turns furious as she looks up and screams


I’m a bit confused to say the least…I always assumed Jessika was the one behind my misfortunes… but she seemed genuinely pissed off at my attack… I hear a loud piercing noise then it cuts out with a few clicks before the Australian’s voice comes over the speakers high above

“She was belligerent towards one of my staff… these things can’t be tolerated. Besides, do you honestly think you could take her in a straight fight?”


Well that doesn’t fill me with much hope… Jessika may not be one of Emma Foxes lackeys but she’s still hell bent on breaking me…

I stagger over to the ring and roll underneath the bottom ropes. I get to my feet but it takes two attempts as the first time I fell back to the cream coloured canvas. I stagger over to the nearest corner and slouch on it, my eye’s glazed and my legs trembling

“So what are the rules bitch…” I finally manage to say

“…*sigh*… well dip shit… each round will be 10 minutes long and will sound with a klaxon. After each round there will be a 10 minute break. If you try to sucker punch me during the break a man with a high powered rifle up in the galleries will kill you.”

“Nice touch…”

“Anyway…” she carries on, ignoring me “there are no submissions. There are no pin falls. There are no Knock outs”

“So how the fuck do I win?” I ask confused and she just laughs at me

“You win? Oh my… that’s quite amusing! Hehehe… well… somewhere in this room there is a key that unlocks that door. If you beat the location of that key out of me, you get to leave! But I’d me more concerned with what I have to do to win if I was you…” she adds menacingly… well, all the random crap in this room makes sense now… I’ll never find that key without the knowledge she holds…

“Oh??? and what DO you need to do to win?” I ask, taking her bate

“Beat you until you can never fight again… Utterly annihilate you until you’re a wreck… broken… crippled… or worse…”

“What the fuck did I ever do to you, you fucking psycho!!!” I scream out

“You got in my way… truth is… under different circumstances… me and you could have been friends… but this is the road fate chose for us. Now I need to destroy you too get to the end of my road… and your road? Well… that ends here…”

I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


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Re: All bad things come to an end...
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2010, 01:42:32 AM »
Act 8 (hello again pain… my old friend…)
The Setting: In a ring…

“Well lets get this shit started” I slur walking out from my corner my legs almost give way and I hold the back of my head where the rifle butt slammed me. Jessika looks up at the heavens, clearly pissed off that she was robbed of a fair fight. As my fist cuts an upwards trail through the gap between us and crashes against her jaw she realises that a fair fight isn’t what I’m looking for.

Her head rocks back and she staggers on her feet and I dart around on my toes now that my little ruse has paid off. I fire 2 quick jabs into her face, the second stinging her nose and watering her eyes, concealing my heavy right hook to her jaw! She’s rocked onto the back of her heels and slowly falls to the floor like a log.

I decide quickly to make the most of her predicament and mount her. I straddle her stomach but she still has the wits to keep her arms high as I rain down blows into her. A few find their mark to her head, rocking her already dazed brain around but most are blocked. Her defensive skills are sharp… I start to work lower, my first target being her solar plexus, I drive a hard right and see her eyes bulge as she struggles to take in air then I follow that up with a stinging left, high on her ribs where there are few muscles to protect her vulnerable bones. Every time she winces it drives me into a deeper frenzy as I pound and smash my fists against her chest, breasts and ribs. All my technique has gone out the window as I rage at her, every punch coming with a scream from me


My heart is racing as I throw savage, wild punches with furious abandon until a scream echoes out loudly across the room.

That scream catches me by surprise… It catches me by surprise because it came from me…

Her left hand buries itself deep into my crotch and she claws her fingers into my soft womanhood! This would prove to be my first mistake of the fight… not knowing just how dirty a fighter Jessika could be… as my hands instinctively reach down to pry her hands away from me I feel her right fist connect with a solid jab that rocks my head back. The punch wasn’t too hard as she couldn’t get a lot of power going when she was on her back but it rocked me just enough for her to lift her legs and wrap them under my arms, pulling me back until I was kneeling in a painful position, then she locked her ankles and started squeezing!

“AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!” I cried as her powerful thighs crushed my ribs! But that wasn’t her true goal… still kneeling on her stomach with my feet pinned back and my body pulled until my shoulders were almost touching the floor my crotch was right open… that’s when I got to see just how dirty a fighter Jessika was…

*meanwhile in Joes prison cell*

“NO!!!! GEMMA GET OUT OF THERE!!!! FUCK!!! ROLL OUT!!! ROLL OUT!!!!” Joe screamed as the projector in the room was showing a live feed of the fight so he could see every vicious blow. He was surprised at first and happy as I took it to Jessika but now I’m pinned in a scissor hold while Jessika throws punch after punch into my exposed womanhood. His cell was filled with my screams as the sound was pumped through the speakers at an eardrum piercing volume. The sick, fleshy thumps and my tearful cries are all that can be heard as the microphones and camera’s caught every last piece of brutality.

For close to 4 minutes Jessika held me there, pounding away at my crotch as my screams turned to whimpers then as the klaxon finally wailed out, Jessika dropped her hold and left me crying on the canvas while she sauntered over out of the ring and to the water cooler for some refreshment.

It was at that point where the feed cut out and the heavy bolt on the door slid open and light poured in from the corridor.

“With us. Now.” an armed guard ordered and Joe complied, sizing up the brute. He had on a blue uniform with no particular badges or symbols and a bullet proof vest. He carried a semi-automatic rifle that was trained on Joe constantly. Shit! Joe thought, this guy could be pulled right out of a bond villains lair! He was led down the grim corridor to a room filled with opulence and decadence. Gold framed paintings filled the walls and gaudy furniture and décor was everywhere. And in the centre of the room… Hawksmoor.

“YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!” Joe roars as he charges towards him and throws a quick right hook… but Hawksmoor was quicker ducking under the big man’s swing and smashing a right hook of his own into his belly. Joe stumbled forward and turned to face his captor.

“Why did you do it Hawksmoor? Why did you stab us in the back?”

“Boredom?” he answered with a childish giggle “Look around fuckwit! Look at all that money can buy! Do you really need to ask that question?”

“Looks like money can’t buy taste… You betrayed us for a few dollars?” Joe asked, the disgust clear on his face

“Don’t be so fucking stupid Joe! I betrayed you for a shit load of dollars!”

Joe lunged at him again and Hawksmoor skilfully ducked aside and threw a left hook into his face, stinging Joe’s cheekbone and rocking him.

“You’re a big guy Joe but you’re a fucking fool if you think you can take me… I’m from Hull. That’s one vowel away from Hell…”

“If that guard wasn’t here I’d fucking destroy you, you piece of  shit!”

“Clearly you’ve never been to hull…” Hawksmoor grinned and nodded at the guard who then left the room. “I know you’ve seen what a mess Jessika is making of Gemma right now and rather than stay in one piece to try and help her, you want to take me on? Looks like all those muscles need a little too much oxygen Joe… you’re brains starving all the way up there…” he teases raising his hands up and gesturing for Joe to bring it…

*Back in the ring*

I lay on the floor panting and moaning, my crotch is in agony and I want to throw up, but after about 5 minutes I eventually get to my feet and start to stretch out, making sure my body doesn’t seize up on me. I start to move around and truth is it’s hurting like a fucker but I can move about pretty easily… I decide not to show it though, seeing if I can sucker her in with the weakness act again. So I walk to the cooler with a harsh limp, holding my legs together and whimpering as I roll out of the ring and edge closer to the water cooler. I take a drink and start hobbling back.

“Give it a rest cxnt, we both no you can walk fine” Jessika shouts out angrily and I straighten my posture immediately strutting to the ring with a confidence that I see unsettles her.

“You can’t blame a girl for trying, after all you fell pretty bad for the whole little weak girl routine earlier” I tease flipping over the top rope and landing gracefully. Her face was a picture and I laughed right into it. Seeing doubt creep in for the first time. Truth is I wanted to cry, leaping over the top rope was a HUGE mistake, and as I landed I thought I was going to cry. But seeing her face? It was worth it… I don’t know what to think with her… I know she fights dirty and that’s about all I know… but right now she doesn’t know what to think about me either…

After a few minutes of silence and menacing stares the klaxon sounds and she tares out of her corner at me. She runs right into my foot and I flat the sole of it deep into her belly, the air blasting out of her as she’s undone by her own momentum and haste. I follow up by grabbing the back of her neck in a Muay Thai grip and throw knees into her belly. They connect with a satisfying slap as my knee crashes into her abs over and over again until I can see the ceiling spinning forwards! I crash onto the mat hard on my back as she grabbed my standing leg and pulled it forwards tripping me expertly. Her full weight crashes down on me and it’s my turn to have the wind knocked out of me!

She’s quick to slip into a full mount, sat on my belly as she straddles me and repays me for my earlier punches! My defence is pretty sharp and she doesn’t land a single blow to my head but the damage she’s wreaking to my ribs , chest and breasts is horrendous! Blow after blow crashes into me, robbing me of oxygen as I gasp and wince. All the while staring up at this hellion who’s hell bent on breaking me. The punishment seems to go on forever as not a single square inch of my torso escapes her attention.

I throw two quick punches at the underside of her breasts and she reels back in pain before she grabs my wrists. Her grip is so tight! She holds my arms down and shifts up pining them beneath her shins… now I’m scared… she’s sat on my breasts, crushing them as she stares down at me. I fully expect her to start smashing my face until I’m in a coma… but she does something far more painful…

With her left hand she grabs the hair behind my head and pulls up while with her right hand she pushes down on my jaw so my heads turned to face my left hand side. My neck is in agony! It feels like she’s trying to twist my head right off!!! And try as I might to hold in the pain, every inch of me not wanting her to have the satisfaction, I can’t help but scream as she wrenches my neck! She leans forward putting her entire weight onto my jaw and for a second I think she’s actually going to break my neck… my scalp was on fire and I’m fearing for my life when she moves her hand slightly and gives me an all to inviting target… as her right hand slips I clamp my teeth down hard on her index finger and bite with everything I got!

She screams up to the heavens and then starts throwing wild and furious left hands at my face, her fist smashing my right cheek over and over until I let go. Her eyes burn with a ferocious rage and she brings down thunder with her fists. Right then left over and over again crashing into my face… my lips is split and my nose trickles with blood and my left eye starts to swell as the blows rage on until I black out…

*meanwhile as Joe faces Hawksmoor*

Joe stands up straight, towering over the 5’10” Hawksmoor and clearly out muscling him but Hawksmoor has the devilish smile of a man full of confidence. Joe doesn’t falter though… he’s came up against people with that same knowing look and put them down… whether it was serving his county in the Marines or serving the state on the police force… he has the grim determination and raw power needed to do what has to be done.

They circle each other Hawksmoor lashes out with a lightning fast left jab and follows with a right cross… the same combination that put me down… just like me Joe blocks the left jab just like Hawksmoor wanted him too but takes the full force of the right cross in the jaw and his head rocks back. Hawksmoor smiles as his dummy left suckers Joe in but his smile quickly fades as he realises Joe has a hold on his left hand…

What Hawksmoor didn’t know was that I told Joe about his boxing skill and that little feint he pulled on me so Joe took the full force of the right knowing it would be followed up with an attack of his own… You have to give credit to Joe… He may be bigger and one hell of a fighter but he knows Hawksmoor is faster and in all probability, better. He took that shot full on… he knew it could have floored him but he took the risk and now it was payback time.

Hawksmoor is panicking tries to recoil but with his left arm held up Joe slams a knee into his exposed ribs and rocks him backwards, side stepping until he’s behind his foe, Joe twists Hawksmoor’s left arm and rams it high up his back in a hammer lock forcing a yell of pain from him! But Hawksmoor it seems is no stranger to grappling as he reaches back with his right hand and grips the back of Joes head. With a kick he leaps high up, pulling on Joe’s neck and crashes down hard on his arse, Stunning the big man by ramming his face into Hawksmoor’s shoulder!

Joe staggers back, a little blood trickling from his nose as his eye’s glaze over and Hawksmoor is up in a flash, wrapping his arms around Joe’s waist, trapping Joe’s hands at his sides he grunts with the strain as he lifts Joe off his feet and tortures him in a bear hug. Joe roars out in pain as his back pops and strains against the tremendous pressure Hawksmoor applies, throwing his head back in a painful gasp, Joe tries with all his might to shake free but  he’s trapped. His energy quickly fading he starts to slump in Hawksmoor’s brutal grip.

“After I’m done kicking your arse maybe I’ll pay your girl a visit, huh Joe?”

“AAaggghhh…. Uuugggnnn… don’t you touch a fucking hair on Gemma’s head you bastard! UUUggghhhh…”

“GEMMA??? Have you forgotten about Jonica already? HAHAHA!!! I can’t believe it! you got a thing for the tattooed slut!” Hawksmoor laughs while he holds Joe fast and Joe goes bright red… why was his first response Gemma? He convinces himself it’s just because as far as he knows Jonica is out of harms way right now so of course he’s thinking about Gemma’s safety… that must be it…

Hawksmoor’s laughing and taunts spur Joe on and a fury rises in him… he lashes out with a head butt and Hawksmoor cries out in shock as his nose erupts with a sickening crack!

“You Son of a BITCH!!!” He roars before twisting with his hips in a perfect belly to belly suplex and slamming Joe’s hurting back onto the hard, unforgiving tile floor…

“Get up you piece of shit… time to end this…”

*Back in the ring…*

I start to come around… I’m lying on the canvas and the lights high above hurt my eyes… either it’s them hurting me or the aftermath of the vicious beat down Jessika gave me… I sit up and see Jessika prowling in her corner ready to tear me apart… my heads a bit groggy…

“Why did you stop?” I asked confused and a little stunned that I’m still alive…

“Saved by the bell cxnt…” she answers back plainly “Besides… I got all day to tear you apart… you don’t get off after 2 rounds bitch…”

That was a terrifying prospect… she’s already put a beating on me for damn near 20 minutes now and she hasn’t really begun… I notice a chill on my sweaty breasts and look down to see I’m topless… then I look under my skirt to see I’ve been stripped there too… Jessika chuckles to herself

“What goes around comes around bitch…” I growl as I get up and stretch in my corner. The silence is crushing me… Jessika barely said a word in the first break and the times she did speak were mainly to assert her opinion of my character in a not so flattering manner…

“So… why exactly are you doing this?” I ask

I’m met with silence

“Are you a little puppy dog for Emma Fox? Running around after her?”

More silence and a grimace… I’m pretty sure she’s not part of the Emma Fox fan club…

“Maybe you’re just a sadistic piece of shit who get’s their kicks out of making another woman scream?”

“You’re getting close…” she finally replies “and don’t play high and mighty with me slut. Kayla told me about your little fight fuck in her hotel room, you get just a big a kick out of this as I do…”

I go bright red… she’s right… I have started to get off on it… I don’t know when it happened but I do know I blame Jonica… if it wasn’t for her I’d be a normal fucking girl doing normal fucking things right now…

“Fuck you Bitch!” I answer back eventually “There’s a difference between enjoying the sensations and actually going all out to break a girl! YOU PUT ME THROUGH A FUCKING SHOP WINDOW!!!”

“Oh get over it already!” she laughs back

“Don’t try and get around it… you’re hear to break me… to make sure I’ll never ever fight again… to make sure that I can’t ever fight again… and even if I do win… Emma Fox has promised to kill me anyway…” her face drops a little at that last sentence… maybe she didn’t know that… “But Fuck Emma Fox… and Fuck all this shit! The fact of the matter is, there’s just us two here now and I want to know why you need to break me so bad…

The Klaxon sounds… and the conversation is dropped immediately… we both change into warrior mode, circling each other and analysing the others movements… it’s as if the conversation never happened… as soon as that Klaxon went we just turned into animals… fighting for survival…

She smashes an uppercut into my gut and I double over before shooting back up straight and firing a right uppercut of my own through her guard and into her jaw! Her eye’s roll and I swing a left hook deep into her ribs, twisting to get my full body weight into the punch.

She steps to her left away from my hook and right into the path of my right fist, arcing it’s way to her voluptuous breasts! She squeals a little and backs off, I’m on the offensive now and decide, fuck Joe’s advice… I’m going to pound this girl until she cries! I launch a hard knee into her belly and get hit in the face with her sweet breath as the wind is knocked out of her, I back her up into the corner and really start to unleash… rights and lefts pumping furiously, all to her mid section to rob her of breath… her eye’s are wide and a bit glassy as she struggles to get enough air to power her tired body but I’m relentless in my assault. I fulfil my promise of what goes around comes around and I rip her bikini top off her and tie her left hand to the ropes with it, next her bottoms come off and her right hand is tied… she starts to get her breath back as my beating is temporarily halted to tie her, and soon after her breath is back, so are her wits as she sees the predicament she’s in.

I fully expected her to be scared… to panic… that’s what I’d do… but she spits right in my face.

“Do you’re worst cxnt!”

Oh this girls going to get my worst… I SLAM a huge uppercut into her navel, sinking it deep inside her! Her eye’s bulge and she sags in the corner then two more uppercuts land in exactly the same spot… I’m going to win this fucker… I’m going to beat the key right out of her… I grab her hair with both hands and yank her heir hard! Forcing her head back and screaming in her face


“…*cough*… Fuck you bitch…” she gasps back. I drop her head and left her right leg so it’s tucked over the middle rope… then I do the same to her left leg…

“One last chance bitch… where’s the fucking key…” I growl, my voice broken and menacing, the rage pent up inside me screaming to be unleashed.

“OK!!! Ok… “ she finally gives… “I’ll tell you…… I hid the key….” I wait with baited breath for my release…”I hid it in Joe’s cock. You’ll have to suck real hard to get it!” she laughs and I scream at her! A furious wail, like a banshee I shriek in rage and start throwing brutal knees to her cxnt! Each one punctuated with a curse or insult

“YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! I’LL RUIN YOU!!! JUST LET ME GO YOU FUCKING cxnt!!!” every single word was screamed along side a vicious knee to her exposed, naked crotch! Tears started rolling down her cheeks but for 4 straight minutes she held out. Refusing to give me what I needed… The Klaxon finally rang out but in my fury I couldn’t stop… smashing harder and harder at her womanhood I was lost to vengeance…

Until the shot rang out from high above… the back cushion on the sofa in my line of sight exploded in a burst of sponge and fabric and the blast startled me into stillness. The speaker went on again and Emma’s voice rung out

“That was your first and last warning shot… if you don’t stop again… you die”

Well she made her point. I walked back to my corner and watched Jessika in silence…

*back in the fight between Joe and Hawksmoor*

“I said GET UP!!!” Hawksmoor yells, the cocky, joking persona slipping as his rage comes through. Joe slowly got to his feet, his back hurting and his breathing laboured. As soon as he’s up his head is smashed by a right hook to the jaw, the blow was heavy and hard. Hawksmoor isn’t playing around now. He want’s to hurt Joe… He want’s to kill Joe… but Joe Isn’t just anyone… he spins on his heel going in the same direction as the punch and in a full rotation, back hands Hawksmoor hard! Before firing a quick 1-2 into his mid section. Hawksmoor staggers back but Joe is on him in a heart beat with a thunderous left cross that forces him back against the wall stunned and opens up with blow after blow into Hawksmoor’s body, the punches are hard and fast, each one smashing against abs, then ribs, then solar plexus, then ribs… Hawksmoor starts to gasp and cough with shock as Joe unleashes on him until Joe finds himself on the floor gasping in pain himself… so focused on hurting the long haired rocker that he didn’t sport his sudden shift in weight and the thunderous knee to the groin.

Joe quickly got up but it was enough time for Hawksmoor to go on the offensive… as Joe rises he SLAMS a hard knee into his guts then pushes him hard so he smacks face first against the wall, I heavy right hand sinks deep into Joes back and he bellows a hurting roar. Then again, and again, and again Hawksmoor pounds his kidney before wrapping his left arm around Joes neck in a choke hold.

Joe’s eye’s go wide as his windpipe is crushed… the strength he has relied upon throughout his life weakening as Hawksmoor slowly kills him…

“Sorry Joe… I can’t afford to let you live…”

*Back in the ring*

I watch as Jessika just sat and rested for a minute or two then she started to struggle… she’s desperate to free herself from the ropes, her arms thrash and buck, she screams and shrieks, knowing if she doesn’t get free soon she’s in a world of hurt… I get up off the corner I’m sat on and walk towards her… Standing straight in front of her I look at her and she can’t help but meet my gaze.

“Just tell me what I need to know… I don’t want to do this…” I ask solemnly

“I can’t you dumb bitch!!! You think you’re the only one whose fighting for something here! FUCK YOU!” she screams and continues her struggle… as I watch I see the fabric on her right hand loosen… shit!… she struggles more then free’s her right hand completely… she quickly unties the left hand and it comes loose just as the Klaxon sounds. I fire a hard kick to her still exposed crotch but didn’t see her left fist flying towards me! It connects hard and I stumble back onto my heels before toppling over and landing hard on the canvas.

She’s on me like a flash, grips my right leg under her left arm then twists, rolling me onto my belly in a back wrenching single leg Boston Crab!

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!” I cry out, my fists pounding the mat in vein

“You think you can take me little girl??? I’ll fucking break you bitch!!!” she screams at me, all the while bouncing on my tortured leg and back, my breasts crushed against the canvas as both my weight and hers pivot on me.

She holds me in that lock for what feels like 5 minutes straight as I cry and curse all the while she’s screaming at me to submit but I refuse to give her the satisfaction…





“TAP YOU DUMB cxnt!!!”


Back and forth it went, me screaming and her shouting. The pain was finally released as she dropped my leg and it crashes hard to the mat… I’m drenched in sweat now… my back feels like it’s broken it hurts so much, my right thigh is throbbing and my voice is a little husky from all the screaming.

The sensations from the aftermath of the hold wash over me… familiar motions as I twist my leg a little, rotate my hips and check my back… the dull, throbbing pain that I know from bitter experience will be with me for a while… then a Sharp pain erupts. Over and over again as Jessika stomps on my back mercilessly. I feel her sitting on my lower back and she pulls my arms up with ease, hooking them over her thighs as she grips my chin and pulls back in a camel clutch!

“OOOOOHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!” I cry out as the pain shoots through my neck and into my already hurting back.

“Oh fuck indeed bitch… You will submit to me…” she growls. I don’t know why… I could submit… truth is I really want to submit… and if I thought for a second that the fight would be over, I’d gladly submit… but she just want’s to know she broke me… and I won’t let her… I’m stupid like that.

“Oooooohhhh god……” I cry out, my back bent so far by her powerful grip I’m staring at the ceiling

“God Can’t save you now slut… this is the beginning of the end…” she answers grimly, pulling harder and jerking my head backwards every second. Tighten. Release. Tighten. Release. She torments me, all the while bouncing on my back with most of her body weight.

Then she get’s really mean… She keeps my chin locked with her left hand and reaches back with her right clawing between my legs and mauling my crotch! I cry out, loud and sharp, my shriek deafening as the white hot flashes of pain debilitate me and render me senseless.

“GIVE UP!!!”

“NEVER!!!!!” I cry back, tears running freely now as I sob and scream. The Klaxon finally sounds and she slams my head into the canvas getting up and walking over to her corner… I just lay there, panting… My back was a wreck… the ten minute break did little to rest me… I could hardly stand the pain in my back was so fierce but it was about to get worse…

*meanwhile… caught in Hawksmoor’s deadly choke*

The 6’4” giant known as Joe was fading fast… his arms were hanging limply at his side but he wouldn’t go down… Hawksmoor, at 5’10” was struggling a little to wrap the choke on completely but after a few shifts, had it locked on tight… he knew this was it… he knew after a short while Joe would be dead… but he didn’t smile. The jovial, nonchalance we came to know from the man was nowhere to be seen, replaced with a focus and callousness that chilled to the bone.

“Seeming as you’re unsure which girl to fight for Joe… I think I’ll kill both of them… after a long… LONG beating first of course…”

Those words hung in Joe’s head like a wrecking ball… swinging around his consciousness smashing down his world… the though of Jonica at the mercy of this bastard was haunting… and deep down… as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, he can’t stomach the idea of Gemma being at his feet either… a twitch… then another… the adrenaline rising fast like a power surge… his weakness seemed to be a vast emptiness… like before a tsunami… the calm when the tide is sucked out miles to sea… the awesome presence of the ocean gone and in it’s wake nothingness… but the ocean always returns… wreaking a terrible carnage when it does, and Joe’s power was set to do the same.

Hawksmoor’s threat proving to be his biggest mistake as he lights a fire that burns so bright in Joe it’s blinding. Joe’s arms shoot up, his muscular forearms bulging as he grips the back of Hawksmoor’s head and quickly doubles over, using every ounce of his strength to flip his foe high over him only to come crashing down hard on  his back, the tiles in front of him offering no respite or comfort as Hawksmoor roars out in agony!

Joe kept a grip on Hawksmoor’s long hair and wrenched him up to a sitting position before taking a seat behind him and wrapping a choke hold of his own around the smaller mans neck. His arms coiled and tightening like a python as his legs trap his opponent in a scissor lock. Joe leans back hard, stretching Hawksmoor out and rendering him helpless… his arms flail and grasp at Joe but the man is just too powerful to shift. Joe can feel Hawksmoor getting weaker and tightens his choke to finish things.

Hawksmoor reaches into his pocket, his nose bleeding as the pressure in his head builds up, so close to rendering him unconscious… grabbing the small black box he jabs it into Joes leg and delivers 50,000 volts into the police officers body.

“NNNNNGGGGGAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Joe cries out as his shocked body twitches on the floor and Hawksmoor gasps for air.

Slowly getting to his feet and surveying the scene in front of him, Hawksmoor chuckles to himself… that mischievous smile and cocky swagger back in full force as he watches Joe twitch and convulse on the tiled floor.

“uuugghhnn…. You… fucking piece of shit… aagggkkk… you know… I’d take you in a straight fight…” Joe manages to gasp in-between pained breaths and Hawksmoor bends over looking directly into his eyes, all fear and caution gone now his opponent is debilitated…

“That’s why I make it a point never to get involved in a straight fight dipshit…. Like I said… all those muscles of yours must be starving your brain of some much needed nourishment.”

He rises and reaches into his left pocket and pulls out a hand gun.

“Take, for example… the beating I’m about to give Gemma… that’s not a straight fight by any means… that’s why I’m going to enjoy it so much… and then… after I‘ve had my fun with her broken little body…” he finishes pointing the gun at Joe

“Boom baby… bye bye rock chick.”

Joe tries to get up, every fibre of his being wants to smash Hawksmoor’s face till you can’t make out that malicious smile… but instead another 50,000 volts sends him into a nightmare filled void of unconsciousness…

I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


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Re: All bad things come to an end...
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2010, 01:43:03 AM »
*back to the ring where stubbornness and pain prevail*

I’ve lost count of the rounds… we must have been going for close to 2 hours now… I say we’ve been going… I haven’t had much input since the third… for round after round Jessika has tortured me… beat me… abused me… broken me… but she hasn’t heard those words she longs for…

From Back Breakers to Suplexes, Power Bombs to Boston Crabs she’s beat me bloody and ruthlessly. My lips is split and there’s a nasty cut on my left temple that won’t stop pouring… the left side of my face is dyed red from my own essence and my hair is matted and knotted in a morose, sticky almost sickly fashion. I wish I could regale you with the tale of my torment, I do know how you take so much perverse pleasure in it but after an hour of constant hell the mind struggles to recall details… when pain is all you know, how can you distinguish?

I can tell you some details… the torture rack she worked me in made me cry… I was bent so far back it defied belief. As her left hand wrenched my chin back her right hand rode up my thigh and she started to finger my exposed pussy. I cried so hard… because it felt good. She of course screamed at me, foul obscenities and orders to quit but I defied… till my last breath I defied…

I can also tell you that she took to hurting me in more than just torturous holds… she promised to ruin me as she held me face to face in a life sapping bear hug. My head thrown back as I bawled at the heavens then I felt myself dropping onto her hard knee. The hard bone smashing against my soft, wet womanhood… she carried me over to the corner and repaid me doubly for my attack on her. Parting my legs over the middle rope she drove knee after knee into my pussy. Kicks… punches… uppercuts… all unanswered as my shocked body convulsed and sagged.

She roared into my face, her full ferocity and zeal on display as she demanded my surrender, promising to destroy me if I didn’t and I so wanted to… but that little devil inside me just wouldn’t let me… it was as if she locked away the words… no matter how much I wanted to submit… needed to submit… instead I’d just answer a weakened and pathetic “fuck you…” no screaming or shouting… I hadn’t the energy or the will to use on a response, I knew I’d need that energy to scream at her next torture.

I can tell you that her body blows ruined me, my abs which I was kind of proud of were useless, giving up the ghost of resistance punch after punch sank deep into me, probing my body and cracking my ribs. When I coughed, I coughed blood. Whether that was from some horrendous internal injury or just a cut in my mouth it’s hard to say, but I suspect the former.

What else can I tell you???…… well despite the Camel Clutches, the Sleeper Holds, the KO Punches, the Sharpshooters, the Gut Wrench Suplexes, the Figure Four Leg Locks, the Arm Bars, the Belly and Pussy Blows… despite that and countless more manoeuvres… the worst was yet to come.

The Klaxon sounded again and I just lay there, right where Jessika left me for the break. I hadn’t moved. I haven’t moved of my own volition for a while now, I only seem able to move where Jessika drags me. I see her standing over me, naked, sweating and tired… with a strap on around her waist.

“Make love not war?” I ask

“How about both” she answers coldly stomping on my gut and forcing me to sit up with a deep “OOOOMMMPPPFFFF!!!” She grabs my blood soaked hair and stands me up before a kick to my crotch doubles me over. I can feel her pull my head in-between her powerful thighs and her hands reach around my waist. With a grunt she lifts me up and holds me. She wants me to see what’s coming as I’m upside down, my head near her knees as she holds me aloft. I’m amazed at her strength… after hours of constant fighting she can pull a move like this out…

“GIVE UP AND I WON’T BREAK YOU FUCKING NECK cxnt!!!” she screams. As I’ve got quieter, she’s got louder… my refusal to utter those words seem to haunt her… Like I say, if this is a proper match I’d have submitted a hundred times over, but I’m dead no matter what happens… so what’s the point

“Give up?… but I’m having so much fun…” I answer weakly and she roars in frustration jumping high and slamming me down head first into the canvas, my full bodyweight driving me down into the floor as I squeal from the sharp pain of the impact, only for a split second though as unconsciousness takes me.

I awake to find myself face down and screaming… I can feel… I can feel an intrusion… an uninvited guest… a thief stealing my pride… as she fucks me hard from behind. Grabbing my wrists and pulling back in a surf board hold she gyrated her hips, ramming her strap on into me over and over again. A relentless beat, a pulsing tempo matched with a rhythmic jerking on my arms to tear and wrench my shoulders and back. My tiny tartan skirt, high around my waist as every thrust slams into me and wobbles my pert arse. My back is arched and drenched in sweat, my arms back, the definition in my shoulders, upper arms and forearms showing as I struggle in her hold.

“GIVE UP!!!!” she shrieks

“……no……” is all I can muster in between tears and sobs, I bit my lip as the familiar surges swell in me… I’m going to cum… I know I am… For the first time ever, I don’t want to… I don’t want that bitch to see me cum, to know she controlled me and broke me. That she made me explode while violating me but  can’t stop it… “Oh… oh fuck…” I gasp, here thrusts coming harder now. My chest is pulled clean off the mat as my breasts swing in the air from the impacts on me.

“Oh god no… please no… no… no… no…” I cry out, I’ve never said that word whilst being fucked before and lord knows I should have said it before getting fucked more than once… but the shame and loathing I feel right now is too much and I beg her to stop

“Please… please don’t…”

“Do you give???” She shouts back


“DO YOU GIVE!!!!?”

“…… never……” I answer and her pounding gets even harder. As hard as I’ve ever felt. My breathing comes in rasped pants and gasps as I start to quiver and scream, my body awash with what feels like electricity, my whole body tenses as I scream out at the top of my lungs, and she pounds and stretches me still bringing me off harder and harder. One final pain and shame filled roar escapes my lips as my body violently jars and quivers to a climax I’ve been waiting on for a whole year… but would give anything to forget… The Klaxon goes and my arms are released, my chest and face falling back to the mat painfully and I curl up into a ball on the floor and cry.

I lose all track of time until the klaxon sounds again and I ready myself for another beating. But Jessika just stands over me, watching me.

“Submit?” she asks and I laugh… Laughter is a funny thing. If I laugh in a club or at a friends house it inspires further laughter, encouraging all around to embrace the joy. When I laughed at her earlier requests for submission it inspired hatred and rage, my laughter coming out as a mocking, twisted challenge - break me if you can… but now… bloody and broken on the floor, abused and destroyed… my laughter takes on a haunting, horrifying spectre… like maybe I’ve lost my mind…

I see a single tear in her eye as she looks down at me and drops her head…

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she asks and my laughter stops

“What’s wrong with me? I’m dead… maybe you’ll kill me… if you don’t Emma Fox certainly will… maybe you’ll cripple me and I’ll kill myself… either way you keep asking for a submission? What’s the fucking point??? so you can claim you’re better than me as I die? I don’t fucking think so bitch… I‘ll die on my feet… not on my knees…”

She takes a moment to process my response, a look of disbelief on her eyes then she finally answers

“You stubborn fucking bitch… you and me… another time, another place… we really could have been friends…” she thinks long and hard, staring at the wreckage she created in front of her “The key’s in the bottom turn buckle pad in your corner…” she finally finishes and now it’s my turn to stare at her in disbelief. She extends her left hand to help me up and after a moments hesitation I take it.

I slowly get to my feet, my left side facing her and I jerk her arm forward, the surprise is clear on her face right before the hardest right hook I think I’ve ever thrown wipes it off. “BITCH!!!!” I scream as my fist connects and sends her crashing down to the canvas. Blood sprayed in a violent arc from her mouth and her eye’s are glazed as she struggles to hold onto consciousness.

“Don’t ever fucking pity me…” I growl and she looks up with a smile

“I told ya… you and me… we aren’t so different…” she says before her grip on consciousness slips and her head falls to the mat. I get the key from the pad and slowly make my way to the door, not knowing if I’m about to get my head taken off by a high powered rifle. The speakers squeal and come to life again.

“Nice… very entertaining dear… I’ll be seeing you later…” the speakers shut off, her message conveyed and I unlock the big heavy door. As I open it, staring at me is Hawksmoor, my jaw drops in surprise as I see the gun pointed at me……

……  the cold, loud noise pierces my hearing……

I jump. Not high, just the startled jump you make when total shock hit’s your body…
A white hot pain fills my stomach and my hands fly up to my wound…
I stare into his eye’s, cold and callous, the man who was my friend just smiles at me grimly…
The gun shot, smack bang in the middle of my stomach, it throbs and pounds, the pain so sharp it sickens me…
I stagger two steps back and drop to my knees as I stare up at him in stunned silence, my jaw still open, a single tear in my eye as he sneers down at me…

Act 8 (A time for gain and a time for loss…)
The Setting: In a corridor, two guards struggle to drag Joe to his cell…

At first the guards were going to carry him back to the cell, but after 12 feet and a near slipped disc, they decided against it and waiting for long wait for him to gather consciousness. When Joe finally does stir, he has no idea how long he was out or where he is… Hawksmoor’s gaudy quarters where the two fought are only on the other side of the door but in these winding corridors, all the door look the same… The guards take and arm each and start marching him with his legs tired legs struggling to keep pace with them… The as the pass a turning he see’s him… Hawksmoor standing outside a large heavy wooden door with the gun in his hand… Joe flies into a fury, a devastating right hook knocking one guard clean out while an elbow stuns the other.

Leaving the downed guards he sprints towards Hawksmoor, the corridor impossibly long as his heavy frame pounds down the hallway…
He’s 100 metres away when he sees the door open…
He sees Gemma’s shocked face covered in blood and pain…
He hears the bang…
He sees Gemma fall clutching her stomach and he too drops to his knees…
Tears streaming down his face as Gemma clutches her belly 100 meters away also shedding tears…
The door closes with Hawksmoor on the other side and a sharp pain in the back of his skull tells him he’s just been smashed with a rifle butt before he falls, yet again, into unconsciousness…

It was some time later Joe awakes… tears in his eyes still as he mourns Gemma’s loss and begins to wonder about Jonica’s wellbeing in all this… is she safe? Is she in the next room? It’s the not knowing that’s killing him…

He lies on his bed an emotional wreck… 240lbs of sheer muscle. An ex-marine and an officer of the law and he was powerless to save Gemma… He vows he’ll not fail Jonica… not ever…

The Door opens and in a cruel display of callousness and cruelty, the guards dump Gemma’s lifeless body onto the floor before leaving… Gemma’s corpse laid there, topless, bloody, beaten and ruined. Fresh blood covering her guts and thighs where her life flowed from her. The red mini skirt had a dark, almost black stain from her blood. Clearly, Emma Fox doesn’t just want Joe to know how much he failed her… She want’s him to see the consequences of his failure…

Act 8 (Bang bang… you shot me down…)
The Setting: In the room with the wrestling ring, slowly dying…

I gasped and coughed… little specs of blood splatter the floor from my coughing and I struggle to breath… the pain is to intense… Hawksmoor laughs at me kneeling in agony… my face pale and my body shaking from the shock…

“Oh don’t be such a wimp!” he jovially teases

“You… you shot me Hawk… how could you… do that to me…” I rasp through pained gasps

“Look at your hands…” he answers cryptically

I slowly tilt my head downwards, dreading the sight that awaits me… I move my hands… and they’re covered in blood…

Dried blood…

From where I tried to staunch the bleeding from my earlier head wound… I look down at my stomach and see a horrid, black bruise where the bullet hit but no hole… no blood… no nothing…

“What the fuck???” I gasp looking up at Hawksmoor, he bursts into tears laughing at me. Circling me as I’m on the floor in pain.

“Rubber bullets bitch!” he mocks shaking the gun around firing at me indiscriminately

“AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!” I cry as my right calf takes a shot…

“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!!” I shriek as my back gets peppered by two, bruising, agonising rounds

“SHIIIIITTTT!!! STOP!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!” I beg as my left thigh erupts. I curl into a ball on my knees, I didn’t think it was possible for my body to hurt anymore… but Hawksmoor found a way to do it… he’s an ingenious little fucker… Rubber bullets they may be but fired from a gun they still feel like the real thing… as he walks in a wide circle firing at me the gun clicks…

“Funny… I could have sworn I put 6 rounds in here… never mind…” he chuckles casting the spent gun on the floor. He then walks over to me and grabs my hair with his left hand forcing a squeal from my lips and pulls me to my feet

“Wow… I liked that sound you just made… I wonder what other noises I can make…” he jokes before slamming a hard right hook into my belly!

“OOOOOMMMMMPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!” I gasp in horror as my eye’s widen and I try to double over, but his vice like grip holds me upright and aching

“oh come on… a gasp? I was hoping for a gurgle or a death rattle or something!” he jokes before kneeing me in the crotch with all his might! The blow lifts me off the ground by a clear 12” as I scream

“YYYYIIIIIAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!” I shriek as, my body curls up from the debilitating blow in mid air and I land in a crumpled heap, sobbing.

“Now that was a noise!” he laughs grabbing me under my arms and picking my up again. Standing behind me, his left hand grips hold of my studded leather belt and holds me up. He strides forward, picking up the pace then slams me face first into the heavy wooden door then starts pounding punches into my lower back all the while I groan and cry out.

He spins me around and pushes me so my back slams against the wood. I stare into his eyes… my spirit broken as my one time friend looks at me with no pity or remorse.

“Why Hawksmoor?” I ask and he looks at me with sad eyes… maybe I’ve finally touched on the old friend inside…

“I told you… I’ve got 3 kids to feed…” he answers and my heart sinks… it’s because I dragged him into this that he’s turned against me… and not just against me, but into this harsh, brutal shadow of the man I knew… then it strikes me…

“I thought you said you had 4 kids…” I reply and he pauses for a moment

“Yeah… uh… we lost little Gary in Ikea… he went to the toy area and just never came back… so sad…” he finishes and relishes the hate written all over my face then smiles at me and begins a low laugh

“hahaha… yeah, I did say 4 kids didn’t I… well I guess the truth is out… I don’t have any kids… not that I know of anyway, I did get a little wild in Reno though, so who knows… anyway, I just like money. It’s all warm and papery and when you have lots of it, people do stuff for you!” he jokes, crushing my heart in an instant. There was no blackmail or coercion, he just chose to sell me out and beat me to a pulp…

I slam my knee into his crotch and he doubles up. I dive across the floor and grab the gun he threw down. I roll over onto my back, the pistol pointed low, near my hip. He quickly dives on top of me and I ram the gun into his belly. He looks down at me and kisses my forehead

“oh honey… that’s sweet but it’s empty…”

The muffled boom came as a shock to both of us. His eye’s widen and I feel the warm, sticky liquid pour on to me. I could see the fear in his face as he tried to comprehend what’s happening… a rubber bullet is still a bullet and when it leaves a handgun it travels at 340 meters a second… or to put it another way, 761 miles per hour… so the instant I pulled that trigger, the bullet was on the other side of the huge cavernous room… the rounds he fired at me were at a little distance… but at point blank range there was no air resistance to slow the bullet down and it tore through him with ease…

I couldn’t help but cry as the realisation hit me… I’ve shot him… He’s going to die in my arms… he stares into my eyes, still on top of me and I’m shocked with what I see. Of all the things he could have done, he smiled. That same smile I always took for mischievous, boyish charm but later found was actually hiding a sadistic, malevolent bastard.

“Like I said… You always have to fight, don’t you?… Can’t just roll with it… Can’t go along with it… Gemma Rox knows best!” he finished as his head dropped onto my shoulder, lifeless and broken, just like he meant me to be.

Wooden panels around the room burst open, doors I never knew were there and 2 guards hurriedly picked up Hawksmoor and carried him off. I heard one ask the other “radio the chopper, we’ll be out in 90 seconds, and inform Mr B of the events…” but before I could here any more two more soldiers stood over me and the room went dark as the rifle butt smashed my face.

Act 9 (a reunion…)
The Setting: back in the cell with a 6’4” baby

Joe sits on his cot weeping… crushed by his failure… he cried in his cell and he wasn’t alone. My body was lying on the cold stone floor. Many miles away in Louisiana Jonica lay on her bed also crying… and she wasn’t alone either… After a few moments the sobbing was broken by a sudden scream

“Why are you crying?” I ask

“ZOMBIE!!!!!!!” Joe screamed.

“Dick…” I retorted

“WHAT THE FUCK’S GOING ON???” Joe bawls perplexed, “HOW AREN’T YOU DEAD???”

“Good to see you too fuck nuts!… How’d the fight go?… did you win?… glad you’re safe?… are you hurt?… I’m so glad you’re here……… all those would have been fine Joe… but ZOMBIE??? Way to make a girl feel special!”

“But… I saw him shoot you… I saw you go down…” he replies, almost breaking into tears again

“Rubber bullets” I answered

“Ouch… that’s gotta hurt…” he says, wincing as he does. “But all that blood… it’s still wet… what the hell went on? Did you… did you kill Jessika?” he asked more than a little shocked.

“no… Jessika’s going to be nursing one hell of a head ache and a hurt jaw but………”

“But what?” Joe asks on the edge of his seat

“I… I think I killed Hawksmoor…”

The silence hung in the room… Joe wanted to smile, I knew he did. But at the end of the day I thought Hawksmoor was a friend and ally… and even through his betrayal, taking someone’s life? That’s not something you just brush off

“This blood is his…”

“You know it was him or you right? You can’t hold on to any blame here… you did what you had to…”

My mind was a total fuck job… my body is ravaged and beaten from Jessika’s arse kicking… the 4 shots Hawksmoor fired into me have all developed into deep, ugly bruises…. I still don’t know who Emma Fox is or why she’s doing this too me… I’ve just murdered a friend who betrayed me… and despite the utter brutality and possible annihilation I walked away from toady, the odds are I’m still going to die here…. But hearing those words from Joe helped everything go away.

“I really need a hug Joe…” I finally said

“You’re not going to kiss me again are you?” he replied

“……WHAT??? YOU KISED ME!!!” I rage

“No way! You kissed me first!” he differed

“Bull shit!!! You kissed me and you know it!!! You tilted your head!!!” I countered

“So what! That doesn’t mean anything! You moved forward and initiated it! THAT is a kiss! Not tilting heads!” He insisted

“Everyone knows that tilting your head is the precursor to a kiss!!! By tilting your head, you clearly indicated that you wanted the kiss to happen and you were signalling for me to comply!!!” I stated

“This isn’t a fucking court case! YOU KISSED ME FIRST!!!” this went on for quite a while… 20 minutes, a kick to his shin and a sulk from me later and I got the hug I was after.

We were left together for a number of hours until some rope was brought in by 3 highly armoured and armed guards. They bound us together. Enough space to move but not enough to get comfortable. It was ingeniously cruel of Emma actually… my body… my back in particular was in total agony after over 2 hours of getting slowly and methodically tortured by Jessika. And now I couldn’t get into a comfortable position to rest…

After shifting and budging, moving and twisting I finally lost my temper and snapped

“FUCKING cxnt!!!!” I screamed standing up and roaring at the ceiling. Joe got up too and comforted me. He put his right hand on my shoulder and my left had was pulled up a little like a marionette. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing as Joe started moving both arms forcing mine to bounce and swing as he mimed me. His stupid antics and boyish charm had a way of comforting me… the laughter stopped and were stared at each other long and hard. The intensity made it hard to breath. I wanted him so much right then… but I knew I couldn’t have him…

“I’m sorry I couldn’t stop Hawksmoor Gemma…” he confessed and I just smiled at him

“Just hold me Joe…” and he did, our embrace was deep and long… despite the pain in my body I wanted it to last forever, I wouldn’t break it for the world.  But it couldn’t last forever… and when the door to our cell opened and Jonica walked in… our eye’s met… we stared at each other, just for a second… the pain in her eye’s was soul destroying but soon vanished, replaced with wrath as she screamed at me

I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


Offline Kayla

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Re: All bad things come to an end...
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2010, 12:53:40 PM »
Wow, a stunning story & beating Jess at her own game - indeed a knock-out story! Tee hee!  ;D :D ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: All bad things come to an end...
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2010, 04:33:22 PM »
WOW!!!  This story had it all!  It even mentioned the poodles, although I'm sad they didn't make the cast of characters.... :'(

It's always great to see Joe get beat up...he's still down in the dumps.  I told him Marie B is gonna kick his butt in my  I don't know whether to be glad you managed to beat Jessika or be sad, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, bitch.  Grrr...

So we know who Emma Fox really is now.  I wonder if Peccavi will ban us from the site when she sees just how evil she really is?  ;D

Great work, Gemma!  This is magnificent!  This has truly been the most fun I've had with writing in forever!  I'm looking forward to writing my part, and to hopefully working with you...and these wonderful the future!  Once again, this is a splendid story!

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: All bad things come to an end...
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2010, 06:35:38 PM »
“Fuckers went with out me!” she sulks then walks to Taco Bell alone… yes… she really is that dumb.

Yes, but at least Jonica makes up for being dumb with a double dose of sluttiness.

So, she's got that going for her.

And not to be outdone, you're pretty slutty yourself, Gems.

Come to think of it, Jessika is kinda slutty, too.

It's an epidemic!

Whoa! I think we've got a trend here.

Epic story. :)

« Last Edit: October 20, 2010, 11:04:24 PM by Marie B. »


Offline howardcosell

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Re: All bad things come to an end...
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2010, 03:08:12 AM »
I've read this several times, and I still can't believe how well you did with this, Gemma. There were all sorts of great subplots and so much incredible emotion in this story. I am so happy that you posted it; I know you told me about it and I was looking forward to it. You never cease to amaze me with your skill as a writer, your humble attitude as a person here, and you commitment to doing such good work. If only my students were like you... sigh... great job!
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: All bad things come to an end...
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2010, 09:13:07 AM »
I dont know what to say.

I never imagined people thought I was that evil.

Well I think I will have to start acting that way.

But not yet

Your friendly mod

Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


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Re: All bad things come to an end...
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2010, 03:57:58 AM »
Jessika in black bikini and sweaty ..

Gemma topless, bloody and.. Whewww NOT really dead ....   Gemma topless.. Oh ummm okay so I think she would look great that way..

Gemma once again, you show you can put the peddle down, and run with it.
Great job lady!!
