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request 4

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Offline fasteddy44641

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request 4
« on: October 17, 2010, 06:46:36 AM »
Left is Libby - She's about 5ft 5in 130lb about eh same build as emily if you've seen my other requests and is also Shandra's younger sister though she's a lot meaner/tougher than either of them. (she's got very cute feet fyi for foot fetish peoples)

On the right is Sarah - She's about 5ft 4in 120lb also extremly tough. She's not as mean as libby but she's not gonna take shit from anyone. She has a high tolerence to pain and get piercings and tatoos everywhere on her body and doesn't flinch.

I don't know any reason these two would have that they would fight, but if they did it would be epic. These two are definantly the toughest two out of all my girls so it would definantly be violent.

Anyone wants to write something that would be Great!

Also ask if you need any more info.