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The Tutors- Chapter 2- Not A Meeting To Grade Papers

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The Tutors- Chapter 2- Not A Meeting To Grade Papers
« on: April 22, 2022, 02:34:48 PM »
The Tutors- Chapter 2-  Not A Meeting To Grade Papers

Three days later Sandy, Beth, Monica and Barbara met in the High School library after school and practice to discuss the situation.  The tension was of course palpable.   Monica and Barbara ran the meeting and Sandy and Beth avoided even looking at each other, much less engage in conversation.

Monica spoke slowly and in a very quiet tone.  You might think that the four teachers were there to discuss curriculum and not a catfight between two of them, but indeed, fighting was the only agenda item for the meeting.  “Barbara and I fought each other 30 years ago and we both feel that we can offer you some counseling and advice if the two of you are inclined to do the same thing. We really do need to find out if the both of you are committed to doing this.  Is there any way we can talk you out of it?”

“Well she can apologize and admit she was wrong to steal my player,” said Beth.

“I have nothing to apologize for.  If you were a better coach, maybe you could hold on to your players,” replied Sandy.

“Fuck you, Sandy”

“Right back at you, loser.”

Barbara jumped in, “Let me stop you right there.  It’s pretty obvious that you hate each other.  Is there anyway you can find a way to simply ignore one another while working at the same school?”

“Sure, after I kick her ass,” said Beth.

Sandy took a deep breath.  “Look, from the moment I came to Elliot I knew that one day we would end up in a situation in a situation like this.  This argument isn’t really about a student changing teams it’s about our need to find out who the better woman really is.  I’ve never been in a serious fight in my life, but then I’ve never met a bitch like this before.”

“How do you feel about that, Beth?” asked Monica.

“Yeah, that about sums it up.”

Barbara said, “Trust me girls, I know exactly the feelings that you two are talking about.  I felt the same way 30 years ago. My fight with Monica was one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced, but I had to go through with it or I could not have lived with myself.  I’m not particularly proud of it, but I have never questioned my decision to do it.”

“OK then,” said Monica, “I’m going to ask you each a direct question, and I’d like a one word answer.  Sandy do you want to fight Beth?”


“Beth, do you want to fight Sandy?”


Monica said, “I understand. Like Barbara I was in your shoes once a long time ago, and what needed to be done was done.  Now Barbara and I can leave you two and let you go about your business, but if you want we are willing to help you with things.  The how, when and where to do it properly, without worrying about losing your jobs.  It would of course mean that we would be witnesses to the fight.  How do you feel about that?”

“Since the two of you have gone through this before  we would be stupid not to seek your advice.  And as long as you pledge not to interfere and let us settle it I don’t mind you watching,” said Sandy.

Beth concurred.  “What sort of advice would you give us?”

Barbara answered that question, “First and foremost, Rule #1, and this cannot be broken….. you must not tell anyone what you are going to do.  NO ONE!  Not your family, not your boyfriends, not your colleagues, and certainly not your students.  If word gets out that you two are going to fight, then you have to call it off immediately. Only 4 people must ever know about this, and they are all in this room.  Trust me, rumors have continued for 30 years about Monica and I, because neither one of us was smart enough to keep our mouths shut.”

The girls both nodded in agreement.

Then it was Monica’s turn to add some advice.  “You girls are strong and fit, and I hate to say it, but there is bound to be some physical damage that will be impossible to cover up.  We urge you to wait the five weeks until the school year ends to fight and then you will have the entire summer vacation to heal up from your wounds.”

Sandy and Beth both swallowed hard.  Monica’s comment hit them hard, and things just got real.  They were both so confident they would win the fight they had not even considered the alternative. At least one of them would be busted up, and probably both.  This wasn’t the movies!  It was a real fight.

Beth said, “Shit, I’d like to fight today.  But I understand the reason for waiting.”

“Yeah, it’s going to be a long five weeks,” replied Sandy.

“OK then,” said Barbara, school ends on Friday the 21st, so you two will settle things on the 22nd.”

“Any advice on where we should do it?”

“Let Barbara and I figure that out,” said Monica.  “All you two will have to worry about is the fight. That’s enough. We will find a private place.  And it will not be in the library book room or anywhere else on school grounds for that matter.”

Then Barbara said, “I have one more piece of advice that comes from personal experience.  I urge you to fight bare chested.”  She gave Monica a knowing glance. “You don’t want your shirt pulled over your head to blind you or your bra used to choke you.”

The comment hung in the air.  For the first time since the meeting started Sandy and Beth looked each other in the eye, trying to decipher how their rival felt about fighting topless. With some false bravado Beth said, “Shit, I’ll fight her tits out, no problem.  Just a couple of more targets for me to go after.”

Sandy shuddered slightly.  The thought of Beth crushing her tits brought home the idea that all of this was very real, and not for the feint of heart.  Of course, she could not show fear outwardly so she simply replied “Agreed!  It will give me great pleasure to rip her tits off her chest.  It’s a no rules fight, right?”

“Yes,” said Monica.  “One on one, no holds barred until a woman gives up.  I’m sure you two know how brutal this might turn out to be. You are both fit, strong and evenly matched so if either of you has second thoughts and wants to cancel, just let me or Barbara know. I know I would never think less of you for it.”

“Me neither,” said Barbara.

“Why would I back out at something I’m so looking forward to,” said Sandy sarcastically.

“You really are an asshole,” said Beth.

Now both women were standing and edging towards each other. The old gals were quick to step between them.  “I think we are finished here,” said Monica. “Try to stay out of each other’s way for the next five weeks.  No texting. None!  And remember, tell no one.  Barbara and I will be in touch.”

Three days before the scheduled fight was the last Faculty meeting of the year.  The High School auditorium was filled with a hundred or so teachers.  Sandy sat 2 rows behind and to the side of Beth.  They had not spoken since the meeting with their tutors.  At one point Beth turned and caught the eye of her rival sitting behind her.  Sandy, surreptitiously flipped the brunette the bird. Beth took out a pen and wrote something on a piece of paper, folded it in half, and passed it along her row and up to her enemy.

Sandy received the note, unfolded it and read the simple two word note, “Can’t wait!”  Sandy crumpled the note and tossed it on the floor.

They night of the fight Barbara picked up Beth at her apartment to drive her to the duel. 

“Where are we going, Barb?”

“Monica’s husband is a real estate agent.  He is trying to sell a McMansion over in the Brooklyn Heights development. It’s totally empty, and Monica has the keys. It will serve our  purpose well.   You two can settle things there in privacy. How are you feeling?”

“I’m ready,” answered Beth.  “Nervous as hell, but ready.”

“Well being nervous is certainly understandable.  I’m nervous myself and I’m not even fighting.”

“I’m confident that I can take her, Barb.  What do you think?”

“I have no clue, but confidence is a good thing, as long as it’s not overconfidence.”

As instructed by Monica, Barbara parked her car a few doors down from the empty house.  As they walked through the door of the darkened home Barbara shouted out “Hello, anyone here?”

“We are down here, answered Monica from a lower level of the massive house.  A faint light guided Barbara and Beth towards downstairs in what might be called a basement, but realtors called “The Game Room.”  It was a huge room, once home to a pool table, wide screen TV and comfy recliners.  Now it was empty except for a bar tucked into one corner.  The floor was covered in plush carpeting. It would serve the purpose of the evening quite well.

As Barbara and Beth descended the stairs they were met by Monica.  Off in the corner, Sandy was stretching, preparing for the fight.  Barbara said , “Yes, you are right, Monica, this place is fine.  Glad you thought of it.”

“I snuck off with the keys.  My husband has no clue.”  The two older women chuckled at the subterfuge. Meanwhile Beth moved to the corner opposite her rival and began her stretching and preparation for the fight.

After some extensive stretching and warming up it appeared to Monica that the fighters were about  ready.  She moved to the center of the room, while Barbara moved off to the side.

“I’m going to ask you two this question one more time.  Are you both ready for this?  There is no disgrace in calling it off and just head back home.”

Sandy was the first to answer, “I came to fight, and I am ready.”

“Same here,” said Beth.

“OK then,” said Monica.  “Time to strip to the waist.”

The fighters move closer to each other, now about 10 feet apart.  Their eyes locked together and they peeled off their t-shirts and unhooked their bras showing each other their tits.  Barb moved in to collect their clothing.  What they had left on was almost identical.  Blue jeans, no belts, crisp new white sneakers.

“Now it is up to the two of you,” said Monica.  “Good luck to both of you.” And with that the two older women moved to a far corner of the room, behind the small bar,  leaving the rivals to their fight.


Offline cfight

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Re: The Tutors- Chapter 2- Not A Meeting To Grade Papers
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2022, 12:24:56 PM »
This is some story. Great back story, the build up to the fight is exciting, and a terrific place for a fight. Can't wait for the next chapter.