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The Pride of Galloway, Ch 14

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The Pride of Galloway, Ch 14
« on: January 08, 2023, 10:50:41 PM »
The Pride of Galloway, Ch. 14

   It was evening, two days after her fight against Enya in front of the private club, and Amanda was walking slowly down a hallway of the De Luca townhouse. It was upstairs, toward the back, and she was headed to the master suite. She veered into a powder room and admired herself in the mirror. She was wearing a robe and her makeup and hair were perfect, she thought, as she brushed a few strands out of her eyes. Her face was round and her eyes serious but also enticing, and her smile always suggested something a bit devilish was happening in her mind. There were just a few traces of blonde in her hair, and she ran her fingers over them and along the side of her jawline as she turned herself one way and then the other. The robe just barely suggested the alluring curves of her athletic and capable body, her firm breasts and her perfectly formed hips and bottom and thighs. The robe was plush and she snuggled it up more tightly against her skin and then she left the powder room and went into the master suite.

   The master suite was beyond what Amanda had been expecting. To the left was the bedchamber, the bed itself something larger than a king with a canopy and a set of stuffed chairs next to it as well as dressers and mirrors. To the right was something else. There was a padded area, what seemed to be a mattress, sunk into the floor with reclined seats arranged around the outside, with pillows everywhere. The Lord and Lady De Luca were there, both wearing robes as well and both lying on their sides, propped up on pillows and these reclined seats. Both were staring eagerly at Amanda, and she forced herself to lower her eyes respectfully. She had been cautioned by a man who seemed to be the De Lucas’ head of staff that while a certain amount of spirit could be displayed this evening, too much would be a poor choice. And then Amanda saw that Enya was standing opposite her on the sunken mattress. She too looked as perfect as she could. She had added long, loose curls to her black hair and it splayed out over her shoulders and her enormous bosom. Like Amanda’s, her makeup had been done by the Lady’s own artist and it could not have suited her face better. Her lips were somehow small but also full and were colored a deep red, and her skin was pale yet carried a deeper hue that seemed full of life. Her face was also round in shape but her jawline was somewhat thinner than Amanda’s, as was her nose. Her hazel eyes conveyed desire and a mischievous energy.

   “So glad to see you again,” Enya said, coyly.

   Amanda locked eyes with her but said nothing. The room was lit by only a few candles, and the light danced in both their eyes and in the shadows beyond them.

   “Silence is good,” Ravenna De Luca said. She pulled herself up closer to her husband and put her hand on his leg. “Maybe she is ready to learn some humility tonight.”

   “We will find out,” Enya responded. To Amanda, she gestured for her to stop on to the mattress with her.

   Amanda did as she was told. The mattress was quite soft, and her feet sank in deeper than she had been expecting, but she came forward until she was immediately before Enya. She was taller than the Chinese beauty and she enjoyed the few moments when she could look down on her. Then the other girl put her hand delicately on Amanda’s chin and pulling down her face kissed her. Their lips touched lightly, and a second time, and then Amanda opened her mouth and their tongues darted and skipped across each other. Moaning, Enya pulled on Amanda’s hair, just a little, and told her to take off her robe. Amanda complied, revealing the lavender, minimalist bra and panties she wore. Then Enya told her to remove her robe as well, pulling open one flap at the top, suggestively. As Amanda circled around her, loosening and sliding the robe down the Chinese girl’s body, she could feel the eyes of the Lord De Luca on her. On her naked back and on her barely concealed breasts and bottom. Both women were disrobed now and Enya took hold of her hands and pulled them to her breasts. They were huge and firm in the bra and Amanda began massaging them slowly. Enya’s nipples stiffened and she began pushing against Amanda. The girls were standing toe to toe now, their breasts pushed together, and Enya kissed her roughly as Amanda cupped her breasts on the outside, giving them a gentle squeeze.

   “Take off my bra,” Enya said.

   Amanda did, unclasping the back and sliding the straps down and then pulling it away from her. She held it for a second and then tossed it to the Lord. Umberto, his name was, one of the servants had told her. As she did she caught hold of his gaze and held it for just one instant. Then, slowly, she returned her attention to Enya’s breasts. The great orbs protruded from her chest and she kissed one and then the other, hungrily, and then sucked on the large dark nipples. She flicked at it with her tongue and again she made eye contact with Lord Umberto. Enya pulled on her hair, harder, and by means of pulling on it brought her down with her so that both girls were on their knees. Amanda went back to sucking on her great breasts and Enya took a fistful of hair in each hand and pulled it tight. Her scalp started to burn and Amanda slapped her on the ass and the two girls began grinding harder against each other, their breasts and flat stomachs rubbing together. Suddenly, Enya ripped open the front of Amanda’s bra and grabbed her breasts. She squeezed, too hard, and Amanda began to pull at her hands but then Enya slapped her across the face.

   “None of that, Amanda,” Ravenna said in a stern voice. “You’re going to take everything you get tonight.”

   Amanda saw now that Ravenna had pulled her husband’s dick out of his robe and was slowly stroking him. She was glaring at her, hard, and Amanda returned her attention to what she was receiving from Enya. Enya grabbed her breasts again and squeezed them, pinching her nipples and bouncing them up and down, then she shoved Amanda onto her back. She mounted her, pinning her hands down and straddling her waist, and then leaning over her she kissed her, passionately, roughly, again and again. As she did she began rubbing herself on Amanda, grinding on her hips and her mound. After more kissing, Enya moved her attention to Amanda’s breasts, licking them at first, then nipping at her first. Amanda seethed and her body involuntarily jerked at the sharper bites, but none of it went too far and Enya laughed just a little when her body twitched and jerked.

   “Like a little bumblebee, eager for some honey,” Enya teased. “Do you think that she is ready for it?” she asked the Lady.

   “Oh, I think she is,” Ravenna agreed.

   “Now we learn why it’s important to know our place,” Enya said in a voice barely above a whisper.

   To Amanda’s surprise, Enya rose and went to the door and then she came back with a redhead and a man, neither of whom Amanda had ever seen before. The man was a typical white man, brown hair and a beard, average height and looks, but he did have a form of energy and personality in his expression that was difficult to miss. Perhaps a bit shorter than Amanda, the redhead with him was, if not a classical beauty, extremely pretty, and she had a youthful and energetic glow to her face that was as bright as the man’s personality. Her hair was long, well past her shoulders, and quite curly, and there were traces of blonde in her locks. She was wearing a white bra and panties, and she had medium-sized breasts, similar to Amanda’s, but they looked very large on her small frame. The man was wearing a robe and Amanda thought he was not wearing much underneath it. As the redhead and man entered, Amanda began rising from the floor, unsure of what she could expect but certain it would not be good for her, but as she came to her feet Enya took her by the upper arm and hair and brought her to the couple.

   “Here she is,” Enya said. “Our special girl for tonight. As for tomorrow, that remains to be seen.”

   The man came up to Amanda and looked her up and down and then stared into her eyes. “You said she was ugly, Ravenna,” he said. “But I think she’s very attractive. And she looks very capable to me.”

   Before Lady Ravenna’s response, Amanda noticed that the redhead shot a look at the man, and it was not encouraging or supportive. But then it was gone and her face was all smiles again, although perhaps not well-intentioned ones. “I think she looks like a bit of fun to play with,” she said, running her finger along Amanda’s jawline.
   “She certainly is, Kate,” the man said back to her, “and she might be more than that for us later.”

   Again the redhead, Kate, turned to look sideways at him. Seizing the opportunity, Amanda pulled the redhead’s finger off of her face and then leaned in and kissed her. Softly, and then pulling back briefly she kissed her softly again, little more than a peck of her lips, and pulled away. Amanda could feel their lips stick together for just an instant before they separated, and then she kissed again, more deeply, and then Amanda’s tongue was in her mouth and was sliding over the redhead’s. They continued kissing and then Amanda felt a body pressed into her from behind and a pair of hands rubbing her breasts. It was Enya, holding her from behind, and the redhead pressed into her from the front and, still kissing her, she took hold of her hair and pulled on it. The three of them stood like that, Amanda being groped from behind and kissed forcibly from the front, and then the redhead and Enya changed roles and continued their work on the athletic brunette. Enya was kissing her but then she stepped back and was running her hands across Amanda’s face, delicately outlining her lips, her cheeks, her brow, as the redhead did the same with her breasts. She tweaked her nipples and then she was sliding her palms up and down and running her fingers along the outside swell of her bosom and then finally sliding her forefingers up and down the topside of her. Amanda was moaning and pushing back against the redhead, grinding her ass into her hips, and the redhead suddenly gripped her by the waist and sucked her into her and then clamped her arms together across her chest and pulled her down to the floor. Enya followed them down and then it was as if both women were all over her.

   Soon enough all three of them were naked. The redhead and Enya put Amanda down flat on her back. At one point the two women were sitting atop Amanda, facing each other, the redhead across her waist and Enya sitting on her face, and they were kissing each other while the one rubbed herself on Amanda’s face and the other fondled her breasts. Later, they pulled Amanda up and put her across the back of a chair and smacked her ass and then after that the redhead held Amanda’s arms behind her back while Enya slapped her across the face and the breasts. At first, the slaps were light and playful and then as she progressed they became harder, and louder, and when she was done the skin of Amanda’s chest and face was all red. And she was breathing hard, from her anger as well as from the stress to her body. When the two women were done with this, they brought Amanda in front of Ravenna and her husband Umberto, the women standing on either side of Amanda and pulled her by the arm. At some point, Ravenna had finished her husband and he had put himself back inside his robe. Enya said for Umberto to stand and remove his robe so that Amanda could service him. But, before the Lord could respond, Amanda yanked her arms from the grasp of the two women and went over to the newcomer, the man who had come with Kate. She pulled his dick out of his robe and going down on her knees in front of him began sucking on it. Right away, she felt someone pulling on her hair, the redhead. But the man told her to back off and Amanda finished him off, and when she was done the man told Enya and Kate to focus on each other and he let Amanda pull him down onto the floor with her. While he was on top of her, Amanda could see Enya and Kate both glaring daggers at her. When he was done, he gave Amanda back to the two girls and they spent the remainder of the evening teaching her her place while the Lord and Lady watched.

   A week after her evening at the De Lucas’ townhouse, Amanda was standing in the rain, looking down a dark alley near the center of the city. The entrance to the casino was a single door in the center alley, guarded by two large men. Amanda told them that she was a guest of a close friend of Lord Umberto De Luca, who was waiting inside for her, and when the two guards hesitated she increased the size of her smile and let her coat slide open a little to give them a better view, and then they let her in. The door led into a dark hallway with chipped paint and rotten wood, at the end of which was another door. But then that door opened into the casino itself. Someone had taken an old hotel and converted it the lobby into a private casino for the very wealthy. “Private” here would mean that that the police and government were paid to stay away and no one bothered too closely with what happened here. The entrance was on the second floor so that Amanda was looking down into the room from a balcony. The wealthiest men and women in the city played cards or roulette, drank, ogled the waitresses, and sometimes went upstairs to the old guest rooms for privacy. She leaned on the balcony and took in the sight, admiring the men in their expensive black suits and the women in their revealing gowns and the flash and hum of the gaming. As she did she slid off her coat, revealing her blue dress. It was strapless, with a very revealing decolletage that she was quite proud of, and tight down to the waist, where it spread out into a looser bottom that would allow her greater freedom of movement. Her shoes were heels that were surprisingly easy to kick off. When she spotted the man from that evening at the De Lucas’ house, playing poker in the middle of the room with Enya seated next to him, she checked her coat and headed downstairs.

   Her purse was quite full, and Amanda took two trays of chips from the cashier and made her way to the table where Enya and the man were playing. A few days after her evening with the De Lucas, their butler, Stefano had visited her at the hotel where she had taken up residency. It was not as nice as the one she had shared with Simone and Natalie, and she could feel his disdain as he came into the room. But, he had come to invite her to a meeting with this strange man at his offices. Amanda had been wary of being set up, but she was also intrigued and, to be frank, even being used by a relative stranger was better than the other prospects she had at that moment. In the morning, then, she had gone to his offices in the center of the city. In the reception area were an elderly couple and a young woman. The elderly couple barely noticed her when she entered, immediately going back to their work with what looked like a company ledger. The woman was a brunette of medium height with a very pretty face and what seemed like a remarkable body under a rather conservative dress. She also looked quite physically capable, a judgment Amanda thought validated by the very dismissive glance in her direction. The two women quickly and openly scanned each other and then, wordless, went about their business. The elderly man gestured for Amanda to enter the offices at the back of the suite. She found the man sitting behind a large mahogany desk, a sweeping view of the city behind him. Smokestacks, the train yards, the mansions like his in the background, and in the far corner she could just see the ships anchored in the harbor.

   “Thank you for inviting me,” Amanda had said to him, standing before the great desk.

   He gestured for her to sit. “Oh, I’m glad that you accepted my invitation,” he answered. “Stefano can be a little direct, I know, but he gets results.”

   She took the chair offered, making sure to cross her legs slowly enough that he got a glimpse of the sweep of her thigh under the material of her dress, which was just slightly tighter than decorum permitted. She was wearing a light brown dress that was modest but still clung to her in the right places. “He was very kind.”

   “I’m sure,” the man said with a chuckle. “I’ll cut right to it. My name is Douglas Blemker. You are aware that I have certain, let’s call it a certain interest in women such as yourself. Competitive women. Women with spirit. And unless I’m wrong, you aren’t the kind to let unfinished business with another woman remain unfinished,” he added, tapping his fingers together as he spoke.

   “You’re not wrong.”

   “Good. Very good. If I were to arrange the right situation, would you like to fight Enya again?”

   “Very much so,” Amanda said. She was smiling now, wickedly, one corner of her mouth higher than the other and her eyebrows arched.

   “I’m sure that she would like to fight you again as well.”

   “I’d prefer that we not have a referee this time,” Amanda added.

   “I think that we could arrange that.”

   “I have to ask, what sort of relationship do you have with the De Lucas? And with that redhead you had with you that night?”

   “Ah, Kate. Well, you see, my business requires that I travel quite a bit. I handle the real estate for an extremely wealthy gentleman. And Kate travels with me. She’s a young, very attractive woman with a lot of spirit, just like you. There are a lot of women like the two of you out there, and when I’m in a new city I make an effort to meet them. And Kate very much enjoys meeting them as well. She’s quite good at it, I must say.”

   Amanda widened her smile and asked, “Any chance you have an open position?”

   “Well,” Doug answered, smiling himself, “I think that you’d have to take it away from her. It would be the only fair way to determine it, and I’m confident that she would be keen on the suggestion. But how would I know that you’d be a good match for her?”

   “You’d like to arrange an encounter between me and Enya, wouldn’t you?” It was not really a question.

   “And if you were to come out on top there, that would prove that you were worthy of meeting with Kate?” he asked, rhetorically, and then nodded. “Yes, I could arrange that.”
   And now, Amanda was in the casino with her two trays of chips, walking toward the table where Mr. Blemker and Enya were playing poker. As she crossed the room, men and women both turned their heads to follow her. He saw her approaching and gestured for her to sit beside him, on the opposite side of Enya. Amanda came around the front of the table so that Enya could see her and get a good long look at her in her dress as she seated herself. Enya herself looked quite beautiful. Her green dress had a low neckline, and it put her magnificent body on display very effectively, especially the imposing swell of her cleavage. Her hair and makeup were perfect, as Amanda had expected. As Enya recognized Amanda a glare passed over her face, her gorgeous hazel eyes narrowing, and then she recovered and gave her a smile that no one would mistake for friendly. Amanda took the seat on the other side of their host, and after she had put forward a red chip, the dealer included her on the new hand.

   “I’m surprised you showed up tonight,” Enya said as they collected their first two cards.

   “I’m afraid that I was so excited about this little reunion that I let it slip out early,” Mr. Blemker confessed. He glanced at his cards. “Please don’t be angry with me, ladies.”

   “I’m not angry at all,” Amanda replied. “I find that the anticipation is half of the pleasure.” She tossed out a chip to start the betting.

   “You do you look very lovely this evening,” Enya said, throwing out a chip to match and then another to raise. “Considering what you have to work with,” she added, slowly.

   “Well, we can’t all pour ourselves out onto the table,” Amanda said, icily.

   “You’re right, most women can’t.”

   The two women were staring at each other now, and all talking had stopped. Mr. Blemker pushed his chair back from the table and then stood and backed away so that nothing was between them. Simultaneously, Enya and Amanda rose and stood to face each other. As their hearts quickened, a red flush crept into the skin of their chests, shoulders, faces. Their hands were down by their sides but their fingers were flexing, curling into claws, although with their regularly appearing in scheduled fights both ladies kept their nails cut short. They stepped toward each other, slowly, and then with a cry they leapt forward. Full-bodied and without a thought to anything else they crashed together. They wrapped their arms around each other and spun in a circle, wrestling for position. Already their feet came out of their shoes and their gorgeous dresses began tearing open. Amanda was the taller girl and she pushed Enya backward into the poker table, tipping it over and sending both of them to the floor. Cards, chips, wine and scotch, all fell on top of them as they churned back and forth on the ground. Enya pulled on Amanda’s hair with incredible strength for her size, making her scalp burned, and she gripped the Chinese beauty’s long hair and pulled in return, getting a yelp of pain in response. Finally they rolled free of the table and came apart from each other. Enya turned away from her to brace herself on a railing to pull herself to her feet and Amanda took advantage. She punched her in the small of her back, making her grunt, and then while she was stunned Amanda grabbed her hair and yanked backward and down. Enya fell to the floor again and now Amanda was standing over her. She stamped down with her bare foot and got her squarely in the stomach. Enya’s eyes went wide and her mouth was wide open and she clutched at herself and turned over, lying on her side facing away from Amanda as her body worked to start breathing again. Both hands on the railing, Amanda stood over her and began kicking her in the back. With each hollow thump Amanda felt stronger, in control, and she braced all of her weight on the railing and raised herself up, over the fallen girl, planning to stamp down with both feet.

   But Enya rolled toward her as she came down and knocked her feet out from under her. Amanda landed badly and lay stunned. Then as she was sitting up Enya slapped her hard across the face, putting her back down on her back. Amanda lay there, staring up at the ceiling, and then she braced herself for the other girl to land atop her but she did not. Looking to her right, she saw the Chinese girl was pushing herself up to her feet and she forced herself to do the same. But as she rolled up she received a hard kick to the back and the force of it drove her into the railing. Her head hit first, and she leaned against it on her hands and knees.

   “Like to kick, huh, bitch?” Enya asked from behind her. “Let’s see how much you like it.”

   Enya then kicked her in the ass and then coming around she kicked her harder in the ribs. This second blow knocked Amanda down onto her side. Immediately she was trying to scramble away but more kicks struck home, to her stomach, her chest, and then one to the forehead that put her down. She was lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling, and then Enya was standing above her. The other girl seemed like she was about to say something and in the interlude Amanda rose halfway up and gripped her around the thighs. The two of them struggled and Amanda was able to drag her down to the floor with her. Again they were rolling back and forth and Amanda could feel the feet of their audience scamper out of their way as they did. They pulled hair and slapped and grabbed at each other, their faces and bodies pressed close. Amanda got on top and she held Enya’s head down with one hand, her palm across her face, and she began hitting her in the ribs with the other. Enya writhed under her and then she got Amanda’s pinkie finger into her mouth and bit down. Amanda screeched in pain and then the two girls were separating and coming to their feet. They circled each other, breathing heavily, and the crowd around them was growing. Their dresses hung open and their faces were red with exertion and their hair was tussled. Amanda and Enya raised their fists and came square to each other. Enya threw a right that missed and Amanda got her in the face with a right and a left that sent her back a few steps. Amanda moved in, too aggressively, and she threw a right and a left in wild arcs. Enya backed out of range and reset herself, then when Amanda was overstretched from the second wild punch Enya got her to the eye with a right and then squarely in the nose with a left. But Amanda took it and she slugged her across the face, spinning her all the way around, and then Amanda launched herself forward and drove her into the bar. They crashed into the enormous hardwood bar, and with the height of the bar and her short stature Enya’s breasts were crushed flat in the impact. When they hit, Enya’s flailing arms knocked the nearby glasses and a bottle of something clear to the floor behind the bar in a loud crash. Enya moaned in pain and Amanda pushed her face down flat on the bar with her right hand.

   Amanda leaned in close and said into her ear, “See how you like this, bitch.”

   She was about to start punching Enya in the stomach with her left fist, but before she could the Chinese beauty whipped her elbow back with a shocking amount of force. The blow caught Amanda right on the eye and she was sent stumbling away. She stood in the middle of their audience, holding her eye and checking for blood, and while she did Enya pushed herself off the bar and came at her. Amanda tried to get her arms up to defend herself but Enya jabbed her in the face with a left fist and then in the breast with a right, bending her forward at the waist. She was stunned and Enya grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head up and slugged her squarely in the face. With her head held in place her face took the entirety of the force and she was stunned badly and then still holding her by the hair Enya drove her knee up into her stomach. Amanda went flying back and into the arms of one of the bouncers. Another bouncer grabbed Enya from behind and held her as she tried to rush forward. Both girls were kicking their legs in the air and trying to squirm free but they were held tight. Their eyes never left their opponent.

   “All right, you two. You’re done breaking things in here,” a white-haired man in a suit said. The manager. “Both of them, throw them in the alley. If they want to finish it up there, that’s fine with me. And that guy they’re with, he goes too. I don’t care who he’s friends with.”

   The bouncers hauled both girls out the back door of the casino and tossed them into the alley there. Mr. Blemker and an assortment of gamblers joined them, as many women as men. The alley was relatively short and secluded, on both ends intersecting into other alleys rather than the city streets. The two young ladies stood apart, facing each other along the length of the alley, and the crowd split itself in two naturally, some standing behind one lady and the rest, the other. Blemker saw that they were encouraging the girl they stood behind and he quickly began taking bets, and he promised to split the proceeds with the winner although neither acknowledged him or the betting. Both girls’ dresses were ruined and, still staring at each other, they tossed them aside and stood in the dark alley in their underwear. Both wore demibras, panties and stockings, although the stockings were ruined from their tumbling. When he was done taking bets, Blemker stared for a long second at their bodies, at Amanda’s firm breasts and her well-formed and powerful ass and at Enya’s enormous chest that swelled up over the half-cups of her bra and her leaner but still muscular and shapely lower body. Then, he was about to call for them to start fighting but the two women began of their own accord. 

   Enya and Amanda came forward slowly but not carefully. They stood in front of each other and traded blows. Open and closed hands, they hit each other in the face, the bosom, the stomach. Their hair whipped through the air and they grunted and moaned and yelped as the blows landed, the sounds sharp and hard in the relative quiet of the secluded alley. A particularly hard shot to the cheek sent Amanda stumbling backward and Enya pressed her. Without intending to, Amanda had turned her head away and put up her arms defensively and Enya took advantage of her mistake. She seized hold of Amanda’s right wright with her left hand and then, yanking on the arm to make her stumble forward, she drove her right fist up into her chest and her face. One punch got Amanda right on the nose and made her eyes water uncontrollably and she began covering her face, or trying to, with both hands, reflexively. With her distracted, Enya slammed her fist into Amanda’s stomach, hard, making her bend over, and then bracing herself she whipped her leg up into her torso. Her shin caught Amanda across the breasts and the force knocked her over backwards. She landed on the brick street without any protection, unprepared, and she was hurt. With a snarl of glee, Enya leapt on top of her.

   Enya landed on her with a thud before Amanda could recover, and she made the most of it. Amanda was on her back and the Chinese beauty sat across her waist. She slapped her across the face with rights and lefts and then she yanked down her bra and gripped her breasts with both hands. She hooked her fingers in around the nipples and began digging and pulling and twisting, and within seconds Amanda was howling in pain. She reached up and pulled on Enya’s hair, and then when she had her head pulled down she released the hair from one hand and began hitting her on the side of the head. But the pain in her chest was overwhelming and she gave up on that and began pulling at Enya’s hands. Her grip was so strong, though, and as she pulled up Enya was pulling her breasts up. Amanda began clawing at her wrists and her forearms, trying to dig in with her short nails. Soon she had scratched up Enya’s wrists and she let go of her breasts. She tried to catch hold of Amanda’s wrists and the two of them began grabbing for each other’s hands and then they were hitting and pulling at each other, Amanda on the bottom and Enya on the top. Enya slapped her across the face, cleanly, hard, and Amanda responded by pulling down Enya’s bra and drilling her in the bosom with a punch up from the bottom. Enya squealed in pain and anger and rose up a bit and when she did Amanda tried to snake her fingers into her crotch. The attempt got Enya to rise and back away, down the alley, and to let Amanda rise to her feet.

   The two ladies squared off again, moving slower now but still with their fists up in front of them. The crowd was cheering them on, equally, but they were all a blur to the two fighters. Their hair dangled down over their faces and their skin was red with strife. Amanda lunged forward but Enya popped her in the mouth and glided to the side. Again Amanda tried to rush her and catch her, looking to make use of her greater size, and again Enya got her in the mouth. This time when Amanda backed up a step to reset herself, Enya came at her and she slugged her across the cheek. Both girls were throwing punches now. Amanda tagged her with a straight punch into her chest and Enya got her in the cheek again and then in the stomach. But the punch to her stomach but Enya in close and Amanda grabbed hold of her. She flung the lighter girl to the side and then while she was stumbling she got her in a standing headlock with her left arm and then she began slamming her fist into the beautiful face. Again and again she drove the punches home. Enya squirmed and pulled at the arm encircling her head and then she reached around with her right hand and grabbed at Amanda’s breast. She was pinching and pulling at it but she didn’t have the leverage to really hurt her and Amanda kept punching. Finally, Enya kneed Amanda in the back of the leg, buckling it, and they went down to the ground and when they did Amanda’s elbow hit the bricks squarely and Enya got free of the headlock.

   Amanda was on her knees, holding her elbow, and then when she realized that the other girl was getting away she turned toward her, still on her knees, thinking to tackle her from behind, but she found the other girl sitting on her bottom, facing her, ready, and she kicked out and upward with both legs. The kick struck Amanda squarely in the face and she fell down again, splayed out lengthwise, long enough for Enya to get to her feet and back away from her again. Amanda looked up at her and saw that there was blood dribbling from the girl’s nose and mouth, and then she checked her own face and found blood there as well. Like that, one on her feet and the other on the ground, they stared at each other, and then Enya motioned for her to rise to her feet and come at her again and Amanda obliged her. But as she rose Amanda charged forward, throwing herself bodily into the other girl. Both of them went flying across the alley and collided with the brick wall behind Enya. They struggled there and Amanda got her pressed up against the wall. She pushed on her face, grinding it into the bricks, and as she held her there the two girls made eye contact and their raw hatred for each other was there for all to see. Enya howled in rage and she pushed herself off the wall and as they scrambled free she got behind Amanda. She got one arm around her neck and with the other she latched onto her breast, squeezing and twisting. Amanda pulled at the arm on her neck and then she whipped her elbow back into Enya’s midsection and twisted her hips and came free. But as the two girls stood close, Enya threw uppercuts into her stomach and breasts, rights and lefts, driving her back.

   This time, Amanda tried to get in closer before throwing a punch, to bully the smaller girl and try to grab or molest her. Enya jabbed her in the face as she came within range and Amanda took it and tried to rush in, reaching out with both hands and ducking her head down, but Enya clipped her on the forehead and skipped to the side. Immediately, Amanda turned with her and tried the same again, and again Enya skipped out of reach, this time popping her in the face and in the chest. Amanda’s face felt hot and she was breathing hard and for this third time she came in slower. She came within range and began throwing punches at the same time Enya did. Amanda took one in the mouth but she got Enya in hers in return and then threw a right and a left into her enormous bust. That backed her up. Enya rubbed her feminine mounds for a second as she backed and circled away and then she planted her feet and as Amanda came at her she blasted her with a right and a left to the face and a vicious right into her breast. Amanda moaned in pain but she dove forward, selling out, and she got hold of Enya. They tussled, arms wrapped around each other’s neck and shoulders, turning back and forth, and when it settled they had each other in a loose headlock, standing side to side. Both girls started throwing punches into the other’s face from there, again and again, but without much force for the awkward positioning. Amanda jerked herself, throwing her hips into Enya’s to make use of her strength and size advantage and her wrestling background. Finally she got Enya’s feet off the ground and she flung her bodily to the ground and as she landed she felt the smaller girl under her and she was looking to mount her and punish her. But the other girl broke free and scrambled away before Amanda could clamp onto her and hold her down to really hurt her. And then, as Amanda was coming to her knees to get up, Enya rushed at her and hit her across the face with a wild right.

   Amanda took the punch full force and it put her down on her side. She was hurting and Enya was standing over her and she was aware for an instant of the crowd gathered around them, silent now. She pushed herself up to her knees again and as Enya came at her to catch her defenseless Amanda punched her in the stomach. That got her to back up and Amanda was able to come to her feet. Enya was holding her stomach and Amanda hit her across the face with a mighty punch that spun her around and put her face down on the ground. Amanda stood watching, her hands on her hips, her chest rising and falling as she sucked in air. She waited and then just as she made eye contact with Blemker to affirm that the fight was over Enya stirred. She turned her hips once and then before Amanda could react she was coming to her feet and the fight was on again. Amanda came right at her and hit her across the face and the blow flung Enya backward into the wall of the alley and she hung there for a second but then she came off the wall, her hands up. Amanda met her and as she closed Amanda went to throw a punch but she was too slow. The Chinese beauty hit her with a straight punch to the nose, rocking her head back, and then she peppered her chest with rights and lefts, quick and light punches, and then when Amanda lowered her arms to cover her breasts Enya slugged her across the face with a right and a left and another right. The punches sent Amanda’s hair whipping about her head as she was turned this way and that and then as she stood there, helpless for that instant, Enya kicked her with a straight kick in the center of her chest. It put her down on her back, staring up at the night sky, but Enya did not let her recover. She stamped her foot down on her, into the center of her chest, again, and then she pulled her up to her feet by the hair. Amanda was leaning on her, all the energy drained out of her body, and Enya measured her and hit her across the face and she fell to the street, done.

   Two weeks later, Enya and Kate were standing on opposite sides of the room. The two women both wore corsets, panties, and stockings with garters, Enya in green and Kate in red. Enya’s black hair was straight and hung down well past her shoulders, while Kate had gotten her copper hair cut short so that it stopped just below her ears. Enya’s face was of striking beauty, with her wide cheek bones, small mouth with its full, luscious lips, and her large and open hazel eyes that seemed to simmer with energy. Kate’s face had a type of lively and inviting beauty to it, narrower than Enya’s, with her slightly upturned nose and large, full lips and sharp jawline. Her dark eyes did not seem inviting, though. Kate’s bosom was well-developed but Enya’s was much larger and seemed to hang nearly as firmly on her chest, and the Chinese girl’s hips seemed a blend of womanly shape and female power, wider and somehow more present than the slender redhead. Both of them were dancing back and forth on her their feet, their hands clenching and loosening, nostrils flaring, eager to fight. Enya had known about Blemker’s agreement with Amanda, and after beating her again, she had come to him and said that she wanted the same. She was looking to move on from the De Lucas, she had said, and she sensed the same was true of him with Kate. For her part, Kate had taken little persuading to meet a woman who was after what she had. And here they were.

   The room itself was the master suite of the nicest hotel in the city. Blemker had been staying there for a month, and he had paid the staff extra to lay down some extra rugs in the room and also to stay clear and to handle any complaints about any noise. He was there, as were a few friends he had made in those two weeks, an elderly man who came alone, a middle-aged man and a young woman who seemed very interested in the proceedings, and a young married couple who shared this interest. The young woman who was with the middle-aged man was tall, probably the same height as Blemker—a bit shorter than the typical man—and very striking. She was a brunette, her hair a dark chocolate color, and she had a tremendous face and a body to match, and she was leaning forward as if she were studying the two young women. As Blemker was watching her, she leaned over to her companion and whispered in his ear, after which he spoke to the elderly man and both nodded together. Most likely, they had bet on the outcome, and she had told the man which way to go. They were seated along the far wall, drinking the finest wine the hotel kept. He rose and said, “Ladies, thank you for agreeing to compete this evening. I know we all appreciate your efforts. The rules for tonight will be no closed fists to the face or the body, and no choking. And of course, our nails have been cut short.”

   “I don’t need my nails to rip this girl’s face off,” Kate snarled.

   “For you it would be an improvement,” Enya snapped back. “And I’d be careful about who you’d call a girl,” she added, eyeballing Kate’s chest.

   “You cow!” Kate yelled.

   And with that they began. With no skill or thought, they crashed together in the middle of the room. Immediately upon making contact, they grabbed hold of each other’s hair. The two of them strained against each other, pushing and pulling, yanking on hair, bare feet pressing against the floor and chests driven together by the force of their struggle. Kate’s short hair made for ineffective pulling, and Enya found it slipping through her grip. So she let go and instead wrapped her arm around Kate’s torso under the shoulder and twisting her hips tossed her over. Kate went to the ground but she pulled Enya down with her. They rolled back and forth on the ground, clinging together, the perfect lines of their legs and their hips and their backs put on display in their feminine conflict. Enya got on top and she used Kate’s short hair to bang her head on the floor, but the padding from the rugs protected her from any real harm. Kate pulled at her hair with one hand and the other she put on her face, digging her fingers into Enya’s perfect cheeks just under her eyes, making her panic. Enya quickly let go of her hair and swiped the hand away from her face, giving Kate her chance to get out from under her.

   It was a scramble on the floor and when it was settled Kate had her legs wrapped around Enya’s waist. She squeezed her thighs together with all that she had. Enya groaned and pulled at the legs around her and then she tried to reach down and pull at the feet where they were locked together. To prevent her getting at her feet, Kate pulled her hair, yanking her head back so that her face was pointed up at the ceiling. Enya yelped and, still slapping at the thigh across the top of her stomach with one hand, she reached back for the short hair of the redhead with the other. But, her position was bad and she could not make any effect. While she was trying to get at Kate’s hair, the redhead with her free hand tore down the front of her corset and she began slapping her bare breast. Then, she took hold of the tremendous orb and pinched it between her thumb and forefinger, getting hold of the entirety of the flesh around her nipple. Enya hissed in pain and anger and she began thrashing her hips up and down. As she bounced herself like this, she created some space between the thighs and she got herself turned to face Kate. The Chinese beauty tore open the redhead’s corset and she took hold of one of her breasts in both hands and crushed it. Now it was Kate’s turned to hiss in pain. She let go of Enya’s hair and bosom and tore the hands away from her. The two girls began handfighting, struggling for position. Enya was still between Kate’s thighs but she managed to turn them so that she was on top of Kate. She was in the top position but the leverage allowed Kate to retighten her hold on her and she was squeezing her with her thighs again. Enya moaned from deep in her chest and she got her hands free and began raining down vicious slaps. She slapped Kate on the face and to her ribs and straight down onto her breasts, every free space she could find as Kate waved her hands about trying to defend herself. Finally, it was too much and Kate unlocked her legs and wriggled out from under her.

   The two of them came up to their hands and knees and spun around to face each other. There was about six feet between them, too far to leap at each other, and they rose to their feet, slowly, carefully, and as they did they tossed aside their ruined corsets. Topless now, they circled each other, bent over at the waist. Their large breasts swayed gently as they moved, their tight and feminine backsides flexing with each step. Their hands were held low and in front of them and they were both flexing and relaxing their fingers rhythmically as they stepped. They were like two great cats and they were ready to come together again. Enya struck first, slapping Kate hard across the face, but the redhead took it and slapped her back. The blow spun Enya’s head and Kate got her with her other hand as she came into it and the force of that knocked her sideways. She stumbled and she was turned away form her opponent and Kate chased her but she couldn’t take advantage. Enya regained herself and she circled away and she was ready again when Kate came in. Kate threw another right at her face but Enya blocked it with her left forearm and she came in back with a right. Kate put up her own arm in defense but Enya was aiming lower. The open hand cracked hard against the side of Kate’s chest and the redhead shrieked and immediately retreated, holding herself there. Enya went after her now, with open-handed rights and lefts aimed at her face and her chest. Many of them struck home and then Kate was backing up and holding her arms out in front of her with her head pointed down. Enya got her by the hair on the top of her head with both hands and she jerked forward and down with all her strength, pulling Kate down to the ground.

   Kate landed on her knees and Enya stayed on her. She pulled forward again, dragging the other girl forward, giving her burns on her knees and then yanking her off balance, putting her down on her knees and elbows with her ass sticking up in the air. Enya acted fast. Still holding her by the hair with her left hand, she came around to Kate’s left side and began slapping her with her right hand, hard, hard strikes to her bare back and her right side and her ass, nearly exposed in her lace panties. The redhead’s pale skin immediately began to darken with the blows. Kate was trying to rear up and she was reaching at the hand in her hair and trying to smack Enya’s leg and Enya changed tactics. She pulled Kate’s head directly back and as she came up Enya put herself behind her so that Kate’s back came into her hips. Then she rolled onto her back, pulling Kate with her, and locked her legs around her waist from behind. Kate was in trouble and she first began trying to pry Enya’s legs apart but Enya leaned back and pulled back and up on her hair with all that she had. The pain etched itself on Kate’s face right away and after trying to endure it she had to reach back and grab the hands. She was pulling Enya’s hands toward her head to relieve the pressure and then Enya let go of her hair and moved to attack her chest. She grabbed hold of her breasts and squeezed and twisted and pulled at them. Kate shrieked in pain and pulled at her hands but she had them tight. Instead, Kate tried to turn around but Enya had her legs locked tight and Kate couldn’t get loose enough to change her position. Enya had her head next to Kate’s, her mouth by her ear, and she was smiling.

   “Enjoying yourself?” she asked.

   In response, Kate rolled onto her left side. Enya held onto the leg scissors and went with her and Kate got her hands under her and she somehow powered up to her hands and knees and then up to her hands and feet, with Enya still on her back. Enya had stopped smiling now and she let go of her scissors before Kate could fall backwards onto her. Kate broke free of her and spun around and the two of them were facing each other, only a few feet apart. Without hesitation they began slapping each other. They knocked each other about, a whirling dervish of black and red hair and ruined shredded stockings and open hands and feminine pulchritude. Kate won this exchange with a wild right that knocked Enya all the way around and down to her hands and knees. As she tried to get up her opponent leapt onto her from behind and put her face down on the rug. Snarling, the redhead pushed one side of her face down into the fabric and pulling on her hair ground it back and forth. The side of her face that was exposed, then, Kate slapped with short hard shots that brought straight down onto her flesh. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, all to her face. Then before she could react, Kate was up and had hold of her feet. She dragged her around the carpet, face down, grunting with the effort, and the rough material ground against Enya’s face and her breasts and her stomach, and then when she got to the other end of the room she rolled her over. Enya’s skin was turning bright red from the friction burns and she lay staring straight up, confused. Kate gave her no time to recover. She pulled her up by her hair and still pulling her hair she flung her into the wall. Enya crashed into it face first and slid down to her knees, her face and breasts again burning with the friction.

   She hit the bottom and kneeling just leaned against the wall. Her breath came in harsh gasps and her eyes were squeezed shut without thought. Kate stood behind her, her hands on her hips, her breasts rising and falling, her tight abs flexing and relaxing. Then she yanked back on Enya’s hair and pulled her over onto her back and she plopped herself down on her stomach. She slapped Enya across the face and then across the breasts and then she grabbed her breasts and squeezed hard. Her fingers sank all the way into her flesh as she mauled her. Enya moaned in pain and reaching up pulled her hair and then tried to squeeze Kate’s breasts but she couldn’t get a good hold and all the while Kate was kneading her, her fingers moving in and out as she crushed her giant mounds. Finally Enya began slapping her across the face and then when Kate reflexively turned her face away Enya bucked her hips up, throwing the redhead off of her. Enya got free and was crawling away when the other girl slammed into her, putting her back down on the rug. The two of them landed in a heap and began grappling for position. Enya got on top and nailed Kate across the face with a slap and then began repaying the attack on her bosom, pinching and pulling and squeezing her. But Kate grabbed her by her long black hair and yanked the Chinese beauty to the side and got out from under her.

   They stood facing each other. Their faces and busts were red from the abuse they had taken, their hair wet and tangled, the sweat running in rivulets down their bodies, their panties and stockings a torn mess. Enya slapped her across the face and Kate slapped her back. They exchanged blows again and again and now both of them were wobbling with each hit. Enya then sucked in a great lungful of air and she hit Kate across the face with a right and a left and then moved down and slapped her across the breasts with the same. Kate just stood in front of her, staring straight forward, and Enya paused and the two of them stood like that. Then, Kate sprang forward and swung an open left hand, but at the last second Enya grabbed her arm with both hands and spinning she flung her across the room. Out of control, Kate landed badly on the floor, but she somehow came back up to her hands and knees. Enya grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back so that her face was pointed up and then holding her there, pinning her against her leg and hip, she began slapping the side of her face with her other hand over and over. Kate made no defense and just took the hits and then Enya let go and she flopped face down on the ground. The girl was lying there and Enya rolled her over onto her back and planted her foot on her chest and turning to face their exclusive audience she grinned maliciously and posed with her hands overhead.

   Days later, Enya Zheng and Blemker embarked for the new world on a ship headed west across the ocean.


Offline CoffeeMug

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 14
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2023, 10:51:40 PM »
Okay, that's it for this saga (which spiraled far beyond what was originally intended). Taking some months off, I think.


Offline DarkKnight9980

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 14
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2023, 08:55:11 AM »
Amazing as always! You deserve as long a break as you need before you start a new series :) thank you for all the parts of the Galloway series as everyone was a treat to read.


Offline SunnyB

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 14
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2023, 03:09:34 PM »
Awesome fight action ... very sexily written!  ;D ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Offline matfighter507

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 14
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2023, 09:36:51 PM »
Great fight as always! Always look forward to your fights! Really enjoyed the back alley fist fight! Your description of the girls exchanging close body punches, shoving, slapping giving and taking ground was very sexy!