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Iris the Bully

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Offline carlbrad12

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Iris the Bully
« on: May 24, 2022, 07:05:21 PM »
This is a story I was requested to write. A little something different.

     Have you ever met someone and took an instant dislike to them for no reason at all?
     Let me rephrase that. Have you ever met someone who took an instant dislike to you for no reason at all?
     Let me start at the beginning.
     My girlfriend and I have lived in this neighborhood for about a year and we really like it. It is close to the college. I will be graduating this year and she is will be a sophomore. We don’t live together. I have my own place, and she lives with five other coeds in a big house, but we want to move in together. We have not had any real problems, even though I am white but my Miho is not. She is Asian. Even with all the anti-Asian sentiment in the country these days we haven’t had any problems. Maybe because of my name. My father is the biggest employer in the county, and my Grandfather and Great Grandfather’s names are on municipal buildings, museums, and schools throughout the state.
     On the other hand, maybe it is because Miho is just so adorable. She is a tiny little thing, standing barely 5’2”. (Technically she is 5’1 ½”. “5’1 ½”? What are you, twelve,” I joked. “No, but I look it,” she laughed. “And when you are 5’ 1 ½” tall, you count the ½ inch!”) And she is lucky is she weighs 100 pounds, soaking wet, and with an armful of groceries. She has long, jet black hair, sort of on the frizzy side, big, beautiful brown eyes, and a bright, sweet smile. She is 3rd generation American, both her parents were born here, so she is more American than Asian in attitude. Miho does not take herself too seriously and has a good sense of humor and a fun, adventurous spirit.
     Miho is beautiful. Like I said, 5’1 ½”, barely 100 pounds, with a perfect little body. Not supermodel perfect, but perfect for her size. She has 34B breasts, a slim waist, nice, curvy hips, and a sweet little ass. Like a lot of women with small chests she is a little sensitive about their size, but they fit her frame perfectly. If she had big tits she would have to wear counterweight to keep from falling on her face. Oh, and she does not shave her pussy. She did, once, but with her small frame it made her look like a little girl, so she trims it occasionally, but keeps it in its natural state.
     We haven’t had any problems, together, but I know that Miho has had a few ruins with some narrow minded people from time to time. She doesn’t always give me details, or even tell me about it, but I know when something happens. I do remember one time, at the local spa, when she tried to make friends with a group of women, and only talked to them because one of them, the leader, was named Iris, and Miho’s mother’s name is Ayame, which means Iris. But they were really mean to her and she came to me in tears. She tries to not let it show, but I know it gets to her sometimes. But she is Asian, and tiny, so, I hate to say this, she is used to being bullied. Most times she can make a joke and turn it around, but sometimes it does really get to her.
     But most people have no problems with us. We are going to move in together but we haven’t found a place yet. Not because we are a mixed couple, but because we just haven’t found a place we love yet. We knew we had to get serious about it and hired a realtor, Pat, an attractive older woman with short blonde hair and an outgoing personality, and she had given us a list of potential homes to meet our needs. We are looking for a nice house with a big yard, Miho wants a dog to go with her cat, and Pat had a number of potential homes in mind. There was a big neighborhood fair this weekend and Pat suggested we visit a few of the houses on her list, and then go to the fair and meet some of our potential neighbors.
     What a great idea!
     There were a few we liked, and some we loved. There was one house that Pat was a little reluctant to show us. The owner, she said, was real “particular” about who she sold the house to.
     Here we go, I thought.
     “Is it because of me?” Miho asked.
     “Oh no,” Pat assured us, “nothing like that. It is an older couple, and Mildred, the wife, is the one in charge. They are getting older now, and the house is too big for just the two of them, and they want to move closer to their children and grandchildren. But it is the only house they have ever owned, and the one where they raised their family, so she wants to make sure the house goes to someone like minded. Mildred can’t say exactly what she is looking for in potential buyers, but she will know in her gut when she finds them. But it is a gorgeous house.
     “One other thing I should mention, in full disclosure, and because I like you, is that one of the neighbors is, um, well, she’s a little demanding, well, she’s sort of, um, well, she’s a bitch. Her boyfriend is great, everyone likes him, and they have a great kid, but she takes some getting used to.”
     “Sounds like a challenge to me,” Miho laughed. “Win them over with a smile I always say.”
     “Great. The owners won’t be there but I have their permission to show it. They will be at the fair, so you will get a chance to meet Mildred.”
     We loved that house and it was definitely on our short list. But we would have to meet Mildred and see what she had to say.
     We got to the fair and it was in full swing.
     The fair was held at the end of a cul-de-sac, where there was a little public park. There was music from a DJ, rides for the little kids, games, and loads of tables full of food and drinks. Man, there was everything you could imagine. There were trays, tubs, and pots full of pasta, meatballs, ziti, and lasagna, soups and salads, the usual coleslaw and potato salads. three flavors of baked beans, four kinds of melons, and an adult watermelon full of alcohol (talk about a “punch”!), tons of soda and different beers, and quite a few bottles of booze, and picnic tables full of every kind of dessert imaginable. There were cookies, cakes and pies of all flavors, and several tubs of ice cream they managed to keep frozen. There were a lot of people there by the time we got there. It was early evening when we arrived, but it was summer so it was still light, but most of the younger kids had been taken home and put to bed. It had rained a little bit earlier and we had to avoid the puddles, and some of the ground in the park was a little soft, and in some places muddy, but it wasn’t too bad. .There were still a lot of people there and they all seemed to be having a good time.
     Mildred was a hoot and I liked her right off the bat. She was a straight shooter, about 5’6” tall, and rocking a long mane of silver ringlets. Not everyone can pull off the grey look. Some look like a silver fox, while others look like the old grey mare. Mildred was a silver fox, in her 60s but looking 10 years younger. She liked us, I think.
     We had made our way around the party and we were talking to Mildred at the edge of the park. I had my back to the crowd, concentrating on her, and Miho was beside her, facing me. We were talking about the neighborhood when I saw the smile disappear from Miho’s face and heard her mutter “shit!” and then she grabbed my arm and said “We have to go now.”
     “We just got here,” I said. “Everyone’s having a good time.”
     “Can’t we just go now,” she pleaded. She seemed in a panic.
     I have never seen her like this.
     “Oh good, her majesty has arrived,” Mildred said dryly.
     I turned and saw her. Nobody had to tell me who she meant. I knew her right away. It was the tall blonde striding through the crowd, which seemed to part like the Red Sea did for Moses. I knew her alright, hell, I dated her in high school. Mindy, the head cheerleader. It wasn’t Mindy, of course, she was way too old for that, but that was what she reminded me of. The way she strode on, so proud and confident, accompanied by three less attractive females, and the way the crowd reacted to her, making way for her. It was Mindy all over again, striding down the halls of high school.
     We only went out a couple of times, and that was two times too many. She was rude, condescending and to everyone she met; waiters, the girl taking tickets at the movie theater, even her own parents. They put up with it because she was their little princess, and she believed she was a princess.   
     I know I was born to wealth, and so was my father, but my grandfather and great grandfather, the one who first struck it rich, were not. They both knew poverty and wealth, and  remember granddad telling me that money can buy you a lot of things, physical things, but what it cannot buy you is dignity, a personality, or class. Mindy, needless to say, had none of those things, and lorded over everyone she met.
     It turned out alright in the end though. I heard she tried that Princess Mindy shit with a black girl her freshman year at college. The way I heard it, in the 2nd floor bathroom of the girl’s dorm Martha, the black girl, showed Mindy what she thought of her princess attitude, and after she kicked her ass she stuck her head in the toilet. That swirlie put an end to that attitude. I heard they became good friends after that, but I have the feeling that Mindy became friends with her conqueror because she was afraid of her, and getting another swirlie. I would have loved to see that arrogant princess, who thought the world revolved around her, reduced to a sycophantic suck-up, just like the girls who used to follow her.
     That was my first impression whey I saw the tall blonde. Just like Mindy this one was surrounded by other women, three of them, and all of them less attractive than Blondie. I couldn’t help but think of Mindy when I saw the way they hovered around her; Blondie was the Sun and the others were orbiting around her, hanging on her every word.  The Queen Bee and her three wannabees. None of them were anywhere as attractive as the blonde, but that is always the case, isn’t it? It is always the same, I guess, because the wannabees were just like the ones Mindy had. They dressed like the blonde, with the same kind of tight jeans, and similar tops, in different colors, of course because no one dares wear the colors of the Queen Bee. They wore the same kind of make-up, wore their hair like she did, and wore the same jewelry. They wanted to be just like her.
     The blonde was good looking, maybe not beautiful, but definitely pretty, especially for someone her age. She had long blonde hair, stood around 5’8” and weight bed between 135 and 140 pounds. She wore a white blouse that was a little loose, but at the same time showed a bit of cleavage, a pair of tight jeans, and heels. When she turned to talk to her wannabees I saw just how tight those jeans were. Man, they looked painted on. She had a nice ass, a really nice ass, plump, round, and juicy, and a nice set of long legs. The way she swished her hips I got the impression she made sure everyone saw how nice her ass was.
     Don’t ask me why, but after taking this all in my first thought was this-this bitch needs a swirlie.
     I had never seen her before but, I was soon to learn, Miho had.
     “Oh look, it’s little Miho! Hi Miho. Hi Miho. Say hi to Miho!”
     “Hi Miho,” the sycophantic suck-ups replied in unison.
     Her name is Miho. It is pronounced Me-ho. They way Blondie and her friends said it put the emphasis on the “ho”, and they weren’t talking about garden tools.
     People stopped and stared. It was pretty obvious what she meant. This, I would learn, was the infamous Iris, the one from the spa.
     “Just leave me alone,” Miho said. I saw the way her shoulders seemed to drop, as if a heavy weight were bearing down on her.
     Iris paid her no attention and walked right up to her.
     “Aw, you’re not going to cry are you, Mi-ho?”
     Some of the people looked shocked, but no one said anything.
     “I saw your movie the other night. You were fabulous in it. Talk about typecasting!”
     “What movie?” Miho, unfortunately, took the bait.
     Iris began swishing her hips and shaking that nice ass.
     “Me so horny. Me so horny. Me love you long time. Me sucky sucky, five dollars. Me so horny.”
     If you have ever seen the movie Full Metal Jacket there is a scene where a Vietnamese prostitute walks up to some GIs and says something along those lines. Asian girls hate that. It is always used to demean them and men and women alike use it to do just that. Women like Iris.
    “Oh, don’t be like that, Mi-ho. Just go and walk the streets like your mother and you’ll feel better.”
     Miho, I think, was about to cry. The crowd was really shocked now, stunned into silence. Seeing that her words had the desired effect Iris turned on her heels and walked away, still swishing that ass, and repeating those words.
     “I am sorry you had to go through that,” Mildred said. “If I was ten years younger…”
     “I’m sorry,” I said. “Let’s go.”
     “No!” Miho said. “No! No more! Never again!”
     She moved towards Iris. I tried to grab her and drag her away but she was on her way. Funny how earlier she wanted to leave and now I did. Iris was a big bully, too big for my tiny Asian girlfriend.
     “Me so horny. Me so horny,” Iris repeated over and over, shaking her ass and not seeing Miho walk up behind her.
     “Maybe if you weren’t such a twatwaffle you might get laid once in a while,” Miho said.
     A collective gasp rose, as if she had just spit on the Queen or something. And then the giggles and laughs soon followed.
     Iris spun around looking shocked.
     “I am not a twatwaffle!” she declared, and then, to her friends and said, in a quieter voice, “What’s a twatwaffle?”
     Her three friends seemed to take turns explaining the term and Iris’ face changed from confusion to shock, to anger, and to horror. She turned back to Miho to say something but Miho beat her to it.
     “And I doubt anyone would pay you five dollars for anything. Unless you gave them four dollars and ninety-nine cents change. I heard that’s all you are worth.”
     “Oh burn!” one of the high school aged kids laughed.
     “I…I…I…” Iris seemed speechless.
     “Hey Iris, your twats waffling again,” another young, unseen voice added.
     More laughs followed.
     “It’s not so funny when you’re the one they are laughing at, is it?” Miho said, and tossing her head back she turned to come back my way.
     Iris stood there for a moment, her face a little red. She was a little embarrassed, I think, and shocked, people simply did not talk to her like that. Then I saw her expression turn to one of determination, and then anger, and she stormed off after my girl. Iris stormed after her, but Miho had a good nine or ten foot lead on her, and Iris was picking up speed and began running, charging at my girl from behind. People gasped in shock, some grumbled, and some shouted.
     “Look out!”
     I was in the chocked category and barely managed to get my girl’s name out when Iris was right behind her, reaching out to grab her.
     Miho had a satisfied look on her face. She had finally stood up to a bully, and was feeling good about herself.
     I don’t know if it was the sounds from the crowds, the half-hearted warnings, whether he heard Iris’s heel’s on the pavement, or whether she just felt that presence coming down on her. Whatever it was Miho began to turn, just as Iris was reaching out to grab her.
     If Miho had turned to the right the big bitch was going to run her over like a steam train.
     Miho turned to the left and as she spun around Iris was left grabbing at empty air. What’s more, I was standing close to Mildred on the grassy end of the park, and the last few feet of the chase was on the soft, soggy ground. Do you know what does not go with soft, soggy ground? High heels. Iris’s first step into the park was wobbly, but the second step was a disaster. A little off balance all of her weight came down on that second foot, her right one, and she hit a soft patch and her heel sank right in. Suddenly off balance she shrieked, arms flailing, and if Miho had not turned she could have grabbed her for balance. But with nothing in front of her there was nothing to stop Iris from falling to the ground.
     Iris managed to just fall to her hands and knees. It could have been worse. A few feet over from where we stood people had been mulling about earlier and churned the soggy earth into a sloppy puddle of mud. Where we stood was firmer, but the ground in front of us, where Mindy now sat on her hands and knees, was not. She had trouble getting up because of the soft earth, and her heels, but her wannabe bitches were right there to help her up, even though some of them were a little wobbly because they all wore the same type of heels. This only seemed to piss off the big blonde even more and once they were on the solid ground of the pavement she violently shook them off and shouted after Miho, who had moved away from her. Iris’s hands were wet from the soggy grass, and her knees were muddy, and she didn’t look so perfect anymore.
     “Hey, you flat chested little chink! I’m not through with you!” Iris snapped and moved towards her.
     “I’m not a chink. Don’t call me that,” Miho said.
     Iris seemed to have recovered.
     “Aw, did I make the little fortune cookie upset? Too bad. What is it with you chinks? Look at that sorry excuse of a chest. You look like a little boy with those tiny tits. Is that it?” she turned to me. “You must like little boys? “
     Miho, who was wearing a black tank top and a matching mini skirt, with bare legs and flat sneakers, does not look like a boy. I didn’t care about that. I was getting a bad feeling about this. Miho does not look like a little boy, but compared to Iris she looked like a little girl! Iris was twice her age and twice her size. Iris was a good 30 to 40 pounds heavier, and around seven inches taller, and with her heels she was even taller!
     Look, I like chick fights as much as the next guy, and I know that I said Iris needed a good ass kicking, but this was a mismatch. Iris was too big, and mean, and I was afraid my little girlfriend was going to get hurt.
     “No, he doesn’t like little boys,” Miho said. “He doesn’t like twatwaffles either.”
     “I am not a twa…twa…I’m not one of them,” Iris stammered, unable to bring herself to say the word.
     Iris recovered again, helped along, no doubt, by her wanabitches egging her on.
     “Go get her, Iris!”
     “Yeah, teach her a lesson!”
     “Don’t let that chink talk to you like that!”
     “Oh, I am going to teach this little chink fortune cookie a lesson,” Iris smiled. “I can read your fortune, cookie.” Iris mimed breaking open a fortune cookie and reading the fortune. “If little chinky whore with flat chest knows what’s good for her she will get down on her knees and kiss my American ass!”
     Her wannabitches got a kick out of that and laughed.
     Miho leaned to the side, as if she was looking at Iris’s ass.
     “I told you, I’m not Chinese. I’m Japanese and Korean,” Miho said. “And that ass looks pretty big. Looks like a three person job to me.” She paused for a beat, then added, “Besides, isn’t that their job?” Pointing at the wannabitches.
     There was more laughter. Not from Iris or the wannabitches but from the crowd.
     “Don’t fuck with me, you flat chested whore,” Iris seethed.
     “I know you think you bark like a big dog but you sound more like one of those annoying little yippy dogs,” Miho laughed.
     “You don’t want to fuck with me,” Iris seethe. “It will take you a month to find all the pieces!”
     Then she reached out with her right hand to give Iris a shove.
     There is a thing in martial arts called “center of mass” (One of Miho’s brothers is a Golden Gloves champ (silver medal) and another own a dojo). It is all about your center of balance, and planting your weight, so that you don’t fall over. Miho knows all about this so when Iris reached out to give her a shove her Miho’s left shoulder went back, just a little, but otherwise she did not move.
     Iris’s face had a look of shock. It got worse when Miho instinctively shot out her own right hand and did the same to Iris, who staggered back, arms flailing, and falling into her wannabitches. One went staggering, two fell down, and Iris, arms flailing as she tried to regain her balance, staggered backwards onto the grassy area. Her heel sank in and there was nothing she could do as she fell flat on her ass!
     Her wannabitches had to help her back up and there was a look of shock and horror on Iris’s face, due, no doubt, to the big, wet, muddy stain on her American ass. She looked at Miho and there was fire in her eyes.
     “That’s it, you little chink whore! Your ass is mine now! It’s Tao Bo Time!”
     Iris took her stance. I was really worried about Miho because of the size difference and tried to make my way to her to protect her but I couldn’t get through the crowd in time. Then Iris brought her right leg up, bent at the knee. I don’t know if it was supposed to be a practice kick or what. She did it twice, then did the same with the other leg. It looked like a dance move more than a combat one. Then she lifted her arms up and started rolling her clenched fists like she was using a speed bag. I was speechless. Tao Bo may be good cardio but it isn’t martial arts.
     Miho didn’t laugh out loud at her.
     What she did was worse.
     Miho tried not to laugh, clearly fighting the impulse. Then she giggled, and then she laughed out loud.
     “I know it isn’t Tae Kwon Do,” she giggled. “Looks more like Tae Kwon Don’t. Oh wait, are you related to Homer Simpson? Oh my God, it must be Tae Kwon Doh!”
     People were laughing and Iris went insane and leapt forward and lashed out with one of her Tae Bo kicks. But it looked more like a Tae Kwon Doh! Kicks. It wasn’t well aimed, and it was really slow, and Miho had no trouble avoiding it, and Iris, who didn’t seem to have a sense of balance, lurched forward when her leg came down and Miho easily danced around her and gave the big blonde a sharp smack on her muddy bottom. I’m sure it stung, but it was more humiliating than painful, and Iris spun around, red in the face.
     She tried punches this time, tossing out Tae Bo jabs that had no focus, or power, or aim, and Miho barely had to move to avoid them. Iris had no footwork, terrible balance, and from what I could see, absolutely no fighting skills. Iris was getting frustrated, helped along, no doubt, because not only did Miho avoid everything she was laughing while she did it. Iris tried another punch and Miho easily slid to the side, and delivered another slap to the ass. Iris spun around and it was another Tae Kwon Doh! Kick. She barely got her leg halfway up when Miho slipped to the side, and knocked her other leg out from under her. She dropped Iris flat on her ass again right in the middle of the street.
     Miho was laughing throughout this. I think standing up to her bully unlocked something inside of her, plus Iris’s fighting skills were a joke. Miho was on the edge of the grassy area, her back to a tree, as Iris rolled to her knees and charged at her full force. Miho waited and then easily slipped to the side and Iris ran head first into the tree, stunning herself, and she staggered back, clearly daze, before falling flat on her ass again. She sat there, dazed, with a stunned, and stupid, look on her face. Miho, laughing, began to walk away.
     Iris wasn’t badly stunned and slowly rose to her feet again, calling after Miho.
     “This isn’t over. I am going to kill you, you dirty little gook!”
     Maybe it isn’t the same as using the N word on a black person, but Asians hate the G word. I watched as Miho stopped laughing and her face turned into a determined grimace. She turned and walked back towards the big blonde.
      “You filthy go…”
     That was as far as Iris got because Miho walked up and buried her right in the big blonde’s soft belly. She nailed her good. The air was knocked out of her and she doubled over and as she was bending forward Miho grabbed her by the ears and delivered a head butt! The big blonde turned to jelly. Her arms dropped to her sides like limp noodles, her eyes rolled back into her head and her knees were knocking. She may have been on her way down to her knees when Miho boxed her ears, bringing her hands together as if clapping, with Iris’s head right in between them, smacking her open palms into her ears. Iris let out a howl of pain, her hands to her ears, and dropped to her knees and Miho grabbed her by the hair and slammed her knee into jaw, sending the big blonde flat on her back, dazed and out of it. Iris’s legs were bent under her body, thrusting her hips, and her crotch, up in a rather obscene position. 
     Miho grabbed her by the hair and forced the blonde back to her feet. Iris’s legs were wobbly, her mouth was open and her eyes had glazed over. Miho, still holding her up by the hair, slapped her across the face, forehand and backhand, several times, whipping her head from side to side, before sinking her fist deep into her belly over and over, five, maybe six times. The last few of them when the big blonde was bent at the waist and her feet left the ground with each punch. She finally dropped to her knees, desperately gasping for air.
     I’ll be the first to admit that I’m no expert on fighting. Sure I have seen my share, in school, and in clubs, but my last fight was in the third grade schoolyard. But even I know that you are going to talk and act tough you better be able to back it up. Iris let her big mouth write a check her fat ass couldn’t cash. Like a lot of bullies Iris was all talk, acting all big and tough, and throwing her weight around, picking on a women half her size. But she wasn’t tough at all. She was big, sure, but she was a creampuff. She had attitude, but nothing to back it up.
     Once this thing turned violent the crowd seemed to watch in stunned silence, as if they could not believe what they were seeing. I had the impression that Miho was not the first victim of Iris’s bullying. I wondered how many others had been victimized by the blonde amazon. Maybe that was why nobody had stepped in when she started in on Miho. But, I also noted, nobody came to Iris’s defense when she started to get her ass kicked either.
     Miho grabbed Iris by her hair, which was soaked with sweat by now, and forced the big blonde up to her feet. Her big ass was jiggling in those tight jeans as Miho dragged her to her feet, but there was nothing Iris could do to stop her. She struggled, but her efforts were weak, and in vain. I have never seen a woman who once looked so big and strong look so weak and feeble. Miho hit her with a right cross and the big blonde was sent reeling, spinning to the side and stumbling away. She tripped over her own feet and landed face down on the grass, that big, sexy ass sticking up in the air.
     The denim was stretched across those big, jiggly ass cheeks and I wondered how long those seams would last. It is an awkward position, face down and ass up, and her ass looked positively huge! Miho walked up and just delivered a hard, savage kick right between the legs. Iris let out a shriek as she was thrown forward and ended up rolling on her back with her hands pressed between her legs.
     When she kicked her a collective “Ooh!!” came out of the crowd.
     Iris was crying and tried to sit up as Miho walked up and pushed her back down, sitting on top of her. She grabbed Iris’s hands and pinned them to the ground. Iris struggled, weakly kicking her legs and trying to push her hands off the ground. Miho let her push her hands up just a little then shoved them back down, grinding them into the wet grass. Iris was weeping pathetically, like a little girl.
     “Let me up,” she said, but it was less of a demand and more if a whine. “Please let me up. I’m sorry.”
     I have never seen someone go from looking and acting so big and tough to looking so weak and pathetic so quickly. Seeing my tiny girlfriend sitting on her and pinning that big blonde to the ground was just an amazing sight. Miho was half her size yet the blonde was helpless. The way she kicked her legs, and the way she cried, only made her seem even more weak and pathetic. And what made it ever worse, for Iris anyway, was that from the time Iris used the G word to the moment Miho knocked her silly and pinned her to the ground, the elapsed time was only about 30 seconds!
     It had taken my little Miho half a minute to destroy the big, arrogant blonde.
     And she was not through yet.
     Miho moved up and used her knees to pin Iris’s hands to the ground. She grabbed a fistful of sweaty blonde hair with her left hand and started banging her head into the ground while she used her right fist to just punch the living shit out her once pretty face. There was absolutely nothing Iris could do but grunt, groan and take it. And Miho, unlike Iris, knew how to throw a punch and get some power behind it. Each time her fist smashed into her face Iris would let out a grunt, and then another one as her head snapped back and bounced off the ground, that would be followed by a groan as Miho used her hair to yank her head up so that she could slam another fist into her face. But it was all happening so fast that it came out as one long grunt-grunt-groan sound.
     Miho wasn’t quiet either. She was still in a rage over those racial comments and was screaming at Iris.
     “Come on, call me a chink again!” Another fist smashed into Iris face. “Call me a gook!” Another punch. “Come on, call me a gook you racist whore!” Another punch. She was throwing Iris’s words back at her, and accenting her own words with her fists. I don’t think Iris knew what hit her. I’m not even sure how many times she hit her. At least 20, maybe even 30. I do know that after the first few those legs stopped kicking and the big bitch just laid there and took it. There wasn’t anything else she could do.
     As Miho got off the beaten blonde bitch I looked over and saw the three wannabitches standing there, their eyes wide and mouths open in shock.
     “Which one of you cxntcakes is next?” Miho snapped.
     They all shook their heads “no” and lifted their hands as if in surrender. Clearly they were not as stupid as their leader. Even though there were three of them they were scared shitless of Miho and looked like they were about to pee their pants.
     Miho turned and dragged the big bitch to her feet by the hair again. Iris was a mess. Her hair was dirty and sweaty and flying every which way, her clothes were filthy too, from the muddy stain on her big ass to her white shirt was stained with dirt and grass stains. She had broken one of her heels and stood there, standing a little lopsided. Her face was swollen, her puffy eyes a pair of glassy slits, and her mouth hung limply open. She had a bruised cheek, a fat lip, bloody nose, and a beauty of a mouse under her left eye. I am sure she was going to sporting a pair of black eyes in the morning.
     It was an amazing sight. Iris stood there, held up by the hair, and totally out of it. Her eyes were dazed, glassy, and unfocused and her mouth hung open like a dead fish. She was knock kneed, her thighs quivering, bleary eyed and slack jawed, but was made the sight so shocking, and amazing, was how much bigger she was than little Miho. Miho had a fistful of hair, but she was so much smaller that her arm was fully extended and high above her head. She looked like a little girl compared to the big blonde amazon, but she was the one who was in control.
     Miho released her hair and grabbed the big bitch by the front of her blouse with her left hand and used her right hand to slap the shit out of Iris, whipping her head from side to side. She then grabbed Iris by the shoulders and pulled her forward as she brought her right knee straight up into the larger woman’s crotch. Ouch! Iris doubled over and Miho brought her knee up again, this time into her belly, before grabbing her blonde hair and yanking back sharply and bringing a right uppercut into her jaw. The big bitch was knocked right off her feet! Seriously, her feet flew into the air and she was airborne and came crashing down hard, flat on her back, spread eagle, silly, and out cold.
     All of this, from Miho’s first punch to her last one, took about one minute!
    There were gasps of shock, and then, a round of applause.
     Miho was standing there, looking down at her thoroughly beaten opponent. Iris was a mess. Her shirt was not only filthy but torn, one sleeve hung down from her wrist and the other was hanging on by just a few threads, and several of the buttons had popped loose. She was out for a good 20 to 30 seconds, and when she came to she was still dazed, groggy and out of it. Miho grabbed her by the hair and the front of her shirt and dragged the big, beaten bitch to her feet by them.
     “Please, don’t,” Iris whimpered. “Please, I’m sorry. Please don’t beat me up anymore.”
     Miho grabbed her by the blouse and dragged her forward, and the remaining buttons all popped loose, revealing her lacy white bra underneath. Iris began bawling, grabbing her blouse and trying to hold it shut.
     “Please…don’t…” she bawled.
     With her blouse open you could see how those skin tight jeans and pushed a little roll of jelly above the waistband. Miho pulled her forward and buried her knee deep into that belly jelly, doubling the big bitch over and dropping her to her knees. The blouse came apart as she dropped and Miho tossed it aside. Iris desperately crossed her arms over her chest, trying to cover her near nudeness. Miho grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head forward, at the same time stepping forward and wrapping her legs around her head, trapping her in a standing head scissors.
     Iris may have had those long, sexy legs, and I don’t think she was prepared for how strong Miho’s little legs could be. Miho snapped the scissors tighter and Iris’s hands instinctively tried to pry them apart and keep her head from getting crushed like an eggshell.
     It was a losing battle.
     Iris could neither pry her head free, nor hold onto her bra. Miho broke the clasp holding it closed and it began slipping down her shoulders. Iris was screaming, sort of, but whatever she was saying was muffled because her head was being crushed by Miho’s strong legs. She couldn’t pry her head free anyway, all she could do was weakly slap at her thighs. As soon as the bra began to slide down her arms Iris’s hands went back to her chest, crossing them over her tits to protect her dignity.
     What little dignity she had left.
     Miho released her from the head scissors and dragged her up by the hair. A desperately, bawling Iris kept her arms crossed across her chest. There was a slight tug of war over the bra but Miho put a stop to that by ramming her knee up between Iris’s legs and her hands instinctively dropped to clutch her new pain and Miho pulled the bra off and tossed it aside as she pulled Iris up by the hair.
     There was a roar of laughter.
     The bra was white and lacy, and not only was it a push-up bra, it was padded as well!
     I can see why. For all the comments she made about Miho’s B cups she herself was flat as an ironing board. Iris was an A cup, at best, and she was pushing 40 so they were not exactly perky either. Soft and saggy her tits were, well, they were puny. Except for her nipples, which were huge. Huge, and, at the moment, thick and hard!
     Iris was desperate to cover her chest, but a few face slaps, and another knee to the cxnt, dropped her hands and before she could do anything Miho had a hold of her nipples, pinching and twisting them as she began dragging Iris around by her tits.
     “Hey Iris, is that one of Anne’s old training bras?” a teenaged boy’s voice rand out.
     It was flowed by the sound of laughter.
     Iris tried to beg Miho to let her go, but it was kind of hard because Miho kept on pinching and twisting her nipples and she kept shrieking out in pain. Iris instinctively brought her hands up to try and pry those hands from her tits but when she did Miho snapped “Put those hands down now, or else!”
     A teary, whimpering Iris did just that, dropping her hands to her sides. Iris looked down at tiny Miho and she looked absolutely terrified. She was shaking, and still crying, and it was pretty clear to everyone that she was scared shitless of the woman half her age, and half her size, who had just kicked her ass. Miho had barely broken a sweat, while Iris was soaked with sweat, filthy, half naked, bruised and battered. Iris was being dominated by a woman half her size, and not only did she not do anything about it, she didn’t even try. She was too afraid to even resist. She towered over little Miho, but it was Iris who seemed so small now. She looked weak, worthless, and downright pathetic.
     “I think she’s going to pee herself,” a voice said.
     I looked over and it was one of her wannabitches talking. Well, a guess former-wannnabitch. They all looked thoroughly disgusted with their former queen.
     “Ew, I never knew she was so…” The second one said.
     “Flat?” from the third.
     “Puny. No wonder she never wanted to shower at the spa.”
     “I can’t believe we fell for her act.”
     “I can’t believe I laughed at her stupid jokes.”
     “Oh God, she’s such a pussy!”
Iris definitely heard them. You could tell by the way she was crying. Everyone was turning on her now.
     Miho dragged her around by her big nipples, and tiny tits, and there was nothing Iris could do about it. She could not help herself. Several times her hands came up instinctively because of the pain in her tits and one of two things would happen. Either Miho would release a nipple, slap Iris across the face, and then grab the nipple again, or she would ram her knee up between her legs. More than once Iris fell to her knees and Miho, still pinching those fat nipples, would use them to force the big bitch back to her feet. Iris bawled and blubbered, begging Miho for mercy.
     Fat chance!
     “So I’m flat chested, am I” Miho said. Iris had made a point of picking on Miho’s small tits. “Look at you! I had bigger tits when I was 15! These puny tits are pathetic, just like everything else about you.”
     Please,” Iris whimpered. “Please, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
     Miho continued to drag her around by her tits, enjoying the way the crowd laughed at Iris, and thoroughly enjoying hearing the once arrogant bitch beg for mercy. Iris fell to her knees and this time, instead of dragging her back up Miho sat on top of her. She released her tits and slapped Iris a few times with both hands before grabbing the nipples again and pinching and pulling on them. Miho was sitting on Iris’s thighs and actually lifted the big blonde’s upper body off the ground by her nipples while Iris howled in agony.
     Miho released her tits and stood up. Iris just lay there on her back, her little chest heaving as she gasped for air, softly weeping. She was relieved that it was finally over.
     It was not.
     Miho walked around the beaten blonde’s body and stood above her head, looking down at her handiwork. The big blonde’s face was bruised and swollen, her eyes were red and swollen, from being punched, and from all the crying, and her hits were red as well, especially the big nipples, which were red, puffy and swollen. Miho looked down, appraising her handiwork, and then decided, “I think those saggy little bags need a little more color.”
     “Oh God, no, please,” she wailed, throwing her arms across her chest and cradling her puny tits.
     “Oh yes!” Miho laughed as she sat down, right on Iris’s face!
     Miho wiggled her cute butt all over Iris’s teary face, reaching back to grab a handful of sweaty, tangled blonde hair to get Iris’s nose buried between her butt cheeks. When Iris’s hands came up to try and push Miho’s ass off her face my girl easily got hold of them and trapped them under her knees. She then proceeded to pinch, punch, slap and scratch those tiny little titties, until they were black, blue and swollen, and covered with her claw marks. And she made sure to torture those fat nipples so more as well. All Iris could do was scream her pain up my girl’s sexy ass.
     The constant screaming and crying left Iris hoarse, and breathless, and with my girl’s ass on her face the lack of air left her barely conscious. Several times Miho bounced up and down on her battered face, her mini skirt riding up and letting everyone see how deep up her ass Iris’s face was.
     Iris was lucky. Miho later said that if there had not been that large crowd of people Iris would have been doing more than sniffing her ass!
     Miho got bored and rose, leaving Iris lying there, spread eagle, barely conscious, with her tiny tits looking even worse than her battered face. I wondered when she would be able to wear a bra again.
     Miho grabbed her by the hair. Those blonde tresses were sweaty and tangled and Iris was so exhausted, and out of it, that she did not resist. She was out of gas. Besides, by this point she knew better than to resist.
     Miho moved in and thrust her hand into the larger woman’s crotch, getting a good hold and squeezing. Iris howled in pain as Miho taunted her.
     “Sill so horny? Still going to love me long time?” she mocked. “I don’t think so!”
     Miho released the claw, stepped back and then delivered what can only be described as a cxnt punt, right between the big blonde’s legs!
     It was a perfect kick. If Iris was a football she would have been between the goal posts. The pain was so intense that Iris could not even scream. Her mouth opened but no sound came out. Her legs wobbled and she clutched her crotch, staggering away. Miho followed and planted her foot right between that big, jean-clad butt, and Iris went stumbling forward.
     They were on the pavement but the kick sent Iris onto the grassy area by the food tables. As soon as she hit the slick, soggy grass she lost her footing, spinning around and staggering back helplessly, and out of control. Iris’s arms flailed and she tripped over her own feet and crashed backwards into the salad table before falling flat on her ass. She sat there, dizzy and dazed, her mouth hanging open, oblivious to the big bowl of potato salad that was at the edge of the table. She tried to rise, bumped the table, and that bowl tipped over the edge, and right onto Iris’s head. She dropped back on her ass as the yellow slop oozed down her back and shoulders, and onto her flat, saggy tits. She just sat there for a moment with the bowl on her head before Miho went over and pulled it off.
     “Boy, you really must like potato salad,” she said.
     Everyone laughed.
     Everyone except Iris. She began to cry again. You could barely tell who it was under all that slop for a moment, until it began to ooze down her back and breasts.
     She looked ridiculous.
     “You never looked better, dear.”
     “You could have just asked for the recipe.”
     “Eat all you want Iris but it won’t make those little tater tots any bigger.”
     Iris was wiping the slop from her eyes, and crying like a baby, when Miho grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her a few feet, away from the sloppy mess Iris had made. Iris let out a sound that was half crying and half screaming.
     “Gee, you were fooling everyone by stuffing your bra, I wonder what else you are hiding,” Miho said, sitting on top of Iris and unbuckling the blonde’s belt. Iris was still dizzy and dazed, and humiliated, and it wasn’t until the button of her jeans popped open that she realized what was happening. Miho was sitting on her thighs and Iris desperately grasped at her jeans, trying to keep them closed and pull them up while Miho was trying to open them up and pull them down.
     “No, no, please, no,” Iris pleaded. “Please don’t take my pants off in front of everyone.”
     There was a lot of laughing from the crowd. Women were calling her disgusting, and the males were hooting and hollering in support of Miho. The teenaged boys seemed to be having a good time, making comments to each other that I couldn’t hear, but I could her the loud laughter in response. Most of the people were laughing at her anyway. Between her arrogant attitude, her pathetic fighting abilities, her messy, half-naked condition, and the way she was being dominated by a woman half her size there was a lot to laugh at.
     I wondered how many of the men watching had Iris flirted with, or teased. She struck me as the type of woman who would flaunt what she had, even if she did have to stuff her bra, just for fun. Just like her bullying. She probably did it just because she could. I wouldn’t put it past her to flirt with a woman’s husband and then bully the wife.
     Two things came to mind. First, I don’t think anyone there thought she was going to keep her pants. Iris’s big, tough attitude was history. It’s hard to sound tough when you are crying like a little girl. The other thing is that when she made her entrance Iris acted like a big, tough, strong, arrogant woman, full of confidence. And even though she was twice Miho’s size it was Iris who seemed so weak and small, and frankly, pathetic. Iris was sad and pitiful, but her arrogant attitude would ensure that no one showed her any pity.
     Iris was desperately trying to keep her jeans closed and pull them up while Miho wanted to pull them off. The button had popped off and the zipper was broken, stuck halfway down. Miho stopped the tug-of-war and buried her right fist in Iris’s bare, soft belly three or four times. A gasping Iris could only clutch her belly and gasp for air. Her hands instinctively went to protect her belly. Miho probably could have pulled them off then and there but from the wicked smile that crossed her lips I got the feeling she had something else, something better, in mind.
     Iris’s belt was a large metal buckle, enameled and in the shape of a bee, the Queen Bee no doubt. Miho managed to pull the belt off before rising, and delivering a solid kick between Iris’s legs. Iris curled up in a ball, whining and whimpering. Miho grabbed Iris b the ankles and lifted her long legs into the air, spread them wide, and stomped down hard on Iris’s soft belly. Iris’s hands went from her crotch to her gut, and Miho stomped down hard, grinding her heel into the big woman’s pussy. Then she delivered another cxnt stomp and dropped those legs to the ground.
     Miho took her time retrieving the belt while Iris rolled over onto her belly and tried to get to her hands and knees. She was having trouble getting her arms under herself to support her weight, and lifted her ass into the air. It was the type of position that would make any ass look big, and Iris’s big, round ass looked positively huge, the denim stretched tightly across those big, round globes. Iris had spent so much time sitting and squirming in the mud that the seat of her pants looked like she had had an accident, if you know what I mean.
     Miho kicked her in the cxnt again. Iris was sent sprawling forward a few feet. Miho grabbed the big bitch by her sloppy hair and forced her to her feet, and then turned her around to face her.
     Iris was in pain, and her face was a mixture of pain, shame, and terror.
     “Please,” she blubbered, “please let me go. I’ll be good. I’ll never bother you again.”
     “Oh,” Miho smiled, “I know that you won’t.” Her smile was not a happy smile. It was a cruel, wicked smile that sent a visible shiver up Iris’s spine.
     Miho had obviously heard the reactions from the crowd as she sad kicked Iris’s ass, and began to humiliate her, so she knew which side they were on.
     “I’m going to let your friends, if you have any friends, decide your fate,” Miho said calmly, but, I noticed a hint of cruelty in her voice as well. “Should I let this big bully go? Or would you rather see me teach her a lesson?”
     You can imagine what the response was.
     “Teach her a lesson!”
     “She has it coming!”
     A chant of “take them off!” began, repeated over and over, by the teenagers I suspect.
     I could not help but notice that the three loudest voices urging Miho on came from Iris’s former minions.
     “I guess you don’t have any friends after all,” Miho laughed.
     “Please, please, I begging you, please don’t take off my pants in front of everyone.”
     The sight was unbelievable. There was little Miho, standing there with Iris’s belt hanging from her hand, and then there was Iris, towering over her, arms crossed over her chest, weeping like a schoolgirl, clearly scared shitless of a woman half her age and half her size. Iris looked pathetic.
     “Oh,” Miho cooed, “I’m not going to take your pants off. You are!”
     Iris’s face just dropped. It was a combination of shock, and fear. No, not just fear, horror. They very idea chilled her to the bone.
     “I…I…I…” she stammered.
     Miho took the belt, which she had doubled up, and slashed her across the face with it. Iris’s head whipped to the side, remnants of the potato salad flying off her face. The force of the blow spun her around, her hands going to her face. There was a large red welt under her other eye now. She had spun around and Miho took the doubled up belt and slashed her across the ass. That big ass shook and jiggled as she spun around again, facing Miho once more.
     Miho slashed her across the chest with the doubled up belt, backhanded, leaving a large red welt across the right breast. As she completed the backhand motion Miho had let the belt unfurl, and brought it forward again, like a whip, and the big belt buckle caught Iris on the left breast, right on the nipple!
     Man, did she ever howl.
     Iris was trying to run away, but her legs were wobbly, and no matter which way she turned there were people. People blocking her way. And people laughing at her. And it didn’t matter which way she turned, Miho was right there, slashing with the belt. When she turned away Miho whipped her back, ass or thighs with the belt, and when she faced her Miho whipped her face, tits or the front of her thighs. Several times, when Iris spun away from her, Miho had kicked her in the ass, or right between the legs! Iris was weeping and wailing, blubbering for somebody to help her.
     Yeah, right.
     Miho stood there, holding the doubled up belt in her right hand and lighting slapping it against her left palm. Something caught her eye and she bent over to pick it up. It was a half-eaten piece of corn-on-the-cob. It had a small stem on it, and the narrow end had been eaten down to the rough cob. Miho had that cruel smile on her face again.
     “Since you’re so horny, I think I found a remedy for that,” Miho said.
     Iris’s face dropped in a look of terror.
     “No… wouldn’t…”
     Miho calmly walked forward. The big bitch was shaking in fear. Miho walked right up to her and motioned with one finger for Iris to bend over. Then she whispered something in her ear.
     Iris staggered back as if she had been punched. Her mouth and eyes were wide open in shock. (Miho later told me she had promised Iris that she would not only fuck her pussy with it she would then shove it up her ass and make Iris eat it in front of everyone. She probably wouldn’t but Iris believed her. At least I think she wouldn’t.) Iris mouth was opening and closing, as if she were trying to speak, but no words came out. Then a new look came over her face. It was a mixture of shame, fear, and absolute horror.
     Iris’s hands suddenly went to her crotch and she began blubbering like a baby. I said earlier that Miho left iris scared shitless. I should have said scare her pissless because Iris began to piss herself. Right there, in front of everyone, Iris pissed her pants!
     “Oh God, you are disgusting!” Miho laughed.
     Grabbing her crotch was not going to stem the flow. Everyone could see the crotch of those tight, denim jeans grow darker with the pee, and not just that Iris not only soaked her crotch, it was running down her thighs, and even through the denim. Iris was crying like a little girl who had just pissed herself in front of the whole class.
     “Pl…pl…please…do…don…don’t make me….please…”
     Miho waved the belt, and the corn cob, in the air. Iris sobbed even more, if that was even possible, and began to pull her own jeans down.
     “No, no,” Miho snapped. “Do it slow. Let’s give your friends a real show.”
     Whoever was playing DJ quickly turned on the music, “The Stripper” began playing through the speakers. Miho made her shake her hips and ass and put on a good show. Iris was crying the whole time as she slowly worked those jeans down her curvy hips, revealing a white thong. As they came down further everyone could see the yellow pee stains. And once she began to reveal that big, round ass Miho commanded her to bend over as she pulled them off.
     Iris obeyed, giving the crowd a good look at her almost naked ass. The thong was buried between those beefy ass cheeks, so her ass was on full display. She had to stay bent over as she worked the wet jeans down her thighs, and on down until they were around her ankles. Miho made her turn around and a sobbing Iris looked pitiful and pathetic, standing there in nothing but her piss soaked thong, her pants down around her ankles, and scared shitless of a woman half her size.
    There were a large number of folding chair set up around the picnic table and Miho asked for one to be set up.
     Miho took the belt and wrapped it around Iris’s pretty neck, like a dog collar, and led her towards the chair. Iris was completely broken. She had been as humiliated as she ever thought possible. You could see the way her shoulders drooped in resignation. And resistance was gone forever.
     Miho sat down and pulled the big bitch face down across her lap. It was a comical sight. Iris was so much bigger than Miho that it had to be absolutely humiliating to be bent face down over her knee. I don’t think she even understood what was coming. Everyone else did.
     Miho grabbed the thong and gave it a sharp yank upwards. It wasn’t covering much anyway. In the front it disappeared between her pee-soaked cxnt lips and in the back it reappeared out the top of her ass crack. Miho wrapped her left arm around iris’s waist and raised her right hand high above her head before bringing it down sharply against Iris’s meaty ass cheeks.
     Iris let out a shriek, her head snapping up with a look of shock on it. Before that shriek had died down Miho brought her hand down again and again. Those big, round ass cheeks were bouncing and jiggling like two bowls of Jell-O. Iris cried out at each spank, and sobbed in between them, and it wasn’t long before her ass cheeks were turning red.
     Miho’s hand was getting tired, I think, and she paused to grab that thong and pull it deeper and deeper into Iris’s cxnt and ass crack. The thong was white and lacy, to match her bra, and pee-stained, and it soon gave way and Miho was left holding the remnants of the thong and waving it overhead. That got a nice cheer from the crowd. Miho took the thong and jammed it between Iris’s legs, using it to wipe her piss-soaked cxnt, and ass crack, before jamming it into Iris’s open mouth.
     Miho was running her hand over Iris’s red, swollen and warm ass cheeks when one of the minions came up to her. Remember I said that there were games set up? One of them as a Ping-Pong table, and the minion was holding one of the paddles. Miho took it and smiled, and began to spank Iris’s red ass with the paddle.
     Iris bounced and squirmed all over Miho’s lap, legs kicking franticly, but Miho held her tight and she wasn’t going anywhere. Anyone standing behind her got a good look as Iris squirmed, bounced and kicked she flashed them her pussy.
     Iris had gotten a hundred or so spanks from Miho’s hand, and twice that from the paddle. It was amazing to see the way her big, round ass just flattened out under that solid paddle, and then shook and shimmied like jelly. Her ass was getting redder and redder, and Miho made sure she got every inch of it, even the fleshy underside where her ass met her thighs. Miho probably would have continued but she was spanking her so hard that the paddle split in half.
     Undeterred, Miho pulled the belt from around Iris’s neck, doubled it over, and began whipping her as with it. Iris’s ass was already red and swollen, and the belt left a large red strip across her ass. Each smack from the belt left a large raised welt across her ass cheeks, and Miho brought it down again and again, crisscrossing her ass cheeks. Hell, she even brought it down between her legs and spanked her pussy with it. Iris was screaming and sobbing, but it was slightly muffled because she was gagged with her own pissy panties.
     Miho laid the belt across Iris’s back, and I swear that damned thing was smoking! She ran her hand over those blistered buns, which only caused more sobs from the tortured blonde. She ran her hand up one swollen ass cheek and down the other, and just when iris thought it couldn’t get any worse Miho thrust her hand between her legs.
     “Those tears may say no, but this wet pussy says yes, yes, yes!” Miho laughed.
     A sobbing Iris clamped her eyes shut tightly. She had to be dying of shame by this point. And pain. Iris was sobbing uncontrollably. She was crying so hard she could barely catch her breath. Or was it Miho’s fingers that made her gasp like that?
     Having an orgasm in front of everyone would have been humiliating for iris, but Miho was not about to give her any gratification. I mean, it was pretty obvious from the way Iris was squirming, and pushing herself against Miho’s hand, and the sounds she was making, that she was close to eruption. She wasn’t enjoying it, but her body was, well, her wet cxnt was anyway. Miho brought her to the edge, and then pulled her hand away. It was funny to see Iris pushing her ass in the air, humping empty air. Miho then stood up, dumping the big blonde right on her big, blistered butt. They were on the edge of the pavement at the moment, so there was no cushion for the impact. Iris took it right on her big, sore butt.
     Iris rolled onto her belly, trying to rub the fire out of her big, fat, swollen ass. From the way she was squirming I would say it wasn’t helping. Her ass had to be on fire. It had gone from this pale white color to pink, through every shade of red, to its current state of a bright, glowing, fiery red, with several spots that were a deeper, darker red. And it wasn’t just her meaty ass cheeks. The color went from the middle of her thighs to the top of her ass crack. Iris was not going to be sitting for a month!
     Miho grabbed Iris by the hair and dragged her to her feet by it and pulled the pee soaked thong out of her mouth. Miho took one look at her naked body and broke out in uproarious laughter.
     “Oh my God, you shave your pussy! You look like you’re twelve!”
     Man, was Iris ever bawling!
     With her bald pussy, and those tiny A cups, from the front she did look like a little girl! Everyone was laughing at her and Iris tried to cover up, throwing one arm across those tiny tits, bending over to somehow cover her bald pussy, while throwing her other arm behind her to cover her red, naked ass. It was comical because she could not cover it all.
     It didn’t matter anyway.
     Miho reached out and grabbed her by her left earlobe and began pinching and twisting it, and commanded Iris to stand upright. Iris was humiliated. Not just because of the fact that she had beaten, stripped, and spanked, but because it had happened in front of so many people. But, at the same time, she was terrified of little Miho. So she did as she was told.
     Miho twisted her ear and led the big blonde around the crowd, making sure everyone got a good look. “I don’t know why you’re crying, Iris,” Miho said with a laugh. “I bet you’ve been shaking your ass around town for years.”
     Everyone was laughing at her, and some were throwing things at her. Iris was crying the whole time. It was an incredible sight. Seeing that big, blonde bitch being led around by her ear by a woman half her size was both shocking, and hilarious. She was as humiliated as was humanly possible and at least it couldn’t get any worse.
     Or so she thought.
     After parading Iris around in front of everyone Miho shoved her down to the ground, and dragged her to her hands and knees. She grabbed her by the hair with her left hand and began dragging her along, forcing Iris to crawl on her hands and knees, all the while smacking her on the ass with her right hand.
     “You act like you’re a big, tough dog but you’re just one of those yippy little puppies. It’s time you show everyone what you are made of! Let me hear you bark, little puppy dog!”
     Holy shit!
     “…please…” Iris began to blubber.
     Miho shoved her hand between her legs and grabbed hold of Iris’s cxnt lips and started pulling on them. That was all it took. Iris was forced to crawl on all fours, like a dog, and she began to bark like one. She alternated between “woof” and “ruff”, and you could see the utter shame and disgrace on her face. But there was nothing that she could do. Nothing except bark like the little bitch that she was.
     I can’t imagine how humiliating that had to have been for the big blonde bitch. When she had arrived Iris had been so cocky, and arrogant, and now here she was, beaten, naked, her big ass freshly spanked, crawling around and barking like a dog in front of all her friends and neighbors. Well, her neighbors, anyway. I don’t think she had any friends left. She had had enough ego for ten people, but that was before she messed with Miho. Now she didn’t have enough ego left to fill a thimble. Half way.
     I felt bad.
     Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t feel bad for Iris. If you are going to pick a fight with someone half your age, and half your size, and get your ass kicked and handed back to you on a silver platter, well, then you deserve whatever you get. Besides, if you are going to be a bully then you better be able to back it up.
     So I did not feel bad for Iris. I figure that no matter what happens to her, she had it coming.
     Not only did I not feel bad, watching my little Miho destroy and dominate this big, arrogant blonde bitch was a big turn-on. I loved watching my little girlfriend turn Iris was this big, cocky bitch into a bawling, blubbering ball of jelly. I was turned on, and I know that Miho was too. She would tell me later how much it turned her on, but I could already see how much she was enjoying torturing the big bitch. Even though Iris probably thought this was the worst thing that could ever happen to her, she was getting off easy. Having this happen in front of all these people was devastating for Iris, but it was what saved her. I think if had been a more private fight Iris would still be barking like a dog, but she would definitely have that corn cob stuck up her ass.
     I felt bad because I didn’t feel bad. Maybe guilty is a better word. I should have felt bad for Iris, but the worse it got the more I enjoyed it, and the harder my dick got. I could not wait to fuck my tough, dominant little girlfriend.
     I am willing to bet mine was not the only erection ion the crowd.
     Miho had brought Iris over in our direction. I was still next to Mildred.
     “Iris dear, you never looked more at home,” Mildred laughed. “I always said you were the biggest bitch in the neighborhood.” Then she turned to Miho. “I love your work. As someone who has raised children, grandchildren, and more than a few pets, let me tell you nothing says obedience like a good old hickory switch! And this is Hickory Street, and all those lovely hickory trees in the park…”
     Miho smiled.
     “It works best if you make them pick out the switch themselves,” Mildred went on.
     Iris, in mid-bark, began bawling and blubbering all over again. How can one person cry so hard for so long and not run out of tears? And the look on her face was priceless. It went from shame, to shock, to horror as their words hit her, and then the crying started all over again. Man, Iris was such a weak and worthless bitch. She didn’t even fight back anymore. I wish she would have. Just to see what Miho would do.
     I was over the guilt. I couldn’t wait to see what happened next.
     Miho forced her little yippy dog to crawl over to the edge of the park, and then sent her in to pick out a switch. She obeyed, flashing her cxnt to everyone as she crawled into the woods. You would have thought Iris, out of sight, would make a run for it, or try to hide, but she was a broken bitch. That much was clear when she came trotting back, still on all fours, carrying a switch-between her teeth, like a dog playing fetch.
     Poor Iris. She wasn’t very smart. It looked as if she picked the smallest one she could find, full of many leaves. It was probably about 3 feet long, and only 3/8” at the thickest part. Poor, dumb Iris. I don’t think she knew that the thinner the switch the sharper the sting. And the leaves? Miho picked off each leaf, leaving a sappy little nub. Iris watched this and her mouth dropped wider and wider, as did her eyes, and she began to tremble. I wonder if she got this treatment as a child.
     Miho forced her to stand and walked around behind her and Iris was shaking like a leaf, no pun intended. Miho walked over to one of the picnic tables, gathered a couple of items and returned. Miho slashed the switch through the air, and the very sound of the switch cutting through the air was enough to turn Iris into a babbling, blubbering idiot. Keep in mind that Miho just slashed the switch through the air and had not actually touched her yet.
     She walked around in front of Iris, who was sobbing, whimpering, and shaking in terror.
     “I am going to give you a sporting chance,” she said. “All you have to do is hold this switch for one minute, and keep it from hitting the ground, and if you do I will not use it on you.”
     You could see the relief in Iris, and a little bit of confidence. She seemed to stand a little straighter, as if saying “I can do this” and held out her hands.
     “Oh, it won’t be that easy,” Miho laughed and moved behind Iris.
     She slapped her on that big, swollen ass and jammed the switch between those meaty buns.
     “Surely you can clench those cheeks for one minute,” Miho cooed.
     Her teeth clenched as tightly as her ass cheeks now were Iris nodded her head.
     “Let’s start the clock now,” Miho said.
     Iris’s eyes got as big as saucers, and they were full of terror. She saw what those items that Miho had picked up. Some of the table had banners, and they were held up with thumbtacks. But they must have run out because a few were held up with old fashioned clothespins. You know the kind, you press the open end and the mouth of the clothespin opens up, and then you release the open end and it clamps shut.
     Iris really began to shake when Miho reached out and flicked one of Iris’s big, fat nipples. Iris really had the waterworks going now. I couldn’t help but notice that ever since she had lost her bra those big, fat nipples had been standing at attention, stiff, thick, and hard. Miho opened one of the clothespins and snapped it shut on her left nipple. Iris grew weak in the knees and she was quivering as Miho flicked the other nipple. She knew what was coming, and that made it worse, and Miho, ever-so-slowly, snapped the clamp shut on her other nipple.
     Iris screamed and was squirming around and that switch hit the ground.
     She had barely made it past 10 seconds.
     “Too bad, you almost made it,” Miho laughed. “Now, assume the position! Bend over and grab those ankles!”
     Iris was blubbering again, the tears flowing freely, but she knew better than to protest or even beg for mercy. She just bent over and grabbed her ankles. Bent over like that her butt looked really huge, and she was flashing her wet pussy to everyone again. Big, dumb Iris. She sobbed and begged all this time like she hated everything that was happening to her, and here she was with a dripping wet pussy!
     Miho slashed through the air with the switch and Iris was sobbing and jumping. She hadn’t touched her yet!  Miho brushed the switch against those big, swollen ass cheeks and Iris began to cry harder.
     Miho brought her arm high above her shoulder and let it fly. I could hear the switch cutting through air, and a “thwack” sound as it finally hit flesh. What came next was a cross between a cry, a scream, and a howl. Iris shot up, jumping around and rubbing the new pain in her ass.
     I told you to assume the position, you dumb cxnt. Now we are going to have to start all over. And I want you to count them off. I’m going to give you one for every year of your miserable existence. Now how old are you?”
     “Twe…twenty-five,”: she blubbered.
     Iris slashed her across the tits for that.
     “That’s for lying. Now you get ten extra.”
     “She’s 38.” It was Jolanda, one of the former minions, the blonde one with a nice body but a plain face.
     “But she tells everyone 30,” came from Desiree, another of the former minions. She was flat chested, but had a huge, plump ass and red hair.
     “But nobody falls for it,” Kim, the third former minion chimed in. She had a pretty face, but was rather flat on top, and on the bottom.
     Iris looked at her friends, or I should say her former friends, her minions, with a mixture of anger, contempt, and what can best be described as pitiful shame. She could not believe they had turned on her. But, really, she had it coming.
     Miho slashed with the switch and Iris let out another howling scream, and then another and another. She already had four more raised welts across her big, fat ass, four more long, red stripes. Miho was laughing.
     “It’s going to take longer if you keep forgetting to count.”
     Slash, “thwack”, scream/howl, and finally “One.”
     Iris missed a few numbers, and kept on jumping around and rubbing the fore in her ass, and had to start over several times, and ended up taking more than twice the number she needed to. By the time it was over her ass and thighs were covered with those long, raised, red stripes. She was allowed to stand, and was squirming wildly jumping form one foot to the other, which was not easy with one broken heel, and her pants down around her ankles. Miho grabbed the clothespins and viciously ripped them off those big, fat, but now flattened nipples.
     The clothespins had flattened her nipples, but now that they were gone the blood began to flow back in. It was like watching air flow into a flat tire as Iris’s nipples began to swell back up, and with that blood flow came pain; an intense, fiery pain. You could see it on Iris’s face. She was jumping around, trying to rub the fire in her ass, and now in her tits, and with one heel broken, and her pants around her ankles, Iris lost her balance and began stumbling backwards. She began on the pavement, and at the edge where the grass began she lost her other heel, which sent her even more off balance. She hit the slick grass and then a patch of mud, and with arms flailing there was no stopping her.
     Iris was stumbling backwards, unable to control herself, and she could not get her legs under her because her pants were around her ankles and she stumbled back into the food tables, the dessert table to be precise. Iris’s feet flew in the air as her red, swollen and blistered ass landed flat on the bench of the picnic table. Iris screamed. Not just because she landed flat on her swollen ass but also because that big, swollen ass landed splat on top of a big, gooey chocolate cream cake!
     Iris was weeping pathetically as she struggled to her feet. She turned around and looked over her shoulder at the gooey mess of her big behind.
     Someone caught the perfect picture at the perfect time. Iris, standing there, a look of shame and horror on her face, trying to look over her shoulder at the gooey mess on her big bottom, her hands just inches away from the gooey chocolate mess. Chocolate covered both cheeks, top and bottom, and filled her ass crack, and when that picture was posted to the internet that night most of the comments were along the lines of what I was thinking. “Did that big shit herself?” That’s what it looked like.
     The teenage boys had a field day. They were shouting comments about Iris needing a diaper, about shitting herself, what a messy slut she was.
     Iris was trying to wipe away the goo, which only made her squirm more because her ass was so swollen and tender.
     “Ooh, don’t touch it! That’s disgusting,” from one of the teenage girls.
     “I bet she eats it,” from a teenage boy.
     Everyone was laughing at her, yet again,
     “Stop laughing at me!” she whined, spinning around.
     That was the wrong thing to do. On the wet, slippery ground, her pants around her ankles, Iris immediately lost her footing and tried to take a step to stop herself from falling. Wet grass, cake, and mud do not make a good mix and Iris sent herself face first onto the dessert table, which then crashed under her weight. The table upended itself, the front legs giving way, and Iris ended up crashing into the table and sliding down to the messy ground underneath. She fell into numerous pies and cakes, and as the table tipped over and she hit the muddy, messy ground the rest of the desserts came sliding down the table on top of her. Iris was a mess of mud, pies and cakes.
     Iris reacted like any woman would. She freaked out.
     Iris sat up, holding her arms up and away from her body, repeating over and over “Ew…yuck…ew, ew,gross…ew…”
     Iris tried to stand up, but she could not get her legs under her and fell flat on her ass, splashing muck everywhere. She tried rolling to her hands and knees, but because her pants were still around her ankle she slipped and did a face plant in the mix of pastry and mud. She got to her knees again and wiped the goo from her eyes and, half blind, she reached out for the plastic tablecloth that was dangling from the drink table. It seemed stuck so she yanked on it and the open punch bowls that were left on the table came with it, mixing with the slop that surrounded her.
     It only made things worse. She tried to get up, fell, tried to get up, fell again and then just had a hissy fir, kicking and pounding at the sloppy ground, essentially churning it into a filthy, gooey mess.
     Miho went over to “help” her. Miho grabbed the pants and finally yanked them from her ankles.
     “You’re getting my souvenir dirty,” she said and left Iris wallowing in the muck.
     Miho did not remove her shoes, or what was left of them anyway.  Iris’s high heels, even without the heels, were not made of slick, slippery surfaces. And somehow, wearing just her shoes, Iris seemed even more naked. And Iris didn’t have sense enough to take them off herself. If she had then maybe she would not have spent the next few minutes trying to get to her feet and falling back down. Even when she did make it all the way up, one step in those smooth, mud caked shoes and she went splat face down again.
     Needless to say, every time Iris fell back down the crowd laughed at her. It was pretty much continuous laughter now. And poor Iris was only making it worse. When she had first stumbled over there the ground had made an inch of mud on it. But once she upended the dessert table, and then the drinks table, and fell on her ass, or face, repeatedly, and then tried to get her arms and legs under her, Iris was pretty much churning the soft, wet ground into a muddy, gooey mess. There had to be five or six inches of mud now, and it only made it harder to her to get out of it.
     The only thing messier than the muddy, gooey ground was Iris! She was covered in a mixture of blacks, browns, pinks, and several shades of red, whites and blues, not to mention the new colors from them all mixing together, from the mud, pies and cakes. Iris had managed to cover herself from head to toe, and it was so thick and gooey that you could barely tell it was Iris. Sure you could see the tiny tits, and the big ass every time she tried to get her knees under her, but it was so thick that you would never know that her big ass was covered in welts. Her hair was slick and matted to her head and you could not tell what color it was, and even her pretty face was buried under an inch of slop that you could not identify her.
     Miho was enjoying the show, as was everyone else, and she walked forward, careful to avoid the messy, slippery ground herself, and laughed.
     “I thought you were a little yippy dog and it turns out all this time you were just a little piggy! Let me hear you squeal, piggy!”
     Iris was bawling again.
     Miho tossed a half-eaten chunk of corn on the cob on the ground in front of Iris.
     “I said squeal!”
     Iris’s face twisted into an even more disgusted, and fearful grimace, no doubt remembering Miho’s taunt about what she would do with that corn cob, and she began to snort and squeal like a pig.
     Oh, the crowd loved that. They were laughing and taunting her, but Iris was too afraid of Miho, and what she might do, to disobey her tiny conqueror.
     Apparently there were no limits, no depths, to which this big, arrogant, but broken bitch, would not go.
     Miho, realizing that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, was making the most of it. She “helped” Iris, not by touching her but instructing her to sit up. Iris obeyed. She sat there, covered on slop, still crying pathetically.
     Miho looked around at the various tables, the ones Iris had not clumsily fell into or tipped over, and smiled.
     “Now don’t go anywhere,” she laughed.
     Iris just sat there, naked, covered in the gooey slop, softly sobbing and looking just miserable.
     Miho went over to one of the craft tables. I guess they had set up a table with poster boards, paints, glues, feathers, and other stuff for the little kids to make pretty pictures. She brought back a tub and set it down, then went back to one of the food tables and came back with a large pot. It’s a good thing Miho is strong, that pot looked to hold ten gallons, although I doubt it was full.
     She walked back to where the miserable, humiliated bully sat, and she nearly slipped herself on the sloppy mess Iris had created. But she maintained her balance and dumped the contents of the pot all over Iris, dropping the pot on top of Iris’s head.
     You could hear the sobbing wails coming from inside the pot as beans began to ooze down her already messy body. There had been several pots of beans on that table, and Miho had chosen this one not only because of the size, huge, but the contents. The beans were in a thick, gooey sauce, no doubt full of molasses, and it oozed down her body. The beans oozed down her body, front and back, and her tits were so tiny they barely impeded their progress, and Iris wound up with a big pile of beans between her legs.
     The teenaged boys had a field day, laughing and taunting Iris that the beans would at least improve the taste between her legs, and the smell, and wondering if tuna flavored beans would ever be a thing.
     What struck me is that Iris just sat there and took it. The pot was upside down on her head as the thick, gooey beans and sauce oozed down her already messy body, and she just sat there crying but not even trying to remove the pot. That was alright because Miho did, laughing that Iris had finally found a look that suits her.
     Iris just sat there crying.
     I bet she thought it couldn’t get any worse.
     Poor dumb Iris.
     Miho picked up the tub that she had gotten from the craft table and took the top off, and then, like the beans, she dumped the contents on top of the messy, gooey, and sticky Iris.
     It was the tub of feathers. They floated down on top of Iris, clinging to the thick, gooey, and very sticky bean sauce.
     Iris looked as if she had been tarred and feathered.
     Miho ordered her to get up and Iris finally managed to get to her feet. Beans and sauce now oozed down her thighs and ass, no doubt filling her ass crack. She was holding her arms away from her body, as if that would help her messy predicament. Miho motioned her to move forward, out of the thick, messy swamp she had created, and then looked up at a thoroughly messy, and humiliated Iris.
     “You know, Twatwaffle, you look like a big chicken.”
     Iris was totally humiliated. She was softly sobbing, trying to fight back the tears, but failing. She did not try to run away, or fight back, she just stood there, covered in slop, goo, and feathers. She did look like a big, dumb bird.
     “Are you afraid of me? Are you a big chicken?” Miho snapped.
     Iris didn’t say anything. She was trying hard not to cry, and not succeeding very well, and just nodded her head.
     “First I thought you were a yippy dog, then a piggy, but it turns out you are just a big chicken. Well, come on chicky, show me what you are made of. You either fight like a woman, or you flap those wings and cluck like a chicken!”
     I cannot describe the roar of laughter when Iris stuck her thumbs in her armpits, began flapping her “wings, and began to cluck like a chicken.
     “Cluck, cluck, cluck…bwack, bwack…”
     If anyone had told me before this all began that this big, arrogant, cocky blonde bitch would pick a fight with my tiny Asian girlfriend would not only get her ass kicked, but wind up tarred, feathered and clucking like a chicken I would have said they were crazy. But here she was, big, bad Iris, scared shitless of a woman half her age, and half her size, flapping her wings and squawking like a chicken. Iris was crying, but even through the goo, the slop, and the feathers, I could see the fear in her eyes.
     “Hey, what kind of bird is that?” Someone called out.
     “It must be the giant Twatwaffle!” another answered.
     “That’s what you are, isn’t it?” Miho said with a laugh. “A big, fat, smelly twatwaffle!”
     Iris just stood there, sobbing and sniffling. At least she wasn’t clucking like a chicken anymore.
     “I asked you a question!” Miho snapped.
     Iris flinched, almost as if she had just been slapped.
      “I…I…I…” she stammered.
     “Are you a big, smelly twatwaffle?” Iris demanded.
     Earlier Iris had demanded, and then pleaded with Miho to “please don’t call me that”. She couldn’t even muster the courage to do that. She just stood there, shaking, looking like a complete fool covered with mud, goo, beans and feathers. I could see the tears welling up, and the fear, and she just began nodding her head “yes”.
     “Say it!” Miho snapped.
     “Ye…ye…yes,” Iris stammered, and then finally whimpered.
     “Yes what?” Miho demanded.
     “Yes, Miho?” Iris said, confused.
     “Say it!” Miho snapped again, this time reaching out and grabbing one messy, sticky, feather covered nipple and giving it a pinch.
     “I…I’m…I’m a twatwaffle. A big, fat, smelly twatwaffle!” she cried.
     “Louder! I want everyone to hear!”
     “I’m a twatwaffle! A big, smelly twatwaffle!”
     Big bad Iris looked absolutely ridiculous. Covered in mud, pies, cakes, beans, sauce and feathers she stood there, scared shitless, screaming out, over and over, “I’m a twatwaffle. A big, fat, smelly twatwaffle!”
    “What exactly is going on here?”
     And that was when the police showed up.
     There were two of them, a man and a woman, and I actually knew the man. He was around my age, and I used to play pick-up games with him down at the basketball courts. His name was Brad and he was a nice guy, with a good sense of humor. His partner was small, like Miho, maybe 5’3 or 4”, with thick, dark hair in a tight bun, and man could she fill that uniform. Her name was Maria. She was Mexican or Puerto Rican, I’m not sure which, and unlike Iris she had no need to stuff her bra. She was a C cup, maybe even a D, and I don’t know how the buttons on her shirt could hold it together. She had a dynamite ass, one of those big, round JLo booties, and thick, strong thighs.
     Iris ran up to them, terrified, yet relieved.
     “Oh thank God you showed up,” she blubbered.
     “Oh great,” Maria said dryly, “look, it’s Karen.”
     “My name’s not Karen,” Iris whined, seemingly confused.
     “What is it this time?” Maria continued in that dry tone. “Did you not get enough sugar on your muffin? No, no, let me guess, someone got more French fries than you in the drive through? Or was the neighbor’s cat meowing too loud again?”
     Iris was apparently the neighborhood “Karen”, the white woman who complained about everything, and thought she deserved special treatment.
     Oddly enough, they made no mention of the fact that Iris was standing there, naked, covered in slime, and feathers.
     “My name is Iris,” the big, messy blonde whined.
     “Really?” Maria said, “I thought it was Twatwaffle? Isn’t that what you were just shouting?”
     Iris was dumbfounded. She stood there, her mouth opening and closing, but not making a sound. She was dumbstruck.
     Several people came forward and said something like “Officer, take a look at this and it will explain everything” as they offered their phones.
     I never occurred to me that everyone seems to have a smartphone these days. And every phone has a camera, and several, make that many, maybe even most, had been recording the events.
     Brad had one of the phones and was beginning to look at it and then held up his hand to quiet the crowd. They made a good team. Maria was dry, and sarcastic, and he was all business. In his best, matter-of-fact, Dragnet, just-the-fact-ma’am voice he looked Iris dead in the eye.
     “Ma’am, ma’am, I need you to calm down and answer this question.” Iris was gasping for air, trying to calm herself. “Ma’am, are you, in fact, a twatwaffle?”
     I have to give Brad credit. He didn’t even crack a smile.
     Iris’s mouth dropped open and she began bawling like a baby again.
     “I’m not a twatwaffle,” she whined. “I don’t even know what a twatwaffle is.”
     “Really?” Maria said. “Then why were you shouting it at the top of your lungs when she arrived? Lying to police is serious business. I say we take her in.”
     “Ma’am,” Brad said, “you say you are not a twatwaffle, but you said you were one. So which is it?”
     “I…I…I…” Iris stammered.
     “Oh, I’m gonna Taser this bitch,” Maria said.
     Iris staggered back as if she had been punched.
     “I…I…I...,” she blubbered. “Her! It was her! She did this to me!” Iris whined, pointing at meek, little Miho.
     Brad looked at Miho.
     “Ma’am,” he said to Iris, “are you saying that this woman, this tiny woman, did all of this to you?” He eyed her suspiciously. “Ma’am, she’s half your size.”
     Iris was doing that thing with her mouth where she kept opening and closing it but not saying anything.
     “I think she’s on drugs,” Maria said. “I say we cavity search her right here.”
     Iris’s face dropped. She looked absolutely horrified at the thought of a cavity search, let alone one ion front of all of her neighbors. She couldn’t understand why everyone was against her.
     Brad, and Maria, looked at the video on the phone.
     “Why aren’t you arresting her? Look what she did to me!”
     “Ma’am,” Brad said, “It looks like you started all of this and this woman was just defending herself.” They must have been on the part where Iris was chasing after Miho, who avoided her while the big blonde slipped and slid, and ran herself into the tree.
     “So, are you a bully, or just a racist cxnt?” Maria said.
     “Ma’am,” Brad said, “are you still so horny? And who are you going to love long time?”
     It was iris’s worst nightmare.
     “Of course she is,” Maria said. “Look at her. Would you fuck that?”
     Iris, who clearly thought of herself as a hot item, looked mortified.
     “Ma’am,” Brad said, “you need to answer this question. And be truthful. As my partner said, lying to the police is a serious matter. Did you, in fact, shit yourself?”
     He held up the phone and there was Iris, with her big, fat bottom covered in chocolate cake and icing.
     “She began to sob uncontrollably.
     “Oh yeah, she shit herself. She looks the type,” Maria said. “I bet it’s not the first time either.”
     “Why are you doing this to me?” Iris whined. “She…she beat me up and did this to me. You’re the police. She ripped off all my clothes. Why aren’t you arresting her? Why don’t you give me something to cover up with?
    Maria looked around, reached behind some people, and gave Iris….a paper napkin. You know the type, 3 or 4” square.
     “Here, your twatwaffle is showing,” Maria said. “You want to traumatize these children?”
     Iris looked at her, dumbfounded, and took the napkin. She looked totally confused.
     “Public nudity, creating a public disturbance, assault, being a twatwaffle, I say we take her in,” Maria said. “The girls down at lock-up are going to love your cxntcakes.”
     “You can’t do this to me!”
     “That’s it!” Maria snapped. “One more word out of you and my nightstick is going up your ass!”
     “This isn’t fair. Everyone’s against me!” Iris wailed.
     “That’s it!” Maria whipped out her nightstick.
     Iris staggered back a couple of steps, looked at Maria, and promptly pissed herself again.
     “Oh God, you are disgusting!” Maria said. “We’re definitely going to have to hose this one off before we take her downtown.”
     “Please,” Iris cried, looking to Brad.
     “I’m sorry, ma’am,” he said, straight faced. “You are disgusting.”
     I was dying inside. At one point Brad had looked around and I caught he is eye and he winked. I knew he was on our side.
     “Officer,” Miho said, “I don’t want to press charges.”
     “You! Look at what you did to me,” Iris whined.
     Maria whacked her big, swollen ass with her nightstick.
     “Zip it, twatwaffle!” she said.
     Iris shut her trap.
     “Are you sure?” Brad said. “You know, maybe 30 days on the county chain gang will do her some good. Maybe she’ll learn to have a little self-respect.”
     Iris opened her mouth and Maria said “ahem” and Iris shut her trap without speaking.
     “I don’t think jail will help her at all,” Miho said.
     Iris looked relieved when he said that.
     “Besides, look at her,” Miho continued. “She’s big, and clumsy, and she’s kind of stupid. I mean really stupid. I’d call her a box of rocks, but that is insulting to rocks. The only way she could raise her IQ is by standing on a chair.”
     “Yes,” he said, looking Iris up and down, “she does look like dumb and dumber had an idiot child.” He went and conferred with his partner
     Iris could not hear the entire conversation, but some words made it through. Words like “cavity search”, “six months”, “County slammer”. “Everybody’s bitch”, and as they were talking Miho caught her eye and mouthed the words “corn cob” and Iris looked like she might actually shit herself for real this time.
     Brad and Maria went over to her and he said, “Ma’am, Miss Twatwaffle, we are going to let you off with a warning this time. Provided you clean this mess up. You have until Monday morning.”
     “But if we get one more complaint about you your ass is mine!” Maria added, slapping her nightstick against her open palm.
     Iris just stood there, nodding her head, afraid to open her mouth.
     I couldn’t help but wonder which of her neighbors would be the first one to call the cops on her.
     Brad and Maria, it turns out, had been in the crowd and witnessed the whole thing. But Iris had been such a pain-in-the-ass Karen they stayed in the back and enjoyed the show. Until they wanted to join in on the fun too. Plus Maria really didn’t like Iris and her better-than-everyone attitude and was eager for a chance to take her down a peg. Of course, by the time she did Iris was so low she didn’t have many pegs left to lose.
     The crowd began to break up. Poor Iris just stood there, softly sobbing, eyes shut in shame. She could obviously hear the comments made by people as they passed her. She had no idea that by Monday morning she would be famous. Internet famous. Or rather internet infamous. So many people had filmed the whole thing that it was possible to view it from every angle possible and watch it blow by blow.
     Mildred came up to us and congratulated Miho on her total domination of Iris.
     “Needless to say, that is the bitch who lives next door,” Mildred said. “I could never sell the house to someone who wouldn’t stand up to that evil cxnt. Now that I see that you can, the house is yours, if you still want it.”
     I turned to look at Miho. Before I could Miho said, “We’ll take it!” Then she added, “I am going to have a lot of fun with that bitch.”
     I could not wait to get Miho home so that I could fuck her brains out. She felt the same way. It was a huge turn-on for both of us. Seeing my little Asian girlfriend not only stand up to Iris, but take the big bully to school and thoroughly beat and dominate her still makes me hard. I can still picture that big, dumb bitch, covered in goo and feathers, clucking lie a chicken, and scared shitless of my tiny little Miho. It unlocked something in Miho. I had the feeling that it might not end this way again, but Miho would never again be bullied.
     The next day we still going at it, and only stopped because we had promised to go visit Mildred and talk about the house.
    It must have cost Iris a small fortune to hire some guys to come in on a Sunday and clean up the mess she had made. I can imagine what her boyfriend will say when he sees that bill! But Iris took Maria seriously when she told her she had until Monday to clean the place up. We passed them as we drove to Mildred’s place.
     It really was a great house, with a lot of land too. It had a large backyard, and there was only one neighbor-Iris. To the other side, beyond the hedges, were trees, and in the back there was a large, grassy area leading to a pond, and beyond that more grassy trailing off to a creek, affectionately called “Big Muddy” because in the rainy season the area around it turned into one big mud bog. It was a separate piece of property but we just had to have it.
     We were all sitting on the patio, enjoying cocktails, and there was a rustling from the next yard. Mildred rose to take a look and called out. “Hi Iris. You are looking colorful today.”
      I leaned over to look through the bushes. I saw what she meant. Iris, wearing a rather loose tank top and shorts, and dark glasses, had bruises all over her arms and legs.
     “You…You shut up!” Iris said. She did not sound like the Iris of yesterday, the proud, arrogant woman. Her voice sounded small, hollow, like that of a small child trying to act big and tough, and brave. “You old…”
     Miho stood up and Iris’s mouth dropped open as the blood drained from her face. She started shaking and I wasn’t sure if she was going to cry, or piss herself again.
     Miho did not say hello.
     “What did you just say?” she snapped.
     “N..N..Nothing,” Iris stammered.
     “Loose the glasses when you speak to me,” Iris said sternly.
     Iris took off her sunglasses and, sure enough, she was sporting two black eyes, looking like a raccoon. I noticed how Miho smiled at her handiwork. Her lips was still swollen, and so was one eye, and there were bruises on her face from her beating.
     The tank top was loose fitting, but I could see she was not wearing a bra. Her big nipples were just about poking holes in the thin material.
     “Lift up your shirt.”
     Iris hesitated for a moment, looking at Miho, and darting her eyes towards her own backdoor. She seemed to be judging whether she could make it to the house before Miho could make it over the fence, and get to her.
     Miho quickly put an end to any thoughts of escape.
     “You know, Mildred, Iris is playing her music rather loud, don’t you think? Maybe you should call the police and file a complaint. Do you think Maria is on duty yet?”
     There was no music playing.
     “You…you…you can’t…you wouldn’t…” Iris stammered.
      “Show me your tits,” Miho snapped.
     Her shoulders dropped in resignation. Iris lifted up her shirt and sure enough there was no bra. Her tits were covered in bruises, and Iris was sporting a second set of shiners, around her fat nipples. Miho had blackened not only both of her eyes but both of her tits. They seemed so small, puny, and pathetic without her padded, push-up bra. Iris was so flat-chested that she made Miho and her B cups look positively busty.
     “Now go away before I get a corn cob,” Miho snapped.
     A sobbing Iris ran for her the safety of her house. I could see her big, jiggly ass shaking as she ran, and saw the welts and bruises on her thighs. And I noted, on one of those fold up lounge chairs, a big, soft pillow. I wondered how long before she could wear a bra, or sit down without a pillow.
     Miho explained the significance of that last comment to Mildred, who got a big kick out of it. Any time Iris got on her nerves Mildred would either mouthed the words “corn cob” or mimic calling the police, and Maria, on Iris. That kept Iris in line.
     I know that I should have felt bad for Iris, or at least a little sympathy, but then I remembered how she had bullied my little girlfriend, and remembered that she had to coming to her. It had all happened so fat, at the beginning, last night, and I was so worried about Miho that I was probably the only one who didn’t whip out his phone and start recording. I mentioned this to Mildred. She laughed. She showed us a website, a private neighborhood web-club. That’s when I saw all the videos that people had posted.
     Iris’s days as the neighborhood bully were over. Even the people who were not there could watch Iris get her comeuppance. She was exposed for what she is, a big, arrogant bully with nothing to back it up.
     Snippets of the videos, and pictures, have made it onto the internet outside of the group. Poor Iris. I’ve heard rumors that she had to start shopping in the next town because she would be in the grocery store and hear the snickers, and sometimes the conversation. “I’m sure that’s the woman who shit herself.” Even though she didn’t, that one picture of Iris with the messy chocolate bottom had made her famous, or rather infamous, around here.
     I did feel sorry. Not for Iris, she had it coming, but for her family. I wondered what her boyfriend would say when he came home. He was a way on business when it happened. Considering what a bitch Iris is he will probably be sorry he missed it. I did feel bad for her daughter. You know how kids can be, and half her class saw it happen, and the other half heard about it so I imagine on Monday morning school is going to be hell for her. By then everyone in the neighborhood will know what happened.
     We did get an interesting email that day, with a video attached to it. It was Iris’s big night, after everyone had left, and it involved Iris and her minions, Or, I should say, her former minions. They must have taken turns recording it because there was never more than two of them onscreen with Iris at any given time.
    Iris was trying to clean herself up and was fuming because they did not help her in her time of need. She started berating them for not helping and the smallest one, Desiree, laughed “You shouldn’t have needed help. She was half your size!”
     Desiree is around 5’3 or 4”, so Iris towered over her as well. She is flat chested, but with a huge, plump ass, and apparently Iris often made fun of her for that. Well, she just ripped that big bitch a new one, especially now that she saw that Iris’s tits were even smaller than her own.
     Iris towered over them all, and I got the impression that she had lorded it over them the same way she did everyone else. Maybe they had been impressed by her, maybe even a little afraid, and they had followed her lead the way minions often do.
     Not anymore.
     Desiree was taunting Iris about how pathetic she had been, and how she had embarrassed herself in front of everyone, and about her tiny, little tits. Iris, perhaps trying to regain her position, perhaps out of anger, or shame, or whatever reason, lunged at the smaller woman, promising to put her in her place.
     Poor Iris. Poor Big, dumb Iris. She never learns her lessons.
     Iris came forward and Desiree punched her in the stomach, then kicked her in the cxnt. A screaming Iris, doubled over, clutching her pain-filled pussy, turned and staggered away and Desiree came up behind her and kicked her in the cxnt again. It took her about 10 seconds to pin Iris flat on her back, and since Iris apparently often made jokes about her big ass Desiree turned around and planted that big fat ass right on her face! And she wouldn’t let Iris up until she kissed that big fat ass!
     There was nobody around to see them, or stop them and they took turns sitting on her, pinning her to the ground, taunting her, slapping her face, and puny tits, and making their former Queen feel even more weak and worthless than she already did. Let’s just say that they gave her a real taste of defeat that night.
     In the end Iris wound up with her head stuck in another pot of beans while the others took turns spanking and whipping her ass and they left her there, wallowing in the beans and slop, and her own shame. Miho had shattered that big, arrogant bitch’s ego, and if there had been any pieces left her former minions ground them into dust.
     Needless to say we bought the house, and all the property that goes with it. We move in next week. Miho, and her new friends, Kim, Jolanda and Desiree, have already begun planning where to put the garden. And yes, there will be corn. I can’t wait.
     After all, it is the rainy season, and Big Muddy is living up to its name.


Offline QueenV

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Re: Iris the Bully
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2022, 08:34:43 AM »
Amazing story. But the fight wasn't fair at all, because Iris wore heels. Without them she had crushed that weak, little Asian. We definately need a rematch!

I would love to teach that little Miho a lesson about what a strong ,beautiful alpha woman can do to her ;)


Offline Miah Baker

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Re: Iris the Bully
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2022, 09:43:51 AM »
Go Miho, good to see a bully get their ass handed back to them on a plate.


Offline Raycat

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Re: Iris the Bully
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2022, 10:49:53 PM »
That sexy Iris got such a great ass whooping! Her reputation and pride are gone. Loved how she was covered in food... mmm


Offline krispin

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Re: Iris the Bully
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2022, 04:27:50 PM »
I like yout style but I would like to read a story in which the slim good girl is dominated and humiliated


Offline Amanda44

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Re: Iris the Bully
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2022, 07:51:38 PM »
Omg! So humiliating... exposed in such a degrading way! Spread out naked in all that food. Omy!