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Wonder Mom

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Offline karl butters

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Wonder Mom
« on: July 04, 2022, 06:08:52 PM »
         When I was twelve, an event happened that changed my life forever. Puberty was really kicking in and my hormones were raging out of control. Suddenly, I was seeing women I had known my whole life in a whole new light, including my own mom. I’m not saying I became sexually attracted to my mom, but I suddenly understood why men looked at her the way they did. I always thought she had a beautiful face, but one day, when I saw her come home from jogging around the neighborhood, I noticed other attractive qualities about her.
       My mom, Carrie, was a tall, shapely woman, not fat, but not petite either. As she came running up our drive, I couldn’t help noticing her huge jiggling breasts. I found myself mesmerized by the way they bobbed up and down as she ran. It was difficult not to stare, but I had trouble looking away. For some reason they made me feel kind of queasy and jittery but in a good way. She stopped running and began stretching. I was glad when she turned her back to me because I did not want her to see me leering at her. She had nice shapely legs that were long and toned. When she bent over to touch her toes, her butt jutted out toward me. It was plump but had a nice round shape and was very pleasing to look at. She stood up and I took in the whole package. In between her big breasts and shapely hips was a narrow waist and flat tummy. She brushed her long dark hair out of her pretty face and walked toward me.
   “Hi Karl,” she said sweetly.
   “H-h-hey, M-M-Mom,” I squeaked. For some reason my throat was suddenly dry, and I felt nervous as I looked up at my mom. I was short for my age, and she towered over me, making her appear even more impressive.
   Later, as I watched professional wrestling on TV, I began envisioning my mom wrestling in the ring. Sometimes I would picture her facing off against the professional wrestlers and sometimes I imagined her going against women from the neighborhood. No matter who her opponent was, she was always victorious.
   A few months after watching my mom come in from jogging, she hosted her annual Halloween costume party. Normally I did not enjoy the party and spent most of it in my room. The adults would drink wine and after a while some men would start hitting on Mom, which always made me uncomfortable. Since she was so attractive and one of the few unmarried women at the party, she became a magnet for the drunk, horny guys.
   This year, I was looking forward to the party though, because I had helped Mom pick out her costume. A lot of the more attractive women dressed in provocative outfits, but Mom usually dressed conservatively. While at the costume shop, I saw a Wonder Woman outfit and knew my mom had to get it. I convinced her that Ruby, my kid sister, was a huge Wonder Woman fan. In truth, I suddenly had an unexplainable longing to see my mom dressed as the Amazonian princess.
   “I don’t know?” she said thoughtfully, “It’s awfully skimpy.”
   “You’ve got to get it, Mom. Ruby will get a kick out of seeing you dressed as her idol.”
   “You think so?” she asked with a grin, “Well… maybe…if I can find one in my size.”
   Most of the Wonder Woman costumes were in petite sizes, but we finally found one that she thought might fit and went into the dressing room to try it on. After a few minutes, she peeked her head out the door.
   “Well, Wonder Woman is out of the question,” she said, “Any other recommendations?
   “Why? What’s wrong with the costume you have on?
   “I’m afraid it’s a tad too small.”
   “I bet it’s fine. Let me see.”
   “No way,” she said with a soft chuckle, “It’s too revealing.”
   “Mom, I’ve seen you in way less at the beach.”
   “That’s true but…okay. I guess you’re right.”
   She stepped out of the dressing room and suddenly I felt faint. With her tall, shapely frame and long, dark hair, she was a perfect Wonder Woman. The outfit did fit a bit snug, but I’d seen women at the previous parties wear outfits that were a lot snugger.
   “It…it’s perfect, Mom.”
   “I don’t know. I think it’s too skimpy. I feel so exposed.”
   “Mom, you have to get this outfit. It looks so…so…” I almost said sexy. “So much like the outfit in the comic books.”
   “Well… since you like it so much, I guess I will get it.”
   I could not get the costume out of my mind and could hardly wait till the night of the party. On the night of the party, I sat in my room playing video games when I heard the doorbell ring.
   “Karl, will you go get the door,” Mom called out from her bedroom, “I’m still getting ready.”
   For the next half hour, I played doorman and host as the guests began to arrive.
   “Hell yeah,” A man beside me suddenly mumbled.
   I looked up and saw Mom walk into the room. She looked stunning in the tightly fitting outfit which showed off the curves of her hourglass figure. I felt proud of the way the whole room stared at her. The costume looked authentic, complete with a golden tiara, bracelets, belt, and lasso. While the outfit was probably a size too small, I thought it looked great and, by the way everyone in the room was gawking at her, I was not the only one. The undersized corset barely contained her oversized breasts, and the panties did not completely cover her tush, leaving the bottom of her cheeks hanging out. Her long shapely legs were clad in silky stockings that made them look even prettier than usual. In the red, high-heeled boots that she was wearing, she stood over 6 feet tall, towering over most of the men in the room.
   While the men all seemed fascinated by Mom’s costume, some of the women looked bothered by it. At that time, I did not understand why, not realizing how jealous they were. Mom seemed oblivious to their irritated glances and looked confident and radiant, like a real Wonder Woman.
   Wherever Mom went, she had a crowd around her, mostly men, but a couple of women seemed impressed by her as well. When she sat down and crossed her legs, I felt extra funny inside. The way she was sitting made her long legs look so pretty. A guy named Burt leaned over to talk to her. I could tell she was annoyed by the way he kept staring at her chest. When he reached down and patted her thigh, she brusquely pushed his hand away.
   Later a pretty redheaded woman came over and began bragging on Mom’s costume. I heard her say how nice it looked and she began feeling the material. As the redhead slid her fingers along Mom’s corset, I felt lightheaded and thought I was going to faint. Then when she slid her fingers along the outline of Mom’s panties, slightly lifting them and running her hands inside the leg openings, I let out an audible gasp. As the woman continued to talk to Mom, she began caressing Mom’s thigh. I noticed Mom’s cheeks looked flushed and she looked uncomfortable, before finally pushing the redhead’s hand away and standing up.
   While I enjoyed watching all the attention Mom was getting, Ruby came up to me looking kind of sad.
   “What’s wrong?” I asked.
   “It’s Mrs. Jenkins. She’s being mean to the other Mrs. Jenkins.”
   I knew exactly what she was talking about. Hannah Jenkins was a pretty blonde that was dressed in a black bunny outfit, with long black ears and a fluffy white tail. The other Mrs. Jenkins, named Kristi, was kind of plain and dumpy looking. A couple of years ago, Mr. Jenkins divorced Kristi and married Hannah, who was 20 years younger than the 40-something-year-old Kristi.
   “What’s she doing?”
   “She’s saying mean things to her and made her cry.”
   I knew Hannah could be a jerk sometimes, especially after she’d had a few glasses of wine. Poor Kristi was kind of a wimp and would not stand up for herself. I wondered why she even came to this party, knowing Hannah would be here.
   Mom saw Ruby looking distressed and came over to check on her.
   “What’s wrong, sweetie?”
   “The new Mrs. Jenkins is being a bully to the old Mrs. Jenkins. Will you go make her stop?”
   Mom just smiled and said, “It’s probably best if we stay out of their personal business.” She looked around and noticed several people, including Burt, were listening to their conversation.
   “But Mom,” Ruby insisted, “Old Mrs. Jenkins can’t take up for herself. She’s not strong like you.”
   “That may be true but…”
   “Yeah, listen to your kid, Carrie,” Burt interjected with his unwanted opinion, “Show her what Wonder Woman does to bullies,” he added with a creepy chuckle.
   “Please, Mom. Please help Old Mrs. Jenkins. She makes me sad.” Ruby was the baby of the family and she had Mom wrapped around her little finger.
   “Okay, I’ll help Kristi on one condition,” she said with a smile, “You have to quit calling Kristi the ‘Old’ Mrs. Jenkins.”
   “Yay!” Burt yelped.
   Mom walked off, with Burt and a few other guys right behind her. I noticed they were staring at her butt as she walked. Although I was beginning to understand why they were attracted to her wiggling tush, I felt it was disrespectful to Mom the way they were brazenly ogling her. We followed Mom into the den, where the two Mrs. Jenkins were bickering. Mom separated them and gave Hannah a stern look. The room was crowded, and I could not hear what she was saying, but she looked daunting with her hands on her hips in a typical superhero pose, towering over the two Mrs. Jenkins. Hannah was the feisty type and not easily intimidated and gave Mom a sassy smirk.
   I had been around Hannah a few times before but had usually tried to avoid her when I could. The men acted like she was so pretty, but I thought of her as the wicked witch of the neighborhood. She was almost a foot shorter and not as shapely as Mom. Her one-piece bunny outfit was very revealing, and I saw she had average-sized breasts, smaller than Mom’s, but firmer. The back of her outfit came down just above her butt, which was also firmer than Mom’s. She wore fishnet stockings over her toned legs, and her high heels accentuated her calf muscles. I felt guilty comparing the dastardly Hannah’s body to my angelic Mom’s.
   While I could make out very little of their conversation, it did appear that Mom was giving Hannah a good ass chewing. Several of the men were a little intoxicated and cheering her on like a bunch of schoolboys. I was very proud of Mom for standing up for Kristi. No one else had the courage to do it. I also was proud of how impressive she looked, standing there like a superheroine, with her hands on her shapely hips.
   Mom was clearly in control of the situation…at first. Then Hannah got brave and began to talk back. A couple of men urged her to slap Hannah and Mom looked annoyed enough to do it. It was obvious she did not appreciate Hannah getting mouthy with her.
   Then Hannah began to reiterate the point she was trying to make and started poking Mom in the chest. Several onlookers laughed as Hannah’s finger sunk deep into Mom’s soft flesh. Mom looked flustered as she took a step back while swatting Hannah’s hand away. Mom tried to regain her air of dominance, but it was hard for her to appear in control with her hands covering her breasts.
   Unable to poke at Mom’s breasts, the blonde took another approach. She reached forward and grabbed Mom between her thighs.
“Oooh! No!” Mom squealed as she tried to pry Hannah’s hands loose. Even though Mom looked humiliated, something about Hannah’s hold gave me butterflies in my stomach and I kind of liked it. The men in the crowd seemed to like it too and suddenly they began to cheer for Hannah.
   Hannah had a tight grip on Mom’s private area, but after struggling for several seconds, Mom was able to pry the blonde’s hand off. Now my mom had lost all air of dominance as she had one hand shielding her breasts and the other hand guarding her sensitive inner thigh.
   I was beginning to think it was a mistake for Mom to get involved, but suddenly her expression turned from embarrassment to anger. Mom was a proud woman, and she was not about to let Hannah embarrass her in front of her kids and friends.
    “That’s enough, Hannah,” Mom said as she lunged forward and grabbed Hannah by the wrists. Hannah tried to twist her wrists free, but Mom had a solid grip. Once again, I felt butterflies in my stomach as I watched the two scantily clad women struggling with each other.
   Mom, being bigger and stronger, was able to pin Hannah against the back of the couch. Hannah was folded backward with Mom leaning against her, pressing her big boobs in the blonde’s face.
   “Let me loose, you big cow!” Hannah said with an impish grin.
   “Not until you promise to be nice,” Mom said, ignoring the insult.
   “What if I promise to kick your ass when I get loose.”
   “Wha… you…” Mom stuttered, not knowing how to respond to her threat.
   With Mom’s boobs in her face, Hannah feinted like she was going to bite one. Mom flinched allowing Hannah to slip her wrists loose.
   “It’s time for you to leave!” Mom said.
   “I’ll leave whenever I get ready!”
    “You leave on your own or I will drag you out of here!”
   “Go for it, bitch,” Hannah said as she reached down and removed her high heels. I did not understand the full significance of a woman taking off her heels during a confrontation. All I knew is that without her heels, the size difference between Hannah and my statuesque mom was even more pronounced. Flat-footed, Hannah was now standing eye to tit with Mom.
   My mom looked down at the blonde and smiled confidently. She resumed her superheroine-type pose with her hands on her shapely hips. Mom was so much more impressive physically than Hannah, I could not understand why the blonde did not simply leave as Mom ordered her to.
   “I don’t want to have to hurt you.” Mom said, “But you are leaving me no choice.” Mom placed her hands on Hannah’s shoulders and pushed her towards the door.
   “Don’t put your hands on me!” Hannah shouted, then she lunged forward and shoved Mom in the chest. Mom stumbled and fell backward onto her ass, her boobs bouncing out of the corset.
   I was furious at our neighbors who began laughing and jeering at Mom. Mom’s face was flushed with embarrassment as she scrambled back to her feet. She tried to regain her composure while she stuffed her boobs back into the corset.
   “You stupid… slut!” Mom hissed. I had never heard her use such language before.
   “I’m the slut! I’m not the one wearing an outfit 3 sizes too small with my tits and ass hanging out in front of everyone… including your own kids! If anyone’s a slut, it is obviously you!”
   “You bitch!” Mom said as she gave Hannah a shove.
       The blonde stumbled backward but did not fall. Then Hannah lowered her head and charged Mom, planting her shoulder into Mom’s midsection, and driving her across a table. Drinks and plates went everywhere as the two women fell onto the floor. They stood up and locked together like two angry alley cats. Both women began slapping wildly, with most of Mom’s blows striking nothing but air and Hannah unable to reach nothing but Mom’s shoulders and tits. Then Hannah grabbed Mom’s long dark hair and slung her into a wall. Hannah went for her hair again and repeated the move several more times. Ruby and I cheered hard for Mom but, despite her size advantage, was slung around the room repeatedly, upsetting chairs and breaking tables and lamps.
       Mom, in her high-heeled boots, was much slower than the barefooted Hannah and struggled to counter the blonde’s aggressiveness. To add further distress for Mom, her boobs fell out again. With one hand trying, unsuccessfully, to stuff her tits back in the corset, and the other hand swatting futilely at Hannah, Mom was at a severe disadvantage.
   Mom tripped and fell onto her back. Hannah dived on top and the two began rolling around the floor. I hoped that, on the ground, Hannah’s quickness would be neutralized, and Mom would be able to overpower her. The two women grappled ferociously, ripping at each other’s clothes. Soon, Hannah’s one-piece costume was dangling around her thighs and the remnants of Mom’s top lay on the floor. Hannah went for Mom’s star-spangled panties and began pulling, trying to rip them off, but Mom kicked her, sending her toppling backward.
   Mom stood to her feet and shamefully tried to flee, but her boots were not made for running and she tripped face first onto the floor. Mom grunted loudly as her fall was broken by her enormous boobs.
   Ruby began to cry. The site of her mom being disgraced was too much for her. I told her to go to her room. I couldn’t leave, however. Even though I was sick with concern for my mom, the site of her fighting with Hannah was strangely fascinating and I could not turn away.
As Mom rolled over on her side, hugging her injured breasts, Hannah stood to her feet. Several men groaned in displeasure as the blonde pulled her outfit back in place, covering up her perky tits.
   Mom struggled to her feet and Hannah was on her before she could attempt to flee again. As Hannah charged her, Mom caught the blonde with a hard slap that caused her to stumble backward. The two began to exchange slaps and Mom was able to rock her with several more blows. Now it was Hannah’s turn to look worried as Mom began to rear back and throw her weight behind her blows. Mom had been humiliated and was now fighting like a desperate woman.
        Both women fought like schoolgirls, slapping instead of using closed fists. My mom’s great big boobs put on a show for the men watching, as they jiggled and bounced around freely. Mom no longer cared about modesty; she was just intent on finishing off Hannah.
        Mom unleashed a barrage of slaps, but Hannah used her quickness to sidestep the worst of it. The blonde backpedaled away from Mom but found her trapped by a wall of spectators. Mom slapped her hard and she fell into the arms of a man named Rory. As Mom stepped in to slap her again, Hannah launched a kick that slammed against Mom’s midsection.
   With Mom doubled over, gasping for air, Hannah snatched a handful of hair. With one hand holding Mom’s hair, Hannah began throwing uppercuts with the other hand. The blonde landed several hard fists to Mom’s face evoking loud “Oohs” and “Ahhs” from the people in the room. Hannah landed several more hard blows before Mom pulled away, leaving the blonde holding a clump of Mom’s hair.
   Mom staggered backward and fell to her knees. When she brushed her hair out of her face, I could see that her nose was bloodied and there were tears in her eyes. My mom was my hero and the strongest person I knew. She had always protected our family but now it was her that needed protecting.
   “Get out of my house…now!” Mom whimpered.
   “You still think you’re the boss?” Hannah taunted. If Mom had not said anything, Hannah may have walked away, but Mom’s order, as weak as it was, only served to make Hannah even more defiant.
   Hannah began punching Mom repeatedly. With Mom on her knees, Hannah had no problem reaching her face and she slammed her fist into Mom’s cheeks, nose, and mouth. Mom fell onto her back and Hannah mounted her continuing her onslaught.
   Hannah had her back to me and all I could see was her fists raise up and then slam down hard towards Mom’s face. Even though Mom still had on her star-spangled panties and red high-heeled boots, she looked nothing like a powerful superheroine as she pathetically kicked her feet up and down.
   “Please…please…stop!” Mom pleaded. As she begged for mercy, I began to hear something I had never heard before, Mom was crying. “Get off me…please!”
   Hannah laughed and continued pounding on Mom before finally, her husband stepped in.
   “That’s enough, honey,” Mr. Jenkins said as he pulled his wife on Mom.
   Mom lay on the floor, bawling, with her hands over her face. Burt came over to help Mom up. When he took her arms, she moved her hands from her face, and I could see the effects of the beating Mom’s once pretty face had taken. Both eyes were swollen and starting to blacken. Her cheeks and lips were puffy and cut up, and blood was leaking from her nose. Burt helped her to the bathroom so she could clean up. I did not see her again for the rest of the night.
   Hannah acted like she owned the place, strutting around like a game rooster in heat. I was ready to go to my room and process what had just happened, but since Mom was in hiding, I became the de facto host. Soon most of the guests left and I began to clean up. Hannah and her husband walked down the hallway where our bedrooms were located. I thought about telling them the bedrooms were off-limits, but Hannah was in charge now, and I had no interest in having a confrontation with her.
        They barged into Mom’s room and shut the door. I tried to hear what was happening, but they were talking low, and I could not make out what they were saying. A few minutes later I heard someone squeal and then some whimpering that turned into moaning and heavy breathing.
   Burt walked up and I was kind of relieved, hoping he could help Mom.
   “I think they might be hurting Mom,” I said to him. He put his head up to the door and listened for a moment, before giving me a sketchy grin.
   “She’s okay,” he said, “I think they’re making up. Your mom will be fine.” He listened for several more minutes. “Well, it’s been fun, but it’s time for me to go.”
About an hour later, Hannah and her husband came out of the bedroom. They ignored me as they walked out of the house. Mom stayed in her room for the rest of the night.
   A few days later, I was riding my bike around the neighborhood, and I passed by the Jenkins’ house. Hannah was unloading some groceries from her SUV. She was wearing a tank top and cutoff jean shorts. I was mesmerized by her lean body and toned legs. My mind wandered back to the fight, and her dominating my much bigger mom.
   “What are you gawking at?” she asked irritably. I had not realized I had stopped on the sidewalk and was staring at her.
   “Uh… well… I was… uh…I was wondering if you needed help with your groceries?”
   Suddenly she smiled and my heart began to flutter. “Sure you can, honey,” she said, “That is so sweet of you.”
   I carried her groceries in and then she paid me to cut her grass. The next day, I came back and cleaned her pool. Soon, I was spending a lot of time at the Jenkins, doing various odd jobs around the house. Hannah paid me for the work, but I mostly did it because I enjoyed spending time with her. When I was 18, and going off to college, she invited me into her bedroom for a special going away present. But that’s a story for a different forum.



Offline GWalb999

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Re: Wonder Mom
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2022, 12:07:49 AM »
Another fabulous story, Karl.


Offline Dario

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Re: Wonder Mom
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2022, 08:50:10 AM »
Really Fine and exciting,  many thanks.


Offline Drake8

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Re: Wonder Mom
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2022, 01:12:52 PM »
Terrific story. I dont know how I didn't know you, now I have a lot of great stories to read.


Offline Tiberius J.C.

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Re: Wonder Mom
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2022, 10:21:53 AM »
Why didn't she use her lasso?  ???


Offline karl butters

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Re: Wonder Mom
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2022, 12:47:02 AM »
Hannah should have been sporting a cheetah catsuit lol

I thought long and hard about Hannah's costume and considered a Cheetah costume, but thought that was too obvious. I also considered a sexy cat costume, which I thought would be a more subtle take on the Cheetah costume. In the end I settled on a playboy bunny type outfit because its both sexy and easily recognizable. A cheetah outfit would probably have been a good choice though.


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Wonder Mom
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2022, 12:22:54 AM »
Great story and excellent fight scene! I like the bunny costume idea. You have a classic character here, Hannah the Badass Bunny! Would love to see more stories with her as she is the ultimate alpha girl.
Maybe Wonder Mom decides to learn to fight and challenge, but I think Hannah broke her so more likely Hannah comes over to use Wonder Mom as a heavy bag when she is training for a real catfight. I
am sure she is a predator and has a number of jealous wives and GF's to fight. Perhaps Wonder Mom has a younger, tougher sister to take retribution for the older sibling's beating. I think
Hannah is interesting enough to deserve an encore!!


Offline karl butters

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Re: Wonder Mom
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2022, 02:54:59 AM »
Great story and excellent fight scene! I like the bunny costume idea. You have a classic character here, Hannah the Badass Bunny! Would love to see more stories with her as she is the ultimate alpha girl.
Maybe Wonder Mom decides to learn to fight and challenge, but I think Hannah broke her so more likely Hannah comes over to use Wonder Mom as a heavy bag when she is training for a real catfight. I
am sure she is a predator and has a number of jealous wives and GF's to fight. Perhaps Wonder Mom has a younger, tougher sister to take retribution for the older sibling's beating. I think
Hannah is interesting enough to deserve an encore!!

Hannah is based on a person I know IRL and I have been interested in writing another story with her. I just have to come up with the right story idea. She is very sexy and, though very petite, she carries herself like a badass. Very confident. Only in her late 20s, she runs the office side of her, much older, husbands real estate development firm and has the reputation for being a highly competent and very authoritative presence in the business. I have never met her husband's first wife, but know Hannah can't stand her.


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Re: Wonder Mom
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2022, 12:57:39 PM »
This story is terrifying for wonder mom. To not only just lose terribly, but to lose terribly to the woman that will fuck your son. I'm sorry but wonder mom can never recover from this