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girlfriend fights against ex-girlfriends - Chapter 1-3: Lottie, Seray, Tasha

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All characters were 18+ years old at all points in this story

Chapter 1: Lottie

2018/03/08 - I had been dating my new friend Brooke for a few weeks now. I couldn't complain, things were going great between us. But when I looked at my smartphone this morning, I was shocked.

"Where does your new girlfriend live? I want to fight her?" wrote Lottie. I didn't understand how she knew about Brooke. To my knowledge, none of my family or friends had any contact with her, and I didn't change my relationship status on social media. I was usually happy to see one of my ex-girlfriends asking my friend to fight, but I didn't know if Brooke was even willing to fight.

I asked Lottie how she knew about Brooke. She answered me that she had the information from an anoynmous source. But it seems that this source did not know where Brooke lived, otherwise Lottie would have been at her door by now.

Lottie was my first friend, and usually it had always been me who had contacted her when my friend had been ready for the fight. But so far, I had not approached my friend about the fight issue.

It all started when Lottie had to fight her sister to get me to be her boyfriend. I had feelings for both of them, and before a competition for me broke out, they had both made it clear to me that they wanted to work it out between themselves as to which of the two would be my girlfriend. However, I did not expected that the two of them meant that they would fight over me. They had invited me to their home, where they had fought for me in front of my eyes. Neither of them gave each other any favors, and in the end, Lottie emerged victorious.

But a few months later our relationship had ended, and I had subsequently met Seray. I had thought nothing of making the relationship public on Facebook, but Lottie had written to me shortly after, demanding a fight against the Turk. Lottie had meant that she was the better woman and she intended to prove that to me. When I had told Seray about it, she had been ready to fight Lottie. She in turn had wanted to prove to Lottie that I had already been with the better woman. Both had met with me in an alley near Lottie's home. They had had a fierce fight, which Seray had been able to win. This had established a tradition that had come to each of my new girlfriends. The tradition of having to fight each of my ex-girlfriends. In addition, it also led to countless fights between Seray and Lottie, in which both of them always had victories.

I liked these fights and so I always asked new acquaintances on their first dates if they were also interested in these fights. Fortunately, I lived in a city where fighting was popular. Almost all of my dates had therefore found it interesting to fight my ex-girlfriends. However, I had always had to mention in addition, all my ex-girlfriends had spent the night with in case of their victory. Sometimes an ex-girlfriend had even demanded that she become my girlfriend again in case of my victory, so that therefore the relationship with me had been at stake. Of course, all my dates had been convinced of her fighting skills, so they had accepted those high stakes as well.

But with Brooke, as I now realized, I had made the mistake of not asking her about her mindset.

I had discovered Brooke's Tinder profile a few months ago. In her photos, she had shown herself only up to her shoulder, yet I had been able to guess her body. But when I had then met with her, she exceeded my expectations. Her massive corpulent body had caught my eye directly. She had shown an enormous strength from the first moment. Brooke had brunette shoulder-length hair, which ended in strong curls. She wore glasses and was wrapped in several layers of clothes, which only made her look stronger and more massive. I had known immediately that I wanted to see this woman fight, because I could not imagine that anyone would be able to defeat this colossus. I had thought that Brooke, with that strong body, couldn't help but love fighting. After all, she would win every fight. When we had wrestled once for fun, I hadn't been able to get her to move back an inch. She had been far too firm with her massive body. If it turned out that Brooke was not a fighter, it would have been a waste of her potential.

Her body reminded me of that of my ex-girlfriend April, with whom I had been together a few years ago. April had spared no fight back then and had loved to fight for me. She had dispatched Lottie with ease, as well as my other ex-girlfriends. She had been proud of her body, even though some women had belittled her for her curves. But April had quickly shown these women why it had been a mistake to insult April. Unfortunately, April had a principle that she only fought fights to defend her boyfriend. So I never saw April in a fight against a woman I started a relationship with after April.

Anyway, I was so convinced that Brooke must be a fighter that I hadn't felt it necessary to bring up the topic with her. But weeks later, I now realized that I should have asked her about it instead. In the past few weeks, Brooke had not mentioned once that she was a fighter, and I began to have doubts. I was already so excited to see Brooke in combat that I could hardly handle it if she told me she wasn't a fighter. Now I had a message in front of me from my very first friend who wants to fight Brooke, and my friend still doesn't know what's coming.

I pointed out to Lottie that I hadn't talked to Brooke about the upcoming fights yet, but Lottie was impatient and kept asking me for the address. I finally decided not to answer her anymore. I was aware that I should let Brooke in on it, but first I was busy preparing Brooke's birthday party. The party was in three days at her home, and she had kindly invited my friends as well. I had promised her to do most of the preparations for this celebration. Besides, I didn't want to confront her about it just before her birthday.

2018/03/11 - For days, Lottie had been texting me that she wanted address from my new friend. I had asked my best friend for advice and she advised me to keep ignoring Lottie . I was glad to have Scarlett, one of my patient ex-girlfriends, as a best friend to write to about it. Scarlett told me to focus on her birthday first. She gave me the tip to watch Fast & Furouis 6 with her. There would be an attractive fight with Ronda Rousey to see. I should pay attention to Brooke's reaction during the scene, maybe she would let something slip or she would bring up the topic on her own. Once I had the certainty that Brooke was inclined towards fighting, it would surely be easier for me to ask her if she would fight my ex-girlfriends, Scarlett said. This plan sounded promising, but I didn't want to deal with that until tomorrow, because I was busy organizing my friend's birthday party for most of the day today.

2018/03/12- The next day, I ate breakfast with my friend while we talked about yesterday's celebration. Brooke was excited about my preparation, which she made me feel in the bedroom. But I was also interested in what Brooke thought of my friends.

"They all seemed very nice, but Scarlett asked me a weird question".

Brooke said to me that Scarlett had approached her about letting her have me for one night a year. Brooke was not fond of the idea and declined. I told Brooke that Scarlett and I had enjoyed spending a few nights together when I was single. However, I concealed from her that Scarlett was one of my ex-girlfriends, and that she was always competing against my girlfriends to get a night with me.

I was surprised that Scarlett had asked Brooke so directly. Apparently Scarlett didn't want to fight for the night with me anymore, and wanted to come to an agreement with Brooke. While I thought it was a shame that Brooke didn't take me up on that offer, I couldn't really complain with Brooke's skills in bed either. I commented to Brooke afterwards that I didn't know about Scarlett's question and that I was sure that, for Scarlett, that was the end of the matter.

- When I looked at my smartphone in the morning, I was surprised to see no messages from Lottie in the notifications this time. I hoped that she had finally given up and that I would determine when Brooke's first fight would occur. But in this I was wrong.

"How did you get the address?"

"That's none of your business"

"Have you been following me?"

"Do I look like a stalker? Someone sent me the address"


"It's none of your business. Anyway, I'm here now and I'm going to fight your new bitch."

"No, I told you, she doesn't know about it yet."

"I don't care about that. You know how it goes, if you have a new girlfriend I will fight her".

"Please give me one more day to at least prepare her for this" I begged her.

"That won't protect her from her defeat either," Lottie pushed me away and walked into the living room.

"Who are you?", I heard Brooke ask.

"I'm Lottie. Dean's first ex-girlfriend, and also doe best friend he's ever had. And we're both going to fight now, so that even you will realize that I'm better than you."

I closed the door and sprinted into the living room.

"What's going on Dean?"

"Well I was going to tell you earlier but...well I don't know how"

"Boah Dean, I've had to wait a long time for this fight, don't delay it any longer unnecessarily". Then Lottie explained to my friend what the fights against my ex-girlfriends were all about.

"Is that true?", Brooke asked me in surprise after Lottie finished her monologue.


Lottie continued "You don't look very skilled in fighting to me, so I'm going to make you an offer. You kneel down in front of me and surrender, say on camera that I'm better than you. Then I will spare you. Don't make me beat these words out of you. So what do you say?"

I was so tense at that moment. Now it would be decided what would happen next in the relationship with Brooke.

Brooke replied "You think I'm going to kneel down to a bitch like you?"

Lottie was as surprised by the answer as I was.

Brooke continued "let's fight."

Lottie still appeared to be perplexed, but took off her top and revealed herself in her black sports bra.

" All right. You will regret this, but then we will fight".

I sat down on the couch and first had to process that Brooke was accepting this challenge. Actually, I shouldn't be surprised, after all, with her physique, I expected her to be battle hardened. Now I hoped that she could also fight as dominated as I imagined.

Brooke put away her glasses and put in contact lenses to face Lottie again.

Lottie walked up to Brooke and punched her in the stomach. Lottie seemed weak at first glance, but she was good at punching, which is how she eventually became my girlfriend. But this blow had no effect on Brooke. Lottie then punched my corpulent friend in the face, but even this punch did not impress Brooke.

"And for that I stopped reading my book?" asked Brooke provocatively.

Brooke lunged for the punch, and when the fist hit Lottie's face, Lottie was thrown back and fell to the hardwood floor. Lottie held her nose, and propped her free hand on the dining room table to get back on her feet. She cautiously walked up to Brooke, but again Brooke was able to land a punch to my ex-girlfriend's face, causing Lottie to land on the hardwood floor again. Lottie seemed as good as defeated after those two punches, but she wasn't about to give up yet. She managed to get to her feet again, but before Lottie could attack again, she was pushed against the wall by Brooke.

"You messed with the wrong one". Three painful blows to Lottie's nose followed, causing my ex-girlfriend to slide down the wall and land on her butt. Brooke calmly fixed her hair, and walked over to me. She kissed me.

" I wish you could have introduced me to your ex-girlfriend sooner," she said with a smile. But then Brooke's attention turned to the creak of the door. Lottie was crawling on all fours and seemed to want to escape.

"You're not getting away from me," my friend said, grabbing Lottie by the arms and throwing her into the middle of the room. Lottie lay on her back as Brooke sat down on her with all her weight. Lottie moaned, but the painful part was yet to come.

My ex-girlfriend was clawing at Brooke's thighs, still trying to get anything out, but Brooke ended any attempts at release with a few smacks to Lottie's face. My ex-girlfriend seemed befuddled already after those few blows. Brooke grabbed Lottie's head and made the back of her head hit the hardwood floor several times. Lottie moaned but could do nothing about the force of nature. Brooke then went back to delivering several blows to Lottie's face. After Brooke's offensive, Lottie was still lying there with her eyes open, but she no longer seemed able to fight.

"And you really thought you could beat me?", Brooke smiled.

Brooke lifted Lottie's head with one hand and knocked Lottie unconscious with two more blows.

Brooke got back up and fixed her hair.

That was one of the fastest fights I've ever seen. I could still remember how April had defeated Lottie in a similarly dominant fashion. Brooke also knew how to use her massive body in a fight.

"Wow, I didn't know you fought".

"Of course I fight. I don't let bitches like that tell me what to do"

"You are so hot" I replied and kissed my girlfriend. We retreated to the bedroom afterwards because I wanted to reward Brooke for her victory.


I was exhausted. This victory sex with Brooke was the hottest sex we had ever had. I was still out of breath when Brooke asked me a question.

"Why didn't you tell me that your ex-girlfriends were coming to fight me?"

I explained to her that I was no longer sure if she would even enjoy fighting. After all, she didn't show any reaction when I saw corresponding videos with her. Brooke explained to me that she really enjoyed the fights in the movies, but didn't want to let on because she didn't know how I would take her passion for fighting. Brooke said afterwards that she would have loved to fight for me weeks ago. I realized that the worries about Brooke not being a fighter were totally unfounded.

2018/03/14 - When we woke up and went into the living room, Lottie was already gone.

"Why was she standing outside our door yesterday anyway? Did you tell her to come over?"

I explained to Brooke that I was trying to keep Lottie from fighting her. I didn't know how she got the address.

"Well it doesn't matter. I think it's time you told me more about her and also the other ex-girlfriends that still await me as opponents. Although I am already surprised that you were once together with such a woman like Lottie."

"Well, it was my first relationship".

"Tell me about her" says Brooke.
"Lottie was my first girlfriend. At first she had fought her sister for me and won"
"She fought her own sister?"
"Yes, Shirin met me through her and because of that they both had interest in me and they couldn't resolve that conflict with words".
Brooke asked me how things were going with Lottie.

I told her about meeting Seray weeks after Lottie and I broke up. I told Brooke that I had made the relationship public and that was what had led to the fight between the two of them. I told her about the fight, but didn't want to get too horny in the telling. Still, I couldn't help but rave about Seray's fighting technique. The Turk was a master at striking not only with her fists, but also with her tits. I added that although Lottie had managed to beat Seray's lip bloody, the Turk had subsequently domineered Lottie with her tits and her punches.
"That sounds like an exciting fighting technique that Seray has acquired. I think I would enjoy fighting Seray at some point as well".
"You'd really want to fight her?"
"Yeah sure, sounds interesting. And we'll talk about the other ex-girlfriends later. Well then I have to get going to work"

"Just a minute. I should tell you about another ex-girlfriend already".

"Which one?"


"You mean your best friend?"

"Yeah, we used to date too. And she likes to fight my new girlfriends as much as Lottie does. But she is much friendlier, unlike Lottie, and I have asked her not to challenge you yet."

"Interesting. I'd love to talk to her about her fights sometime. What do you say we invite her to the café the day after tomorrow?"

"Do you want to fight her right then, too?"

"We'll see. But don't worry, the fight will happen soon enough if Scarlett is interested."

Chapter 2: Seray

2018/03/16 - Just two days ago, Lottie was still at Brooke's apartment door to challenge her to a fight, and already today Brooke met with another ex-girlfriend of mine. She was going to meet Scarlett and me at a cafe, but the evening ended differently than I expected.

Brooke was interested in fighting Scarlett.  My friend said to me that Scarlett seemed nice and she would like to compete with her. But first Brooke would like to talk to Scarlett about her fights and share experiences. As we were on our way to the cafe, I warned Brooke.

Scarlett was very nice to my last two ex-girlfriends and also challenged them to a fight in a friendly manner. Scarlett won and lost one of those fights each, yet she remained good friends with my ex-girlfriends. I hoped that Scarlett and Brooke would still get along well after their fights.

We met at the cafe and both started telling each other about their fights after a short while. It was interesting to learn that Brooke had fought few fights, but had dominated each of them. I also learned about a few fights during Scarlett's tales that I had not been aware of before. Scarlett seemed to be in top form, her last defeat having been a year ago.

The two agreed to fight each other soon, but it was already late and Scarlett said she was too tired to fight. However, the two promised me that I would not have to wait long for the fight.

We still brought Scarlett to the train, after I said goodbye to Scarlett,she faced Brooke.

Brooke said "I'm going to walk out the winner in our fight".
Scarlett replied "You'll find it's not easy to go up against my trained body".
"I'm going to run you over like a bulldozer" Brooke replies.

They both continue to engage in a staredown for seconds until Scarlett steps back.

She then walked up to me and hugged me goodbye. As she did so, Scarlett felt how stiff my cock had become from her conversation with my girlfriend.

"Wow, that seems to have made you really horny. We're going to celebrate my win big time. See you then."

Scarlett got on the train and we headed to Brooke's apartment.

"What do you think of Scarlett?"

"I like her, even though I don't like how much she wants to get into bed with you".

"I've known Scarlett for years. If you beat her, she'll never flirt with me like that again. But she likes to stir up the fight"

"She should be careful not to provoke me too much. You are mine" Brooke kisses me.

"I still won't beat her up as much as Lottie, I want to keep getting along with your best friend after all. I hope she gives up quickly".

It was already 8pm when we laid down on the couch. We were going to end the day in front of the TV before going to bed. But then the doorbell rang at the Brookes apartment door.

"Who else is that?" she asked me.

"Maybe Scarlett wants to fight today after all".

"I know you can't wait for the fight, but I agreed with Scarlett after all. And you don't really want to see a tired fight, do you?"

I stood up and walked to the door. Looking through the peephole, I realized that while Brooke would be right, she still had to fight. I couldn't help but open the door. Seray stepped right in.

"Hey Dean."

"Hi, what are you doing here?"

"I think you know perfectly well. Why don't you tell me you have a new girlfriend? Why do I have to find out through others? You love to see me fight, don't you?"

"Yes of course, but she's only known about the fights for two days. I would have written to you in the next few weeks. How do you even know her address? Did Lottie tell you?"

Seray gives a short laugh, "I'm not talking to that pathetic woman after all." I should have guessed that. After the countless fights between the two, they hate each other's guts.

"Then how do you know Brooke's address?"

"Not that important. What's more important now is that I beat your girlfriend and then you get your victory sex."

"Okay, come on in. I've already told Brooke about you. She has already expressed interest in fighting you".

"Very good. Then she shall have her fight".

I was aware that Brooke would certainly not be amused by having to fight another match today. However, I did not want to send Seray away. Seray took off her shoes and we headed straight to the living room.

"Who are you?" asked Brooke.

"I'm Seray."

"Interesting," Brooke said, then turned to me. "I know I said to you that I would like to fight Seray, but why did you order her here for today of all days?".

"It wasn't me," I affirmed.

Seray replies, "He's right. However, I was told that today is the perfect day to challenge you to a fight."

"I promise you, there is no day when it would be wise to face me in combat," Brooke replies. She puts the blanket away and stands up.

Brooke continued "Dean told me how close the fight was against Lottie. It only took me a minute to beat her. So I don't think this fight will last long".

"The fight against Lottie was years ago. I defeated her then, and nowadays I would defeat her even more dominantly. You will have no chance against my fighting technique as well as Lottie".
Seray took off her top and presented her black sports bra to Brooke and me. She took off her long jeans and faced my friend with a pair of shorts. Her body was slim, but not toned. She had barely changed her look. Seray was not only a good fighter, she was also very attractive. I was attracted to her oriental look. Her mahogany skin tone appealed to me, her shoulder-length black hair along with her pretty face caused me to stir. Seray had lost the last few fights, so I wouldn't mind if Seray won the fight today and spent the night with me. But I wanted to see my friend win just as much.
I looked over at Brooke, who unlike her opponent didn't bother to change, and faced Seray in a sweater and long jeans. While I would like it better if Brooke dressed more athletically for the fight, I'm already more than happy to see the fight between the two.
"Dean told me about your fighting technique. You're welcome to start," Brooke said.
Seray walks up to Brooke. First she gives her a push with her pair of tits, which Brooke easily takes. Seray looked surprised, but continued her offense by punching Brooke in the face. Brooke also took this blow without a movement.

Seray stood in front of my friend with her mouth open, she didn't seem to understand how Brooke could take her attacks so relaxed.

"This is the best you have to offer me?" asked Brooke.

Seray stammered, not knowing what to answer. Brooke started her attack, giving Seray a powerful blow with her breasts. Seray couldn't take the force of my friend's tits so easily and was thrown back several steps. Nicol walked up to Seray and slapped her cheek. Seray fell to the side on the floor.

"Now I can understand why the fight between you and Lottie was so close".

Brooke lifted Seray back to her feet and rammed her thigh into the stomach area several times. Seray groaned. My friend then threw Seray against the wall. Brooke calmly put her hair back in place. However, Seray took advantage of this pause, and again tried to hurt Brooke with her tits. She rammed her pair into my friend's breasts, but once again Brooke didn't move an inch and looked bored.

Brooke casually countered with a punch of her own and Seray collided hard with the wall in response. Brooke punched Seray's face several times. By the time my friend finished her offensive, Seray already looked barely conscious to me. Brooke landed two devastating chin punches and Seray slid down the wall until her butt hit the hardwood floor. Seray was still conscious.

"I'm going to ram my knee into your face. Unless you tell me who gave you my address".

"I don't know."

"I don't mind giving you several knee jabs. You better give me some information now"

"She called me yesterday. She said she was an ex-girlfriend of Dean's and knew the address"

"Did she say anything else? Did you recognize her voice?"

"No. The voice sounded familiar, but I don't know who it was".

"Get out of my apartment".

Brooke turned away from Seray.

I helped my ex-girlfriend get back on her feet. She walked to the hallway and a little later we heard the door slam shut.

"So it's one of your ex-girlfriends".

"Seems so. I think we can believe Seray"

We pondered which of my ex-girlfriends was playing these games.

"Wait," my friend said suddenly. "The birthday party. Scarlett was there, wasn't she? A few days later, Lottie showed up at the door. She must have passed on the address"

I could. We called Scarlett directly, who assured us she had nothing to do with it. She sounded honest on the phone, by the end of the call Brooke didn't seem to suspect Scarlett anymore.

"She's way too sweet to send me your ex-girlfriends," Brooke said.

Brooke mused.

"Can't you write to all your ex-girlfriends and tell them to stop giving out my address?"

"I don't think she'd stop then. Besides, then every one of my ex-girlfriends would take notice of you. Some of them are just as impatient as Lottie"

"Fuck. Let's deal with that later. Right now, I've got my victory sex coming up," Brooke said, taking me into the bedroom.

Chapter 3: Tasha

2018/03/18 - It had been two days since Brooke had dispatched my ex-girlfriend Seray. I was still impressed with how quickly she had defeated Seray.

I went back to my girlfriend's house to spend the afternoon with her. But shortly after we ate dinner, the doorbell rang. Neither of us was expecting anyone.

"Is that another ex-girlfriend of yours?"

"I have that suspicion, too. But I really didn't ask anyone to come here"

"It's okay, let them in," Brooke said, slightly annoyed.

I went to the door, and looking through the peephole, I was still surprised which of my ex-girlfriends showed up.

Tasha, who moved to Jordan a few years ago, was standing outside the apartment door. Tasha has not fought for me for a long time, after all she was outside the UK.

I opened the apartment door and Tasha smiled at me.

"Hey Dean, good to see you again".

"Hey Tasha, what are you doing here?"

"I got a text that this is where your new girlfriend is living. I'm in town for the weekend and I figured you and I could share my time here together".

"Brooke won't agree with that though".

"That's what I thought. I would fight for the weekend with you of course"

"Then come in, Brooke is already expecting a fight".

Tasha entered the apartment and hung up her coat. She had a slight body, but her temperament in fighting still made her a gifted fighter. She was able to win the fight against Lottie, but lost to Seray. She had a similar skin color as Seray, but her black hair reached to her belly. Tasha was a beautiful woman, I appreciated her for putting her beautiful face on the line just to spend the weekend with me. She entered the living room.

I heard Tasha start to laugh as she looked towards the table.

"Are you serious? That fat cow is your new girlfriend?", Tasha didn't seem to take Brooke seriously as an adversary.

I entered the living room as well and saw Brooke look that could be setting up for Tasha to take an especially hard beating.

"This is going to be an easy fight for me. Has your girlfriend even won a fight yet?"

"I've already beaten two of my ex-girlfriends, and believe me, you'll be on the floor unconscious even faster than my two opponents before."

"You are so ridiculous," Tasha replied. She undresses and presents herself in a skimpy sports bra and shorts.

"That's a body worthy of Dean. He told me you were ready for the fight. So get up, if you can even do that with your fat body, and face the fight".

I usually liked trash talk, but I thought Tasha was taking it too far. I hoped Brooke would teach her a lesson. I couldn't understand why Tasha with her slim body would be so confident facing a force of nature like Brooke, especially since April had already dominantly defeated her a few years ago.

They walked to the center of the room and faced each other. Brooke seemed to think this was another quick fight and kept her sweater on as well as her long jeans.

Tasha walked up to Brooke and punched her in the face, followed up with a liver hook and a punch to the chest. Brooke again took these blows with ease and looked at Tasha indifferently.

"Now it's my turn," Brooke said and grabbed my ex-girlfriend. She punched Tasha in the stomach, making her opponent moan. She then threw Tasha against the wall. Brooke really started her offense now and hammered her fist into Tasha's face several times. Brooke ended this hail of blows with a knee thrust into Tasha's cxnt. My ex-girlfriend then rushed up the wall and onto her ass. Brooke took a breath and fixed her hair again. She then lifted Tasha back to her feet and put her hand on my ex-girlfriend's neck.

"Are you going to make another joke about my weight?"

"No, it wasn't meant that way. I just wanted to heat up the fight for Dean," Tasha rasped. Tasha knew she was in a hopeless situation and at Brooke's mercy. However, Brooke didn't believe a word Tasha said and again punched her several times. She then threw Tasha face-first onto the floor. Tasha moaned, but without being able to give my ex-girlfriend a break, my friend dropped her butt on Tasha's back. Tasha cried out. Brooke stood up again, it seemed like she wanted to repeat her action.

Tasha turned on her back, I could read her pain from her face.

"Please don't, wait, I give up," she begged Tasha.

"You give up?"

"Yes, you proved that you are the stronger woman. I was wrong."

Tasha did the only right thing. She was provoking Brooke the most out of all three so far and I wasn't sure how long Brooke would stretch her revenge. If Brooke accepted this surrender, then Tasha saved herself a lot of beating, I thought to myself. But I could tell from Brooke's face that she was considering whether she would heed this surrender. I guess it wasn't so easy for her to accept Tasha's task after all the insults. On the other hand, it was still a consensual fight and from a sporting point of view Brooke should accept the abandonment

"I'm afraid I can't let you go without punishing you again for your comments," Brooke said.

"Lie on your back," she ordered my ex-girlfriend. Tasha was in pain, I could tell. But she knew she had to obey Brooke's orders to escape even greater pain. Slowly, she turned onto her back.

Brooke knelt over Tasha's head.

"No fuck please don't," Tasha moaned, trying to push Brooke's butt away from her with her hands, but Brooke ended those attempts and sat on Tasha's face. Tasha pounded Brooke's hips with her fists, but my girlfriend didn't seem to care much about the blows. My ex-girlfriend's punches became slower and slower until finally her arms fell to the parquet.

After Brooke picked up her victory kiss from me, she told me that it couldn't go on like this. She liked fighting my ex-girlfriends, but Brooke wanted to decide for herself when the fight would take place.

"We need to find out who is giving your ex-girlfriends the address".

Fittingly, we heard Tasha phone vibrate. Brooke got the idea to look for clues on Tasha's smartphone. Using Tasha's fingerprint, she unlocked the smartphone and searched through the messages. When she found nothing there, she searched the call log. Sure enough, she received a call from a blocked number two hours ago. Brooke threw the smartphone away, visibly disappointed; we still didn't know which of my ex-girlfriends had passed on Brooke's address.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2022, 10:37:40 PM by pprct »


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Strong April  ??? ;)
Lets talk about fights and fantasy...comparisons, catfight, titfight,  sexfight, and the consecuences if a blood no violence



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Wondering 48,

Keep the story going you definitely have my interest


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I finally got a chance to read your story. I absolutely loved it. I am so looking forward to future installments. I hope you will do a chapter on how this all started and the first few catfights over Dale.

Great stuff!

JT Edson