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The Cabin Retreat - Anne Vs Vanessa

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Offline DarkKnight9980

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The Cabin Retreat - Anne Vs Vanessa
« on: February 01, 2023, 10:02:27 AM »
I want to say a big thank you to Anne_Cougar and Vanessa for their help in crafting this. I hope everyone enjoys this story.



The Cabin retreat - Anne Vs Vanessa
Part 1:
Two mature couples had decided to go on holiday together. Anne and her husband Derek with Vanessa and her man Dave has decided to go to a large lake for the week, beautiful scenery, clear blue sky's and wildlife thriving sounded wonderful to both couples. Even if their wives had a bit of a mixed relationship.

Back in their hometown the men worked together and had known each other since they were kids. Being friends since the first day they met. Ending up being the others best  men to each other as they married their wives.

The women though had a frenemy style relationship. There was a little that they liked about the other woman. They could laugh and joke with each other, there was also a sense from those watching them that they were also both strong willed women. Of course that would lead to arguments over little things, both bitching about the other to their loyal men. Who didn't think anything of it all the years they were married. In fact they loved having such strong women in their lives.

They arrived on the Friday at the cabin. Settling in on the first night as they separated to their bedrooms to get their stuff all sorted. A few drinks were had when they rejoined next to the roaring fire, sitting with their men holding them close on sofas facing each other. The couple's spoke about their plans for the week and what they hoped would be an amazing time before retiring to sleep.

The next morning the men went off on their little trip, they had gotten permission from the girls to go out on the lake fishing before camping on the night. The women stood in just white dressing gowns. Not hiding much underneath as they kissed their lovers. Hoping they catch a big fish but knowing that they would probably crack open a few beers and end up snoring since they weren't young men anymore.

As the men went off Vanessa asked Anne if she would like a cup of coffee. Anne nodded as she stretches, one of her big tits nearly spilling out. That wasn't lost on Vanessa as she looked at Anne's chest. Instinctively she licked her lips before she walked over to the kitchen. While Anne sat down at the sofa next to now the remnants of what had been the fire.

Handing Anne her cup, Vanessa sat beside her facing her. Both took a sip of their cups as they wondered what to talk about. When they agreed to let their men go off, they hadn't exactly thought about what they would be doing. In the past they had been together for spells of an hour, a few hours at most. This was going to be a full day and night of them basically locked together.

At first they spoke about life. How each others kids were as they smiled and joked. Neither noticed at first but seemingly by instinct their feet closest to the other was touching, toes seeming to feel each other out as eyes roved over what the others robe was hiding. It felt so primal for them being so close to each other knowing the other had nothing on underneath.

Silence came back as their coffees started to get cold. Vanessa leaned down to put her cup on the wooden table beside them. Her 38DD tits "accidentally" came out her robe. Anne saw them and stared with a bit of a glare, her pussy though burned a little as part of her brain told her to grab those breasts and claw them to shreds. She surprised herself a little as she saw Vanessa brush her hair back as she sat up laughing about her big knockers.

Anne found herself doing something that certainly got Vanessa's interest. She opened the front of her robe to reveal her own boobs. They were big too and Vanessa couldn't help but stare hard at them. Fighting back a snarl as she opened the front of her own robe up to match Anne.

"You know since I met you Vanessa. All I have thought about you is what a fat bitch. Showing her tits off to any man." Said Anne, not caring at that moment that they were supposed to be friendly. Instead letting some of the feelings she had kept secret since she first met Vanessa.

Who bared her teeth as she replied "oh really? I hate the fact you think because you run a bar that you are some badass, you are lucky I haven't beaten your ass in that bar to show you that you are all talk." Edging closer so their knees touch as they feel their pussies react, nipples hardening and backs shivering.

Then angrily they grab each others tits. Squeezing them as they lock eyes. A few one word curse words being exchanged as they try to make the other back off. Instead they realise they are stuck now in a battle. Anne asking "you really want this?" As Vanessa simply nods.

Leading to both pulling at each others tits in a tug of war. Crying out with their eyes shut as they feel the pain course through their bodies. Toes bending even at the pain. They open their eyes half open. Trying to get that submission. Knees bumping as their robes open fully to expose their bodies. Vanessa the thick of the pair but built strong. Anne the slightly more toned but finding Vanessa is proving as strong as her. Their tits have red marks on them already.

In their fighting they don't realise they are getting closer to the edge of the chair. Anne yelling "fucking quit you bitch!" As Vanessa yells back "fucking make me!" Before both fall off the sofa half onto the table as their coffee mugs go flying, smashing either side of the table as they break apart.

Rubbing their boobs as their robes have coffee stains on. They lock eyes in a vicious stare as Vanessa says "look what you did you dumb bitch!" As Anne replies "what I did? You dumb fat fuck!" They push to their knees and think about it. They wanna fight so badly but another part is thinking about the room.

Hating themselves they decide to retreat for now to cool off. Anne storming off to her room up the steps. Screaming "I'll fucking have you soon you cxnt!" Slamming her door as Vanessa stares angrily up at her. Saying to herself "of course the cxnt leaves me to clean up." Getting up to go clean the mess they made.

In her bedroom Anne is breathing hard. Looking in the mirror seeing the marks on her tits, gently rubbing them as she hisses "I should fuck that bag up!" Seeing her glistening pussy. She reaches down to rub it, groaning as her eyes shut, hissing to herself what she would do to Vanessa in a fight, her fingers bringing her to an orgasm as she moans to herself "Anne... You dirty bitch.."

Vanessa meanwhile hears the moans and starts to rub her own pussy. Eyes shut as she sits back down on the sofa they fought on. Thinking about all the years she has hated Anne. Wanting to put her in her place and not being able too. She orgasms hard too. Cum spewing over her fingers as she groans while her head is tilted back.

Part 2:
As they are panting from their orgasm. Both think about each other and how much they truly hate the other. That makes Anne turn back to the door. Tossing it open as she is nude now. Robe left on her bedroom floor as she yells "we are not done bitch!" Marching to the steps.

Vanessa groans "oh come on then" as she removes her robe. Both women could truly see their contrasting bodies now. The 50 year old Vanessa standing 5'6, 160lbs, compared to the 55 year old Anne standing at 5'9 and 145lbs.

As soon as Anne was at the bottom of the steps both lunged at each others hair. Tugging each other around. Swinging into walls as they cursed each other. Their hard nipples fenced as they felt a mixture of pain with a rush of adrenaline. Freeing a hand to scratch at each others backs to make the other woman hiss, red marks were running down each fighters backs to show they weren't teasing each other, they wanted blood!

Squeezing the right bum cheek of Vanessa with her nails pressed in. Anne snarls "you are such a fat slob. Dave deserves so much better!" As Vanessa screamed in anger and punches Anne in her kidneys with her left hand. Pussies sometimes slapping together to make them shudder as they feel the others cum. Knowing they are loving fighting as much as themselves. All their emotions being released.

Pushing apart before circling with deathly stares. Vanessa fires back "Derek deserves a woman who isn't such a cxnt. I know you love your bar more then him you selfish fucking cow!" That strikes a bit of a nerve as Anne and Derek had been talking about the bar. How Anne should maybe think about hiring a manager, had he told Vanessa about that. Of course Vanessa's smirk didn't help her paranoia as she slapped her with her right hand with a crack, whipping Vanessa's head around.

Rubbing her cheek as Anne yells at her "you are such a fucking bitch... I should have kicked your ass the first day you came into my bar." Vanessa whacks Anne across her cheek with the back of her left hand. Cutting the bottom lip of Anne as the slightly older woman's head is turned by the force of the strike. Feeling the blood on her chin off her lip, Anne nods at Vanessa as if to say "that's how you want this to go huh?"

Exchanging slaps as both women throw caution to the wind. Their impressive boobs shake around as they crack each other across the face. Vanessa gets her own lip busted as Anne lands a thudding right. Both breaking apart a moment to check themselves over. Seeing sweat on their brows with flicks of blood on their breasts. Neither backing down as they come back together. Hands in hair again as their tits slap together with a wet clap.

Hissing like two feral cats, hair litters the floor but more prominent in their minds is fact their clits are fencing. Both are caught between wanting to push the other off and enjoying the feel between their overworked sex. Pleasure and pain running through their minds as they have their heads tilted back, legs apart to brace themselves in this test of strength.

Soon a moan escapes one, then the other joins in and after a minute both can't hold it in. Orgasming hard as their backs shudder. Juices splashing between their pussies, while they howl to the ceiling, leaning against each other as they come down from that high, panting hot breath into the others ear as their hair is a mess.

After a few minutes to compose themselves they shove apart. Furious at themselves for orgasming to the woman they hate the most. Pacing opposite each other as hair and cum is on the floor. Mumbling their thoughts as Anne says "how could I let that fat cxnt get to me?" While Vanessa says "that fucking bitch."

Grabbing her robe Vanessa puts it on over her shoulders and walks outside to cool off. Anne storms off to her bedroom again, this time getting into the shower to clean herself of her rival. As she thinks about what happened though, she finds herself rubbing her pussy. Eyes shut as she can't help but moan, thoughts turn to punching down Vanessa to the floor, mounting her to beat her senseless. Moments later she orgasms again, sliding down with the tiles on her back, eyes wide open as she can't believe she cum again.

Unbeknownst to her Vanessa is sitting on the deck outside robe open. Not caring if a bird watcher can see her with their binoculars from somewhere, she is busy shoving three fingers inside her overworked sex. Thinking of being on the back of Anne and having her arm around her neck, choking the bitch out as she feels her weaken in her grip. She cums all over her hand with hot nectar, tears of joy running down her face, with neither wanting to admit that this was the best orgasms they had in a while.

Part 3:
Both women showered and stayed predominantly in their rooms taking a nap to recover. They both looked in the mirror to see red marks on their cheeks, see the marks on their backs and Vanessa was pissed off by the ones on her bum cheek. Part of them wanted to go have round three now but they didn't trust what they would do to each other alone.

After getting dressed into blue jeans each, Vanessa a blue vest with no bra, Anne in a black blouse. They both went down to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink as their stomaches screamed at them. Both giving the other a dirty look even as they didn't say a word. Deep down they hoped the other would say something to them so they could resume fighting.

Instead though they both retreated off to separate seats facing each other. Anne had set the fire going for the night as they eat their meals in silence. Glancing at each other throughout. Thinking about how they wanted to take their tops off, bare their breasts and fist fight it out.

After they finished eating with their plates on the coffee table in front of them, Vanessa breaks the silence by asking "so you wanted a crack at me the first time you met me in your bar huh?" Making Anne grin as she takes a drink of beer out her glass. Eyeing up Vanessa.

"Honestly yes I did, you know I am not afraid of a fight. I could tell you were strong and frankly a bitch. You know I knew Dave before you met him through my man, well I see him as a good man and for him to have you sniffing around him. I wanted to challenge you to step outside and punch you around" Replied Anne. Putting her glass down as her fists clench.

Vanessa nods as she says "well the feeling was mutual. I had heard about you before I entered the bar. How you had fist fought topless a few times. I had been fighting too honey. Winning my fights too so part of me hoped you would start something in front of the men. I mean I was encroaching on your patch. Yet you pussied out clearly to fight me." Grinning as she folds her arms under her chest.

Glaring at her bitter enemy. Anne answers the dig by telling Vanessa "the reason I didn't smack you then and there was because I was sure you'd hurt Dave, then I would have an excuse to fight you without our men getting involved. You know they would have stopped us settling our grudge." Making Vanessa laugh at her. Anne sitting forwards looking ready to go for her.

"You don't think me and Dave talk about you and me fighting when we are in bed together. I tell him how I would beat your ass in your own bar. How I would step into that fenced area you have for those fight nights and fuck you up." Said Vanessa with a shit eating grin.

But that made Anne laugh now. She fired back "honey you could have entered my pit if you wanted for free and I would have been there. You might want to talk shit and get Dave horny thinking of me. You know I had him first right? Before you were ever on the scene!" Making Vanessa's cheeks flush red.

"Fine you think you could take me in front of our men, then let's fight on Friday night. Bare chested, bare foot and bare fist, winner take all. That can include me fucking Derek since you think you deserve both our men clearly" roared Vanessa at Anne. Who hadn't meant the dig about riding both men as meaning that they were both on the line for the night.

The thought of beating Vanessa and fucking Dave in front of her did make Anne feel a little wet. She stood up and answered "deal, but no draws this time and no inference from our men. This is between you and me bitch. I will finally do what I should have done all those years ago to you." Storming off to the kitchen sink with her stuff.

Vanessa turns on her seat and yells "dream on bitch! I am going to break your spirit! Derek won't ever look at you the same way again!" Making Anne smash her glass against a wall in a rage. Turning to see Vanessa glaring at her. Both their chests rising faster as it took every fiber of their being not to take their tops off and fight right now. Wanting to prove to themselves and their men that they were the alpha in their group.

Anne this time is the one going out back to pace, cooling off as she stares at the full moon. Telling herself "keep calm and kick her ass when it matters. You have waited this long to fight her to a finish. Don't fall into her trap." Fists at her side unclenching as she feels her blood pressure go down.

Inside Vanessa is a little annoyed Anne didn't go for her. The other part is happy so it doesn't jeopardise the fight she wants. To be spurred on by their men as they settle this grudge, finally find out which of them is the tougher woman after so many years of circling. Eyeing each other up as only two strong women can when they see a true enemy to them.

The following day their men return nice and sharp, while they want to tell the women about their exciting exploits from tonight. Well the women's tale trumps that by a country mile. Both men getting rock hard and looking at each other in disbelief.

Anne tells them "we are going to fight for you both on Friday. Winner take all and no neither of you can get involved, you leave this to me and this bitch." Vanessa glaring at her from her side of the living area as Anne stands next to the fire place.

"Yes when I break Anne in body and spirit. Derek I am going to fuck you in front of her to show her how bad she is, then honey I will give you the best night of your life" says Vanessa. The men eyeing each other a little lost what to say. It had been a dream of both to see these two beautiful strong women in combat, could they really risk their health and selfishly, could they let their women possibly fuck the other. They stared a little harder at each other as suddenly they felt a little competition.

Derek spoke first "since you will win Anne, I am in no doubt and am happy to watch the fight." Dave clenching his fists as he turned to face Derek not far off him. Derek turning to face him back so they were nose to nose. Feeling their cocks pressed behind their jeans as they glared.

"While I agree to the fight. Anne is going to learn why you don't fuck with Vanessa. She will be beaten within an inch of her life." Replies Dave. Getting a snort of derision from Derek. Who pushes past his childhood friend to go to Anne, taking her hand to lead her to their bedroom, as he gets to where Dave is stood he tells him "think what you want friend but Vanessa is going to be beaten to a bloody mess." Walking up the steps as Dave fights the urge to punch Derek.

Instead Dave looks hungrily at Vanessa. He takes her to the sofa and as both strip off like they are teenagers trying to fuck before their parents catch them on the sofa. While Derek has Anne's legs around his waist as he carries her to a bedroom wall and fucks her. Both couples releasing some steam as Friday can't come quick enough for them.

Part 4:
The rest of the time building to the fight is tense. Not much is said between the couple's. Both women actually somewhat train with light jogs through the beautiful scenery around them so they would be ready as can be for the most important fight of their lives. Knowing only one of them could be the better woman, not wanting to risk losing.

Friday morning came and Derek called a meeting. While Dave and Vanessa weren't happy for Derek to think he was in charge, it did allow both couples to actually set some terms, even if the first thing the women agree upon was they wanted no rules and no interference. What they did to each other was between them. Both men reluctantly agreeing to those terms.

Next came attires. Jeans were mentioned but Vanessa thought that wasn't sexy enough. Anne glared at her when she said "Anne might love the farm look but I am proud of my body." With Anne replying "with that body I would want as many clothes on to hide it." Leading to both standing up needing to be calmed down off their other halves. Once they cooled off both women agreed to fight in lace knickers they had bought for the trip. Along with garter belts and black tights. The men certainly licked their lips at that. While they weren't so keen when the women demanded the men themselves were nude, looking at each other a little shy all of a sudden, while the women couldn't help grin at each other. Some semblance of the friendship they had built up along the hate showing through for a fleeting moment.

Once that was sorted Anne stood up and said "Vanessa this is your last chance to back out. What we did on Saturday was foreplay. What I do to you will be personal." Making Vanessa stand up with hands on her hips as their men again got close to them incase it kicked off.

"Oh you have never scared me one bit. In fact after I kick your ass here I am going to go into that cheap bar you own and tell all the patrons that I whooped their champions backside" said Vanessa with venom dripping off every word. Both bared their teeth as they wanted to rush over the coffee table between them to fight it out now. Again though they retreated to opposite ends of the cabin to get away from each other.

Time seemed to drag for both couples. Going to their bedrooms after the men had cleared out an area for them to fight somewhat safely. Sofa next to the fire place with the coffee table taken into the kitchen. A large red rug lay as the makeshift ring, though neither couple expected it to stay on it.

The clocks dinged for the fight hour. Both men came out the rooms first. Seeing that while neither was young themselves any more, both men were still toned and their cocks were rock hard. Neither could pretend the other was small. They would be a match for each other in any type of fight as they felt something they had never done, a little hate and jealous for their best friend.

The women came out next with the men keeping them apart. Both looked amazing in their black knickers, garter belts and tights. Walking down the steps to the fighting area, the men moved out the way and on rushed the women with a primal battle scream.

Hands went for hair as they swung each other around. The men shouting encouragement as they stepped back to a wall, they couldn't help to have a few glances at each other before they were firmly staring at the battle in front of them. Seeing both strong fighters breasts slapping together. Hair already being torn out as this was going to be the most vicious fight they had seen their wives in.

The punches begun with wild swings with their rights, shoulders and backs predominantly took the hits with only a few landing around heads. They stood on each others toes as this was primal fighting at its fiercest. Both knew the other was a real threat to them. Making their hearts race and a few butterflies fly around their stomaches.

Anne switches things up as she fires a right knee into the thigh of her rival. Vanessa hisses as instinctively she pulls her left leg back. Anne driving forwards as she uses the opening to drive Vanessa back to a wall. Derek yelling "that's it my Queen! Fucking tear her apart!" As Dave snarls at him, while he watches Anne land two short right hooks into the breast of Vanessa to make it jiggle. Vanessa winces before she lands a short right onto the cheek of Anne to make her shut her eyes a moment.

Wrestling them around as she digs her toes into the wooden floor. Vanessa fires two right knees into the stomach of Anne to hear her groan into her face. The younger woman hissing "come on Anne. I want your best." Anne clearly willing to do that as she fires her own knees back. Nearly hitting each other around their pussies.

Pushing apart and circling as their hair is already wild. Cheeks a little marked up as Vanessa has a red mark where the fist of Anne struck. They exchange a few jabs around their faces. A left cross reopens the bottom lip of Anne. Vanessa seeing her opening as she grabs her rival by her right tit. Swinging a right hook into her face to rock back her bitter enemy a step. Dave roars "that's it love! She is just your plaything!" Making Derek now glare in his direction.

Anne finds herself pushed against the sofa onto her back. Vanessa trying to straddle her as Anne kicks into her stomach to keep her off. A right kick nearly strikes the pussy of Vanessa, making her cry out as she lets go of Anne. Retreating back as Anne pushes back to her feet.

This time they come back together with fists flying. Anne lands a hard right cross onto the cheek of Vanessa. Who spits out a little blood as she is cut inside her left cheek. Both barking in effort as they trade till both have the same idea to go for their rivals hair. Hardened nipples clash as their tits are pressed tightly together, mushrooming slightly as they fight for space and to crush their rival set.

Heads tilted back again as they circle. Anne snarling "come on fat fuck... This all you got?" Vanessa pissed off at the fat jibes. Fires back "you nasty whore. I bet Derek dreams of fucking me over your frigid pussy." Both screaming hatefully as they wrestle each other around. Tripping up and going to the rug with a thud as it doesn't offer much protection with wooden underneath.

Fighting for the top spot. Both roll around swinging punches and slaps when they get on top with a free hand to tits and to faces. Their men stroking their cocks as they watch with fascination this war. Sweat coating both fighters bodies as their toes dig into the others legs. Tights are being shredded to make their scream in rage, red marks forming on legs where they dig their red painted nails in.

Ending up side to side with their chests rising faster. Sweat slowly trickling to the rug. They have intense stares locked together. Teeth bared as they start to claw at each other tits and belles. Wanting to mark up their opponent as they hiss, not wanting to scream or show more emotion then needed to hide the pain they are in. The sweat going into their cuts making them grimace as it stings like hell.

Vanessa turns the tide when she grabs the knickers of Anne to wedgie them into the ass and pussy of Anne. Who howls as Vanessa pushes her to her back. Spitting in Anne's face as Dave yells "that's it! Ruin her pussy!" As Derek clenches his fists. Worry making his cock drop a little as Dave can't help stroke his cock.

Fighting fire with fire Anne grabs the knickers of Vanessa. Dragging them into her pussy and bum as Vanessa cries out, head rearing back as both fight off tears, which come soon enough as they are trying to ruin each other as women. Juices start to run from their pussies as they are loving this violence. Soon their knickers give way at similar times. Vanessa rolling off Anne rubbing her pussy as she howls. Anne faces the other way with her eyes shut. Kicking the rug as the men want to go to their women but know if they do that they are breaking the rules.

It looks an absolute war zone with hair littering the floor, now their knickers in each woman's hand. Taking a few minutes to recover as they roll to their backs to look at the white ceiling, telling themselves inside to get up and fuck this bitch up who dared challenge them. Slowly they get up still feeling a burning sensation.

Anne slams a right cross into the cheek of Vanessa's face to whip her head around. Pushing Vanessa towards the steps as the men watch to see what is happening. Vanessa hits her back with a mule kick to the stomach, Anne's back hitting the door as she cries out.

Both swing a hook that cracks the other across the cheek. Spit, blood and sweat goes flying as both drop to their backsides. Shaking their heads to clear the fog they felt. Derek telling Anne "come on honey! You can do this!" As Dave screams at Vanessa "she is hurting!" Both women looking at each other in disbelief how tough the other is. All these years of wanting this and now a seed of doubt formed inside of them. One they wanted to crush like their rival.

A little shaky they push to their feet. Hands in each others hair as they stumble onto the steps. The men wondering if they should step in to get them off them. Slamming into walls and ending up tripping up with Vanessa on her back as Anne roars at her when their sweaty tits slap together. Pussies rubbing as both again feel the others juices. This time they try to fight the feeling welling inside of them to finish the fight.

Scissoring the backside of Anne to lock her in place. Vanessa grabs the left tit of Anne, who can't help cry out as she feels the nails squeezing and pulling at her large breast. Anne punches at the face of Vanessa in response, while she hasn't much room to load up. She does cause a little swelling under the left eye of Nessa.

Pushing at the face of Anne to get her off her. Vanessa fights to her feet a few steps up as Anne joins her. They fight up to the top floor as the men shove at each other to be the first to follow the action. Derek wins the shoving match to rush up to see that Anne has punched Vanessa square in her lips to knock her back into her own bedroom. The men stand beside each other near the doorway as they watch Anne mount Vanessa. Gripping her throat as Vanessa scratches at her face in desperation. Anne grits her teeth as she snarls "quit you bitch.." Vanessa fighting with all her being not to submit. Her face going red as she is struggling to breath with Anne sitting on her stomach and her right hand around her throat.

Tears streaming down her eyes as she feels her world going black. Vanessa doesn't realise but she is tapping the bed to her right. Anne sees it and let's Vanessa go, falling beside her on the bed panting as Dave says "no..." In a low tone. He rushes in to check on his wife. Seeing she is going to be ok as she is breathing. Derek all smiles as he checks on his wife. Kissing her forehead to tell her he was proud of her without saying a word.

Part 5:
Once Anne feels she is strong enough, she tells Derek "don't worry.. I love you but I promised Vanessa this." Seeing Vanessa stir awake. Anne grabs her by her hair to spit into her face. She then sits on the chest of Vanessa with her bum on the lips of the beaten woman. Ordering Dave to her, he looks a little worried till he sees Derek staring hatefully at him. His anger to his friend overrides his sense of what he is doing.

Walking over to Anne, she leans forwards as she tells him to kneel on the bed in front of her so he is sitting over his wives legs. Anne starts to suck his cock in from of her husband and on top of Vanessa, who can hear the slurping and knows what is happening. She is too weak to do anything as she cries, hating herself as much as Anne for what is happening.

While Dave has his eyes shut. Going back over thirty years to when he first met Anne at what would become her bar. His eyes shut as he moans. Anne feels her pussy dripping her own juices as she plays with his cock. Flicking her tongue over the head of his cock when not sucking, playing with his balls in her hands as Derek looks on wanting to hit his best friend. Watching him cum along with Anne, both crying out in pleasure as Vanessa feels the juices from Anne run over her lips and some of her mans cum dripping from the chin of Anne towards her pussy. Making her emotions even worse.

Dave comes back to reality as Derek shoves him away from his wife and hits him across his cheek with a right hook. Derek says "don't you ever think you will touch my wife again." Making Anne stare at her husband with a hungry look. She climbs off Vanessa and says "let's go mark our territory downstairs." Leading her man downstairs to fuck him on the rug she fought on.

While Dave picks himself up to check on Vanessa. She covers her face embarrassed to look at him, while he feels guilty as he tells her he is sorry. Both needing time to recover as Dave shakes his head coming down from the high he had. Hearing the other couple laughing and soon enough moaning.

Once Vanessa feels like she can sit up. She asks Dave if they can leave, he helps her back to their room, getting a quick wash before he helps her get changed as they pack up and leave, seeing Anne and Derek snuggled up with the glow from their love making. Anne ignoring the pain she is feeling as the pleasure of winning for her man overrides it at the moment. Their cum all over their stomaches and privates. With Vanessa and Dave not even saying a word to them, just leaving the cabin and going to their car. Dave driving them home with the relationship between the two couples changed forever.


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Re: The Cabin Retreat - Anne Vs Vanessa
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2023, 12:03:28 PM »
Lovely collaboration its definately top shelf ???? Thank you all ????
quote author=DarkKnight9980 link=topic=107683.msg712841#msg712841 date=1675242147]
I want to say a big thank you to Anne_Cougar and Vanessa for their help in crafting this. I hope everyone enjoys this story.



The Cabin retreat - Anne Vs Vanessa
Part 1:
Two mature couples had decided to go on holiday together. Anne and her husband Derek with Vanessa and her man Dave has decided to go to a large lake for the week, beautiful scenery, clear blue sky's and wildlife thriving sounded wonderful to both couples. Even if their wives had a bit of a mixed relationship.

Back in their hometown the men worked together and had known each other since they were kids. Being friends since the first day they met. Ending up being the others best  men to each other as they married their wives.

The women though had a frenemy style relationship. There was a little that they liked about the other woman. They could laugh and joke with each other, there was also a sense from those watching them that they were also both strong willed women. Of course that would lead to arguments over little things, both bitching about the other to their loyal men. Who didn't think anything of it all the years they were married. In fact they loved having such strong women in their lives.

They arrived on the Friday at the cabin. Settling in on the first night as they separated to their bedrooms to get their stuff all sorted. A few drinks were had when they rejoined next to the roaring fire, sitting with their men holding them close on sofas facing each other. The couple's spoke about their plans for the week and what they hoped would be an amazing time before retiring to sleep.

The next morning the men went off on their little trip, they had gotten permission from the girls to go out on the lake fishing before camping on the night. The women stood in just white dressing gowns. Not hiding much underneath as they kissed their lovers. Hoping they catch a big fish but knowing that they would probably crack open a few beers and end up snoring since they weren't young men anymore.

As the men went off Vanessa asked Anne if she would like a cup of coffee. Anne nodded as she stretches, one of her big tits nearly spilling out. That wasn't lost on Vanessa as she looked at Anne's chest. Instinctively she licked her lips before she walked over to the kitchen. While Anne sat down at the sofa next to now the remnants of what had been the fire.

Handing Anne her cup, Vanessa sat beside her facing her. Both took a sip of their cups as they wondered what to talk about. When they agreed to let their men go off, they hadn't exactly thought about what they would be doing. In the past they had been together for spells of an hour, a few hours at most. This was going to be a full day and night of them basically locked together.

At first they spoke about life. How each others kids were as they smiled and joked. Neither noticed at first but seemingly by instinct their feet closest to the other was touching, toes seeming to feel each other out as eyes roved over what the others robe was hiding. It felt so primal for them being so close to each other knowing the other had nothing on underneath.

Silence came back as their coffees started to get cold. Vanessa leaned down to put her cup on the wooden table beside them. Her 38DD tits "accidentally" came out her robe. Anne saw them and stared with a bit of a glare, her pussy though burned a little as part of her brain told her to grab those breasts and claw them to shreds. She surprised herself a little as she saw Vanessa brush her hair back as she sat up laughing about her big knockers.

Anne found herself doing something that certainly got Vanessa's interest. She opened the front of her robe to reveal her own boobs. They were big too and Vanessa couldn't help but stare hard at them. Fighting back a snarl as she opened the front of her own robe up to match Anne.

"You know since I met you Vanessa. All I have thought about you is what a fat bitch. Showing her tits off to any man." Said Anne, not caring at that moment that they were supposed to be friendly. Instead letting some of the feelings she had kept secret since she first met Vanessa.

Who bared her teeth as she replied "oh really? I hate the fact you think because you run a bar that you are some badass, you are lucky I haven't beaten your ass in that bar to show you that you are all talk." Edging closer so their knees touch as they feel their pussies react, nipples hardening and backs shivering.

Then angrily they grab each others tits. Squeezing them as they lock eyes. A few one word curse words being exchanged as they try to make the other back off. Instead they realise they are stuck now in a battle. Anne asking "you really want this?" As Vanessa simply nods.

Leading to both pulling at each others tits in a tug of war. Crying out with their eyes shut as they feel the pain course through their bodies. Toes bending even at the pain. They open their eyes half open. Trying to get that submission. Knees bumping as their robes open fully to expose their bodies. Vanessa the thick of the pair but built strong. Anne the slightly more toned but finding Vanessa is proving as strong as her. Their tits have red marks on them already.

In their fighting they don't realise they are getting closer to the edge of the chair. Anne yelling "fucking quit you bitch!" As Vanessa yells back "fucking make me!" Before both fall off the sofa half onto the table as their coffee mugs go flying, smashing either side of the table as they break apart.

Rubbing their boobs as their robes have coffee stains on. They lock eyes in a vicious stare as Vanessa says "look what you did you dumb bitch!" As Anne replies "what I did? You dumb fat fuck!" They push to their knees and think about it. They wanna fight so badly but another part is thinking about the room.

Hating themselves they decide to retreat for now to cool off. Anne storming off to her room up the steps. Screaming "I'll fucking have you soon you cxnt!" Slamming her door as Vanessa stares angrily up at her. Saying to herself "of course the cxnt leaves me to clean up." Getting up to go clean the mess they made.

In her bedroom Anne is breathing hard. Looking in the mirror seeing the marks on her tits, gently rubbing them as she hisses "I should fuck that bag up!" Seeing her glistening pussy. She reaches down to rub it, groaning as her eyes shut, hissing to herself what she would do to Vanessa in a fight, her fingers bringing her to an orgasm as she moans to herself "Anne... You dirty bitch.."

Vanessa meanwhile hears the moans and starts to rub her own pussy. Eyes shut as she sits back down on the sofa they fought on. Thinking about all the years she has hated Anne. Wanting to put her in her place and not being able too. She orgasms hard too. Cum spewing over her fingers as she groans while her head is tilted back.

Part 2:
As they are panting from their orgasm. Both think about each other and how much they truly hate the other. That makes Anne turn back to the door. Tossing it open as she is nude now. Robe left on her bedroom floor as she yells "we are not done bitch!" Marching to the steps.

Vanessa groans "oh come on then" as she removes her robe. Both women could truly see their contrasting bodies now. The 50 year old Vanessa standing 5'6, 160lbs, compared to the 55 year old Anne standing at 5'9 and 145lbs.

As soon as Anne was at the bottom of the steps both lunged at each others hair. Tugging each other around. Swinging into walls as they cursed each other. Their hard nipples fenced as they felt a mixture of pain with a rush of adrenaline. Freeing a hand to scratch at each others backs to make the other woman hiss, red marks were running down each fighters backs to show they weren't teasing each other, they wanted blood!

Squeezing the right bum cheek of Vanessa with her nails pressed in. Anne snarls "you are such a fat slob. Dave deserves so much better!" As Vanessa screamed in anger and punches Anne in her kidneys with her left hand. Pussies sometimes slapping together to make them shudder as they feel the others cum. Knowing they are loving fighting as much as themselves. All their emotions being released.

Pushing apart before circling with deathly stares. Vanessa fires back "Derek deserves a woman who isn't such a cxnt. I know you love your bar more then him you selfish fucking cow!" That strikes a bit of a nerve as Anne and Derek had been talking about the bar. How Anne should maybe think about hiring a manager, had he told Vanessa about that. Of course Vanessa's smirk didn't help her paranoia as she slapped her with her right hand with a crack, whipping Vanessa's head around.

Rubbing her cheek as Anne yells at her "you are such a fucking bitch... I should have kicked your ass the first day you came into my bar." Vanessa whacks Anne across her cheek with the back of her left hand. Cutting the bottom lip of Anne as the slightly older woman's head is turned by the force of the strike. Feeling the blood on her chin off her lip, Anne nods at Vanessa as if to say "that's how you want this to go huh?"

Exchanging slaps as both women throw caution to the wind. Their impressive boobs shake around as they crack each other across the face. Vanessa gets her own lip busted as Anne lands a thudding right. Both breaking apart a moment to check themselves over. Seeing sweat on their brows with flicks of blood on their breasts. Neither backing down as they come back together. Hands in hair again as their tits slap together with a wet clap.

Hissing like two feral cats, hair litters the floor but more prominent in their minds is fact their clits are fencing. Both are caught between wanting to push the other off and enjoying the feel between their overworked sex. Pleasure and pain running through their minds as they have their heads tilted back, legs apart to brace themselves in this test of strength.

Soon a moan escapes one, then the other joins in and after a minute both can't hold it in. Orgasming hard as their backs shudder. Juices splashing between their pussies, while they howl to the ceiling, leaning against each other as they come down from that high, panting hot breath into the others ear as their hair is a mess.

After a few minutes to compose themselves they shove apart. Furious at themselves for orgasming to the woman they hate the most. Pacing opposite each other as hair and cum is on the floor. Mumbling their thoughts as Anne says "how could I let that fat cxnt get to me?" While Vanessa says "that fucking bitch."

Grabbing her robe Vanessa puts it on over her shoulders and walks outside to cool off. Anne storms off to her bedroom again, this time getting into the shower to clean herself of her rival. As she thinks about what happened though, she finds herself rubbing her pussy. Eyes shut as she can't help but moan, thoughts turn to punching down Vanessa to the floor, mounting her to beat her senseless. Moments later she orgasms again, sliding down with the tiles on her back, eyes wide open as she can't believe she cum again.

Unbeknownst to her Vanessa is sitting on the deck outside robe open. Not caring if a bird watcher can see her with their binoculars from somewhere, she is busy shoving three fingers inside her overworked sex. Thinking of being on the back of Anne and having her arm around her neck, choking the bitch out as she feels her weaken in her grip. She cums all over her hand with hot nectar, tears of joy running down her face, with neither wanting to admit that this was the best orgasms they had in a while.

Part 3:
Both women showered and stayed predominantly in their rooms taking a nap to recover. They both looked in the mirror to see red marks on their cheeks, see the marks on their backs and Vanessa was pissed off by the ones on her bum cheek. Part of them wanted to go have round three now but they didn't trust what they would do to each other alone.

After getting dressed into blue jeans each, Vanessa a blue vest with no bra, Anne in a black blouse. They both went down to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink as their stomaches screamed at them. Both giving the other a dirty look even as they didn't say a word. Deep down they hoped the other would say something to them so they could resume fighting.

Instead though they both retreated off to separate seats facing each other. Anne had set the fire going for the night as they eat their meals in silence. Glancing at each other throughout. Thinking about how they wanted to take their tops off, bare their breasts and fist fight it out.

After they finished eating with their plates on the coffee table in front of them, Vanessa breaks the silence by asking "so you wanted a crack at me the first time you met me in your bar huh?" Making Anne grin as she takes a drink of beer out her glass. Eyeing up Vanessa.

"Honestly yes I did, you know I am not afraid of a fight. I could tell you were strong and frankly a bitch. You know I knew Dave before you met him through my man, well I see him as a good man and for him to have you sniffing around him. I wanted to challenge you to step outside and punch you around" Replied Anne. Putting her glass down as her fists clench.

Vanessa nods as she says "well the feeling was mutual. I had heard about you before I entered the bar. How you had fist fought topless a few times. I had been fighting too honey. Winning my fights too so part of me hoped you would start something in front of the men. I mean I was encroaching on your patch. Yet you pussied out clearly to fight me." Grinning as she folds her arms under her chest.

Glaring at her bitter enemy. Anne answers the dig by telling Vanessa "the reason I didn't smack you then and there was because I was sure you'd hurt Dave, then I would have an excuse to fight you without our men getting involved. You know they would have stopped us settling our grudge." Making Vanessa laugh at her. Anne sitting forwards looking ready to go for her.

"You don't think me and Dave talk about you and me fighting when we are in bed together. I tell him how I would beat your ass in your own bar. How I would step into that fenced area you have for those fight nights and fuck you up." Said Vanessa with a shit eating grin.

But that made Anne laugh now. She fired back "honey you could have entered my pit if you wanted for free and I would have been there. You might want to talk shit and get Dave horny thinking of me. You know I had him first right? Before you were ever on the scene!" Making Vanessa's cheeks flush red.

"Fine you think you could take me in front of our men, then let's fight on Friday night. Bare chested, bare foot and bare fist, winner take all. That can include me fucking Derek since you think you deserve both our men clearly" roared Vanessa at Anne. Who hadn't meant the dig about riding both men as meaning that they were both on the line for the night.

The thought of beating Vanessa and fucking Dave in front of her did make Anne feel a little wet. She stood up and answered "deal, but no draws this time and no inference from our men. This is between you and me bitch. I will finally do what I should have done all those years ago to you." Storming off to the kitchen sink with her stuff.

Vanessa turns on her seat and yells "dream on bitch! I am going to break your spirit! Derek won't ever look at you the same way again!" Making Anne smash her glass against a wall in a rage. Turning to see Vanessa glaring at her. Both their chests rising faster as it took every fiber of their being not to take their tops off and fight right now. Wanting to prove to themselves and their men that they were the alpha in their group.

Anne this time is the one going out back to pace, cooling off as she stares at the full moon. Telling herself "keep calm and kick her ass when it matters. You have waited this long to fight her to a finish. Don't fall into her trap." Fists at her side unclenching as she feels her blood pressure go down.

Inside Vanessa is a little annoyed Anne didn't go for her. The other part is happy so it doesn't jeopardise the fight she wants. To be spurred on by their men as they settle this grudge, finally find out which of them is the tougher woman after so many years of circling. Eyeing each other up as only two strong women can when they see a true enemy to them.

The following day their men return nice and sharp, while they want to tell the women about their exciting exploits from tonight. Well the women's tale trumps that by a country mile. Both men getting rock hard and looking at each other in disbelief.

Anne tells them "we are going to fight for you both on Friday. Winner take all and no neither of you can get involved, you leave this to me and this bitch." Vanessa glaring at her from her side of the living area as Anne stands next to the fire place.

"Yes when I break Anne in body and spirit. Derek I am going to fuck you in front of her to show her how bad she is, then honey I will give you the best night of your life" says Vanessa. The men eyeing each other a little lost what to say. It had been a dream of both to see these two beautiful strong women in combat, could they really risk their health and selfishly, could they let their women possibly fuck the other. They stared a little harder at each other as suddenly they felt a little competition.

Derek spoke first "since you will win Anne, I am in no doubt and am happy to watch the fight." Dave clenching his fists as he turned to face Derek not far off him. Derek turning to face him back so they were nose to nose. Feeling their cocks pressed behind their jeans as they glared.

"While I agree to the fight. Anne is going to learn why you don't fuck with Vanessa. She will be beaten within an inch of her life." Replies Dave. Getting a snort of derision from Derek. Who pushes past his childhood friend to go to Anne, taking her hand to lead her to their bedroom, as he gets to where Dave is stood he tells him "think what you want friend but Vanessa is going to be beaten to a bloody mess." Walking up the steps as Dave fights the urge to punch Derek.

Instead Dave looks hungrily at Vanessa. He takes her to the sofa and as both strip off like they are teenagers trying to fuck before their parents catch them on the sofa. While Derek has Anne's legs around his waist as he carries her to a bedroom wall and fucks her. Both couples releasing some steam as Friday can't come quick enough for them.

Part 4:
The rest of the time building to the fight is tense. Not much is said between the couple's. Both women actually somewhat train with light jogs through the beautiful scenery around them so they would be ready as can be for the most important fight of their lives. Knowing only one of them could be the better woman, not wanting to risk losing.

Friday morning came and Derek called a meeting. While Dave and Vanessa weren't happy for Derek to think he was in charge, it did allow both couples to actually set some terms, even if the first thing the women agree upon was they wanted no rules and no interference. What they did to each other was between them. Both men reluctantly agreeing to those terms.

Next came attires. Jeans were mentioned but Vanessa thought that wasn't sexy enough. Anne glared at her when she said "Anne might love the farm look but I am proud of my body." With Anne replying "with that body I would want as many clothes on to hide it." Leading to both standing up needing to be calmed down off their other halves. Once they cooled off both women agreed to fight in lace knickers they had bought for the trip. Along with garter belts and black tights. The men certainly licked their lips at that. While they weren't so keen when the women demanded the men themselves were nude, looking at each other a little shy all of a sudden, while the women couldn't help grin at each other. Some semblance of the friendship they had built up along the hate showing through for a fleeting moment.

Once that was sorted Anne stood up and said "Vanessa this is your last chance to back out. What we did on Saturday was foreplay. What I do to you will be personal." Making Vanessa stand up with hands on her hips as their men again got close to them incase it kicked off.

"Oh you have never scared me one bit. In fact after I kick your ass here I am going to go into that cheap bar you own and tell all the patrons that I whooped their champions backside" said Vanessa with venom dripping off every word. Both bared their teeth as they wanted to rush over the coffee table between them to fight it out now. Again though they retreated to opposite ends of the cabin to get away from each other.

Time seemed to drag for both couples. Going to their bedrooms after the men had cleared out an area for them to fight somewhat safely. Sofa next to the fire place with the coffee table taken into the kitchen. A large red rug lay as the makeshift ring, though neither couple expected it to stay on it.

The clocks dinged for the fight hour. Both men came out the rooms first. Seeing that while neither was young themselves any more, both men were still toned and their cocks were rock hard. Neither could pretend the other was small. They would be a match for each other in any type of fight as they felt something they had never done, a little hate and jealous for their best friend.

The women came out next with the men keeping them apart. Both looked amazing in their black knickers, garter belts and tights. Walking down the steps to the fighting area, the men moved out the way and on rushed the women with a primal battle scream.

Hands went for hair as they swung each other around. The men shouting encouragement as they stepped back to a wall, they couldn't help to have a few glances at each other before they were firmly staring at the battle in front of them. Seeing both strong fighters breasts slapping together. Hair already being torn out as this was going to be the most vicious fight they had seen their wives in.

The punches begun with wild swings with their rights, shoulders and backs predominantly took the hits with only a few landing around heads. They stood on each others toes as this was primal fighting at its fiercest. Both knew the other was a real threat to them. Making their hearts race and a few butterflies fly around their stomaches.

Anne switches things up as she fires a right knee into the thigh of her rival. Vanessa hisses as instinctively she pulls her left leg back. Anne driving forwards as she uses the opening to drive Vanessa back to a wall. Derek yelling "that's it my Queen! Fucking tear her apart!" As Dave snarls at him, while he watches Anne land two short right hooks into the breast of Vanessa to make it jiggle. Vanessa winces before she lands a short right onto the cheek of Anne to make her shut her eyes a moment.

Wrestling them around as she digs her toes into the wooden floor. Vanessa fires two right knees into the stomach of Anne to hear her groan into her face. The younger woman hissing "come on Anne. I want your best." Anne clearly willing to do that as she fires her own knees back. Nearly hitting each other around their pussies.

Pushing apart and circling as their hair is already wild. Cheeks a little marked up as Vanessa has a red mark where the fist of Anne struck. They exchange a few jabs around their faces. A left cross reopens the bottom lip of Anne. Vanessa seeing her opening as she grabs her rival by her right tit. Swinging a right hook into her face to rock back her bitter enemy a step. Dave roars "that's it love! She is just your plaything!" Making Derek now glare in his direction.

Anne finds herself pushed against the sofa onto her back. Vanessa trying to straddle her as Anne kicks into her stomach to keep her off. A right kick nearly strikes the pussy of Vanessa, making her cry out as she lets go of Anne. Retreating back as Anne pushes back to her feet.

This time they come back together with fists flying. Anne lands a hard right cross onto the cheek of Vanessa. Who spits out a little blood as she is cut inside her left cheek. Both barking in effort as they trade till both have the same idea to go for their rivals hair. Hardened nipples clash as their tits are pressed tightly together, mushrooming slightly as they fight for space and to crush their rival set.

Heads tilted back again as they circle. Anne snarling "come on fat fuck... This all you got?" Vanessa pissed off at the fat jibes. Fires back "you nasty whore. I bet Derek dreams of fucking me over your frigid pussy." Both screaming hatefully as they wrestle each other around. Tripping up and going to the rug with a thud as it doesn't offer much protection with wooden underneath.

Fighting for the top spot. Both roll around swinging punches and slaps when they get on top with a free hand to tits and to faces. Their men stroking their cocks as they watch with fascination this war. Sweat coating both fighters bodies as their toes dig into the others legs. Tights are being shredded to make their scream in rage, red marks forming on legs where they dig their red painted nails in.

Ending up side to side with their chests rising faster. Sweat slowly trickling to the rug. They have intense stares locked together. Teeth bared as they start to claw at each other tits and belles. Wanting to mark up their opponent as they hiss, not wanting to scream or show more emotion then needed to hide the pain they are in. The sweat going into their cuts making them grimace as it stings like hell.

Vanessa turns the tide when she grabs the knickers of Anne to wedgie them into the ass and pussy of Anne. Who howls as Vanessa pushes her to her back. Spitting in Anne's face as Dave yells "that's it! Ruin her pussy!" As Derek clenches his fists. Worry making his cock drop a little as Dave can't help stroke his cock.

Fighting fire with fire Anne grabs the knickers of Vanessa. Dragging them into her pussy and bum as Vanessa cries out, head rearing back as both fight off tears, which come soon enough as they are trying to ruin each other as women. Juices start to run from their pussies as they are loving this violence. Soon their knickers give way at similar times. Vanessa rolling off Anne rubbing her pussy as she howls. Anne faces the other way with her eyes shut. Kicking the rug as the men want to go to their women but know if they do that they are breaking the rules.

It looks an absolute war zone with hair littering the floor, now their knickers in each woman's hand. Taking a few minutes to recover as they roll to their backs to look at the white ceiling, telling themselves inside to get up and fuck this bitch up who dared challenge them. Slowly they get up still feeling a burning sensation.

Anne slams a right cross into the cheek of Vanessa's face to whip her head around. Pushing Vanessa towards the steps as the men watch to see what is happening. Vanessa hits her back with a mule kick to the stomach, Anne's back hitting the door as she cries out.

Both swing a hook that cracks the other across the cheek. Spit, blood and sweat goes flying as both drop to their backsides. Shaking their heads to clear the fog they felt. Derek telling Anne "come on honey! You can do this!" As Dave screams at Vanessa "she is hurting!" Both women looking at each other in disbelief how tough the other is. All these years of wanting this and now a seed of doubt formed inside of them. One they wanted to crush like their rival.

A little shaky they push to their feet. Hands in each others hair as they stumble onto the steps. The men wondering if they should step in to get them off them. Slamming into walls and ending up tripping up with Vanessa on her back as Anne roars at her when their sweaty tits slap together. Pussies rubbing as both again feel the others juices. This time they try to fight the feeling welling inside of them to finish the fight.

Scissoring the backside of Anne to lock her in place. Vanessa grabs the left tit of Anne, who can't help cry out as she feels the nails squeezing and pulling at her large breast. Anne punches at the face of Vanessa in response, while she hasn't much room to load up. She does cause a little swelling under the left eye of Nessa.

Pushing at the face of Anne to get her off her. Vanessa fights to her feet a few steps up as Anne joins her. They fight up to the top floor as the men shove at each other to be the first to follow the action. Derek wins the shoving match to rush up to see that Anne has punched Vanessa square in her lips to knock her back into her own bedroom. The men stand beside each other near the doorway as they watch Anne mount Vanessa. Gripping her throat as Vanessa scratches at her face in desperation. Anne grits her teeth as she snarls "quit you bitch.." Vanessa fighting with all her being not to submit. Her face going red as she is struggling to breath with Anne sitting on her stomach and her right hand around her throat.

Tears streaming down her eyes as she feels her world going black. Vanessa doesn't realise but she is tapping the bed to her right. Anne sees it and let's Vanessa go, falling beside her on the bed panting as Dave says "no..." In a low tone. He rushes in to check on his wife. Seeing she is going to be ok as she is breathing. Derek all smiles as he checks on his wife. Kissing her forehead to tell her he was proud of her without saying a word.

Part 5:
Once Anne feels she is strong enough, she tells Derek "don't worry.. I love you but I promised Vanessa this." Seeing Vanessa stir awake. Anne grabs her by her hair to spit into her face. She then sits on the chest of Vanessa with her bum on the lips of the beaten woman. Ordering Dave to her, he looks a little worried till he sees Derek staring hatefully at him. His anger to his friend overrides his sense of what he is doing.

Walking over to Anne, she leans forwards as she tells him to kneel on the bed in front of her so he is sitting over his wives legs. Anne starts to suck his cock in from of her husband and on top of Vanessa, who can hear the slurping and knows what is happening. She is too weak to do anything as she cries, hating herself as much as Anne for what is happening.

While Dave has his eyes shut. Going back over thirty years to when he first met Anne at what would become her bar. His eyes shut as he moans. Anne feels her pussy dripping her own juices as she plays with his cock. Flicking her tongue over the head of his cock when not sucking, playing with his balls in her hands as Derek looks on wanting to hit his best friend. Watching him cum along with Anne, both crying out in pleasure as Vanessa feels the juices from Anne run over her lips and some of her mans cum dripping from the chin of Anne towards her pussy. Making her emotions even worse.

Dave comes back to reality as Derek shoves him away from his wife and hits him across his cheek with a right hook. Derek says "don't you ever think you will touch my wife again." Making Anne stare at her husband with a hungry look. She climbs off Vanessa and says "let's go mark our territory downstairs." Leading her man downstairs to fuck him on the rug she fought on.

While Dave picks himself up to check on Vanessa. She covers her face embarrassed to look at him, while he feels guilty as he tells her he is sorry. Both needing time to recover as Dave shakes his head coming down from the high he had. Hearing the other couple laughing and soon enough moaning.

Once Vanessa feels like she can sit up. She asks Dave if they can leave, he helps her back to their room, getting a quick wash before he helps her get changed as they pack up and leave, seeing Anne and Derek snuggled up with the glow from their love making. Anne ignoring the pain she is feeling as the pleasure of winning for her man overrides it at the moment. Their cum all over their stomaches and privates. With Vanessa and Dave not even saying a word to them, just leaving the cabin and going to their car. Dave driving them home with the relationship between the two couples changed forever.


Offline DavidG

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Re: The Cabin Retreat - Anne Vs Vanessa
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2023, 06:08:57 PM »
Wow That was incredible
Sexy and nasty in equal measures
I see round 2 is already underway and I can’t wait for more
Thank you ladies


Offline DarkKnight9980

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Re: The Cabin Retreat - Anne Vs Vanessa
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2023, 07:27:16 PM »
Wow That was incredible
Sexy and nasty in equal measures
I see round 2 is already underway and I can’t wait for more
Thank you ladies

Thank you so much for the kind words, this is round 2 actually as Vanessa and Anne have had a fight before on the board ???? Vanessa sent me the link to it so I could see how they had fought before to come up with details for this story.

Here is the link to that story:

I urge people who have read this story and not yet seen their latest clash to go check it out. Anne and Vanessa are both awesome writers. ????



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Re: The Cabin Retreat - Anne Vs Vanessa
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2023, 10:59:42 PM »
  Nice stuff. I loved it.