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Hong Kong - The Jade Empress

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Offline biancabarclay

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Hong Kong - The Jade Empress
« on: July 20, 2022, 04:01:03 AM »
Here's a story written to go with the catfight from the old TV series "Hong Kong", in an episode titled "The Jade Empress". It takes place between a wealthy young woman who's been kidnapped, and the girlfriend of the kidnapper. The crooks are trying to get their hands on a priceless jade statuette that rightfully belongs to the kidnapped woman. The episode can be seen at the link below, with the build-up to the fight starting at about the 46-minute point. I've used the actual names and tried to keep the action consistent with what we see in the episode:

Thirty two year old Lola Lee was excited, but nervous. Her conman boyfriend, Alan Carstairs, had just returned with the priceless jade statuette that would set them up for life. Their flight out of the country was booked, and they'd soon be on their way to the United States, where they'd sell the priceless figurine and live off the proceeds for the rest of their lives, enjoying a life of luxury, without the need to ever work again. But Lola was anxious too: she knew Alan had just killed one of the other people who'd been after the statuette, and she'd been complicit in the whole nefarious scheme. And of course its rightful owner, thirty five year old Karen Bryant, was tied up in her flat, which made Lola party to the kidnap, accessory to murder, and much more besides. And with both the police and the interfering American journalist Glenn Evans closing in, Lola was desperate to leave the apartment and head for the airport. The sassy, attractive gangster's moll knew it was time to leave. The cunning half-American and half-Chinese femme fatale had it all planned out, and knew her exotic beauty would attract plenty of admirers in the US, if she ever tired of Carstairs.

Lola's conman-turned-murderer boyfriend Alan Carstairs undertook a final check on Karen Bryant, who appeared to be tied up and was lying on the bed, just as they'd left her earlier. Lola had handled the blonde quite roughly earlier, after bringing her to the phone in Alan's presence, to assure the authorities she was still alive. She'd hand-gagged Karen just after she'd started to speak, so as to avoid her telling Glenn any useful information, and had frogmarched her into the other room afterwards. Karen hadn't resisted much, as the brutal Carstairs was there too, but clearly there was no love lost between the two women.

On the point of leaving, Lola gasped in shock as the interfering journalist Glenn Evans suddenly barged into the room and shoved her aside, having somehow broken in. Carstairs drew his gun but Evans hit him so hard that he dropped it on the floor, the two men struggling furiously. Lola picked up the gun but froze for a second, in panic, terrified that her plans had unraveled at the last moment. Her indecision was all Karen needed: Glenn had untied the feisty young woman earlier, but she'd been lying on the bed, pretending she was still secured and helpless. But now, seeing Lola had scooped up the gun and knowing she had just a split second to act, she launched herself at the astonished gun moll, grabbing her wrist and then tackling her down onto the bed. Lola struggled desperately, but Karen had her wrist pinned hard and tight in her hand, so she couldn't use the gun, and tried to shake it from her grip. Glenn broke away from Alan briefly and wrestled the gun from Lola's grasp, but Alan powered into him again before he could get a grip on it, and the weapon fell on the floor as the two men fought violently, crashing into the adjacent room where they continued to struggle.

Lola struggled desperately to break free of Karen's grip, but the American woman - who the streetwise Lola had previously dismissed as a spoiled rich bitch - was tougher than she looked. The two women rolled off the bed and onto the floor, skirts rising up to their waists, shapely legs tangled. Lola grabbed for the discarded gun, but just as she got a hand on it, Karen grabbed her wrist again and twisted savagely, slamming Lola's hand on the floor repeatedly until she lost her grip on the weapon. The two women gasped and screamed as they fought, rolling over and over on the floor alongside the gun. The hot, humid Hong Kong night was sticky and oppressive, and both women were soaked with perspiration. Their sweaty bare legs tangled and kicked as they rolled over and over, and Lola's high heeled shoes came off as the fighting women rolled across the floor, locked together, Karen on top, then Lola, then Karen.

As the two men fought in the adjoining room, Lola and Karen struggled, sometimes on the floor, then sometimes on the bed as one of them got to their feet, only to be pushed down again. Karen knew that if Lola got the gun she'd probably shoot her, and then shoot Glenn too, if she got the chance. Despite never having been in a fight, aside from a couple of mild playground scuffles with other girls when she was a child, she was holding her own against the evil half-Chinese bad girl. As Glenn and Alan crashed briefly back into the room, Lola and Karen were struggling on the bed again, only to roll off it and onto the floor again, legs tangled and kicking. Lola lunged for the gun again, but Karen grabbed her by her long dark hair and pulled the screaming girl crook back at the last second, before her hand could close on it, the bad girl sobbing with rage, frustration and panic.

Lola and Karen were too focused on their own struggle to notice that the sounds of the men's struggle had stopped, as Glenn had finally overcome the conman-turned-murderer. And seconds later, three police officers burst in, just as Alan had been subdued. Still dazed from the struggle, the gallant Glenn went to check on Karen, with the cops following him. They watched in astonishment and a degree of lascivious satisfaction as the two women rolled off the bed and onto the floor, skirts ridden up round their waists, their shapely and sweaty bare legs on display, bare feet kicking. Gasping and screaming, the two women struggled and rolled over and over on the floor. Glenn and the police saw that Karen was getting the better of Lola, and knowing the situation, they correctly figured Karen would relish the opportunity of some payback, so didn't move to intervene. 

A few moments later, Karen rolled Lola onto her back, and this time, the exhausted Lola was unable to roll Karen off and reverse their positions, as she's done previously. Karen was able to scramble astride the exhausted girl crook, straddling her and pinning her. Lola was sobbing with panic and gasping with effort, and tried to throw Karen off, but she was flat on her back and helpless under the blonde, her shapely bare legs kicking, weakly. Lola tried to claw up at her hated opponent, but she was on the point of exhaustion from the long, hard, sweaty struggle, and Karen briefly managed to catch both the bad girl's wrists in one of her hands. It was all she needed. With her free hand, Karen unleashed a savage slap, leaving a palm print on Lola's cheek, and rocking the gun moll's head sharply to one side. Lola was out cold for a few seconds, and when she regained consciousness, Karen was standing over her, with Glenn handing her the statue, before she collapsed into his arms.

After a few moments, two of the police officers hauled Lola roughly to her feet. A few minutes ago she'd looked sassy, sexy and sultry in her tight, skimpy one-piece minidress and high heels. She'd been on the verge of getting away with a fortune, a life of luxury in the United States ahead of her, where she'd envisaged her days would be filled with poolside cocktails, fine restaurants, and glamorous parties. Now she looked a hot mess: sweaty, disheveled and barefoot, hair and make-up ruined, her dress soaked with perspiration, all wet and clingy on her sore body. Exhausted from the desperate struggle with the victorious Miss Bryant, and still groggy and half out of it from the blonde's savage, fight-ending slap, Lola had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach as she realized her dreams were over. With her prior criminal record she knew enough about Hong Kong's legal system to know that she'd be facing decades in a brutal women's prison, all because she'd momentarily frozen with panic and indecision after she'd scooped up the gun, then found herself unable to overpower the feisty young woman who she and Alan had kidnapped. 

Unsteady on her feet, and sobbing with a mix of fear, frustration and humiliation, the scratched, bruised and barefoot Lola was marched out of the room by two of the cops., hands cuffed behind her back. She briefly caught the eye of the exhausted-but-victorious Karen, as she was led past her and Glenn, but couldn't meet the blonde's triumphant stare, and looked away, her head down. Her body shaking with sobs, the utterly defeated Lola knew she'd been beaten by the better woman.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Hong Kong - The Jade Empress
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2022, 07:31:14 PM »
This was great!!! From your retelling of the story, to watching the link afterward (gave me terrific idea about the combatants (my imagination thanks you). I hope you will do more like this. Great stuff!


Offline biancabarclay

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Re: Hong Kong - The Jade Empress
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2022, 09:07:28 PM »
This was great!!! From your retelling of the story, to watching the link afterward (gave me terrific idea about the combatants (my imagination thanks you). I hope you will do more like this. Great stuff!

Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad you liked my tie-in story, and that it fired your imagination.

And yes, I hope to write some more stories soon.


Offline biancabarclay

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Re: Hong Kong - The Jade Empress
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2022, 07:22:52 AM »
You do really great work with these retro fighta

Thank you so much. I'm glad you appreciate them. I have some more stories planned.