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Biker Chick Lexi's Confrontation With a Brutal Girl Gang

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Offline bikemanrick

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Biker Chick Lexi's Confrontation With a Brutal Girl Gang
« on: September 01, 2022, 05:36:38 AM »
  :P This is a story about a 32-year-old blonde biker chick named Lexi Johnston who worked at a bar called Rodeo Cowgirls up until a year ago. She's also a former rodeo cowgirl from Caspar, Wyoming, who turned pro right after high school. But she's also a medical technologist who had trouble finding a job in the small town  of Perryville, Ohio. That's how she ended up dancing at Rodeo Cowgirls, which is a Coyote-Ugly-like bar, where women dance and shake their asses in tight jeans and boots. Unfortunately for Lexi, she didn't know the girls at the bar ran some drugs for a biker guy named Bear. When she found out, she was floored and questioned what she was doing. The story starts out with Lexi meeting Bear and getting instructions and directions to some teen bar and make a drug drop.  I warn you that this is one of the more brutal stories I've written -- mainly because I wanted to show how vicious some of these high school girls are today -- and how much they really hate biker chicks. All girls in this story are at least 18, including Allison Parker, the head cheerleader at Madison High School who outweighed the 5'7" 112-pound Lexi by more than 20 pounds.

 Lexi walked to her car in the front parking lot at 11:02 p.m.  Bear pulled up on his Harley ten minutes later.
      “Look at you,” he said.  He whistled.  “You’re a lot prettier than I was told.”
      Bear kept his motorcycle running.  He revved it up a couple times to salute Lexi’s appearance.
     “And you fill those tight Levi’s out as good as any Victoria’s Secret model.”
      Lexi blushed and looked down at the pavement.  “Thanks.”
     “Those jeans are new, too,” said Bear.
     “Yeah, I just bought them.  Kurt likes us to wear either Levi’s or Wranglers most nights.  They’re kind of a uniform.”
     “And they’re the dark blue ones, which I love.  Turn around and let me see you what you look like from behind.”
     Lexi started gyrating her hips as if she were onstage.  She then turned around and shook her ass.”
     “Wow.  You’ve got an incredible ass, girl.”
     “Thanks,” said Lexi.  “I’ve won a couple Tight Jeans’ contests in my days.”
     “No doubt.  I certainly wouldn’t kick you off my Harley.”
     Lexi just smiled and shook her head.
     “I know,” said Bear.  “I’m embarrassing you.  You’re probably one of these strict Catholic girls who’s trying to earn some extra bucks.”
     “Something like that.”
     Bear reached into the storage compartment on his bike and pulled out a small packet.  He held it up in front of his chest.  “Take this to Kurt’s Bar and Grill.  The place will probably be fairly crowded tonight, so be discreet.  Just take the main road into Perryville to get to the bar.  You can’t miss it.  It’s on the right-hand side of the road.”
    “Okay.”  Lexi grabbed the packet and held it in her right hand.
    “Kurt and I go way back.  We fought in Desert Storm together.”
    “Wow,” said Lexi.  “That’s impressive.”  Bear nodded.
    “Don’t worry about getting me the money tonight.  I’ll make arrangements to get it tomorrow.”
    “By the way, you won’t be asking for Kurt at the bar.  You’ll want to ask for Wilson.”
    “Wilson,” said Lexi.  She pointed at her head and committed the name to memory.  Bear laughed.
    “That’s right.”
    “Okay, got it.”
    Bear revved his Harley some more, which echoed across the parking lot.  “Well, it was nice meeting you, Lexi.”
    “Nice meeting you, too.”
    After Bear left, Lexi carried the package to her Corvette and stuck it in the glove compartment.  She then tied her black and gold Harley bandana around her forehead, put on some lip gloss and headed to Perryville.
    Lexi arrived at Kurt’s Bar & Grill just before 12:30 a.m.  She parked in the front lot near the corner, pulled the packet of drugs out her glove compartment and stuck it in the back pocket of her jeans.
    Bear hadn’t really given her any instructions about the delivery other than she was meeting a guy named Wilson.  She locked her car door, took a deep breath and headed for the front door.
    The place was crowded because it was Friday night.  Most of the crowd was twenty-one and over, but she did see a few younger kids there.  It seemed odd but she guessed the place was more family-oriented than most bars and didn’t think any more about it.  Billy Bob’s in Fort Worth, Texas was a lot like that, but it was also a tourist attraction.
    Lexi gazed around the room.  She spotted a female bartender serving drinks to a crowd of women.  She approached the bar and waited for the women to get their orders, then got the attention of the bartender.
    “What can I get for you, hon?”
    “Oh, I don’t need anything right now,” said Lexi.  “I’m supposed to meet a guy named Wilson.”
    “Okay.  Wait right here while I call him.  I think he’s in his office.”
    Lexi nodded.
    A Pink Floyd tune came on as Lexi waited for the bartender to call Wilson.  Lexi turned around for a second to observe the crowd, hoping nobody was watching her.  She felt paranoid for even doing something like this, not to mention guilty.  She’d always been a good girl and stayed out of trouble, except for a few Spring Break’ ventures and Tight Jeans’ contests.  And she’d been an “A” student her entire life.  She was also the valedictorian of her high school.
    Lexi turned back around to hear what the female bartender had to say.
    “Wilson will be out in about five minutes.  He’s got to make a call.”
    “You can wait here if you want.”
    “Fine,” said Lexi, as she moved out of the way of a male patron.
    “Do you want a drink?”
    “Yeah, can I get a water?”
    “Sure.  We have Dasani bottles.”
    “That’s fine,” said Lexi.  She fished a couple bucks out of her jeans and paid the woman.
    Lexi twisted the cap off the water and took a sip.  She then turned and watched the crowd for a while.  At 12:40 a.m., she saw a couple girls enter the joint.  They looked about high school age.
    Lexi stared at them for several seconds, then took another sip of her water.  When she looked back over at the group of girls, one of them was staring right at her.
    Lexi looked away for a second, but their eyes meet again seconds later.
    The brunette looked about five-eight and was well built.  She was obviously an athlete, perhaps even a cheerleader.  As Lexi continued staring at her, the girl got the attention of her friends.  She then pointed in Lexi’s direction.  The other girls looked over at her.  Soon they were all laughing.
    Lexi turned and saw a guy with long blond hair and a beard.  “I’m Wilson.  I manage the place for Kurt.”
    Lexi smiled.  “Oh, hi.  I’ve got a package for you.”
    “Yes, I know.  Why don’t we walk back to my office and talk for a bit.  You’re not in any hurry, are you?”
    “No,” said Lexi.  “I just got off work.”
    “At Rodeo Cowgirls?”
    “Yeah.  How did you know?”
    “Kurt pointed to her shirt.”
    “Oh, yeah, I forgot I was wearing this.”
    Lexi had the pink Rodeo Cowgirls shirt on, which had a picture of a cowgirl riding a horse. 
    “Let’s head back to my office.”
    Lexi followed Wilson down to his office.  He offered her a seat on the other side of his desk.
    “It’s seven hundred fifty dollars, correct?”
    “Yes,” said Lexi.
    He reached into a drawer and counted out seven one-hundred-dollar bills on his desk.  He then tossed a fifty on the stack.  Lexi set the packet of drugs on his desk and slid it over to him.
    “I don’t have any envelopes on me, so just stick the money in your back jeans’ pocket.”
    Though Lexi thought it was weird that the guy was telling her where to put the money, she sloughed the comment off.  She leaned to her left and stuffed the cash in the rear right pocket of her Levi’s.
    “Well, I guess we’re done here.”
    “I guess so,” said Lexi, as she placed her well-manicured hands on the edge of Wilson’s desk. She had painted her fingernails pink tonight.
    “By the way, I’d rather you go out the back door this time.  Just to remain discreet.”
    “Okay.”  Lexi stood and followed Wilson out of the office. 
    “There’s a streetlight out there, so you shouldn’t have any problem finding your way around the building.”
    “Great.  I’m sure I can find my way to my car.”
    Lexi exited Kurt’s Bar & Grill around 1:00 a.m. as Wilson shut the door behind her.  She  stood in the graveled lot and listened to the chirping of crickets and other sounds of the early morning. 
Lexi gazed up at the dim streetlight at the back corner of the parking lot, then started walking to her right around the building.  She had just turned the corner when some tall, heavy girl stepped in front of her.  Lexi threw her hands up near her face and closed her eyes as she collided with her.  It felt hitting a brick wall.
    “Oh, sorry,” said Lexi.  The girl didn’t respond.
    Lexi tried to walk around her, but the girl grabbed her arm.  Seconds later, several other girls approached—the ones who’d been staring at her in the bar.
    “Wait a minute,” said Lexi, as she held her right hand out.  “I don’t want any trouble here.”
    “Well, you’ve got trouble, bitch,” said some fat girl.  “You just sold drugs that will be used by some of my addict classmates.  I’d say that’s pretty serious.”
    “But I—”
    A fist came out of the darkness and struck Lexi in the gut above her belt buckle.  She dropped to her knees.  Seconds later, one of the girls walked behind Lexi, yanked her Harley Bandana from her head and tied it around her mouth.  The girl pulled Lexi off the ground from behind and shoved her toward the fat girl, who grabbed her shoulders and flipped her around toward the streetlight.
    Lexi tried to scream but it was muffled by her bandana.
    “We’re going to take a little walk, bitch,” said the fat girl.  “And if you don’t try to resist, maybe we’ll let you live.”
    Lexi’s heart raced.  She tried to scream again, but the fat girl covered her mouth with her hand.  She then rammed her knee into her ass and shoved her forward.
    “Now, move it!”
    Lexi’s heart continued pounding.  She tried to dart to her right to get around the heavy girl, but a tall blonde girl rammed her left hip into her waist.  The blow knocked her back in the path of the fat girl, who grabbed the back of her long blonde hair.  She then pulled Lexi’s arms back and trapped them behind her.
    Lexi moaned.  She tried to scream as the girl walked her toward the edge of the parking lot, but no one could hear her.  Seconds later, the fat girl pushed her off the parking lot into a woodsy area behind the bar.
    “Just keep on walking if you know what’s good for you.”   
    After passing through some trees and weeds, Lexi was led up to an elevated pathway.  She could barely see four feet in front of her, except for the streams of moonlight that spilled through the tree leaves above.  Five minutes later, they approached a barbed wire fence by a pasture.
     “Here’s what’s going to happen, bitch.  I’m going to remove the bandana from your mouth and place it back on your head.  Don’t try to scream because I’ll knock your head off if you do.  Besides, no one’s going to hear you back here.  It’s a small town and the houses are spread pretty far apart.  You get what I’m telling you?”
    Lexi nodded, then glanced at the other girls.  They all had evil scowls on their faces.
    “Good.  Once I place the bandana back on your head, step over the barb wire there and take about ten steps into the pasture.  Understood?”
  Lexi nodded again, then looked down.  A cool breeze stirred up, rustling the tree leaves above. Lexi felt a sudden chill and drop in temperature, but she was numb with fear and dread.
    The girl did as she said she would.  Lexi’s bandana was now wrapped around her forehead again, though a tad tighter than before.  She stood in the pasture where the girl had instructed her to go.
    “What’s this all about?” said Lexi, as she stood in the five-inch grass.  The dirt below felt a bit lumpy under her cowboy boots.
    “You’re going to be participating in an initiation, meaning one of these girls is going to fight you.  The fight will last until someone gets knocked out.”
    “But I’ve never even been in a fight.”   
    “Well, this will be your first one,” said the fat girl.  “Congratulations.”
    Lexi’s throat churned as she studied the girls’ faces again.
    “You’re all high school girls, aren’t you?”
    “That’s right, Einstein.  You got a problem with that? 'Cause none of us do.” The girls shook their heads. One pounded her fist into her open hand.
    “No,” Lexi murmured.  She took a step back and raised both hands.  “Please.  I don’t want to fight anyone.  I can’t even make a fist with these long fingernails.”  She held her hands out to show the girls her nails.
    “You’ve got no choice.”
    “That’s right, biker bitch,” shouted the tall blonde who’d earlier struck her with her hip and knocked the wind out of her.
    The girls started forming a circle around Lexi.  She counted six of them.  Seconds later, several lights flashed on from both sides of the pasture.  The lights to Lexi’s right looked as if they were emanating from an old truck.  To her left two large lights from a tractor illuminated the area enough for everybody to see the entire ground and surroundings.
    “Okay,” said the fat girl.  “Let’s get started.” 
    The other girls looked at each other, then the brunette girl stepped forward into the circle.  It was the one who had pointed at her in the bar.  Lexi guessed her to be about five-eight and one hundred forty pounds—about thirty pounds heavier than her.
    “This is Allison,” said the fat girl.  “She’s our head cheerleader at Madison High School.  She’s the one you’re going to fight tonight.”  She coughed into her hand.  “By the way, I have one bit of advice for you in case you survive this night.  Never tell another girl that you haven’t been in a fight.  It puts you at a huge disadvantage.”
    “Sorry,” said Lexi.
    “You’re going to be sorry bitch,” said the brunette, “once I start wailing on you.”
    Lexi’s throat churned when their eyes met, but she ignored the girl’s comment.  Instead, she crouched down and continued locking eyes with her.  The girl smirked as she took another step forward.  She then started circling Lexi—first to the left, then to the right. 

    Allison watched the biker chick’s footwork in her cowboy boots.  Just the way she moved indicated her lack of athleticism.  She had thin arms and moved in an awkward feminine manner.  She held her hands in front of her but didn’t clinch her fists—and she was leaning too far forward.
    Allison stepped forward and cuffed the woman’s Harley bandana and forehead with the heel of her left hand.  The blow knocked her backward.  Her eyes widened.  Allison chuckled.
    The blonde regained her footing and raised her hands again.  This time Allison faked a blow to her head and took a half step back, throwing the biker chick out of rhythm.  And as the blonde stepped forward, Allison charged forward, grabbed her shoulders and drove her knee into her stomach.
    The woman stumbled forward, grabbed her gut and started to fall to her knees. But she stayed on her feet.  That’s when Allison hit her in the jaw with a vicious right cross that knocked her on the ground.
    The biker chick landed on her back—arms splayed over her head—knees pointed upward.  With a straight pathway to her crotch, Allison stepped forward and kicked the biker chick between her knees with a cringeworthy, audible thud.
    “You like that move, skinny bitch?” shouted the cheerleader.  “Here’s another one.” She smirked as she slammed the instep of her shoe into Lexi’s crotch again, then backed away from her.
    The woman moaned.  She grabbed the crotch of her jeans and rolled back and forth to relieve the pain.  She grimaced, then let out a piercing wail. The high school girls laughed.
    "Aw, did that hurt your bald little pussy under those tight jeans," one girl shouted. The girls howled.
    “She doesn’t have balls,” said Gretchen, “she has a cxnt.  Get her ass up and start pounding her face.”
    “But I’m having more fun this way.”
    “I just wanted to toy with her for a while.  She obviously can’t fight.”
    “True,” said Gretchen.  “But that’s her problem.  Your job is to knock her the f*ck out.”
    Allison nodded.  “I’ve got this.”
    “See that you do.”
    Allison watched the biker chick wallow in misery.  She then walked over, pulled her up by her arm and watched her stumble around.  Blood poured from the left side of her mouth down her chin.  Her eyes looked glassy.
    Allison feigned a quick step toward the blonde, then stepped back.  The maneuver caused the biker chick to stumble backward against Gretchen with her hands over her face.  The fat girl slapped her hands on the back of the woman’s shoulders and shoved her forward.  “Get your skinny ass back out there, bitch.”
    This time Allison didn’t fake her move.  She slugged the blonde in the face and knocked her on her ass.  And when the woman tried to get up—with blood gushing from her nose, pouring onto her pink Rodeo Cowgirl’s shirt—Allison kicked her in the face with the instep of her shoe. 
    “Wooooo,” shouted one of the girls.  “That was heartless, Parker.”
    “I don’t care,” said the cheerleader.  “I hate these biker women.  They’re always prancing around in their tight jeans acting tough.  But I’m going to show this bitch who the tough one is tonight.”
    “Come on, Allison,” Julie Federman shouted.  “Just finish the bitch off.”
    “Yeah, f*ck her up!” shouted Gretchen.  “Come on.”
    Allison approached the blonde who was on her back.  She held her arms out in a pleading way as Allison stood above her—arms akimbo.  She smirked. 
    “Now I’m going to show you how high school cheerleaders take care of biker chicks,” she said, “like that Brooke friend of yours will soon find out.”
    “Please stop,” Lexi murmured.  “My nose is broken.”
    “Tough shit, biker cxnt.  I don’t care about you.  You deserve to get beat up for selling drugs to teens.” 
    Allison stepped over the blonde, then jumped on top of her.  She started pounding her in the face.  After a half dozen vicious blows rained down on the biker chick’s face, Gretchen walked over and pulled Allison off the hapless blonde.  To no one’s surprise, the woman’s face was now covered with blood.
    “I think that’s enough for tonight,” said Gretchen. 
    “Is she out?” asked the stocky blonde Federman.
    “I think so.”   
    “What are we going to do with her?”
    “It’s not up to me.”
    “That should teach you, biker bitch,” Julie shouted, as she looked down at the beaten woman.  She was sprawled on the grass with her outstretched arms and slackened jaw.  Julie kicked her in the hip.
    “Come on,” said Gretchen, as she grabbed Julie’s arm.  “I need you and the other girls to leave now.”
    “What are you going to do?”
    “I need to make a phone call.”
    “Oh, all right,” said Julie.  “But you should’ve let me take care of this bitch.  I would’ve put her out for good.”
    “I know,” said Gretchen.  “That’s why I didn’t have you fight her.”
    “But my turn’s coming up, right?”
    “Yeah, but we may have to delay things for a bit after this.”
    “Huh?” said Julie, as she held her arms out in question.”
    “Just be patient, Federman.  You’ll get your turn.  Now, take the other girls back to the bar—and be discreet about it.  Gretchen looked at Allison as the girl stared down at the limp, beaten blonde.  The cheerleader had blood all over her T-shirt and hands from the fight.
    “Jesus!  Take that shirt off before you head back to the parking lot—and wipe your hands off.  We can’t have anyone seeing you like that.”
    “Okay.”  Allison hockered up some snot, bent down and spit in the woman’s bloody face.  “Stupid biker cxnt.”
    “Come on, Parker,” said one of the girls.  “I should’ve been home an hour ago.”
    After the other girls headed back through the woods, Gretchen called the head of the Fiends organization.  The girl answered on the first ring.
    “The first initiation’s over,” said Gretchen, “and Parker mauled the bitch.  What should I do?”
    “The beating was bad, you say?”
    “Yeah, a real mismatch.  The woman had never been in a fight.”
    A ten-second pause ensued as Gretchen gazed around the pasture.  Something flitted past and jolted her.  Her heart leaped to her throat, though it was only a cat.
    “Are you there?”
    “Well, I need an answer because I don’t want to stand out here all night.”
    “You’ll stand out there as long as I want you to stand out there,” said the girl.  “Remember, I run this operation, not you.”
    “And you do a great job.”
    “Shut up, Metz.”
    “You know where that old barn is about fifty feet from the back of the bar?”
    “Yeah, it sits off the far end of the parking lot near the fringe of the woods.”
    “Right.  I want you to drag that bitch over there and dump her on the closest side of the barn.”
    “You said she’s unconscious, right?”
    “Yeah, she’s not going anywhere.”
    “Good.  Do you have anything to tie around her mouth in case she wakes up?”
    “Her Harley bandana,” said Gretchen.
    “Okay.  Use it on her.  I also want you to slap those handcuffs I gave you earlier on her.  After you’ve cuffed both wrists, lean her against the barn but make sure the cuffs are behind her.  I’ll be over in twenty-five minutes.”

    This story continues to get more brutal as the gang leader, one of the fattest high school girls in Ohio, meets up with the bloody and beaten Lexi, and aims to put an end to her.  Will Lexi survive? I'll write more about it if there's enough interest. Below are two pictures from Lexi's and Allison's fight. There's also another picture of Lexi standing by her boyfriend's motorcycle.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2022, 07:37:49 AM by bikemanrick »



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Re: Biker Chick Lexi's Confrontation With a Brutal Girl Gang
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2022, 02:45:51 PM »
....yes ...finish the story...  ;D


Offline biscuit747

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Re: Biker Chick Lexi's Confrontation With a Brutal Girl Gang
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2022, 06:53:33 PM »
Please continue this terrific story.


Offline tr0tz

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Re: Biker Chick Lexi's Confrontation With a Brutal Girl Gang
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2022, 08:25:44 PM »
Thank you for sharing this! And yes, please continue! Absolutely curious to know what happened at the barn. Would love to see Lexi getting stripped - and curious to know how her "career" continues.


Offline bikemanrick

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Re: Biker Chick Lexi's Confrontation With a Brutal Girl Gang
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2022, 06:51:04 AM »
Thanks for your interest in the story. This segment is called "Things Get Even Worse for Lexi." Lexi's fighting for her life here and hoping to get ot of her situation. Unfortunately, she's now up against one of the fattest high school girls in Ohio (age 18), who cares nothing for biker chicks and has victimized several of them in past fights. The potential brutality from such a fight is cringeworthy. Here goes . . .

“Okay.”  Gretchen looked over at the biker chick.  She was starting to feel sorry for her, but then dismissed the thought, remembering that she was a drug-dealing maggot.
     “Yes, I’m here.”
     “Did the woman drive to the bar?”
     “Yeah, she did.”
     “And did any of the girls see what type of car she drove?”
     “A white Corvette.”
     “Okay.  Have one of the girls pick up the car and drive it up to that peak above the lake. There’s an old parking lot up there.”
     “But I just sent the girls on their way.”
     “Then call them back, numbskull.”
     “Yeah, sure, boss.”
     “Knock off the boss shit.”
     “Okay.”  Gretchen’s throat churned.  She was starting to get a little scared about the situation.
     “You there, Metz?”
     “You’ll need to send two girls up to that old parking lot—one to drive the Corvette and the other to take her home when the job’s done.  Capish?”
     “Do you know where the woman’s keys are?”
     “They’re attached to a small chain at the front of her jeans.”
     “Okay.  Good.  Now, get going.  We don’t have all night.”
     Gretchen paused for a second.  “Are you going to kill her?”
     “What do you think? She's a drug-dealing biker chick."
     The girl’s response was so deep and solemn, a visceral chill speared through Gretchen.  She was starting to regret her rekindled interest in the girl gang.

     Lexi moaned as she awakened, but she could barely keep her eyes open.  Her stomach and back were killing her, and her face felt as if it had been fleeced with a butcher knife.  She felt the blood caked to her nose and mouth—and her lips felt like raw meat.
     Through slitted eyes, she tried to discern her surroundings.  The girls were now gone and she couldn’t see a thing.  But as her eyes adjusted to the moonlight above, she could tell she was sitting on the ground somewhere in the woods.  That meant she was still behind the bar somewhere.
     “Help!” she tried to shout, but she could barely work up a whisper.  Her Harley bandana was wrapped around her mouth, which rendered any further plea for help futile.
     Lexi’s back started aching even worse, so she tried to push herself up.  That’s when she discovered her hands were cuffed behind her. 
     “Shit,” she said.
     The back of her head lay against something hard.  She tried to turn her head to see what it was but got really nauseated.  She steadied the back of her head against the structure and took a deep breath to assuage the nausea.  She then pushed her bound hands back and touched the structure behind her.  It seemed like the side of a barn or shack. 
     Lexi closed her eyes for several seconds to mitigate some light-headedness that accompanied the nausea.  During this brief interlude, she tried to recall what she’d done wrong to get herself in this situation.  She then remembered that Wilson had ordered her to go out the back door of the bar.  It was a setup.
     Lexi opened her eyes, then closed them again.  The nausea was starting to subside, but she still felt ready to vomit.  She thought about the fight with the high school cheerleader.  The girl had really kicked her ass.  She remembered cringing when she saw Fab Five:  The Texas Cheerleader Scandal.  The movie depicted how brutal girls could be today, and there was no exaggeration in it.  The cheerleader had shown no mercy on Lexi as she beat her to a bloody pulp.
     Lexi opened her eyes again.  She gazed across a field to her left, which seemed to sprawl before her for hundreds of yards.  Straight ahead, she saw the woods and path the girls had walked her on, before she got the living crap beat out of her.
     Lexi was still staring at the path when she noticed some movement to her right.  She soon found herself staring at some large shadowy figure near a thick oak tree.
Lexi studied the figure, which was still for the moment.  But then the shadow started moving toward her. 
     “Oh no.” 
     Lexi’s heart started hammering.  She looked down and dug the heels of her cowboy boots into the soil beneath the grass, then pushed herself to a more upright position.  She closed her eyes for several seconds, then opened them, hoping that what she saw was just some kind of illusion.  Perhaps she had a concussion or something.
     Lexi gazed ahead.  The large shadowy figure was still there.  It tottered in from the right and continued approaching her.  It then stopped in front of her, towering above her seated form. 
The immense individual just stood there for several seconds, then reached down and yanked the bandana off Lexi’s mouth.  She yelped from the intense pain that surged through her lacerated lips.
     “Who are you?” cried Lexi.
     No response.  Lexi’s throat churned.  Her heart hammered.  She swallowed some clotted blood from her nose.
     “Who are you?”
      “Your worst nightmare, biker cxnt.”  It was a girl.  Her voice was a bit deep because of her humongous size. Lexi estimated her to be about six-six and over four hundred pounds.  “And keep your voice down or I’ll knock you the f*ck out.”
     Lexi gazed up at the girl’s face, which she couldn’t make out.  “Please.  I just want to go home and forget this night.”
     “You mean forget how you’re contributing to the addiction of minors?”
     Lexi’s throat churned again.  She took a deep breath as her anxiety surged--heart pumping fiercly--then let it out.
     “I’m sorry.  I truly am.  I admit I shouldn’t have been doing this.  It’s completely against my character.”
     “Is that right?”  The girl stepped toward her.
     “Is that your way of making amends, biker chick?”
     “No,” said Lexi.  “But I’m very sorry for what I did.  And if you let me go, I won’t say anything about you or the other girls.”
     “Ha . . . ha . . . ha," the girl chuckled.  Her resonating voice sent shivers through Lexi.  "Gee thanks, Precious, but that’s not the way things work around here.”
     Lexi yanked on the handcuffs behind her back.  “Oh,” she cried, as she felt a sharp pain at the top of her shoulder.  She looked up at the girl again.  “Please don’t hurt me.  I’m already injured.  I might even need to go to the hospital.”
     “If you’re looking for sympathy, forget it, bitch.  I have no sympathy for you and the other strippers and biker whores.”
     “But I don’t strip at the bar.  I dance on the bar in jeans and boots.  See, just like I have on now.”  Lexi held her right boot up.
      “Put your boot down before I break your leg.”
    Lexi's throat churned.   “Okay . . .  okay.  Sorry.” 
     Lexi dropped her boot to the ground. 
     “Stop blubbering, you little bitch.”
     “Okay.  I’m so sorry.  I really am. I'm just scared. You're a very big girl.”
     "You calling me fat, cxnt?"
     No.  I'm sorry.  I . . .I"
      “Stop apologizing, you f*cking stripper slut.”
     “Sure.  Whatever you say.”  And intense wave of anxiety shot through Lexi. She felt ready to piss her jeans. :P
     “You know what I see?”
     “What?” said Lexi.
     “I see a maggot little biker chick who sells drugs to kids, then makes a nice profit from it.”
     “But like I—”
     “Shut the f*ck up, bitch!”
     “Okay.  I’m sorry.  I really am.”
      “You just said that, cxnt.”
      Lexi looked down at the ground between her legs.  Her throat churned again but she didn’t have any saliva or wet blood left to swallow.  Her mouth was parched, and she felt weak.
The girl took another step toward Lexi, then bent her huge form forward.  In a flash, she grabbed the ankles of Lexi’s boots and pulled her away from the barn.  She then spun her around and dropped her on her stomach.  The fronts of Lexi’s boots plopped to the ground, landing with a thud as her nose and mouth struck the dirt.  She wailed as the pain surged in her face, tits pressed against the ground.
      “What are you doing?” she cried, as the handcuffs behind her back seemed to tighten.  “I can’t breathe down here.”
     “Shut up.”
     “Okay.  Okay.  Please.  Just don’t hurt me.”
     Lexi felt the girl grab the back pocket of her Levi’s.  She then reached inside it and pulled out the cash.
     Lexi lay on the right side of her face.  Her shoulders felt as if they were pulling apart from the sockets.  An excruciating pain surged through her jaw.
     “Seven hundred fifty dollars.  Is that what you collected from the bar?”
     Lexi eyes were closed as she fought the pain in her face and shoulders.  She didn’t respond.  The girl kicked the bottom of her crotch and ass crack.
     “Answer me, bitch.”
     “All right.  I’m going to take the handcuffs off you.”
     “If you put up struggle when these cuffs come off, it’s your ass.  You hear me, little biker chick?”
      The huge girl undid the cuffs.  She then grabbed the front of Lexi’s left shoulder and flipped her on her back.  Lexi winced as the pain in her shoulders surged even more.  She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip.  She then looked up at the huge girl—with her legs and boots splayed in front of her, hands raised in a pleading manner.
     “You biker chicks never learn, do you?”
     “What do you mean?”
     “You keep selling drugs to kids at the high school.”
     “We have to do what the bikers tell us.”
     “Well, the bikers sure don’t have your welfare at heart.  As long as they keep sending you women out, we’ll send you back in body bags.”
     Lexi’s heart sank and her body weakened as the girl took a step toward her.  “You're the one who almost killed my friend Cheryl, aren't you?”
     “That was an accident.  She ran into my fist."  The girl chuckled.  "We keep sending you biker chicks warnings, but you never take us seriously.  Well, it’s about time you and your friends start taking us seriously because we mean business.”
     “I know you do,” Lexi whispered.  “Believe me, I do.”
     “Get up!”
     “I said get your skinny ass up.”
     Lexi pushed herself up on her elbows as she studied the girl’s face.  She couldn’t discern much about her appearance other than she had black hair.
     “Come on, bitch.  I don’t have all night.”
     Lexi got to a seated position, but when she tried to stand, she fell backward against the barn and dropped to her ass.
     “Okay, let me help you,” the girl said.  She grabbed Lexi’s thin wrist and pulled her to her feet.  Lexi took a deep breath as she leaned against the barn.  She eyed the massive girl and felt a weakness course through her knees.  She was terrified to her core and her pussy throbbed from the recent crotch kick.  Even from a standing position, the girl was more than a head taller than her—and she was as wide as a barnyard door, which made Lexi quiver.
     “I know what you’re thinking bitch, but I strongly advise against it.”
     Lexi sensed the girl was going to kill her.  And though she only had a snowball’s chance in hell of getting away from the girl in her condition, it didn’t stop her from trying.  She lunged to her left and sprinted toward the field, but her legs wouldn’t cooperate.  The girl caught her in mid stride, grabbed the back of her hair and hurled her against the barn.
     Lexi’s back hit the structure, then her head.  She arched her back, bit her lower lip and grimaced in agony. The biker chick then pissed the front of her Levi's.  She was already seeing stars when the girl smashed her in the face with her oversized fist.  And when Lexi’s body fell forward--nose smashed like a popped cherry, front teeth now protruding through lower lip--the huge girl picked her up, turned her around and slammed her face-first into the side of the barn.  Lexi plopped to the ground like a dead fish..

« Last Edit: September 07, 2022, 08:57:07 AM by bikemanrick »