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Cops and Robbers

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Offline DarkKnight9980

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Cops and Robbers
« on: April 03, 2023, 09:17:21 PM »
Cops and Robbers
Betty reached her flats door with a groan. Her day hadn't exactly been the best. She is a young police officer who walks the streets. When not being heckled by people who think the police are as bad as the crooks, she has to chase after arseholes who think it is great business to shoplift or steal off old people, along with some other nasty scenes.

"God I can't wait to get my feet up" Betty mumbled to herself as she placed her forehead on her red door. The twenty five year old blonde was in her white T-shirt, black dress pants and boots with her black Fitbit watch on her left wrist and a gold pendant around her neck her mother had given her the day she graduated university.

Getting through the door and locking it quickly behind her. She'd had neighbours calling her all sorts after all the reports showing there were a bunch of reported bad police officers. Betty wasn't one of them though, if anything she still had a firm spark of justice and didn't see where there were any bad officers.

Once inside she took off her boots by the door and threw off her black socks to the floor, before stretching her arms with a groan till she heard a noise. Her ears perked up and instinctively she clenched her fists as she looked around with slightly narrowed eyes. She didn't yell out as she didn't want to give the potential thief or thieves a chance to get a weapon to attack her.

Moving through the living room area. She didn't find anyone in her small kitchen. Moving on she tried to be we quiet as she could be. Wondering if she was being paranoid. She then heard it again and went to her bedroom, maybe the bastard was stealing her jewellery, she didn't have much but still, it was hers!

Opening the door to the bedroom; her eyes went wide as she saw a brunette sitting with her back to her, the grim reaper tattoo on the back of this topless woman though she recognised. Yelling "Cheryl! What the fuck are you doing?!" With Cheryl turning around with a face identical to Betty's, see this was Betty's twin.

Growing up you'd think being twins they would be the best of friends or at the very least would have some form of sisterly bond. The truth was though that both simply saw the other as an annoyance and arguably as their biggest enemy in life. Cheryl of course was a natural blonde like her sister but had dyed her hair when they turned eighteen. Almost as a way to show the world she was her own woman after years of people mistaking the two.

The other difference was how their lifes turned out. Growing up at first they would be around each other all the time. Had the same friends, forced to play together till they got old enough to understand that they hated each other, thus begun the brawling between them, getting so bad they fought at school on the football field several times. Leading to their parents being told to maybe send them to separate schools.

That's what led to really any chance of them reconciling ending. Both went on different paths from that point on. Betty became a model student at school, she kept their friends and became the woman she is today. Cheryl on the other hand made new friends who were not exactly the best of people, she'd be done for shoplifting at sixteen and at eighteen was getting into fights in nightclubs. Ending up getting kicked out by their parents as they saw her as the black sheep of the family.

In the present Cheryl turned around with a yawn and replied in a terse tone "thought you'd be happy to see me." Turning around to face her sister. Betty shook her head and turned around as she got an eye full of her siblings breasts. Cheryl scoffed at her sisters reaction, telling her "oh fuck sake sis... You have them too." Reaching to grab her black "ACDC" T-Shirt to put on.

Storming out the door to stand in her living room. Betty turned and yelled "get the fuck out her Cheryl! You are not staying!" Not happy to see her sibling one bit. Especially with how her day had went, she didn't need this headache on her doorstep. Especially with Cheryl having spent time in jail not long before, that's the last she heard about her sister and robbing a old woman when she was twenty.

Cheryl put on her black skirt that hid her black lace knickers. She stared hatefully at Betty as she stepped out the bedroom. Cheryl says to Betty "I need somewhere to stay you stuck up pig. We are sisters after all." With Betty shaking her head, replying "we might be blood but you I don't have a sister." Making Cheryl's face darken.

Both siblings felt their hearts racing. Instincts took over as both rushed each other and latched onto each others hair. Yanking each other around into light blue painted walls as their bare feet tried to grip onto the red carpet below. Hissing into each others faces as their eyes met in an intense stare, feeling strands of hair come out.

"I fucking hate you pig" said Cheryl, knowing that would get under her twins skin. Betty roared as she surged forwards in a fit of rage, banging Cheryl against a wall with a thud. Betty not caring what the neighbours thought at that moment, instead flowing with pure hatred for her own twin.

In that fit of anger; Betty didn't sense the knee that would hammer between her legs that made her cry out. Cheryl smirked as she drove back the blonde onto a sofa. Laughing into her face as she yells "you always were such an easily bitch to rile up!" With Betty snarling at her as still they held each others hair, Cheryl's knees either side of Betty's legs as Betty sat on the sofa and felt her head being pushed back at an awkward angle.

"I will always hate you" said Betty through gritted teeth. She let go of Cheryl's hair with her right hand to rake at the face of the brunette, scratching her cheek to make Cheryl hiss as her head turned away and Betty was able to push at Cheryl's chest to knock her onto the coffee table with a loud crash, with a coffee mug flying off and Cheryl groaning as she rubbed her back.

Both women rubbed their sore areas as Cheryl rolled off the table to all fours, rubbing her back as Betty rubs between her legs. As Cheryl pushes up to all fours, Betty pushes off the sofa to kick her sister in her side to make her cry out. Screaming "you fucking break into my house! You think I would have you here after all the shit I put up with you!" Stamping on the stomach of her bitter enemy to make her gasp.

The next time she does it Cheryl catches her right foot in her hands, twisting the ankle to make Betty cry out as she stumbles back hobbling. Shaking her ankle to try to get rid of the pain, hoping it was just sore and nothing serious as she looks down at it. Not needing to be taking any days off work.

All the while Cheryl is back up to her feet catching her breath before she steps in a slugs her sister with a right to her cheek. Back stumbles Betty as she cries out, now it's Cheryl in control as she whacks in a few punches square to her sisters face. Drawing first blood as she causes blood to flow from the nostrils of the police woman. Some dripping onto her crisp white shirt as Betty is worked back to a wall.

"You always were a pussy Betty! Mum gave me a key to get in!" Roars Cheryl as she grabs Betty by her throat with her left hand, right fist cocked back in a warning that more punishment was coming. Betty spat in her face in reply and as Cheryl turns her head, Betty cracks her near her left eye with a right hook.

Neither sibling was holding back as Betty swung in punches, Cheryl happy to fist fight her as neither showed much defence. Betty had learned self defence but her sibling always brought the worst out in her. Cheryl had swelling around her left eye. Cheeks reddened up on both as they loved the feel of their knuckles cracking onto the face of the woman they hated the most in this world.

Ending up clinched up with Cheryl now bleeding from a cut lip. They both snarl at each other as they feel the firm body of their sister against theirs. Cheryl had worked out in prison, while of course Betty had hit the gym ever since the day she wanted to be a police officer at sixteen. They both dug in punches to each others kidneys with a free hand, each could feel the hot breath of their opponent on their necks and ears.

Betty snarled "mum didn't want anything to do with you liar... You are the loser of the family..." Making Cheryl cry out in her own fit of rage. Grabbing onto Betty's hair as she drove her back into the bedroom this all really started in. They tripped up and soon both were side to side on the bed. With Cheryl furiously ripping at the shirt of her sister, she was stained with flicks of blood on. Betty roared back as she rips at the t-shirt of her sibling.

Insults were flying between them. Cheryl making sure to call Betty a pig, while Betty called her sibling a natural born loser, along with other nasty insults flying between them. Their tops were torn open down the middle to bare their torsos, Betty was disgusted that Cheryl hadn't put back on a bra. Making Cheryl smirk as she see the expression.

Soon they are rolling around the bed, knocking pillows off to the floor as Betty could feel her sisters skirt ride up and feel some dampness on her pants. Realising her sister was getting off on fighting her. Betty couldn't believe Cheryl. What the fuck was going on in her mind thought Betty as they had hair littering around them. For Cheryl she had accepted long ago after her first nightclub brawl that she loved to fight, maybe she should have used that motivation to go to MMA or boxing classes to become a pro fighter instead of a street fighter.

Instead here were the sisters. Fighting like two street fighters. Digging in fists to bodies as they both start panting, coated in sweat as they fight for the victory. Wanting to rub in they were the superior sister. Till both are laying side by side in an embrace as they catch their breath. Neither saying a word as they lock eyes, foreheads touching as their hot breath mingles.

Soon enough they get sick of the sight of each other and push apart. Cheryl standing up pacing near the door as Betty yells "get out skank!" Making Cheryl stop to stare with narrowed eyes at her. Seeing how wild the blondes hair was, knowing her own has to be in the same state, blood on their tits.

Reaching for her T-shirt and pulling it off and throwing it behind Betty, grabbing her skirt next to pull it down and kicks it at Betty's chest. Cheryl hisses "oh I am proud of who I am. How about you Bets. Fight me for real you cxnt." Making Betty snarl back at her. Deep down the police woman knew that she wanted to fight her own twin in a nasty brawl. Wanted to fight dirty as she slowly took off her shirt, seeing Cheryl lick her lips as she took off her bra to bare her own breasts, next came her dress pants as both sisters looked each other over.

Grabbing each others tits in their greedy fingers. Dragging each other around as they snarl in the small bedroom. Eyes tearing up as they feel furrows slowly being dug into their 32D breasts, seeing who can take the punishment better, who was stronger as they are doing what they had wanted to do to each other for all their lives. To rip the others breasts off their chests as they looked at each other in their bedroom. Spitting at each other as they exchanged insults.

Getting in closer as they changed tactics slightly. A headbutt comes from Cheryl into Betty's face to make her nose bleed worse. Betty crying as she found herself now on the back foot. Cheryl driving her back into a wardrobe with a loud thud as it rattled. Cheryl whispering "you never could do what was needed." Before hammering her right knee again into the blondes pussy.

Down crumbled Betty to her knees as she sobbed. Holding both hands between her legs as Cheryl stared furiously at her. Cocking back her right fist she hammers Betty into her face and down goes the blonde to her back. Lights out for the police woman as she goes down to her back with a thud.

It took a few minutes for Betty to wake up. She groans as she sits up, spitting out some blood as she turns to all fours, seeing blonde hair around her. Moaning to herself "god.. we really tore at each others heads." Needing more time before she was able to stand up to her feet.

Stumbling out to her living room, Betty couldn't see her sister. All she could think was "thank god!" As she walked over to her bathroom. Washing her face of blood as she shuts her eyes. Opening her eyes after drying her face with an old towel, Betty let out a terrified scream. Her reflection showed that her hair had been cut right down! Cheryl had not even done it in a tasteful way, just cut chunks out as she looked down to see a set of scissors with blonde hair stuck in the blades. Sliding down the wash basin to sit against it, legs bent up to her chest as she cried hard into her legs. How could she go to work looking like this, marked up and humiliated.

Once she let out her emotions. She pushed to her feet again and walked into the living room to find a note on her coffee table. Picking it up to read "dear Bets. I was willing to let us start fresh, mum and me have been talking since I came out of prison and made peace. I needed a place to crash and of course you acted like such a bitch. You have had everything handed to you, our friends, a better school, while I have fought to be who I am. So I gave you one final present Bets." Who threw the note down in anger.

"Blaming me for your life! You fucking bitch!" Roared Betty as she wanted something to punch. Wishing Cheryl was there for a second round, instead she sits back on her sofa, not caring that it was covered in hair, just needing time to sit and think about how much she hates her twin. Fists clenched as she stared ahead with a cold fury.

All the while Cheryl walked the streets wondering where to go. She had really went looking to fix things with Betty but now they were worse then ever, she didn't want to be back on the streets or back in with her old crew. She didn't have anywhere to go so knocking on a white door in a rundown street. Seeing her old friend Natalie open the door, hoping that Natalie wouldn't ask her to do a job for her.


Offline Wolfking12

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Re: Cops and Robbers
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2023, 02:31:38 AM »
This is a really good story would love to see it continued,  maybe even a reconciliation at the end especially if it gets steamy.


Offline Dirty bad bitch

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Re: Cops and Robbers
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2023, 04:38:42 PM »
Wow, a hawt story this one too!  ;) :-*
Let's rumble, bitch ... let's see what you've got, slut!