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The Fight of the unsuspected heroine !

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Offline maskedwriter

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The Fight of the unsuspected heroine !
« on: December 23, 2022, 12:16:50 PM »
The Fight of the unsuspected heroine !

By The Masked Writer
Well, sometimes you think you left the past behind you and it has a way of catching up with you. This is exactly what happened to the guy who wrote me this letter…

Hi, Masked Writer,

I think this story would interest you. It was the scariest thing that ever happened to me but I survived this with a new respect and love for my wife.

I must say that, a few years back, I had to stand in the witness box for the trial of one of my neighbors, -let’s call her Rockie- who ran a nasty drug ring, also involved in shylocking and bullying of all sorts. Later, me and my wife moved to another area of the country and we never gave it a thought. I should have paid more attention to the threats “Rockie” had shouted at me after her sentencing.

It happened the day my wife Rachel and I went hiking in the mountain nearby. I had to convince her to come because she never was much of a great outdoor girl and, what’s more, the weather was hot at that time and she hates the heat. But she loves swimming and I told her I knew a spot where there was a beautiful little lake. So, she finally decided to come along.

At times I almost regretted it as she was hissing and cursing all along as we were walking uphill on trails that are, I must say, pretty steeps in some places. I had always thought Rachel was quite in shape, but I found out that, in spite a slim figure, at 5ft8 and 125 pounds, which makes her look younger than her 40 year-old, her fitness left much to be desired. I had to help her more than a few times to climb some big rocks as she could not pull her weight up those with her small packsack on her back. What seemed weird also is that every now and then she thought we were followed.

-Probably some animal!  don’t worry I said.

Now that was stupid.

We had to stop at one place because she was exhausted and out of breath. I told her:

-I would have thought you are better than that.

She answered with some anger in her voice :

-Oh! I don’t meet the standard of Mr. Tarzan of the Jungle!

-It is not that but I remember you used to keep in shape, go to the gym, go running…

-That was 20 years ago! Since we had the kid I never could find the time to exercise as regularly. I still do it from time to time but I am not consistent about it. I play tennis with some friends and go to the swimming pool once in a while but it is more relaxation than real exercise.

“20 years! How time flies” I thought.
So, we started walking again and she complained again that she heard somebody walking in the bush, and the sound of pebbles rolling down a slope. I laughed it off.

I should have listened.
Finally, we got to the lake. I spotted clearing a little higher. It was out of sight of the lake itself but perfect for settling in and grabbing a bite to eat. So, we stopped there.

 I started unpacking the stuff we bought for lunch while my wife changed into her one-piece black swimsuit and went swimming. I noticed that she still had a beautiful figure and she disappeared behind the brush. I was a little excited. Then I heard her take a dip in the lake.

That is when I heard a movement in the bush behind me and before I could move,  something hit me on the head and I fell on my knee. A pair of hand grabbed my wrist and I felt the cold metal of a pair of handcuffs closing on them. One more second and my ankles were tied the same way and someone pushed me in the back. I fell brutally, face first.

Then I heard the voice:

-Well, well, well, snitch! Now I am the one who got you!

A cold shiver ran along my spine, and I felt my stomach freeze.

I stayed still a moment, the time I stopped seeing candles then I turned on my back to see who attacked me. And I saw her.

Rockie. 5 feet 5 and about 156 pounds of hate, anger and grudge.

She is there. Standing with her curly black hair and her Latina light brown skin, in shorts and tied shirt, showing her waist, legs and arms. Big boobs, strong, muscular legs. Now she has some love handles and her arms well not so well defined. Ten years in jail had not been kind to her. She still cut out an impressive figure, though, at 50 something.

She towers over me, and I am completely powerless.

-Did you think I would not find you, eventually ? Just because you moved to another state? It is insulting!

The truth is, I had hoped that she would have forgotten about me by the time she was out of jail. I was obviously wrong. When she left the tribunal after having been found guilty of drug trafficking because of my testimony in court, she had sworn she would get at me.

I did not take seriously, at the time. I underestimated her. After all she was our neighbor. That is why I found out about her “business”. But she knew as much about me as I knew about her. Probably more.

With a pleasurable grin, she sends me a right kick in the balls.
I cringe in pain.
When the tears clear up, I see her again. This time she holds a knife in her right hand. She raises it above her head, ready to stab me. Then a noise. Thud! And Rockie falls on all four, dropping the knife. It falls in the bush, out of sight. Then I see my wife, holding a large dead branch, about the size of a baseball bat. She is still in her swimsuit and she has a terrified look on her face. She never seemed more beautiful to me. She hits the knife with the branch like she would a golf ball, sending it away in the bush. Then she looks at me and throws the branch away and crouches beside me.

-Where did she put the keys? She asks.

I understand her concern and worry but this was a mistake. For Rockie is down, but far from out.

While my darling wife is trying to figure out what to do, the biker girl scrambles to her feet and, after a second, throws herself on Rachel, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her backwards, throwing her violently to the ground. She then turns towards me and looks around for the knife.  She can’t see it. Then she says:

-I won’t need it!
She  turns towards Rachel, who had got back on her feet.

-Now, Barbie girl! I am going to kill you with my hands and your husband is going to have to watch !

Rachel never was much into physical violence and I can tell she is scared shit. Nevertheless, she puts on a brave face.
-Go for it! she says.

And go for it she does. Rockie rushes head first and tackle Rachel right in the stomach. I can hear my wife exhale sharply as air is ejected from her lungs and she falls backwards, dragging Rockie down with her.
But contrary to what I expected Rachel is not instantly knocked out. I see her grab her opponent's face to push her away and try to free herself. The two women roll on the ground covered with leaves and branches. I hear them panting and huffing. My sweetheart manages to encircle her opponent's plump waist with her long legs and I see her squeeze to take Rockie’s breath away.

But, as I feared, the older woman IS stronger. Grabbing Rachel’s wrists, she slowly but steadily takes her hands away from her face. Then she rolls onto her side, using her weight to bring my wife under her. Rachel continues to hug Rockie's waist with her legs but I can see she's starting to tire. Rockie finally manages to regain the upper hand and Rachel finds herself on her back. Rockie then pushes off the ground with her feet, straightening up and lifting Rachel off the ground. She then drops to her knees, Rachel's back hitting the ground hard and taking her breath away. My beloved leg scissor loosens.
The biker then uses her weight to pin Rachel's wrists to the ground. She pulls them together and holds them with her left hand. From her right, she clenches her fist and punches Rachel in the face. I shiver as I hear the shock of the biker's knuckles against her jaw. Rachel's legs let go and her body went limp. It's over, I think.

Rockie now gets up, panting. She must have been here long before us because she is obviously not in great shape and she would have been out of breath when I saw her first, if she had been just arriving. She had time to set the trap too.

-Now! Where were we? she said walking towards me. I feel weak. My leg is bleeding.

But suddenly, a miracle seems to happen : Rachel gets up and dives into Rockie’s legs. Tackling her on the ground! Either she was not as stunned as I thought, or she was playing possum. Smart girl.

Rockie falls face down, exhaling a painful sigh, gasping for air. Moreover, her forehead hit a stone and is bleeding profusely. She is visibly upset.
Rachel climbs onto his back and wraps her arm around his throat, trying to choke her.

But the rocker is not beaten, far from it, she tries to get up but can't do it with the weight of my wife on her back. Her face is getting blue. She then rolls to the side, which allows Rachel to take her in a body scissor again. Rockie tries to elbow but, Rachel being thinner than her, she mostly hits the ground. Then, Rockie grabs my wife’s delicate wrist and start pulling her arms apart. Rachel struggles to keep her strangleholds but the rocker girl is stronger and she manages to give her throat enough space to take a deep breath.

Color comes back to her face and she starts twisting her body so that she can, finally, send an elbow into Rachel’s ribs. Rachel exhales all the air from her lungs with a pained grimace on her beautiful face. Instinctively, she lets go. Her legs release their grip on her opponent's plump waist, and she rolls onto her side, breathing heavily.

But Rockie is not so hot either. She manages to get up, heavily, clumsily even, her face red and short of breath. Rachel does the same, not much faster and her long legs are shaking and have trouble keeping her upright.

Both women stare at each other, exhausted but with a determined look on their face. My Rachel’s pale skin is covered in scratches and bruises. Rockie looks no better.

Finally, Rockie throws a punch to Rachel’s face. It is weak and clumsy but my wife is so tired that she trips as she tries to step back and falls on her backside. Rockie tries to go and sit on her, hoping to catch Rachel in a schoolgirl pin but then, Rachel surprises me again. She lift her right leg and kicks the biker right in the cxnt.
I did not expect that from my sweet wife.

Rockie, believe me, didn’t expect it either. She moans and falls like a log, holding her pussy with both hands and her face bee-red, blinded with tears.

I can’t hold my self and shouts : Attagirl ! Finish her!

But my darling is exhausted. She painfully gets up on her knees, breathing hard and covered in leaves, dirt and small branches that sticks to her sweat covered skin. Her opponent is also coming to her senses and tries to get back up.

Rockie throws a punch but misses by a mile. Rachel tries to jump on her but she is too tired, her weakened legs don’t lift her and she falls on her back again. Rockie crawls to her and she throws herself flat on her prone opponent and begins to beat her with clumsy punches to the ribs and the stomach. She then sits on Rachel’s torso and grabs her throat, trying to strangle her.

Rachel she may jiggle as much as she can, the weight of her opponent takes her breath away and her clumsy punches alongside the ex-con are too weak to have any effect. She grabs Rockie's wrists in an attempt to loosen the choke hold but doesn't have enough strength. I see her long legs move more and more slowly. Finally, she grabs the little finger of her opponent's left hand and tugs on it with all the strength she has left. She bends it upside down and Rockie lets out a howl of pain, finally letting go. She proceeds to smack Rachel in the face with her other hand, forcing her to let go of her little finger to protect her face with her arms. Rockie swears between her teeth and stops punching, massaging her probably broken finger with her good hand. She leans forward in pain.
It's her fatal mistake.

I see Rachel's eyes looking around her and, at the same time as me, she sees a pebble about the size of an apple. She stretches out her right arm, manages to grab it in her hand, and, gathering her last strength, hits Rockie's bent head with it.

She collapses on the side, stunned.
There is a moment of silence, then I realize that the biker is not moving. She's definitely K.O.

I am so surprised -and elated- that it takes me a good 3 seconds before I say :

-Search her! She must have the keys to those handcuffs!

It takes another 2 seconds for my words to reach Rachel’s mind and another one for her exhausted body to start moving. With hesitant and heavy gestures, she searches Rockie’s shorts and, sure enough, in her back pocket, finds the keys.

She then slowly crawls towards me, on all four, and clumsily begins to unlock the handcuff holding my wrists. Then I hear a painful moan and I see Rockie’s body beginning to move.
I also see fear on Rachel’s face. Frantically and awkwardly, she tries to insert the key in the lock. Finally, a neat “click” tells me she succeeded. But then I see Rockie getting back on her knees, then her feet.

Rachel tries to open the handcuff holding my ankles but her hands are shaking, both with fear and exhaustion. Finally, she put the keys in my hands and tells me : do it yourself !

And then she gets on her feet and faces Rockie who is walking with blood on her face, through which I can see an expression of rage.

While I frantically open the cuffs, Rachel attacks Rockie. Or more like: try to attack. She is exhausted and as no gas left. She has barely raised her hands to grab the biker girls throat that the latter punches her in the gut. Rachel doubles over with a “Ooof!” and her legs soften and her knees bend. As she collapses, Rockie lands a knee that hits her jaw with a snap. Rachel collapses, folding up like a puppet whose wires have been cut and remains on the ground, inert.
But in the meantime, I managed to free my legs. In a second I'm on my feet and I rush to Rockie who panics when she sees me. She's exhausted too, and anyway I'm a good 30 pounds heavier than her.
Before she makes a move, I send her a direct right to the jaw. She falls on her back, K.O.
Wasting no time, I pick up the handcuffs and bind her arms and legs before she wakes up. Then I can take care of Rachel who, it turns out, is already beginning to wake up.

Then she asks me :

-Are you okay?

SHE worries about me!

I kiss her and think I never loved her that much.

The End


Offline krispin

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Re: The Fight of the unsuspected heroine !
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2022, 07:17:59 PM »
Fantastic story.
I missed you a lot. Please write more and more stories.
I do love the weaker slimmer wife fighting bravely. At the end she is defeated and saved by her man. Perfect.