best lunch restaurants wilmington ncThe realization that you aren’t as good as someone else was a harsh reality for Lacey Chabert. She was top dog for so many years, so well rounded and able to win a fight no matter what. Then Jillian Murray took it all away. They took each other beyond what they felt was their limit in the fight. Two days after the fight she got a text from Jillian “So what are we?”
She looked at her answer everyday “I don’t know” She didn’t. To go that far against another woman and lose so closely then be humiliated. It was hard on her; she didn’t hate Jillian she only hated one woman and that was Danielle Harris.
Danielle actually showed up at her house days after her fight with Jillian and dragged her outside then beat her unconscious. That needed to be avenged but she wanted a true challenge first. She was speaking with friend Jenna Dewan who she was in a movie with and Jenna showed her something “Megan Fox wants to fight me… Seriously how long have I wanted to try her out? So exciting.”
Lacey walked out and looked back at her friend who for years wanted to rematch Jessica Lowndes only to have her wish granted and lose again. Maybe that’s what she should do before looking for Danielle Harris. She got Jessica’s information and it didn’t take long to get a reply
“Fight Lacey Chabert, hells to the yeah”
Jessica and Lacey met at a studio and Jessica immediately took off her shirt. Lacey took off hers and heard a gasp “Wow you got some serious artillery.”
“I know things are good with you and Jenna now.”
“Because I beat her again.”
Lacey forced a smile she didn’t like that comment at all. “After she watched you and Vanessa, she knew her feud with you is over and really she never wanted one. There’s only one-woman Jenna has longed to fight and was willing to put it all on the line.”
“Yeah who’s that.”
“Megan Fox.”
“I’d pay to watch that, but I bet more people would pay to watch me take your place on the who you don’t want to fight list.” Lacey stepped forward “Then again Jillian already did that didn’t she.”
Lacey pressed her breasts against Jessica’s then felt Jessica press back. “Impressive maybe at some point we’ll find ourselves in a situation where boob strength comes in and you will find out where you measure.”
“Top of the heap, Jillian knocked you off the mountain I’m putting you down to the ground.”
Lacey could feel it she was out gunned by this woman. This woman Jessica Lowndes was in as good of shape as Jillian but with larger tits. The thoughts of Jillian made her worry, the paranoia of Danielle Harris made her sweat so she tried to boob push Jessica away but couldn’t and now she looked at Jessica who was smiling.
Jessica used her boobs and thrusted sent Lacey to the ground. “Honestly, that’s a question I’ve asked myself for so long. How would my tits stand up to the legendary artillery of Lacey Chabert? Now I know” Jessica giggled
“You laughing at me.”
Lacey was up and mad. Jessica could see that “Yeah what are you going to do about it.”
Lacey threw a punch which Jessica parried and slapped Lacey in the back of the head putting her back down. “Come on Chabert or did Jillian break you so much your afraid to fight.”
Lacey took a look at the door then got up “I appreciate your mind games but its not Jillian on my mind. Its.”
“The woman in front of you and…” Jessica went for a punch which Lacey blocked then grabbed Jessica by the pants pulled her forward and hit tits on tits and put Jessica down
“And that was damn impressive. I still cant believe my tits went against Lacey Chaberts this si surreal.”
“You need to stop with that we are here to fight.”
Jessica got up “I know but I just… your Lacey Chabert and I feel like I should be kicking Murrays ass for hurting your reputation.”
“Well you are here for me not her.”
“Alright I need to focus up. My dream castmate and a body that I always wanted to challenge….Focus up” Jessica went to slap Lacey but it was to telegraphed and she got hit with a slap
Jessica stumbled then got back her balance “You slap as hard as they say…Maybe I shouldn’t be challenging Jillian if she withstood that and put you down.”
“Issues between Jillian and I are over you cant use her to get into my head.”
Jessica pushed at Lacey then shoved her again “You don’t get it I’m not trying to get in your head I’m trying to get mine going.”
“How would you feel if I were Van…” Lacey couldn’t stop Jessica whose inability to get ggoing was lost and she had a first step toward lacey then a hand on her throat she pushed Lacey back
“don’t ask don’t say .” She hit three hard overhand slaps to Lacey just above the temple
Jessica pulled Lacey away and hit a punch to the stomach “Vanessa Hudgens, Lea Michelle and that egotistical crowd want to think theyre better than me. You wan… You aren’t them you are…”
Lacey came over Jessicas arm and hit a punch “The woman you are fighting now. Don’t take pity on me we both want to know.”
Lacey then grabbed Jessica by the hair pulled her and turned slamming the younger woman into the wall “I can respect you and fight you.” Lacey paused looked behind her shoulder and Jessica grabbed Lacey by the hair and turned her slammed Lacey
Lacey went for Jessica’s hair and Jessica grabbed both arms and slammed them into the wall. A moment thinking about what she was about to do and Jessica slammed her tits into Lacey’s and the air that released from Lacey made Jessica smile. “Have you ever felt that before?”
Lacey got a arm free and hit her bicep into Jessica’s ear then got her other free and got that hand in the hair and began to climb up the wall until it was to much for Jessica who fell with Lacey on top. Now it was Jessica’s tits who got compressed and she gasped “So many times” Lacey said backed up and shook her arm
Jessica slowly got up “So you’re into the fight now, right?”