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A Vacation to Remember

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Offline DottiD

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A Vacation to Remember
« on: March 01, 2023, 08:05:37 PM »
( Hey All a new Peggy story for you as i am still going through her old series)

A Vacation to Remember

Hi All, Amber here so, Mom and I were at home the other day and she was packing for the big move. No she did not lose her town she basically retired on top and handed the town off to her second best.

Anyway we were packing all the bras she won in bins and afterward she pulled out one of those slide under the bed containers . In it were a ton of photos in envelopes all were marked.

So naturally we went through a bunch of when i was a child, a bunch before i came along as well. I found one envelope marked vacation, I asked her why this particular one was separate from the others, Peggy walked over and took my hand then the envelop and with a smirk replies, “Come with me , we need a break and your gonna wanna hear about this vacation.

As i got up and we went to the den, we sat on the sofa facing the sunroom, where Peggy fought so many in the house prior,and where i first learned that she did.

So we both had wine and we sat and she opened the envelope, all of this is my description from Peggy told me.  So it was shortly before i came along, Peggy had won a big fight and was paid off for it.  It was enough she and Dad were able to take a long vacation and he was able to get his scheduled vacation and used a few extra days he had banked at work.

With the trip not costing them a dime who could blame them, anyway she and Dad drove down to Mexico. They saw a few sights and beaches and partied a bit.  Now as you know about Peggy , she never intentionally went anywhere looking for a fight, other than if some whore was after Dad.  But she was always ready and never denied any woman a fight.

So part of the trip was a driving tour they mapped out prior to leaving of a few small villages to hit for fun on the way home. There was no particular reason for the longer trip home other than seeing if some of the towns even still existed .

After several pictures of a few ghost towns and a few that had maybe 150 people to them if that. One photo was turned the opposite direction, when mom came across it on the back was writing, Peggy ran her thumb over it as if she wanted to wipe it away.

I questioned mom what was it about that picture had her drift off a moment. She smiled  a bit but not a warm one. She turned the photo over and it was a scenic picture of a cobblestone like  road and walk way of the villages square, with a gorgeous fountain .

A few shops surrounded it and a cantina, the name on the sign was scrapped up from years of sand blown across it, and the rains and sun beating down on it. The town was no where near a tourist hot spot, in fact other than a lost traveler or someone knowing exactly where to go, only the locals knew of the town or the bar.

Now to set the scene for it, think of an old western style entrance, if you had a car it was parked along the back of any of the shops . You had to enter through a entrance with an arch all made from block.

It was made in the 1800’s rumor has it the infamous Billy the Kid  would lay low here from time to time. Anyway mom and dad came across it on the way home and mom figured if any deals were to be found on antiques or any items , she would get them dirt cheap.

Peggy was in a relaxed mood, the entire trip while many a woman hissed at her fit busty figure, none were willing to test her. It made Peggy that much prouder, but well you know Peggy , she would have paid for a few to try.

So, mom went on to say, she recalled it like it was yesterday, and she could still see the day in her mind as clear as memory. Peggy was in tight tan capri jeans with high heeled cowboy boots and a red top that showed her mid drift and hugged her bountiful 36G’s.

Her hair was up and the top was a V cut so a lot of veiny tight cleavage was on display. She said she was sure she had a red bra on under it but she is firm, it wasn’t required.

Anyway when they walked under the entrance it was as if time stopped here, the entire village was exactly as it was over a hundred years ago. A barber shop, a dress shop, a general store and the bar was a old saloon.

But a few other shops were there, a handful of children were playing around the fountain,and if a breeze stirred up you had cover your eyes from the sandy dust.

So every shop they visited the men and women there went from that sleepy mundane look to wide eye as Peggy entered. A few stores where a Mom and Dad ran it, there was a lot of chatter in the native language about Peggy ,but she picked up on one coincident .

In all the chatter she was able t make out a name Anna Maria. Now at first Peggy thought maybe they were referring to someone from the towns past, or maybe a woman formally lived there who was well known.

She was having to much fun at the moment to really be concerned, and as of yet no one she saw in the village square was any where near a threat. Mom and Dad started to lose track of time and rather then driving the desert at night, they asked if any of the store fronts were a motel.

The best they got was a boarding house with all of 6 rooms , but hey it had to be better than risk getting lost or breaking down in the middle of no where.
So Dad walked in as Mom was taking pictures and got them a room, as the day got later more and more of the locals stepped from the homes/shops and were milling about. All were just as taken by the new visitor, the locals were in awe of the red head they saw.

But a few maybe even half were in heavy conversation, Peggy didn’t have a clue what they were saying at the time. But as she read their faces, deep within she was being compared she felt.

Dad called to Mom and she swaggers in, she gives her sexy delicious warm smile to the owner as she walked up to the second floor.  As she did a second man, who she learned later was a local and a friend to the hotel owner, as he said to his friend, “Pelirrojo tetona AnnAMaria” and both men laughed.

Peggy had no idea but she wasn’t going to assume anything and ruin the wonderful day they had by making assumptions. The sun went down and as they sat in bed my parents were trying to decide if they wanted a late snack or a full meal.

The desert air went from nearly 105 degrees down to 55, and the chill made any visitor get a second wind. The bed was a little to soft, and the blankets were barely keeping them warm.

But it was still better then being out on the road ,trying to stay awake. Around 11’ ish neither mom or dad were getting much sleep,and as they felt themselves ready to drift off, the sudden loud sounds of music,laughing and voices were like a rough alarm clock.

Dad shot up and looked through the curtains, the saloon was lit up and from what he saw inside every single local minus the children were in the saloon getting their drink on.  Peggy eased from bed, wearing just a thong and eased on a black robe, she looked out and kind of smirked at how hard the locals who she couldn’t imagine had much in the way of money ,were partying as if they all hit the lottery.

As they both watched Peggy heard that same I guess phrase,or just words ring out, she was now curious what was it they were saying.  Sho looks at Dad and purrs despite being tired, “Well handsome we aren’t getting any sleep with that going on, wanna go have a few, nothing says we have to be out of here early”.

Dad hung his head a moment then as the music and yelling grew louder, he nods, ‘Well if ya can’t beat em join em right? cmon lets go have have a few”. Peggy threw on a pair of shorts and a pretty top she just bought.  It was a linen style top with light blue piping around the short sleeves that hung off the shoulders and her entire torso was uncovered.

She had to stretch the elastic hem over her G’s and they strained the top out making it work over time to contain her. Her nipples were tenting the thin material as she pinned her hair up in a loose bun.

Dad threw on jeans no underwear and boots and a flannel top, they kissed and Dad was mindful enough to grab cash and leave his wallet hidden in the room as did Mom with her purse.

They walk out  the desert breeze caught them both and really woke them up, they walked arm in arm to the saloon. A few men  and women who had enough for the night stumbling home  stopped to look Peggy over.

Peggy would just smile or wink and keep going, they push open the doors to the old saloon.  Though the music kept playing, many who were at the bar or sitting at tables stopped and really looked Peggy over, Peggy just inhaled and posed a moment then her and Dad continued to the bar for a drink.

As Dad ordered Peggy just was looking about and she could here that same phrase now and then among the ones talking.   It bothered her a bit cause now as they look at her , it obvious whatever they said was either at her or about her and the other name was clear she either looked liked someone or was being compared to her.

When they got their drinks Peggy wanted to stand for a bit, she was now carefully scanning the bar for any woman that might fit the comparison to her. She didn’t see anyone even close so now her curiosity was in high gear, and she knew something was up.

Dad saw no threat either and he was at ease that no one here was eyeing up Peggy, he was trying to convince Peggy to relax ,clearly the women in the bar were either married,or were no where near Mom’s league.

Despite her better judgement Peggy was easing her guard and they grabbed a booth and sat and had a few laughs. A young waitress with jet black hair to her hips walked over, her english was rough but she got by.

She asked my parents if they wanted any food ,then took another drink order, the waitress paused a moment and her eyes were locked on Peggy’s cleavage and even widened a bit.

As she went to retrieve the drinks Peggy smiled at Dad, ‘Did you catch that? her eyes were glued to my G’s,i am telling you they all know something we don’t ...yet. Dad blew it off as Peggy being overly ready all the time, the waitress returns with tequila shots and beers, she smiles and Peggy says, “I have a question honey, what does it mean Pelirrojo,tetona,AnnaMaria?”.

The waitress looks behind her then back, “well roughly to put it, it means redhead big breasts., Peggy smirks and asks “why AnnaMaria?’. The waitress agains looks behind her then leans closer, ‘You should go to your room Señorita before AnnaMaria comes”.
Peggy kicks Dad under the table, then purrs to the waitress, “What if i don’t and i stay here?”. The waitress wipes the table nervous, “Then i am afraid you won’t have a fun night no more” and she hurries away.

Peggy sips her beer,and purrs to Dad, “Paranoid am i?, looks like our little trip might get interesting my love”.  No sooner does Peggy say it,Dad’s eyes went from sleepy to widening,his eyebrows lift and he says into his beer bottle, “Oh Holy Shit”.

Peggy looks in the direction his eyes are glued to ,and she sees standing at the door, a tall Mexican woman ,jet black hair wavy to her mid back,dark eyes a reddish skin tone with brown, full cheek bones and lips, then a broad shoulder and back to a long neck. Down into a full chest and even fuller bust swelling for freedom.

Peggy inhales as she still sits facing Dad and she whispers in her bottle to him, ‘Hey mister don’t forget who is right here with you’.  Dad barely looks away “S..sorry babe but Wow”. Peggy a soft smirk, “I get it,she is gorgeous but do you want me to ruin her or do you prefer fantasizing about her?”.

Dad allowing his eyes to dart from Peggy to the new hot woman at the bar doors, as he does he sees a few men walking out stop and talk to her. All of which tell the woman she was at their store and she is being compared to her.

The woman breathes in and gives a long stare, but as Dad huffs , “shit , she is eyeing you”, Peggy smiles and stays focused on Dad, treating the busty woman as if she isn’t even here.

A silent disrespectful move but Peggy knew what she was doing. She whispers to Dad, “relax honey , you will get to meet her in less than a minute”. He looks to mom, “how can you be sure?”.

Peggy leans in a bit, her breasts press to the table edge and swell up as she purrs, “cause that would be the woman , i been compared to All Day Long, and for me to seem uninterested, i might as well go slap her”.

The woman stops the waitress and points to Peggy’s table then waits a moment, the nervous waitress brings over another order, this time it is 3 shots and 3 beers.  Dad looks at her, “uhhh we didn’t order these”.  The waitress smiles worried, “she did “ then whispers, “its best you go to your room and leave in the morning”.

She walks away quickly then Peggy says to Dad, “nmm you might wanna switch seats babe, we are about to have company”. Dad eases opposite Peggy and sure enough the Mexican goddess slowly saunters over.

She looks at Dad winks then to Peggy, “Hola and welcome to the oldest saloon in all of Mexico, my names...” . Peggy cuts her off, ‘let me guess AnnaMaria?”, she stares “oh you were told of me?”.
Peggy looks at her, ‘no not at all in fact, all i been hearing all day is busty redhead and your name, i put it together they were comparing us, care to sit?”.

Anna nods, ‘i would love to”. She slowly steps around Peggy , wearing a skirt a frilly red hem, a button blouse with red piping, strained to the limit heels and her amazing silky jet black hair looking as if a pro just did it hangs .

She sits beside Peggy and takes her shot and raises it to Peggy and Dad, “A toast, may your travels from our little village tomorrow be safe and swift”. As Anna places the shot near her lips Peggy smiles, “another toast, “to a long extended stay at this lovely village till i want to leave”.

Anna stares, “you know i think you are not clear on something, our little village may not look like much, but we are a very tight community, and while we like the occasional visitors buying our things, we prefer you all move on with in a day, it is better for all”.

Peggy holding her shot looks at Anna, “Well i can understand that truly i do, but we love the atmosphere here and well I was just telling my husband here another week here would be so interesting, getting to know the people and finding out what this village truly has to offer, and its Person, that is if she can at all”.

Anna and Peggy just stare then Anna with a slight smile, ‘Well then I see you and I have a reason to be talked about , as you can see everyone here is waiting to see if you stay or go”.   Peggy smiles , “well what will it take to let them know i am not going anywhere  till i want to?’.

Anna tilts her head as if to ask (are you sure about this) then softly says, ‘’ Well one way is i walk out from that back door with your bra on my finger, another is a fistful of your hair, the other question is, how can you let them know your staying a bit longer?”.

Peggy softly , ‘Well i agree walking back in here with your bra certainly would, or carving my name in your tits might do the trick”. Anna loses her soft smile,she breathes in, “Well had i known someone of your nature would be visiting, i would have brought a bra”.  Peggy tilts her head as if that was an excuse, “Yes it is a shame but i can always go get one if i had to, but that shouldn’t prevent what we both want from happening, should it?’.

Anna licks her lips as does Peggy, “i see , well if your so sure this the best for you, there is a black door near the end of the bar, if you walk through t  you go up the steps to a single room it is and has been a perfect place to shall we say, allow me to show visitors the best way home”.

Peggy lightly clinks her glass to Anna’s, “well why don’t you and i agree to a few things and we can take that walk hmm?”. Anna does the same, “heres to the better woman “.

They both drink the shot then Anna arches up a bit, she stares at Peggy as he undoes her blouse buttons, “i think it is only fair for us to know exactly what we are getting into, don’t you?”.

As she says Peggy looks between them and see the red brown  round breasts swell and the brown nipples stand to attention, the blue veins dulled by her red tan color still show the mapped paths to her nipples.

Peggy sees her new rival is every bit a match for her, Anna a slight smile, “i know they are a lot , but you want this yes? then you should show me if your worth it as well”.

Peggy doesn’t even see if anyones watching, she grabs the top of her tiny top and slowly pulls the front lower till her veiny Gs spring over it, her pink/red nipples at attention, she softly smiles back , “oh they are worth your time honey make no mistake about it”.

Anna watches and her chest swells as she sees her competition is every bit as worthy.
Her eyes scan back up to lock to Peggy’s they breath a bit fuller as they stare, as they hold their tops in place without  word they lean closer, and their nipples meet. Both inhale at the arousing feeling then settle as they gently begin to rub and flick nipples.

Anna whispers to Peggy, “you made a big mistake staying in my village like it is yours, after tonight you will leave willingly or else”.

Peggy wets her lips but steadily flicks nipples and rubs back, ‘“mmm i think it is you that will regret our stopping here and if you push me to leave you will get or else as well, mmm lets fight”.

Anna breathes in “uww , nmmm lets fight “, Without agreeing they sit and continue the nipple rub and flicking, Anna moans, “uhnn mm harder, after i crush you were will your bra i take be?”.

Peggy rubs firmer, “uunnn yess harder, my husband will retrieve mine, where is yours”?,. Anna arches at Peggy, “My waitress will bring now”.  Anna looks at the waitress and nods, the girl runs to the back office and walks over and drops the bra on the table.

Seconds after she does my Dad returns with Peggy’s bra and drops it on the table . Anna and Peggy eyes locked now as they start to flick a bit faster and harder, Anna breaths in, “i win i take your bra and milk and make you pleasure me Agree?”.

Peggy swipes her nipples at the darker set, then presses tip to tips, “i will take your bra milk you and you pleasure me, and i Agree .”

Anna rolls her shoulders a bit then moans, “nmm well then we agree lets go have this fight “, she eases from Peggy and adjusts her blouse to cover, then grabs her bra and stands up.

Peggy eases her top over her breasts and grabs her bra then stands up, they stare and Anna a fake smile purrs, “well follow me , it will be a long night for certain”.

Peggy smiles, “oh for one of us a lot longer, lead the way”, A second of glares then Anna turns and walks ahead of Peggy to the rear. Every man and woman in the bar  stop chatting and watch the two amazons head to the rear, none have seen what goes on, but all know their Anna typically walks out second with two bras.

After Peggy vanishes and the door shuts the crowd carries on as if it was an everyday thing.  Dad sat worried but confident, inside the door both women slowly ascend the steps one at a time.

Finally at the top Anna unlocks the door and walks in, Peggy follows as Anna purrs, “do lock it please”, Peggy a smirk shuts then locks it and turns back to Anna.

Both women are quiet ,they know why they are here and what is expected to come ,their only concern, is the woman across from them better.   Peggy stands watching her new rival,an unexpected one but none the less a rival for sure.  At 5’9” 144 and her 36G’s Peggy a veteran fighter ,always a bit nervous before hand but confident she will at the very least make her rival sorry for wanting the fight, the most making her hurt even more for it after winning..

Peggy didn’t need to be asked she slowly pulls the shorts off and steps free of them, then kicks them aside as she stare with confidence, Anna simply wiggles her skirt down and steps free of it then kicks it aside.

Peggy holding the same smirk stretches her back upward her hands take hold of her shirts bottom then gently lifts till her 36 g’ drop and jostle to a stop, she tosses the top by her shorts and poses her breasts for Anna then caresses them slowly as she softly moans, “nmmm so big and firm”.

Anna waits for the display to end, Peggy just stares ahead then Anna undoes her blouse and sheds as her breasts spring forward and sway to a halt, her top tossed away as she cups her breasts and caresses them fully, “ohh so firm and heavy”.

Anna looking at Peggy as she poses as well, stands 5’8” a 140 pounds and a very full 36GG-26-36 , slightly fuller and every bit a danger as Peggy.

Now both stand in a private room, nearly nude but heels and thongs, the muffled thump of music and people below. Anna lifts her arms as she slowly sways her hips like  snake, she eases to the center and as she admires her figure moans, “Come let us Fight”.

Peggy snakes her spine as she steps directly in front of Anna, she inhales the scent of her rival then hands on hair slowly purrs, “yes lets us fight “.

They stare frozen a second then each eases toward the other till nipples touch, they breath through it, then continue till aureolas touch, then finally as breasts swallow those both they begin to slowly smear and rub their firm breasts.

Both women stand still rubbing their breasts against the rival pair, slowly looking at the duel starting. Watching their fleshy globes recoil, swell, press and bulge as their rivals matches up.

Both are silent as the fight begins, then slowly some heavier breathing gives way to subtle moan or a groan. Peggy notices the slight fuller advantage Anna has, but she sees her own G’s press right back at her rivals.

Anna feeling their nipples flick as they smear breasts again licks her lips and moans “uunnn cmon”. Peggy leans a bit closer wanting to hear more from her rival.

Peggy presses tighter in and now rolls her large breasts along the outer wal of Anna’s left breast over it and then pushing to nudge between her breasts.  Anna feeling the attempt to open her cleavage so early simply lifts a shoulder and arches forcing her breasts to lift and push Peggy’s aside.

Peggy groans as her breasts are denied the move and she feels Anna’s weighted breasts force her single breast aside, “ohh uunnnn cmon fight”. Anna hearing the dare slides her breasts across Peggy’s then a bump to the left outer side wall then she presses and drags across both of Peggy’s breasts.

Anna sees she made her rivals breasts shift a bit, she smirks as she hisses softly, “ohhh mmm your feeling me so soon?, oh you are no match for Anna’s tits “.

Peggy mad at herself she let out a reaction, she quickly adjusts her hips and pumps her breasts two times at Anna’s left side wall. A meaty CLOP rings out as Peggy drives forward.

Anna a bit surprised she was shifted so early rolls her back up and pumps back at Peggy, “cmon bitch” she huffs . Peggy knows her rival felt her, “unnmmm feeling me already? i am here to fight “.

Anna feels her inner core burn at the taunt, no woman so early in has made her feel a easy move. As a result Anna lightly bumps her breasts at Peggy’s then seeing they are lined up head on, inhales and pumps firmly straight at Peggy.

A second firmer fleshy CLOP, fills the room and as she delivers a second and setting for a third Anna huffs, “yeah feel my tits bitch, cmon  i wanna a fight as well give my tits a fight”.

Peggy arches at the first pump then the second pauses her reaction, she was stopped and stood still as Anna now delivers a more firmer head on and as soon as the CLOP fills the room she starts to shove her tits left and right angles looking to part Peggy’s cleavage. “Anna feeling she may move Peggy huffs , “yess yess si am gonna hurt your tits uuhnnn mmfff mff bith fight my tits i said”.

Peggy now has to arch her back as she tries to not retreat she feels the heavier set pumping in steady at the angles desired to part her G’s and get between them. Peggy  grunts, “MMMfff MMFFF ohhh uughh ughh uummfff bitch”.

Anna smiles she feels despite just starting she knows Peggy way to titfight and is about to go at the Queen.  She steps into Peggy and as she is looking to part Peggy’s cleavage she does a heavy slow shimmy , making her round tits wobble as they start to press Peggy’s wider, “oh i am a bitch  and this bitches tits are gonna hurt yours right now”.

Peggy was feeling the space between her G’s become wider, she looks between them and sees Anna’s broader breasts pushing and probing to part them.  Anna sneer a bit as she looks down as well, “ohh can you feel it happening Bitch ? my tits are firmer and stronger. Nmm Yess its starting come closer to me”.

Peggy was almost pale , she knew if Anna gets her cleavage parted the fight will easily be hers, she will grab Peggy and just twist her shoulders till Peggy’s inner walls grow loose and weak.

Peggy hates to retreat but if she stands her ground Anna is going to really come at her and fast. Peggy rolls her shoulders her breasts rise a bit, Anna seeing the attempt to deflect her breasts and  arches up and is poised to plow head on and part Peggy.

After only 20 minutes the fight is all Anna, but Peggy sees the opening she needed. Anna that teethe smile as she pants at Peggy, “i think i will let my tits pound yours now weak Bitch”.

Peggy is worried if what she tries next falls short , Anna will be on her and let her tits pummel Peggy’s till Peggy has no fight left.     Anna arched her breasts just under Peggy’s, she  breaths in.

Peggy swallows then as she sees Anna’s body tense she dips, Anna drives forward and when she sees Peggy went low, her entire look changes to fear.  Peggy feels her rivals weighted breasts graze her own then Peggy nearly jumps upward, “SMACK!!!” rings out.

Anna bucks up and back, “AGHHHH” Peggy dips again then  ”’SMACK!!!!”, second upper cut of Peggy’s breasts to Anna’s breasts undersides.

Anna was stunned and hurting, her fuller breasts were bounced up and down, but Peggy wanted more, she grabs Anna by the shoulders and thrusts up, “SMACK!!!!”.

A third uppercut rattles Anna’s chest and breasts, she staggers back , but now it is Peggy takin over as she chases Anna and is plowing her breasts at every angle thats open . Peggy horsly grunts, “Cmon , yeah feel my tits Bitch, wanna give Bitch ? put your tits up fight my tits cow lets go”.

Anna winces and starts to pull her shoulders and arms in to block any more hard jolts, Peggy gets pissed her rival is avoiding the head on fight she swore to have. Peggy grabs at Anna’s upper arms then hips, “stop avoiding the fight Bitch face me and lets fight”.

Anna is wide eye in fear, her breasts wobble looser and now as she turns to Peggy, Peggy plows her tits into the sidewall of Anna’s left breast forcing it to slap tight to the right and they both get shoved to Anna’s right .

Anna winces and can’t turn to fight back, “Bitch give me room to fight “, Peggy widens her thighs and grabs Anna by both her upper arms and starts her known  rolling pin move .

Her large breasts slap into Anna’s side wall as she does Anna’s breast hyper extend to the right. Peggy now walking Anna to the wall holding her is grinding up and down into the rounded outer wall.

Anna again shakes her head no, ‘aaaghhh you Bitch my tits get off me and let me fight your tits”. Peggy snarling as she can smell early victory, “put your tits up cow , looks like your nights nearly over , be smart to give before i break your tits”.

Grunts from both women now dull out the muffled music and chatter below, breathing turns to panting as Peggy is pushing her advantage getting almost body on body to Anna as she continues to work her rivals breast.

Anna shaking her head is wincing each time peggy grinds up and down, ‘uuughhh ughhh ohh bitch my tits fucking Bitch”.  Peggy getting a rhythm, “uuhhnn uhnn , mff mfff mff mf cmon bitch give my tits are breaking yours , Give”!!.

Peggy is smelling a win, her eyes looking wild , Anna with little choice pulls a move Gina had once, she snakes her calf behind peggy’s  then despite the pain and ache slowly starts to turn her body into Peggy’s assault.

Peggy feels the ballooning bulge of Anna’s tits pressing back now, she gulps, “oh you wanna go head on ? cmon bitch earn it’.  Anna snarls, “uughhh owww you Fucking Cow , wait till my tits are ready”.

They both struggle but as Anna endures the extra stretch to her breasts she uses her calf to pull Peggy in, as well as tilt her body away from the pressure hold. Peggy now is straining to keep her rival in her move, Anna slowly pushing her off.

They grunt and their muscles are tightened every where as it is a literal hand to hand showdown . Anna using her calf more has Peggy forward heel scraping to her, Peggy’s rear leg is being widened , she either has to step and adjust or try plopping her breasts on Anna’s which might result in Anna uppercutting Peggy.

Straining physically, eyes closed as they use all they have, both grunting out, “uuughhhh lets fight bitch’. Then it all shifts, the fight now 40 minutes long and as Peggy’s forward foot gets pulled to far in Anna is shoving her upper body to the side and the two women pitch upright .  Their breasts evenly CLOP together and now Anna turns Peggy to the wall, Peggy shakes her head, “Nooo you bitch , stand up and fight my tits “.

Like a scene from an action movie, Anna over powers Peggy who made her earn it. Now Anna in the better position pins her breasts to Peggy’s and as both sets balloon from the sides between them, Peggy  shakes her head no as she feels the immense weight her breasts are forced to support.

Anna inhales looks Peggy in the eye then plops her tits onto Peggy’s and starts a slow increasingly rolling gyrate motion on Peggy’s breasts.  Peggy Gasps, ‘AAghhhh uughhh get off my tits you Cow”.

Anna now shifts her thighs and she straddles one of Peggy’s thighs, their thongs and pubic bones meet and rub. Anna huffs, “feel my clit bitch  hmm? after this i am going to make you suck on her”.

Peggy in desperate position again, and she is feeling her rivals weighted tits pin her own and now as Anna pumps in and drags up, Peggy can feel her chest being worked.

She looks at Anna snarling up, “whats wrong bitch my tits were to strong you had to use your legs?”, Anna arches her back pressing her tits down harder, “nmmm give or fight you cow, now”.

Peggy arches her back ,her hands slide up Anna and she grunts, “cmon bitch center room hand to hand tit to tit no games straight up titfight.  Anna looks at her, “no tricks or games tit to tit” Peggy looks at her, “straight up yes or no?”.

Anna presses tit to tit then pushes away, Peggy stands as they stare they saunter to center room, each has to caress her sore tits. Finally they stand thighs wider, tits out Peggy opens her hands and fingers and hisses, ‘lets get set”.

Anna does the same then both reach to the other and interlock fingers, palms meet and they get a grip hands at rib level they start to tease driving head on, nipples jab head on as they stare.

Slowly both women set hands at the desired height , then drive their tits head on and hold there as they roll and rub and smear them. Both women are hurt and sore from the aggressive battle thus far but they need a winner.

Their faces grimace and snarl, their eyes look as if they are both worried and desperate. Their full round mass pushed, pulled, smeared and bumped in every direction. The veins mapping through their breasts seem to triple in size then nearly vanish as the other pair recoil then protrude  between them.

The fight has passed one hour now, below in the bar Dad looks at his watch, his leg bounces nervously. He keeps looking at the door that the women went through to see  which women walks out first and who saunters out second with a grin.

Only a handful wait as intensely the rest are confident their Anna will prevail as she has before. But back upstairs in the nearly silent room, the two busty Queens are hand in hand smearing and shoving their proud breasts against the others ,looking ,hoping and now praying , hers will take the win from the other.

The face to face straining goes on longer,their breasts so red and swollen they look as if turning purple. Finally as both are looking as if they will drop right there, Anna pants, “Cmon Bitch my tits vs yours lets finish it”.

Peggy huffing swallows, ‘“Ready when you are Bitch, lets get to it”., As if planned both ladies straighten up their backs, breasts, chests and faces are red. Glistening with sweat, as they arch up their breasts peel away from the others, with the help of their hands still locked together and arms pull in.

Both women look ready to drop to the floor out of exhaustion, but neither will simply offer the other option a draw, at least for now. As long as each feels she has fight in her it is not an options anyway.

They steady their thighs and stances, their hands and interlaced fingers grip onto their rivals, then it starts off slow but no less with power. Peggy braces as she inhales and growls “lets go”, Anna inhales, she wets her lips as she steadies then arching her breasts way out drives her tits head on into Peggy’s.

A solid wet CLOP fills the room, Anna grunts, “uuughhh”, Peggy turns her head , “Bitch!”. Anna as she starts to pull back slow shimmies her breasts and smears from Peggy”s.

Peggy looks at her rival inhales as Anna tilts her chin up at her, ‘cmon Bitch”, then Peggy thrusts her tits head on into Anna’s. The wet CLOP sound fills the room again, Anna growls, “Bitch!!”. Peggy grunts, “uuugggg uww” as she firmly shimmies into Anna’s and snarls , “harder “.

The seesawing thrusting goes on for what to them was an hour but only minutes, tears well up but is hidden by sweat .    The steady seesawing only is replaced with both fighters freely spreading theirs and her rivals arms wide and now as breasts hang free between them , they jam their breasts into the others firmer and faster as they can.

The faster but directly aimed duel goes on, the CLOPs are becoming Smacks as both want to deliver that one solid hit that puts her rival down, or desire to quit.  They jam on as the flesh collides they both are grunting in pain and frustration.

Peggy her hair getting dull and matted in its bun thrusts again her tits swollen and sore, aching deep inside huffs “i hate you Bitch fight”, Anna winces as she feels the firm heavy twins collide into her own as willingly.

Anna wastes no time as she draws back and does the same firm heavy collision into Peggy again, she smears and rubs as she growls, “i hate you Bitch stop talking and fight my tits, if you can”.

But like her rival, Anna is drained, sweating and swollen and aching inside , her silky black hair dull and matted looking as she and Peggy now exchange the same head on thrusts but quicker.  Their breasts sway looser between them , swell up more and feel twice as heavy.

Both are breathing heavy, they can’t go on much longer and both know their bodies and breasts are nearly done. After several more collisions and both ready to call it. Peggy and Anna yank and pull their hands from the others, then again as if planned they glare a second then crush head on .

This time however they both wrap their arms around the other and as they stand breasts ballooning between them in the hug, they are grinding and rolling their huge tits .

With cheeks pressed to her rivals, their faces hidden from view.   Both are weeping and wincing and rolling eyes as the fight goes on.   Nearly gasping as they still fight, Peggy pants, “Ready to Give?”.  Anna so wants to, the relief would be welcomed, but instead she swallows deeply, and gasps at Peggy’s ear, “No Fight  me”.

Peggy looks up as if asking for divine intervention, but her trance broken as Anna pumps and rubs up into her “Ready to Give hmm?”.  Peggy swallows to say yes would end this , she can always fight again, but she refuses Anna her due, “Fuck you Bitch Fight me”.

Both women are so drained,hurt ,swollen they aren’t even realizing their muscles are starting to spasm from a lack of water. Slowly as they press tight and hug each other , their knees are starting to involuntarily buckle.

Slowly as their bodies defy their will, the women sink wrapped together to their knees. As they kneel they try to convince themselves they can now fight harder.  As they hug they both pump head on as they drag and rotate their breasts between them.

Areas of breasts protrude from under, the sides or top as one then the other shoves her red bruised breasts into her rivals.  Peggy shakes her head a bit, she is barely hanging on, “give you Bitch do it”.

Anna is trying to lunge and knock Peggy on her back but as she does the frustration of not moving Peggy has her ask the same, “Just give Bitch you have nothing left”.

Peggy grunts “i ‘l never give , my tits are the best”, suddenly both women cry out, then sit there frozen on their knees, only their heavy breathing maaking theirr breasts fight on.

Dad was getting worried, even Peggy’s toughest fight lasted only 2 hours this has past that. He knows she hates being interrupted but for all he knew Peggy was taken, he gets up and walks to the rear door.

A man was about to stop him but Dad told him its been to long and he nodded. They go up stairs and open the door to the fight room. There in tears both women slumped on knees and leaning on the other cry as they feel every muscle is becoming a charlie horse .

Dad grabs Peggy by her arms and gently pulls her back, Peggy Gasps out a relief of breath as her breasts red and purple swollen sway free.  The man grabs Anna and eases her back as she gasps out as well.

Dad helps  Peggy up and then scoops her in his arms and carries her down stairs, he grabs a blanket and wraps it over her as he sits her at their table and brings over 4 bottles of water.

A minute later the man appears Anna carried in a blanket and he sits her down and gives her water as well.

As both start to come around from replenishing their bodies they look up and for each other, their eyes meet and both mouth to the other, “Fight Me”.

Peggy whispers to my Dad “go tell her i want to finish the fight “. Dad looks at Peggy like she lost her mind, but as he stands up the other man does, they meet center of the bar and both tell the other their girl wants to  finish the fight.

Dad tells this guy to tell Anna no more tonight , they both need to rest and go at this fresh, he agrees they shake hands and both tell their girl.

Peggy glares at Anna who is glaring back, then as they try to stand both women nearly fall, they accept it is over for tonight.

Dad keeps Peggy covered as he helps her from the bar to the room, moments later he sees Anna being helped out as well. Peggy fell asleep almost instantly and well past noon the next day.

Peggy woke up exhausted, Dad had eggs OJ and all her creams and vitamins ready for her. The proteins helped mom get up and function, but when she did and her breasts swayed she had to cradle them . She was sore and swollen and aching deeply.

Peggy’s only satisfaction was knowing Anna woke in the same shape or she would have won last night.  Peggy nurses her breasts al day and night she watches from the window if Anna walks by, but like Peggy she wasn’t going anywhere  either.

A few days go by and Peggy a bit swollen and sore is being asked by Dad, “Babe when are we leaving ?”. Peggy caresses her creams on her breasts, “mmm not till her and i finish this titfight”.

Across the village the man , Dad said was Juan, was Anna’s lover was asking similar, “how long are you doing this?”, Anna using warm oil on hers ,”i’l fight her tits till mine win”.

Another couple days go by and the villagers are putting up banners for some celebration.  Peggy decides  if its to happen it will be her out there first, she has dad buy her a poncho and under it just a bra.

She wore a skirt and heels and her hair up as she and Dad walked about to a large party.  My Dad had her arm in arm as she was out for one thing, Anna, not seeing her rival right away gave Peggy a smile, making her think she hurt Anna more then she was hurt.

But was that the case?, Dad slipped from Peggy to go get a fresh beer for both, Peggy waited scouting about as she stood by the fountain. She looked at her reflection then sees Anna appear beside hers.

Peggy takes a breath in then looks at Anna wearing a poncho and bra and a skirt. The two warriors glare then Anna says “so your still in my village bitch”, Peggy replies, “of course i am bitch after we finish this it will be my village if your woman enough to finish the fight that is”.

Anna snarls a lip, “i plan on fighting you Bitch today might be tough to finish it i am the Queen “, Peggy looks her over, “not much of a Queen if you couldn’t end a fight , maybe i’ll be the new Queen for the fiesta “

Anna growls, “you bitch, why don’t we wait for the siesta and we can start again”’. Peggy breathes in , “i’ll be in the saloon when your ready”.

Dad comes by and sees Anna then Peggy saunter to the saloon it was clear a fight was going to come today. Anna gives Dad a glare, “your woman better be ready it ends today”, Dad smirks, “oh she is”.

 Peggy walks in and sits the waitress smiles and walks over with Orange Juice she softly says, “if you will fight again you need more to finish it”. Peggy looks at the girl, and whispers, “are you afraid of Anna?”.

The waitress nods, All the women are, she is you say animal in a fight?”, Peggy smiles at her ,‘you mean a wild cat?”. The waitress nods Yes that is it, we all saw you enter the village and hoped you might beat her, but when you nor Anna won we thought you would be gone by now, but you stay to fight , we want you to win”.

Peggy inhales as she sees Anna enter the saloon, she huffs at the waitresses ear as she stands up, “i  will try “. Anna  gives the waitress a glare and she hurries off, then she walks to Peggy.  They stare a moment as the saloon is empty , the beers and food are being served outside for the party.

Anna  lightly brushes her poncho filled out by her breasts straining a bra, to Peggy’s who does it right back. Peggy feeling the fuller pair are every bit as heavy and firm, maybe more so in the bra under the poncho.

Peggy asks “Are we going to titfight or something else ?’ Anna looks Peggy up and down again, “Oh we are going to use our tits  again, but I wonder if you are ready for my fuller tits, maybe you want to get at my gorgeous hair hmm?”.

Peggy feels her fingers twitch , “Its your village for now, We both want more than a titfight so just say it ,either way you and i are going to fight”.

Dad walks in the bar just to be sure Peggy’s ok, he sees both women standing face to face and he takes a seat as he sips a beer. Anna knows what will get Peggy ready, “Tell me Bitch, if i beat you and then beat your tits instead of face sitting you maybe i take your man and he can have my bigger tits hmm?”.

Peggy almost snarling, “But if you lose Bitch, I don’t want your man so do you have nothing to offer me?”. Anna thinks a moment “One thing You can have me take me from my village and do what you want when you want will that be fair trade?”.

Peggy smirks, the thought of ridding the village of her and then driving her miles away and having out when ever she wants made Peggy think it was more than fair, she nods at Anna, “Agree “.

Anna then eases her poncho up and over her breasts, showing Peggy how full she is again as well how strained her bra is . Peggy does the same as her bra is strained, but even Dad can tell by how much more Anna is over filling her cups she was fuller.

While she breathes in with pride Peggy deflates it as fast by saying, “why are you so proud of them? i am only a G and you couldn’t beat mine”. Anna curls a lip then eases the poncho fully off, Peggy does the same.

Anna opens her hands and hisses, “we titfight later now the village rests we fight”, Peggy opens her hands “”anytime you like”.  Slowly the women ease from the table and entrance and step to the middle of the saloon.

They both breath heavier as Dad sits and watches, their fingers open wider as nostrils flare then like shot from a cannon they charge at the other . They slam bra cups head on and both arch and wince , but they want a different fight now.

Their fingers stab into hair and they start to pull with all they have, faces instantly grimace as they both have a fistfuls of others hair at the top of the heads.

Grunting and growling and spitting they turn and spin and stagger about as hair is ripped free and floats to the floor. Both women growl at the others face as they spit at one another, Peggy and Anna are shaking each others head by her hair,.

Anna twists her fist up in Peggy’s hair and Rips down hard ,bending Peggy at the waist, Peggy gurgles “Bitch my hair”. But Anna has Peggy in a bad spot, she pulls Peggy forward by her hair and all Peggy can see is Anna’s heels and the floor.

She has a solid grip on Anna’s hair but Anna with her so long can stand upright and still not be bent forward by Peggy’s pull. She has such a hold on Peggy she starts to turn Peggy’s head as she walks her about, ‘You want to fight me hmm? fight me Bitch ,cmon”.

Peggy winces as she feels hair ripped free and roots popping, her face red as she tries to slow Anna walking her by widening her stance.  But Anna  is no rookie fighter, she pulls herself to the side of Peggy then using her own shin yanks back on Peggy’s hair and trips over the leg he extended out.

Peggy falls on her ass and is quickly spun around as Anna gets behind her and straddles her shoulder to pull up on Peggy’s scalp. Anna digs her knuckles into Peggy’s scalp as she gathers up hair and as she pulls Peggy up by it her ass and crotch sits on the shoulder of Peggy and she laughs as Peggy screeches at the pull.

 The effect Anna wanted starts to evolve as Peggy being hung by her hair while forced down can’t maintain her hold on Anna’s hair.  As she lets go Anna with a smile shakes Peggy’s head by the hair violently then eases off her shoulder and with a savage rip back on Peggy’s  head , brings her to the floor.

Peggy has tears welling up as she is thrown down Anna pounces down on her and starts to hit Peggy’s head off the wooden floor, “you dirty Bitch i’ll bald you then my tits will finally crush yours”.

Peggy covers the back of her head then as Anna stops to pin her head to the dusty floor, Peggy grabs two new fistfuls by the ears of Anna and rips down on it, Anna is pitched down.  Their bra cups meet and Peggy uses her thigh to kick Anna off her and they start rolling back and forth across the floor ripping out fistfuls as they scream in others face.

Peggy finally through squirming and kicking thrashes her self behind Anna, both struggle to their knees again but now Peggy is behind her rival.  She quickly pounces on Anna’s lower back, sitting up as she has both of her fists filled with Anna’s hair.

Peggy is shaking and whipping and tearing Anna’s to every angle, Anna loses her grip on Peggy’s scalp and now Peggy rises up and jams her knee in Anna’s spine as she pulls back on her rivals scalp.

Anna screeches in agony as Peggy’ s hold has roots snapping from Anna’s scalp. Anna eyes weeping from pain screams , ‘STOP I GIVE, I GIVE”. Dad stands up but Peggy is satisfied she shoves Anna’s face to the floor then drags her by the long hair to the bar and drops her there.

Peggy saunters back to Dad as they kiss Anna starts to stand, breathing heavy, her nipples tenting the bra gathers her messed hair and pins it up, as Peggy is doing her own hair.

The two cats glare ready to attack, but Dad takes their mind off going at it now by saying to both, ‘So who is going to win that titfight ladies times running out”. Peggy straightens her stance and arches making her contained G’s swell up more, Anna does a similar pose, Anna hisses “lets take this upstairs”. Peggy a hiss back, “lead the way”.

Dad who wasn’t invited knew once these two were alone, the titfight would last seconds before they had their claws in one another. He takes a bar towel and follows the women up, as they remove their bras Dad shreds the towel into 4 strips.

The women busts heaving as they want to fight this out look at him  in wonder. Then Dad steps behind Peggy and ties two strips to her wrists then together, he does the same to Anna.  Once done he says to both, “we all know you both want to fight , with your hands tied you have no choice but to titfight till it is decided”.

Peggy puffs out her bust “Its fine with me , my tits will out fight hers”, Anna puffing her bust out “I agree to it , her tits won’t last as long this time and she knows it”.

Dad grabs both bras and steps near the door to make sure the intended fight stays as what it should be.  Anna and Peggy now slowly step closer and circle as they bump hips and shoulders then finally side to side they start the titfight by lightly bumping right to left and left to right.

They look between them to make sure their breasts aren’t shifting or folding to her rivals exact same movement as her own. Slowly  they both start to grunt as the bumps become a bit firmer.

The otherwise quiet room is awakening to soft grunts of “mmfff mmmff uuhnn uhhn nu and short hissing cmon, fight”. Dad looks on wanting to see what Anna has that Peggy couldn’t beat her, but as the fight begins he notices Anna is fuller and obviously heavier. 

Dad’s eyes flash wide as he sees her bigger bust being met with equality from Peggy’s and he is more confident in mom she will end up beating Anna after facing her for 2 hours straight.

But as the pace quickens he can see for both women , it is like they are fighting a mirror image. Almost as if they know what to expect from the other as moves go.

He watches on as if studying them, and easily sees they are now swaying their breasts and forcing the collision between them. The solid CLAPS ring out coupled with the grunts from the effect.

Slowly they still circle as they use their breasts to fight and crush against her rivals, only 10 minutes in and both are already feeling this will or can easily go as long or longer as Dad brought two bottles of water up as well.

But he sees now as it picks up, Peggy starts to widen her stance, a move she uses when ready to make her rival really feel her firm laden tits are harder to fight then most.

He inwardly smirks as Peggy doesn’t disappoint , as both still bump side walls she adds to it and drives her tits head on to Anna’s . The CLOP is solid as it rings out and Anna sucks in a breath sharply as she was not ready to feel Peggy’s power, “UUUUGGHHH”, is forced from her.

Anna’s face looked as if they were fighting hours after the head on hit. Peggy sensing her delay to come right back delivers a second head on collision,and Anna actually pulled her shoulders inward after the CLOP rings out.

Seeing it and feeling it Peggy stays tit to tit with her rival and now starts that heavy non stop grinding in a rowing motion into Anna, “uuhnn mmmff Cmon Bitch wanna fight my tits hmm?’.

Anna swallows deeply she felt every inch of that collision, she starts to feel her heels scrape the floor backward, Peggy is like a bull moving the fuller rival and making her feel just what her tits are capable of.

Peggy as she rows her tits in at Anna’s now starts to pump and drag, she watches between them as her strong G’s collide and then drag to either side then up and down.  Anna turns her head as if ashamed as she can feel Peggy’s tits and its only 20 minutes into the fight.

Anna turns her head the other way then finally times Peggy’s third head on pump and eases back to deliver a full on tit to tit collision herself. The CLOP was as solid as any Peggy made, and Dad actualy looks twice as Peggy seems to get stopped iin her tracks and now has to feel Anna fight back. 

And fight back she does, slowly and with effort Anna starts to make Peggy retreat as she stays in full contact, “yess yess cmon Bitch feel my tits now don’t you?”.   Peggy was a bit taken by the return move and it was as solid and calculated as her own.  As they turn each looking to make a move the other will really feel, Peggy as she steps right,  suddenly drives her right breast into Anna’s right hard.

Anna pants,  the feeling of the direct hit then as she wants to deliver the same move Peggy ends up stepping in cutting the effect down and instead of waiting drives her left then right at Anna’s right breast, battering on both sides.

Anna has to look down between them she was confused how efficiently Peggy delivered that.  Peggy a sneer continues to work Anna’s right breast with her G’s, “cmon bitch now whose feeling whose tits hmm?”.

The two women step turn and move about ,but each time Anna looks to stop Peggy , her right breast suffers more.  But Peggy is breathing heavy though, even Dad notices it, it looks like either Peggy was still sore or she was actually having a tough time fighting Anna.

After a few minutes Anna had enough she shakes her head back then jabs head on at Peggy. The fleshy clop rings out and though Anna had to hit both Peggy’s G’s , she hit hard enough Peggy stopped in her tracks.

Peggy looked a little stunned and before she could come back at Anna , her rival was on her and wanting a fight.  Peggy got jolted a second time as both of Anna’s tits crushed head on into her own.

Peggy was forced to teeter back a step then Anna was ready for more. She steps after Peggy and instead of the routine side to side dragging, Anna uses Peggy’s move on her but attacks each of her breasts singly .

Anna jolts her tits into peggy’s left then Peggy’s right , Peggy grunts, “mmfff , mff bitch”. Anna sneers cmon Bitch fight my tits”, instantly Anna has a rhythm and her tits are colliding to Peggy one at time in a left, then right left , right hard firm collision.

As Peggy retreats and tries to step to either side to put a stop to Annas attack, Anna is quick to react and stop Peggy from doing anything other than retreat or fight her head on.

Peggy arches but Anna is still using both her tits to work Peggy’s left then right and as it goes on even Peggy can feel the ache starting and see her breasts are being worked the same as if her cleavage was parted and for a fuller bitch to be abusing each breast this way, Peggy is hurting .

Dad is not overly concerned after all he has seen Peggy come back from almost down to win, but as he sees Anna’s fuller mass attach each of Peggy’s it is clear her chest and breasts are being stretched as much as battered.

Peggy now sweating more than her rival is grimacing a bit and each step to break Anna’s rhythm just makes the next collision harder as it gets Anna frustrated, “Cmon Bitch stand still and fight my tits “.

Peggy snarls as she winces at the ache and swelling starting, “wanna go tit to tit cow lets do it”.  Anna stops much to Peggy’s relief, she is breathing faster but smiles as she puts her hands on hair and shimmies at Peggy, “cmon bitch put your tits up “.

Peggy is huffing a bit , but her hands go on her hair as they glare they step around. Peggy arches her tits lift as do Anna’s then its time for this to be settled.

The room grows silent but it will for a minute , Anna sure she roughed Peggy well steps in, “don’t be scared Bitch i am gonna hurt your tits no matter what”. Peggy is snarling now but as she sees Anna’s tits stand out ready for a fight she really sees her rivals are much fuller than she first thought, but she can’t back out now.

Peggy swallows then steps in as does Anna they go head on and as soon they touch , they are dragging, smearing, rolling, pressing away at the other.

Both women hands on hair slam head on into one another, then the shimming side to side collisions start and they are hard and loud slapping,clapping, clops ring out as they both grunt . Neither care at the pain they feel ,they just want to hurt the other to win.

Peggy as she shimmies darts to the left and her might G’s crush Anna’s right straight back. Anna winces as she lifts her body, the Peggy starts to pump and drive into the right breasts underside, she snarls as she delivers the blows, “uuhhh cmon Bittch fight my tits , feeling me aren’t ya bitch “.

But no one was sure if Peggy realized it, but as she was hurting Anna, she herself was getting hurt as she worked the fuller heavier breast of her rival, ‘ohhh uugggg mmfff mmmfff mfff cmon give you Fucking Cow”, Peggy pants out. Anna is trying ti circle from Peggy to make her miss and go at her square again, “uuuhhh uuhhhh bitch my tit ohhhh fuck get off my tit”.

They teeter about then Peggy lifts the breast with her own and drives so hard in a straight on and up motion Anna rears her had and falls back on her ass. Peggy staggers over her then remains upright as she looks down at Anna “had enough yet Bitch”?.

Anna rubs her right breast, mumbling curses then she starts to get up, like peggy she is here to fight. Finally up Anna takes a deep breath in then hands on her hair looks at Peggy, “get your tits ready , i want to fight”.

Dad watches he knows Peggy’s ways she will underside uppercat Anna any minute and be done, but then as Anna wants more he sees Peggy drop her shoulders and look up as if to say (she wants more).

They line up square to one another again, nipples flick as they breath heavy, its another fight that  going to last an hour.  Peggy sets her hands on her head and the Amazons lurch head on and their round heavy tits crush head on , they both grunt then start to rub, roll, smear and drag again but harder as if they were going to press through the others back.

They pretty much stay in one spot as they just keeping going to it, heavy panting coming from both as they smear and pull across others bust as firm as they can muster. Sweat starts to run down their faces and breasts its going to go the distance again as they both look exhausted and are swelling again.

Winces, grimaces , grunts and gasps are filling the room as they refuse to let up. Peggy drags left and right then tries to plow her tits into Anna’s cleavage as she bulges her tits at the cleavage Anna inhales then suddenly dips and shoots up.

Peggy arches a bit late as Anna comes up fast and SMACK!! SMACK !!! SMACK!!! SMACK!!!, 4 undefended fast upper cuts pound up into Peggy’s undersides.

Peggy’s mighty G’s were bounced up like they ha no weight, her head thrown back as she screams at the delivered blows, “AWW AWWW AWWW FUCK MY TITS “.

Anna stays up and her tits are up under Peggy’s pressing the crease between breasts and torso as she presses them up at Peggy’s face, her arms trap Peggy in a hug as she crushes Peggy into the move.

She lifts Peggy a bit in the hug, Peggy unable to balance throws her legs up on Anna’s hips and then Anna hugs Peggy at the small of her back and pulls in tight.

Peggy slips a bit in the grip of Anna, which just lifts her tits more and back leaving her undersides wide open. Peggy is being carried and her breasts are empaled on Anna’s tits , she is still grunting as she jabs the undersides of Peggy, “fight Bitch cmon feel my tits now hmm i want more don’t give yet”.

Peggy has sweat and tears now as she pushes her hands into Anna’s face to try to pry herself free, “uuuggggg let go Bitch fight my tits”.

Anna knows she hurt her rival deep, so she lets her arms spring open and down Peggy goes flat on the wood plank floor.    Peggy lays there a moment huffing and gasping , her undersides were cherry red as Anna sees red, she pounces down on Peggy , pins her arms to the floor then starts to sway her tits forward and back till they SLAP Peggy’s undersides then top side over and over.

Anna growls at her , “cmon titfight me Bitch”, Peggy mouth open can only hear and feel her G’s being pummeled as if Anna was punching them, her head wobbles side to side as she can’t get any relief.

Anna was about to get her submission when she stops, she sits up on her knees glaring over her tan tits at Peggy then she stands up, she paces in front of Peggy, “get up Bitch we finish this tit to tit on our feet, cmon get up and fight my tits”.

Dad was concerned but like me years later, we have seen Peggy on the verge of being devoured only to come back and destroy her rival. When Anna gives Peggy the chance to get up and fight, Dad smirks as he says to himself, “big mistake señorita”.

Peggy is slow to get up, Dad may not have picked up on it, but Peggy was trying to not let her breasts drop in fear of pain as she got up on her heels. Anna hands at her hips at the moment breathing heavy but controlled glares at peggy’s impressive G’s but seeing the red undersides and now bruises surfacing , licks her full lips.

Anna is hungry to fight but she felt and can see her rival is strong and skilled she won’t go in as cocky to end this fight.

Peggy is a bit taken back by her rival she is a better fighter than first thought but Peggy never gives unless she is totally beaten.

Peggy was looking and feeling a little out of her comfort zone, she knew Anna was a bit fuller when they took the bras off , but Peggy has demolished even fuller before. But now as the rematch to their over 2 hour titfight is being settled , Peggy seems hesitant to take her rival on head on, she hasn’t found Anna’s exact style , which is normally not a big deal, but the issue is, thats exactly peggy’s style free and able to switch to any style.

Being beaten at your own game is harder enough even harder when its a rival you feel a need to beat. Peggy is allowed to reset herself, she and Anna slow their breathing and as Anna says “come fight my tits lets settle it”, Peggy sneers and sets her hands on hr hair as she hisses , “Fight my tits Bitch”.

Anna for a minute swallows she thinks this vacationing bitch is about to turn it up on her, Anna grabs her own hair and they march head on at the other.  They breath in then step in their tits SLAP head on then they stand still as they grind, drag,smear, roll, push and pump tit to tit, Dad smirking knowing the Queen will own her rival.

The stand still fight has both dripping in sweat and both are whimpering as they fight past an hour again. Peggy starts to come on strong and Anna has a weaking scared look, Peggy is dragging her tits all over Anna’s and it seems Anna can’t keep up, “ohhhh ughhhh Bitch my tits you Bitch”. Peggy grins in desperate fear of the long fight draining her to soon, she steps closer to Anna “uughh mmfff mfff give bitch just give my tits are winning say it”.

But thats when Dad stands upright and wide eye, as they stand tit to tit swiping, dragging and going to it still, he sees Anna is rolling in a circle that grows larger as she starts at Peggy’s left rolls over then under widening the motion, to Peggy, Anna is retreating but she was making space for this.

Peggy stiffens up her torso Dad was about to scream “S/top” when Anna went low and in a instant SMACK, SSMACK,SMACK,SMACK,SMACK,SMACK!!!!!!!!!. Peggy was frozen as she throws her head back and screams, “AWWWWWW AWWWWWWW OH MY GIOD STOP MY TITS OWWWWWWW UUGHHHHH NOOO’’!!!.

Anna steps in drives Peggy’s thighs wider then starts the punishment, her brown round tits start to pummel the undersides of Peggy’s  tan tits , bouncing them freely and damaging her.

Peggy stumbles backward till her bare back slaps against a wall, Anna is with her every step, and when Peggy is stopped Anna reignites her pummeling, of Peggy’s tits.

The wet slaps, clops, claps and Smacks fill the room, as do Peggy’s gasping pain filled grunts and screeches.  Peggy again yells out , “STOP MY TITS I GIVE YOU WIN’’.

Anna finally slows and as she smiles at Peggy’s pain etched face she purrs, “mmmm you leave my village tonight understand Bitch”.

Peggy nods as she bursts out, “I will just stop”, Anna pulls back and Peggy drops forward on her knees.  She cups her breasts as she has tears falling on the dry dusty floor boards.

Anna kneels in front of her and lifts Peggy’s head by her hair, she then eases Peggy’s face in between her tits , as her hands pull Peggy’s away, then she proceeds to milk Peggy.

Dad could only hear the muffled cries as her face was smothered in Anna’s breasts. Finally Anna feeling Peggy has been drained, pulls away and stands up, she tugs Peggy by her hair down into the wet milky residue on the dirty floor.

She struts to Dad kisses him deeply, then guides his hands to ehr breasts, he works them deep and slow as Anna moans.

Finally Anna grabs Peggy’s bra puts it on and she is over filling it, she grabs her bra and top and smiles as she walks out.

Dad rushes to Peggy and helps her up, he covers her with  her own top and walks her to the room they had. Peggy showers and as  she steps from the bathroom, she wells up as she tells Dad to pack the car they were leaving.

Peggy and Dad returned home after the long drive and Peggy was in her room for a few days healing up. After about a 2 week recovery, Peggy finally came to grips with the loss and accepted it. She told Dad it was hard to lose, but knowing Anna lied about her size and she fought her to a draw the first time and though she lost the second to Anna, she knows full well, back in that village , Anna was soaking her tits and sorry she took on Peggy.

About a month later Peggy was preparing for a new fight,and she swore to herself and Dad that woman was going to pay for Anna’s win.

The End


Offline DavidG

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Re: A Vacation to Remember
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2023, 07:13:39 AM »
A stunning loss that I did not see coming
Without giving to much away Is this the same lady Peggy takes on during her world tour that we read about?


Offline jaycb1989

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Re: A Vacation to Remember
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2023, 11:12:40 PM »
I love this series. Its always exciting to see Peggy win but every once in a while a loss can be just as hot. The way that anna pushed her up against the wall and kept pummeling her to drive home her victory was awesome. Their have been so many tough women in this universe that it makes me wonder who really has the best tits but I know that peggy is up there even when she has an off day.


Offline DottiD

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Re: A Vacation to Remember
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2023, 05:38:47 PM »
Hey all thank you for reading this one and your comments, as far as this Anna bring the same from when Peggy was in Europe it is not the same. Peggy like all the greats is bound to fight someone who puts her down. Typically she will take a loss and heal up and rematch her loss to get a win from it. But being she was on a short vacation it wouldn’ t play realistically for her to stay a month to rematch Anna for anting or just to win. As you all know with Peggy’s time line to today her age is making it time to retire for good , the question is who will be the woman that breaks her bad enough she knows she has hang up her designer bra and fight robe for good.


Offline ColombianCouple

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Re: A Vacation to Remember
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2023, 02:48:04 AM »
Yeah, me too. She was always the dominant alpha bitch.
And not the slave on the receiving end...
And now what? ???
Lets talk about fights and fantasy...comparisons, catfight, titfight,  sexfight, and the consecuences if a blood no violence



Offline carolsingapore76

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Re: A Vacation to Remember
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2023, 08:03:56 AM »
what an awesome story
me into wrestling, catfighting, erotic, tagteam, fun , rough tough, all at the same time if possible lol dont matter who win so long its good let me know if ur interested in chatting or more..5'7" 160

BTW it be nice if you can reply to messages


Offline YH5050

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Re: A Vacation to Remember
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2023, 03:36:08 PM »
Terrific story! It's hard knowing people were hoping and praying for her to win and letting them down.


Offline MMMickey

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Re: A Vacation to Remember
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2023, 02:39:51 AM »
yeah, maybe one last follow up where Peggy gathers her strength and ties up loose ends with Anna before she calls it quits


Offline Doreen

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Re: A Vacation to Remember
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2023, 07:06:01 AM »
Hey all thank you for reading this one and your comments, as far as this Anna bring the same from when Peggy was in Europe it is not the same. Peggy like all the greats is bound to fight someone who puts her down. Typically she will take a loss and heal up and rematch her loss to get a win from it. But being she was on a short vacation it wouldn’ t play realistically for her to stay a month to rematch Anna for anting or just to win. As you all know with Peggy’s time line to today her age is making it time to retire for good , the question is who will be the woman that breaks her bad enough she knows she has hang up her designer bra and fight robe for good.

I can't wait reading about it. I like the Peggy Series very much and after that long dominant way Peggy made, I am very interested to see, how she deals with the aging factor and how she will accept her retirement. Will it take one big loss, or will it come in several losses, or maybe she will be able to prove everybody wrong.

I like how you get age in the stories too and can't wait to read, how it goes on. Thank you for this amazing series.
Don't take everything so seriosly does not mean you have to be unkind!