My names is Dianne. I'm a lifelong Southern New England resident and office worker. I'm only 58 years old, but have found lately that everytime I pick up something to read--the local newspaper, a school alumni newsletter, the Sunday church bulletin--the first section I turn to is the obituaries. Because more and more, people my parents knew, .... and, increasingly, people I knew .... are in there. I always assumed I would live to 100, and I've always worked out hard (more on that later) to make that happen. But I can't comprehend that the amount of family and friends you must watch pass away once you reach that age.
Especially that past few weeks, when my only sibling .... my baby brother .... has been dealing with a health scare. He's gonna make it thru this one: he had a routine colonoscopy when he turned 50, the found polyps, and got them out. But they were cancerous, and the "c-word" is going to be something he .... and I .... will always have on our mind going forward.
I told him I love him. He told me he knows ... from two catfights I got into for him. Many years ago. One quick one in the late 1970s, the other more serious in 1989. Because in the 1989 one, I was a grown woman. And it was against Lori, my former best friend .... and his soon-to-be-ex-wife.
And it was a rough fight. No rules stuff. Only when he had his health scare did I open up to him just how violent my fight with Lori got.
First, the late 1970s stuff. It was a scuffle at the morning bus stop. My little brother was being bullied by a neighborhood boy, and in the 1970s, you didn't go to the School Principal, or even your parents, if you were being bullied. You either stood up for yourself, directly to the bully, which usually ended the bullying ... but at the cost of a 3-minute beating at the hands of a bully.
Or .... you asked an older sibling, if you were blessed to have one to stand up for you. I was his only older sibling. And I was happy to help. I started waiting for him at his bus stop. I was a senior in high school at this point, and had my own car. I'd wait till his bus came, saw him off, then drove to school myself.
One day, the bully came at my baby brother. I stood between them. In the scuffle, the bully dropped to the ground, twisting his ankle, and crying like all bullies do when they don't get their way.
> Owwwwww ...... owwwwww .... you better watch out Dianne. I have an older sister, too. I'm gonna tell her you hurt me.
> Fine, you big baby. Go tell her.
> I'm gonna. She's gonna kick your ass tomorrow morning at the bus stop.
> Today's Friday, dumb ass.
> Then Monday. You better be here. She's gonna fight you.
I vaguely knew his older sister Larissa. She was my age and she went to Catholic school--I found it hard to believe she would actually fight me. The Catholic schoolgirls had this reputation for community service and an Honor Code. She also must have known what a brat her younger brother was. Plus, there was a whole 72 hours for cooler heads to prevail. She would tell him to stop bullying, and that would be the end of it.
Except ..... that Friday night, at my job at Bradlees at the Waterbury Mall .... a bunch of my friends, including some who went to Larissa's Catholic school, came up to the Returns Desk I was working at.
> Hey, what happened between you and Larissa's brother?? You pushed him down???!!!???
> Yea, Larissa says you better not be at his bust stop Monday morning, or she'll push YOU down and see how YOU like it!!!
> Wait, what?
Her brother's a brat, and was picking on my brother.
> Are you two gonna fight??
> She can't be serious. She wants to fight me over THAT??
> What time do you get off work? Wanna go to her house and fight tonight??
> Not till 11. I'll be exhausted. I don't wanna fight tonight. ..... But I'm going to the bus stop Monday morning. Larissa can't tell me what to do.
> Yeah .... she's probably all talk.
That night, I had a dream about Larissa and I catfighting at the bus stop.
It was so realistic, it woke me up. I looked at the clock. It was 3AM.
I masturbated in bed until it was time to get up at 8.
The weekend seemed like it would never end.
Monday morning came. My brother got in the car with me.
We drove to the bus stop. Larissa's car was there. She was in it.
My panties were so soaked that a stain was showing thru my jeans.
To be continued.....