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QUICKSHOT Waterpolo v3

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Offline Abacust

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QUICKSHOT Waterpolo v3
« on: December 19, 2022, 11:22:26 PM »
This story was written by AI

It was a hot summer day, and the sun was beating down on the water polo players as they battled it out in the pool. The two women in the center of the action were fierce competitors, determined to come out on top no matter what it took.

As the game progressed, it became clear that one of the players, a tall brunette with piercing blue eyes, was not afraid to use dirty tactics to get ahead. She was constantly reaching out to pinch and scratch at her opponent, a petite blonde with a quick and agile swim style.

The brunette's attacks were always well-hidden under the water, and she was careful to make sure that the referees didn't see what she was doing. She was a master at using her fingers to twist and pull at her opponent's swimsuit, trying to get a grip on any exposed skin.

The blonde did her best to fend off the brunette's attacks, but it was a constant battle. Every time she tried to swim away, the brunette was right there behind her, reaching out to grab and pull at her.

As the game wore on, the attacks became more and more intense. The brunette was relentless, and she seemed to have no qualms about reaching inside of the blonde's swimsuit to try and gain an advantage. The blonde was humiliated and angry, but she knew that she had to keep her cool if she wanted to win the game.

Finally, the whistle blew, signaling the end of the match. The brunette and the blonde emerged from the pool, panting and exhausted, but the brunette had a triumphant smile on her face. She had done whatever it took to come out on top, and she wasn't about to apologize for it.

As the two women walked off the pool deck, the brunette turned to the blonde and whispered, "I'll be waiting for you next time, sweetheart. And trust me, it's going to be a whole lot worse." The blonde glared back at her, determined to get revenge in their next match. The rivalry between these two water polo players was far from over, and the tension between them was palpable.

The next match between the brunette and the blonde was even more intense than the first. Both women were determined to come out on top, and they were willing to do whatever it took to achieve victory.

As the game began, it was clear that the brunette had no intention of playing fair. She was constantly reaching out to pinch and scratch at her opponent, targeting sensitive areas like the inner thighs and underarms. She seemed to have a particular fondness for attacking the blonde's private parts, using her fingers to twist and pull at the other woman's swimsuit in an attempt to gain an advantage.

The blonde, on the other hand, was not one to back down. She fought back with all of her might, trying to fend off the brunette's attacks and keep her at bay. But the brunette was a formidable opponent, and she was relentless in her pursuit of victory.

The two women battled back and forth, each trying to outdo the other with increasingly dirty tactics. The brunette reached inside the blonde's swimsuit to grab and pull at her breasts and buttocks, while the blonde scratched and pinched at the brunette's stomach and ribs. They twisted and pulled at each other's swimsuits, trying to get a grip on any exposed skin.

As the game wore on, the fighting became more and more vicious. The brunette was especially vindictive, taking every opportunity to attack the blonde with all of her might. She seemed to take pleasure in the other woman's pain, and she was not about to let up until she had won the game.

The blonde, on the other hand, was determined not to let the brunette get the best of her. She fought back with all of her strength, trying to hold her own against the more experienced player.

In the end, it was a close match, and both women were left panting and exhausted as the final whistle blew. The brunette emerged victorious, but the blonde was not about to let her have the last word. She glared at the brunette with a look of pure hatred, vowing to get her revenge in their next match. The rivalry between these two women was far from over, and it was clear that the next time they faced off, it was going to be an all-out battle.

The next match between the brunette and the blonde was even more intense than the previous ones. The blonde had had enough of the brunette's dirty tactics, and she was determined to give as good as she got.

As the game began, the blonde launched herself at the brunette with a ferocity that caught her opponent off guard. She scratched and pinched at the brunette's skin, targeting her most sensitive areas with a ruthless efficiency. She aimed for the inner thighs, underarms, and ribs, using her nails to dig into the brunette's flesh and cause as much pain as possible.

The brunette was taken aback by the sudden aggression from her opponent, and she struggled to fend off the blonde's attacks. But the blonde was not about to let up, and she continued to press her advantage, reaching out to grab and pull at the brunette's swimsuit and pulling at her hair whenever she got the chance.

The two women fought back and forth, each trying to outdo the other with increasingly dirty tactics. The brunette twisted and pulled at the blonde's swimsuit, trying to get a grip on any exposed skin, while the blonde scratched and pinched at the brunette's stomach and ribs. They reached inside each other's swimsuits, trying to get a hold on any sensitive areas they could find. The brunette aimed for the blonde's breasts and buttocks, while the blonde targeted the brunette's genitals and inner thighs.

As the game wore on, the fighting became more and more vicious. The brunette was desperate to regain the upper hand, but the blonde was not about to let her. She continued to attack with all of her might, determined to come out on top no matter what it took.

In the end, it was a close match, and both women were left panting and exhausted as the final whistle blew. The brunette emerged victorious, but the blonde was not about to let her have the last word. She glared at the brunette with a look of pure hatred, vowing to get her revenge in their next match. The rivalry between these two women was far from over, and it was clear that the next time they faced off, it was going to be an all-out battle.

The brunette and the blonde stormed into the locker room showers after their latest match, both of them panting and sweating from the intense battle they had just fought. The brunette had emerged victorious once again, but the blonde was not about to let her get the last word.

As they stepped under the hot water, the two women glared at each other, their eyes filled with hatred and anger. The blonde was determined to get her revenge, and she knew that this was her chance.

The brunette was the first to attack, reaching out to grab the blonde's breast and twist it viciously. The blonde gasped in pain, but she refused to back down. She fought back, clawing at the brunette's inner thighs and digging her fingers into the other woman's ribs.

The two women fought back and forth, each trying to outdo the other with increasingly dirty tactics. They scratched and pinched at each other's skin, trying to get a grip on any exposed flesh they could find. They twisted and pulled at each other's private parts, using their fingers to dig into the most sensitive areas and cause as much pain as possible.

As the fight raged on, the water around them turned pink from the scratches and cuts on their skin. They moved around the shower, trying to keep their privates out of reach as much as possible, but it was a constant battle.

Finally, the blonde managed to get the upper hand, pinning the brunette against the wall and scratching at her breasts and buttocks with all of her might. The brunette gasped in pain, but she refused to give up. She fought back with all of her strength, clawing at the blonde's inner thighs and pulling at her hair.

The brunette and the blonde continued to fight in the shower, their bodies slick with soap and water as they clawed and scratched at each other's flesh. The brunette was determined to come out on top, and she used all of her strength and cunning to try and get the upper hand.

The blonde, on the other hand, was not about to let the brunette win so easily. She fought back with all of her might, using her fingers to twist and pull at the other woman's private parts. She scratched and pinched at the brunette's inner thighs, trying to get a grip on any exposed skin she could find.

As the two women battled back and forth, they tried to keep their privates out of reach as much as possible. They curled their bums away from the other woman's claws, trying to protect their most sensitive areas. But it was a constant battle, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not keep their opponents' fingers from finding their way into the most vulnerable parts of their bodies.

The brunette tried to attack from the front, using her fingers to scratch and twist at the blonde's pussy. The blonde gasped in pain, trying to close her legs tight to protect herself. But the brunette was relentless, using her knees to hold the blonde's legs open and exposing her vulnerable spot.

The blonde fought back with all of her might, trying to push the brunette away and get her legs closed. But the brunette was too strong, and she used her fingers to dig into the blonde's most sensitive areas, causing her to collapse in pain.

The brunette stood over the blonde, panting and sweating from the intense fight. She had come out on top once again, and she was not about to let the blonde forget it. As the blonde lay on the ground, holding her pained pussy, the brunette glared down at her, a triumphant smile on her face.

The brunette walked away from the blonde, triumphant and arrogant as she basked in the glow of her victory. But the blonde was not about to let her get away so easily. She mounted a sudden counterattack, leaping up from the ground and tackling the brunette to the ground.

The brunette landed with a thud on her stomach, the breath knocked out of her. She struggled to get up, but the blonde was too quick. She straddled the brunette, pinning her down and holding her in place.

"You think you can just walk away from me?" the blonde hissed, her eyes blazing with anger. "You think you can just beat me and then strut off like you're some kind of hero?"

The brunette struggled beneath the blonde, trying to push her off. But the blonde was too strong, and she used her weight to hold the brunette down. She reached around to try and force her hand between the brunette's legs, trying to get at her labia.

"You're not going to get away with this," the brunette gasped, trying to wriggle free. "I'll make you pay for this, I swear it."

But the blonde was not about to let the brunette get the upper hand. She stood for a moment, allowing the brunette to make the mistake of flipping around onto her back before the blonde sat back down. Now straddling the brunette facing her legs, she went after her pussy with a ferocity that left the brunette gasping in pain. She spread the brunette's legs wide, exposing her delicate pink folds to the harsh shower water. She slapped and pulled at the sensitive skin, stretching it out and causing the brunette to moan in agony.

"Give up, you miserable little bitch," the blonde spat, her eyes filled with hatred. "You're no match for me, and you know it."

The brunette struggled beneath the blonde, trying to push her off and escape the punishing attack. But it was no use. The blonde was too strong, and she had the brunette completely at her mercy.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the brunette gave up. She collapsed beneath the blonde, her body trembling with pain and exhaustion. The blonde stood over her, panting and sweating from the intense battle. She had come out on top once again, and she was not about to let the brunette forget it.

"You're finished," the blonde sneered, her eyes blazing with victory. "I'll make sure you never forget this moment, you miserable little worm."

The brunette lay on the ground, holding her battered and bruised pussy, as the blonde strutted away with a triumphant smile on her face.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 11:41:31 PM by Abacust »