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The Tutors-Final Chapter 3- Bitter Resolution

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Offline rin753

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The Tutors-Final Chapter 3- Bitter Resolution
« on: April 24, 2022, 05:39:15 AM »
The Tutors- Chapter 3-  Bitter Resolution

The two girls took the traditional fighter’s stance.  Hands up and fists clenched.  They began to slowly circle.  It was indeed an incredible sight.  Taut bodies, ample breasts, hard abs and well defined but still feminine biceps.  Monica whispered to Barbara, “Did we look that good when we fought?” 

“We did until the moment we went for each other’s hair.”

The hair pulling would have to wait in this fight because the women had decided to hurt each other with their fists.  They continued to circle and threw a few ineffective jabs that didn’t land. Sandy tried a kick but that missed too.  Finally the brunette got impatient and waded into the blonde with fists flying.  Although back pedaling a bit Sandy let her fists go as well and several hard punches hit faces. It was a quick flurry and Beth immediately backed away.  And it was at this point that both woman realized the magnitude and severity of this undertaking. For the first time they truly understood that one of them was going to end up damaged and the loser of the fight. It was a frightening thought for both.

Fists flying, they closed in on one another and clinched, arms entangled and bodies close. They grappled in a standing position. Occasionally one girl would get a hand free and start punching at any open body part of their rival.  The punches lacked power but stung nonetheless.  Eventually they each had a headlock on the other as their bodies were side by side and they were bent over at the waist.  Their one free hand was used to rain punches on the torso of the other until Beth changed tactics and grabbed a handful of Sandy’s right tit. She squeezed hard, and the blonde let out a yelp. She let go of Beth’s neck and pushed her away. She checked her tit for damage and tried to massage away the hurt.

“You fucking bitch,” she said to Beth.

“Shut up and fight, slut,” replied Beth.

They rushed together, angry and wanting to hurt.

Sandy wanted Beth to know that two could play the “catfight” game and she immediately sought out the tit flesh of the brunette. She grabbed and twisted hard and Beth felt the pain, but the tit grab left her open for the best punch of the fight as it landed square on the blonde’s face.  Sandy staggered backwards and she felt a trickle of blood seep from her nose.  Beth sensed the advantage and waded into the blonde forcing her to a wall of the game room.  Sandy embraced her foe and tried to keep her close to limit the power of the punches that Beth was throwing at all parts of her body. 

Trapped against the wall Sandy knew that Beth had the better of the fight so far and she needed to do something quick to change the momentum.  As Beth was busy pummeling Sandy’s midsection and tits the blonde responded by delivering a hard knee to her rival’s pussy.  It was a direct hit and hurt Beth. She backed off Sandy and doubled over slightly.  It left her open for a hard descending left hand punch to the chin that split the lip of the brunette and knocked her face first to the carpet. Now they had both drawn blood.

Off to the side Monica and Barbara said nothing but exchanged glances which said “This is brutal.”

Sandy was on her foe’s back in a flash.  She wrapped one arm around Beth’s neck and grabbed her ponytail with the other.  She intended on choking the brunette to unconsciousness and Beth knew it.  In a panic Beth squirmed and struggled to relieve the pressure on her neck, but that was easier said than done, and Sandy succeeded in rolling them both over so now she was on the bottom with Beth facing the ceiling.  Sandy was in total control.  While choking Beth she added a scissor hold; her powerful thighs wrapped around Beth’s midsection.

“How do you like it bitch?”

There was no answer.

If Sandy has simply held this position she would have probably choked Beth out, but she got greedy and it cost her.  She had the choke locked in with two arms, but occasionally she would let go with one arm in order to punch Beth in the face from below.  Being that she was flat on her back the punches lacked power but they still hurt Beth, especially when they landed on the brunette’s damaged lip. However it was during one of these flurry of punches from beneath her that Beth sensed an opening to get out of her predicament.  The brunette grabbed the arm that was around her neck with both hands, released the pressure somewhat and with tremendous effort she rotated her body so that she was now at least sideways to Sandy.  Slowly she continued the turn, the choke hold was broken and finally she was face to face with the blonde.

Sandy still had the scissor hold around her foe’s waist, but she was also on the bottom and Beth could now, at least, offer some offense.  And that she did.  From above she sent punches towards Sandy’s face and tits.  Most were blocked, but some got through.  Sandy was responding by sending her punches upwards, with minimal effect, but a low hanging tit of the brunette offered a tempting target and she latched on and squeezed.  Beth cried out in pain, and she grabbed at the hand that had her tit.  At the same time she started to piston her knee repeatedly into the area near Sandy’s pussy.  No direct hits, but enough to have Sandy release her scissors hold and kick Beth off her.  Beth rolled away and now both women were free.

The women rose and circled.  They were a mess.  There was not a great deal of blood but there was blood nonetheless, seeping from Sandy’s nose and Beth’s lip.  Some of it had splattered onto their tits. Their hair was wild and disheveled and they were breathing heavily from the exertion of the fight.  They continued to circle, eyes locked on their hated rival. Sandy noticed that her enemy had now developed something of a mouse above her left eye. 

At this point Monica and Barbara did something they promised not to do.  They interfered.  Mortified by the brutality and intensity of the fight Monica spoke up, “You girls have given it your all. You can be proud of your courage. Would you like to call it a draw?”

Sandy shouted, “NO!”

Beth said, “Fuck no,” and she went on the attack.

Beth rushed towards her foe. Sandy steadied herself and launched a right and left at the face of the oncoming woman, aiming at the mouse of her rival.  The punches landed but did not slow Beth down.  She scored herself with punches to Sandy’s midsection and then grabbed the blonde by the hair and neck.  In tight, they wrestled standing up, struggling to take the other girl down, each trying with little success to kick the other in the shins. Finally they toppled over onto the carpet, still fighting.

Locked together, in tight, they spared no effort in hurting each other as they fought on the ground. The pace of the fight had slowed but the fighters continued to damage each other any way possible. Legs entwined, the women fought tit to tit, blood and sweat coating their torsos. One woman would hold top position briefly only to be rolled over to the bottom a moment later. Beth was tired but sensed that Sandy was the one really running out of steam.  Maybe she was deluding herself?

They must have rolled over 3 or 4 times, but the last time Sandy was on top she seemed to be able to maintain the position.  She set her right forearm across the neck and chin of the brunette and with her left hand she latched onto her rival’s tit and squeezed with all her might. 

“I’ve got you now, bitch.  Do you give?”

Head turned awkwardly to the side Beth screamed in pain but nonetheless replied, “Fuck you.”  Frantically without being able to see her target she reached high and found a handful of blonde hair.  With all her remaining strength, she pulled hard and toppled Sandy over onto her side and in a flash now she was on top again. What was left of the blonde’s waning energy seemed to drain away.  Beth managed to free her legs and inch up on the blonde.  She took her left hand, placed it directly over Sandy’s face and pushed her head hard into the carpet.  She raised her body off Sandy a bit to produce more leverage, released her left from the blonde’s face and delivered the coup de grace with her right.  A direct, hard, closed fist punch directly to Sandy’s face. The blonde’s nose exploded and blood splashed into the air.

Sandy began to sob.  Beth now had a face sit.  She looked down at her hated foe and showed her both fists.  “You want more bitch, or are you done?”

No answer.

“I’ll only ask once more, kunt.  Are you done?”

Sandy whispered, “I’m done.”

Beth turned her head to the ceiling and let out a primal scream of victory.  Monica moved as fast as a 60 year old woman could and pulled Beth off Sandy.  Holding Beth around her midsection she whispered in Beth’s ear, “You did it Beth.  It was an honest fight, and you beat her fair and square. Good for you!”

Barbara went to console Sandy, who was crying and bleeding, still prone on the carpet.  All she could say was, “You gave it your best dear.  Don’t be ashamed.”

As she was leaving Beth could not resist one last taunt.  “I beat you bitch.  Always remember that. Have a great summer, loser.”

A week later Sandy requested a transfer to the middle school.


Offline Rocko23

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Re: The Tutors-Final Chapter 3- Bitter Resolution
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2023, 04:35:03 PM »
This was a wonderful story again. Thank you. The tutors were interesting - also never heard the phrase mouse lol. Glad that Beth won as well. Thank you.


Offline SunnyB

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Re: The Tutors-Final Chapter 3- Bitter Resolution
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2023, 03:13:00 PM »
And in the end ... there can only be one winner ... and one loser!  ;D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!