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The Unexpected is Expected

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Offline DottiD

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The Unexpected is Expected
« on: March 24, 2023, 05:33:46 PM »
(Hey All this almost the end of Peggy series )

The Unexpected is Expected

Hey all, Amber again, so I been talking to Peggy about when is the right time to just stop the fighting, be it for reputation, a man, whatever. Peggy agreed that thought was hanging over her head as well, but as she put it, her body was in amazing shape, her breasts as well.

She looked herself over and then at me, “Honestly Amber, do i look like i am ready to settle down and just live without competition?”.  I looked at her standing there in her heels thigh highs and thong. Her flat tummy and up to her firm round veiny pendulous breasts.

They hung from the weight but her strong chest muscles defied gravity still, her aureolas were puffed and bumpy as her thick barrel like nipples stood stiff. She slowly shifted on her heels and her breasts barely moved.  I was curious what her day was going to be, so i asked “Mom?, what are you doing today?”.

Peggy smirked at her still perfect body, she raised her hands as she pinned up her hair, her breasts lifted up and outward. As she arched and inhaled slowly she admired her figure even more. “well Amber i am not sure just yet, i might go have a drink or do some window shopping why? Are you bored.”.

I wasn’t but as i watch her getting dressed , something in me said, she is looking or trouble, or trouble wanted to meet her. Either way i wanted to be there, even if she had no plans to fight, it didn’t mean some other cougar wasn’t looking for trouble, and with Peggy’s reputation she wouldn’t be hard to find.

After doing her hair up, she turns and enters her walk in closet, she swaggers back out wearing a skin tight mini dress that hugged every curve and was forced to mold out across her bust.

Under it she wore no bra, she didn’t need to, but she did slowly ease a pink bra in her purse. Lets face it when your the best fighter , you never know when a challenge will come.  Her mini dress was a dark yellow Oakes with cheetah spots.  The straps to her shoulders were about an inch thick and taught off her chest. Across her swelling cleavage were three laces untied, they wouldn’t be able to be tied and hold the weight. Her  thigh highs were a fishnet seamed theme
To just under her rear end. The tight stretchy dress fabric cupped her rounded ass, she smoothed it down with her pink finger nails and hands.

The as she is nearly ready she uses her pink lip stick once more then purses her lips as she says to me, “are you ready or you staying home?”. I think she knew full well i was coming along, i threw jeans on and heels and a bra and tank top, a touch of lipstick and i had my car keys jingling as i said to mom, “ready when you are”.

Peggy looked at me she pinched my cheek, “your driving then, lets go”. We got in the car the weather was perfect, i started the car, “so where am i heading to?”. She smiled “down town silly, momma wants to shop and grab a drink”. Peggy wasn’t acting like she planned a fight, in fact she was just the opposite, it had me confused but off we went.

We arrive downtown i park the car at a local stop we often been known to frequent, Peggy steps out and arches a stretch. She looks about , I look over the car at her, “same bar mom?”. The bar was her usual hangout and has been for years.  Peggy grabs her purse and then changes the routine, “you know what not this time, lets walk down four blocks an hit the bar down there”.

I wasn’t thinking much of it, other than it was a walk. “Sure you don’t want to drive there?”, Peggy swaggers around the car, “whats wrong dear your legs can’t handle a few city blocks, cmon lazy bones lets go”.

We started off, along the way there was a lot of window shopping to see, we even stepped in a few stores but Peggy didn’t find anything that grabbed her eye as of yet.  On we went as we walked further down a lot of men in cars were beeping at Peggy as she swaggers along the sidewalk, Mom would giggle and wave at them, she even blew a kiss at a few, in joking.

As we reached the corner before the bar, we paused for the light to turn so we could cross, as we stood waiting a man in a red sport car suddenly pulls to the curb in front of us.  He smiled at Peggy as she stood towering over the car, she smirks at the guy “are you lost honey?”.

The man looking her up and down can’t lose the smile, “not at all sweetheart, in fact i think i just found my way, can i buy you a drink?”. Peggy inhales and bends forward at the drivers window, her one hand rests on the edge as her breasts swell nearly spilling at him. She purrs sex tone, “i seriously doubt you have what i want in this car, but I’ll be in the bar right here if you are still interested in buying me a drink, otherwise you might want to check with your girl friend first”.

The man loses his smile for a second, he looks tot he passenger seat and sees a woman’s purse left there. He looks back to Peggy, “oh that , yeah she’s not my girlfriend just a friend”.

Peggy nods “yeh sure she is, tell ya what handsome, i am not the type to take another woman’s man, so maybe not a good time for you”. Peggy starts walking away, as he yells , “I’ll be back in a few for that drink”. Peggy just smiled and swaggers her ass as we walked across the street.

We enter the bar and its fairly empty, but it was before lunch, we walk in and as always mom gets a lot of looks, but she wasn’t here for trouble . We grab seats at the bar and Peggy orders a bourbon, i got a beer, we were making small talk when i noticed a woman sitting near the rear sees mom and her eyes flash.

I was going to say to mom watch her but as i saw the woman sit up more , i instantly could see she would be ripped apart by Peggy without trying, Peggy saw it as well and she kind of chuckled at the woman.

Peggy always sipped her drinks nursed them really, and today was no exception, when suddenly the bar door opens and the guy who flirted with hr walks in, he smiles and walks over. He stands beside Peggy, “bar tender give the ladies here whatever they like on me”.

Peggy looks at him, “ell did she kick you out or is she on her way”. The guy smirks, “ok. You got me, i met her the other night but we only went on one date, she left her purrs in my car and i dropped it off i swear,, but if it bothers you I’ll leave”.

Peggy thought a second , it seemed like an excuse that could happen, and well whoever she is , she wasn’t with him so maybe she lost interest, Peggy smiles at him, “well thank you for the drinks, this seat right here is empty”. Obviously Peggy liked what she saw.

The man orders a bourbon as well and as they sit looking at one another and talking he makes a toast, “to new friends, maybe more”.  Peggy clinks his glass, “here here and you better be worth it”. Jim the man sitting there says, “hey i am a successful businessman and i haven’t had any complaints yet”.  Peggy smiles as her tongue slowly licks her glass edge, “oh honey i didn’t mean in that way”.   He looks at her “well what do you mean then?”.

Peggy rolls her eyes , “tell me Jim, the woman you met was it in here you met?”. He nods “yeah how do you know that?”. Peggy sips, “well don’t look now but that woman sitting near the back just made a text, and i am guessing it was your date, who left her purse. Now if i am right she will be here soon and when she sees me and you, she is going to want a chat with me, telling me to back off her man. Now i am not the type to get between a man and a woman, so as long as your not hers i won’t be backing off, and i am positive she won’t either, so if you get my drift in about 20 minutes your gonna see some fireworks and it will be all because of you Jim”.

He takes a big swig swallows it and looks at Peggy, “look i doubt that will happen but if she shows up so what?, i am a single man and while our date went ok, i am not committed”.

Peggy pats his hand, “relax Jim, i am big girl if she doesn’t care then no big deal but if she cares i know what to do”. As Jim goes to the mens room, i look to mom, “seriously you gonna get in a fight over him?, you know nothing about this guy mom.” She smiles at me, “oh Amber so unfamiliar with the way things work, i am not getting into a fight with anyone over him, at least not yet, you know that woman looking at us at the other end of the bar?, well she already texted whoever is coming and not because of Jim, she is on her way cause i am on her turf, the way i would be if it was our side of town.”

I shook my head, Jim comes back over, he sits next to Peggy, she looks at him, “everything ok Jim?”, he has that look that says troubles coming , he thinks it is fault but like mom said she was already coming to let Peggy know its her turf.  Jim rubs his face “yeah , i guess so let me ask you now, can i take you out sometime?”.   Peggy giggles, “well Jim i guess we will see what happens after she gets here, i am sure you will be taking one of us out “.

As Peggy and Jim chit chat i see the woman that has been watching us look at her phone, she smirks and then puts it away. I knew any second whoever was coming was parking outside, sure enough in a few the bar door swings open slow.

The sun light blocks most of her but the silhouette was unmistakable, her hour glass figure stood just in the doorway to adjust her eyes. The door shutting behind her, carrying a purse i see a busty woman hr hair up but in a rushed style, her lips a bright cherry red lipstick as were her nails.

She was in a tiger print mini dress, with thinner straps also taught off her chest, her cleavage was tight and dark, but swelling as well and her bra was a match to her dress. Her long legs were encased in black fence cut thigh highs garters, her heels matched her dress.

She slowly starts around the bar, her eyes glued to Peggy and Jim talking, Peggy knew she was here but wasn’t about to look for trouble as she promised. The woman was Rita, a queen here much like Peggy in our side of town. 

Her stance was 5’9” as well, she was 62 and her face showed a few years unlike Peggy, it was he price of rougher fights and smoke filled bars. Rita was a full heavy 40D-28-38 a sandy blonde with light blue eyes.

Slowly she saunters around to where we are, and stands looking at Peggy and JIm. Jim springs upright “Rita hi i tried calling you..”.  Rita cuts him off as she looks at Peggy and says,”you lost honey?”.  Peggy knows what this woman means, “not at all why are you?”.

Rita smirks and nods “ok i see you wanna play games ok , lets play the game. What are you doing down this way hmm?”.  Peggy inhales as she turns to the woman, “last time i looked honey i can go where ever i like for a drink, just so happens i am enjoying the company. Which i told him if he is attached i don’t play that game, but your little bitch snitch over there surely texted you that, so whats this really about hmm?.

Rita looks at the woman obviously scared eyes, Rita looks back at Jim then Peggy, “well you got one thing right honey, its not about him, all though you have some nerve coming in my town and bar and trying to use him as a way to me.”

Peggy smirks, Rita sees it, “this funny to you ? Cause in about a minute you won’t be laughing as you drag your torn up ass home, so whats it gonna be hmm?, you walking out or you wanna get dragged out by that mop of yours”.

Peggy raises her brows at Rita, “first off Honey, if i were you i would try another offer to see if i leave on my own or cause of you. Secondly if you and i have to do this a harder way, i am certain you know between you and i, this will be more than a chest in the ladies room, but I’ll leave it up to you”.

Rita can see the healed scars on Peggy’s neck and chest, cleavage and cheeks, the kind make up can not hide. It is clear to Rita this woman in front of her will fight as dirty and nasty as she will herself.  Peggy also lets her eyes scan Rita, she can see a few scars mapped on her new rivals chest and neck and cheeks.

Clearly neither woman is the type to just walk away, and both know now in this instance, this will end with one of them left on the ground, torn up and broken. But will the loser have learned to stay away, or will she be back for more and more.

Rita breathes in, she has no choice coming here to confront the stranger on her turf. Peggy knows the feeling all to well, confronting a stranger as those who know your the Queen in your area, watch to see if you will back down.  Cause of this Peggy knows there will be a fight before she leaves, Rita knows it as well.

Rita her nipples tenting her bra and dress arches at Peggy, “well we both know neither of us is willing to let this go, did you bring a bra honey?”. Peggy pulls her purse to her opens it and shows Rita he bra, Peggy then smiles, “i did and it looks like you needed to wear yours, sure you want to do this?”.

Rita feels her breasts swelling, “oh i am sure, but we do things a little different this side of town”. Peggy raises a brow, “oh you do? And tell me what exactly is it you do so different..Honey?”. Rita in a very confident hiss, “we use hands before we go tit to tit, and our rules are a little less strict if you get my drift”. 

Peggy licks her lips, “well I’ll play by any rules you like, but i hope you don’t get to upset if i beat you at your own game”.  Rita clears her throat, “your a big talker honey, care to let your tits do the talking against mine in the ladies room?”. Peggy inhales as her nipples tent her dress, “well why not, w were going to fight anyway we can start there, lead the way”.

As Peggy and Rita stand up i do as well, Rita looks at Peggy, “whats this all about ?”, Peggy looks at me then Rita, “oh she’s my daughter she likes to watch and video a fight i am in, if you are worried she will jump in i can promise you you have nothing to worry about”.

Rita purrs, ‘’ ok but if she comes near me while you and i chat , I’ll scratch her eyes out”, Peggy cocks her hip, “oh you save that for me when we step outside, you gonna need it”.

Rita smirks , “famous last words, lets go, follow me” the two women ease their seats away and i grab moms purse as Rita grabs her own and we head to the ladies room. Jim stands there turned on but confused, as i pass him i whisper, “you can leave or stay, either way they will be back in a about an hour maybe sooner.”

The three of us walk into the bathroom, both of these cougars pause at the mirror, then Peggy sets her bra on the vanity.  Rita reaches under dress straps to ease her bra straps down then reaches behind to unclamp her bra. She pulls the garment from her dress and sets her bra besides Peggy’s. She stares at Peggy, “winner takes both”. Peggy nods “oh of course”.

Then after one last look in the mirror they together walk into the handicap stahl and latch the door, i go in the stahl beside it and climb up on the toilet seat to look over , my phone in hand and ready to record.

Peggy stands a hand on her hip, while Rita stands across from her , both need not say it, they slowly ease their dress straps down then slowly wiggle the dress tops down, till they hang from their hips. Both women’s breasts sway out free, nipples stiff.

They each tilt a chin up at the other in pride as their full firm breasts stand out heavy, veiny and round. Peggy caresses hers as does Rita. Peggy in a soft catty tone, “so your little rule is that just for a start? Or you like to add it as we titfight?”. Rita sneers as they feel their breasts react to the caressing as they swell, “well i am open if you are, either way honey, you and i aren’t leaving this stahl till one of us gives and is on all fours”. 

Peggy grins, “oh you want loser milked as well?”. Rita gives one last caress and squeeze to her breasts, “oh honey i milk, and tit smother the loser, and sometimes i will even slap her red sore tits around”.  Peggy does one last slow caress then a squeeze of her breasts, “well this sounds like a real interesting fight, tell me any restrictions?”.

Rita slowly shakes her head, “no punches, other than that hands on as we titfight, ready “?, Peggy breaths in she knows this battle will be hard on their breasts but she so wants to beat Rita on her own turf, she nods slow, “oh i am ready if you are”.

Rita opens her hands as she arches offering her big heavy tits out, “then lets Fight”. They slowly circle as they glare, each flexing her hands, but they both want to test the other first. Peggy arches offering her tits out, “cmon honey tit to tit before we really get to it”.

Rita rolls her shoulders, “cmon””, they step forward then the quiet bathroom explodes with a fleshy CLOP then a second CLOP, both women jab head on and after the second clop they start to roll, press and drag their breasts against the others.

The bathroom quiet again other than their soft grunts and huffs, “ughh cmon”, uumfff bring it harder”. My phone records the duel and both their faces. Rita purses her lips as she feels how firm Peggy is, while Peggy does the same as she feels how heavy Rita is.

They press closer, forcing their firm breasts to recoil and bulge to the sides, underneath and above, ballooning every angle as they refuse to ease off. Their sinewy thighs flexing as they press and try to force the other back, and try for an advantage.

Their breathing starts to get faster, as their breasts firmly clop side to side then the drag and roll and smear their big tits agains the others. Stiff nipples draw lines in flesh as they start to undulate their shoulders to add to their breasts firmness.

They both huff out Peggy a hot beeath, “uuhhh mmfff cmon honey, I’ll crush your tits”. Rita replies, “uuhh uhh nmmffff oh honey this fight just started cmon ready to really titfight ?”.

Peggy knows this is about to be the makings of a tough titfight. “Ready honey bring it”.
The pressing and pushing gets harder, their tits bulging from the sides of their bodies, Rita slides her hands up Peggy’s sides, Peggy feels her rivals hands, she huffs, “need hands already?”. Rita breathes in ‘you agreed Bitch need to back out hmm?”.

Rita’s fingers feel the bulging mass of her rivals breasts, she closes her fingers and pinches hard then twists slowly, Peggy glares as if it has no effect. Rita turns her fingers more, she stares at Peggy, “trying to hide the pain Bitch ?”.

Peggy her cheeks get red as does her breasts at the pinch sight, finally the feeling becomes to much, “Owww Bitch”. Rita sneers, “cmon Bitch we both know we can take a lot more, fight or get out of my bar and town”.  Peggy was never going to walk away, i am not sure Rita knew that , but she was going to learn it real fast.

Peggy inhales a sRita twists her breast meat, she shoves her own breasts into Rita’s and then pulls her hands up and grabs in all of her fingers the bulging mass of Rita’s meaty breasts at each side. Rita winces but stays tight to Peggy, their heels tapping around the tiles as their busty bodies move as one.

Finally as video this unplanned fight, Peggy having a fistful of tit meat in each hand, pushes Rita back a half step by her tits then uses them to spin Rita around and smack her bare back on the tile wall with a hard SLAP.

Rita looked like all the air was slammed from her lungs, she even lost her pinch hold on Peggy’s tits. Peggy pushed her arms out pinning Rita on the wall, as she now was ready to make Rita pay for wanting a fight.   Peggy slaps Rita’s tits side to side hard, her hand print was still on each breast, Rita pulled her arms in to cover but Peggy hated it when a woman wanted a fight and then covered like a school girl.

Peggy grabbed Rita’s wrists and yanked her from the wall only to spin her around and now Peggy shoved her tits to Rita’s bare back, then took her hands and forced them under Rita’s.

Rita arched her head shaking no as she looked down, Peggy had worked her hands in and fully cupped Rita’s breasts. Then she dug her fingers and finger nails in to Rita’s tits deep, and slowly but with a lot of her strength started to tug, and roll and pull up on Rita’s tits.

Rita could hardly take much more, she shook her head no as she yelled out, “You Bitch my tits oh I am gonna scratch your fucking eyes out for this”.  Peggy put her face near Rita’s ear, and hisses , “Oh you want a real fight after this Bitch? Nmm i am so glad we met then i need a fight”.

But like Rita, Peggy had no idea just who she was messing with. She continues torturing Rita’s tits, till Rita with a well timed move throws her head back and catches Peggy’s eyebrow. Peggy’s head was knocked back, Rita grabbed Peggy’s thumbs and turned them downward, making Peggy release her breast hold.

As Rita twists the thumbs and wrists Peggy was forced to her knees, Rita turns as she released. Them and instantly reaches down and grabs Peggy’s breasts from the underside front, she pulls them upward and stretches her tits elongating Peggy’s round breasts outward.

Peggy snarls and reaches up and grabs on to Rita’s tits, she pulls down on Rita’s as they snarl and spit at one another.  Rita starts to have tears running as Peggy simply uses her body weight to pull on her rivals breasts, forcing Rita to not just bend forward but as she does , her pull on Peggy’s breasts is less effective.

Rita starts to widen her thighs hoping to stop from being brought to the floor, “Ohh my tits you fucking Bitch”. Peggy panting, “let my tits go Whore or you wanna keep going Bitch”.

Rita still holding on to Peggy’s shakes them in her grip by the nipples, Peggy instead of being hurt losses her mind. she suddenly gets her feet under her and springs up at Rita.  The two slap and grab at each other’s breasts, but Peggy was pissed , she gets into Rita’s space shoves her back hard.

Aloud SMACK erupts as her bare back is shoved to the tile wall, Rita grunts as she felt every bit of it. Peggy brings her arms up from underneath and smacks Rita’s arms up and away, Peggy then lunges in, she side steps Rita as they are face to face, but Peggy positioned her breasts to the side of Rita’s body.  Preventing rita from getting a hand hold, while Peggy slaps her hands on Rita’s breasts and starts to knead, grope and squeeze deep and with her pure strength.

Rita arches on the wall, her own hands pry at Peggy’s to get them off her tits, “Owww My Tits you Whore let go”. Peggy is now twisting the fleshy meaty globes and pulling, pushing and pinching freely.   Peggy leans her shoulder to Rita’s and grabs two healthy fistfuls of Rita’s breasts and rolls them as if dough then twists them in her hands and fingers as she pulls down on them. Stopping Rita from bending forward to ease the pain or escape.

Peggy snarling at her rivals ear, “what wrong Slut hmm?, don’t ya hate it when a Bitch beats you at your own game. You gonna give hmm?, ducking say it Bitch say you Give”.

Rita shaking her head can’t get free, it hurts way to much, finally as she is about to quit Peggy yanks her off the wall by her breasts and gets behind Rita.  She presses her breasts into Rita’s back as her hands come up from behind and cup both heavy breasts and the torture goes on but now Peggy has no fear of Rita getting hold of hers.

Again as i video i see Rita’s face contort to complete pain , her breasts cherry red as Peggy holds her still and works her rivals breasts as if she was going to tear them off.  Finally as Rita is flailing her hands and crying she nods and screeches out , “OK OK PLEASE STOP I GIVE YOU WIN LET MY TITS GO”!!.

Peggy a sneer of confidence hisses , “get on your knees Bitch now”, Rita nods as she goes to her knees. Peggy standing behind her smiles and pulls Rita’s breasts up on her chest and starts to do the milking motion.  Rita keeps using her hands to try to stop the extended torture, “Owww ohh you fucking Bitch wait till i see you again “.

Peggy digs her fingers in the fleshy meat and twists hard, making Rita’s mouth fall open but no cries, she hisses with hate, “I see you within 20 feet of me Bitch and you and i are gonna fight, you got it Bitch?”. Rita nods and Peggy shoves her forward tot he floor, Peggy leaves the stahl and fixes her dress then grabs both bras and returns to the bar.

She winks at the man and sits by him as she enjoys her drink, Rita lays there a moment and then slowly gets up, she sits up adjusting her dress back on now braless and hurt in the breasts. She looks up at me and snarls, “You tell that Bitch her and i are not finished , tell me where she lives”.

I shook my head at Rita, i was going to just leave but then it struck me, Rita lost this little tiff, it she didn’t make the down town area hers by losing. She must be a decent fighter, so I pause and I tell her that Peggy, runs the North end uptown, but if you wanna fight her in the a street fight,  you can find her at the market on Fridays, or pool side or you can wait two weeks and there is a party at the community center in town.  Nothing elaborate as far as attire heels jeans and a nice top. I start to leave and i look back as she is standing and i wink a si add, “oh and if your planning on showing up?, bring a new bra she likes to take them after she kicks a bitches ass”.

Just as the was going to let the door shut i hear her say, “Oh Yeah and she better bring one i take them as well”. I looked back nodded and then swaggered away, as i pass mom smiling and sipping her drink i whisper to her ear, “your new friend is considering showing up at the party in two weeks, oh and she said she will have a bra but you better as well”.

Peggy smiles at me then acts as if i never said it, just then Rita walks out from the ladies room, she and Peggy look daggers at each other. Then Rita knowing she lost at her own game worms out of her own hangout.

Jim watches then says to Peggy, “you must be a handful Peggy, I never seen Rita retreat from her own hangout”.  Peggy looks at Jim smiles and purrs, “Well Jim honey, if your not bus in two weeks stop by my side of town and you will see her and i finish this like woman do, and then i might just make this MY hangout”.

With that a sPeggy stands up she gives Jim a glimpse of the two bras and she winks as she raises a brow. She swaggers tot he door looks back at him blows a kiss and we leave.

As we headed back to our side of town, I noticed Peggy was quiet but i also noticed she kept pulling her arms in bulging her breasts. I really didn’t ask much as she was being quiet, when we get home i send the video to her phone.  As i walk in her room she is in just her thong and her robe is on her bed.

As she turned to see me her hands were caressing her creams all around her breasts and she pursed her lips as if the pain was worse now.  Then i saw it, Rita left her finger prints on Peggy’s breasts in the form of black and blue marks, and where she pinched Peggy’s breasts they were purple.

Peggy moaned as she then set cold towels on her bust, “what is it amber?’ She asked in a way that i heard very few times, and that was after tough losses.  “Uhh uh i just wanted to tell you i airdropped the fight to your phone,uhmmm Mom are you ok? I mean your breasts look hurt”.

Peggy couldn’t stop cupping them as if they were itching deeply and she couldn’t satisfy the itch. Peggy eased her robe on as she sat in bed and grabbed her phone, she looked at me, “what do you want me to say amber, that i am fine?, that bitch was a fighter, not a titfighter, she is a street fighter. So yeah she hurt my tits but i had to have hurt as much, shit i hope i did, cause you can bet your bottom dollar she will be here in two weeks looking for a fight”.

I shut her door as i went to my room, i watched the fight again more intently, then i saw what i think Mom meant, as they had a grip on each other Rita wasn’t showing she was being hurt as much as Peggy looked to be getting hurt.

I had to wonder, was Peggy reaching the days of her fight style being over?, was she just getting to old ?, or in Rita did Mom pick a fight with wrong bitch and just got lucky this time?.

Whatever it was , in two weeks we were all going to find out if Peggy was still a Fight  Queen .

During the two weeks Peggy knew what i was thinking, she threw herself into her stretching, and workouts, and to be honest, she was looking brawny for a woman her age, i know this i wouldn’t have asked her to fight street fight me.

The Friday arrived the party was to start at 3, we had no idea if Rita would show, at least i didn’t . Peggy thought for sure by nights end she was going to be there, Peggy had on a pair tan capri jeans that looked painted on, tan heels and her hair up loose bun.

A bright pink bra, matching lipstick and nails and a pink short sleeve blouse unbuttoned to her swelling veiny cleavage and bra cups just were in view. A pair of hoop earrings she slowly walked out of her room and i met in her in he hallway.

She posed for me, “how do i look?”, i smiled “wow mom you look great, no one would ever guess your over 50”.  She smiled and kiss es my cheek, “your a doll but i was hoping you would say i look ready for a fight”. 

She laughed and i said quickly “mom , when don’t you look ready for a fight”, she nodded “that is true love, cmon i don’t wanna be the last one there”.

We park at the community center, and like always Peggy uses the pool entrance to make sure no woman is there to disrupt things, no one knew about Rita, so they all just had to admire Peggy’s ageless looks and strong busty body as she strut by.

All most everyone who was invited was there and Peggy made her rounds as she got drink, Jeff showed up late, but when he saw mom he nearly fell over.  They hugged and made small talk, Peggy was nursing her drink , as she did anytime she felt trouble was coming.

A few minutes go by and low and behold Jim stools in, no one knew him so he got a few looks but when Peggy saw him she smiled and waved. Jim walked over and they had a cordial hug and cheek kiss.  Peggy introduced him and then they sat and started talking, Peggy was smiling but her green eyes were looking into Jim’s soul for a hint if Rita was coming.

But before anything was said, Peggy sees Jim’s eyes glances to the door then widen, Peggy knew and she slowly looked that way, sure enough there she was Rita.  In ankle strap heels and black capri jeans and a red blouse open to her red bra, her own fuller but less firm bust swelling and veiny.

Her hair was up in a bun to the back more, earrings and her red nails, she paused a the door till she saw Peggy, then she swaggers to the bar to get a drink. She sees Jim is not just here but with her new rival, a little salt to the wound she already had by losing to Peggy.

She tilts her chin up and then goes and sits at a table, her eyes aimed at Peggy, Peggy just tilts her chin up at Rita and while listening to Jim turns so she can stare at Rita. Each was waiting for the perfect time to take this any place they could have at it.

Slowly everyone well more the women were picking upon the tension as these two glare, and with no one other Peggy and Jim knowing who Rita was. It was becoming more clear something was about to happen between them.

I saw it, people who were ready to leave suddenly wanted to stay, women who liked Peggy were confident this was going to be over fast, while the women who lost to Peggy over the years so wanted to see this new stranger tear her up so I they weren’t leaving.
Seeing these two cougars were ready at a moments notice, Jim whispers to Peggy, “i guess your tired of waiting around?”. Peggy a sly smile, “you know i am Jim honey, be a dear and go ask my guest if she is”.

Jim nods, “ok then”, he walks over to Rita, “she wants to know…”. Rita stops him, “you tell that Bitch I am and ask her where we are going to do this”.

As Peggy sees Jim got a message to deliver Peggy stands up and saunters to Rita’s table and sits. They stare a moment then Rita says, “where can we do this ?”. Peggy still a smile, “well we can go out by the patio its very well lit for such occasions , that is if your ready”.

Rita smiles, “oh outside is so much better than inside, it really allows us to let our inner cat out, care to lead the way, that is if your ready”.  Peggy waves Jeff over and whispers, Jeff looks at Rita then nods.

Rita in a hiss “who was that your referee?”, Peggy replies, “who Jeff?, oh my no i never use a referee, no Jeff is just letting anyone who wants to see this between us, to go outside to watch”.  Rita nearly swallowed her smile, as it was clear by the wave of people heading out to see this , Peggy has done this more than once, Rita breathes in, “so shall we head out then?”

Peggy has a similar look at Rita’s coldness she has done this more than enough as well, “no sense in making them wait”. With hat Rita and Peggy stand up, Peggy takes Jim’s arm, Rita takes the other, he looks at them with a confused look, Peggy tugs his arm, “cmon silly, we need you between us so we go at each other before we get out there”.

I walked out right before they did, i got my phone out to record this. All three appear at the patio doors and then step out, slowly they walk each on an arm of Jim. Finally they reach the wide open patio, they stop there, Jim looks and Rita kisses him then she spits at Peggy.

Peggy kisses him and spits at Rita, then Jim steps away and the couples from moms town form a circle. The two mature cougars stand glaring at one another, Rita hisses , “you want rules of any kind Whore ?”.  Peggy a hiss back, “for a fight cougar to cougar Slut?, sorry if you were mis;dad but here in my side of town?, we fight like cats no rules, KITEN”.

A few of the women who can see a fights coming uww and ohh, at Rita being called a kitten. Then Peggy says, “your in my town now, you want stakes ?”. Rita licks her lips “sure , loser gives up her bra and gets tit smothered and worships winner tits”.

Peggy stares “i agree but you might have a problem if you win.”, Rita cocks her hip, “and why is that?”. Peggy removes her earrings, “cause you may not have any tits left after this fight”.

Rita removes her earrings and each hands them off to anyone near them, Rita smirks at the comment, “well that may be true but i scratch also”. Peggy steps to the center then Rita does , they bump their busts nipples already tenting the bras and tops.

As they bump and rub their busts in bras and tops they hiss at the others face, Rita, “well Bitch we done talking i came for a fight”, Peggy hissing back, “only one still gabbing is you must be nervous aren’t ya kitten”.

Rita curls her lip as Peggy does then instantly the two mature women grab each other by the hair and start to pull like wild women. Their faces instantly get red as they both rip tufts of hair free and go back for more.

They spin and stagger around, the crowd watching keeping the cougars within the circle, gasping, panting and grunting from both women as they rip away.  Rita snarls, “fucking Bitch “, Peggy spitting, “cmon whore fight”.

The two amazons continue to pant as they rip out hair by the fistful, spinning and dancing about the circle, each in agony at the burn in her scalp and the pain, but neither will say it hurts.

After a good 3 minutes Peggy starts to tug and shake Rita’s head violently, forcing her to gasp and emit a whimper . Peggy starts to spin Rita, then when she thinks it is a good time Peggy stands upright against her rivals body but turns her hip into Rita’s, and she tries to flip Rita by using a hip and hair pull.

Rita eyes wide gasps at the sheer pain in her scalp, “awww Bitch my hair”. Peggy grunts as she starts to bend Rita, her move will throw her rival to the floor and be at her mercy. Everyone can see as Rita can feel whats about to happen, chants to fight back Rita, and get her Peggy fill the patio area. 

Then as Rita is half way bent over Peggy’s hip she changes her hair grip on Peggy. Out of sheer fear of being controlled, Rita grabs a fistful of Peggy’s hair at her bangs and her other hand, pushes under Peggy’s chin as her nails press into Peggy’s chin and lower lip.

Peggy winces as her head is yanked back making her look up, her mouth opens as she grunts loudly ,”aghhhh Bitch”. Rita huffing heavily manages to stand back upright and now turns Peggy’s head away from her and with sheer strength and a death grip on Peggy’s hair snaps Peggy back and her Rita uses her calf behind Peggys and throws the queen to the ground.

Peggy scrambles as her thigh highs get runs from the rough ground as do her palms, she spins to get up and instantly she knew it was a mistake. Rita wasn’t stepping back to recover, she was following her rivals attempt to get up.

As Peggy gets to her knees and is about to stand Rita pounces on her back, her left hand sinks into Peggy’s bun and her nails scratch Peggy’s scalp as she gets a fistful and whips back on the head and hair.  Peggy eyes wide from shock and pain, mouth drops open as she arches under the weight of her rival screeches out, “OWwww Bitch get off me Cow!”.

Rita her free hand pulls back and fires a right fist to Peggy’s cheek, it was a clear solid blow that turned Peggy’s head and made her cover her face. Rita in control sneers as if she has the Peggy where she wants her.

As Peggy covers her face, Rita forces Peggy on to one knee then straddles her lower back and takes her free hand over Peggy and rips the low thin blouse wide open as if it were tissue paper.  Buttons fly all over then we hear Peggy screech again, as we look Rita’s right hand has yanked the right bra cup up exposing Peggy’s right veiny round breast, then her hand cups it and her nails sink in and start to rake and scratch through the the fleshy globe.

Peggy instantly digs her nails in Rita’s wrist and forearm as she winces , “Owww you Fucking Whore my tit!!”.  Rita a side smile looking down at her rival in distress, “ Did you call me a cow you fat whore?, I’ll rip your fucking tits off right here Bitch”.

Women who despised Peggy were heard yelling , “Do it Rita tear her tits apart get her honey”. Peggy winces again as her exposed breast is turning red as the fresh grooves of Rita’s nails plow through her fleshy globe, pulling more along the fingernails path.

Peggy is hurting but far from out of this, she uses her free hand to reach back her hand rises and she grabs a hold of Rita’s blouse and rips down on it. Rita’s over filled bra comes into full view, she violently shakes Peggy’s head by the hair, ‘’Oh you wanna get hold of my tits Cow hmm?, cmon bitch try it “.

Peggy gasps as her stiff nipple is close to being part of the destructive path of her rivals finger nails. The longer she is stuck with Rita on the small of her back, the better the chance Rita will really unleash on her and end this fight.

Peggy begins to squirm, she is either going to go down to either side or launch backwards, her body tenses and Rita can feel a counter move is coming. She quickly tries to get her knee in Peggy’s spine. 

Rita looking like a rodeo rider tries to balance when Peggy pushes up on her knees and then as i figured thrusts her body backwards against Rita’s hold. The two women go down on the ground hard, instantly the crowd is now doubly screaming for their favorite.

Rita’s thighs wrap around Peggy, but Peggy was halfway turned to fight her, her own nails grab at Rita’s bra and pull it down as she climbs higher on Rita. Rita releases the hair hold as she grabs at Peggy’s, wrists to prevent it. Peggy squirms and gets on her knees then arches up forcing Rita’s legs to release.

Once Peggy was free she didn’t look to gain a solid advantage she wanted to fight as much as Rita did. They look at one another and Peggy drops her body onto Rita’s and as their thighs tangle around the others, the two amazons start to slap and punch and scratch at the others face as they begin to roll each other over along the ground.

The crowd widens the circle and closes in tight as the two women wage war face to face in a cat ball all over the ground. The rough cement cuts and scrapes their legs , shoulders, arms and backs. It is hardly anything to compare to the damage they do to one another, the distinct sound of fists hitting flesh can be heard as one then the other is hit .

Faces bright red, sweat dripping as they start to breath heavier and on the verge of losing their strength they stop briefly and turn to ripping the others hair out again. The rolling continues as they glare at the other , spit on others face and snarl at pain and the hate they have for the other. Threats, challenges and dares as well as trash talking and curses fly between their tight bodies.

As they originally wanted this fight was going to be hard and each wanted to win it. They roll more as the thin blouses start to get runs and rips, partly from claws partly the rough ground.
As we all cheer the fighters to hurt her rival and cheers to fight, the two warriors do not disappoint.

At one point they kick and start to unravel from one another, as they kick free of each other, blouses in tatters , bras displaced breasts either out or about to be, they both get to their knees and then stand up. The fight is simply slowed cause of the break, but no where over, they both get to their feet and breathing heavy, with obvious cuts filling with blood and scars newly made shine as old reminders are reopened.

Peggy snarling and wanting more takes her ripped blouse and shreds it off and throws it aside, she pushes her breast back in her bra cup. As she is doing that Rita removes her torn blouse tossing it aside, she eases her breasts back in her bra cups.

As they glare hands on hips trying to catch their breath as tummies bellow and chests rise and fall, women all around them scream in at them, “fight her Rita, cmon you bitches get to it finish it, cmon Peggy rip her apart .”

The two amazons swallow as they start to circle, Peggy huffs “Looks like they wanna see a fight as much as we want , ready to go Cow?”. Rita sucks in a deep breath as she sneers, “looks like they do, hope we aren’t disappointing them so far, but sure Bitch i want more cmon whore lets really finish it”.

The crowd softens as the two women crouch a bit and widen their thighs, hands curl into claws as they curl tops lips and are about to rip into one another yet again.  Rita hisses “cmon you fucking Bitch like cats ?’’. Peggy snarling growls back, slowly shakes her head no, “oh no you fucking bitch like cougars cmon”.

Rita swallows as does Peggy they nod and saunter head on together, a few slaps and punches are exchanged and the crowd erupts in a wild frenzy again cheering the fight to go on.

The women crush head on together and then as slaps and blows slow they grab each other by the face and start to gouge at each other’s face like mature cougars can and would. No purpose other than to ruin her rivals face hair and body as hard as they can.

They stand face to face as they dig nails and rake at each other, s the fight gets worse and the once pink furrows now turn a deep red as skin is broken, Rita changes her tactic, she sinks her fingers in Peggy’s brow as her thumb nails go for Peggy’s eyes.

Peggy turns her head to avoid the damage that would be serious, Rita spits, “cmon you fucking tramp fight like a cougar you can=nickel shit bitch”. Peggy stutter steps back as her head is turned, Rita doesn’t waste a second she pushes and chases Peggy.

Peggy starts to retreat quicker so Rita grabs her rivals bra at the front and yanks Peggy back to her. Peggy looks back at her and they again both go for the others face, Rita lunges at Peggy, “thats it whore cmon”.

Rita is looking to be the aggressor as she charges at Peggy, Peggy is staggering backwards, her hands slapping to guard instead of attack, thats when Rita gets her hands at Peggy’s face again and starts to scratch. Peggy is shaking her head as she is tryin gto avoid any serious nail scratches.

As Rita yells “stop running you scared Bitch”. Peggy is panting and gasping and she turns as she falls to her knees again. before anyone could yell to her Rita again is on her, she grabs Peggy by the hair and whips her head up and back, Peggy gasps, AWWWW MY HAIR”.

Rita straddles Peggy’s left shoulder and reaches down grabs Peggy’s bra nod pulls it up, at first Peggy’s breasts are twisted in the damage, being pulled up with the bra. As they slip free and drop, Rita twists the bra and gets it to Peggy’s neck.

Peggy managed o get one hand between her throat and the elastic band, her head tilts up as Rita uses it to choke her , “Cmon you fucking cxnt i am gonna fucking kill you Bitch”.  Peggy’s eyes widen as she tries to push the band away but she is fighting both hands of her rival pulling it up and in.

Peggy turns her head again as she uses her free hand to reach up and tries to scratch Rita’s face. As Rita is shaking the bra and making it tighter, women who want her to win are screaming for her to end Peggy, “yess get her Rita take that Bitch down, fight ehr Rita get her Rita Rita Rita”.

The chants echo around the patio and the pool area, Peggy is crying as she is fighting for her life. Rita pulls up now trying to hang Peggy by the bra. Peggy is gaging and coughing her eyes are pure fear. Then Rita lost in the moment of thinking she will win pulls up so high that Peggy is nearly lifted off her knees, as a result she was ale to turn her body into Rita.

Rita was lucky they decided on jeans, suddenly Peggy grabs Rita thigh at the back and pushes her face into the muscled thigh, and clamps her teeth in.

Rita shakes her head ,”AWWWWW Bitch she bit me”, but no one cared this was a mature cougar street fight short of weapons there were no rules, it was a real catfight between street cats.

Rita drops the bra and instantly claws at Peggy’s face, Peggy shuts her eyes as she pulls the thigh up and shoves her shoulder into Rita’s lower tummy. Rita is lifted and pushed back , her balance off Rita falls back and turns to use her hands to brace the fall.

As she hits the hard ground Peggy pounces on her back and her hands cup Rita’s chin and her nails dig in as she snarls looking at the back of Rita’s head she spits, “my turn you Fucking cxnt”.

With all the jealous hate for another cougar Queen, Peggy slowly drags her pointy nails up and along Rita’s chin, cheeks and over her eyelids till she feels Rita’s hair and Peggy gathers a fistful, twists it around her left fist and pulls back.

Rita’s face is seen after the scratching and her face has 4 deep furrows that turn from pink to red as her upper body is slowly being lifted by the hair hold Peggy has on her. Rita screeches from the burn in her face and scalp, “AWWWWW, AIIEEEEEE MY FACE , MY HAIR YOU BITCH”.

Peggy settles her body on Rita’s back as she is bending Rita up and back by her hair, the pull was so hard, Rita’s features were pulled up tight as if she had a face lift. Roots were heard snapping free as strands were broken in Peggy’s grip.

Not content to torture her rival Peggy grabs Rita’s bra at the back claps and pulls it up higher and higher. Finally Rita’s breasts drop free from the cups and sway and slap together, nipples stiff as they sway.

Peggy works the bra up to Rita’s throat and starts to turn it so it tightens around her neck, then Peggy pulls on it to make Rita bend nearly in half, as she screams to have it stopped. But the crowd still divided has died down as they listen for either a submission or to see if this wild cat fighting Peggy gets free and turns the tables again.

Chants for Peggy now echo about as women tell her to destroy Rita, as Rita cries and mascara runs amid the tears and sweat running down her face. She uses her hands to to prop up her upper body and take the weight off the bra around her neck.

Peggy now in charge for the moment grabs the bra in her left hand, she has a vicious smile as she uses her right hand to deliver 3 direct punches to Rita’s eye and cheek. Each punch lands with a thick dense thwack, as Peggy after each blow, “Cmon cxnt thought you wanted to fight me, huh cmon fight cxnt, your gonna kill me is that it Bitch?, looks like i am gonna do the killin you cheap fucking whore”.
The savagery of this fight was nothing i ever saw mom in, and seeing her so raw and ready for a real war, was both arousing and scary as hell. As i watch this fight, it wasn’t my mom, it wasn’t even Peggy. This was a woman who could fight like a cavewoman, ready to take damage as much as she can deliver it and was ready to fight to the death to win.

As Rita tries to cover her face and still use her hands to stay propped up, her breasts swaying freely under her. I see the devil in Peggy’s eyes, she grabs Rita’s scalp again and now shoves her face first to the rough cement.

All the while pulling tighter on the bra choke hold, Rita can barely talk she is pressed forward her breasts meet the rough cement, that when Peggy’s eyes became red and wild, she uses the bra and the hair hold and shakes Rita’s upper body side to side, forcing the exposed breasts to scrape the cement.

As Rita is gagging she is screaming in pain, Peggy is leaning over her to hiss in her ear. It was the one break Rita needed. As she feels Peggy’s rear lift off her lower back, Rita gets her knees under her and with all she has left bucks Peggy forward.

Peggy loses the hair hold but still has the bra but she is now feeling the burn of her breasts scraping the hard ground. Rita is between Peggy’s thighs both face down, she manages to stretch the bra in her hands at her neck till it snaps and tears and explodes open.

Rita jolts back on her ass, the bra dangles from her neck, as she removes it Peggy gets on her knees and turns. They are both scraped up on the breasts as they glare, then Peggy slowly gets up, she hisses at Rita, “get up Bitch this isn’t over yet”.

Rita tosses the bra aside and glares at Peggy, she is hurt but she is a street fighter, she slowly gets to her feet, hissing back, “you got that right bitch, cmon lets get it over with”.

It no longer mattered to most who was winning or who they thought would, it was now becoming scary to see these two rip away at each other. Everyone of the women there admitted after, they couldn’t imagine getting into a fight this horrible.

The crowd grows quieter, Peggy and Rita topless in just heels and jeans now circle again. No one had to tell them this last go very well was going to decide the fight. Both women had scars from the ground and their rivals nails or fists.  Tufts of hair were balled on the ground torn from the scalps, as well as strands littered their sweaty bodies and fingers.

Peggy stands ready, “cmon bitch right now”, Rita steps to her she spits at Peggy, “bring it whore”. The two amazons start like a hurricane as they start to slap at each other’s face, but this was different it wasn’t light flurry of hands. These were open palm swings that left red hand imprints on both women.

As they step about wildly swinging the exchange moves to their necks and breasts, hard stinging crisp slaps and smacks fill the slow dusk air. Faces are bright cherry red as are their breasts and necks, heads turn and feint to dodge some slaps only to be hit by the other.

As these two mature cats swing away they spit , “cmon bitch fight me”, Bring it whore i am ready for more”. As the slaps get to be like punches it is Peggy who gets backhanded by Rita hard.

The back handed blow turns her head and torso and she staggers to the side, Rita charges at her and gets Peggy in a headlock a tight one. She sneers as she continues the slaps in an uppercut style, “think you can fight me cxnt hmm?, cmon fucking Bitch i wanna fight more”.
Peggy is squiring and brings a hand to try to block her face as her other hand tries to swing blind slaps at Rita.  Rita scoffs, “that all you got Bitch?, cmon show me your worth a fight with me bitch”.

Peggy is growing tired and as Rita tightens the headlock she slowly starts to force Peggy down on her knees. Rita is smiling again, “look at your so called fucking Queen now Bitches , i am gonna hurt this cxnt after she gives too me”.

Those who want Rita to win smile and chatter proudly, as those for Peggy contemplate breaking this up, but know its in the last few minutes till it is over. Peggy is on her knees her head trapped in a headlock and her face and breasts being hit as hard as Rita can deliver.

Rita looks down “you give Bitch ?”, Peggy gurgles “Let me Go cxnt”. Rita tightens more, and delivers a few more hard smacks, “wanna fight or you give hmm?”. Not hearing a submission right away Rita pulls Peggy in and under more as she begs down on the headlock.

Peggys red from her shoulder line to her forehead as she stabs her nails in Rita’s bare back and scratches deep. Rita arches but sneers, “oh this wild vat has fight left, i am so glad i love a good fight, wanna give yet cxnt ?”.

Peggy’s hand grabs Rita’s hair at the back top and yanks, but Rita clenches her teeth as she looks up, “owww that hurts Bitch”, then she sinks a blow to Peggy’s breasts. The mighty firm  G’s get crushed and then spring back out as they hang . Peggy grunts as the blow sunk in and her hurt, Rita now Lena’s into he headlock and pulls Peggy over her bent up thigh .

Rita looks about a she taunts again, “how about cxnt ready to give or you wanna fight some more hmm”?. Rita slaps Peggy’s heavy right breast and grabs on, she squeezes it till her fingers and thumb meets and then twists. The breast bulges out and between her fingers , turning nearly purple, then the scream.

Peggy is locked in the headlock as we hear AAWWWWWWWW YOU cxnt MY TIT OWWWWW FUCKING BITCH LET GO!!!!!!”.
Rita is shaking her head as tears again run, her arm releases the headlock and we see Peggy’s teeth are sunk into Rita’s right breast and she chewing at the flesh. Rita at first is in shock she looks at the back of Peggy’s head then she sinks her nails at Peggy’s face, “Let my tit go cxnt or I’ll scratch your eyes out”.

Peggy ease up on the bite, Rita pushes and slaps at her rivals head, so Peggy releases fully and is able to lift her head and upper body as she is kneeing beside Rita. Rita quickly looks down and caresses her breast to check for blood, Peggy checks her breast.

Then before anyone can say enough the two women again grab each other by the hair and go to the ground ripping out tresses by the fistful.  They roll over but this time Peggy is on Rita’s hip, and Rita is higher over Peggy.

They hiss and spit and literally try to rip out the others scalp, they roll across the patio and almost fully back when among the greats and taunts another scream.

Everyone inches closer to see what or who has screamed. As everyone looks down over the fighters wrapped around each other like two vipers. They see each still has two fistfuls but once again it is Rita screaming as Peggy now has her rivals nipple and aureola in her mouth and is chomping down.

Rita is crying as she flails away at Peggy’s head and face but Peggy sinks her nails at Rita’s face and through her clenched teeth growls, “Get your fucking hands off me cxnt or I’ll rip your fucking nipple off got it?”.

Rita nods and as Peggy’s vice like jaw tightens Rita screeches, “ Ok OK I’ll STOP PLESE DON’T i LET GO” . Peggy now squirms on top of Rita as she maintains the bite hold, Rita easily and in fear and pain, rolls on her back.

She is gasping in fear , “Don’t you do it cxnt”, Peggy inhales a she tightens her jaw more, “you give cxnt?’’ , Rita swallows, “No Fight me Bitch”. Peggy huffs through her teeth , “Wanna fight ok Bitch”.

 Rita arches her back on the cement her head tilted back, Peggy spits part of the flesh from her mouth and sits up on Rita.

Blood swells at the aureola as Rita cups her wounded breast , Peggy grabs her hands and pins them under her knees. The end was here, Peggy sits up and sucks in a deep breath, then she starts to claw Rita’s face, then she balls her fists and pummels Rita.

From the back Peggy’s broad back flexes as her arms swing left, right left , right , left , right. Her fists forcing Rita’s head side to side as she relentlessly pounds away.  As she punches down on Rita she continues to ask , ‘Cmon cxnt wanna fight or you give?.”

A lot of the women turn their heads and a few cry, but one thing all knew Peggy was not just still the queen around here, she was the Queen. Rita is barely conscious, her head freely being knocked side to side.

Peggy grabs her by the chin, “you fucking give cxnt ? Say it Bitch”!!, her right poised and aimed to deliver the knock out blow. Rita bleeding from the lips and nose nods weakly, Peggy inhales and opens her fist, she smiles as she sets her claws at the brow of Rita’s face.

She squirms her hips a she looks down, “I said say you give cxnt”. Rita tears flowing nods “OK OK I GIVE YOU WIN PLEASE ENOUGH”. Peggy in a growl, “NMMM i knew you were trash, she leans to Rita’s face “I ever see you again cxnt, I’ll finish what i started you understand?”.

Rita gasping “YES YES I GET IT YOU WILL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN”. Peggy sneers “Good, now this is to remember me by”. And Peggy drags her claws down Rita’s face slow, the furrows instantly turn red as Rita screams.

Then Peggy places her hands on either side of Rita’s face as she lowers her tits on her face she hisses, “i feel your teeth and i will scratch your eyes out we understand?”. Rita nods as he extends her tongue and starts to worship Peggy’s tits sucking and licking them.

Peggy smiles .” Nmmm ohh yess hey girls if you ever want your tits worshipped these downtown cxnts are great at it”. Peggy finally sits up, stares down at Rita then spits on her face and stands up. She takes the both torn bras and then with her 36G’s out up and proudly jostling she saunters through the crowd, as she does she looks back, “you bitches who wanted her to win take her out of here, or I’ll be stopping by each of your houses “.

Slowly each woman that cheered Rita on walkable to her and grabs her arms and hoist her to her feet. They make no attempt to cover her as they walk her out of the pool area and to her car and leave her there.
Rita was bleeding not bad but enough she was upset, the scars Peggy made were burning, and her hair looked like she was dragged by a hurricane. Her eyes lips were all swollen, she crossed her arms over her mauled breasts, as tears still ran down her face.

She looked in the car mirror as her face had the 4 furrow lines down each side, she thanked god only parts of the marks broke skin and had blood spots . After rummaging through her purse she found her keys and took a deep breath then drove home.

Peggy grabbed a towel and covered her breasts then washed. Her face in the ladies room, her hair was also a nightmare, and her face was also marked up, as was her breasts and chest and neck. She snarled at the damage, but then a soft smile emerged as she knew she won and all of them saw it. At 63 Peggy was still the Queen and she proved it once again.

I sat outside waiting for her, i was stunned but like mom, a smirk came to my lips as she did in fact show everyone she is still a threat. But as i enjoyed her victory it couldn’t stop me from thinking, was the day Peggy gets in a fight and loses so badly, her days of fighting will be ended weather she was ready to or not.

As I thought about that, it gave me a shutter. The fact that her toughest fight ever a street fight no less , was so savage and vicious, Peggy emerged on top , barely but she did. So the question rattling my brain was will one day through that gate ,or a knock on her door, or just shopping be the day, a woman as vicious, confident and good at fighting come to end Peggy’s reign? Or if she does will Peggy once again vanquish her and retire the undoubtably Queen.

The End


Offline jaycb1989

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Re: The Unexpected is Expected
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2023, 12:48:39 AM »
Super hot. Love seeing Peggy at work.


Offline carolsingapore76

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Re: The Unexpected is Expected
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2023, 03:43:58 AM »
what a chapter

awesome writing
me into wrestling, catfighting, erotic, tagteam, fun , rough tough, all at the same time if possible lol dont matter who win so long its good let me know if ur interested in chatting or more..5'7" 160

BTW it be nice if you can reply to messages


Offline YH5050

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Re: The Unexpected is Expected
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2023, 03:25:12 PM »
Absolutely Awesome!


Offline Drake8

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Re: The Unexpected is Expected
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2023, 02:45:09 AM »
After so many Peggy stories Its unbelievable that you still get one of the best stories ever. Its amazing how you mastered Peggy character, the most perfect example of an alpha woman. She simply loves to be the center of attention, to be desired by men, how she blew kisses to the cars beeping at her, how she loves to enter in a bar and outshine all women and humble them. This chapter shows perfectly why Peggy is unable to retire, her body despite the age is still the best and she loves to flaunt it and be praised, and she is still envied by all the women thats why they encouraged Rita. Besides all this she fights like a cavewoman and won against a ferocious fighter. As Amber said "her toughest fight ever a street fight no less , was so savage and vicious, Peggy emerged on top" Peggy is still the best so Im anxious to see who will come in the final chapter, or maybe a final series. Although Im sad the Peggy series comes to an end thank you Dotti for coming back to end this masterpiece.