« on: February 23, 2023, 11:12:11 PM »
Beach break Movie Audition:
Several days had went into trying to find the right cast of men and women for a new film. While the film wasn't a massive multi million dollar project. It was seen by those who wanted the roles as maybe a way of breaking out from these films onto the bigger screen. Leading to real competition.
On the fifth day as the group of hopefuls were being knocked down. There were basically three roles for the men and six for the women. While the guys were pumping out their chests to be the alpha's around the beach that day. It was the women who seemed even fiercer for the most part, with a few happy for the opportunity as it was really the first roles they were going for.
Two women were especially competitive. While they could maybe earn a lesser role as another life guard. They wanted to play "Gloria Martin's" the lover of the main male and the one who would be involved in the main plot of money, murder and drug smuggling.
One was Sally Thompson; the thirty two year old single mum had been trying to be a big star since she turned eighteen. She had some good roles but she wanted to be on billboards and was known as a bit of a hot head.

The other was brunette Kimberly Brooks. The twenty six year old had been acting for two years. She was a little frustrated that she hadn't broken out yet as she'd hear praise of her talents. She just didn't seem to get the parts she wanted.

This audition was a little more intense then others both had been on. An example being racing against each other and the women wanting the parts. Kimberly won the race by barely inches to Sally. Who slapped the water up to her waist in frustration, not helped by the shit eating grin the brunette aimed at her.
They had a running race which Sally just won. The blonde sticking her tongue out at her younger rival. Who kicked the sand as she paced with hands on her hips. Shaking her head in disbelief as the other girls looked at them in awe.
When both were going through readings with potential male leads. They were shit talking about the other to those who'd listen. The giggling both heard made them nearly lose concentration as they would look in the direction of their bitter rival. They'd both campaigned for parts before so they knew of the other woman already.
When Sally was finished with her turn. She marched over to Kimberly and whispered "we both know you are wasting your time, they want the second coming of Pammy. Not a Carmen reject." Kimberly's cheeks turning red as she turns slightly to Sally.
"Oh I think the dumb blonde Barbie doll is finished. They want women of substance now in front of the camera" snarled Kim in a low tone. Others around them could see the hostile looks being exchanged. Turning to face off as this was the closet they had ever been.
They move nose to nose as the director stops looking at the two going through their turn. Clearly wondering what is about to happen as the women's chests rise faster. Hearts racing as envy, hatred and a need to take down this rival fills their minds.
As if by instinct they reach up and grab each others hair. Tits bumping as they kick up sand as they pull each other around. Kim hissing "back off bitch and give me the role." Heads being pulled back as the other girls cheer them on, the guys eyes going wide in shock.
Bumping chests as they try to overpower their rival. Sally snarls "i've worked too hard... For a bitch like you... To steal my parts" legs tangling up and falling down to the sand with Kimberly on top of her foe as they land in a heap.
Beginning to roll around vigorously with sand coating them. Sweat starting to form under the blazing hot sun as they take turns thudding each others head into the sand, screaming bloody murder as they release all the tension they are feeling. Eyes wide when in control with teeth bared to make them look wild.
Sally takes the fight up a notch as she lands a right handed slap across the cheek of her rival. Kimberly crying out as she is stunned that she got slapped, firing back with a slap that cracks the breasts of Sally to rocks them around as Sally snarls with eyes half open.
While Sally enjoys control for a few more moments. She gets dragged down by the front of her swimsuit, ending up on her back with her left breast spilling out. Kimberly sees it and grabs onto it. Yanking around the breast as Sally cries out, eyes shut as she kicks the sand. Never experienced anything like this before.
"Submit Sally!" Roars Kimberly. She adds "I'll pop this balloon you cxnt!" As the blonde scratches at the thighs of Kimberly in desperation as she wants those talons off her breast. Both starting to leave marks on their rival. Soon Sally pulls up the bottom of Kim's swimsuit to give her a wedgie.
Off the top comes the brunette with both checking their injuries as some wonder whether to step in. It isn't long before they are on their knees lunging at each other. There's a slap of bodies as they roar at their opponent. Eyes full of fury as they again go down to the sand.
Some of the guys want to feel their cocks but just have to hope their bulges are hidden in their swimming trunks. seeing Kim's breasts becoming free as both angrily go for the straps of their opponents swimsuit. Tearing them enough that they can remove them as their tits slap together as they grapple around the beach. Feeling their nipples slashing across each other as they feel a little turned on.
Kimberly gets on top of Sally; who is bucking up as she slaps away at the breasts of her rival. Sally gritting her teeth trying not to scream, she grabs the tits of Kim to pay her back. The other girls screaming "rip her tits off!" As they are loving this.
"Bitch!" Screams Sally as she gets spat on by Kimberly. With the single mum kicking up her right knee into the back of her rivals spine. Digging in another knee as they are fighting with everything they have. Screaming insults as the director watches them in closer. Seeing the marks on their toned bodies and tits, hair wild.
Knocking off Kimberly to her back, Sally rams her right knee into the pussy of her rival. Kim's eyes go wide as she silently screaming. Sally cruelly grinds her right knee into her pussy as she grabs her throat with her right hand to squeeze. Sally snarling "you are such a slut... I can feel how wet you are..." As Kimberly is sobbing.
Tapping at the left leg of Sally as her face is turning red. Luckily for Kimberly that Sally gets off her. Not so lucky is when the blonde cruelly stamps her right foot into that pussy again. Kimberly curls into a ball on her left side. Crying as Sally spits on her and grinds her right foot into the face of Kimberly to really rub in her kicking her ass.
Once she is satisfied Sally pulls her foot away. Turning to be applauded by the direction. Who says "my god that was amazing! You have the role!" As Sally realises that she could have easily thrown the job away as she looks at her beaten rival. It sinks in she just won the role as she runs to hug the older male director, remembering her breasts are out as she apologizes and does her best to cover herself up with her hands.
All the while Kimberly gets to her hands and knees as with tears running down her face to the sand. Seeing that Sally got the job makes her feel like she has been punched in the stomach. She pushes to her feet gingerly and storms off the beach covering her face with her hands. Vowing that she is done with acting after this.
Later that night as Kimberly is eating ice cream and has a blanket covering her body as she is just wearing a white dressing gown. She gets a phone call from her agent, dreading having to tell him that she is quiting, she answers the phone and before she can say anything he yells "oh my god you did it! You got a big part in Beach Break!" Kimberly wipes the years from her eyes as she wonders what the hell he is talking about.
"So while you didn't get the job of Gloria. They want you for the part of Yulia, the bad guy in the film. You'll play the Russian female drug smuggler who fights Gloria later on in the film" he excitedly tells her.
It dawns on Kimberly that really he wants to see a rematch of her and Sally be filmed, maybe expecting Sally to kick her ass again. Kimberly thinks about it when she gets a jolt of pride. Telling him "tell them I accept and oh.. do me a favour please. Hire me a fighting coach. I want to do my best to look realistic." Grinning evilly to herself as he tells her he will do what he can. Suddenly the ice cream is now a treat as she thinks about Sally and what she would love to do to her.