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The Odd Couple

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Offline DottiD

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The Odd Couple
« on: January 29, 2023, 08:35:17 PM »
The Odd couple

Josie and Mark, were very much an odd couple, they weren’t even really a true couple, Josie and Mark met about 2 years ago, they were both into each other but if they spent more than 4 days together they grew tired or fought like cats and dogs.

Josie is 40 5’9” 138 pounds with copper red hair and a 36F-26-36 figure, her dark green eyes had a sparkle and her sharp cheek bones defined her face, her hair often a pony tail or up hung to her shoulders.

Mark was 30 but running a successful online business he basically was making money while off line than on, they were adventurous for sure sky diving, race cars you name it they went for it, Josie had a bigger drive for thrills and risk it seemed, but other than in bed it was the only time they  were happy.

But for these two all the risks started to run thin and become mundane, more so for Josie who was trying to  relive her youth in a way she never got to, paid for and exciting, was all she hungered for.

Mark was getting that “time to move on” feeling, he hated it cause finding a woman like Josie was never easy , he really liked her and her body was something to worship but he lusted for excitement as much .

On a whim Mark decided to rush he and Josie off to Vegas for a wild party weekend to see if anything would spark their hunger, Josie knew she wanted something more but wanted to keep Mark as well so she agreed.

The flight was smooth as Josie stared at the patches of colored landscape from the jet window, in heels and jeans and a tight blouse her hair a wild look she yawned as she thought ‘vegas big whoop the only thing to get me hot this trip is a chance at a million” and she shut her eyes.

They land in Vegas and Mark has grabbed a limo for them to be driven everywhere, it wasn’t that big a deal but Josie was a slight better mood at the service, the repulsive heat is only eased by the a/c in the limo, her face red Josie is already regretting coming here.

The sun starts to set and they could feel the temperature difference as the desert turns cooler, the windows get cracked a bit the sun roof open and the limo cruises the streets to where ever Mark points.

Finally they have the driver stop for a few drinks as Josie wanted to get a buzz on being bored, as Mark and the driver stand outside the car he looks at Mark , “hey kid what is it our looking for here? it obviously ain’t gambling”.

Mark shakes his head, “i don’t know man, her and i are great together but we are both becoming bored and to be honest i have no idea what will get her the action she wants”.

The driver smirks, ‘she’s hot be a shame to loser her, let me ask you this, your girl she the type to refuse trying something? or is she a risk taker?”, Mark looks up “oh she is a al in type but gambling not gonna make this trip any better”.

The driver eases closer “listen i know a woman works the bars and streets now and then, but in this town there is a different type of gambling if you look in the right place”, Mark breathes in, “i don’t man she might freak out and just wanna go home i mention a three way”, the driver shakes his head , “no one said 3 way pal, but i am telling you , no pressure but if you try it , your girl there might just come around”.

Mark can’t decide he thinks then says “I am gonna pass”, just then Josie swaggers out from behind the limo, “Pass?  Pass on what another boring run down the strip”?, the driver winks then opens the door for them.

Mark sees she is fed up, “You wanna tell or should I?’, Mark eases in the limo ‘its all you bud”, Josie looks at the driver , “So what is it something other than gambling i hope”, the driver smiles, “Its a gamble but no casino offers it, how about this enjoy your booze, i’’ drive ya to the spot you agree then you have fun you say no the rides on me”.

Josie looks at Mark then the driver “Take us there”, Mark eyes wide “wait what?!”, Josie gets in, ‘Listen babe I like you but if this is gonna work out I will do just about anything “.

The driver nods with a smirk at Mark in the rear view mirror, he calls back to Mark,  “relax kid your in the town of risk and chances might as well make it worth the trip right”?, Josie chimes in, “Damn straight”.

The limo drives by the major hotels the lights flashing as people are walking about some cheering in joy some crying and others drunk, near the end of the strip he turns the limo down a side road that is almost empty, he sees a shadow walking toward the strip, he honks the horn and pulls to the curb.

The figure walks to the passenger side of the limo as Mark and  Josie listen they here her, “Hey Lou whats new handsome”, “Hi Jenna where are you up to tonight, oh its a slow one figured i would the casino’s”.

The driver winks “up for a better choice, i have a couple looking for real excitement and action, just gotta seal the deal”, She smiles ,’Oh that so, well i’ll go say hi see ya later Lou”.  Jenna slowly smooths her dress and swaggers to the passenger window at the rear her blue finger nails drum the window to have it rolled fully down.

Josie tells Mark to open the window, he hesitates, “i am not sure about this Babe”, she reaches over him and hits the button the tinted glass lowers and Jenna places her dagger like nails and hands on the door  she leans down her veiny cleavage swelling to get free , her bright white smile and blue eyes as she purrs “Hi guys having a good trip”?

Mark gives a uncomfortable smile as he sees her breasts swell he swallows Janna is about 45-50 an amazing figure and gorgeous face, her blonde silver hair to her shoulders is full and wild style.

Before Mark can give a decent reply Josie on the other side calls out , “its the worse most boring trip to date”,  Jenna licks her lips ,‘You seem worried honey why don’t you let her and i talk switch places”.

Josie hits his chest “move maybe we can find something to do other drive around”, Josie climbs over Mark who shifts over then Jenna gets the view of Josie’s cleavage as the two see other more clearly. Jenna breathes in “well remind me to thank big Lou for bringing you to me first”.

Josie so bored yet so ready for action  spurts out, “listen honey i am not looking for a three some or girl on girl ok Big Lou up there said if i wanted adrenalin you were the on so whats the deal?”.

Jenna shifts her hips , “well ..Honey...the deal is you and i if we agree get in the limo and we have a little competition , if i win it costs you 5 grand, if you win you get 5 grand , any way you want as many ways as you feel lucky at till one can’t go on so what do you say....HONEY hmm you woman enough for action”.

Josie breathes in her eyes locked on Jenna’s who raises  a brow, Mark nudges Josie, “this is nuts lets just go” Josie thinks it over as Jenna yells out, “Hey Lou i thought she wanted action , i will be at the luxe if you find a real action junkie”.

Jenna starts to swagger away, suddenly the limo reverse lights come on and they catch Jenna, Josie tells Jenna, “i am in get in the car”, Jenna a hand to her hip, “listen Sugar once i get in there is no backing out you will owe me the money “, Josie opens her bag and flashes a wad of cash, “this serious enough?”.

Jenna smiles, “tell your man to sit in a side seat and move over sugar you got a date”. Jenna gets in the limo as Mark eases to a side seat to look at both women, Jenna sits up and adjusts in the rear seat as Jenna does.

Josie looks at her “nothing personal but lets see your cash , i showed mine”, Jenna smiles, “no problem”, she opens her bag and shows the couple 20K in rolled bills rubber band wrapped, ‘That proof enough?’, Jenna smiles at the money, ‘Ok lets go where ever we go to do this”.  Jenna a smile as if she won already yells up to the front , ‘Hey Lou take it slow and take the long usual route i have a feeling this one and i might be a while”. Lou nods and puts up the shade blind, “you got it girls” and off they head.

With the mix in attire Jenna looks at her rival for the night, “See you dressed for the occasion, wanna stop and grab a dress or hit your hotel to change quick, kind of hard to rip jeans compared to my dress if you get my drift”, Jenna breaths in a slight smile more of nerves than excitement, she puts the shade down and says to the driver , “Hey Lou find me a dress shop quick please”.

Lou nods , “on it”, he makes a quick left turn and swings the limo around back up the strip before the hotels there is a boutique open 24/7 he pulls up in front, and opens the door for Josie, she eases over Jenna and out, she looks back, “How sexy we talking ?’, Jenna looks at her ,Sexy enough it turns you on but cheap enough you won’t mind it being ripped to shreds , that is if you last that long”.

Josie a scoff, “Oh you can hand your money to my man its on honey , be right back”.  Lou shuts the door as Josie runs in, Jenna looks at Mark, “so sweetie you two engaged or what?’, Mark can’t get his eyes off the veiny proud cleavage bellowing slow at the top of the dress, “uhh sorry ,uhmm no no we aren’t we are just wild and action junkie types you might say, we took this trip hoping to keep that spark before we were to , i mean if we were to”.

Jenna licks her full lips, “Well if its action you both want you found it I promise, Jenna eases next to Mark and guides his hand to her breast the other up under her hem, “nmmm she will be another minute go ahead i won’t bite unless you want me to’’.

Mark stares at her a bit worried , a bit confused but he can’t deny how sexy she is at all, her smile is hypnotic. Before he knows it he is fingering her folds through the thong and kneads her breasts through the dress top and bra, she arches and coo’s ‘nmmm get me ready for her big boy”.

As he starts getting into it Lou opens the car door, Mark jumps as Josie sees the action, she climbs in now dressed in a silver mini dress and her black heels and bra and thong she tosses the bag of her other clothes at the other side seat.

“well a little private party i see, ‘Don’t let me stop you Bitch’, Jenna smiles ‘jealous ? I mean you should be since i am gonna take him after we are done, lets call it a extra reward for my efforts”. Josie smooths her new dress, “We can call it anything but it tips the scales a bit , i mean what extra do i get if you lose?’, Jenna thinks and tosses Josie a card key for the Presidential suite at the Luxe, ‘“A free weekend on me Fair enough?’.

Josie looks at Mark he makes big eyes as if to say Don’t , but Josie stuffs the card key in her purse , “agreed, now we ready to get this night going?”, Jenna starts to shift back to the rear seat as she says in a purr, ‘nmm it just has honey, fighting for a man gets me wet”.

Chapter 2 Cruising the Strip

Both are ready and all is set , Jenna shouts to the driver, “ok Lou all set slow and easy”, he nods as he presses the shade up, “you got it , let me know if i need to stop “. The rear compartment silent as the sun roof is shut, Jenna and Josie scan each other again more slowly.   Jenna then turns to Josie, “ok so first off we are going to have a little tug of war game, hair pulling and face slap only got it for 5 grand and loser also gets face sat “.

In some odd way the thought of a controlled fight and the risk of the money and humiliation Josie gets flush in the face, “Agree “, Jenna says to Mark, “here stud hold our cash”, then she looks back at Josie.

Both women turn to the other on the seat, then adjust dress tops and clear throats and take a deep breath in, Jenna asks her, “Ready”, Josie trying not to smile from the anticipation, “Ready”, Jenna opens her fingers wide, “Better be”.

Jenna reaches up and sinks her fingers in Josie’s hair then twists her fingers in and gives a sharp tug letting her rival know she has 2 full fistfuls's. Josie parts her lips it starts to hit her this woman wants to really fight in the limo, her hands go to Jenna’s hair and sink in she lifts and twists her fingers in then the same warning tug as they sit up face to face.

Josie stares at Jenna “how do we know who wins?”, Jenna a smirk, “one of us will say i give ...Honey, but make no mistake this is for real not a game”,. Josie swallows then nods “lets go” there is a 10 second pause then Jenna grips and pulls at her rivals hair, as Jenna feels it she grips and pulls back.

The two women stare as their faces redden and hands and forearms flex as they pull with all they have.   Mark sits up suddenly rock hard,  he looks at the two gorgeous women as eyes well up they pull muffling any screech or shout , both grunt at the pain as it starts, but breath heavier.

Jenna pulls her hands in and it forces Josie at her but a bit lower, Josie winces in silence,   “thats it you little Bitch fight”, Jenna snarls, Josie strains to sit back up as she pants out, “ohh you Fucking Bitch”.  Jenna loses her smirk as she shakes Josie’s head by the hair, “call me a bitch you little cxnt hmm , i’ll rip your scalp off “.

Josie feels the burn, “aaghhh you Bitch” , then she turns her knuckles to Jenna’s scalp and shakes her head side to side, “uuughhhh cxnt ohh cmon bitch”.  Both women can slap at the other but right now each wants to tear a fistful clump from others head or try to.

Jenna a veteran at this game barely gasps as her teeth clench and she lets her head get tilted to wherever Josie pulls it, but Josie is panting at the expert scalp work from Jenna.   Slowly as Jenna returns the savage head shake by the hair it is front to back, Josie’s mouth falls open, her eyes get watery as she lets on it hurt, “aaghhh you Bitch my hair”, Jenna a snarl grin, “shut up you cxnt and fight or give”.

More and more Josie is understanding this woman wants a fight not a game , Josie tries to pull Jenna’s head low as she tries to get up on the seat and onto Jenna’s upper back, “fucking bitch cmon then “.    Jenna is bent forward, her face red as she is being folded forward and her hair being torn her breathing is desperate coupled with pain.

Josie is dragging her nails in the hair of Jenna  as she pushes down on her back more, but Jenna still has a deep grip on her rivals scalp and her right hand as twisted up a fistful at the top of the scalp of Josie.

The sounds of roots popping and strands breaking is heard in the otherwise silent limo compartment,.  Both women are breathing heavy and panting, faces red ,lips curled in anger and pain, eyes watering up. Josie starts to push her arms downward, the scalp of Jenna us being stretched her attempts to not screech are replaced by GASPING gulps as she curses her rival, “BITCH MY HAIR YOU cxnt!!”.

Josie feeling her scalp slowly being stretched back Pants out, “Give you BITCH, Ill fucking bald you I swear”.   But as Josie starts to get her advantage it gets slowly peeled away as Jenna pulls a long steady pull on the hand at top of her head, Josie’s forced to look up as her back arches trying to not be yanked off her rival.

Fucking BITCH MY HAIR OWWW!!”, Jenna snarling in pain, ‘Let my hair go Bitch let me up ”.  Both women have faces etched in pure agony but neither will let her grip ease up an inch.
Heavy panting from both as their scalps stretch and roots snap free, torn out hairs float to the limo floor and seat.   Mark wide eye watches as he can’t believe his girl and another are willingly hurting the other in female combat.

Mark notices though as the gentle slow motion of the limo cruises along, Josie despite all her efforts is being peeled backward off Jenna, and is losing her superior position one she should have been able to put this fight away with.

But as Jenna wrenches her rivals head back and pulls,  her arm motion and power is limited.  But she places her own knee under herself on the seat and pushes up and into Josie.

As Josie feels the position being lost she slaps up under at Jenna’s face while still ripping on her hair, “Where you going Bitch hmm”.  Jenna snarling like a trapped predator snarls, growls , “Get off my back Bitch i’ll rip every hair out’.

Finally Jenna’s efforts pay off, Josie wincing in burning pain yells out, “AAGHHH OWWWW BITCH!”, her hips sway with the cars flow and with Jenna pulling and bucking her top position slips off her rival and the two she cats once again able to look other in the eye. They start to slap and rip at others hair with wild abandon.

 Tears stream as does sweat, as they sit up face to face and yank at others scalp with hate and anger, but again Jenna leans into her rival but Josie shifts her ass to the seats edge it was the mistake Jenna needed her to make.

With a savage wild shaking of her rivals head by the hair Jenna whips Josie from the seat and onto the limo floor on her back, she has to follow as Josie maintains her death grip on her hair.

Jenna pounces down between Josie’s open thighs as she turns her hands in the hair then starts to pound Josie’s head off the floor of the limo.  Josie grits her teeth it hurts but no where near what it would if it was the sidewalk.  As her heads bumped to the carpeted floor, her own hands are now digging at the nape of Jenna’s neck and hair line pulling snapping and ripping loose the thinner hairs.

But Jenna is nearly lifting Josie off the rug as she slams her back down,  the fight is nearly equal to a street brawl.   Josie arches her spine to slow the constant banging of her head, then her thighs lift and wrap around Jenna’s ribs and crush together .

Jenna screeches as she needs to lift up and back to easer the scissor hold but her hair is entangled in Josie’s fingers, “AAGHHH UUGHHH BITCH MY RIBS AWWWWW FUCKING BITCH!!”.

Josie feels the grip on her hair go free as Jenna rears up more her hair ripped from the dismantled bun. She rears up as a fistful of hair is torn from her scalp, her hands claw at Josie’s thighs for relief, Josie slowly writhers her hips to roll Jenna to the floor then climbs up on her back as she tried before from behind.

Josie straddles Jenna’s hip and back her hands again get a healthy grip and she pullllls back and up.   Jenna cries out as she is bent in half with her rival on her back, ‘‘AWWWW  BITCH MY HAIR!!! LET GO””!!!, Josie tears running face red , “GIVE UP cxnt OR I”LL BALD YOU WHATS IT GONA BE HMM?”, she pulls longer and harder, Jenna winces in agony, “OK OK OK I GIVE YOU WIN BITCH LET GO!!”.

Both women are huffing and panting, Josie twists her fingers in the hair of her rival and has one last rip on it then she eases up and back onto the car seat again.  Her chest heaving as she untangles hair from her fingers and wipes it off her sweaty face and clothes.

Jenna gets up onto her side of the seat panting , chest heaving as well and does the same as the two women glare ready to plunge claws but they hold back.  Jenna in a swallowing breath, “not bad Bitch you just earned 5 grand”, Josie inhales , “well pay up then Bitch”, Jenna looks to her, “oh sugar it doesn’t work that way, neither gets paid till its all over unless your big night of action is over that is”.

Josie shakes out her matter hair then brushes it back with her fingers and puts it up again.  Jenna does the same, they look at each other then Josie grows a smirk, “i’ll go on, thats why i am here”.  Jenna winks, “i am willing to play with your money thats 5K to you ”.

Mark feels he saw enough he looks to Josie, “babe that was intense but you wanna do more?”. She glares at Mark, “you brought me here for an action packed night right?, well here it is, now either get out or shut up “.

Mark sits back,  both women adjust their tops and settle down, then Jenna looks to Josie, “ready for round 2?”, Josie breathes in “more hair?”, Jenna huffs , “no not right now anyway, but we will before its all over.  I was thinking something as vicious yet a touch of erotic think you are woman enough?”, Josie is up 5 grand so she is using her rivals money now, “name it”.

Jenna winks at Mark then looks back at Josie, her blue pointy finger nails start to undo her dress top then she parts it fully her round veiny breasts sway to attention , her nipples pointy and stiff , the veins mapping clear paths to her aureolas.

Mark can’t help but lick his lips, Jenna smirks in pride, she  confidently looks back at Josie, “well honey get your tits out “.  Josie a bit flustered this woman dares show off to her man and so confident starts to remove her dress top then her tits swell out as well, her nipples a bit thicker but every bit as stiff.

Jenna now has the look of flustered as her rival is very busty, Jenna licks her lips, “Well this will be more interesting then i thought”,  Josie swallows unaware what is in store, “Name  the game and lets get to it”.

Jenna slowly cups then traces her proud breasts “, we are going to titfight using hands it will be a pain filled fight, rules are simple hands to tits till one gives, loser  worships winners tits and gets 5 K still up for it?”.

Josie caresses her own she swallows a deep gulp, “Why not i am using your money lets get to it’.  Jenna a sly yet angry smirk, turns to face Josie fully, who is adjusting the same till they both are face to face, their hands spread wide open as they let their palms brush along stiff nipples .

They stare into others eyes then slowly fingers begin to close on the others round warm mass.  They feel their rivals finger nails dimple the flesh they both suddenly stab their fingers in deep and squeeze as they gather more flesh, the excess oozes between the spread fingers as they grip on to others breasts.

With no screams the two women twist, turn and knead deeper into the others breasts.  They both start to breath deeper as they feel their best assets being tortured as if it were soft but thick taffy.  Hands pull,  knead ,twist  and stretch and balloon the equal mass on her rivals chest.
Mark watches hard as a rock but in shock, both women are digging fingers in and using the others breasts to hurt her as deep and bad as they can.  They squeeze ,pull , twist  both women have glassy eyes as tears are welling up in eyes from pain.

Jenna shakes her head no slowly as her lips purse she blows out air.  Josie though is wincing as she tries to grip and twist her mouth gasps open, ‘Uughh oh my tits you Bitch”, Jenna starts to lean to her , “Cmon Bitch take it or give ,lets go”.

Josie drops her head she can see as well feel Jenna’s fingers dig into her firm tits and stretch them,  as well as squeeze and twist pulling down on them.   Josie has a tear run from her eye, then Jenna shoves her hands up and into Josie’s breasts the move forces Josie up and back, Jenna slides her thighs up on and over her rivals thighs.

Josie arches to fight it but her breasts are turning much more red than Jenna’s and slowly Jenna is forcing Josie’s back onto the seat and door. Her own tits swell together now between her arms as they stretch out and down to crush Josie’s more effectively .

Josie gets pinned on the seat, her hips and thighs pinned under Jenna’s.  Her hands scrape and pull at her rivals breasts but her own are hurt to much and she now tries to pry  Jenna’s hands off her tits.

Jenna her face a sweaty snarl, “give up bitch or i’ll rip your tits off i mean it”. Josie gasping as her rival sits up on her and is mauling her tits “BITCH!! OWWW MY TITS  GET OFF , OK,OK I GIVE YOU WIN LET MY TITS GO”.

Jenna smiles with a nasty glee, her hands still latched on to Josie’s breasts squeezing and twisting them, slowly she looks down and aims  her own full breasts at her rival, “Mmm now we are even again, and you lost so pucker up Bitch time to pleasure the winner’’.   Josie looks up , her face nearly as red as her tits gives a subtle nod , she knows full well the agreement.

Jenna releases the sore breasts then arms pinning her rivals shoulders to the cars seat sways her tits and slaps Josie’s face slow and heavy.  Her stiff nipples plunge into the waiting lips , she feels the warm wet tongue sucking she purses her lips and her breasts engulf the face of her rival.

Mark watches as he can see the breasts smothering his girl, her face now getting redder as her hands tap at the back of  Jenna to let up.  Jenna a evil smile smears her tits on her rivals face with glee then sits up and eases off Josie.

Still smiling she cups her own sore tits lifts them at Josie then eases them back in her dress top, “nmmm that was fun , still wanna go on ?”, Josie caresses her red swollen breasts then eases them in her top, “oh you better believe it i wanna win myour money back”.

Jenna still smiles but her eyes widen at the offer to fight more is accepted, she sits up as she looks at Josie, “I know an alley way you and i can go to ,no one will step in”.

Mark yells  “No Way”, but Josie looks at Jenna, ‘Lets head there, i am in”. Jenna tells the driver,  “Lou darling, you know the alley on the boulevard and Sands?, take us there and pull in it” Lou nods “you got it”.

Josie wants this thrill , she needs this thrill. Josie glares at Mark and points her finger at him, “Do Not ruin this for me you understand, i need to win and win money as well”.

Mark sees Jenna has an evil grin, as he replies, “And if you lose more?, when does it stop?’.  Josie takes out a grand of her money and shows Jenna, ‘“One thousand If i win”. Jenna smiles as he digs in her bag, “Oh sweetie this is high stakes gambling, the buy in is 4000 min. , Can you cover that or not?”.

Josie looks at Mark, ‘’ Spot me 1500 Mark”. Mark shakes his head as he opens his wallet and hands her the 1500. Josie places it with her cash, and says to Jenna. “This good?”.

Jenna sees the cash, ‘Well your short a few hundred but I will let it slide on one condition”. Josie rubbing her fingers, like an itch “Name it”.  Jenna sits back, ‘“ you win you get my cash and we are even, but if i win, since you are shy on the funds, you get face sat as he watches, we have a deal?’.

Josie doesn’t hesitate, “Agree , its a bet”. Mark had no say now his cash covered her in this next endeavor.  Lou drives the car down the lit streets, as people are every where.

Josie a bit nervous now sees people on the strip, crying as they lost everything, others elated as they have champagne in hand.   Jenna in a villainess hiss, “This town can make or break you honey, I hope you are ready to accept the break if you lose”.

The car makes a wide turn between two large buildings and slowly drives along the dark path, the car slowly rocks as if on a trail, from the broken pavement. The alley empties into a near box like opening surrounded by buildings.

Lou turns in, backs up then repositions the car so the headlights illuminate the paved square area. Lou gets out and comes to the passenger side and opens the door for them. 

Jenna looks at Josie, ‘‘Last chance to back out honey”, Josie swallows “No I am all in, lets go”.  Jenna smiles, “OK”, she steps out of the car and hands Lou her money, Josie  gets out and hands Lou her half of the money, Mark steps out and asks Lou, “does she lose?’.

Lou nods, “she has but not often, you guys asked for a thrilling night here it is”, Mark than says “can i ask her to back out now?’. Lou inhales ,”I wouldn’t advise it, her security is not a reasonable person”.  Mark looks about “what security?”, Lou smirks, “Me”.

Mark sees just how big Lou is and wide and he nods and turns to the women. Josie and Jenna step away from the car, the headlights light them both up.

Jenna a smile as if she knows who already won, Josie nervous but excited at the adventure of it, she stares at Jenna, “So how is this gonna go exactly?’. Jenna licks her lips, “Pretty simple, we are going to fight, the rules are no kicking or kneeing, and i think we can do without fists, unless you wanna amp it up”.

Josie thinks a moment, “I am fine with those rules, is this till one of us gives or best of 3 , and what are the stakes aside from the bet?’. Jenna, “well if we do best of 3, then each round loser pleasures winner , and what ever hold made her give can be held  a little bit, or we do one and done and same stakes”.

Josie thinks it over a best of 3 can be as thrilling and if she loses , she will know Jenna’s weak areas, one and done can go either way with no come back, finally she replies, “Best of three, on one condition”.

Jenna smiling but curious “and that is?”, “ this is a gamble so if i lose either round i want to be able to go double or nothing”. Jenna scoffs at her, “you technically owe me already honey, what can you possibly offer me, to agree to double or nothing?”.

Josie walks to Mark,   “promise me if i double up you will cover me , please Mark , i need this”.   Mark looks at Jenna she seems cold, calm and ready, it seems clear to him she has this in the bag, but he knows Josie is a bit wild and just might win.

Mark offers Josie one way to agree, “i’ll cover you but win or lose , after i am done for good”. Josie not seeing the promise for what it is, nods “fine what ever you want just please tell her i have the money”.

Mark looks to Jenna, “i’ll cover the bet for double or nothing”. Jenna hands to hips smiles, “wonderful, Lou take his wallet as collateral .”    Mark hands the wallet to Lou, Lou nods and whispers, “oh you better hope Jenna puts her down 2 in a row bud, your girl there might get you both in deep”.

Mark knew he was right but everything was agreed on, to try to leave meant Lou would break his finger or arm if that was all. Jenna nods as Lou shows he has the wallet, then she looks to Josie, “Well seems we are all set except the fight, you ready honey?”.

Josie, eyes wide and a frantic look, ‘Lets do it”, Jenna softly purrs, “Ding Ding, Fight”.

Both ladies circle closer together, Josie looking more nervous as she has to play by rules for what in any other words is a catfight. Jenna seems to at ease and almost lazy about entering into this fight.

They get closer and both women swing slaps at the other, most miss the others face. Jenna still a smile, “Cmon Honey you can’t win by dancing around”. Josie curls a lip, “Your gonna get more than you think honey”.

Josie rushes at Jenna, who was like a ninja, she twists her body and Josie stumbles by her, but as she does Jenna like lightening, grabs a fistful of hair at the back top of Josie’s head and snaps it back like a whip.

Josie looking upas her back arches and she nearly gets yanked to the ground screeches out, “OWwwWMY HAIR BITCH”. Jenna could care less her rival complains, instead she turns into Josie’s back and pounces up on her back as Josie widens her thighs to stay upright.

Jenna snakes ehr left arm under Josie’s neck and squeezes tight, as she holds the hair twisting it tighter , then her thighs wrap around Josie’s waist and squeeze. Josie presses her fingers in the thighs and calves of Jenna, but her throat is being choked and she now has a look of fear and pain, as her rival rides her like a horse and punishes her.

Jenna in a sultry venomous hiss at Josie’s ear, “You ready to give Honey hmm?”, Cmon Now i have you good, just give the first round ,you have no choice “.   Josie struggles harder, her fingers making deep dimple marks in Jenna’s thighs.  But each time she does, Jenna squeezes that much harder , “Nmmm nice try sugar, but i can ride your back till your finished or you can just give now,nmm better yet let me hurt you for a while”.

Josie now with her face turning red, squirming her head grabs at Jenna’s fore arm, “Coughing Josie grunts, “Bitch ohhh uugggg let go you Bitch owwww my neck, your choking me bitch”.

Jenna tightens her choke hold and scissor even more, “you know it is a shame i didn’t say no rules, cause you have a rude mouth that needs to be shut.”  As Josie face red and already sweating in the arid night air , starts to feel her thighs shaking, it is becoming tough to stay standing carrying Jenna as she is tortured i na move like this.

Josie decides maybe she can dislodge her rival if she goes down to her knees, its all she has left she can do .  She sinks down,and Jenna purrs at her ear , “Nmmm legs are weak not a good sign honey,wanna give hmm?, you gotta say it or i hold it till you do”.

Josie is on her knees, Jenna wrapped around her like a python, as Josie gets redder in the face,her eyes start to get a glassy look,. Jenna releases the hair hold and reaches around the front and grabs Josie at the cleavage and pulls ripping her it open and exposing her breasts. Josie tries with one hand to pull the tattered material up but each time her rival increases the pressure.  Jenna then reaches in the torn material and drags her finger nails across Josie’s breasts stopping to knead,and maul the breast meat.

Josie can barely gasp her reaction as her throats tightened up on, Jenna uses her head to press Josie’s head down on her arm.  Unaware Josie is rolling her eyes Jenna takes her free hand and grabs Josie’s right wrist and brings up behind her, she twists it and pulls the arm up behind her.

The pain is clear on Josie’s face as her arm is twisted coupled with the scissors and choke hold. Jenna twists the arm more, “Still got fight in ya sugar?, nmm i love it “.

Josie starts to gag heavily and Jenna knows she can’t hurt her rival to badly, she hisses at Josie’s ear, bring your left arm up by my face and i’ll stop the choke hold”.

Josie writhing raises her left arm, Jenna quickly releases the choke hold and grabs Josie’s other wrist now, as Josie coughs and clears her throat , Jenna twists that arm back and as she has both wrists behind Jose,she eases off her lower back and pulls the arms up, then sets her knee in Josie’s back and pulls hard and long.

Josie shakes her head no as she arches ,her thighs spread scraping her knees on the ground as she is forced to lean forward. Her breasts swaying loosely with stiff nipples scrape the cement as well.

Jenna as calm as can be hisses, “Well sugar ,you want more or you give?”. Josie shakes her head as she drops it, she is beat and knows it, Jenna pulls harder on her arms turning the shoulder joints with the arm twists. Jenna again with a smile, hisses, “It doesn’t stop sugar till you give, and i can go all night “.

Josie out of options and her fingers going numb can’t get free without risking a bigger injury, finally she shouts out, “OK OK I GIVE , LET GO I GIVE”. Jenna smiling holds the twisted arms a bit longer then finally releases them, and Josie falls forward on her breasts .

Jenna smiling and looking like nothing happened struts by Lou and I, she smiles art me, “Your lucky i like her, or i might have torn her sockets out”, she swaggers back to where Josie is , who is just slowly getting up.

Once up and rubbing her breasts and arms, Josie is furious, more at herself she made a huge mistake, but right now she is more worried about the money, she is 15 minutes into this fight and lost already, without a mark to Jenna any where.

Josie is finally upright fully and catching her breath, she watches Jenna slowly parade about as if beating her was no issue at all, Jenna then looks at her, “Wanna risk it honey?”.

Josie looks to Mark who slowly shakes his head no and mouths “No Way”. But Josie wants this, she rubs her neck and inhales, “Of course I’ll risk it we still have two to go”.
Jenna smiles, “Ok then”.

Jenna once again confident and more so knowing Josie’s shoulders are sore hisses with a grin, “Ding Ding, Fight”.

Josie takes a breath, she decides to not try to rush into Jenna , both now come closer but Josie’s breasts are uncovered, Jenna looks at the swaying breasts, but was it  ploy and will Josie fall for it.

They get closer, Jenna has her hands up, Josie lifts hers, more to guard her breasts, they are within inches and step slowly around, Jenna hisses softly, “tell ya what honey, if you lose this round i will give you one last chance to win back what you owe me deal?”.

Jenna breathing heavier, “Yes agree i am all in.”  Jenna licks her lips, “well i hope your man can cover the tab honey or else”, Josie eyes narrowed, “i’ll pay it off anyway i have to”.

Jenna grins, “yes you will cmon then.”, Josie is a bit more careful approaching Jenna, she still is thinking how the tables were turned so fast she couldn’t react in time. But Mar k saw it like it was slow motion, and it was like a flowing art to see.

Josie steps closer both have their hands up, Jenna can almost see in her rivals eyes what she has planned. Josie lunges in quick, her hands slap Jenna;s face, then grab her dress front and rip it open, as she sees her rivals breasts she digs her nails in and pushes the meaty breasts to Jenna’s chest wall.

Jenna arches a slight stutter step backwards, then plants her heels. she rips the rest of Josie’s dress open leaving her breasts bare, then slaps Josie hard in the face.  Josie closes her eyes, and slightly turns her head.

Josie returns a slap and shoves Jenna backward knocking her to the ground. Jenna looks up, “Oh you Bitch”, Josie quickly pounces on her rival,and hand to hand struggles to pin her rival to the cement ground/ Their breasts roll,and jostle ,bumping as both women hand in hand struggle .

Jenna arches her hips a bit, making Josie tilt forward, she snaps her teeth at the hanging breasts, Jenna leans up more on her knees to avoid it. Thats when Jenna starts to take control of round two.

Jenna bucking up drops her hips and her right knee fires up, catching Josie between the shoulder blades. Josie arches as she kneels higher up, then Jenna swings her leg up high and in front of Josie, her calf catches, Josie’s chest and she pulls her leg down and forces Jose to slip to the side of her prone body.

Josie grabs the leg but still slips off her rivals torso, Jenna squirming and bucking pushes Josie more by her breasts with her hands up.

When Jose tries to stay on top, Jenna sinks her claws in again this time though she curls the breasts on her finger nails, and it causes Josie to look up as she claws at the wrists , her breasts being twisted as the claws sink it deeper.

Josie her face a mask of discomfort and growing pain, pry at Jenna’s hand and forearm to release her breast. Unable to get the fingers free of her fleshy breast Josie drops to her side and reaches into Jenna’s hair and shakes her head violently.

Jenna snarling “You little Bitch”, they roll over each other across the hard ground, bare backs get scraped up, as do their knees. Jenna rolls on top after a minute or two of the cat ball, she manages to get the fingers free of ehr breast, though it did cost her a few deep gouges.

She swings from across her body a back hand slap to Jenna’s face that connects hard. Jenna screeches at the perfect hit, ‘OWWWW OHHH you Bitch”.

Josie now thinks she has a chance, she starts to slap freely down at Jenna, “Cmon cxnt you wanna fight me lets fight”. Jena swings slaps up as Josie reigns them down , both are just looking to cause pain and shock with hard striking palms.

As Josie starts to hold Jenna down yet again, she leans down a bit to close and Jenna grabs a fistful of hair and with a snapping yank, brings Josie to her side by the hair, then as she rolls to her rival, snags her in a side headlock.

Jenna has the headlock and it is tight, she rolls on Josie’s face as she squeezes the head lock tighter. Josie her face crushed till its red and pressed on the cement grunts, “AAAghhh Bitch my head get off”.

Jenna tightens the headlock even more, her hips now in front of Josie’s downed body, Josie tries to get her thighs around Jenna. As she snakes her thighs around Jenna they only get her waist not her ribs.

Then Jenna gets red faced as Josie rips back on her hair making Jenna look up, “uuughhhh my hair cxnt , cmon bitch fight”. Josie grunts, “let me go or i’ll tear it out”, Jenna a snarling smile, “try it cxnt, i’ll snap your neck bitch”.

They squirm and rock but Josie is in a vise like hold, she uses her thighs to squeeze and roll Jenna to her back, then her free hand cups Jenna’s breast and digs in as she twists and squeezes it hard.

Jenna yelps, “OWWW my tit you Bitch”, she slowly begins to rock Josie now and using her head lock pulls Josie up , but she ends up on Jenna’s back.  Jenna spreads her thighs and starts to stand as Josie gets her thighs more secure around her , and really works the trapped breast in her hand.

Jenna stands and slowly is pulling Josie’s head into her more as if turning her on her body. “Josie grunts, “Bitch my neck”, then she roughly squeezes the breast and shakes it hard, Jenna sweating red faced as well, “owww ohh  you bitch my tit”.

Jenna sets her stance ,Mark saw what was coming, Josie had no idea till it was to late. Jenna drops to the side Josie is on, a hard solid SMACK rings out as her back hits the hard cement.

Josie cries out, “AWWWWW MY BACK YOU cxnt”, Jenna slides over Josie’s body then captures her in a front head lock, protecting her breasts now as they are on Josie’s hair.

Josie hurt and sweating is bent forward on her knees , her breasts sway free catch the ground as Jenna tightens the neck hold and presses down on her rival, “cmon cxnt , why aren’t you fighting hmm? you hurt ? tired?, here let me wake you up a bit”.

Jenna reaches under Josie and starts to swing her open palm in Josie’s face, sharp slaps ring out, “Cmon Bitch, nmmm want more hmm? cmon fight me”. Josie tries to grab more hair but with the angle she is trapped in, it is almost useless to pull on it.

Jennas getting bored now wants to play with her hurt rival, she slowly gets her knees up then stands when just right she releases Josie’s head and stands up, she steps back and removes the torn dress.

She stands topless in her heels and thong, she redoes her hair up,and smiles as Josie lays there hurt and tired and crying from the pain as she rubs her neck. Jenna a sexy smile, “You Give Honey?, if not you better get up and fight then”.

Josie slowly gets up, her right hand rubbing the back of her neck, Jenna steps around and rushes her, she slaps Josie’s face from behind then grabs both breasts in her hands and twists and yanks and pulls on them.

Josie grabs at her rivals hands but has to look up in pain s her breasts are handled like they were taffy being pulled apart.  Jenna all smiles shoves her knee into the back of Josie’s knee buckling it then slowly pulls her down as she sits behind her.

Jenna wraps her thighs around Josie’s neck and she squeezes as she grabs a fistful of hair and she tightens her thighs. Josie slaps at the muscled thighs but it only makes Jenna tighten more, “Cmon Bitch show me what ya got i wanna fight more”.

Josie wincing and gasping as she is being totally controlled, Mark shakes his head as Lou grumbles, “well you owe Jenna money now but wait till she lets your girl up and offers one more at triple or nothing, then your gonna see what Jenna can do”.

Mark eyes wide “wait what? she said best of three what do you mean?”, Suddenly Josie cries out, “I GIVE I GIVE STOP LET ME GO”.  Jenna squeezes tighter then rocker her hips adding pressure finally she opens her thighs and stands up in front of Josie.

Jenna grabs some of Josie’s hair making her get up on her knees, then holding her head there eases her thong aside and with  sharp yank growls, “pleasure me Bitch as we agreed”.

Josie crying eases her face forward and sinks her tongue in Jenna, and starts to lick. Jenna moans, “uuuhnnnn mmm uwww yess bitch suck my clit do it nmmm youur good at this ohhh yesss yess nmm make me cum”.

Jenna looks up her eyes shut as her body goes into a spasm then she smiles, “Nmmm well you fight like a teenager but you know how to please the winner honey”.

Josie stands up, “Wait, triple or nothing one more round”. Jenna standing by Mark now, turns her head to look at Josie, “Triple? sugar you already owe me and your boyfriend here, how on earth are you going to pay out triple?’.

Josie swallows, “Mark said he would spot me”, Jenna looks at Mark, “Well stud how about you tell me the truth right here ,right now. Can you cover her wager with no problems?.”

Mark sweating a bit ,he has already seen Jenna make short work of Josie, he looks to Lou, who stares down at him, “Buddy don’t make the bet, Jenna will tear her apart”.

Mark looks at Josie her eyes glassy from crying, she mouths “please”, he looks at Jenna, “NO I CAN’T”. Josie drops her shoulders, and her head she stands beaten and embarrassed.  Jenna smiles at Mark, “Good boy , now Lou and I are going to drive you to an ATM and your going to get me my money.

Mark takes his wallet and gets in the back of the limo, Lou shuts the door,and gets in the driver seat. Jenna swaggers to Josie. She smiles as she slowly steps around her, “I know your Boy toy there had the money or you wouldn’t have asked him, but he doesn’t believe in you sugar,so we are leaving you right here ,no weak whores get in my limo”.

Jenna flicks Josie’s hair as she swaggers toward the limo, Josie watches her then charges at Jenna’s back. Jenna sees her coming in the tinted windows reflection.  As Josie reaches her , Jenna side steps and trips Josie, her face hits the door and the door handle chips her front tooth, as he sinks to her knees holding her mouth.

Jenna an evil smile, steps the back of Josie, she straddles her shoulders, and locks her thighs on Josie’s head and neck. Josie feels her face get red as the muscled thighs clamp around her.

Jenna has one hand on the door frame the other reaches down and her nails sink into the right breast of Josie, digging in.  Josie uses her hands to pull on the flesh of her rivals thighs , but as she does Jenna squeezes her thighs tighter.

Jenna looking like she is riding a horse as Josie squirms looks down “give up Bitch or i’ll squeeze harder”. Josie in frustration slaps at the thighs, pulls at her rivals hand gouging her breast. But it is clear, Josie has to give up yet again or face being seriously hurt.

She looks in the limo and sees Mark, he shakes his head then looks away. Josie lets her shoulders drop before she yells out ,’OK I GIVE YOU WIN”.
 Jenna holds her there squeezing longer till content, then she springs her thighs open. Josie grabs her own neck and breast as she coughs, Jenna grabs her hair and yanks her away from the limo on to the hard ground.

Jenna eases in the limo and shuts the door, Josie lays there tears run as she huffs. As the limo is about to pull away the window goes down,Josie looks up in hopes Mark will ask her to get in. Instead Jenna’s arm extends out holding the bag of Josie’s clothes minus her bra.

She drops the bag and the window goes back up, she tells Lou to drive and the limo’s rear tire runs over the bag as they pull out on the strip. Jenna looks at Mark, spreads her thighs and purrs, “Nmmm i’ll forgive the debt if you pleasure me big boy”.

Mark lowers between the muscled thighs and pleasures Jenna, then she pushes him down and straddles him riding him till she orgasms . Jenna smiles and as they each the hotel she lets Mark out, “I am keeping her 1500 and yours, handsome, but as for the rest you were so good i’ll let it slide, oh by the way, if she wants a thrill after tonight, find yourself a more grounded girl”.

The limo window goes black as she rolls it up then the limo drives off into the dark night.

The End


Offline DavidG

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Re: The Odd Couple
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2023, 10:22:52 PM »
Great read and makes me want to get to Vegas


Offline CatfightsbySarah

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Re: The Odd Couple
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2023, 02:11:00 PM »
I love it! What a refreshing scenario, amazing work!!
DM me for requests & commissions!
I have DA profile. Check it out and enjoy!


Offline DottiD

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Re: The Odd Couple
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2023, 09:29:39 PM »
Thank you all, i enjoyed doing this one


Offline YH5050

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Re: The Odd Couple
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2023, 08:10:59 AM »
Great story Dotti!  That Jenna bitch sounds like one bad mama....