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Finals: Epilogue

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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Finals: Epilogue
« on: March 14, 2023, 05:12:20 PM »
Two days had passed since the girls had finished their Finals. They spent the day before relaxing just like Tamara advised and of course, Ben was very happy to hear all the juicy details of their experience. As Tamara said she would, she summoned the four of them to her office today to go over their grades. The ebony beauty sat at her desk as her four subordinates sat in front of her awaiting her word. The other officers had all crowded in front of the Chief’s office door to listen in. The girls were very popular at the mostly male precinct. Unfortunately for them, Tamara had her office soundproofed.

“Girls.” Tamara greeted.

“Ma’am.” Vanessa said.

“Well, as I’ve said, I went over your grades from your examiners.” Tamara said.

“And?” Jasmine asked eagerly.

“They were very detailed in their descriptions. I almost wish I was to observe but I had…other arrangements at the time as you know.” Tamara said.

“Are you gonna tell us about Madam Red now?” Nicole asked excitedly.

“Our grades first, remember?“ Holly asked.

“Your examiners were unanimous in regards to all four of you, my darlings.” Tamara said sweetly. “A+’s all around.”

“Awesome!” Holly said.

“As expected.” Jasmine bragged.

“Wow!” Nicole said.

Vanessa just smiled contently.

“However, I do have other things to tell you. Very good news and very bad news. Which would you like to hear first?” Tamara asked.

The girls whispered amongst each other for a bit before looking back at Tamara.

“Let’s get the bad news over with first, ma’am.” Vanessa said, speaking for her entire squad.

“Okay…” Tamara said with a sigh. “This happened the day before your Finals started.”


Tamara was in her office doing paperwork when her phone started ringing. Strange, she wasn’t expecting any calls that day. She picked up, nonetheless.

“Chief Tamara Colby speaking.” She greeted.

“So, that’s your name.” The voice on the other line said. It spoke with a soft, smooth and distinctly Hispanic accent that oozed seductiveness.

“Excuse me?“ Tamara asked, confused. “I’m sorry, ma’am but if this isn’t important…”

“It’s very important, mi querida.” The voice said. It was so sultry, it almost didn’t feel human and Tamara started to get chills.

“Who is this?” Tamara said. “If this is a prank, I’ll have you know what you’re doing is a crime.”

“Oh, I think we both know that I’ve committed many crimes, mi amor.” The voice said.

Tamara found herself getting a bit hot under the collar just from hearing the smooth purr of a voice but she would not be intimidated.

“Who the fuck is this?!” She demanded. “You have exactly ten seconds to answer me before I start tracing this call!”

“Why don’t you take a wild guess, chica?” The voice asked.

Tamara started to calm down and realized who this was. Most people would not believe such a thing but Tamara could tell from the sound of her voice alone that she was the real deal. Her longtime target, La Malvada herself.

“What do you want?” Tamara asked coldly.

“Is that any way to greet someone?” Malvada asked mockingly. “Oh and don’t bother tracing the call. I’ve taken extra precautions. You know better to think I’d be so stupid.”

“I’ll still find you someday, bitch.” Tamara said with a raw determination in her voice.

“I look forward to it.” Malvada said. “You see, I know about your little squad and how you hauled in two of my sicarias.”

“So, did you just call to threaten me?” Tamara asked.

“No.” Malvada answered. “I just like to build anticipation in my future prey. Truth is, I don’t even know what you look like. I was just sent this number and your name by one of my chicas. She’s currently going down on me as we speak. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, jeffe!” The girl said frantically before resuming her work.

Tamara rolled her eyes but was impressed. Malvada showed no reaction in her voice whatsoever to being orally pleasured.

“So, what?” Tamara asked. “You just called to give me a good scare? You’ll have to do better than that.”

“Of course not.” Malvada said. “Again, I wanted to give you some anticipation. I had a gut feeling that you were special, babe. That you were no ordinary nympho. It’s been so long since I’ve had a decent challenge and just from the sound of your voice, I think you can give me what I’ve been longing for.”

Tamara started to feel her heart race.

“The feeling is mutual.” Tamara said. “Just know this. I will find you if I have to chase you to the ends of the Earth and put you away for the rest of your worthless life.”

“Why don’t I make it easier on you, mi amor?” Malvada asked. “We’ll see who finds who first. What do you say?”

Tamara got angry and stood up out of her chair.

“If you go after my girls or anyone else in this department, I’ll make you wish you were never fucking born, you junkie cxnt!” Tamara yelled into the phone.

“Easy, novia.” Malvada said. “Why would I waste my time with those weak putas when I can have a hot piece of pussy like you?”

“You don’t even know what I look like.” Tamara argued.

“No but I have a sixth sense for women like you.” Malvada said. “And just to be totally fair, I won’t even try to find out what you look like. Both of us can have our anticipation that way.”

“Are you done yet?” Tamara asked.

“So impatient.” Malvada said. “I look forward to wringing that attitude of yours out of your hot cxnt with my tongue.”

Tamara’s nipples became hardened by that image.

“And no.” Malvada said. “One last thing. While I have no interest in those cheerleaders of yours, I cannot say the same for my chicas. They may or may not try to avenge La Rubia and La Morena and I would not rob them of their womanly instincts. So, I advise you to tell them to be on the alert.”

“Go fuck yourself.” Tamara said bluntly.

“I have hundreds of women for that, mi amor.” Malvada said. “And you’ll be my prized possession one day.”

“I hope you don’t expect me to go down easy.” Tamara said.

“Why would I?” Malvada asked. “It wouldn’t be fun that way. Goodbye, beautiful.”

Malvada audibly blew a kiss into the phone before hanging up, leaving Tamara reeling from the heated conversation. She rested her head on her hand, closed her eyes and exhaled loudly. Did that really just happen? She wasn’t sure if she was more angry, afraid, excited or determined. Either way, she was looking forward to her meeting with Serena tomorrow even more.

Present day:

As Tamara finished her story, the girls’ expressions spoke a thousand words. They all looked amazed, frightened and angry at the same time. Vanesse seemed especially rattled.

“I…I don’t believe it.” Jasmine said.

“Jesus…” Holly said.

“What the fuck?” Nicole asked.

Vanessa was just silent with a blank expression on her face.

“So, I’ll ask you girls…Are you ready for the storm that’s coming?” Tamara asked.

A few moments of silence filled the room until Vanessa broke it.

“I speak for all of us when I say we’re ready.” Vanessa said. “Isn’t that right?”

“Yes!” Jasmine said.

“Damn right!” Nicole said.

“Of course!” Holly said.

“We didn’t come this far just to run away with our tails between our legs now, ma’am.” Vanessa said. “As for me…I’ve been chasing this ghost for nearly a third of my life…I’m not backing down…Brooke wouldn’t want me to.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Tamara said with a gentle smile. “I’m so proud of all of you. Through your finals, you have all become closer as girls and learned to work around each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Your bond as a team is unbreakable now, especially compared to when I first met you all. Which is what leads me to the good news.”

With all the drama, the girls nearly forgot about the good news and got excited again.

“What’s one thing that will always strengthen any team?” Tamara said. “More team members.”

“Wait, are you saying…?!” Nicole asked excitedly.

“That’s right.” Tamara said. “Task Force 732 will be getting a new member!”

“Wow!” Holly said. “Who is she?! Is she hot?!”

“Do we know her?!” Nicole asked.

“Easy, girls.” Tamara said. “I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise. You’ve taken in a lot just now. Try to ease this all in for today. Tomorrow morning, I’ll stop by your place with your new friend.”

“I’m not questioning your decision, ma’am but do we have any say in this?” Vanessa asked.

“Yeah.” Jasmine agreed. “Do we?”

“Oh, come on, Jazz!” Nicole argued. “This is gonna be great!”

“Yeah. We could always use more hotties around the penthouse.” Holly said.

“Yeah, just what I need.” Jasmine said. “Another slut for my Husband to gawk at.”

“I’m afraid my decision is final, my lovelies.” Tamara said. “You need all the numbers you can get and I’ve already decided who it is. She’s very excited to work with you is all I’ll say.”

“Can you at least tell us if it’s someone we know or not?” Vanessa asked.

“Nope.” Tamara said teasingly. “You’ll just have to wait until tomorrow, dear. Now you’re all dismissed.”

The girls all got up, Holly and Nicole with a spring in their step. Jasmine and Vanessa wandered off on their own.

“Well, at least Hol and Nikki are excited.” Jasmine said. “I just hope she’s not a bitch.”

“If she is, we’ll have to haze it out of her.” Vanessa suggested.

“I like the sound of that.” Jasmine said.

“Well, maybe we’ll just get used to her.” Vanessa said. “It took me a while to get used to two former criminals on my squad.”

“Never gonna quit bringing that up, are you?” Jasmine asked jokingly.

“Nope.” Vanessa answered.

Next time:

The New Girl


Offline Frank

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Re: Finals: Epilogue
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2023, 08:53:38 AM »
Not erotic action but VERY promising !
Let's see who the new girl is...