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Chicks, Cocks, and Tits

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Offline MisterSteel

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Chicks, Cocks, and Tits
« on: May 27, 2023, 05:11:34 PM »
So this is a 'rough' idea I had for a story kicking around in my head, but no real direction or motivation to try move forward with it.

The idea is that there are two couples at the beach, playing in the water. There's;
- A fairly buff guy
- An hourglass blonde
- A tall, lanky guy
- A curvy shortstack

They're all on friendly terms with each other.
- Buff guy is blonde girl's boyfriend, curvy girl's ex, and lanky guy's trainer
- Blonde girl is buff guy's girlfriend, curvy girl's crush, and lanky guy's classmate
- Lanky guy is buff guy's gym bro, blonde girl's tutor, and curvy girl's boyfriend
- Curvy girl is buff guy's ex, blonde girl's best friend, and lanky guy's girlfriend

The idea is that buff guy lifts blonde girl up onto his shoulders to initiate a chicken fight.

I was thinking about making it a best two out of three match, but I kinda want to subvert it by one side losing two in a row, and then calling foul, resulting in a third 'winner take all' match.
My idea for this would be;
1. Blonde girl loses when curvy girl steals her bikini
2. Buff guy loses balance when lanky guy's crotch bumps into his, lanky guy getting erect from seeing blonde girl topless.
3. The girl's get both their guys hard then go at it again, blonde starts making out with curvy girl as a way to distract lanky guy, also distracting curvy girl in the process and inciting an impromptu tit-fight while the guys are simultaneously cock-fighting down below during the chicken-fight (hence the title).

I'm thinking maybe add a bit of an interracial aspect to it as well, with the buff guy being black (for a stereotypical black and blonde pairing) and the curvy girl being a bit of a goth (for the stereotypical goth and nerd pairing). It could also work with the 'black guys are bigger' vs 'nerdy guys are hung' stereotype.
I don't really know where to take it from here though, hence why I never really got to writing it.
My Trillian is inactive again, but if you're interested in setting something up with me, I can set up a private, open-edit Google Doc.


Offline DottiD

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Re: Chicks, Cocks, and Tits
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2023, 10:49:45 PM »
Use your mind to fill it in, also remember just because you think it may not pan out others might love it, if they don’t rewrite it, try following your imagination and add a touch of reality . Some of my stories get rewritten 2-3 times before I post


Offline MisterSteel

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Re: Chicks, Cocks, and Tits
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2023, 04:20:13 AM »
Use your mind to fill it in, also remember just because you think it may not pan out others might love it, if they don’t rewrite it, try following your imagination and add a touch of reality . Some of my stories get rewritten 2-3 times before I post
Thank you kindly. I've been in a bit of a writing rut lately. I've got general ideas, but neither the drive nor the creativity to expand on them beyond a couple plot points. I was hoping to hear some feedback about what people might be interested in, specific scenarios that they'd like to see, or some ideas of their own to give me a bit of a bearing for something to work towards.
My Trillian is inactive again, but if you're interested in setting something up with me, I can set up a private, open-edit Google Doc.


Offline DottiD

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Re: Chicks, Cocks, and Tits
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2023, 03:13:06 AM »
Just my opinion, but you will have to choose your audience, do you want to entertain the peeps who like Titfights, sexfight cat fights so on. We who write here kind of have a leg up on that we are given by the forum story subjects who we want to write for. The good thing here is even if you just write about cat fights, people who like breast fights very well may read your stuff. Also not everyone is going to love your work, you may get one reply or review or you might get numerous ones, one think you will get is criticizing. Do not let it bring you down, it’s your work, and sadly some people will intentionally bash you just cause they lack the talent to write. I think about 90% of the readers here seriously appreciate our efforts . As far as your situation to move it forward that’s on you , keep in mind unless your story is an actual event, you can take it anywhere you like. Fantasy bizarre , and so on. Take a day in the park or the mall , people watch , look for little facial emotions especially between women. OMG as nice as we act most of us despise one another lol. It’s a constant competition, who can pull off the low cut top the skin tight jeans, is her make up air brushed or pancaked on . You can piece together a story by watching 2 women or 200 different women interacting. Not the crazy Karen’s on you tube but level headed working women or single women or moms . The best thing I can say DO NOT GIVE UP even if you just scribble off the wall ideas one eventually will set off the bells.