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Small Wonder

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Offline Marie B.

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Small Wonder
« on: December 05, 2010, 03:04:44 PM »

What’s that?
Nancy wants to wrestle me? Little Nancy? Is she kidding?
I mean, we’re gymnasts, not wrestlers.
And she’s too small to wrestle me.
Okay, okay…….I know it sounds ridiculous for me call someone else too small. After all, I’m 4’11 and weigh 90 pounds. But let’s face it; Nancy, at 4’8 and 81 pounds, is not only smaller than me…….she’s much smaller. You might think that 3 inches and 9 pounds isn’t much of a difference, but at our sizes, it’s actually an enormous difference.
And for one of the only times in my life, I’m the big girl. I’ve spent a lifetime looking up at everyone, but Nancy has to look up at me. And I have to admit that I enjoy having the size advantage over someone.
But now, she is asking to wrestle me.
You need to understand a few things about us. Nancy and I are both the stars of our college gymnastics team. There are fourteen girls on the team, with eight of us on the traveling squad. Nancy and I are the smallest girls on the team, and we are by far the two best gymnasts. No one else comes close.
The problem? Well, for me, the problem is that Nancy is the best gymnast and I’m second best. It hasn’t been an easy thing for me to accept because in high school, I was the star of the team. I was the strongest (pound for pound, that is), the fastest, the most graceful, the most limber and had the best technique of anyone. But now, I face a situation in which Nancy has all of that over me. In every gymnastic routine, she is like a force of nature, mastering every event with grace and style. She is fast and flawless, calculating and dominating. I’m good, but she’s great.
Am I jealous of her? Well yes, but you need to understand that it’s not the kind of jealousy that makes me ever want to see her fail when she’s competing. Girls are different than guys, and gymnasts possess a different kind of attitude than do participants of other team sports. When Nancy is doing a routine, I’m rooting for her. In fact, I’m rooting for every member of our team and even the members of the other team. All the girls feel that way. Never did I ever watch a gymnast on the balance beam and hope she’d fall off because I would stand a better chance of winning the event if she did. It just isn’t the way things are done.
Nor, when I’m about to perform a routine, am I thinking; “I’d better try to get a higher score than Nancy so I can beat her.” None of us do that; you simply concentrate on your own routine and do your best. Let the judges calculate the scores and tell us who won.
Still, in my private moments, I want to be a better gymnast than Nancy. It’s a matter of personal pride; I want to be the number one girl on the team. I value her friendship, but being the competitive person I am, I just wish she wasn’t so much better at our chosen sport. It frustrates me. 
And now, Nancy is asking to wrestle me. She heard about the “wrestling club” I belong to, in which girls who participate in sports other than gymnastics get together to wrestle for fun, exercise and competition…… and she wants to try it with me. Understand, it’s an unofficial club, certainly not certified by the college. Nine or ten of us would get together, and two at a time would wrestle on the mats in the gym while the others watch and root. None of us knows anything about technical wrestling; the “matches” consist mostly of some earnest, but inept, attempts to subdue the other. But since we are all competitive people, we try very hard and the matches often get heated and have to be broken up by the girls who are watching. The idea is to make your opponent submit. We had tried matches in which you have to pin the other girl, but no one really knew how to go about attaining a pin except by brute force. Since none of us possess much in the way of wrestling technique, the winner often winds up being the girl who is less tired at the end.  On the other hand, after you’ve wrestled a few times, you start to develop some knowledge of how to go about it.
My problem in these fights is that, as always, I’m the smallest one there. We have two basketball players and one girl who throws the javelin, for heaven’s sake. But all of them are much bigger than me, and as a result, I spend a lot of time losing. I am in better aerobic shape than any of them, but they overpower me because I’m just too damn small. But even in defeat, I enjoy the competition. Out of the twenty or so matches in which I’ve competed, I’ve won only three times, but the possibility of beating a bigger girl keeps me coming back. Plus, in my efforts, I’ve developed a few moves of my own. I learn quickly.
So, when little Nancy heard about the club and asked if she could try to wrestle me, I jumped at the chance. For the first time, I would be the bigger girl in the wrestling match. For once, I could beat Nancy at an athletic competition! I mean…..c’mon! Although Nancy is aggressive on the gymnastic floor, she is far too sweet-natured and gentle to engage in a fight. I’m gonna crush her tiny ass! I’m gonna make her submit to me!

And today, as we stand in front of each other, there is really no question about it. For the first time, I can honestly say……. I’m too big for somebody. How can she overcome my size advantage in a wrestling match? Look at her standing there……her reddish-brown hair in braids, her narrow shoulders, her slight physique, her innocent little pixie face.
She can’t win…..that’s a fact. And I’m really looking forward to making her quit.
As I said, I have 10% more body weight than she does…..and I practically tower over her (And when do I ever get a chance to say that?). No, I don’t claim to ever have sat around thinking; “Well, Nancy is a better gymnast than me, but I know I could take her if it ever came down to a fight.” I mean, such a thought would have been absurd…. girls just don’t think that way. 
But, hell, she’s the one asking for this. I’ve wrestled before and she hasn’t. She wants to play my game…….and I’m willing to oblige her. And, heaven knows, away from the gymnastics floor, she’s as unimposing a little thing as I’ve ever seen. How does she expect to be able to outwrestle me? What can she be thinking?
The only thing I have to worry about is making sure I don’t hurt her.

So, we met on the gym mat this afternoon after everyone had left for the day. I still can’t believe she wants this but it seems as if it would be a sign of weakness on my part if I don’t go along……so I do. She looks so frail and tiny in her yellow, two-piece bathing suit that I almost feel like calling it off. But, you know what? My competitive spirit is already kicking in and I am ready to make her squirm and submit; to finally display superiority over her after having had her defeat me in gymnastics so many times. I feel fit and dangerous in my red bikini. 
As she looks me up and down tentatively, I get the feeling that she wishes she hadn’t gotten herself into this. On the other hand, it’s just a wrestling match between two girls who don’t know how to wrestle. I don’t want to hurt her, but I do want to force her to submit to me.
Maybe I’ll make it just a little hard for her once I’ve got her in a helpless position.
Maybe I won’t be so quick to release her when she asks me to.
Thinking this, I cover my mouth with my hand to stifle a giggle……and she sees it.
“Say, Marie,” Nancy said. “What will the loser say to let the other know she wants to quit?”
“Well, Nancy,” I replied, easily, “How about; “I quit? Or “enough.””
“How about ‘uncle’?” she said.
“Do you really want to be forced to say that?” I asked, a bit startled.
“What makes you think I’m going to be the one to say it, Marie?” replied Nancy, coyly.
I blinked, the smile leaving my face. She saw that I was taken aback at her audacity and she grinned a little.
Okay, let her have her small victory. I was about to ruin her afternoon.
You know, as gymnasts, we do take bumps while performing routines. Some of the spills are pretty hard and we do suffer pain. Yes, football players would laugh at what we call “bumps.” But then, we don’t have the bodies of football players to help us absorb them, do we? But, we are expected to get right back up on the apparatus and resume the routine. And we do it, too. It’s the way things work. To do less would be to dishonor the tradition established by the girls who came before us.
And all of us are smart enough to know that you don’t accept a challenge from another gymnast to out-perform her in her chosen routine. In other words, you don’t play the other person’s game because they probably have good reason to think they can beat you in their specialty.
But that’s gymnastics…..this is wrestling. I figured that this would be my specialty more than Nancy’s. Not only because I had the distinct size advantage…..but because I have participated in wrestling before while she told me that she had never been in a fight in her life.
Some people are natural athletes. I know that Nancy is and I’m not. Yet, in my confidence that I could outwrestle her, I never stopped to think that a natural athlete can rely on her…….well, natural athleticism, to help her participate in a sport other than her own.
I should have been smarter and realized this before I went to the mat with Nancy. After all, as the smaller, less experienced wrestler, she had everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. For me, it was just the opposite.
Once we started circling each other in the middle of the gym floor mat, I expected her to be nervous. She was anything but. It occurred to me that we would both be in serious trouble if our gymnastics coach happened to enter the room to find us wrestling. This is an activity that he would strictly forbid, not that he ever had to tell gymnasts that they shouldn’t wrestle each other! But if the coach saw this, he might throw us off the team. It was minimally possible that he might walk in and I was close to calling the whole thing off, when Nancy rushed at me, crouched down, and threw her arms around my waist. Before I could react, she had lifted me off my feet. The feeling of being thrust in the air and held aloft by this tiny girl was terrifying; I would never have thought she had the strength or aggressiveness to do it. Before I could do anything about it, she twisted her body to the side and threw me to the mat, flat on my back. I looked up at Nancy in astonishment and saw her standing over me, a touch of a smile on her lips. Realizing that I was going to have to combat her speed, I tried to roll away but she jumped on me before I could escape. Straddling me, Nancy pinned my arms to the floor with her own and immobilized me, smiling into my eyes as I struggled desperately to dislodge her.
I couldn’t move; her arms were like tiny bands of steel as they restrained me. The harder I tried, the more the butterflies fluttered in my stomach with the dawning realization that she was much stronger than I ever would have thought. I never even considered that possibility because I was so much bigger than her. 
You’ve watched professional wrestling on television, right? In that sport, there is constant movement, with people throwing each other around and no one remaining in any one position for longer than a few seconds. Well, in a real match between two novices, it’s a lot different. If you expected a series of moves and counter-moves, you would have been disappointed. If anyone had been watching, they would have been bored at the apparent lack of action. Nancy was sitting on my stomach and chest with her knees straddling both sides of me, holding me in place……and I was bending, twisting and pushing with my arms and legs in an attempt to dislodge her. I tried every move I could think of but we must have remained in that position for five full minutes before I was able to push her off to the side. During those five minutes, she was looking down at me, gazing deeply into my eyes as she held me helplessly in place. She had a hint of a smile on her face, a smile that hurt my heart as I struggled to escape. It was mortifying. I never figured on this, not in a million years. I had expected to easily overpower Nancy.
When I finally succeeded in pushing her away, we grabbed each others’ shoulders and tried to gain an advantage. We rolled back and forth across the mat, first one attaining the top position and then the other. My greater size allowed me to drive her off me, but she kept scrambling on top and forcing me into a defensive posture. Every time I thought I had her, she turned things around on me. Using all my strength, I finally managed to get on top and force her onto her back. It was a good feeling, but I sensed that I was using far more energy than she was and that I had better win this fight in a hurry if I expected to win it at all. That thought gave me a sinking feeling inside.
Once on top, I moved my knee between her legs and pressed it against her crotch. I wasn’t looking to use a dirty tactic, but I must confess that I got a secret thrill when she grimaced in discomfort. This was the way it was supposed to be! Since she was apparently at my mercy, I posed the question I had been dying to ask;
“Okay, Nancy,” I smiled, “Are you ready to say ‘Uncle?’”
She hated the question……you could see that she hated it, but she didn’t answer. Instead, she began struggling harder in an effort to free herself.
“Aw, c’mon, shorty,” I cooed. “Time to say ‘Uncle.’ Time to admit that you’re beaten.”
I was loving it, truly loving it! Imagine……me calling someone ‘shorty!’ I was still loving it and enjoying my supremacy even as I felt her bending and twisting her right leg, trying to free it…..toward what purpose I couldn’t imagine.
“Oh, call it off, Nancy.” I trilled, laughing out loud. “The word is ‘Uncle.’ What’s the matter, can’t you manage to say it?”
Nancy’s teeth were gritted in effort as she pulled and pushed with her right leg, creating a rough but pleasant friction against my own bare leg. When she finally succeeded in getting it free, I wondered what she expected to do with it. To my shock, she performed a “high kick,” extending her leg up near her head. Before I could guess what she had planned, she smacked her bare foot against my face, completely covering my mouth and nose. From there, she pushed as hard as she could. With her gymnast-trained legs, that was plenty hard. I tried to resist the pressure but she succeeded in pushing me partially away. Once her upper body was free, she placed her other foot against my chest and thrust me away from her, sending me sprawling backward.
I was stunned by her strength and determination; utterly stunned. I landed flat on my back but rolled to the side to avoid having Nancy climb on top of me again. Then, I propelled myself toward her in attack. She met me halfway and we wrestled until we were down on our sides, face-to-face. But while I concentrated on grabbing her with my hands, Nancy wrapped her legs around my waist, scuttling up on me so far that her crotch was pressed uncomfortably against my stomach. Simultaneously, she grabbed my flailing wrists with her hands and hung on while I tried to pry them free.


Offline Marie B.

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Re: Small Wonder
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2010, 03:15:00 PM »

At first, she wasn’t squeezing that hard with her legs, and I concentrated on trying to get my arms free. A moment later, I felt a crushing pressure on my waist, and I presumed that she must have locked her ankles behind me and applied a scissors hold on my midsection.


She was hurting me, but not that badly, and I had time to wonder if she might already be applying all the pressure she could with her legs. The next few minutes showed how wrong that notion was.

Now that I was in her trap, Nancy began to smile at me. It was a gentle smile that told me that she was in control. I was jerking my arms back and forth under the grip she had on my wrists. The thing was, she was permitting it. Her grasp was tight and she was content to give me some freedom of movement, knowing that I couldn’t use my arms to attack her. Her casual inattention to my arms was infuriating me. But my main difficulty wasn’t the way she was holding my wrists……the real problem was my vulnerability to her body scissors. My own legs were free to kick and flail, but it got me nowhere. Her legs were wrapped tightly around my middle.
“You were thinking I was ready to submit to you, weren’t you, Marie?” Nancy said gently. “Well, the shoe’s on the other foot, isn’t it? Now, you are the one who’s going to say ‘Uncle.’”
“Never,” I said, twisting and pulling in my struggle to get free. “Never in a million years, Nancy.”
“Oh, no?” Nancy said, smiling into my eyes. “Well, if I squeeze a little tighter, you might change your mind.”
With that, she did. Nancy tightened her powerful little legs around my waist and applied more pressure. A feeling of nausea passed through me, causing me to gasp out loud. I just had to ride it out until I could find a way to escape. I figured that she couldn’t squeeze any harder and I just had to wait until she couldn’t maintain the pressure any longer.
Nancy was looking deeply into my eyes, a gentle smile on her little pixie face. Hating myself for it, I dropped my eyes from her gaze. It was humiliating and infuriating to be held helpless by a smaller girl. Now, I could appreciate the angst that bigger girls in our wrestling club felt when going up against me. I thought of the three girls I had actually defeated… they must have felt in losing to a small girl like me in front of their friends. It had to have been mortifying for them…..and now it was mortifying for me.
When Nancy saw that I was unable to look her in the eye, she giggled merrily. The sound of it made my insides hurt almost as much as the scissors lock. She said:
“All you have to do is say Uncle, and I’ll let you go, Marie.”
“No!” I cried.
“Not yet?” she smiled. “Well, let me squeeze just a little bit harder and see if you feel differently.”
She did, and the resultant increase in pressure made it hard for me to breathe. I was growing frantic; the pain and the humiliation were gnawing at me. I kicked my legs and strained my arms harder than before, but I was making no headway…..and my body was growing weaker.
How can I describe the shame and embarrassment I was feeling? It’s horrible to be held helplessly in place by anyone. But to have it done by someone so much smaller than you is a feeling that makes you want to crawl away and hide……except you can’t because she won’t permit it. 
But I couldn’t submit to her, especially by having to cry out the humiliating word “Uncle.” And, making it even worse was the casual way Nancy was enforcing her mastery over me. She was handling me so effortlessly! Her face and voice showed that she didn’t have a care in the world. It was if she knew all along that she could defeat me at any kind of athletic contest, even fighting. As if reading my thoughts, she said:
“Gosh, Marie, maybe you can’t beat me at anything, huh? Poor thing!”
I cast a quick look at her and saw the glee in her eyes. She bent toward me, placing her face within an inch of mine. I had no idea what she intended to do….. and then she compounded my humiliation by kissing me lightly on my nose.
That did it! I couldn’t stand any more. I kicked and strained as hard as I possibly could; my teeth gritted and my body whipping back and forth furiously. But it made no difference; Nancy had me immobilized and my efforts were to no avail. I was sweating profusely, even as Nancy was cool as a cucumber.
As she tortured my body, she worked on my mind:
“I’ll tell you what, Marie. If you submit to me right now, I’ll let you leave the gym and you won’t have to bow down before me. Go ahead now……say ‘Uncle.’”
“No!” I cried, flailing hopelessly. Nancy shrugged, as if in regret for what she was about to do to me. And what she did was to squeeze even harder. I can’t believe she possessed so much strength in her small body. I groaned piteously. I could barely breathe now, and worse……much worse…..tears had sprung to my eyes. I didn’t want to cry, I didn’t want her to see me cry……but I couldn’t help it. The right side of my face was pressed against the floor….and my tears were pooling on the mat. Seeing this, Nancy’s delight increased.
“Are you going to quit now?” she taunted. “If you don’t, I’ll humiliate you even more. Don’t think I can’t squeeze harder than this.”
I shook my head in negation, the tears still flowing from my eyes.
Shaking her head in mock sadness, Nancy said:
“Okay, Marie, you’ve blown the chance to get out of this gracefully. Let’s see; how can I punish you even more? I know! I’ll squeeze you even harder! First, you’ll say ‘Uncle.’ Then, I’ll stand above you and you will get down on your hands and knees and kiss my feet. Then, I might……just might…… let you leave this room. But only if I feel like it. Your fate is in my hands.”
I had just about reached the end of my endurance. My heart was refusing to quit, but my mind was telling me to get out of this hopeless, helpless situation by suffering the ultimate embarrassment and submitting to this tiny girl. I looked directly at her, ready to speak the dreaded words. But when she saw my eyes fixed on her, a joyous, carefree smile appeared on her face. She leaned toward me again……and kissed me full on the lips, tenderly but mockingly.
Between the sharp pain in my midsection and the sinking feeling in my heart, this was a gut-wrenching experience in every respect. By the time she broke the kiss, I was humiliated beyond comprehension; I would never live this down. I opened my mouth, but not to submit. Instead, I issued a breathless, agonized scream of pain, defiance and fear.
Nancy’s attitude changed. She scowled in anger:
“You stubborn bitch.” she said, the first time I had ever heard profanity from this sweet little girl’s lips.
With that burst of fury, Nancy tightened her grip one more time. Her leg muscles rippled as she grinded her powerful thighs and knees against my middle..... and I thought I might die. She pounded her legs up-and-down against the mat, lifting and dropping my tortured body with them. She whipped me back-and-forth, making me feel as if my internal organs were being crushed. The pain was unbearable; it was torture, plain and simple. My mind was churning and I worried how I was going to be able to face her every day at gymnastics practice after this. Still, I had no choice… was over.
“Uncle.” I whimpered softly, hating the whining sound of my voice.
Nancy heard it and the grinding of her legs ceased, although she kept the pressure on my body.
“You’ll have to be more emphatic than that, Marie. Say it as if you mean it.”
“Uncle!” I said, sobbing, barely able to choke the words from my tortured body.
“One more time….with feeling.” Nancy sang, delighted with herself.
I could no longer control my emotions and I started to beg.
“Uncle! Please let me go, Nancy. Please! Please! Please! UNCLE!  UNCLE!
The sound of her gentle laughter hurt my heart to the depths of my being as she released me.
“Okay, Marie, I’ll stand before you and you’ll kiss my feet.”
I nodded in shame, but as soon as she allowed me to stand, I stumbled to my feet and ran. I headed for the door as quickly as I could in an effort to leave the building. I knew that my actions were dishonorable, but I didn’t want to kiss her feet. I just couldn’t stand to suffer any more indignity. I needed to escape while I could.
Except that I couldn’t. Nancy caught me at the door and, grabbing me from behind around the waist, dragged me backward toward the gym mats. I struggled furiously, but to no avail, as my bare heels scraped the hardwood floor and she easily pulled me back to her chamber of torture.
She threw me to the mat and I turned over to find her standing before me, smiling, her hands held imperiously on her hips in a position of ultimate supremacy. With nothing of my dignity left to salvage and with the recognition that I would be groveling before a little girl who was clearly my superior, I crawled on my hands and knees, kneeled before Nancy, and kissed her feet… at a time. My tears fell on them.
She then allowed me to get up and leave the room; the sound of her laughter following me all the way out the door.



Offline howardcosell

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Re: Small Wonder
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2010, 04:12:31 PM »
I remember us communicating about this one a few years ago when you first posted it. It's a great story about a very unique feeling and you really put your bare foot in it lol. You're a small wonder yourself.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Small Wonder
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2010, 05:02:49 PM »
fantastic story! I never miss up an oppertunity to read about you getting humiliated :D

great emotion there, the build up and excitment at the start thrilled me, brought back some naughty memories! lol and loved how you conveyed your humiliation and shame, it was a blow by blow account of pride getting broken, thanks for sharing sugar!

x G x
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Offline Marie B.

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Re: Small Wonder
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2010, 05:29:10 PM »
fantastic story! I never miss up an oppertunity to read about you getting humiliated :D

That's good, Gems, because I get plenty of practice. :'(



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Re: Small Wonder
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2010, 07:48:26 PM »
“Gosh, Marie, maybe you can’t beat me at anything, huh? Poor thing!”

Wow!  That sounds familiar!


Great story, Marie!

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The lie is on her lips,
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Re: Small Wonder
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2010, 08:09:34 PM »
Loved it Marie
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Re: Small Wonder
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2010, 10:39:58 PM »
A great repost! Glad you redid the story - (or did you eventually find an old copy somewhere?) - it seems even 'better' seeing you lose again, Marie! Tee hee!  ::)  :P ;)

Love you  :-*
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)