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My Journey to Confidence: Part 3

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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My Journey to Confidence: Part 3
« on: March 27, 2023, 06:56:58 AM »
I barely slept last night. My mind was just too filled with memories of my glorious match with Leah and fantasies of my upcoming match with Evelyn and what I would do that bitch. My first match and my first win had kind of gone to my head. The stories were not exaggerating in the slightest about how addictive the game was. Jason was gone again and I missed him but his absence would give me the perfect opportunity to continue my revenge. I told him that if he was tired when he came back from work, he could just go straight to bed no problem without needing to say hi to me. He hugged me and called me the best girlfriend in the world, which made me feel like the worst girlfriend in the world. I would tell him eventually. Maybe we can even talk about our favorite stories together. I just hope he won’t be too angry. Ugh! I can’t think about that now! I have a bitchy Hooters waitress to fuck!

I had work today, so I slipped on my Hooters uniform. I’d normally be a mess from my lack of sleep but my deep lust for both vengeance and Evelyn herself kept me in good shape. Nymphomania is a Hell of a drug. Evelyn was hot, I had to admit, which will make my revenge even more enjoyable. I just had to figure out how to go about getting it. Aside from the occasional douchey jocks or dirty old men, Hooters doesn’t get a lot of customers these days and when they do, it’s mostly for the food. I’d say the Internet has spoiled men’s dicks rotten, so girls in skimpy leotards just don't do much for them anymore. That suited me just fine. As I drove to work, I thought it through in my head. Leah said that a lot of girls are into the game but it’s probably for the best that I blackmail Evelyn too. You can never have too much insurance, after all. May as well keep the blackmail thing going for the rest of my targets too. With my newfound nerve, I could just report Evelyn to HR or some worker’s union but that was boring. I really wanted to make her squeal…before making her squeal in bed, that is. She’s more than earned it. I fucking hate Evelyn. Even more so than Leah. Both of those cxnts made me do their work for them but at least history was something I enjoyed. Evelyn treated me like a slave. She’s earned this. But how?

As I made it to work, the idea hit me. I was just taking a wild guess here but I had a strong feeling in my gut about this. Oh, I can’t wait to see the look on her bitch face if I’m right. As I clocked in, the first thing I did was go straight to Kara’s office. Thank God she was off today, that miserable old crow. I had to flash the security guard some nip for him to give me his key, so this better be worth it. I now had access to my harpy of a boss’s office and therefore, the security cameras. The guard gave me her password too, so I got right in. I cycled to the camera for Kara’s office, the room I was in right now. It took me some digging but I finally found what I was looking for. And just in time too.

“There you are!” Evelyn said as she finally found me. “What the Hell are you doing in Kara’s off…ice…”

Her eyes went wide and her face went pale as a ghost when she saw what I was looking at. I turned around with the biggest shit-eating grin on my face. On the security footage was Evelyn going down on Kara right in her office. Judging from Kara’s facial expressions, she ate pussy pretty well. I looked forward to finding out for myself. For now, though, I would enjoy this moment for all it was worth.

“I…wha…how did…but…I can…You!” Evelyn stammered.

“Use your big girl words.” I teased.

“When did you suddenly grow a backbone?” Evelyn asked before sighing. “I can explain.”

“You’ll have to explain to the entire Internet if you don’t do as I say.” I threatened.

“Go right ahead.” Evelyn said. “See if I give a shit.”

“Don’t play dumb with me.” I said. “This is blatant nepotism. Not to mention unprofessional and will get both you and Kara fired!”

Yep. I now had blackmail on two of my targets for the price of one. Life is good. Evelyn now had a dejected look on her face. One that she was probably used to seeing from me. Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?

“What do you want?” She asked in a meek tone.

“Hmm…” I pondered. “This isn’t the time or place to discuss this. Let’s go to your place after work.”

“Fine.” Evelyn said.

“Oh and how about you do your own fucking work this time, you lazy slank?!” I yelled.

“Alright, alright!” She whined. “Geez, what happened to that spineless little Asian wallflower I used to know?”

“I murdered her and wore her skin like a robe.” I joked. “Now get to it!”

She did as I said and the rest of the day went as normal, minus Evelyn forcing her work on me. It was easily the best work day I’ve ever had. Once both our shifts ended at about 5:00 PM, Evelyn texted me her address. I was more than happy to oblige. I drove there, taking about ten minutes, arriving just after she did. She didn’t even look at me as she got out of her car and I followed her up her stoop and she let us both inside.

“Nice digs.” I said.

Her house was roomy and coozy. Perfect environment for a match. We sat down on her couch. She poured herself a glass of wine and offered me one.

“Underage.” I said, turning her down. Only one year away from that, though.

She sat down next to me.

“Alright, cut to the chase.” She said. “What do you want?”

“I want to make a bet with you.” I explained. “And if you win, I never saw anything.”

“You know, I did catch you breaking into her office.” She argued.

“Yes but if I go down, I’ll take you and her both with me.” I reminded her. “So, what’s more important to you? Your job or spiteing me?”

“What kind of bet?” She asked, ignoring but also indirectly answering my question.

“A sexfight.” I answered. “Either way, I’ll forget about what I saw if you say yes. If I win, you do your own damn work from now on and leave me be.”

“Oh?“ She asked slyly. “Why didn’t you just say so? And I spent all day worrying over nothing.”

“You’re familiar?” I asked.

“Of course, I am. I’m a woman after all.” She answered. “I never expected this from you, though.”

“It was a recent discovery.” I said. “I just had and won my first match a couple nights ago.”

“That explains your sudden rise in bitchiness.” She said. “Wait, you said what you would get if you won. What do I get if I win?”

“I dunno. What do you want?” I asked.

She sat in thought for a bit.

“Don’t have an aneurism.” I mocked.

“Shut up, cxnt.” She shot back. “Okay. If I win, I want you as my sex slave for a week!”

A week? A day would be no problem but if it was a week, I’d have no choice but to explain to Jason. I wasn’t ready for that yet and it would be a horrible way for him to find out.

“Those are my terms.” She said. I rolled my eyes and just said fuck it.

“Alright, deal.” I said.

“You’re on, girlfriend.” She said.

I had no choice but to win now.

“Shall we take this upstairs?” I asked.

“Yes, let’s.” She answered.

And with that, she guided me upstairs towards her bedroom. Like with Leah, I checked out her ass on the way. We were both still in uniform, so it made it easy for me. She opened her bedroom door and I saw that her room was rather nice. King-sized bed perfect for a good romp and plenty of space. Hard not to be a nympho with a pad like this. We wasted no time and began stripping down out of our white and orange leotards. I began to turn around but the second I did, she was on me. Her E-cups digging into my Ds as she jammed her tongue straight into my mouth just like Leah did. She pushed both of us down on top of her bed as my surprise wore off and I began kissing her back as viciously as I could.

“Mmmmm!!” We both moaned into each other’s mouths as her scarlet locks curtained both of our faces.

I felt her nipples penetrating my areola as she tongued me down mercilessly. I had to turn this around and fast. Evelyn was way more aggressive than Leah. I had to fight back, so I wrapped my arms around her back, feeling her hair brush against my skin as I began forcing myself upwards into her as we still kissed each other viciously. She got annoyed by my resistance and broke the kiss with a pop.

“Just lie down and take it like the fuckbitch you are!” Evelyn demanded.

“It’s called a sexFIGHT, you dumb bitch!” I argued, emphasizing the word fight. “I’m not your toy until you outfuck me!”

“I’d like to see you try, whore!” She dared.

“With pleasure!” I shot back.

I pounced on her and we began wrestling. As I felt our warm skin rub against each other, my hands pulling on her red hair and her hands yanking on my brown locks, I began to notice something. Maybe it was because this was my second match ever and I had a better idea of what to anticipate but I was a bit more turned on facing Evelyn than I was Leah. I now realize what the defining factor in that was. Age. Leah was 20, my age and while I absolutely loved grinding her lying, lazy cxnt into submission, Evelyn was 24. Four years older than me. That was the only major difference between the two. Yes. I liked older women and you’ll soon realize just how much I did. As we tangled on her bed, I ended up on top, my legs prying her legs open. I saw Evelyn’s pussy up close and wide open for the first time. It was beautiful. So wide, pink, wet, lickable and fuckable.

“Go on!” Evelyn dared. “Do your worst, rookie!”

“If that’s what you want, whore.” I mocked.

I then brought my pussy against hers and began rubbing furiously.

“Agh!” She grunted.

“Ohhh!!” I groaned.

Her cxnt felt so similar yet also so different from Leah’s in subtle, indescribable ways. It’s something that only my fellow nymphos would understand. Our tits bounced around as we tribbed. I bent down to suck on her E-cups’ sharpened nipples, encasing her right milk bud in my mouth while my tongue assaulted it. Evelyn pulled at my hair as I did so but we never stopped tribbing.

“You should’ve kept the twin tails.” She said as I sucked on her tit. “Easier to pull that way.”

“Oh?” I asked as I let go of her nipple. “You mean like this?!”

I then reached behind her head and yanked on her crimson tresses nice and hard.

“Ugh!” She grunted in pain. “You goddamn cxnt!”

“Takes one to know one!” I shot back.

She pulled on my own brunette locks harder in retaliation, which I should’ve seen coming ten miles away but hey, I was still a rookie. We got really catty as we jerked each other around by each other’s hair.

“Fucking little whore!” Evelyn cursed. “I’ll teach you to forget your place!”

“Not used to people fighting back, are you?!” I shot back.

Evelyn ended up on top and grabbed hold of her succulent E-cups only to shove them in my face and literally rub them in.

“Mmmm!!” I yelled out, muffled by her breasts.

“How’s a real woman’s tits feel?” She asked mockingly.

I pulled away from her, slightly panting.

“You win one match and think you’re hot shit?” She asked rhetorically. “Whoever you fought clearly didn’t take the game seriously enough. I’ll show you what fuckfighting is really all about!”

She wasn’t entirely wrong. Leah did take our match seriously but she seemed to have a lot more fun with it and enjoyed teasing the new girl. Evelyn, on the other hand, was playing for keeps. I had to get my head in the game. Before I could, however, Evelyn pried my legs open, letting them fan out on each side of me at a 90 degree angle before she brought her juicy cxnt into mine.

“Ugh!” I grunted. “Fucking whore!”

“Oh, what’s wrong, rook? Can’t take the heat?” She mocked.

She pulled her pelvis back and forth rapidly as she fucked me like the captain of the football team probably fucks Leah. In all the sexfight videos I’d seen, no girl ever tribbed this fast and she held me down nice and firm. Each time her pussy compressed mine, I couldn’t even fully react until the next compression took its place. All I could do was reach up to squeeze and fondle her tits.

“You’re so pathetic!” Evelyn insulted. “Beneath that shit-talking facade, you’re still the same pathetic little shrinking violet you always were!”

“Shut your cxnt-licking mouth!” I cursed as she kept fucking me.

“Well, at least now you let me fuck you, so I guess it’s an upgrade.” She teased.

“I said cram it, bitch! Agh!” I grunted.

“Why don’t you try and make me, little girl?” She dared. “Oh, that’s right, you can’t!”

I was pissed now but she had me pinned.

“Just you wait, slut!” I promised. “Give me just one opening and I’ll…Ahhhh!!” I cried as her clit began dominating mine.

“Twat was that? I cxnt hear you!” She joked.

“Agh! You goddamn skank!” I cursed.

I soon began to feel my first orgasm of the night beginning to show itself and I knew trying to hold it back would be a waste of time and energy, so I just took it like a common whore. All I really could do.

“Agh! Ugh! Fuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkk!!!” I screamed as I came.

I shot my load right up Evelyn’s bitchy cxnt and saw her eyes wince at the pleasurable feeling. As my climax subsided, the insufferable redhead bent down to play with my tits, caressing and groping.

“Heh. Look at these pathetic things.” She teased. “D-cups may be good enough for guys but guys will fuck anything with an XX chromosome and an above average face. How do you expect to please a real nympho with these?”

I said nothing but made my reply clear by spitting at her, which landed on her right cheek. She licked it off like the dirty slut that she was before she grabbed my left tit and began suckling it. Her tongue snaked and slithered around my nipple, giving me chills. I pulled at her crimson tresses as she sucked on me. She knew how to use that tongue of hers, I’ll give her that much. She then slowly ran her head down my chest and then stomach, tickling my belly button. I could immediately see where this was going. She found my pussy and began massaging it and fingering it.

“Ohhh!!” I moaned.

She giggled into my nipple as she kept licking it while manually pleasuring me at the same time. So soon after my first orgasm, my pussy was alive and burning again and my legs began to twitch in response to the overwhelming pleasure.

“There’s the submissive little piece of eye candy we all know and love!” She teased before resuming her sucking.

I yanked on her hair in retaliation but she barely reacted. It was then that I realized what she was trying to do. I remember this in stories. She was deliberately trying to piss me off and psyche me out. When it comes to sexfights, anger can be a great thing…in moderation. But too much of it can be blinding and mess with your head. When you're pissed off enough, you don’t think straight and your opponent can and will take advantage of that. Evelyn was trying to take advantage of years of resentment that I had built up towards her but she would not get to me. I hope she also realizes that this brand of psychological warfare goes both ways. She continued pleasuring me and sucking on my tits but I just decided to take it for now. I felt my second climax coming up and didn’t even bother trying to hold it back.

“Ugh! Ugh! Ugggggghhhhhhh!!!” I groaned out loud as I came all over her hand.

I laid there hyperventilating as my redheaded rival licked my juices off of her hand and looked down at me. She seemed pretty proud of herself but as the perfect idea hit my head, I gave her a pompous grin.

“What are you looking so smug about?” She asked, taking the bait. “I’m owning you right now.”

“Oh, just curious.” I said teasingly. “Why were you eating Kara out in her office that day?”

“None of your business.” She said, seeming genuinely rattled. I had her now.

“I’ve made it my business now.” I argued. “Unless you’re hiding something else from me.”

“I just wanted to, okay?!” She asked defensively. “I thought it would be pretty kinky.”

“Or maybe it was Kara’s idea.” I suggested.

“What if it was?” She asked.

“Or maybe she forced you to.” I suggested.

“Just shut up and spread your legs, bitch.” Evelyn complained.

“Maybe she made you do that as a penalty for losing to her!” I finally said it.

“Like you’re losing to me now?!” She argued.

“Is that why you’re getting so worked up?” I teased.

Evelyn growled as she grabbed me by my hair and dragged me off of the bed, pulling my face within inches of her own.

“You run your mouth off too much, cxnt!” She cursed. “I suggest you put it to better use!”

She once again slammed her tongue down my throat, viciously kissing me as I tried my best to kiss back. She reminds me of another redhead, Sabrina from 732. Well, she was technically a ginger but you get my point. They certainly have the same temper and bitchiness. Evelyn kissed me absolutely brutally, stopping just short of gagging me with her tongue. I kissed back with everything I had and even put up a decent fight. I returned her hair pull and we just ravenously tongued each other down standing up. We spun each other around via our mutual hair pulling until I slammed her back down onto the bed. We broke our kiss as my face was just a foot in front of hers with my hands resting on the bed on either side of her face. I was angled perfectly so I could fuck her while getting to stare her right in the face. I was going to enjoy this. I brought my pussy up and slammed it into hers, making my D-cups jiggle just above her E-cups.

“Ugh!” She grunted. My thrusting skills were improving.

I felt my blood boil as I finally got to see this lazy, miserable cxnt cry at the mercy of my twat. All the work she offloaded on me, all the times she called me useless while she did nothing but stand around and show off her T&A to the creeps who came into the place, all the times Kara kissed her ass and rewarded her for it. Now I wanted to see her beg for mercy. I began humping and fucking her harder and faster as her distressed face filled me with joy.

“How do you like it, bitch?!” I asked. “How do you like being treated like a piece of meat! How’s it feel?! How’s it fucking feel, cxnt?!”

“Fuck…Ugh!…Off!” She cursed.

“Tempting but I think I’ll just fuck you instead!” I shot back.

I reached down and sank my fingers into her E-cups like gelatin as I continued dominating her. I pinched her nipples, slammed her tits together, pulled them up just to watch them bounce back down onto her chest and more all the while I fucked her like the worthless little cum dumpster we both knee that she was. I felt like I was on top of the world. I bet this is what Jasmine felt when she finally outfucked Sabrina.

“Ohhhhhh!!” Evelyn groaned. Music to my ears.

“Not so tough anymore, are you?!” I mocked. “I wonder how many times Kara has seen this side of you?”

“I’ll…fucking…get you…for this! Agh!” Evelyn swore.

“The only thing you’re getting from me is a sore cxnt!” I shot back.

I felt her clit come out of its hood only to immediately get dominated by my clit just like the rest of her.

“You goddamn fucking whore!” She cursed.

“I think you’ve talked enough!” I declared.

Just as she did to me, I silenced her slut mouth with my own, tonguing her throat down mercilessly as I continued fucking her. I stopped mauling her breasts only to reach behind her head and yank on her crimson tresses instead. I could tell that she was on the verge of an orgasm, so I responded accordingly. I switched up my tribbing technique a little from hard and fast in favor of slow and powerful. I pulled my pelvis back only to slam back hard into her bitchy cxnt.

“Aghhhhh!!” She cried. I loved that sound.

Again and again and again and again until finally Evelyn could not handle it anymore.

“Fucking cxnt! Noooooooooooo!!!!” She screamed as she came all up inside of my pussy.

“Yes, that’s it!” I said as I felt her fill me up.

As her climax subsided, I let go of her hair and pulled her by her arms towards me.

“C’mere, fire crotch.” I ordered.

We hugged each other, our tits coming together as our heads rested on the other nympho’s shoulders. We inhaled the rich scent of each other’s sweat-matted hair.

“One orgasm…You got out of me…And you think you’re a hot bitch?” She asked, licking my ear lobe.

“Hotter than you.” I shot back, also licking her ear lobe. “That’s why you kept treating me like shit. Why you forced this terrible job on me when you first saw me on the street that day!”

“You could’ve said no.” She argued.

“But you knew I wouldn’t!” I argued. “You took advantage of me like you always have! Only reason I haven’t quit is because I need the money!”

“You keep stealing my customers from me, bitch! You give me no choice!” She argued.

“It’s not my fault they like Asian girls.” I shot back. “Besides, you could just play fair and beat me with your hotness.”

“That’s what I’ve done with every other slutty waitress there!” She bragged. “And you’ll be no exception!”

“An exception?” I asked. “You mean like Kara?”

“Cram it!” She demanded.

“So touchy.” I teased. “Well, don’t worry, cxnt. Once I’m done with you, she’s next!”

“Counting your chickens before they hatch, don’t you think?” Evelyn asked. “Again, you win a single match and you think you’re untouchable? You ain’t shit!”

“Why don’t you prove it, then?” I dared.

“Gladly!” She said.

And with that, she pushed me down with my head at the end of the bed and my long, sweaty hair hanging off of the edge. Evelyn then held my legs open with her arms before diving her mouth on top of my pussy. Her tongue slithered throughout my labia ravenously as she tasted me.

“Ahhhh!!” I groaned. “cxnt-licking slut!”

She responded by reaching up and twisting my nipple harshly.

“Ow!” I cried.

I reached down and pulled at her thick red hair in retaliation. She would pop her tongue in and out of me like a sex toy, quite literally tongue-fucking me. In addition to that, she would also jerk her index and middle finger in and out in a form of double penetration. It was devastating but also delicious. Really, if it was almost anyone other than Evelyn doing this to me right now, I’d be in heaven. She used her free hand to continue to play around with my D-cups, poking and prodding my nipples, squeezing my tit flesh, slapping them around, the works.

“You taste pretty good for a rookie.” Evelyn teased as she paused her cunnilingus of me.

She then took notice of my clit coming out of its hood and began playing with it with her fingers.

“Agh!” I grunted.

“My, what a cute little clitty.” She teased. “So soft and warm and springy.”

“Go ahead and suck on it, bitch.” I dared. “You and I both know that you want to, bad!”

“All you have to do is ask.” She mocked before she sealed her slutty lips over my pleasure bud.

“Fuck!” I cursed as I bit down on my lower lip.

I had to admit, she ate cxnt even better than Leah. I see why Kara made her eat her out in her office. I felt her saliva drool across my clit in her mouth as her tongue jabbed at it like a finger pressing a button. She still slid her fingers in and out of my lower labia as she did this. Goddamn, she was an expert at this. I had to improve my technique and I figured now would be a good opportunity once she finished up. I began to feel those distinctive, all too familiar electric volts of pleasure flowing throughout my body and down towards my twat as she continued orally and manually pleasuring me until I could handle it no more.

“Agh! Ugh! Ohhhhhhhh!!!” I shrieked as I came all over Evelyn, drenching her bitch face with my girl mess.

She smiled as I bukakked her, no doubt enjoying the feeling. As I finished up and began huffing and puffing, she got up and on top of and jammed her tongue into my mouth once again, just like Leah had done when she ate me out in our match. As I tasted my own fluids on the redhead bitch’s tongue mixed with her spit, I couldn’t help but blush. I guess my old self hadn’t entirely died just yet. I felt so humiliated and objectified…but it made me want to humiliate my opponent even more now. As she finished violating my mouth, she stroked my hair condescendingly.

“All that new bravado and for what?” She asked mockingly. “Get used to this feeling, bitch cause you’re gonna be feeling it a lot when you’re my fuckbitch for the next week!”

That was enough for me to get back in the game. I felt a deep sense of fury boil inside of me as I wrapped my arms around Evelyn’s back and wrestled with her in the bed once again. After what had to be at least a couple minutes of wrestling, I managed to pin her in a very unique and convenient way. I got her on her back but with her lower body pulled upwards as I sat on her head with her legs in the air to my right and left. Her cxnt was right in front of me and she and I both knew what was coming next.

“Agh! Goddamn skank!” She cursed.

“You’re pretty flexible, I’ll give you that.” I said. “But that can be more of a curse than a gift at times as you’re about to find out.”

“Do your fucking worst!” She dared.

“If you insist.” I said.

I ran my tongue along her pudenda slowly and teasingly, practically dragging it across her labia.

“Ugghhh!!” She groaned through clenched teeth.

This position looked like something straight out of the Kama Sutra. Thankfully she was pretty flexible. I couldn’t help but wonder whether or not I was also tasting Kara as I ate Evelyn out. The redhead reached behind her and began pulling at my sweat-matted, brunette locks in a feeble attempt to try and make me release her but it didn’t work. My arms and mouth were latched on tight. She was getting tongue-fucked and she was gonna like it! In retaliation, I sat on her head even harder. She wasn’t going anywhere.

“Agh! Get the fuck off of me!” She demanded.

I jammed my fingers deep inside of her bitchy cxnt in response to that. From this angle, I was able to get a lot of depth. I stuck more and more fingers in as she cried more and more and louder and louder. I loved sexually tormenting her. Her clit became exposed as I began to focus my onslaught of oral pleasure on her helpless little pleasure bud.

“Ohhhhh!!” She shrieked.

I just kept licking and fingering and licking and fingering and licking and fingering. I just could not get enough of listening to her scream like the bitch in heat she was. Only two fights into my life as a nymphomaniac and I was already developing quite a sadistic streak. I could tell from her reactions and movements that her next orgasm was on its way and I made sure it would get here as fast as it could. I jerked both my tongue and my fingers in and out of here rapidly and rocked the bed back and forth as I pleasured her. It just kept building up inside of her until she could finally take no more of this.

“Ohhhhhh!!!!” She screamed as she came and I placed my face in front of her tasty cxnt as she did.

I was bukakked by her just like she had forced me to do to her. My face and hair were soaked with her womanly secretions. I finally released her, letting her lower body fall back onto the bed as she panted like a dog but I was nowhere near done with her yet. As she laid on the bed on her stomach, slightly elevated by her E-cup rack, I slipped my legs underneath her up to my outer thighs, so she was more or less laying in my lap with her ass fully visible. Can you see where I’m going with this? I grabbed a nice handful of her thick, scarlet tresses and yanked hard.

“Ugh!” She grunted. “Fuck off!”

“Now I’m gonna do what your Parents should’ve done a long time ago!” I declared.

I began spanking her hard and fast. I could feel the vibrations from the soundeaved as I smacked her firm, bubbly ass. I was spanking her so hard that my hand was starting to get red and stingy. So, I would switch hands every now and then between spanking and hair pulling. Man, I could do this all day. This was almost as good as fucking her. Seeing the frustrated, painful look on her face as her meaty cheeks began to turn a shiny red from my assault was glorious.

“Not so smug anymore, are you?” I asked mockingly.

She kept panting and began growling before pouncing on me as we wrestled again. This session became pretty heated. I was definitely psyching her out now. We flung each other all over her bed, scratching, pulling hair, squeezing tits and asses, jamming fingers inside each other’s lower lips, slapping ass cheeks and just about every other catfight cliche in the book until we finally ended up in a scissoring position with myself at the head of the bed and Evelyn at the foot, her thick, flowing red hair hanging off of the edge just as mine did not too long ago. We caught our breath as we reached for each other’s arms and both used them as leverage to pull our slutty cxnts together one last time, knowing that this is how the match would end. Here and now. I felt her juicy lower lips violently kiss mine and mine kiss hers just as brutally as we pulled ourselves into each other by our arms.

“Aghhhh!!” I groaned.

“Uggghhhh!!” She groaned.

Our burning cxnts and clits fused as we scissored each other with absolutely everything we had. We began huffing and puffing rapidly as we tribbed, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout our nymphomaniacal bodies. Our bouncy tits jiggled like gelatin with each forceful and straining movement. I wanted to reach down to grab onto and grope her E-cups but I had to focus on the tribbing and nothing else or risk letting her get the upper hand on me. I also figured that a little more psychological warfare wouldn’t hurt either.

“Can’t take the heat?” I asked teasingly.

“You fucking wish! Ugh!” She grunted. “I can grind cxnts with you all night long!”

“Good cause I’ll hold you to that! Ohh!!” I moaned.

“Agh!” She groaned. “I can’t wait to fuck you like the common whore you are all week long!”

“Why don’t you just admit it?!” I asked intensely. “You always wanted to get me naked in your bed!”

“Says the one who challenged me first! Agh!” She argued.

“At least I admit to wanting to fuck you!” I argued. “And I’m not the one who wants to make you into a sex slave! That was all you! I just wanted to be treated with some goddamn respect!”

“Alright, fine!” She admitted. “I wanna fuck you and always have! So, I’ll rub your beautiful twat into nothing even if I have to do this for days!”

“There, was that so hard?” I teased. “Now shut up and trib that fire crotch with everything you’ve got! My pussy’s a brick wall!”

She did as I told her and began flexing her ass and waist, further grinding into me. I was more than happy to do the same. We let go of each other’s arms and began fucking each other purely with our own lower body muscles. It was even more tiring than you’d think but we were way too invested to worry about that. My heart sank into my stomach when I began to feel a climax approaching. Goddamn it, no! Wait…I can tell by her movements and reactions that she has one on the way too! But can she take it? Can I take it? How powerful will mine be? How powerful will hers be? Ugh! There’s so many variables to consider! I thought sex was supposed to relieve stress! Should I just pull away and then lick her again? No! No dirty tricks! I’m thinking too much! I have to see this through to the end! Keep my eyes on the prize! I could feel that this orgasm would take a lot out of me and my best bet was that either hers would be worse or that she’s more tired than I am as is. We kept tribbing and tribbing and tribbing, our clits dueling and our labias fusing until finally I could not take it anymore. I came and I came hard but so did she!

“Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!” We both screamed bloody murder.

I felt our juices splash together and coalesce like in so many stories. As our orgasm calmed down, I could still feel that I had more in me! Yes! I kept pumping and pumping away but I soon noticed that Evelyn wasn’t moving at all. Confused, I pulled away from her, our lower lips deliciously peeling off of each other and I soon noticed that she had passed out! A big, almost clownish grin appeared on my face. Yes! Match number two and victory number two!…Wait, what time is it? Holy shit, it’s almost midnight! Evelyn was definitely a better opponent than Leah and I was exhausted but if I slept here, I would wake up here in the morning and Jason would wonder where I was. I wanted to tell him everything so I wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore but I just wasn’t ready for that yet. I washed up in Evelyn’s shower quickly, got dressed and left the naked slut in her bed, fucked into submission. I wanted to stay there and take advantage of her in her sleep but there was no time.

I was so tired, I nearly dozed off behind the wheel on the way home but I made it and then crashed into bed immediately. My revenge was now at the halfway point and I remembered that I already had the blackmail ready for my next target. My miserable, nepotistic, high and mighty cxnt of a boss was next. I could probably just dump a bucket of water on Kara and watch her melt like the wicked witch she is but that’s not how we nymphos do things. I just barely managed to defeat Evelyn and Kara was clearly stronger than her, so I was a little concerned but not nearly enough to back out now.


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Re: My Journey to Confidence: Part 3
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2023, 08:18:49 AM »
Very hot ! I liked it !