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My Journey to Confidence: Part 5

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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My Journey to Confidence: Part 5
« on: April 06, 2023, 05:54:33 AM »
So, my revenge was ¾ done. All that was left was Dawn. In my opinion, she was the one who had taken advantage of me the most of them all. Turning me and my boyfriend into her own playthings while we had no choice to submit just to make ends meet. Even violating my mouth right in front of said boyfriend just a few days ago. Well, I look forward to violating her mouth, nipples and cxnt until she begs for mercy. Knowing Dawn, she would probably immediately accept if I challenged her to a sexfight, no strings attached. She’s been wanting a bigger piece of me for a long time. Honestly, she kinda reminds me of Slyvia from KingOfDaPirates’ Maggie and Amber series. Check that series out, BTW. It’s amazing. Sylvia was a massive slut, even by nympho standards and she lived to dominate other women and use them as her toys. Only difference was that Sylvia was pretty likable once you got to know her and still had some amount of respect for others but Dawn was just an incorrigible lecher who saw all others as objects of her pleasure. I can’t wait to give her a taste of her own medicine. While I am confident that Dawn will say yes without hesitation if I challenged her, I also wanted to blackmail her just to see her squirm. She’s earned it. Besides, I blackmailed my first three targets and I like to be consistent. A few days had passed and I decided I would not tell Jason until I was finished with Dawn. At least not fully. I just had to get my revenge fully off my chest before I did something that risky. Still, the guilt was killing me and I had to alleviate it in some way. We were eating breakfast again and I had this look on my face that begged him to ask me what was on my mind. So, he did just that.

“You look like you wanna say something, babe.” He said.

“I do.” I said. “I haven’t been totally honest about what I’ve been doing these past few days.”

“Oh?” He asked, more curious than offended. He trusted me so much. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve actually been standing up for myself lately.” I said. “Against everyone. Leah, Evelyn and just recently Kara.”

“Really?” He asked. “Wow. That’s great. But why keep it a secret?”

“I dunno.” I said with shame. “I felt like I just needed to do this on my own without anyone’s help. And knowing you, you’d want to be there for me. No offense but I just felt like I had to fight my own battles this time around.”

“I understand.” He said as she sat down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “You don’t want to be too dependent on your boyfriend.”

“Yeah. Thanks.” I said, cheering up.

I wasn’t lying about what I said. I had to stand up for myself on my own without relying on him.

“If you mind me asking…” Jason began. “What caused this change? It’s like I came home one day and you let your hair down both literally and figuratively.”

“I guess I just had enough of being such a pushover and the change in hair symbolized that.” I said, telling the truth but not the whole truth.

“I guess everyone has their limits.” He said. “So, just that bitch Dawn is left, right?”

“That’s right.” I said. “I stood up to everyone else and got them all to leave me alone except for her.”

“Well…If you think you can face her alone, I’ll respect your wishes.” He said.

“Thank you so much.” I said, hugging him.

I wanted to tell him everything right there and then but I just couldn’t. The other three just went after me but Dawn gave Jason shit too, so I felt bad. Still, if I told him and it led to something ugly, I would not be in the right state of mind to face Dawn. I just couldn’t risk it right now. And even if he doesn’t mind, he’ll probably beg me to let him watch. A lot of nymphos like their men watching them fight but I just couldn’t handle the idea of that. The thought of it made me want to faint. All of my matches have been totally private so far. Just between me and the other bitch. I just couldn’t deal with the pressure. Most of my old shy self had died but not all of it. I would work on that later. For now, I had to finally complete my revenge. Then I would spill it. I swore that to myself.

“So, what did you do to get those bitches to fuck off?” He asked. I loved hearing him insult them.

“I managed to blackmail them into doing it.” I said. “I recorded Leah admitting to bullying me into doing her work and as for Evelyn and Kara…Well, let’s just say I found proof that there are very good reasons why Kaea favored her so much.”

“I should’ve figured.” Jason said.

“I’m still trying to figure out what I can do to blackmail Dawn, though.” I said.

“Well, I have some ideas.” He said. “I’ve been thinking about trying this out anyway.”

“I’m listening.” I said.

“There are a lot of tenants in this building.” He explained. “What are the odds that we’re the only ones Dawn is extorting?”

“Yeah, you have a point!” I said, excitedly.

“So, I’m thinking that we talk to the other tenants and see if she’s been doing this to them too and if they’ll make a statement about it.” He said.

“Yeah, that’s perfect!” I agreed.

“I thought so too.” Jason said. “I’ve held off on it cause I thought it might be pretty risky but it’s worth a shot now.”

“Yes, let’s do it.” I said.

“If we get enough info, we could just threaten legal action.” Jason suggested.

“No.” I said somewhat frantically. “I want to confront her myself. I have to do this.”

“If you say so.” He said.

And so, that is what we did. It took a few days but we did indeed find many other tenants that Dawn was sexually extorting, men and women. They all agreed to make statements and we got some lawyers to get them to sign some contracts and affidavits for us. We also noticed something. The tenants that were being extorted had much higher rent bills than the ones that weren’t. We knew that this could only mean one thing. Dawn was deliberately overcharging the tenants that she found attractive in order to coerce them into extorting themselves to her! Including Jason and myself! This was it! She can’t ignore this! If we take legal action, her life is as good as over! Needless to say, my boyfriend and I felt pretty proud of ourselves right about now. As tempting as it was to shove this in her face right this second, we decided to wait until our next rent was due. The satisfaction of slapping her with this as she came here planning to extort us even more was too much to resist. So, we waited a couple weeks until the day in question. I passed the time by reading more stories and watching more sexfight videos, of course. Might I recommend the Gachinko Lesbian Battle series, starring my fellow Japanese girls? The day soon came, however and we had our legal papers waiting on the paper. Our doorbell rang.

“It’s unlocked.” Jason shouted.

Dawn came in, wearing her usual skimpy attire and her brown hair up in a bun. Stereotypical landlady attire.

“You know what day it is.” She said rudely before looking at me. “Oh, nice new hairstyle, um…Hannah?”

“Heather!” I said angrily.

“Yeah, yeah.” She said. “I was giving you a compliment, bitch.”

“I don’t take compliments from people like you.” I said smugly.

“What’s gotten into you?” She asked. “Where’s the submissive little hottie I know and love? Oh and do I need to remind you who you’re talking to? I was gonna take it easy on you two today but you just bitched yourselves out of my charity.”

Jason and I then looked at each other and enormous smiles appeared on our faces.

“What’s with the big old clown grins?” Dawn asked, annoyed. “Knock this off and strip. Both of you!”

“Why don’t you try and make us?” Jason asked daringly.

“You’ve got an attitude now too, Johnny?” She asked.

“It’s Jason.” He corrected. “And we both have something to show you.”

“Wait.” I said before taking my phone out and opening the camera app. “Okay, now!”

Jason then grabbed our papers and handed them to Dawn. Her usual bitchy, smug look turned to one of pure, pale terror at what she was reading. I snapped a pic as she looked like a deer in headlights. I wished I could relive that moment every day for the rest of my life. She just looked back up at us with a look of absolute fear.

“Got nothing to say for once?” Jason asked.

“This is nothing like you.” I added.

Dawn then sighed, swallowing her pride.

“What do you want?” She asked, all of her usual bravado vanished.

“You and I can talk about that privately.” I said as I got up and approached her.

“What?” She asked, confused. “You don’t want him there too?”

“I’m good.” Jason said. “This was her idea in the first place.”

“Let’s go somewhere private. Your place?” I suggested.

“Alright then.” She said, suspiciously. “Let’s go.”

As we walked out of our apartment, Jason suddenly grabbed Dawn by the arm.

“Just a second.” He insisted. “If you hurt my Heather, even a little bit, I’ll fucking kill you!”

I blushed and grinned.

“Well, aren’t you a real lady killer?” Dawn asked sarcastically.

“It’s alright, babe.” I said. “She won’t do anything with this kind of dirt we have on her. Also, this could take all night, so don’t worry.”

He let Dawn go and my fellow brunette led me back to her place, which was thankfully within walking distance. Like my previous two conquests, she lived in a nice, big house, befitting of a landlady. We then sat down at her dining room table to negotiate.

“Alright, let’s cut to the chase. What do you want?” She asked impatiently.

“I won’t take this to court if you agree to make a little bet with me.” I explained.

“What kind of bet?” She asked, curiously.

“First, let’s talk terms.” I said. “You have to agree to stop extorting your tenants. All of them. Otherwise, this will come back to bite you.”

“Fine. Like I needed you to tell me that.” She said.

“Second, I have a challenge for you.” I said. “A sexfight. You and me. We will grind, lick, suck and fuck one another until one of us is incapable of continuing.”

Dawn’s eyes opened up wide as she grinned.

“Oh, I see.” Dawn said. “You’ve discovered what it really means to be a woman since last we met.”

“I figured you’d be in the game too.” I said.

“Sweetie, let me tell you something.” Dawn began. “All women are nymphomaniacs. Some just don’t realize it yet. Like you didn’t until recently…Oh, does that piece of dick of yours know about this?”

“You mean my boyfriend? As in a human being and not just a sexual outlet?” I asked, smugly. “No. He doesn’t. Not yet. But I will tell him after I tame your sexually harassing cxnt, Dawn Weinstein!”

“Alright.” Dawn said. “What do I get if I win?”

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Hmm…” She pondered. “I want to fuck your boyfriend!”

“What?!” I asked with panic.

“You heard me!” She said. “What better way for him to discover his piece of pussy’s newfound passion than that?”

“You expect me to pimp out my man as a bargaining chip?!” I asked angrily.

“Take it or leave it!” She demanded.

I had to think about this. No one likes finding out they’ve been lied to, especially in a way like that. Dawn’s extortion days were over one way or another. Still, I wanted payback and I wasn’t gonna give that up after coming so far. All the objectification and humiliation she put me and Jason through…I had to do this. No turning back now.

“Deal.” I said. “But if I win, I get you as a sex slave for a full 24 hours. Any 24 hours that I wish. I’ll call it in when I’m ready.”

Dawn had to think about that one for a bit.

“Deal.” She said. “My basement is designed specifically for carnal confrontation like this. Let’s go downstairs.”

“Fine.” I said.

“Oh and…I hope you like oil wrestling.” She said deviously.

“I’ve been wanting to try it.” I said.

“Good.” Dawn said.

Dawn walked into her kitchen, opened up one of her cabinets and pulled out two surprisingly large bottles of oil and handed one off to me.

“It’s specially made for sexfighting, so it will never wash off except from relatively high water pressure.” Dawn explained.

Sounds like something that Lady Bianca from A Penman’s stories would sell.

“Good.” I said confidently.

“Now follow me.” Dawn instructed. “Oh and take your shoes off.”

I did just that and so did she. As Dawn led me to her basement, the realization of what I was about to do had hit me like a brick. It was clear that Dawn was a hardcore nympho just by her owning oil like this. They were in containers the size of liquor bottles. How often does she do this? And if I lost, Dawn would still stop harassing us but Jason will find out about what I’ve been doing in the worst way possible and then be forced to fuck a woman he hates, all for my own selfish pride. Even if I won, I would still have to confess that I used him for this bet on top of everything else. Should I just say fuck it and walk away right now? However my mind went blank once my eyes hit Dawn’s incredible ass through her business suit. Even with the suit hiding it, it looked amazing. Something I had never noticed before. Dawn may be a lecherous bitch but she was fine as Hell. If she didn’t have all the approachability of a rattlesnake, I guarantee that she’d have no problem seducing her tenants. Dawn was also 36, a whopping 16 years older than me and the thought of rolling around with such an experienced, older woman made me get hot and bothered immediately. Suddenly, my doubts and regrets faded as my lustful instincts took over. I wanted to fuck her. I was going to fuck her and nothing was going to stop me! I don’t care if Jason was here and begging me not to!

We went down to her basement and the entire room was huge. About half the size of a football field. The floor was the best part. It was all padded and bouncy, like one of those bounce houses at kids’ parties. When she said she had this room purpose built for fuckfighting, she wasn’t kidding. I was getting even more excited. I think Dawn could tell how aroused I was becoming, so she walked in front of me and started stripping first. She started by taking her brunette hair out of its bun and shaking it loose. Holy fuck, her hair was so amazing. It easily went down to just below her ass and it was as thick as a blanket. I was mesmerized already. She then proceeded to her top. She slowly and seductively removed her business shirt off of her shoulders, revealing her white bra, which she immediately unhooked and…My God…Her tits were the biggest I’ve ever seen! Massive! Enormous!

“You like what you see?” She asked teasingly. “Since I know you’re wondering, I’m a G.”

I was silent but my mind was racing. She’s a G! A G-cupped brunette just like Vanessa, the leader of Task Force 732! This was like a dream come true! Like I was about to live through one of the board’s stories! I only wish Dawn had Vanessa’s personality. I wish I could fuck a woman at some point who had a great personality like Tamara from 732, Lady Bianca from Penman’s works, Angel from Angel Dawn’s Private Eye series or Maggie from King’s Maggie and Amber series. Or better yet, all four of them at once in an orgybrawl! Ugh! No! My fantasies can come later. Focus on the real fight here and now! Dawn ignored my silent ogling as she began to take her pants off, revealing her white panties which she also immediately discarded. I finally got a good look at her pussy and what a pussy it was. I had to stop myself from drooling. It looked so inviting and delicious. A perfect shade of pink and the texture was nice and smooth.

“Your turn.” Dawn said, snapping me out of my trance.

I nodded in response. As I slowly stripped down, I realized that I was probably showing too much weakness and/or lust to my opponent but I almost didn’t care. Dawn was absolutely stunning. Easily the hottest of all of my opponents. If I had seen this side of her before…Maybe her perving on me wouldn’t have been so bad? No! Stop thinking like that! You have to focus and win! I finished stripping and Dawn began checking me out.

“Very nice.” The other brunette said seductively.

“I know you’ve been wanting to see me naked for a long time, slut.” I mocked.

“Guilty as charged.” She admitted. “You and that man of yours are easily my hottest tenants. You should’ve challenged me the day you discovered your nymphomania.”

“I had other opponents first.” I explained. “Three of them and I whipped all of their arrogant little clits. Plus, I wanted to see you squirm before I humiliated you to your womanly core.”

“With those little D-cups? Against my ginormous jugs?” She asked. “Well, I’ll certainly let you try.”

I would normally be nervous about the difference in cup sizes but I was way too excited for that right now. Plus, Kara was only one cup size below Dawn and I still beat her ass.

“Why don’t we flip a coin to decide who oils who first?” Dawn asked as she gathered both of our clothes and put them on the stairs, out of our way.

“Fine.” I agreed. “Heads.”

Dawn reached into her discarded business pants pocket and pulled out a quarter. As she bent over I got a good look at her naked ass and it was the biggest, fattest ass I’ve ever seen. Like two fleshy bowling balls. Yet another thing that Dawn had in common with Sylvia. Quarter in hand, she walked in front of me, flipped it and grabbed it out of the air before putting it on the top of her hand. It came up tails. I rolled my eyes as she grinned.

“Don’t worry, baby.” She said teasingly. “I’ll let you oil me all you want after I do you.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ve looked forward to this day for a long time.” I said, jokingly.

“To tell you the truth, yes.” Dawn replied. “Submissive girls are nice but they get boring after a while. Nothing gets my clit pumping like breaking down another feisty nympho. Even if she’s a rookie with only a handful of notches on her belt.”

“Well, it’ll be one more notch after tonight.” I said.

Dawn seductively approached me with her huge bottle of oil, uncapped it and started squeezing it out into her hand. She then rubbed her hands together, spreading the oil deep into her fingers before standing directly in front of me and started by rubbing my shoulders. I almost cooed as I felt her massage me. The oil was so warm and soothing. I felt myself getting hotter under the collar and my pussy becoming wetter and wetter.

“You said this stuff was specially designed for this?” I asked as she stroked the oil down my arms.

“That’s right.” Dawn answered sweetly. “We can get as hot and sweaty as we want and it won’t come off. It takes at least a shower’s worth of water pressure to get off. It also has aphrodisiacal properties, so it’ll keep us both going for a good, long time.”

That explains my body’s reactions. Dawn rubbed the oil into my collar and sternum before reaching my D-cup breasts. I couldn’t stop myself from wincing as she massaged the oil into my tits, digging her fingers in. From her trademark, perverted smile, I could tell she was enjoying this. That’s fine. I would enjoy oiling her right afterwards. She gave my nipples a playful little pinch before continuing downwards and rubbing my belly, then my legs and even the top of my feet. She was done with my front, so she walked around me to where she was facing my back. I could hear her squeeze more oil into her hands and rub them together again. This time, she started from my ankles up. She went up my legs, rubbing the oil all over and then she reached my ass.

“Mm!” I whimpered as she fondled my cheeks. I wanted to make some smart remark but given that I would be doing this to her pretty soon, I couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t come across as me being a hypocrite.

I felt my ass meat absorb and swallow her oil fingers as she borderline molested me. Once she was satisfied with how oiled up my ass was, she continued up my back. I pulled my hair out of the way as she did as she also soiled the back of my arms. I thought she was done but then she grabbed my hair and squeezed her bottle over my head, letting the stuff seep into my scalp and down my flowing brown locks.

“Hey!” I protested.

“Oh, give it a rest.” Dawn said in an annoyed tone. “I told you this stuff has aphrodisiacal properties. You’re gonna want it all over you.”

“But you said it doesn’t come off easy.” I argued.

“It’ll come off with a good rinse, which you were gonna do anyway.” She pointed out. “Besides, with what we’re going to do, it’s gonna get in your hair no matter what.”

“How do I know you’re not just bullshitting me?” I asked.

“If I was, would I be letting you do this to me too?” She asked as she practically shampooed the stuff into my tresses.

I sighed. She had a point. She made sure that every inch of me was covered, leaving nothing uncoated. I felt so strange but the oil’s properties were already getting me nice and horny. Dawn gave my ass a good playful slap as she walked in front of me.

“Okay, I’ve had my fun.” She said. “Your turn, little girl.”

I quietly growled as I bent over to pick up my bottle. Just as my soon-to-be opponent had done, I uncapped it, squeezed it into my left hand and then put it down before rubbing it into my hands. I loved how it felt. It was just…oddly comforting. Whoever made this stuff knew what they were doing. Probably a nympho too. I wish I could thank her very personally. I walked in front of my sexually harassing landlady and began mimicking what she had just done to me. I started with her shoulders, then slid down her arms, then har collarbone and sternum. She hardly showed any reaction. I can only wonder how many times she’s done this. I then came to her enormous G-cups and felt a chill run up my spine as I finally got a couple of good handfuls of them. Dawn closed her eyes and cooed, apparently liking what I was doing. Her tits felt so good. So soft. So supple. So squishy. So comforting. I had to snap myself out of it as I tweaked her nipples and finished oiling them up.

I then kept descending with my oiling, giving a nice coat to her waist, belly, legs and finally the top of her feet. Dawn didn’t need to be told to turn around to begin the back portion. Again, I mimicked her style. I started with her heels, before sliding up her calves, the back of her thighs and then her dump truck ass. As I sank my hands in, I felt almost every inch of my oiled-up fingers be surrounded on all sides by her ass meat, to the point where my fingers were barely visible. Easily the best ass I’ve ever felt in my life. It took more effort than I was expecting but I managed to oil up her ass before moving upwards. I massaged her back and then the other side of her arms. I then put the bottle over Dawn’s head and squeezed the oil out onto her hair. I then shampooed it into her brown locks, feeling how soft, silky and thick they were until every inch of her was covered in the stuff. Once I was done, Dawn turned around, waving her hair back and splashing me a little with the oil. She looked even more stunning than before. Skin shining from the oil, hair matted down and wet from it. So primal, so alluring and so irresistibly fuckable. I imagined I looked the same, judging by her ogling of me. The oil was really working its magic now. I felt so hot and horny. My nipples were hardened. My pussy was dripping. My clit was engorged. I couldn’t take it anymore!

“Now, then…” Dawn said seductively. “Shall we begin?”

I needed no further encouragement. I answered her question by charging into her and tackling her to the ground. I had to fuck her right here and right now! I felt her oily flesh on mine as we both fell to the padded floor with myself on top. My D-cups pressed into her amazing G-cups as I sealed my lips onto hers and she immediately responded by wrestling my tongue with her own. We buried our hands into each other’s oil-soaked hair as we ravenously made out. This felt just like one of those Japanese Gachinko Lesbian Battle videos I mentioned earlier. Seriously, go watch them. They’re every sexfight enthusiast’s dream come true. Memories came flooding back of every sexual humiliation Jason and I had suffered at this cxnt’s hands. Especially that dominating, soul-sucking kiss from last month. Now was my chance to sexually humiliate her and I was gonna take my time and milk this for all it was worth. I used my legs to pry the other brunette’s legs open and immediately initiated a brutal tribbing session.

“Mmmmm!!” Dawn cried, muffled by my mouth, lips and tongue.

I felt her pull my hair as I fucked her, out clits already beginning to fuse into one as our lower lips engaged in a passionate kiss of their very own. Our areolas were quickly and powerfully penetrated by the other nympho’s sharpened milk buds. Every grind of my cxnt against Dawn’s felt like a tazer of pleasure being fired off all up inside of me. I was intoxicated already. I hadn’t felt so enthralled since I lost my sexfight virginity to Leah, which felt like a lifetime ago. Her pussy was so soft, smooth and wet against mine. Her tongue wrestled mine amazingly and her spit was so sweet and savory. My closed eyes were already beginning to roll into the back of my head. I was already starting to feel those familiar pleasure volts signaling an upcoming orgasm but I was so invested in what I was doing that I just didn’t care. Besides, from her body language, I could tell that Dawn was well on her way too. We kept tribbing and tribbing until finally we both broke at the exact same time, forcing us to break our ferociously heated kissing session.

“Ohhhhh!!!” I yelled.

“Ahhhhhh!!!” She shrieked.

We orgasmed inside of each other powerfully, feeling our womanly juices splashing together in our joined twats. It was even more amazing than I’m making it sound. Still joined, we rested our heads on the other slut’s shoulder as we huffed and puffed, catching our breath, panting into each other’s ears and inhaling the rich scent of each other’s oily hair. I was sweating like a hog but unbelievably, the oil was not running off of me at all! She wasn’t kidding! I licked at her earlobe as a thank you. She quickly reciprocated.

“That was a nice warmup.” Dawn said. “But I’m just getting started, hottie. Your man’s cock is as good as mine.”

“You’ll have to get through my cxnt first, bitch.” I reminded her.

“What do you think I’ve been trying to do?” She asked. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

We then caught our breath and Dawn quickly pulled back only to push down into the floor. My long, wet, oily brown hair fanning out behind me on the ground as my voluptuous landlady mounted me. Dawn grabbed my right leg and held it to her pe body, using it for balance and leverage as she mercilessly rubbed her pussy against mine.

“Uggghhhh!!” I groaned. “You fucking whore!”

“You know you love it, you slut.” She teased. “Now just lie down and take it like you always have until now.”

I would’ve said something back but her pussy was just so powerful and just melted into mine beautifully. If any two cxnts on God’s green Earth were meant to come together, they were mine and Dawn’s. I jerked my head back and forth as she fucked me like a common whore. Oh, Christ, she was by far the strongest opponent I had ever faced so far! Even more so than I was expecting! In this moment, it felt as if the rest of the world and everyone in it no longer existed. Just me and my landlady. Nothing but two hot brunettes and our insatiable desire to fuck each other’s slutty, nymphomaniacal brains out. Dawn reached down with one hand while using the other to hold my leg up and began squeezing and fondling my bouncy D-cup tits. I watched her own colossal G-cups jiggle and bounce around with each and every powerful thrust that she dished out into me.

“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!” I grunted.

“Agh! Agh! Agh!” Dawn grunted.

The feeling of her inner labia pushing against and penetrating mine was beyond hypnotic and overwhelming. This bitch knew how to trib. No doubt about it. With each thrust and hump, her powerful, pulsating, pink pleasure bud also mashed into mine and it drove me fucking nuts. My insides were burning with pleasure as she groped and fucked me like nobody’s business. I began to drool a little as tears were being pushed out of my eyes from the sheer internal pressure I was having deliciously forced upon me. It was all just too much and I began to feel my next climax starting to show itself. No use holding it back. I was absolutely, positively in no position to even attempt to resist it.

“Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!” I screamed as I came.

I felt my cum exit me and I saw that distinctive, euphoric look in my opponent’s eyes as I filled her up with my fluids. Is that how I look when I make a girl cum inside of me too? Dawn finally stopped tribbing me to take a short breather and she let my leg drop back down. I was honestly kind of disappointed. I was gonna try and turn it around on her but she recovered at lightning speed, faster than anyone I can think of, real or fictional. She pounced on me again, this time grabbing both of my legs and pulling me up until my thoroughly fucked cxnt was directly in front of her face. As any nympho in her position would not hesitate to do, she stuffed her tongue straight in.

“Aggghhhh!!” I groaned. “cxntlicking slut!”

She dragged her teeth across my labia in response to that. She held me against her body by the waist as I felt my ass press against the top of her awe-inspiring G-cup rack. From this awkward but pleasurable position, I could see her slither her tongue all around by pudenda, which just added to the pleasure of it all. She held me nice and tight, making sure I had absolutely no room whatsoever to escape. My oiled up head and upper body still rested against the padded floor but my waist and everything below it was held up high by the other brunette to support her onslaught of cunnilingus against my poor, defenseless pussy. After teasing me with some more tongue sliding and poking, she then popped her tongue right inside of my inner walls and began pushing it in and pulling it out rapidly like a sex toy.

“Agh! Goddamn it!” I cursed.

She gave me sultry but mocking eyes, taunting my helplessness as she mercilessly ate me out. After some more tongue fucking, she pulled me up even higher towards her slutty mouth to the point where her lips could finally reach my clit. She sealed her mouth over my pulsating, pink pleasure bud and kissed it ferociously, using the inside of her mouth to trap my clit as her tongue laid down a devastating, full frontal assault.

“Gooooooooooooodddddddd!!!!” I groaned.

The pleasure possessed me and much of my body began to go numb. Dawn made every other opponent of mine look like a virginal girl next door in comparison, even Kara. I could only wonder how long she’s been doing this and how many other lucky women in the world have experienced the fortune of locking up thighs with her. I jerked my lower body around, both in an attempt to slip away and as an involuntary response to the vicious oral assault being unleashed on me at the moment. It was no use. She had me right where she wanted me. I panted and moaned with every single breath that I took, which was no doubt music to Dawn’s ears as it would have been to mine. She probably would’ve started fingering me as well but her hands were too busy securing me in this position for her to even think of trying such a thing. I felt her drool pooling through her mouth, still enclosed on my clit and then surrounding my little pleasure bud alongside her lips and tongue. My clit had no room to breathe and was being assaulted from every possible angle. There was only one way this was going to end and I felt it getting closer and closer with every last millisecond.

“No! Fuck! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” I shrieked as I came at last.

The propulsion of my cum was so powerful that even from the position of my lower body being pointed upwards, it was still enough to drench Dawn right in her smug face. The cum that wasn’t swallowed by my horny landlady, at least. I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard once in my life. Dawn finally released me and my lower body fell back down to the padded ground. I felt relief as my blood began to flow back to that part of my body again. I felt like I had just ran ten marathons in a row. By all accounts, I should have passed out just from that…But something was compelling me to keep going. It was like my spirit as a nymphomaniac was becoming more and more powerful with each and every sapphic experience that I had. God, where has this been my entire life?

“Had enough yet, rookie?” Dawn asked mockingly. “Because I can go on all night, you hot bitch.”

“I know.” I said as I began to get up. “You always wanted to have me like this.”

“Ever since you and that stud of yours applied for an apartment from me.” Dawn admitted without any shame. “Wait a minute…”

“What?” I asked. “You’re not getting cold feet now, are you?”

“Not even close.” She answered smugly. “Another idea just hit me.”

“I’m listening.” I said, crossing my arms underneath my D-cup tits.

“The deal we have going now is still good, of course.” She explained. “You win, you claim me as a sex slave for any 24 hours you wish. I win and I get to take your man to bed. Regardless, I will stop extorting my tenants for sexual favors but what about a new arrangement after all is said and done?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, curiously.

“You and…umm…” Dawn said.

“Jason!” I said angrily.

“Right.” She said. “You two are easily the hottest tenants I have or have ever had. Plus, two nymphos can never fuck each other just once and then be done with it. Where’s the fun in that?”

“Just get to the point.” I said, annoyed.

“So impatient.” Dawn mocked. “I say that every month when rent is due, we fuckfight each other for it. If you win, you get 50% off. I win and you pay full price. What do you say?”

I thought about that. It was actually a really good deal and a great excuse to keep fucking Dawn, as if I needed another. However, that was just one more thing I’d have to tell Jason after all of this and the idea of keeping so much from him, even temporarily, was conflicting. Dawn, it seemed, could read my thoughts.

“You know you have to tell him eventually.” Dawn lectured. “Especially when I grind your beautiful cxnt into pudding and claim him all for myself.”

“Fine.” I said. “It’s a deal. Not like I already don’t have a lot to confess to him, anyway.”

“That’s a good little slut.” She teased.

“Shut up and fuck me, cxnt.” I ordered.

With that, we charged into each other and wrestled each other back down to the padded floor. We contorted around each other to the point where I could barely tell what was going on but I managed to pull through and end up on top this time around, albeit facing from the other brunette in a reverse trib. I quickly adjusted and began rubbing my twat against my opponent’s as hard and as viciously as I could.

“Uggggghhhhh!!” Dawn groaned.

“What?” I asked mockingly through my panting of effort. “You can dish it but you can’t take it? And you call yourself a nympho?”

“Shut up and do your worst, slut!” She ordered through her own panting.

She didn’t have to tell me twice. I tribbed like my life depended on it. We were both sweating up a storm but the oil was still perfectly in place. I don’t think a single drop has come off. Was this stuff really supposed to just come off in the shower? Ah, no use worrying about it now while I’m cxnt-to-cxnt with another hot bitch. Besides, she’s used it before and it clearly came off. Dawn reached in front of her and grabbed my oily hair, yanking hard.

“Agh!” I grunted in pain. “You fucking cxnt!”

“What’s wrong, little girl?” She asked teasingly. “Can’t handle a little hair pulling? And you call yourself a nympho?”

Okay, I guess I had that coming. Still, I flexed my pelvis and my ass, grinding into my bitchy landlady with everything I had. I’m surprised we didn’t oil our pussies as we had oiled everything else. What would that be like? Eh, maybe next time. Dawn fully wrapped my oil-soaked hair around her hand and even a part of her wrist as she pulled even harder. I hope that bitch doesn’t expect me not to pull her hair even harder later on. She also humped her body upwards in an attempt to counter trib me. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t feel it but I had the dominant position, so it was a losing battle for the other brunette. I felt my clit push into her lower folds and her clit push into my own lower folds. It was beyond euphoric. Dawn used her free hand to once again sink her fingers deep into my ass meat, squeezing hard, almost to the point of pinching my skin with her nails. It didn’t even slow me down, though. Nothing would. I was going to fuck this bitch if it killed me.

“Ohhhhh!!!” Dawn moaned. “You fucking…goddamn…pussy-fucking…skank!!”

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” I joked through my panting.

This form of tribbing was unusual and some would argue impractical but there was no doubting its effectiveness and certainly no doubting how enjoyable it was. What I was doing right now was more or less the pussy-to-pussy version of the upside down kiss scene from Spiderman. The kinkiness of it was off the charts. I knew that my opponent was enjoying this almost as much as I was. My oiled up hair and jiggly D-cup tits were bouncing and flying around all over the place as I fucked my landlady. In my peripheral vision, I could see Dawn’s gigantic G-cups doing the same as well as her own long, thick, silky, oiled up brown tresses. God, could this get any better? I felt my lower lips absorb hers and vice versa. This was a pussy kiss if ever there was one. Some ignorant people out there think it’s anatomically impossible for two girls to fuck each other outside of pure foreplay but we’re proving them wrong right this very second. Judging from Dawn’s reactions to my humping, her climax was coming on and I laid on the pressure even harder.

“Agggghhhhh!!!” She groaned. “You little…WHHHHHHHOOOOOOORRRRRREEEEEE!!!!!”

She shrieked as she came, filling me up with her cum just as she made me do to her mere minutes ago, which made the feeling all the more satisfying for yours truly. As I heard Dawn panting, I was about to turn around to continue pleasuring her even more in other ways but she immediately got up off of her fine ass and tackled me back down to the ground. She once again grabbed by oil-drenched hair and yanked hair with my bubbly ass pressed against her crotch. Like back in my fight with Kara, I could immediately sense where this was going.

“Agh!” I groaned. “You fucker!”

“Never underestimate your opponent, Holly.” She lectured.

“It’s Heath-ugh!” I said before she started fucking me doggy style and fucking me brutally at that.

At this point, I think she was getting my and Jason’s names wrong on purpose just to piss us off but her calling me Holly reminded me of 732, so I could look past it just this once. I felt and heard my ass cheeks bounce and jiggle as she slammed into me. Each brutal hump felt like an enormous wrecking ball of pleasure hitting me over and over and over and over again. The pain in my scalp from her pulling of my hair only added to that. The vibrations from her smashing into me also went straight to my upper body and made my D-cups jiggle just enough for me to spot in my peripheral vision as I was being fucked by my landlady. The heat I was feeling inside of me made me feel as if lava was about to melt through my skin. I had already gotten myself nice and worked up from my reverse tribbing of her just a couple minutes ago, so it did not take long for my next orgasm to start showing its signs. Dawn was no doubt aware of this too and began pulling my hair even harder and fucking me even faster and more viciously.

“Agh! Oh! You motherfucking, sexually harassing cxnt!” I cursed. “Ugggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!”

I cried out as I came, soaking both of my inner thighs as well as Dawn’s crotch. She once again released me and I immediately fell forward into her padded basement floor like a brick, hyperventilating. My sweaty, oil-matted hair curtained my face and fanned out in front of me. I could just feel Dawn’s smug gaze upon me. It was at this moment that I truly came to realize who I was fighting against. More so than anyone I have faced up until this point, Dawn well and truly played for keeps. She would not let even a fraction of a second of the match go to waste. After launching a particularly devastating sexual onslaught, she would stop only to deceive her opponent into letting her guard down, thinking there was a pause in the action and then attack her again brutally just as she begins to catch her breath. These tactics are those of a tried and true nymphomaniac down to her very bones. How do I fight against someone like this and win?

It was then that it came to me. Or rather two things came to me. I have to fight fire with an even bigger fire. I have to get pissed and remember all the abuse and anxiety that this bitch has put me and the love of my life through over the years. I have to really lay into her. I have to show no mercy. I have to latch onto her and never let go until she’s incapacitated. I have to stop thinking and just go pure, 100% offense. So, I did. Memories of what she had done to me and Jason flowed through my mind and my hunger for revenge, the same hunger for revenge that has motivated me since I first decided to blackmail Leah what felt like a lifetime ago, gave me the strength to get up again. I steadied my stance and faced down Dawn again.

“You can take a lot more punishment than I was expecting.” Dawn admitted. “But surely you must see at this point how completely outclassed you ar-“

Before she could finish bragging, I tackled her and for what felt like the thousandth time, we fell back down to the padded ground of her sexfighting basement. I used my arms and legs to hold her respective limbs down as I was on top of her, once again cxnt-to-cxnt. I sealed her mouth with my own, shoving my tongue in nice and deep and stared her dead in the eyed with a hateful but utterly focused look. Her own eyes expressed shock and surprise at first before quickly adjusting to her current situation and trying to tongue wrestle me back. She wrapped her arms around my back and bearhugged me deeper into our tribbing session as my oiled hair blanketed both of our faces. I humped her and fucked her with more power than I thought I possessed.

“Mmmmmmmm!!!!!” Dawn moaned into our kiss.

Unbelievably, my D-cups were in fact managing to compress and push into her monumental G-cups as her cxnt fully gave way to my cxnt’s domination. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more powerful in my life than I had at this exact moment and it couldn’t have happened to someone more deserving. Not Leah, not Evelyn, not even Kara. This was pure revenge and revenge was as sweet as honey. I pulled my pelvis and ass back and pushed it back forward into her cxnt as powerfully as I could. I saw her eyes wince and felt her tongue jerk inside of our joined mouths in response. I was definitely getting somewhere, alright. She squirmed around pathetically in a desperate attempt to slip away from this but I had her pinned down. There was no getting away. There was an audible, fleshy slapping sound as I pulled my pussy back and slammed it back down hard on her. Her legs started to jerk around in reaction. Just like with me earlier, I knew that Dawn had worked herself up from fucking me doggy style and that meant that her cxnt was ripe for the picking. I could tell that her climax was coming soon but at this point, I was barely thinking. I was an animal going off of pure instinct. I finally broke the merciless make out session as Dawn’s orgasm hit her like a truck.

“Fuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkk!!!” She yelled as she came, once again filling me up with her hot, steaming bitch fluids.

I was nowhere near done with her yet, though. I adjusted my position to where I was at her side, giving me ample room to finger her like a woman possessed, which I kind of already was.

“Shit!” Dawn cursed as my hand went at her pussy like a jackhammer.

I smiled arrogantly and flipped my sweaty, oily hair back as I finger fucked the other helpless brunette. I felt the need to brag.

“How do you like that, cxnt?!” I yelled. “Not so smug when you’re on the receiving end of being sexually dominated and played with, are you?!”

“Fuck you!” She shot back.

“What do you think I’ve been doing?” I asked mockingly.

I would’ve asked how she likes being treated like a piece of meat as she’s done to me but I honestly doubt she would see that as a bad thing, given how slutty she is, even by nympho standards. I honestly didn’t know right now if I wished Jason was here to see this or not. On one hand, I love the idea of him seeing me humiliate the woman that has practically made both of our lives a living Hell. On the other hand, I still didn’t think I was ready for the pressure of him watching my sexfights. Regardless, I shook it off and continued fingerfucking my prey. I jammed my four primary fingers inside of her while I used my thumb to press and push around her big, round, swollen clit.

“Ahhhhh!!” She moaned.

I held her down by forcefully pressing my forearm against her neck. Her big, bulging, tasty looking breasts were bouncing right in front of my face, so like any sane, warm-blooded nymphomaniac would do, I bent my head down to start suckling on her hard, fleshy milk bud. I teased it with my tongue, slithering along it and jabbing it while I still jerked her twat off with everything that I had. She was moaning and panting like the worthless little bitch in heat that I, Jason and she all knew she was. Music to my ears. For so long, I had to submit to this skank’s will and now here she was at my mercy. The euphoric, cathartic sense of vengeance was almost as pleasurable as the sexfight itself. She soon jerked forward in a way that signaled yet another orgasm closing in on her. My hand and mouth followed her every movement until finally she could not handle it anymore.

“Agh! Agh! Agggggghhhhhhhh!!!” Dawn screamed as she came like a fire hydrant.

Her secretions flew at least a full foot in the air and I saw her eyes briefly roll into the back of her head as she fell back. While you certainly can’t fake a squirting orgasm, I knew that Dawn could easily be playing me and exaggerating how much that orgasm had affected her.  So, with her sprawled out on the padded floor, I bent down in between her legs until I was face-to-face with her sweet, pretty, juicy cxnt. She had gotten to eat me out, so it was only fair for me to do the same to her. Without any warning, I jammed my tongue straight through her inner labia into my upper lips were more or less tongue-kissing her lower lips.

“Ohhhh!!!” She yelped. “Ugh! You cxnt-sucking thot!”

In response to that retort, I reached up and dug my hands and fingers nice and deep into her squishy, jello-like G-cup tits as I dined on her pleasure center. Really, I was having the time of my life. My tongue explored deep into her vaginal crevices, letting my taste buds get surrounded from all sides by the other brunette’s unique, tangy flavor. I made sure that absolutely no reachable part of her delicious cxnt was left unlicked by my horny, slutty tongue.

“Agh! Fuck!” Dawn cursed as she pulled my still oily hair in a feeble attempt to gain some small amount of control over my pussy-eating.

I started at the absolute bottom crevice of her red, ripe pudenda and slowly but excruciatingly dragged my tongue all the way upwards through her labia until I finally reached her unhooded, hardened, pulsating, pink pleasure bud and sealed my lips and tongue over it.

“Ohhhh!!” She yelped as I added some nipple pinching to the mix too. “I’m not gonna lose to a rookie like you who’s only one three matches!”

‘How’s that working out for you now, you hot bitch?’ I asked in my head as I continued my meal.

I bobbed on her clit like an apple at a Halloween party, not just licking but nibbling, kissing, sucking and drooling all into the poor thing. I knew it would not be long now and I was right. She jerked her body around again in those all too familiar patterns and timings. I had my upper lips thoroughly sealed over her lower lips, so I was as ready as I could ever be.

“Shhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiittttttttt!!!!!” She loudly cursed as she climaxed.

I swallowed a great deal of her sexual discharge but my face and hair still ended up getting doused pretty good too. I practically had to pry my mouth off of her cxnt as she was left huffing and puffing but at least we were even now when it came to pussy eating. I pulled away from her but if you think I was gonna stop there, you clearly haven’t been paying attention. I quickly bent down and grabbed at her waist before I pulled her lower body up towards me, just as she had done to me earlier in the fight. I then stepped one leg over her while her cxnt was exposed, her legs suspended high up in the air before I sat my own twat right on top of hers. Another little trick I picked up from watching Gachinko Lesbian Battle. I rubbed back and forth deep inside of her as I rode her like a horse.

“Uhhhhh…” She moaned. I could tell she was starting to feel the pressure. I had to keep laying it on. Don’t stop for anything!

I put so much of my weight into this unorthodox tribbing method that she could not possibly slip away. It was tiring for me but overwhelming for her. High risk but also high reward. I just could not get enough of watching Dawn’s face contort in sheer pleasure, knowing that I was causing that. Remembering all of her molestations and humiliations of me. I could do this to her at least another thousand times. The pleasure on my end was by no means small but that’s the name of the game. You have to take as well as you can give, no matter what. Otherwise, you’re in the wrong line of competition. I rubbed forward and back, left and right several times before lifting myself up only to slam back down hard on her cxnt.

“Agh!” She grunted, jerking her head back and forth as her long, thick, oily hair fanned out behind her on the padded ground.

I could feel that another orgasm was imminent, so I picked up the pace as best I could without needlessly tiring myself out. Oh, shit! I think I was starting to feel my own climax closing in on me too! Too late to stop now! I just had to take it as best I could and keep moving forward!

“Ohhhhhh!!!” Dawn cried as she came upwards into me.

“Ahhhhhh!!!” I cried as I came downwards into Dawn.

Once again, our girly fluids coalesced together as we orgasmed simultaneously before I finally released my rival and let her lower body fall back into the floor. I felt so drained and beaten down but I had to keep going! I can’t lose this match! Not for anything! I saw that Dawn was hanging on by a thread herself so I descended on her one last time. This is it. If I don’t finish her off right here and right now, this fight is as good as lost. Just as she had done to me, I pushed her onto her stomach as she groaned wearily, grabbed her by her thick, oiled up brown tresses and yanked hard, sending her ass careening into my pussy.

“Ahhhhh!” Dawn cried. “Bitch!”

“Had to give you…one last taste…of your own medicine, cxnt.” I said through my panting.

My mind went blank as I fucked my landlady doggy style, feeling nothing but her thick, dump truck ass slamming into my twat and her cheeks pillowing around my waist each and every time. Her hair was so thick and soft in my hands, even with all the oil which still stayed perfectly in place. Time escaped me again. I just kept humping and humping and humping and humping. I fucked like I had never fucked before. Nothing but the sound of my grunting with effort and her moaning from pleasure filled the room, along with the sounds of skin smacking together. Goddamnit, no! I felt another climax coming and it would surely be my last! Can’t stop now! I just have to keep fucking her, no matter what! Don’t think! Don’t panic! Just do it! Just fuck her! Fuck her again and again and again and again! Fuck her hard! Fuck her fast! Fuck her until she can’t walk for a month! Fuck her until her eyes roll into the back of her head! Fuck her until she pussy looks like mashed strawberries! Fuck her until she never sees you as that helpless, shy, submissive little shrinking violet ever again! FUCK HER!!!!!!!!!!!

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed as I came.

“OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Dawn screamed as she came.

We both sprayed each other like geysers to the point where it actually managed to finally wash off some of that incredibly stubborn oil. We then fell to the ground on our hands and knees, huffing and puffing like asthmatics. I felt three quarters dead. The only thing keeping me conscious was my sheer nymphomaniacal willpower and hunger for vengeance. I looked over at my opponent as her eyes fluttered until finally closing as her head fell off to the side. My eyes went wide as I realized what I was witnessing. She fainted. She passed out! I did it! I won! My revenge was finally complete! I fucked Leah! I fucked Evelyn! I fucked Kara! I fucked Dawn! All fell before my superior tits and pussy! I was not a rookie anymore! I was a woman! The old me was just a helpless little girl but now, I am a woman and no one can tell me otherwise unless they want their cxnts thrashed too! However, there was one last thing I had to do. Tell Jason. I tried to force myself to get up but my weary bones and aching muscles just refused to listen to me.

“Oh…shit…” I cursed.

I’d never been more exhausted in my life. I just collapsed. I had to sleep. I just had to. I looked up at the clock. It said 6:00…AM! I got here at 6:00 PM! I’d been fighting Dawn for 12 hours, just like Jasmine and Sabrina in their fateful third confrontation in the penthouse pool! Jason must be worried sick! I just couldn’t move…Sleep…I need sleep…I…need…sleep…


Offline Frank

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Re: My Journey to Confidence: Part 5
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2023, 03:08:17 PM »
Excellent !!  Heather had her hoter sexfight with her hoter sexfight oponent !
More than the erotic scenes it was also well written, with a sense of humor !
Very well done ! Keep writing these great stories !