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Veterans Day

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Offline Flightgrl

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Veterans Day
« on: November 11, 2010, 08:47:51 AM »
Hello All,

I just want to mention not to forget our Vets today,all those who are active now,and have served,and those that made the Ultimate Sacrafice.
Having served in the U.S.Air Force myself,i feel a bit more strongly about this Day than others,sorry about this.
We need to remember this is a Day to Honor Vets,NOT to see how many sales are listed,and how much money there is to spend!, these Corporate JackAsses with their advertisements about sales and discounts on this Somber Day just pisses me off, again sorry if i'm so Blunt,but this Day is for our Vets,lets Honor,and Thank them!

God Bless and Thank You!
No,You did not read my name wrong, i do travel, alot.
Also,there's this Redneck Jerk who's spreading rumors about me,that aren't true,lol ignore him, if You believe him,You're as Stupid as he is!!


Offline Catfight Cop

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Re: Veterans Day
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 10:20:42 AM »
Thank You Heidi, and Thank You to All Our Veterans and Our Allies Veterans, Past,Present,and Deceased,Thank You!
I'm Proud to have served this Great Country of Ours,and to have been there when called to Duty,and to have been able to Help others.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 10:22:21 AM by Catfight Cop »
"The only thing left for the Triumph of Evil is for Good Men to do nothing"


Offline Superman51

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Re: Veterans Day
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2010, 12:11:18 PM »
As one of many, I say thank you for remembering all Vets and appreciating what it is that we do and also what our families go through. We gladly do what we do and make it tough on those closest to us and to see this appreciation makes it all worth it.
Winners don't always win. They get back up and get back to it.


Offline Brit_Brat1

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Re: Veterans Day
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2010, 12:17:07 PM »
Agrees with what KC said completely.

I sometimes think we like fighting.

What saddens me is that many people (at least in the UK), that are recruited by the army are kids, yes i mean kids, might be l8 on paper but havent had the opportunity to grow up in an acceptable environment and turn to the army for security and acceptance where they cant find it elsewhere. Of course it dont work because sooner or later they fail there to and go through yet another rejection process, the outcome of which often results in them becoming anti social and occupying the prisons....... Ive seen it all too often.

A thought that has often crossed my mind is that before any war is declared or fought the person making a decision to fight, on both sides should take up their sword and fight each other....... not swords literally. How many wars would be stopped if this was a pre requisite?
