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My Journey to Confidence: Part 4

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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My Journey to Confidence: Part 4
« on: April 02, 2023, 05:26:39 AM »
Another night had gone by and I slept much better this time, thankfully. I was exhausted after all. I work again today but Evelyn is off. A shame. I would’ve loved to have seen her reaction when she realized that she lost. Still, I already have the necessary blackmail for my next target. My micromanaging cxnt of a boss, Kara. God, I can’t wait to take her down a peg. I know she’d be my strongest opponent yet but sexfighting is all about taking chances. Jason was still sleeping, so last night must’ve been rough. As each day passed, I felt more and more guilty about keeping all of this from him but I’m beating a dead horse at this point. I had to focus on my revenge for now. I got dressed in my revealing unitard, had some breakfast and left for my shift. I was eagerly anticipating the look on Kara’s face when I showed her that tape. I had the camera app on my phone ready for it. Damn, I wish I did that with Leah and Evelyn too. As I arrived at work, a few regular customers who surprisingly weren’t creeps complimented me, saying they liked my new look. Nice to feel appreciated. Still, I maintained my focus. I went through my shift as normal until the last hour or so when I decided that now was the time. I marched over to Kara’s office door, which was unlocked and entered without knocking. She hated that, which is why I did it. She was at her computer when I went in before turning around angrily at me.

“Do you have the memory of a goldfish?” She asked, annoyed. “I’ve told you a thousand times to knock before coming in!”

Before I could respond, she got another angry look on her bitchy face seeing my new hairstyle. She was off yesterday, so she’s seeing it for the first time.

“And who gave you permission to change your look?” She asked rudely. “Go back to the twintails. It makes you look more submissive and cute, which is what our customers love.”

She wasn’t exactly wrong. That look represented the old me but I was done being a fragile cutie. I was a hot alpha bitch and always will be.

“Shut it.” I said coldly but confidently.

“Excuse me?” She asked with barely contained rage, dramatically removing her glasses.

“Are you deaf?” I asked bluntly. “I said shut your bossy, bitchy, cock-sucking sewer, cxnt!”

Her jaw dropped, as if someone had never stood up to her before. Honestly, Kara was kinda hot. With her dark hair and overall sexy secretary aesthetic, she reminded me of Tamara from 732. Only Kara was white as a ghost and Tamara was a stunning, ebony beauty. Their personalities also could not be more different. Tamara was the best boss ever and a loving, flirtatious, motherly angel while Kara was a high and mighty, nepotistic tyrant who thought her shit didn’t stink. I almost wish Tamara was real so she could teach Kara a lesson but I wouldn’t rob myself of that pleasure for anything.

“What’s with this attitude change?” She asked. “If you want to quit, just quit.”

“Nah.” I said. “What I want is for you to stop treating me like some dress up doll and show me some goddamn respect.”

“Or what?” She asked.

“I could tell you but…I think I’ll just show you instead.” I said slyly.

I got my phone ready and stuck my flash drive with the video in question into her computer. I played the video of Evelyn going down on her in her office and watched her already pale face go even paler as I snapped a pic of her priceless reaction. Definitely saving that.

“Got nothing to say for once?” I asked mockingly. Kara just sighed dejectedly.

“Evelyn told me that was a bad idea and I should’ve listened. What do you want?” She asked.

“Same thing I got from your little fuckbitch, Evelyn last night.” I answered. “I know you play the game. A sexfight. You and me, your place after work. You win and I delete this footage. I win and you stop being such a cxnt to me.”

“Oh, that explains why you’ve gotten so bold.” She said. “And you beat Evelyn? I’m surprised.”

“She was only my second match and second victory ever too.” I explained.

“Two wins and you think you’re ready to take me on, huh?” She asked. “Fine, you little slut. I’m game. And just so you know…I’ve never lost.”

“And neither have I.” I shot back.

“Two matches against hundreds of matches, though.” She argued. “Still, I look forward to fucking that newly found confidence right out of you. My place. I get off at 9:00.”

“9:00?” I asked.

“Is that a problem?” She asked.

“No.” I lied. “9:00 it is.”

“Good. Now get the fuck out of my office before I change my mind.” She ordered.

“Fuck you too.” I shot back.

9:00 very much was a problem. It was only three hours before Jason got home. What if he actually finally noticed that I wasn’t home when he got back? What if I end up sleeping in at Kara’s? Ugh! Don’t think about that! Get your head in the game, Heather! The rest of the day went on as normal. I hung out and read some JB57 stories at home before getting ready. I got dressed without underwear. You know, I wonder if leopard or panther skin undies like Inge and Conchita wear were comfortable. I arrived at the address that Kara texted me. She lived in a pretty big house. Kara texted me that the door was unlocked, so I went in. It looked like a small playboy mansion.

“Ah, there you are.” Kara said as she came downstairs completely naked.

Holy shit, I’ve never seen her like this. Her jet black hair was down from its usual bun and reached the tip of her ass. Her glasses were off and her usual bitchy glare was replaced with a look of pure predatory seduction. And her tits…Good Lord…Easily an F cup with lickable brown nips.

“Surprised?” She asked. “I’m a nudist in my off hours.”

“Let’s just get on with it.” I said, stripping down.

“Well, we’re both so sweaty from work.” She said. “Why don’t we take a nice, relaxing bath first?”

“We’re just gonna get hot and sweaty again right after.” I pointed out.

“Yes but do either of us really need an excuse to get into a tight space together naked and wet?” She asked.

“No, I guess not.” I said.

She led me upstairs. I would not be intimidated by her! God, her big, bubbly ass is swaying so beautifully…No, don’t show any weakness! We got into her fancy bathroom and jacuzzi. She turned the water on and we just ogled each other as the tub filled up. She filled up the tub as high as it could go before dipping her legs in as I followed suit. The warm, soothing water gave me goosebumps as we sat down in it and an awkward silence followed. We just relaxed in the water as I eyed up her enormous F-cup tits floating in the water. I could feel her eyeing me up as well. The deafening silence made it quite obvious what was happening right now. A game of chicken. Who would make the first move? In most stories I’ve read, the girls would often resist making the first move as they wanted the satisfaction of making the other girl break first. If you ask me though, that’s just some dumb, prideful shit. It’s who makes the last move that really matters. Besides, in my first two matches, my rivals got the jump on me both times and I wanted to switch it up a little.

Kara had opened her mouth, no doubt to talk some more shit but I was on her in an instant. I slammed my mouth onto hers, silencing her, just as Leah and Evelyn had done to me to begin our respective matches. Kara’s eyes went wide with shock and let me tell you, seeing that look on another bitch is pretty fucking satisfying. She quickly got into it and her tongue started wrestling mine back, though. I pushed her all the way to the wall of the tub, my D-cups mushrooming into her F-cups, our nipples stabbing into and sliding all over each other. We pushed each other against the wall of the tub, making waves in the water as we ferociously kissed and sank our hands into each other’s wet hair. As our thighs pressed into each other’s pussies, I began to realize how amazing it felt to fuckfight in the water. That distinctive feeling on your skin, the soothing heat, the exotic wet look of both yourself and your opponent…It was incredible. Of course, it would inevitably lead to us being overheated at some point, so we knew it would not last forever.

“Mmmmm!!” We both moaned into each other’s mouths.

Kara may have been over a decade older than me but she was still quite the feisty one. My tits were really starting to feel the pressure from her much larger breasts as I felt her tongue violate my mouth and her knee push against my cxnt. All of that combined with the heat from the water was starting to get to me and I knew I couldn’t keep this up. I finally broke our heated kiss and pulled away from her, huffing and puffing, resting over the edge of the tub until she yanked me by my wet, brown hair and pulled my face up towards the ceiling.

“Ugh!” I grunted.

“What’s the matter, little slut?” She teased. “Can’t finish what you started? Well, I should’ve figured you’d have as much enthusiasm in the game as you do for your job.”

“Fuck off!” I cursed at her. “It’s a shit job with shittier pay and an even shittier boss who plays favorites and exploits her employees to pander to her customers’ yellow fever!”

“Well, that “yellow fever” our customers have is the only reason I haven’t tossed you out on your flat ass!” She argued as she gave me a spank under the water.

“You won’t think it’s flat after I sit it on your bitch face!” I threatened.

“I really don’t like this new attitude of yours.” She complained.

“Good!” I spat.

“How about we make our wager a little more interesting?” She asked. “If you win, I’ll double your pay. If I win, you go back to your old shy self, twin tails and everything, at least when you’re on the clock. Deal?”

The thought of that made me sick, even if it would just be acting but double pay was way too good to pass up.

“Deal.” I said as she finally released my hair.

“That’s a good little cum dump.” She mocked.

“Oh, I’ll have you cumming inside of me until you’re as dry as the sahara!” I swore.

“Is that so?” She asked skeptically.

Before I could answer, she was on me as I was still bent over the edge of the tub. She once again buried her hands deep into my thick, wet, brunette locks and slammed her pussy against mine from a doggy style position.

“How’s that working out for you?” She asked mockingly.

“Do your fucking worst, cxnt!” I dared.

She answered by humping me from behind hard and fast. I could already tell that Kara was a hardcore dom and I can only imagine the things she’s done to Evelyn.

“You think you’re the first bitch in my restaurant that thinks she knows how to treat a lady?” She asked as she fucked me. “Well, you’ll end up like all the others! Out cold in a puddle of your own cum!”

Hump, hump, hump and then hump again. My first doggy style. At least on the receiving end. Each slam of Kara’s cxnt into mine but like a bomb of pleasure being set off inside of me. The humiliation, the hair pulling, the feeling of helplessness…It was so infuriating but also so exciting at the same time. And as any nympho will tell you, getting fucked doggy style will immediately make you wanna do the same to the other girl. Just one more act of revenge that I will soon take great pleasure in. The hot water splashed around and some ended up landing outside of the tub from the sheer speed and velocity of Kara fucking me. My D-cup tiddies jiggled over the edge more and more with each powerful hump.

“Ugh! Agh! Fucking bitch!” I cursed.

“The more attitude you show me, the more of it you’ll get fucked out of you!” She promised.

She yanked on my wet locks even harder than before. I can tell that this is what she lived for. Watching her prey squirm as she humiliated them and used them as fuckbitches. I look forward to giving her a taste of her own medicine. However, I was soon beginning to feel my climax approaching me, flowing through my body at breakneck speeds. Resisting it or even trying to hold it back or minimize it would just tire me out even more and fatigue is every nympho’s worst enemy. All I could do was just sit there and take my fucking.

“That’s it, my little slut!” Kara said through her panting. “Just give in and let it happen!”

She reached underneath my breasts and gave them a good, tight squeeze, making me wince as she still humped into me. I could handle this no more.

“Ohhhhhhh!!!!” I cried out as I came.

I felt my fluids shoot out all over her and into the water as she finally released me. I fell forward, hyperventilating as my wet hair shielded both sides of my face. I felt my boss gently stroke my skin as I caught my breath. For the third match in a row, I was the first one to cum. I know it’s all about who cums last but still, knowing that was beyond frustrating. I was pissed now, even more so than I was before. As I finally caught my breath, I tried to turn around but Kara was on me, pressing her gigantic F-cups into my back. I felt her hardened milk buds poke into my skin as she reached in front of me and began roughly kneading, squeezing and pulling at my tits like I was some sex doll.

“Ahhh!!” I groaned as she borderline molested me.

“All that false bravado and for what?” She asked mockingly as she used her legs to spread mine open in front of her. “You’re still that submissive, spineless little Asian girl that Evelyn pulled off the streets! If you wanted me to fuck you, all you had to do was ask.”

I was about to curse her out but she used her hand to pull my face towards hers by my chin and once again silenced me with her tongue. She practically invaded my mouth as she lowered her free hand down towards my wide open cxnt. She pressed me against herself, her nipples being brushed by my wet hair as she masturbated me. She sank both of us back into the bath as she manually pleasured me and did an amazing job at it. My tongue was helpless to resist her oral invasion and my pussy was red as a beet and burning internally from the arousal and forced masturbation Kara was dishing out on me. Another thing she had in common with Tamara is that she was truly a master of seduction. Seduction is not something that just anyone can pull off. It’s about more than just being hot. It’s a talent that you either have naturally or don’t and Kara had it in spades. Everything about my current situation was just so intoxicating. The warmth of the water and her skin touching mine, my wet hair draping across Kara’s upper arm, her tongue exploring my mouth, her nipples poking my back and of course, her hand assaulting my pussy. If this was a girl I actually liked, I’d be in heaven right now. Being so soon after my previous climax, I soon felt another one flowing throughout my slutty body. I was even more helpless to stop this one than the last one, so once again, I didn’t even bother. As those distinctive jerking movements hit my lower body, Kara finally broke the kiss just to hear me cum.

“Ahhhhhhh!!!” I yelled as I orgasmed, soaking her hand with my womanly secretions.

As my orgasm subsided, she released me gently back into the water as I huffed and puffed. Kara was good. Really good. While Leah was too lax and didn’t take our match seriously enough, Kara was focused and determined and while Evelyn was too rash and easily provoked, Kara was calm and methodical. This was not going to be easy but I was not backing down now. Not if my life depended on it. I turned around towards her, almost expecting her to attack me again but she just looked at me with that pompous, sultry expression she’s had since I arrived.

“Why don’t we dry off and take this to the bedroom?” She asked.

The internal heat from my orgasms mixed with the external heat from the bath water was honestly starting to get to me. Eh, why not?

“Alright.” I answered.

Kara unplugged the drain and the water started going down as we both got out and grabbed the nearest towels. As we both dried off and ogled each other, I had to admit, I was starting to get worried. Was I really going to lose and have to go back to being my miserable old self even if it was just an act and for work? From what I’ve read, nymphos often see their first loss as a watershed moment. We all have to lose eventually but I’d prefer it’d be against a fuck buddy in just a friendly match. Not like this. I shook it off. She’s just trying to psyche me out, I know it. I can’t let my doubts or worries control me any longer. We finished drying off and my eyes followed her shapely ass until she led me back into her bedroom. She had a rather luxurious looking king sized bed. I watched Kara’s stretch, her dark hair swaying, still slightly damp from the bath. She was just so mesmerizing. I shook it off again and refocused. I had to make the next move, no matter what.

“Shall we contin…” Kara was able to say before I pounced on her.

I tackled her into the bed with my breasts pressing into her back, just as she had done to me in the bathtub. I began lapping at and even gently biting her neck as I used one hand to rub her cxnt from behind and another to reach below her and viciously grope her F-cup tits.

“Ahhh!!” She moaned. “You sneaky little cxnt!”

“It takes one to know one.” I shot back.

It was at this point that I finally realized what Kara’s fatal flaw was. Her underestimation of me. She seemed to think that she mentally defeated me in the tub and that I would spend the rest of this just being her obedient little sex toy. Guess again, you cocky bitch! She relies too much on psychological warfare and is overconfident. It’s no wonder Evelyn has always lost to her, though. Evelyn is very easily psyched out and has the mental fortitude of a toddler. Easy prey for someone like Kara. Not me, though. I’m not so easily backed into a corner. At least not anymore. I held Kara down and felt her leathery, wet pussy in my hand as I manually fucked her on her own bed. Humiliating her like this after all the bullshit she had put me through was beyond cathartic, let me tell you.

“Goddamn you! Fuck!” She cursed.

I laid on the pressure even more, jamming my fingers inside of her in various, alternating patterns, pinching, tweaking and pressing her nipples with my thumb, biting her neck harder, wanting to give her a hickey. I’m honestly surprised that she wasn’t even trying to get out of this or counterattack in any way but I would not make her mistakes and underestimate my opponent. I could not afford to give her even a fraction of a second to breathe. I stopped gnawing at her neck and instead began nibbling on her earlobe as I could feel the goosebumps I was giving her. I then stopped mauling her tits and instead began yanking hard on her thick, silky raven hair. Judging from her reactions, her orgasm was on its way and I pressed my advantage.

“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Fucking BIIIIITTTTTCCCCCCHHHHHH!!!!!!” She screamed as she came, drenching my hand just as I drenched hers a little while ago.

I finally released her and she turned around to where she was laying on her back, only for me to rub my hand, soaked in her fluids all over her cxnt face, wanting to literally rub the fact that I made her climax in her face. However, I knew better than to give her any recovery time. With her pussy still exposed, I kneeled over her and proceeded to sit my own pussy right on top of hers, rubbing our juicy, smooth lower lips together gloriously.

“Ahhhh…” She groaned weakly.

I was already panting as I began to trib her, holding legs far apart on either side of her as I dominated her. I then bent down to lick and chew on her nipples. I really couldn’t get enough of nibbling her, plus the thought of making her walk out in public with my teeth marks all over her was just too much to resist. She buried her hands in my sweat-matted, brunette locks as I suckled on her brown milk buds and humped her slowly but viciously. I felt my labia unfold more and more with each hump as I fucked her until finally our clits joined the blissful fusion and came out only to deliciously collide with each other within our kissing twats. I switched breasts and began sucking and chewing on Kara’s left nipple as my increasing pleasure compelled me to trib her harder and faster.

“You goddamn whore…” Kara cursed weakly.

Her clit felt so warm and springy on mine as I pulled myself up and down over her. After giving her left nipple a good suckling and chewing, I then pulled my face up towards Kara’s surprisingly blushing face as she was panting and I began sucking in her warm, wet tongue ravenously. Back in the bath, Kara had struck me while the iron was hot and took advantage of the fact that I had just cum to assault me again, so I would cum a second time easier. I was doing the same to her now and it was paying off. Her body language and reactions began to show that her next climax was closing in on her. I sealed my lips over hers, both upper and lower and fucked her even harder and faster than I already was. My firm ass went up and down as she reached down to sink her fingers into my thick cheek meat. Soon, Kara could take no more.

“Mmmmmmmm!!!!” She cried, muffled by my mouth.

I felt her shoot her load all up inside me as her girl mess swam up my vaginal canal. It was so fucking amazing. I finally broke the kiss, my brown hair curtaining both of our faces as we panted like dogs.

“Had…enough?” I asked through my own heavy breathing.

“Not even remotely.” She said clear as day.

I was surprised that she recovered so quickly but before I could even say something, she grabbed me and then yanked me upwards. Me being the petite, scrawny Asian girl that I was, Kara easily pulled me up until she forcibly sat my pussy right on top of her waiting mouth.

“Oh, you deceptive cxnt! Ugh!” I grunted as she immediately shot her tongue straight through my labia.

As I said when Kara called me a sneaky little cxnt, it takes one to know one. She deliberately exaggerated her reactions to my pleasuring of her to lure me into this situation and I fell for it, hook, line and sinker. I should’ve known better than that. Her tongue was strong and the textures of her taste buds made her cunnilingus all the more devastating. She was fast and flexible with it too, exploring deep within my inner walls.

“Ahhhhh!!” I cried. “Goddamn whore!”

I tried to turn around to make this a 69 duel but Kara held me down firmly by my outer thighs. Still, she didn’t get my arms and I was able to reach behind me enough to start fingering her pussy. Of course, licking is far more effective on a pussy than fingering, especially when I was fingering her from this awkward angle where I could barely tell what I was doing but it was better than nothing. My best bet would be to just hold out until either her mouth gets tired, she runs out of breath down there or I manually pleasure her enough to where she has to let go of me in her reaction. Or perhaps some combination of all of that. So, I fingered her like my life depended on it. She secured my legs down with her elbows, using her hands to dig her fingers into my thick ass cheeks.

“Ohhhhh!!” I moaned. “I’ll get you for this, you miserable, micromanaging slut!”

God, she ate pussy so goddamn good. I wasn’t sure how more of this I could take. My clit came out of its hood and she wasted no time in focusing her licking on it, lapping at it like a starving animal. She then sealed her full, slutty lips over my helpless little, pulsating, pink pleasure bud and used it as a tunnel for her tongue to jab at and assault it.

“Fuuuucccckkkk!!!” I groaned.

I had to turn this around fast. I fingered her viciously.

“Mmmmm…” She moaned into my cxnt. I was getting somewhere, I knew it. I had to turn up the heat.

It was then that I realized what I had to do. Kara had her arms positioned in a way that left the upper side of my legs movable. She secured my legs by hooking her elbows around them while she groped my ass. If I made her cum hard enough, I could slip out and then make this into a 69! I just hoped that I could outlast her until then. I fingered her as viciously as I could without overly exerting myself. She responded by eating me out even more intensely, nibbling on my clit.

“Fuck!” I cursed.

“Mmmmm!!” She groaned loudly, muffled by my pudenda.

Thankfully, she couldn’t finger me back without giving me a chance to escape, so she didn’t bother. I managed to find her pretty little clit and began pinching and prodding it. I then continued dipping my index and middle finger in and out of her while pressing against her pleasure bud with my thumb. I was beginning to feel those familiar electric volts flowing through me but I could tell that Kara was well on her way too. I couldn’t back down now. Soon though, both of our dams finally burst.

“Ahhhhhh!!!” I cried as I came, drenching Kara’s face and hair.

“Mmmmmmm!!!” Kara screamed into my pussy as she came, once again soaking my hand.

Now was my chance! While Kara was distracted by her post-nut high, I slipped out of her grip and turned around, my face now directly facing her cxnt. Payback time!

“You little…!” Kara said before I slammed my twat back down into her big mouth.

I slid my tongue in, wanting every inch of my taste buds to be tidal waved by her juices as I mercilessly ate her out. Kara quickly reciprocated, sticking her own tongue back up inside of me. We both quickly brought out fingers back into the mix, ramming them in and out like tiny, fleshy sex toys. I was transfixed on what I was doing, my competitive spirit and extreme lust both for her body and for revenge against her were the only things going through my head right now. Nothing else. I imagine she was just as hyper focused as I was. Being so soon after our mutual orgasm, we both quickly came into each other’s faces and hair but our screams were muffled by the other nympho’s mouth. My exhaustion was setting in but I was motivated by memories of all the humiliation Kara had put me through. All her biases towards Evelyn. All the pay deductions. All the shitty jobs. All the misblamings. My anger guided me and gave me focus. I felt like a protagonist in one of Yuri’s stories but that would be stupid.

Kara was licking me with everything she had but I could tell that she wasn’t quite up to par with my own cunnilingus of her. She really was not expecting me to pull the move that I did. How do you like being tricked, bitch? Time escaped us as we ravenously feasted on each other. Tongues, teeth, fingers and even the occasional fist or knifed hand were all used on both of us. We came more times than either of us would even bother to count. We would even grab hold of each other and shift our position to the left or right to switch it up a little. Right now, I can only imagine how much of a mess we both look like after bukkaking each other so many times. After eating each other for about an hour and one final mutual orgasm/bukkake, we finally separated. I slid off of her and we both huffed and puffed. I felt like someone took a fire hose to my face. Every muscle and joint in my petite body was begging me to rest but I knew that I couldn’t risk Kara recovering first and launching a counterattack. I got up, crawled over towards my panting, raven opponent and from behind, I sat my juicy, swollen pussy and plump, bubbly ass right on top of the same cxnt that I just finished dining on.

“Uhhhh…” Kara moaned weakly as I began grinding into her from behind.

I slowly but powerfully fucked her from this unorthodox position, flexing my pelvis and wiggling my fine ass as I knew she was watching. She reached forward to once again dig her hands into my cheeks as I humped her.

“You little…whore…” She said through tired panting.

“How’s this for your submissive Asian girl waitress, bitch?!” I asked mockingly.

I grabbed her right leg and held it against my chest for balance and leverage for my tribbing. My D-cups swallowed up her shin as I did so. I felt her clit come out of its hood and lightly penetrate my lower pudenda, just as my own clit was coming out and doing the same to her. I’d be lying if I said that forcing my aching muscles and weary bones to do this wasn’t borderline torture but a true nympho keeps fucking her opponent to the very end. I felt my lower lips slide across my bitchy boss’s over and over and over and over again. A feeling that I would never get tired of. I then grabbed Kara’s left leg and used both of her legs to pull her pussy deeper into mine.

“Ohhhhh!!” Kara cried. It was working! I had to keep this up.

I would hop up and down, dropping my crotch on top of hers devastatingly. This move was very exerting but also very effective. My hair flew and my breasts bounced all over the place as I humped her from behind. I felt her fingers digging into my ass in a desperate, feeble attempt to get me under control but it was useless.

“No! Fuck! UGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!” Kara screamed as she came, yet again filling me up with her fluids. I lightly cooed as she did.

Before she could recover, I turned myself around on top of her and now began humping her face to face. She moaned like the bitch in heat she was as I stared her dead in the eye as our breasts mushroomed together.

“Not so smug now, are you?” I asked mockingly. “How do you like being treated like a toy?! How do you like being on the receiving end? How do you like it, you fucking bitch?!”

Before she could answer, I silenced her with my lips, tonguing down her mouth as she had tongued down mine. I once again struck while the iron was hot and humped her with absolutely all of my remaining energy. My mind began to go blank and animal instinct took over as I fucked her mercilessly. I don’t even know how much time passed until she began to jerk her body around, signaling another oncoming orgasm as I tribbed and kissed her even more brutally.

“Mmmmmmmmm!!!!!” She screamed into my mouth as she came one last time.

I kept kissing and humping as I noticed that she stopped responding. No tongue wrestling, no squirming, nothing. I got off of her and saw that she had finally passed out. I smiled at yet another victory before turning my head to look at the clock on her nightstand. Oh my fucking God…It was 3:00 AM! I had to leave…but I couldn’t. My adrenaline had worn off and my body just would not move no matter how much I ordered it to. Goddamn it…I fell forward on top of Kara and drifted off to dreamland. Sometime later, I woke up to see Kara glaring at me bitterly. I figured she’d be a sore loser. I turned to look at the clock again…It was 11:00 AM! Holy shit, I had to leave now! I got up and grabbed my clothes and got dressed.

“What?” Kara asked. “You’re not gonna stay and gloat?”

“No. I’m not like you.” I lied. If I had the time, I would be more than happy to be a sore winner. “Just remember our deal. No more favoritism, no more shitty jobs unless absolutely necessary and double pay.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She said.

I got dressed and went to my car before practically speeding away. God, what am I gonna tell Jason? That I went for a walk? No, I was gone for hours! That I went to see a movie? No, we always go together. That I was tutoring Leah? No, she doesn’t need that. Ugh! I just had to think of something on the fly! I got home and Jason was watching TV.

“Hey, babe.” He said. “Where you been all morning?”

“I, uhh…” I stammered. “Kara made me fill in for a sick co-worker.”

Yes, that was good!

“Sure sounds like something she’d do.” Jason said.

“I tried to text you but she kept telling me to focus on work.” I said.

“It’s fine.” He said.

“Thanks. I’m gonna take a shower.” I said.

I just realized that I wasn’t wearing my uniform. Thankfully, Jason didn’t see me and we talked just as I came in the door. God, I’m so sick of lying to him about this. Still, three targets down, one to go. My sexually extorting cxnt of a landlady, Dawn would be my final conquest. I have no doubt that she’s a hardcore vet but I also looked forward to the idea of facing another brunette for the first time. Still, I don’t know if I could handle not telling Jason for much longer. I wondered if I should tell him before or after I took on Dawn?


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Re: My Journey to Confidence: Part 4
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2023, 11:10:34 AM »
Very Hot !! I liked it very much !