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My Journey to Confidence: Part 6 Final

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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My Journey to Confidence: Part 6 Final
« on: April 06, 2023, 06:29:37 PM »
I couldn’t believe it myself. Four of the best and hottest nymphos in sexfight history all defeated and panting on the ground at my hands. Or rather at my amazing G-cups and veteran pussy. Tamara from YuriLesboLover’s 732 series. Lady Bianca from A Penman’s stories. Angel from Angel Dawn’s Private Eye series. And last but not least, Maggie from KingOfDaPirates’ Maggie and Amber series. All four stunning, busty beauties were naked on the floor, their long, sweat matted hair blanketing their blushing faces after I had just whipped all of their hot cxnts.

“That was quite a workout.” I said perfectly clearly, showing how little effort it took.

“Wow.” Angel said, flipping her blonde hair back. “That was incredible.”

“Yes.” Tamara agreed, flipping her raven hair back. “I never thought anyone besides Serena would push me so far.”

“You’re even better than Amber.” Maggie said, flipping her red hair back. “Don’t tell her I said that, though.”

“Indeed.” Lady Bianca agreed, flipping her dark hair back. “Heather, women such as you are once in a lifetime.”

“Which is why I’d like to make you an offer, my dear.” Tamara said, approaching me back on the bed. “I’d like for you to join Task Force 732. With you on the team, Las Brujas won’t stand a chance.”

“Wow, really?!” I asked excitedly. “That’s amazing!”

“Yes.” Tamara said. “I know my other girls will love you…Sometimes twice a night.”

“Hold it.” Angel interrupted, going up towards my bed too. “I want her as my intern. Jane and Wendy will love her way more and I can always use another pretty face to attract customers.”

“Why would Heather join up with some PI when she can be an actual cop?” Tamara asked.

“Wait a minute.” Maggie interrupted, also coming towards my bed. “What if I want her as my intern at the library? My last one was an ungrateful brat but Heather is worlds better.”

“Oh, please.” Lady Bianca interrupted, approaching all of us. “Why would she want to be with any mortal women when she can join June and me? Think of it, baby. We can have threesomes for all eternity.”

All four women started bickering with each other around my bed as I ogled their hot, sweaty naked bodies.

“I want her!” One woman said.

“No, she’s mine!” Another said.

“Ladies, ladies!” I interrupted. “I think you all know how to settle this.”

Suddenly, all four of my suitors gained devious grins.

“Yes, we certainly do.” Tamara said.

“This won’t take long, Heather.” Lady Bianca said.

“Don’t get cocky, bitch.” Maggie said. “You wouldn’t be the first Bianca I’ve outfucked.”

“Are we gonna talk or are we gonna fuck?” Angel asked impatiently.

“Fourway it is.” I announced. “Last nympho standing is the winner. Ready…Set…”

The next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes to see Dawn cuddled up to me, our bodies still coated in oil. Goddamn it, it was just a dream! I should’ve known!

“Glad to see you’ve finally joined the land of the living.” Dawn said as she caressed my still oily body.

“You took advantage of me in my sleep, didn’t you?” I asked.

“Like you wouldn’t do the same if a hot, naked girl covered in oil was cuddled up with you.” She argued.

I rolled my eyes. She had a point. It was then that the memories of last night came flooding back.

“Wait…” I said. “I beat you! I won!”

“Yes, yes.” She said, annoyed. “Congratulations, your royal sluttiness.”

“Wait…What time is it?” I asked.

I looked up at the clock and…It was 6:00 PM. Just before I went out, it said 6:00 AM! I fucked Dawn for 12 hours and then slept like a log for another 12 hours!

“Oh, God.” I groaned before looking at my oil coated skin.

“Man, this stuff is strong.” I said.

“Told you.” She said.

“And this will just come off in the shower?” I asked.

“Yes.” She said, pointing to a door on the other side of the room that I didn’t even notice until now.

“And if it’s particularly stubborn…” She said. “I have specially made shampoo and body wash designed to get it out nice and easy.”

“You really came prepared.” I admitted. “Too bad you lost to a rookie.”

“Well, you’re not exactly a rookie anymore.” Dawn said. “How about we go get cleaned up…Or rather clean each other up?”

“Will some shower fun not count towards my time I have you as a sex slave?” I asked, reminding her of our terms.

“No.” She answered. “I guess I owe you a freebie after taking advantage of you in your sleep. Now come on.”

I was worried about what Jason would think of me being gone for a full 24 hours despite me texting him that I might stay overnight. However, my loins were heating up at the thought of showering with Dawn, so I put my concerns aside for now. If he’s waited this long, he can wait a little longer. She guided me towards her basement bathroom. This was a good idea. She can use this to wash her and her opponents off without getting oil upstairs. Dawn turned on the water in her rather roomy shower stall and we waited for it to get warm. Eventually, it did and she stepped into the shower followed by me. I was mesmerized for a bit by the sight of her soaking underneath the water. She was right, the oil began to wash off. I was hot and bothered enough by this and I stepped in with her. Before Dawn could react, I forced the other brunette up against the shower wall, ramming my tongue down her throat. She immediately reciprocated and thus began a passionate lesbian sex session in the shower. No competition or aggression here. Just two girls enjoying each other’s company. We fucked long and hard in that shower. We tribbed, licked, sucked and fingered each other for I don’t even know how long. We lathered and shampooed each other nice and thoroughly with that specially made body wash and shampoo that she mentioned earlier. Eventually, we finished each other off enough and got out, drying off.

“Say hi to Jason for me…Heather.” Dawn said with emphasis.

I rolled my eyes. She really was getting our names wrong on purpose.

“Will do, Danielle.” I joked.

As I left the bathroom, the padded floor had no oil on it due to the oil’s strength but I did have to walk around last night’s sweat and cum. I grabbed my clothes from last night and got dressed…Do I dare to look at the clock?…9:00 PM…I was fucking Dawn in the shower for three hours! Her water heater was something else, as her bill must be too. Jason was probably asleep by now. Oh, God, I have so much explaining to do. I felt pretty beat myself after three hours of lesbian sex. Without the competitive flavor, the adrenaline doesn’t pump as much, keeping me going. I walked home as I expected, Jason was sound asleep. I would tell him everything first thing tomorrow morning. For now, I went to bed myself.

“Ah, she’s finally awake.” A voice said from next to me.

“Good.” Another voice said. “That orange tiger bikini will look great on her.”

I opened my eyes to see a tanned blonde and a dark-skinned raven sitting at either side of me. The blonde was wearing a leopard skin bikini while the raven wore a panther skin one. Holy shit, it was Inge and Conchita from JB57’s Jungle Queens series! I sprung awake.

“Wow. Is it really you two?” I asked.

“Yes, dear.” Inge answered. “And we have a surprise for you.”

Conchita handed me a two piece, orange, tiger skin bikini to go along with their own.

“We’d normally have you kill a tiger and make this yourself.” Conchita explained. “But Inge and I think you’ve earned the right to be a guardian of the jungle.”

“Now, let’s get you into that thing.” Inge said. “Domino and Martina have found their own third girl and they’ve challenged us to a three-on-three match.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice!” I said excitedly.

“We think they’re going to meet us here.” Conchita said. “But we’re NOT-NOT-NOT-NOT…”


My alarm clock went off and I turned it off. Another dream. Man, I wish they’d last longer. I got up and stretched before I realized what I had to do. I took a big gulp as I got dressed and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Jason was already there and we ate silently and awkwardly.

“You were gone for a while.” He pointed out. “I know you said you might stay there overnight but not for two full days.”

“I know.” I said. “A lot happened. I’m sorry.”

“Why?” He asked.

“Because…Because there’s something I haven’t been telling you.” I admitted. This was it. “Actually a lot of things.”

“Like that you looked at my laptop that night a month ago and discovered my history looking at sexfight stories?” He guessed perfectly. “And that you became such a fan that it gave you confidence and you’ve been sexfighting all of the girls that bullied you all this time?”

I blushed as red as a tomato. I was so embarrassed.

“How…How did…” I asked.

“I can look at my own history, babe.” He said. “I saw that my browser visited and revisited sites that I don’t remember.”

“I’m so sorry!“ I said in a panic, feeling like my old self again. “I just panicked and had to know what you were looking at and I shouldn’t have distrusted you like that and I shouldn’t have invaded your privacy and-“

“Babe, babe, relax!” He said, holding me as I was on the verge of tears.

“It’s fine.” He said. “I shouldn’t have acted so suspicious. I know girlfriends are really mixed on their guys looking at porn, so I panicked myself. I’m sorry.”

“I still shouldn’t have done that.” I said, calming down.

“It’s okay.” He said. “Besides, your sudden change in attitude out of nowhere kinda gave you away.”

“I guess.” I said.

“Honestly, this was a good thing.” Jason said. “You finally stood up for yourself and this was what pushed you towards that.”

“I guess you’re right.” I said as we sat back down. “I only wish it happened sooner.”

“Me too.” He said. “So…How did it go with Dawn?”

“I won.” I said. “She’s agreed to stop extorting us and everyone else.”

“That’s great!” He said. “I’m so proud of you!”

“Thanks.” I said with a soft smile.

We finished our breakfast and afterwards, we sat at our couch where we discussed it more.

“There’s more to it, though.” I said. “She wants a rematch with me whenever our rent is due and if I win, we get a discounted price.”

“Awesome.” He said.

“Also…” I said. “Since I won, our deal was that I get to have her as a sex slave for any 24 hours that I call in.”

“Wow.” He said.

“Are you okay with that?” I asked.

“Am I okay with my hot girlfriend fucking another hot girl and also humiliating the bitch that has made our lives miserable?” He asked sarcastically. “I’d be taking a loss but I think I can handle it.”

“You ass!” I said with a chuckle as I playfully slapped him.

I told him everything about the fight with Dawn and then all of my previous fights with my other bullies. All the juicy, fleshy details. Like any man, he was naturally enthralled. After that, we spent hours, although it felt like minutes, talking about our favorite stories, characters, pornstars, videos, everything. It was such stimulating conversation. It was like we were on our first date all over again. Eventually, we got to him asking me about characters I’d think I could take in a fight.

“Okay, Brandi from Brandi’s Opus?” He asked.

“Hmm…” I thought. “I think I’d tie with her. She’s feisty like me but super laidback.”

“I dunno.” He said. “She can be pretty vicious too.”

“Are you saying you’d think I’d lose?” I asked jokingly.

“I’m just saying, you should keep that in mind.” He said. “Okay, Serena from Lusty Lives and 732?”

“Are you kidding?” I asked. “I wouldn’t stand a chance! Only Tamara has ever beaten her and it took like a million tries!”

“Okay, Sabrina from 732?” He asked.

“With a little more practice, I might be able to whip her.” I answered. “Jasmine might get jealous, though and I’d definitely lose to her.”

“You’d be a great member of 732.” He said.

“I had a dream about that, actually. Well, kinda.” I said.

“Oh?” He asked.

“Yeah but they’re getting a new girl, anyway.” I said. “I wonder who it is?”

“What if I told you that I’m friends with Yuri and he told me who it was?” He asked.

“Really?!” I asked excitedly. “Who is it?!”

Just then, the doorbell rang. We put our nerding out over sexfight literature on hold and answered the door. It was Dawn.

“Well, if it isn't the loser.” Jason mocked.

“You finally told him, did you?” Dawn asked.

“Yep.” I answered as I hugged him. “Everything.”

“Fantastic.” Dawn said sarcastically. “Look, the other day, I came here for rent, which I never got. You know where this is going.”

“You want a rematch now?” I asked.

“No, I want it in ten years.” She said sarcastically.

“Go ahead, babe.” He said.

“My turn to ask you a question.” I said before looking at Dawn.

“Do you mind?” I asked her rudely.

“No. You lovebirds go right ahead.” She said. I rolled my eyes.

“Do you want to watch us?” I asked almost meekly. “If you do…I’ll let you.”

“Are you comfortable with that?” He asked. “Be honest with me.”

“Well…I don’t think I am…Just yet.” I answered honestly.

“Then, I’ll wait until you are.” He said. I smiled as I kissed him on the cheek. “Good luck, my little champion.”

“Aw, isn’t that sweet?” Dawn asked mockingly. “Now let’s go back to my place.”

I hugged him goodbye as I followed Dawn back to her place for our rematch. What started out as the worst day of my life soon led to a discovery that changed my life more than I ever could have imagined. My Journey to Confidence was complete. My life could not be any better if I wanted it to. I look forward to all the sexfights of my future. I’m only 20. I have a long life of nymphomania ahead of me. Life is good.


Offline Frank

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Re: My Journey to Confidence: Part 6 Final
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2023, 11:22:29 PM »
Wow !! You are unstorpable ! LOL
A great humoristic and well-written finale.
A great story. Really.
I really liked it all.