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School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter

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Offline Susanoom

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School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« on: April 11, 2023, 11:48:12 AM »

The ceiling in the darkness was never so quiet, a communion of dark and white stripes dictated by the moonlight filtering through the room's wooden shutters.
Turning and turning, Ana could not close her eyes, the pillow wrapped around her head but inexplicably her eyes refused to close.
Her mind raced back, too free to retrace what her eyes had seen, what her body had felt, what she had found.
Her outstretched legs twitched a little as the image of that girl still materialized in her head, impossible to say how many times she had tried to erase her, she always came back.
Sarah, the brunette she had met, the girl with whom she had spoken amicably, discovering an interesting friend, now suddenly become an enemy.
That silent bath, the dull ache hammering in her chest, she could still feel it if she concentrated, a distant echo of something she did not want to experience.
I raised my arm, my hand outstretched toward that intangible image, her body and Sarah's pressed together, with no energy left as they moaned in pain.
A vision is as magnificent as it was ephemeral, experiencing the deepest pain as their bodies crashed together, screaming inside themselves about what they were feeling.
Ana continued to watch without seeing, her eyes focused on the scene in her mind. No matter how hard she tried to imagine it, it was impossible for her; every time she tried, she failed. Her arm fell to her side, just as she imagined she was defeated.
With the perpetual image, her eyes finally closed, falling into sleep.


Sarah was curled up in bed, the complete darkness and deafening silence of the room allowing only her blue eyes to shine.
She was looking straight ahead, her knees brought to her chest, her breasts pressed against her thighs. An unusual position for her; she had never had reason to sit like that.
An insecure posture, defensive of dangers outside her sphere of safety, a barrier to her mental and physical security put to the test.
In her bedroom Sarah had become a new version of herself, losing an important part of her, feeling the arrogance of being the best being forcibly removed.
Her heartbeat punctuated every second, and her eyes focused on the unlit television screen, the red light that seemed to compete with the brightness of her eyes, creating a theater of imaginings in between.
The dimly lit bathroom was suddenly much more visible, as were the two girls in that small room. She and Ana repeatedly exchanged blows, answering blow after blow, desperate faces on their faces.
Sarah squinted her eyes, and her grip on her legs increased in strength, tightening even more as her thoughts continued to haunt her.
Pressed together, the two students screamed in agony, closing their eyes as their bodies warped against each other.
The wicked vision of seeing herself slowly overwhelmed by Ana aroused a horrible feeling in Sarah, who curled her toes in discomfort, almost feeling the sensation of her breasts being crushed by the blonde's.
Sarah's blue eyes looked ahead again, the horrible images had disappeared again and had continued to appear and disappear immediately after the encounter in the bathroom.
Sarah's gaze was hard, angry as she looked back at the void, the pounding of her heart and her lungs on fire, she had held her breath until it was lost in her mind.
The brunette abandoned the position, her legs sore from standing still too long in a new position for the first time, and lay back under the covers. Her eyes closed on Ana's smiling face, her breasts still full.


Sarah opened her eyes when the Sun was already illuminating her room, passing through the window and coloring the rest of what surrounded her bed.
She had managed to fall into a deep sleep, although when she awoke she found herself completely sweating. She struggled to remember what she had dreamed, but in her heart, she could imagine.
That girl posed a serious threat; she had never faced someone like that before. She felt her confidence wavering just thinking about the Russian student.
Sarah felt annoyance at how much the knowledge of the blonde's existence affected her so much. Before she needed nothing, she felt invincible. Not anymore, the perfect wall presented a crack. A crack that was growing larger and larger.
She picked up his cell phone from the nightstand beside the bed, seeing the notification about messages. Martina had written to her, and that could only mean one thing. The time for confrontation had come.


"The last act of selection will be completed later today. The cheerleading squad is therefore happy to invite you to the private gymnasium where the closed-door practice is held, home of all cheerleaders. In front of your future sisters, the two stars of the show will kick off a dance in our home.
One of you will be able to call the meeting place home…
Will you be the one to do it?"
Ana's eyes betrayed her nervousness, while with her teeth she nibbled on her thumbnail, continuing to look at the cell phone screen, laying it on the bed beside her, and finally returning to look at it again.
Martina's message had a more serious air than those previously sent, the solemnity of the words only making the day heavier. A few hours and she would be off to that gym, away from the school and everyone. She, the cheerleader...
And Sarah.
She still remembered what had happened at the bar between the two of them; she had spent all night dreaming about what had happened, again and again. Every possible scenario had materialized in her head like films in a movie of ever-changing length but with the same ending.
The blond girl continued to think about it all the rest of the remaining hours. She thought about Sarah while she wore casual clothes, but this time hiding her cleavage more. She realized this when by now she had arrived in front of the gym, incredulous that she had instinctively hidden her breasts. Was she perhaps...afraid?
A noise to her left and Ana turned quickly.


Sarah had walked down the street completely immersed in her thoughts, a few times bumping into passers by as her legs took faster and faster strides. She felt nervousness assailing her but her body seemed to speed up her every step in stark contradiction.
Her breasts were contained in her sweater, the only one with a neckline large enough to show off her breasts but without looking too vulgar. Inside, she felt the need for some sort of protection, as if no one should waste any energy in her chest with her gaze.
Sarah still had her cell phone in her hand, and Martina's message was still open and always ready to be read. Her eyes kept searching for the cheerleader's words, trying to find the confidence she now lacked. She did not know what to expect, all night she had never seen herself victorious against a girl she had never crossed paths with before.
It was overthinking that Sarah arrived in front of the gym on time, but when she looked up from her cell phone screen to the building door, she froze suddenly as her blue eyes met Ana's dark ones, another of the many contrasts the two girls seemed to share.
Both students inhaled sharply the moment they found themselves iconically in front of that door, thrusting their chests out, a threat toward the other girl, even though seconds earlier neither seemed to have their characteristic confidence.
Their gazes immediately wandered to each other's breasts, breaking all their resistance in resisting to look down, but for them, it was simply impossible. They remembered that breast perfectly even though now covered by clothing, remembered the shape and strength, the density and firmness of them.
They stared at each other again together, in their eyes they could glimpse the twin sensations they had shared since they had collided in the bar bathroom. The arrogant brightness of their eyes was only a glare compared to the one they had met the first time, a sore note that both had not emerged from that bathroom unscathed.
The gymnasium door opened without warning, breaking the spell that kept the gazes of the two students locked, who turned around surprised, their hearts pounding in their chests. Martina smiled once she saw the two girls outside the gym, motioning for them to enter without a word. She could imagine what those students were thinking, and it was exciting just thinking about seeing them in action.
Sarah entered first, moving faster than her blonde rival, a small smile on her lips as she flashed a false confidence to bluff against her rival even before the games began. Ana hissed silently, squinting her eyes for a second and following the brunette inside.
Ana noticed right away how the air was warmer than outside; her lungs immediately felt the temperature difference. Inside the gym was inexplicably hot, it was not a huge building so the space was quite cramped, although it offered what cheerleaders needed to train.
Past the small hallway that divided between locker rooms and the central area of the gym, Ana and Sarah followed Martina inside the latter room, where a large group of cheerleaders was finishing their training. The girls' sweaty bodies were being stretched in stretching as they laughed and joked with each other.
The brunette and the blonde entered the room, two walls with mirrors and the entire floor made with a carpet soft enough to prevent bad accidents during practice. As soon as they entered, all eyes were on them, twenty cheerleaders who suddenly stopped talking to look at them, some with a smile and others with an astonished look, not expecting such bodies.
Martina continued until she reached the center of the large group, which slowly began to settle with their backs along the mirrored wall, sitting cross-legged as the blonde settled with them. Looking up at the two girls in front of her, Martina looked first at one and then at the other, a mask of excitement on her face.
"I'd say it's time to begin," smiled the blonde, "Ana and Sarah are the finalists in the selection to join the cheerleading squad, both of whom faced and passed the first tests with grace and elegance, showing the power a girl needs to have to get ahead in this man's world. In this gymnasium, home to all of us and one of you in the future, in front of the entire cheerleading corps, you two will fight until one of you cannot continue or I will assess that one of you cannot continue" as she spoke, Sarah and Ana continued to cast nervous glances at each other, while the other cheerleaders spoke under their breaths to each other, comparing the two aspirants "There are no particular rules, I think you know very well what it means to struggle with your breasts to prove yourselves better. When you are ready, you can begin ... and may the best one win."
Martina finished her announcement, leaning against the mirror behind her as the two students turned to each other very slowly. In their chests they felt an incredible struggle to breathe, their hearts beating slowly but every stroke resonated in every part of their bodies.
Without ceasing to look into each other's eyes, the two girls began to remove their clothes, a slow, almost synchronized striptease, where one seemed to follow the other, wondering where her rival would stop. The first thing removed was their upper garments, their breasts bouncing slightly in their bras, removed only seconds later and leaving their breasts free.
Lowering their hands to their waists, they both slowly took to removing their pants, each wondering why they were removing the bottom part as well. Ana and Sarah watched the rival body being shown more than before, a mirror reflecting their form in every aspect, albeit with some slight differences.
Sarah stopped short, noticing that her hands were coming dangerously close to her lavender thong, her eyes widening slightly, wondering how far they could go. The brunette felt a sudden annoyance at seeing Ana's hands on her dark gray thong, lingering when she saw Sarah's body remain motionless.
The blonde seemed to have become more confident about her own body, continuing the movement until she touched the last remaining garment before stopping as her brunette rival felt as if accused of being afraid to continue. Martina took a good view of those magnificent bodies, watching as they both removed their shoes to remain simply in thongs.
The seconds were ticked by the clock on the wall, and the astonished silence surrounding the two students was charged with tension and psychological pressure. Neither knew quite what the other girl was capable of, in the bar bathroom both were not in their full physical shape, the other girl was still too much of an unknown to bear.
Ana and Sarah walked the steps that separated them, stopping just before their breasts touched. Their eyes lowered to each other's chest, then rising to stare intensely at each other.
In unison, the blonde and brunette leaned forward, their flesh touching like the first time, but with a new awareness compared to the bathroom encounter.
Both sighed as they felt their rival breasts press lightly against their own, feeling the firmness and density of what was the enemy.
Ana watched her breasts mingle with her rivals, their flesh becoming a conduit between the two of them, pushed together with less force than they would have liked.
The Russian student felt no need to accelerate the duel, she needed to probe the terrain and feel how dangerous the opposing girl was.
Sarah felt the same sensations, pushing her tits forward a little harder, watching with her eyes as the fleshy mass joined full of life between their bodies.
The brunette could not tell how strong her rival was; her breasts were as dense as her own, heavy and huge, comparable to her pride.
Martina watched as the two girls' hands grasped their opponent's arms, the flesh swelling against them. Slowly, Sarah and Ana began to squeeze their breasts together, rolling them over each other.
Sarah gasped softly, the sensation of the rival nipples digging into her flesh sending jolts of pleasurable pain down her body, nervous to feel how the rival pink tips felt so much in her flesh.
Breasts slid between them relentlessly, seconds ticked by as the two students tried to fully probe what their rival had to offer, patiently keeping their twins in contact.
Ana leaned forward, following her opponent and pressing her breasts together even more. The blonde could not feel that burning flame inside her that made her more overpowering in confrontations.
The heavy feeling of Sarah's pair on her chest caused her unexpected discomfort; every time her breasts were pushed toward the brunette, the Russian student felt an equal and opposite force pressing against her. It was an unpleasant sensation, which she found she endured less and less.
Sarah began to wish her breasts were bigger, firmer, as her flesh met the blonde's, her heavy breasts challenged by Ana's cup of equal density. She had always been confident in her proud bosom, and never before had she been able to think that she could not overcome an opponent.
Without realizing it, the two girls increased the intensity of their thrusts more and more. Each time they thrust, their eyes watched how the rival pair reacted, feeling the frustration of noticing no difference as their tits did battle. The minutes continued to pass, and now the little grunts of the two girls could be heard more, their skin a little shiny as the temperature of the gym did its work.
Ana's better physical situation seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back, imperceptible right away but more evident after the minutes of continuous thrusting between them. With each thrust, two masses of equal weight and density met, but the stronger muscles of the Russian student's legs forced Sarah's body to be pushed back.
There was no clear difference in force; the two girls were too focused on their pairs to notice what was happening between them, but for the cheerleaders, unrelated to their thoughts, they could see the slight shift to the brunette's detriment.
“She’s pushing her away," whispered one girl.
Ana picked up on those words and was the first to look up, to realize what was happening. Somehow, this seemed to give her confidence. Their apparent equality was fading; she was stronger. Clinging to this conviction, the blonde pushed forward.
Sarah looked up glacially at her rival, realizing only too late what the blonde wanted to do. Continuing to thrust, Ana met the brunette's breasts, continuing, however, to bring her back, catching her rival without warning of that change in movement. The two bodies reached the wall, with Ana pushing Sarah hard against the wall.
Sarah gasped when she felt the cold wall against her skin, and Ana slammed her tits against the rival pair without giving her time to recover. The brunette's blue eyes saw the spark of determination in Ana's dark eyes, which took to striking her breasts frontally with force.
The brunette tried to respond as much as she could, but the wall behind her did not allow her much leverage, finding herself almost always defending herself from Ana's attacks, a slight smile on her face as she regained awareness of her innate prowess.
"You're not as strong as I thought," smiled the blonde.
Sarah responded with a grunt, pushing hard but unable to dislodge herself from the wall. Ana took to swinging her tits from side to side, colliding with those of the brunette, however, feeling Sarah's responses getting stronger and stronger. The brunette rotated her body with each blow, increasing the force of her responses to the enemy's swings, increasing her speed more and more.
Martina heard Ana's grunts becoming more insistent, the sound of flesh meeting flesh was getting louder and faster, and the blonde's body seemed to struggle to follow the brunette's faster attacks. Suddenly, Sarah thrust her breasts forward, meeting Ana's pair amid the movement. The blonde was pushed back, a surprised look on her face.
Sarah launched herself forward again, still tripping the blonde as she slammed her breasts hard into the rival pair. She could still feel the pain inside her chest and her pride at being dragged back, she would not allow her rival to remain unharmed.
The blonde was able to recover fairly quickly, watching her brunette rival quickly approach. Ana ducked slightly before suddenly standing up again.
Sarah stopped in surprise, feeling her pair being forced upward so that the blonde could strike again. The Russian student had no intention of losing what she had gained.
Ana grabbed the brunette's arms, vehemently striking back at the rival pair, her fleshy ones filling the ears of those present, some cheerleaders widening their eyes as they watched the brunette's pained expression.
Sarah felt her breasts being struck again by the sides, moaning but responding immediately to meet her rival's, igniting a new exchange.
Sarah felt insecurity growing, fear of being trapped against the wall again as before. Ana had proven to be stronger, maybe luck but could she risk it?
The blonde continued to strike, she knew she could bring her back again, so Sarah began to take her time until she pulled away at just the right moment.
Ana's eyes widened as her breasts met no resistance from the enemy breast, grunting when she felt the equally dense pair of the brunette thrust forward into hers.
A small smile drew itself on Sarah's lips, but Ana quickly responded by pushing her chest forward in turn, obliterating it. Quickly, the blonde seemed to want to lead the duel at all costs.
Slamming forward again, Ana kept her fleshy breasts fully in contact with Sarah's. When the brunette pushed back, their breasts slid together after a few seconds of pressure.
The two girls' bodies had already begun to be slick, small beads of sweat began to form on the girls' foreheads and descend until they disappeared into their cleavages.
Sarah raised her breasts above her rival's, then pushed down. Grunting, Ana cursed her opponent, pushing forward again, thus beginning to thrust between them again with quick thrusts.
Each thrust increased in strength, and slowly the same previous scenario was being drawn. This time both of them were aware of what was happening, Ana was again pushing Sarah back.
The brunette's blue eyes grew wider and wider as she tried to push back, meeting the blonde's force but never succeeding, always losing those few inches of the ground.
Sarah groaned as the cool surface came back to touch her body, this time the temperature difference was such that it sent shivers down her body, remaining breathless as Ana's pair crushed with her own.
"It's a matter of time," smiled Ana arrogantly, for the first time since meeting Sarah. She seemed to have regained what she had lost "My breasts will win yours."
Despite the blonde's arrogant words, both girls could feel how the difference between their breasts was slowly changing.
Sarah's pair was slowly getting the worst of it, the uncomfortable position and the rival's constant aggression were slowly tilting the needle in Ana's favor.
The brunette felt conflicted, inside her conflicting emotions were making her inner self like a stormy sea. This was the second time she had been pushed against the wall, and it was screaming defeat to her. Her competitive streak screamed with the same intensity, and she leaned against it with everything she had.
Roaring, Sarah managed to push herself off the wall, Ana grunted forcefully as her body was forced back. Stumbling, the blonde was unable to recover before the brunette threw her chest into the rival pair.
Without stopping, Sarah continued to launch herself against the blonde's body like a battering ram, making Ana moan after a few impacts, before stopping her rival advance by pointing her feet.
Their breasts swelled enormously, and small drops of sweat flew off as the two pairs of massive tits met with a tremendous slap.
Ana and Sarah took to pushing each other again, the brunette seemed to have taken more energy and strength than before, and the exchanges between the two bodies remained perfectly balanced as the two pairs swelled to the sides with each collision.
Martina felt how the slaps increased in intensity, the ever-increasing force of the two girls' blows creating a damnably erotic sound effect.
The two girls' legs began to tremble slightly with each impact, holding each other with their hands as if not to let their opponent escape.
Aware that neither would escape, the fleshy slaps resounded again, their breasts pressed together, swelling and spreading each other, the girls' bare feet slamming into the ground as the pain exploded in their chests.
Without realizing it, the two girls began to thrust harder and harder, then forcing their chests to the side, coming back up to full swing their bodies to do as much damage as possible.
Some cheerleaders brought their hands in front of their mouths, others giggled as the dry impacts of the colliding masses of flesh became more and more brutal.
More and more moans came from Ana's and Sarah's lips, neither of them wanting to use energy to hold them back as if they were a form of respect for their rival and her breasts.
Neither would avoid the impact any longer, both would prove that they could receive and give with equal intensity, an equivalent exchange of pain and damage, a contest of endurance between two kindred souls.
With each thunderous impact, Martina squinted her eyes noticing what the two duelists were feeling. A substantial difference from previous exchanges is the loss of confidence that had dictated Ana's advantage coming undone.
After a few minutes, the blonde should have gained the first upper hand; she had always done so so far, leading her rival farther and farther away.
This time, Ana's eyes seemed more tired, marked by pain in her chest that exploded glowing with each collision with the brunette's.
Sarah's renewed strength now seemed to have surpassed Ana's, which was slowly being knocked back with each collision. The blue eyes were planted in the brown one as each blow landed.
After one last exchange, the yelp that escaped Ana's lips marked the reversal of the initial advantage; the Russian student fell on her butt with a thud after the impact.
Gasping, Sarah and her naked body stood over her fallen rival, her hands her hips and shoulders pushed back, enhancing her 36EE, swollen and sweating.
"That's where you belong..." hissed the brunette.
Ana felt intimidated by her rival, yet felt a wrathful sense toward the brunette. She struggled to stand up, her breath short as Sarah watched her rise, a smile on her lips.
Once on their feet, the two girls stared at each other intensely, the blonde put her hands on her hips as her rival did, their panting breasts following the students' quickened breathing.
They had studied each other at the beginning of the fight, instinctively increasing the ferocity of the struggle, unable to restrain themselves and eager to find out the truth.
They were equal in every aspect, their breasts shared the same shape and density, firmness and heaviness, two girls were proud of what they had compared, however, and found no way out.
Moments of silence passed as the two girls continued to stare at each other, still studying each other before resuming their duel. Both had shown their pain, both had felt their rival flesh soften.
Each girl, however, had felt her legs tremble with each impact, her breasts being crushed and molded around the rival pair. No sign of the obvious difference between them, throwing them even further toward the abyss of doubt.
Martina's eyes widened as, without warning, the two students thrust forward forcefully, meeting in the center of the room with a loud pop.
Stumbling back, Ana and Sarah threw themselves forward again, waiting each time for their rival to be ready to return to the attack. A form of mutual respect, like two samurai dueling with their blades, always avoiding each other's backs.
The slaps followed each other with exasperating slowness. Each blow was overpowering, the moans of pain made some of the girls shudder as they simply watched, imagining how much the two schoolgirls were suffering.
Again and again, the two girls' bodies trembled with each impact. The breasts seemed to bend together, unable not to deform, but softly returning to their original shapes when the two girls' bodies stumbled back.
When Sarah launched herself at Ana, the blonde charged forward. The meaty slap echoed through the room, followed by the blonde's groan as she felt herself fall to the floor.
Frightened, she grabbed the exhausted brunette's body to keep from falling, only to bring her rival down on the mat with a dull thud as well. Both moaned but still had the ardor to hold each other.
Each girl's arms wrapped around the rival's back, bringing them even more together, adding pressure to the endless duel of their huge breasts. Each squeeze increased the feeling of heaviness in both students, their flesh swelling against each other.
That moment was the solution to each girl's clash, locked in a mutual embrace until one pair of breasts would yield to the other, being dominated completely.
Neither girl would allow herself to see defeat, after all that pain suffered, after all the time spent mentally slaughtering each other over the other girl. Neither would give up before the other.
Martina focused her gaze on the two students, who began to tighten their grip as one rolled over the other, and vice versa. Staying on top would have made the duel advantageous for the rival, so both would try to avoid ending up on their backs, at the cost of continuing to stay on their sides to fight.
They would continue to roll around the floor, feeling their breasts being crushed against the enemy pair, unaware of where they were moving, focused only on the breasts in battle before their eyes.
Ana and Sarah squeezed the other's body always at the same time, arching their backs as best they could and thrusting their boobs into their rivals with all their strength, turning back to regain momentum and repeat the action.
Sweaty foreheads pressed together, their gazes raised to stare hatefully at each other, burning with rage and determination, lowering from time to time to look at their racks in an epic duel.
Martina heard muttering something, probably the two students insulting each other with what little breath they had, feeling the other's hot breath on her face.
Ana felt her body scream in pain, she had reached her limit long enough for several stops, but despite this, she had continued to meet her rival.
She felt the need to continue, to overcome her limit and continue fighting the brunette. Her pride would never allow her to give up, the fear of seeing herself fail was too much to bear.
Sarah felt every cell of her breasts being pressed unbelievably, the taut skin that seemed to wear down to the point of tearing as it was forced against the blonde's pair.
The desire to win against the blonde's 36EE was what drove her on. She would never admit to being second to anyone, certainly not to a girl so similar to her.
The brunette felt the fear that her breasts would give way at any moment gripping her relentlessly, but she forced herself to continue, she did not want to scream her surrender, she had to continue.
Gradually, the rhythm of the two girls' thrusts began to decrease. Each time, the thrusting lasted longer and longer, just as the pauses between attacks increased by a few seconds. Every energy was maintained to continue their battle.
To each other's horror, each girl suddenly felt her breasts softening. At that point, it was impossible to tell who was having the worst of it, and the unknown of this information only made the two students fearful.
Ana and Sarah suddenly resumed pushing their breasts at a faster pace, pulling back and slamming their breasts into their rivals.
Each thrust was a desperate desire to prove themselves better at least in the endurance of their firmness, meeting blow after blow, increasing the pace more and more, the blows harder and harder and more unbearable.
Both were sweating and exhausted, panting as the pain in their chests was secondary as they felt their flesh give way more and more.
Breathing hard, each squeeze was accompanied by a pained moan, their eyes closed with a wet look of hatred and determination, veiled threats and a desire to be the last not to give in, forcing themselves not to listen to their sweaty breasts beg for mercy.
Continuing to squeeze, increasing the feeling of softness in their chests, the two girls continued to fight relentlessly, their eyes locked together.
The truth, however, was completely different, Martina was watching as the two schoolgirls' tits liquefied together, molding themselves flat and lifeless as the two girls' still-moving bodies rolled slowly back and forth, groaning as one climbed on top for that quick second before moving back, side by side.
It was with extreme slowness that Ana and Sarah finished rolling, remaining motionless still clutching each other weakly, their bodies entwined completely.
Their arms were almost numb, allowing only short, weak thrusts that gave only slight movement along their chests. Martina's eyes were glued to the spectacle, but it was clear by now what the final verdict was.
"A draw," announced Martina, standing up, "I declare this match ended in a draw. Neither of you girls can continue, and it is clear that neither of you has given up."
Ana and Sarah did not dignify the blonde with even a glance, they already knew that neither of them could continue, but they continued to hold each other what little they could, unable to accept it.
"They could try to climb on each other the one who can win, right?" suggested one cheerleader.
Hearing the other girls agree and finding themselves agreeing to the suggestion, Sarah and Ana immediately tried to climb on top of each other. They moved slowly, almost without strength, pushing against each other with the same motivation.
It was so close, all it took was for one of them to have expended less energy than the other, to climb over the rival body one last time. Look into the eyes of the girl on her back, see the defeat in her eyes.
Martina watched in silence, but the two girls simply moaned as their bodies did not move an inch. Every energy had already been fully expended, neither could push the other back.
Martina said nothing; there was no need to do so. Although the cheerleader's proposal was a good idea, the two students would remain exactly as they were now, perfectly locked together, motionless.
Their pride was there, pressed but powerless. Their eyes betrayed their emotions, the confirmed fear of not being able to prove themselves better, and the hatred of having met a girl who shared the same essence as them, with a small presence of mutual respect for proving themselves a complete rival.
A new and strange feeling was created within Ana. Despite all that she had given, she felt fearful and discouraged in the end, creating within her a different version.
A person who was aware of her own body, arrogant and proud of the massive breasts she had, but who had limitations dictated by the presence of others like her.
So did Sarah, who had known a situation other than victory, the questioning of her every confidence and knowledge, finding in Ana a new milestone to overcome.
Their bodies pressed still together, skin to skin, as they refused to let go like two fiery lovers. Their breasts rested in each other's chests, foreheads still pressed together, thrust forward with an arrogant gaze.
Two gorgeous and sexy girls, one blonde and one brunette, two magnificent bodies trapped together, two incredible and enormous 36EEs. completely done and flattened with each other.

In absolute and perfect balance.
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Offline BlondeCurves

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2023, 11:56:44 AM »
What a Chapter! this was worth the hype. once again you have done a great job Susanoom and proved why you are amongst the best writers here. from start to end this chapter kept me on the edge of my seat. the evenness between Ana and Sarah was just too good. I am going to read this so many times.


Offline Strong Sarah

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2023, 12:27:48 PM »
In love with this. I never thought a draw result could make me this excited and satisfied and this is actually how a series should develop. Ana's character development is just so interesting. I don't know how many are going to agree with me on this but i like Sarah's rivalry with Ana more than Demi vs Ana. Sarah vs  Ana is more about honor and the need to show superiority while Demi vs Ana as interesting as it is, is all about good girl vs the Bully. Rarely ever do i read a series that keeps getting better with passing chapter.
Congratulations on such a good work.
Trillian : strongsarah315


Offline Big Titty Jaki

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2023, 06:24:15 PM »
OMG what a chapter. You know I must say chapter 3 and 4 were slow and yes I know they were a build up to this particular one but my god… I was not expecting this to be on such a high level. First of all this chapter has no build up it more or less takes us to the emotional ride and then straight up action yet this is probably the best chapter in the series and definitely without a single shred of doubt this is the best draw chapter ever posted on FCF. I have never read a tifight so good that ends in a draw. I agree with Sarah about this being better than Ana vs Demi. The idea that Ana and Sarah don’t have a particular reason to hate each other yet they give it their all and they don’t want to cheat or anything they truly wanted to prove how one was better than other. Also the idea where you compared them with honorable samurais was a good comparison. I have read all your work atleast all the work you have mentioned in your profile and this is the best fight you have written yet.


Offline Susanoom

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2023, 11:15:53 PM »
What a Chapter! this was worth the hype. once again you have done a great job Susanoom and proved why you are amongst the best writers here. from start to end this chapter kept me on the edge of my seat. the evenness between Ana and Sarah was just too good. I am going to read this so many times.

Too nice thanks.
I'm too proud to say this one is the best, because that would mean the others I've written aren't good enough haha

In love with this. I never thought a draw result could make me this excited and satisfied and this is actually how a series should develop. Ana's character development is just so interesting. I don't know how many are going to agree with me on this but i like Sarah's rivalry with Ana more than Demi vs Ana. Sarah vs  Ana is more about honor and the need to show superiority while Demi vs Ana as interesting as it is, is all about good girl vs the Bully. Rarely ever do i read a series that keeps getting better with passing chapter.
Congratulations on such a good work.

As some of you have already written, the rivalry between Ana and Demi was born over both the good girl vs. bully disagreement and the clash of lovers, even though neither of them actually was. A different competition was born with Sarah, probably the first for me that didn't concern the clash of love, my personal fetish.
I really hope I can complete this series without feeling sorry for anyone

OMG what a chapter. You know I must say chapter 3 and 4 were slow and yes I know they were a build up to this particular one but my god… I was not expecting this to be on such a high level. First of all this chapter has no build up it more or less takes us to the emotional ride and then straight up action yet this is probably the best chapter in the series and definitely without a single shred of doubt this is the best draw chapter ever posted on FCF. I have never read a tifight so good that ends in a draw. I agree with Sarah about this being better than Ana vs Demi. The idea that Ana and Sarah don’t have a particular reason to hate each other yet they give it their all and they don’t want to cheat or anything they truly wanted to prove how one was better than other. Also the idea where you compared them with honorable samurais was a good comparison. I have read all your work atleast all the work you have mentioned in your profile and this is the best fight you have written yet.

Thank you. Yes, as I already answered the previous two chapters were transient, designed to build exactly this deep hype for Ana vs Sarah, I'm glad it worked. The structure was built in the previous chapters, giving just enough to have an idea, so that the chapter could focus only on Ana and Sarah.
The rest of my works cannot be compared to this series, each of my works was born from my personal pleasure, I will write for myself before writing for others. With School Days instead I lose the selfishness behind me and I write for the reader before myself. Loving the fight for love, all my stories have that basis, this is basically one of the few that doesn't use that scenario.
Aside from Rose Chronicles which is used for my genre experiments, such as approaching assfight, the rest of the pure titfight stories are just selfish expressions of me.
I hope that with this series I will be able to increase the quality of the other series and future stories, using the same method as School Days
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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2023, 12:22:13 AM »
Way too many characters, way too convoluted stories, and that giant brick of text at the end was hard to read. I've liked most of your stories, but this series just isn't doing it for me at all. The Perfect Half Saga and Rose's Chronicles are much better.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2023, 10:22:00 AM »
Way too many characters, way too convoluted stories, and that giant brick of text at the end was hard to read. I've liked most of your stories, but this series just isn't doing it for me at all. The Perfect Half Saga and Rose's Chronicles are much better.

Well, the number of characters for now is slightly greater than Perfect Half considering that more and more characters are being added. The construction of them is a new vision of the stories, but I suppose not everyone can appreciate, PH and RC are quicker to take action, SD is oriented towards the construction of the plot and rivalries, however finding a good amount of combat, even if you finish with a draw and not with a win.
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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2023, 11:25:27 AM »
This is a fabulous chapter and better than i expected it to be. from the action to the very prequels everything about it is satisfactory and well done. This series in itself is a unique creation. Not to discredit any other series on FCF but this is one of a kind. You have introduced all the characters at the right time so as it's not boring nor has it gotten confusing. Also the characters are growing and this makes things even more fun and realistic. Much thanks for sharing this and i am sure there many more installments to come in this series.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2023, 04:32:34 PM »
These were very good I loved them and was excited for each installment!


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2023, 06:45:01 PM »
Impressive work.
Congratulations on this creation.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2023, 09:53:25 AM »
See there is a lot to love in this chapter but what impressed me the most is how even the fight was and yet there were winning moments for both Ana and Sarah.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2023, 07:45:19 AM »
Thank you very much.
I didn't expect to receive compliments from high caliber colleagues. This fills me with pride.  :'(

Now it seems that I have raised the bar even more to overcome, so i'll try to write something that can compete with this chapter, even if it seems that it is almost impossible now that the hype for these two girls has grown so much
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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2023, 05:26:34 PM »
I definitely want to see Ana and Sarah fight again. i know there is a lot of hype of Demi and Ana but i just think a clash again between Sarah and Ana has way too much interest of readers like me
Best Curves


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2023, 05:50:59 AM »
What an exceptional work you have done with this chapter. I hope to see more of Sarah and Ana. I know Demi and Ana is how it all started but Sarah vs Ana presents so much more. The honor in their fight and need to prove their supremacy is what made it all so different. Good girl fighting a bully is a very common phenomenon but when 2 good girls fight it just hits different.
I hope this all ends with Ana and Sarah


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Encounter
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2023, 10:49:55 AM »
this chapter is so impressive on a number of levels, I will join the others in saying how much I love these two characters, and I can't help but wonder what battle might be next between them after this outcome