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Sex and Sensitivity || Chapter 4 || The Innocent

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Sex and Sensitivity || Chapter 4 || The Innocent
« on: May 01, 2023, 08:30:38 PM »
Chapter 4: The Innocent

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Maria (left) - Casey (center) - Jade (right)
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"I thought Maria would win." Charles replied casually.


"No, why? Do you think I'd let someone fuck up my plan so easily?"

Jade couldn't believe he had said that. She just looked at him speechless as he smiled in response.

"I'm out" Jade grouched and left the building.

Charles sat calmly thinking what he would do now. He truly thought Maria could handle Casey but clearly it was a bad matchup. Maria was resting in the bedroom and as soon as she was conscious, she was going to give Charles hell for this. He was going to get her the interview anyway, even if she lost, she did try. And with the way she wanted to humble Casey she may have gotten her revenge on her too! Then again, she might be humiliated after her loss. But either way, Charles needed to come up with a plan to stop Casey. And soon.

"Same old hiding place huh?" Casey spoke from the doorway to the apartment "Why don't you come out and face me instead of running away?"

"Face you? Why?" Charles exclaimed.

"You're afraid I’ll fight her, aren't you."

"Casey, you don't need to prove anything to me or anyone else. I'm not worried about it."

"Liar. I see your fear... You know she doesn't stand a chance don't you."

"So what? Let's hear it then. If you want to challenge Kayla, bring it on." Charles chuckled confidently despite his true feelings.

"You can't bluff me; I'd take her little cxnt and make it useless. Now are you sure you want that? Are you really ready for that kind of humiliation?" Casey asked and stepped inside. She slowly moved towards him. Charles took note of her covered tits bouncing as she walked and realized he didn't care much anymore. Casey got close to Charles and ran her fingers up his leg until they found their target. She lightly stroked him through his shorts as she talked to him in a seductive tone.

"You already know... Fuck me." Casey whispered into Charles' ear before giving his dick a squeeze "Fuck me good..."

Charles closed his eyes and tried to hold back the wave of pleasure as his cock twitched under her touch. He had never been this hard for another woman but there was no denying the feeling when this woman touched him. As Casey's soft hands explored him, he felt the warmth between his legs getting stronger, it was almost like her hand was forcing itself onto his dick! The sensation was maddening, so unlike any other woman! His hips started bucking involuntarily against Casey's grasp which caused him to gasp loudly as her head bobbed forward to meet each thrust of his hips. Her tongue lapped at his neck and grabbed at his chest with abandon.

"I'm not going to cheat." Charles managed to say as his mouth opened slightly.

Casey kept moving down until she reached his waist band and began undoing the buttons with her teeth. When she finished, she gave a sexy lick over the skin where she exposed him and pulled him out from his pants. Maria came out from the bedroom still dazed and unaware that anything happened in the apartment while she slept. She saw Charles and Casey being affectionate towards one another. Casey held onto him possessively as they kissed deeply. After that kiss, Casey pushed Charles away. Casey stared at Maria for several seconds before breaking her gaze. Then she walked past her, smiling smugly. "You going to stop me?" Casey asked teasingly.

Maria froze, she looked back to see Charles on the chair and knew she couldn't do anything to help. And now Casey was coming up to her, rubbing her crotch and pressing herself up against Maria who backed up instinctually. "No."

"No? Who am I?" Casey mocked.

"You the queen..." Maria answered humbly.

Charles was shocked, this wasn't the woman he had met a few weeks ago. No, Maria was subservient to Casey. She truly was beaten into submission. Even if Maria had a plan it wouldn't matter anymore. The question was did he have to make it obvious or could he just play along. He decided it would be best to continue to play along although he had no idea how he was going to keep Casey away from Kayla. Casey started laughing turning to him one last time.

"Tell your precious girlfriend. I want to challenge her and if you think you can stop this you're dreaming."

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Kayla (left)- Anna (right)
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Kayla sat alone at home watching TV and wondering where Charles was. There were a lot of things on her mind, but Charles' absence seemed the biggest problem of all. Her phone rang making her jump as she thought Charles might've found out about her plans for the night, but it was Jade. A simple text message 'Don't trust Charles' was all it said. That was odd, Jade and Charles seemed so close. Maybe Charles has changed after she beat Jade or maybe Jade was envious. Finally, Kayla heard the front door open as Charles came in. She saw his shadow in the living room before he finally entered the bedroom.

"Hey honey" Kayla smiled sweetly "I got a surprise for you."

"Oh yeah?" Charles asked sarcastically "What is it?"

"I'm gonna let you find out." Kayla giggled wickedly as she stood up and stripped-down naked leaving only a pair of black high heels behind "You can come in now!"

A familiar young woman came in from the other room completely naked. It was Anna, one of Charles' ex-girlfriends. She had been working at the gym since the day they broke up. The first few times, Anna was another experienced fighter thanks to Charles. He introduced her to the whole thing and Anna loved it.

"It's been a while Charles, Kayla here thought we could have some fun." Anna announced while kissing him passionately on the cheek.

Charles noticed how different Anna was acting and how much stronger her body looked compared to when he met her. Kayla stepped closer giving him a sultry look. "Hey, keep your hands off him. I'm your partner tonight." Kayla interjected.

"Hmmm... I guess I'll just have him after our fight then." Anna smirked showing no fear of losing.

"Fuck that bitch!" Kayla growled out angrily which made Anna laugh loudly, not expecting such anger from her new friend.

"You sure about this?" Charles asked looking at both women suspiciously but unable to deny their desire for each other. And besides he wanted to see what this would be like too!

"Oh yeah I'm sure" Kayla said seductively "Just watch this bitch get her ass handed to her by a real fighter..."

"Real fighter? Didn't you tell me you only had one match under your belt?" Anna laughed as she licked Charles neck causing him to shudder slightly.

"You're gonna regret fucking with me you little slut!" Kayla taunted but smiled as she turns away.

They all entered the room together. Kayla sat Charles down and cuffed him to the window. "No interference honey, this is between me and Anna."

"Yes Ma'am." Charles mumbled.

"Kayla, I really don't think I should-"

"Anna, let's do this." Kayla cut her off before walking back.

The two women stared each other up and down. They were evenly sized both in height and weight, but Kayla's ass outshined Anna's by a mile. Anna wasn't a push over though; Charles knew that she was capable of some extremely powerful trusts. Both women excelled at tribing although he knew Kayla had stronger pelvic muscles. Still, this was going to be interesting.

Kayla quickly approached her opponent, she felt more excited than scared now that the fight was almost here. Anna took a step towards her and grabbed Kayla's cxnt without hesitation!

"Woah there bitch!" Kayla barked "I know who my pussy belongs to!" She wrapped her arms around Anna and started slipping her fingers inside.

Anna bit into Kayla's earlobe and whispered softly "Who said anything about sharing?" She pulled back momentarily "And your fat ass doesn't scare me."

Kayla shoved her tongue deep into Anna's mouth causing Anna moan in pleasure as they both kissed fiercely. Anna pushed forward slamming her chest against Kayla’s B cups as she sucked on Kayla's mouth. Kayla moaned loudly as she broke the kiss before biting the flesh near Anna's collar bone just hard enough to make Anna shiver.

Anna was surprised by how much control Kayla had over her body but also intrigued by the woman. But soon their clothes began falling to the ground exposing their breasts and pussies to each other. Anna wasted no time grabbing Kayla and throwing her on the bed. Kayla giggled lustfully as Anna straddled herself atop her and slid her wet vagina along Kayla's inner thigh teasing her lips until finally reaching her clit. The two women made out hungrily as Anna played with Kayla's cxnt. "Oh! Please stop" Kayla sarcastically groaned when Anna licked too low at her crotch.

Anna ignored her request, instead moving down to eat her out completely. "Ok that's enough" Kayla laughed as she grabbed Anna's hair and pulled her up so they were face to face. Anna grunted at the pain of the sudden movement and then smiled wickedly at Kayla. "That was uncalled for."

"I think you liked it."

"Maybe..." Anna smirked and lowered her head kissing Kayla. Anna let go of her grip and slowly moved down taking each breast in her mouth, sucking and nibbling the nipple while Kayla ran her fingers through Anna's hair. Kayla's fingers found their way inside Anna's moistness violently playing. As their tongues intertwined, Kayla slipped her fingers inside deeper than before causing a gasp from Anna. When Anna came up to suck on Kayla's nipple, she felt a large wet object penetrate her rear hole without warning. "What the fuck!" Kayla screamed shocked but happy at the same time as the double dildo entered her ass. She gripped onto Anna as she grind against the toy and rolled her hips faster.

Anna flipped Kayla on her belly and pushed the other end of the dildo into her own ass. Both women screamed loudly and held each other tightly as they fucked each other with wild abandon. Their bodies trembled with ecstasy as they experienced the best sex of their lives. Anna's body tensed up hard with an orgasm while Kayla looked back at her smiling. Kayla pushed herself up and allowed Anna to fall back on the bed. Anna was shocked, Kayla had so much control of the dildo it was shocking.

"Kayla, I think we need to stop." Anna said quietly after catching her breath "You're going too far."

"How is this too far?" Kayla replied sensually "I know your secret now..."

"What do you mean? You knew all along, didn't you?"

"Of course! But you don't have any secrets left you little slut!" Kayla smirked teasingly before throwing the used dildo aside, quickly replacing it with another one. Now it was cxnt to cxnt and Kayla obviously had control over the angle and depth of the penetration. Anna moaned loudly when she realized what happened. She was losing the battle; she was being turned into a bitch for real tonight. Kayla pulled her arms behind her head forcing Anna to arch her back. "Let me show you how a real fighter handles their business... Don't worry, if you pass out from the pain you can wake up whenever you want." Kayla giggled before biting her lip and thrusting the dildo in and out with wild abandon.

"Fuck yeah!" Anna cried out as the pleasure began to overwhelm her body and mind. She bit her tongue hard as her clit throbbed painfully and she couldn't hold on anymore as her body exploded with an intense climax that made her body tremble uncontrollably. Two to zero, Kayla had this in the bag.

When the orgasm ended, Kayla started thrusting again. Anna screamed through her teeth and begged for mercy but Kayla would never listen or give it a second thought. There must have been a dozen more orgasms by the time Anna's strength failed and she passed out completely.

Kayla smiled wickedly knowing it was time to end it all. "I was expecting more" Kayla complained "I think I'm gonna have to try harder."


For dinner Charles served the women spaghetti while watching TV. Anna was quiet for the most part feeling embarrassed by how badly she had lost. Kayla on the other hand was as cheerful as ever.

"You really are good" Anna exclaimed "Your fight with Casey must have been amazing!"

Charles spun quickly terrified of what Anna had just said.

"I haven't fought with Casey" Kayla was quick to answer.

Anna's face turned to pity "Charles... you asshole..."

"Listen, I can explain." Charles tried to diffuse the situation.

"You know Casey is going to come after her. She's petty like that."

"I'll take care of it. Kayla there's nothing to worry about."

Anna was unimpressed "Kayla... Charles' ex Casey is a crazy bitch. She doesn't think of sex fighting as a game like we do. She thinks it can resolve anything. The first thing Charles should have done was to let you fight her. And watch you lose before you got together. But now she's going to take it personally. She's going to come and she's going to get her revenge."

"Revenge? I didn't do anything." Kayla complained.

"Revenge for playing with her toy." Anna exclaimed as she pointed at Charles.


"That girl has no respect for the game. All she wants is to win and she will win. I've seen what she can do."

Kayla turned to Charles and remembered how he was so quick to dismiss her challenge to Casey.

"It's true isn't it." Kayla felt betrayed.

"Yes..." Charles sighed "And it's too late now, Casey wants to meet."