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Sex and Sensitivity || Chapter 5 || The Decision

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Sex and Sensitivity || Chapter 5 || The Decision
« on: May 01, 2023, 10:43:35 PM »
Chapter 5: The Decision

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Kayla (left) - Casey (right)
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Her face was a mess. Jade recalled Maria's broken body twitching on the floor. It was a travesty! What could she have done differently? Maybe she shouldn't have tried to distract the men, then maybe she would have been able to get inside and stop the fight... or maybe she would have just been another victim. No one would have been around in time to save her. She could've been right next to Maria.

She sat down and put her head in her hands. All because Charles sent them to take on a completely irrational being. Her tears fell onto her folded arms causing her skin to sting but she did not notice. The sound of a door opening drew her attention as Casey entered the room looking angry. "What was your part in all this?" She asked harshly "Were you supposed to team up on me?"

"No, I was just an observer."

"Just like Charles?"

Jade nodded "Just like Charles."

Casey shook her head before approaching her. She stood over Jade, looming threateningly.

"I'm sorry."

"I'll let you off, but you know you owe me."

Jade stared at Casey who seemed to have no expression on her face whatsoever. "I understand." She said calmly which made Casey laugh softly.

"Good." Casey smiled "Because there is something else that needs doing tonight and I need your help with it."


"That's her house?" Kayla stared dumbfounded "It's huge!" Kayla exclaimed as they parked outside Casey's home. They got out and walked through the front gates where two women were talking loudly amongst themselves. Kayla felt extremely intimidated by their presence.

"This might be harder than we thought." Anna whispered as she gripped Kayla's hand tightly.

"We're going to do it anyway." Kayla explained "I have to fight her anyway, right?"

"If this works then you're going to have a target on your back."

Kayla shrugged nonchalantly although her heart raced in her chest. She didn't fear Casey, but how could she possibly fight her? How was she going to win? As they reached the porch, the women noticed the men standing guard in the background. "Why are there so many people here?" Kayla asked nervously as they approached the doorstep. The door opened suddenly making them both jump. A large muscular man looked down at them with his arms folded across his chest and a stern look on his face.

"Let the in" Jade instructed "they are our welcome guests."

"Jade... why are you here." Kayla interjected.

"Because I don't want to get my ass kicked" Jade whispered "you're crazy coming here Casey doesn't show mercy."

"And neither will I" Kayla snaped back "Come Charles, lets see what this queen is made of."

They entered the house and immediately saw that the entire living room had been turned into an arena where all of the furniture had been pushed against one wall and several dozen chairs were placed in the around a circle. There were more than twenty spectators seated there watching with anticipation. Charles spotted several women he knew among them. Casey really took this too far. He began walking towards the center of the circle when Anna grabbed him by the arm.

"No way!" Anna cried out but was interrupted by a loud voice behind her.

"That's right, step aside little girl." Casey interrupted "You can both join the audience."

"What the fuck Charles. I think she's lost it." Anna worried.

Charles ignored her instead focusing his sights on Casey and Kayla.

"No one interferes or the guards will take care of you!" Casey ordered as she stepped into the ring herself. She stared down at Kayla who met her gaze with no fear in her eyes whatsoever.

"You want something." Casey realized "What is it?"

"I want a bet."

Casey smirked confidently. She liked this bitch already. It was only fitting to start their duel off with a wager. "Name your price and if I lose, we'll do whatever you ask for free until the end of time."

"I want your tittle." Kayla answered without any hesitation.

Casey looked shocked momentarily before breaking into laughter which soon turned into cackling. "Is that all?"

"Afraid you'll lose it?"

"No, afraid you won't hold up your side of the deal..." Casey stopped laughing and smiled maliciously "I want Charles to quit his job and be my janitor."

"No fucking way!" Charles shouted back but Casey wasn't listening. She moved towards him menacingly grabbing his hair and forcing his head down. "I can't make your life so much worse. Your boss is one of mine." Casey explained. He pulled away from her grip growling furiously.

"Agreed!" Kayla shouted excitedly as she slipped out of her clothes reveal her naked body. Casey walked closer admiring her sexy form. Her skin was perfect fair with very delicate features. She had a slim waist with small round breasts with perky nipples. A trail of dark black pubic hairs led to a tight puckered anus. She was clearly not the average girl. Her pussy was little more than a slit either she was new to all this, or she took very good care of it.

Casey smiled and took off her clothes as well, leaving her completely nude in front of Kayla. Her body was immaculate. Every inch was perfectly formed. She could easily pass as a model but there was one thing different. She was both heavy yet fit making her muscles look even stronger then they already were. Noticing Charles' attention focused on her chest, Casey decided to tease him a bit longer before starting things up. "How about a good time after this?" Casey winked at Charles who turned beet red at her audacity.

Casey grabbed Kayla's hand and placed it against the bulge between her legs causing the brunette to gasp at how thick it felt. "Go ahead and try it out."

Kayla reached down and began stroking Casey's cxnt which quickly grew wet from her touch. "Mmmm" she moaned quietly feeling its thickness slide over her fingers as she explored its insides. It wasn't long until she added another finger for some deeper penetration and when she started moving them back and forth slowly. Casey smiled again before sliding her fingers inside Kayla's pussy and driving two deep into her pussy making her groan loudly. Kayla continued playing with Casey's cxnt enjoying every sensation Casey stimulated in her.

When Kayla finally withdrew her hands, she noticed that Casey was staring straight at her eager to fight. With wild aggression Casey grabbed Kayla's hair and pulled her head to the side where her neck met her shoulder. Casey easily spun Kayla around and faced her towards Charles. Casey fingers entered Kayla's cxnt again with wild abandon. The brunette squealed in pain and pleasure. Kayla was in heaven as she came so hard, she thought she was going to pass out.

When the orgasm stopped Kayla's knees gave way and Casey held onto her tightly to prevent her from falling. Kayla reached behind her and slid three fingers inside Casey. Using her butt she pushed the fingers inside as hard as she could before adding a fourth one which made Casey scream like a banshee while still fingering her. Casey pushed Kayla away shivering and shocked at what just happened. Kayla smiled back and held her fingers up for everyone to see Casey's juices dripping down her arm. Furious Casey grabbed Kayla and threw her on the ground holding her by the throat squeezing her tight against herself.

Gasping for air Kayla struggled against Casey trying to break free of her grip but failed miserably. Casey mounted her and started moving her hips wildly causing Kayla to cry out for relief before composing herself. Kayla grabbed Casey's throat and squeezed before thrusting her hips violently in retaliation. She felt a surge inside as she forced Casey off balance, however she couldn't maintain control over it much longer and soon released her hold on Casey who rolled over coughing for air. Kayla quickly got up and took control of the tribing. They moved wild yet in sync trying to outdo each other. Both women were sweating profusely from the exertion.

Kayla was the first to cum and soon after it was Casey who was unable to hold back anymore and was overtaken by an intense orgasm leaving both their bodies covered in sweat and gasping for air. They both collapsed from their orgasms, breathing heavy on the floor. Casey leaned up and stared over at where Kayla laid and not long after Casey returned her glare.

"This is much closer than I expected" Anna commented as they watched Kayla struggle to her feet. Casey was already up and approaching Kayla once again. Kayla backed away until she ran into something that knocked her back a bit before standing firm with arms trying to hold themselves in front of her. Casey didn't say a word she just smiled evilly and continued walking towards her with deliberate steps. "Yes, but Casey's better." Charles interjected making Anna turn towards him shocked at the sound of his voice.

Casey approached slowly, stalking her prey. Her eyes looked directly at the brunette's breasts while keeping them hidden behind the wall of her forearms. She stopped when she was right in front of Kayla. When she did, Kayla noticed how strong Casey's thighs were which had been revealed while fighting on all fours. Her thighs were strong... but she struggled against her fingers. Kayla collected herself quickly and rushed Casey pushing her back before running to a corner and picking up a double dildo laying there ready.

Casey glared and Kayla knew what she had to do. Quickly she forced the dildo inside Casey sending the athletic woman into painful lust. Kayla forced Casey to ground and mounted the other end of the dildo in herself. Screams of lust and pleasure filled the room as Kayla's ass flew up and down atop Casey's mound. The sounds were heard throughout the house as the spectators watched in awe. Casey screamed "Shit! NO! THAT'S NOT POSIBLE!" as her body became wracked by violent orgasms, one after another until she finally her eyes rolled back into her head.

Kayla stood up and admired her victory the dildo still stuck inside her. Her thighs were aching her core was cramping up and as she took one step her body began to shake. She felt her body surrender to a vicious orgasm that caused her to collapse onto the floor unconscious. After a momentary reprieve she started shaking again this time harder than before. Soon enough, Casey was released from her orgasm and she moved over to where Kayla laid on the floor panting heavily from exhaustion.

"What's happening!" Anna cried "I thought it was over, who's winning?!"

"I don't know" Charles mumbled on the edge of his seat.

Casey mounted her opponent again and slid the free end of the dildo inside herself. She began violently, wildly pounding Kayla's pussy. Casey's cries were excruciatingly loud, animalistic as she wrecked Kayla's insides with wild abandon. Kayla screamed as her back arched her body sent into a flurry of orgasms like never before. It seemed as if every inch of her body shook uncontrollably as she lost control over her senses. Finally her back collapsed into a heap under Casey leaving her motionless in front of her victor.

Casey was biting her own lip hard; a bit of blood ran down her chin as her eyes closed. Her body jerked a couple of times before she lost control of it completely collapsing to the ground unconscious, dead weight and cum covered everywhere.

The audience laid there stunned starring at the pair. Kayla's mouth was open drool running down her cheek while Casey laid twitching. Bruises were visible along their legs and their faces seemed to swell red.

"Who won?" Anna asked panicking. No one said anything. "Who won?! Damn I can't believe this! They're both exhausted!" She continued talking but no one answered. "What's the orgasm count?" Charles asked Jade. Jade looked terrified "31-33 Kayla's favor". That was too close to call a real victory. Casey did finish it after all.

"What have we done?" Anna asked Charles.

The room filled with mutters and complaints as the people under Casey began to argue. Charles couldn't even think straight he just wanted out of here as quickly as possible so that he could find some relief. The party turned into an argumentative mess as everyone tried to figure things out on their own.

Charles shook his head "I think we started a war."